Achievements and Prospects of Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance

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Achievements and Prospects of Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 38, 2002 (1): 16–28 Achievements and Prospects of Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance PAVEL BARTOŠ, VÁCLAV ŠÍP, JANA CHRPOVÁ, JOSEF VACKE, EVA STUCHLÍKOVÁ, VERONIKA BLAŽKOVÁ, JANA ŠÁROVÁ and ALENA HANZALOVÁ Research Institute of Crop Production – Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Prague-Ruzyně, Czech Republic Abstract: Achievements and prospects of wheat breeding for disease resistance in the world and in the Czech Republic are reviewed. Attention is paid to rusts, powdery mildew, leaf blotch, glume blotch, tan spot, fusarium head blight, common and dwarf bunt, eyespot, barley yellow dwarf virus on wheat and wheat dwarf virus. Genes for resistance to rusts and powdery mildew in the cultivars registered in the Czech Republic are listed. Promising resistance genes and sources of resistance to the above mentioned diseases are reviewed. Prospects of resistance breeding including application of methods of molecular genetics and development of synthetic hexaploids are outlined. Keywords: wheat; resistance breeding; fungal diseases; virus diseases; Czech Republic The development of disease resistance breeding is (defined by JOHNSON [1981]) attracted attention par- closely linked with the development of genetics, plant ticularly in the last decade when several conferences pathology and the progress of plant breeding methods. were devoted to this aspect of resistance. Finally, recent First crosses of wheat based on Mendels genetic princi- development of molecular biology opened many new ples, aiming to transfer disease resistance, were carried prospects for the resistance breeding. out by BIFFEN (1905). He found monogenic inheritance of yellow rust resistance in wheat. Such inheritance has been later confirmed in other crops and pathogens. The SOURCES OF RESISTANCE discovery of physiologic races in cereal rusts (STAK- MAN 1914) enabled exact genetic analyses of resistance. In the USA breeding for stem rust resistance in wheat Studies on sources of resistance, particularly of wild was practised already in the first decades of the last cen- relatives of crops, were performed by VAVILOV (1919, tury, when crosses with resistant bread wheat accessions 1935) who also described geographic centres of origin were made. Apart of the use of resistance sources from of cultivated plants and resistance sources. Besides stud- bread wheat, the first interspecific crosses were carried ies of inheritance of resistance, also the genetics of vir- out also in the USA. Of historical as well as of practical ulence was studied, which was often found monogenic importance are the crosses: Jumillo (Triticum durum) × (FLOR 1942). From his results on genetics of resistance Marquis (Triticum aestivum), from which cv. Marquillo in flax and virulence in flax rust FLOR (1956) devel- has been developed, and Yaroslav Emmer (Triticum di- oped the gene for gene hypothesis. PERSON (1959) dem- coccum) × Marquis, from which the cvs Hope and onstrated practical applications of this hypothesis, e.g. H 44-24 were derived. The American rust resistance for the postulation of resistance genes using pathogen breeding had an impact on the breeding in Europe. E.g., races with known virulence. Polygenic resistance be- in Austria the plant breeder Dr. LASSER (1951) used the came more popular when VANDERPLANK (1963) pub- cultivar Thatcher, whose rust resistant parent was Mar- lished his analysis and conclusions on vertical and quillo, to develop the cultivar Admonter Früh. Besides horizontal resistance. Durability of disease resistance the gene Sr5 from Thatcher also the gene Sr2 from the Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Projects No. EP 1311 and MZe-M01-01-02. 16 Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 38, 2002 (1): 16–28 cultivar Hope was widely used in wheat breeding. A Rust diseases translocation from Thinopyrum ponticum (Agropyrum Stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers.: Pers.) elongatum) with the leaf rust resistance gene Lr19, that was developed also in the USA, was transferred into the Breeding for stem rust resistance was motivated by Swedish cultivar Sunnan. The same translocation was epidemics of this disease in North America. In Europe used in Slovakia where the advanced line SO 997 stem rust on wheat lost its importance in the last de- (Lutea) was bred. In Europe, the work carried out in cades. This was probably due to successful resistance Germany at Salzmünde and Weihenstephan was of par- breeding in the countries of south-eastern Europe, from ticular importance. The substitution 1B.1R and the where airborne inoculum has usually spread to Central translocation T1BL.1RS, developed there, possessed the Europe. The last stem rust epidemic in Czechoslovakia linked resistance genes Lr26, Yr9, Sr31 and Pm8 from and in south-east Europe was recorded in 1972. Though rye (BARTOŠ & BAREŠ 1971). Other translocations im- there is no immediate threat of stem rust, several culti- portant for European wheat breeding were those from vars registered in Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Re- Triticum ventricosum (Aegilops ventricosa). E.g., the public have stem rust resistance based on the genes line VPM1 (from a cross of Aegilops ventricosa, Triti- Sr31, Sr11, Sr29, Sr37 and SrTmp. Older Czechoslovak cum persicum and cv. Marne) contains the gene Pch2 wheat cultivars typically carried the gene Sr5, derived conditioning eye-spot resistance. The line VPM1 was from eastern European cultivars (BARTOŠ et al. 1970). developed in France and its eye-spot resistance was The genes Sr2 and Sr36 played an important role in transferred e.g., to the cvs Roazon and Rendezvous.The American breeding. Sr36 was also used in Hungarian line VPM1 was developed in France and its eye-spot wheat breeding (e.g. cv. Kincső) (VIDA et al. 2000). resistance was transferred e.g., to the cvs Roazon and Yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis Westend) Rendezvous. Resistance to rusts (linked genes Yr17, Lr37 and Sr38) originates from the same source. Of the Yellow rust is an important disease particularly in cultivars registered in the Czech Republic the cvs western Europe, where novel races often threaten the so Apache and Corsaire possess that translocation with rust far used resistances. Recently virulence to Yr17, an as resistance genes. Several important genes for powdery yet important gene in western European cultivars, is mildew resistance were also transferred from alien spe- spreading. The resistance of some cultivars, e.g. of Cap- cies: e.g. Pm2 from Aegilops squarrosa and Pm6 from pelle Desprez, is more durable. Field resistance has been Triticum timopheevi. Both genes are present in many found to be considerably durable and effective, e.g. in European cultivars, including Czech cultivars. the cv. Alcedo (MEINEL 1997). In Czechoslovakia and The above mentioned examples show the important later in the Czech Republic, yellow rust resistance was role of interspecific or intergeneric crosses for resistance obligatory for all cultivars on the official variety list breeding of wheat. However, only a small part of the since the sixties. This substantially helped to avoid loss- accomplished translocations has been transferred to es caused by yellow rust till recently. The only excep- commercial cultivars. tion was a short period when the Yugoslav susceptible Mutation breeding was more important for barley (the cultivars Sava and Zlatna Dolina were grown because gene mlo) than for wheat. In wheat, mutations were used of lack of very early wheats. In the last years also yel- successfully for obtaining translocations. The impor- low rust susceptible cultivars were registered and for tance of somaclonal variation as a source of novel resis- this reason yellow rust finds its hosts again easier. This tance remains limited. Progress in genetic engineering contributes to a new wave of yellow rust. Since 1999 and genetic transformation opens new possibilities of the disease is occurring more frequently also in other resistance breeding in cereals (KUČERA et al. 2000). eastern European countries. Leaf rust (Puccinia persistens Plow. subsp. triticina [Eriks.] Urban et Marková = Puccinia recondita Rob. WHEAT BREEDING FOR DISEASE ex Desm. f.sp. tritici) RESISTANCE Leaf rust is causing losses particularly in warm dry MCINTOSH (1998) listed 23 fungal diseases, 5 virus summers. Its economic importance is increasing. Resis- diseases and 4 bacterial diseases of wheat and stated, that tance breeding in the world was particularly successful sources of resistance are available to all the diseases ex- when partial, field or adult plant resistance was exploit- cept two. However, the importance of single diseases ed. An example is the gene Lr34 in the CIMMYT wheat varies with climatic conditions and crop management, breeding, linked with Yr18, Byd1 and Ltn. Leaf tip ne- e.g., application of fertilisers (particularly nitrogen), re- crosis can be utilised as a marker for Lr34. The modern duced or no tillage, etc. Breeding itself can also change strategy of resistance breeding described by WINZELER the importance of diseases – those that were defeated by (1995) combines greenhouse and field tests. Recent ring resistance breeding are superseded by other diseases. tests organised by WINZELER et al. (2000), rust race 17 Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 38, 2002 (1): 16–28 surveys (MESTERHÁZY et al. 2000; BARTOŠ et al. 2001) dery mildew resistance of Š13 is derived from Triticum and analyses of Lr genes in cultivars grown in the U.K. monococcum and the responsible gene was designated (SINGH et al. 2001) and in France (GOYEAU & PARK Pm1b (ZELLER & HSAM 1998). However, in the cv. 1997) contributed to the knowledge of types of leaf rust Vlasta the genes Pm2 and Pm6 were postulated (obvi- resistance and resistance genes in cultivars grown in ously derived from Brimstone) but Pm1b has not been Europe. Adult plant resistance was found e.g., in the found (Zeller – pers. com.). Further study is going on cvs Batis, Capo, Josef and Bontaris; adult or partial re- because a mere presence of Pm2 and Pm6 cannot ex- sistance in the cvs Lindos, Runal, Compass and Caxton. plain the high resistance of cv.
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