Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey
( / /vw ' VOTES•*" A & D ROCEEDINGS I OF THE FIFTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ATEV O F I NEW-JERSEY. \ta Seflion begun at Burlington the 26th Day of October, 1790, and continued by Adjournments. BEING THE FIRST SITTING. BURLINGTON: PRINTED BY NEALE AND LAWRENCE. M.DCC.XC. f'miwmmi ^SS» \ # 4 LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL, Bergen, Peter Haring, f Effex, John Condit, A liddlefex, Samuel Randolph, Monmouth, o Elifha Lawrence, V. P. Somcrfct, Frederick Frelinglmyfen, u Burlington, o William Newbold, c Gloiicejler, o Jofcph Ellis, \ Efquirss, Salem, ^ "i John Mayhew, Cape-May, Js Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, £""* John Lambert, Morris, William Woodhull, Cwnberla;;J, Samuel Ogden, Suffix, .Robert Hoops, IT ST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. f-ftaac Nicoll, Bergen, < John A. Benfon, C P'dmund W. Kingfland, ^-Jonas Wade, Effkx, < Jonathan Dayton, Speaker, (-Abraham Ogden, r Thomas M'Dowell, Middlcfex, } Peter Vredenbeigh, \John Runyan, Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, VPhomas Little, (John Imlay, (- Robert Stockton, Somerfet, ^ Peter D. Vroom, (James Linn, ^•Jofeph Biddle, Burlington, ^Daniel Newbold, ^George Anderfon, rjofeph Cooper, Glouccjler, 1 Thomas Clark, Squires, Samuel Hugg, (-•Samuel .Sharp, Salem, sjohn Smith, ^Benjamin Cripps, Townfend, r Elijah Cape May, ^Nezer Swain, < Richard Townfend, rjohn Anderfon, Hunterdon, ^Thomas Lowrey, ^John Taylor, r Ellis Cook, Morris, p Aaron Kitchel, ^•Jacob Arnold, rJohn Burgin, Cumberland, 3Ebenezer Elmer, CRichard Wood, jun. C Aaron Hankinfon,
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