Being Public Publicity As Public Relations
CHAPTER 37 Being Public Publicity as Public Relations Kirk Hallahan ublicity involves the use of communication defined more generically as the “dissemination of to make an entity publicly known. One information and materials.” In this sense, adver- Pdictionary defines publicity as “the state tising and publicity are equivalent, and the paid or quality of being public”—and suggests that use of the former can even be viewed as a tool for publicity is an “act or device to attract public obtaining the latter. interest” and support (Merriam-Webster's The distinction between the broad and nar- Dictionary, 2009). Being public thus implies visi- row senses of publicity is important in today’s bility, attention, prominence, identification, rapidly changing communication environment understanding, and openness—and is the oppo- where practitioners use a combination of public site of being private or secretive. media and direct communication vehicles to Modern public relations (PR) originated with reach publics. Moreover, when critics refer to publicity, although the term has generally fallen questionable public relations practices, they are out of favor except in segments of the public rela- usually referring to the publicity aspects of public tions practice devoted to promotion of creative relations—not its assessment, planning, or coun- works such as movies, plays, and books. Yet seling functions. publicity—in the broad sense of an entity acting in As this chapter suggests, publicity is a metacon- public view—is a necessary condition for effective struct that can be examined from professional, public relations. Indeed, “PR = performance + historical, managerial, economic, interpersonal, recognition.” behavioral, cultural, critical, philosophical, ethical, For the past half century, publicity has been legal, and technological perspectives.
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