A Asshheenn T Thhee A A n n cci i ee n n t t D Deea a dd A Netbook for the Ravenloft Campaign Setting using the Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Edition Rules Art and writings by Dion Fernandez
[email protected] Next: ASHEN: THE ANCIENT DEAD is an unofficial accessory for the Ravenloft Campaign Setting. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, DUNGEON MASTER and RAVENLOFT are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This book does not represent a challenge to any Wizards-held trademarks. Wizards of the Coast is not officially affiliated with the content of this book in any way. All other names are ©2008 by their respective creators unless otherwise noted. This book may be reproduced for personal use, but may not be used to generate revenue. 1 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN ar too often, the term “mummy” brings into mind dried out corpses from ancient Egypt, wrapped in rotting linen and shambling with clumsy speed across the barren sands. We occasionally forget the fact that the Fsophisticated culture of mummies could be found all across the world, from the Nile Valley in Egypt, the snow-capped peaks of Peru, the gargantuan tombs of China, the Capuchin catacombs of Italy and the peat bogs of Denmark. I personally live not more than thirty kilometers from a mummy cave—not uncommon for one who was born in a culture that venerates the dead and gives them the hope of a perpetual afterlife that mirrors their living years. The Igorot ethnic group is one such culture, and it is one which I am proud to be a part of; it is I believe the only mummy-venerating culture in Southeast Asia.