Congressional Record—House H1648
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H1648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 3, 2000 In 1996, Haider called ``The government's the need for compensation for victims of the As a survivor of the horrors of the Nazi re- so-called integration policy a disaster. They allies, Haider explained, ``But we do not in- gime, he knows better than anyone on the are ready to open the doors to another 153,000 tend to be petty. Even though you will not International Relations Committee or in this foreigners who will take school places, train- join us to widen the scope of the fund we will Congress the dangers of complacency. Con- ing places and flats (apartments),'' Haider not vote against the bill. We too want to said. He continued, ``When Turkish children draw a line under a chapter we are also re- gressman LANTOS knows that remaining silent demand protection money from our children sponsible for.'' when hate-mongers come to power is not an at the playground, it's time to say, this is In May 1995, the Freedom Party was the option. And I thank him again for his leader- our state,'' Haider declared. only major Austrian political party absent ship and his dedication. Haider has continued to wage a xenophobic from ceremonies at Mauthausen death camp Mr. Speaker, everyone in this Congress has campaign to expel foreign workers. In March marking the 50th anniversary of the libera- heard the comments made by Jorg Haider and 1997, Haider stated that he wants one third of tion of the camp. Just before the anniver- leaders of the Freedom Party. Comments all foreigners working in Austria to be sent sary, Haider had referred to Mauthausen as a praising Hitler's policies. Statements praising home over the next two years. ``punishment camp,'' implying that those in- the Waffen S.S. Assertions consistently blam- According to Haider, ``We take the right terred there were criminals. ing problems in Austria, including low employ- stand at the right time to save Austria While addressing the reunion of Waffen-SS against the dangers coming from outside.'' veterans, Haider declared that the reason ment, high taxes and the spread of disease on people opposed them was ``simply that in immigrants. DEFENDING NAZI POLICY AND NAZIS Mr. Haider's views are clear and his inten- According to his critics, despite public dis- this world there are decent people who have character and who have stuck to their beliefs tions are known. And his attempt to apologize claimers and overtures, Haider has a public each time he makes an offensive statement record of defending the policies of Nazi Ger- through the strongest headwinds and who re- many and of justifying individual actions mained true to their convictions until has grown as tiresome to me as his hateful during those years. Haider has utilized ter- today.'' Haider's appearance at the ceremony statements. And although Mr. Haider has re- minology reminiscent of the Nazis, announc- was unknown until days before amateur vid- signed his position, his party, the Freedom ing, for example in October 1990 a ``final so- eotape of the gathering was broadcast on Party, remains in a coalition government in lution to the farm question.'' Upon his elec- German television in December 1995. Austria with the People's Party. This must not Following these revelations, Haider de- tion to the leadership of the Freedom Party, be accepted. fended his appearance at the event, saying: Haider rejected comparisons with the Ger- ``The Waffen SS was a part of the That is why I have joined with Congressman man Nazi Party, saying ``The Freedom Party Wehrmacht and hence it deserves all the LANTOS, Chairman GILMAN, Ranking Member is not the descendant of the National Social- honor and respect of the army in public life.'' GEJDENSON, another survivor of the Nazi era, ist Party. If it were, we would have an abso- ``Everything I said in that video was com- and a number of my colleagues in introducing lute majority.'' H. Res. 429. The House International Rela- Indeed, Haider first gained international pletely acceptable.'' ``I participated in this attention in March 1986 during the con- event and I don't see any reason not to. tions Committee has passed this Resolution troversy surrounding the return of Walter While I reject National Socialism, I cer- and it is appropriate and necessary that the Reder, an Austrian born former major in the tainly do not approve of the wholesale dis- U.S. Congress put itself on record as dis- Nazi SS, who was freed by Italy from a life paragement of the older war generation. I approving of such a Government. sentence he was serving for his role in the stand by this generation and I fight against Once again, I would like to thank Congress- mass killing of Italian civilians in 1944. For the way it is disparaged.'' Haider claimed he did not know the Waffen SS had been brand- man LANTOS for his leadership on this