NMS Labs CONFIDENTIAL 200 Welsh Road, Horsham, PA 19044-2208 Phone: (215) 657-4900 Fax: (215) 657-2972 e-mail:
[email protected] Robert A. Middleberg, PhD, F-ABFT, DABCC-TC, Laboratory Director Demo Report Patient Name 2416U-POS Report Issued 03/14/2019 11:04 Patient ID 2416U-POS Last Report Issued 03/14/2019 11:04 Chain 19000451 Age Not Given DOB Not Given 88888 Gender Not Given Clinical Example Report Attn: Example Reports Workorder 19000451 200 Welsh Road Horsham, PA 19044 Received 03/14/2019 10:51 Sample ID 19000451-001 Collect Dt/Tm Not Given Matrix Urine Source Not Given Patient Name 2416U-POS Patient ID 2416U-POS Container Type Clear vial Approx Vol/Weight Not Given Receipt Notes None Entered Reporting Analysis and Comments Result Units Limit Notes 2416U Inhalants Metabolites Panel, Urine Analysis by Gas Chromatography (GC) o-Cresol 20 mg/L 0.50 ELEVATED Synonym(s): Toluene Metabolite The mean concentration in the urine of the general population is approximately 0.1 mg o-Cresol/L o-Cresol (Creatinine corrected) 4.0 mg/g Creat 0.10 ELEVATED Synonym(s): Toluene Metabolite Biological Exposure Index (ACGIH) for monitoring exposure to Toluene: 0.3 mg o-Cresol/g Creatinine measured in an end of shift urine specimen. Phenol - Total 20 mg/L 1.0 Less than 10 mg/L in unexposed individuals. Less than 30 mg/L when chronically exposed to 0.5 to 4.0 ppm Benzene in air. Average 200 mg/L during chronic exposure to 25 ppm Benzene in air. Phenol - Total (Creatinine corrected) 4.0 mg/g Creat 0.20 Results for sample 19000451-001 are continued on next page Page 1 of 3 NMS v.39.0 NMS Labs CONFIDENTIAL 200 Welsh Road, Horsham, PA 19044-2208 Phone: (215) 657-4900 Fax: (215) 657-2972 e-mail:
[email protected] Robert A.