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Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 42 (2.668) Vatican City Friday, 16 October 2020 Go d’s door is always open to our cry of suffering The Holy Father continues his series of catecheses on prayer reflecting on the Psalms E D I T O R I A L ‘Fratelli Tutti’, even those considered ‘too many’ ANDREA MONDA The text of the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis’ t h i rd , published on 4 October, has fore- seeably evoked a series of assor- ted, very diverse reactions. There is also word arriving from over- seas that cannot be defined as a “re a c t i o n ” but rather as a symp- tom of how greatly we need the very meaning of fraternity to be rediscovered today, even in its strictest, most literal sense. It is a publicity campaign that can be seen in this period along streets and on the walls of buildings in Canada and the USA, and which calls attention to a mentality, a world view shaped by the closure generated by a fear of “otherness” and by a lack of confidence that the Pope’s text invites us to over- come, with a “heart open to the whole world”, as stated in the title of the fourth chapter of Fratelli Tutti. The theme ad- dressed by the OnePlanetOneCh- ild association is precisely that of fraternity, seen in very simple terms (after all, this is the aim of CONTINUED ON PA G E 4 To Women’s Consultation Group Protagonists of a Church PAGE 5 To Global Compact on Education To educate is an act of hope FOR THE HO LY FAT H E R ’S C AT E C H E S I S SEE PA G E 3 PAGE 6/7 page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42 the titular see of Nomentum. Until now he has served as vicar general of the diocese of Zárate-Campana, Argentina (10 Oct.). VAT I C A N Bishop-elect Rodríguez Gallego, 65, was born in Don Benito, Spain. Tatroportus and Auxiliary of He was ordained a priest on 6 July BULLETIN Fortaleza, Brazil (7 Oct.). 1980. Bishop Cordeiro de Lima, 58, was The Holy Father appointed Bishop born in União dos Palmares, Brazil. AUDIENCE Dr Julio Cesar Caballero Moreno, Omar Alberto Sánchez Cubillos, O P, He was ordained a priest on 1 Office Head of the Pontifical Com- as Metropolitan Archbishop of November 1992. He was ordained a Monday, 5 October mission for Latin America Popayán, Colombia. Until now he bishop on 25 March 2011, sub- Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, Tit- Saturday, 10 October sequent to his appointment as titular has served as Bishop of Tibú, ular Archbishop of Montecorvino, Colombia (12 Oct.). Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect Bishop of Castellum Tatroportus Apostolic Nuncio to Australia of the Congregation for Bishops and Auxiliary of Fortaleza. Archbishop Sánchez Cubillos, 57, was born in Cogua, Colombia. Archbishop Nicolas Henry Marie Ms Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, con- Denis Thevenin, titular Archbishop The Holy Father appointed as auxil- Member of the Order of Preachers, sort of the President of the Republic iary bishop of the Metropolitan of Eclano, Apostolic Nuncio to the he was ordained a priest on 17 Feb- of Mexico Archdiocese of Tucumán, Argentina, Arab Republic of Egypt, Holy See ruary 1990. He was ordained a bish- Fr Roberto Ferrari, assigning him delegate at the League of Arab Delegation from the Archdiocese of op on 8 August 2011, subsequent to the titular see of Pinhel. Until now States Ravenna-Cervia, on the occasion of his appointment as Bishop of Tibú. the Anno Dantesco he has served as rector of the Jesús Directors and staff of the Deposits Buen Pastor Major Seminary (10 and Loans Fund Monday, 12 October O ct.). OR I E N TA L CHURCHES Thursday, 8 October H.E. Mr Francisco Javier Bautista Bishop-elect Ferrari, 54, was born Lara, Ambassador of Nicaragua to in Ucacha, Argentina. He was or- The Synod of the Patriarchal Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Fer- the Holy See, on the occasion of the dained a priest on 19 September Church of Alexandria for Copts has rer, S J, Prefect of the Congregation presentation of his Letters of Cre- 1993. He studied philosophy and informed the Apostolic See that it for the Doctrine of the Faith dence t h e o l o g y. has accepted the resignation from Evaluators of the Moneyval Pro- Archbishop Vito Rallo, titular of Al- the pastoral care of the Eparchy of gramme of the Council of Europe ba, Apostolic Nuncio to Morocco The Holy Father appointed as auxil- Minya, Egypt, presented by Msgr iary bishop of the Diocese of Zárate- Botros Fahim Awad Hanna (7 Oct.). Archbishop Piergiorgio Bertoldi, tit- Bishop Heiner Wilmer, S C J, of Campana, Argentina, Fr Justo ular Archbishop of Spello, Apostolic Hildesheim, Federal Republic of Rodríguez Gallego, assigning him CONTINUED ON PA G E 5 Nuncio to Mozambique Germany Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, titular Cardinal George Pell, Prefect emerit- Bishop of Fondi, Secretary of the us of the Secretariat for the Eco- Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic nomy Signatura APOSTOLICUM RO TA E ROMANAE TRIBUNAL Mr Nicolas Ch. Palakias, Ambassad- CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E or of Greece, on his farewell visit Coram R.P.D. MIROSLAO C O N S TA N T I O ADAM, Ponente Friday, 9 October The Holy Father accepted the resig- nation from the pastoral care of the R O T E R O D A M E N. Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, titu- Diocese of Itapipoca, Brazil, presen- N U L L I TAT I S M AT R I M O N I I lar of Voghenza, President of the ted by Bishop Antônio Roberto (GERRITZEN-MULDER) Pontifical Council for Promoting Cavuto, OFM. Cap. (7 Oct.). P.N. 23761 New Evangelisation The Holy Father appointed as Bish- Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo, Rector op of Itapipoca Bishop Rosalvo N O T I F I C AT I O N OF THE DECREE OF JOINDER OF ISSUE Magnificent of the Pontifical Later- Cordeiro de Lima. Until now he has D AT E D 29 SEPTEMBER 2020 an University served as titular Bishop of Castellum 7 October 2020 Unaware of the domicile of Mrs. Jacqueline MULDER, Respond- ent in the above-referenced case, in which the Petitioner considers his marriage to be invalid due to a grave defect of discretion of judg- Holy Father meets Cardinal George Pell ment concerning the essential matrimonial rights and obligations to be mutually given and accepted on the part of both Parties and/or an inca- pacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage because of causes of a psychological nature on the part of both Parties, according to the norms of can. 1095, nn. 2-3, the same Respondent is informed that, by Decree dated 29 September 2020, issued at the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota “Piazza della Cancelleria, 1 — 00186 Roma”, the Undersigned Judged Ponens has established the object of judgment by the following formula: “Whether the nullity of marriage is proven, in the instant case” The Most Excellent Ordinaries, the Reverend Pastors, and the faithful, who have knowledge of the domicile of the Respondent, are asked to inform the same Respondent about the above-refer- enced decree of the Ponens. Mons. M I R O S L AV KO N ŠTA N C ADAM, Ponens On Monday morning, 12 October, the Holy Father received in private audience Mons. JUDE BERTHOMIEUX FRÉDÉRIC, Notary Cardinal George Pell, Prefect emeritus of the Secretariat for the Economy ANDREA MONDA TIPO GRAFIA VAT I C A N A EDITRICE Subscription rates: Italy - Vatican: € 58.00; Europe: € 100.00 - US$ 148.00 £ 80.00; Latin America, Africa, L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO L’OS S E R VAT O R E ROMANO Asia: € 110.00 - US$ 160.00 - £ 88.00; Oceania, North America: € 162.00 - £ 130.00. Editor-in-Chief Management Office: phone +390669899480; fax +390669885164; e-mail [email protected]. WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH For India: The weekly English Edition of L'Osservatore Romano is published and distributed in Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Photo Service Giuseppe Fiorentino [email protected] w w w. p h o t o .v a India by Carmel International Publishing House, Cotton Hill, Trivandrum- 695 014, Kerala-India; Assistant Editor phone: +91471327253, fax: +91471328191, 329934; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. For North America: L’Osservatore Romano (USPS 016-419) is published fifty times per year (weekly, except third week in Advertising Agency August and last week in December) by Our Sunday Visitor, L’Osservatore Romano, English Edition, 200 Noll Plaza, Vatican City Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. Editorial office Huntington, IN 46750. Periodicals Postage Pending at Huntington, IN, and additional mailing offices, USA – phone: redazione.inglese.or@sp c.va System Comunicazione Pubblicitaria via del Pellegrino, 00120 Vatican City Via Monte Rosa 91, 20149 Milano 800-348-2440 x2171; fax: 866-891-7390 – e-mail: [email protected]. w w w. o s s e r v a t o re ro m a n o .v a telephone +390669899300, fax +390669883675 s e g re t e r i a d i re z i o n e s y s t e m @ i l s o l e 2 4 o re . c o m POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750 number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 3 GENERAL AU D I E N C E Even “if all human doors were barred, God’s door is open”, always, Pope Francis said at the General Audience on Wednesday morning, 14 October.