press- Haider, the controversy was ridiculous, as ing issue, as well as Chairman GILMAN and Reder was ``a soldier who had done his duty.'' ed a criminal organization by the post-war Nuremberg war crimes tribunal, adding: ``It Ranking Member GEJDENSON for their support. Dismissing Reder's wartime activities, I urge my colleagues to support this impor- Haider stated: ``If you are going to speak doesn't interest me in the least.'' In December 1995, after viewing the video tant Resolution. about war crimes, you should admit such which captured Haider addressing and min- Mr. WEXLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield crimes were committed by all sides.'' gling with former SS officers, Austrian pub- Haider's most infamous comment came back the balance of my time. lic prosecutors launched a criminal inves- during a July 1991 debate in the Carinthia Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, I tigation into Haider's comments and speech provincial parliament, when Haider, then yield back the balance of my time. on the basis of the law against reviving Na- governor, declared: ``An orderly employment The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. zism. Following the investigation by the policy was carried out in the Third Reich, PEASE). The question is on the motion public prosecutor's offices, the Austrian min- which the government in Vienna cannot offered by the gentleman from North istry of justice announced that it was to drop manage,'' In face of a national and inter- Carolina (Mr. BALLENGER) that the the proceedings because of insufficient national uproar, Haider apologized for his re- grounds. House suspend the rules and agree to marks, but said ``What I said was a state- During the parliamentary debate in July the resolution, H. Res. 429. ment of fact: that in the Third Reich a large 1998 on a proposed new law requiring appli- The question was taken; and (two- number of workplaces were created through cants for Austrian citizenship to prove thirds having voted in favor thereof) an intensive employment policy and unem- knowledge of German, Franz Larfer, an MP ployment was thereby eliminated.'' Haider, the rules were suspended and the reso- of the Freedom Party, used the word of course, did not mention to particulars of lution was agreed to. Umvolkung. This term was used by the Nazis Nazi labor policy, including military build- A motion to reconsider was laid on to define the forced change of the ethnic up, slave labor, and concentration camps. the table. composition of a population by immigration Recently, Haider defended his 1991 state- f or compulsory transfer. This happened in ment, claiming he was referring to Nazi pol- Eastern Europe during the Nazi-period lead- icy between 1933 and 1936. GENERAL LEAVE ing consequently to the annihilation of the In May 1992, while the government was em- inhabitants. The term is comparable to the Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask broiled in a scandal involving a provincial expression ethnic cleansing. unanimous consent that all Members government's decision to honor a gathering In reaction to the use of this expression, may have 5 legislative days within of Waffen SS veterans, Haider defended the members of the Austrian parliament booed which to revise and extend their re- decision. Haider instead accused the Interior and shouted and the session had to be inter- marks on H. Res. 429. Minister in Parliament of engaging in rupted. After Heinz Fischer, the president of ``primitive attacks'' on ``respectable'' war The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the Austrian parliament, explained to Larfer veterans, while turning a blind eye to immi- objection to the request of the gen- the meaning of the word, Larfer returned to grant perpetrated crime. tleman from North Carolina? the microphone apologizing for applying it. More recently, Haider spoke out against There was no objection. As the media reported extensively on this in- the Austrian government's plans to com- f cident, Haider defended Laufer's use of this pensate 30,000 Austrian victims of Nazi rule, term, and reiterated in a press conference including Jews, Communists and homo- MUTUAL FUND TAX AWARENESS the following day that his colleague was sexuals, claiming that Austrian victims of ACT OF 2000 right in using this expression, explaining the allies, such as civilians who fled Aus- that the government applying a liberal im- Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I move tria's occupation by US, Soviet, French and migration policy allows for extensive ``for- to suspend the rules and pass the bill British troops, should also be compensated. eign infiltration,'' which subsequently leads (H.R. 1089) to require the Securities As he told an elderly Austrian audience in to Umvolkung. April 1995, ``It is not fair if all the money and Exchange Commission to require from the tax coffers goes to Israel.'' How- Mr.