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\ta Seflion begun at Burlington the 26th Day of

October, 1790, and continued by Adjournments.




f'miwmmi ^SS» \


4 LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL,

Bergen, Peter Haring, f Effex, , A liddlefex, Samuel Randolph, Monmouth, o Elifha Lawrence, V. P. Somcrfct, Frederick Frelinglmyfen, u Burlington, o William Newbold, c Gloiicejler, o Jofcph Ellis, \ Efquirss,

Salem, ^ "i John Mayhew, Cape-May, Js Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, £""* John Lambert, Morris, William Woodhull, Cwnberla;;J, Samuel Ogden, Suffix, .Robert Hoops, IT ST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

f-ftaac Nicoll, Bergen, < John A. Benfon, C P'dmund W. Kingfland, ^-Jonas Wade, Effkx, < Jonathan Dayton, Speaker, (-Abraham Ogden, r Thomas M'Dowell, Middlcfex, } Peter Vredenbeigh, \John Runyan, Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, VPhomas Little, (John Imlay,

(- Robert Stockton, Somerfet, ^ Peter D. Vroom, (James Linn, ^•Jofeph Biddle, Burlington, ^Daniel Newbold, ^George Anderfon, rjofeph Cooper, Glouccjler, 1 Thomas Clark, Squires, Samuel Hugg, (-•Samuel .Sharp, Salem, sjohn Smith, ^Benjamin Cripps, Townfend, r Elijah Cape May, ^Nezer Swain, < Richard Townfend, rjohn Anderfon, Hunterdon, ^Thomas Lowrey, ^John Taylor, r Ellis Cook, Morris, p Aaron Kitchel, ^•Jacob Arnold, rJohn Burgin, Cumberland, 3Ebenezer Elmer, CRichard Wood, jun. C Aaron Hankinfon, Suffex, vjohn Rutherfurd, C Robert Ogden, «;,^^^«K^^^^^^»^^^^^^^^^^

( 5 )


Burlington, Tuefday, October 26, 1790.

THIS being the Time and Place appointed by Law for the firft Meeting of the fifteenth General Affembly, the following Perfons attended, to ivit : Ifaac Nicoll and Edmund William King/land, returned as two of the Reprefen- tatives of the County of Bergen ; , as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of EJfex ; Thomas M'Doivell and John Runyau, as two of the

Reprefentatives of the County of Middlesex ; Jofeph Still-well, Thomas Little and Imlay, as Reprefentatives of the County of John Monmouth ; Jofeph Bid- die, Daniel Nexuhold and George Anderfon, as Reprefentatives of the County of Burli'igton; Jofeph Cooper and Samuel Hugg, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucejler ; John Smith, as one the Reprefentatives of the County of Salem ; Elijah Toivnfend, Nezer Sivain, and Richard Townfend, as Reprefentatives of the County of Cape-May ; Aaron Kitchel, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Morris ; John Burgin, Ehcnezer Elmer

and Richard Wood, jan. as Reprefentatives of the County of Cumberland ; and Aaron Hankinfon, and Robert Ogden, as Reprefentatives of the County of Sujfex. The refpedtive Certificates of their Eledion were read, approved, and ordered to be filed. George Anderfon, Efq. was appointed, agreeably to the Conflitution, to qualify Jonathan Dayton, Efq. who being du- ly fworn, took his Seat accordingly ; and the remaining Perlons returned as Reprefentatives, Being qualified by the faid Jonathan Dayton, took, their Seats in the Houfe, B The ( 6 )

The Houfe proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker, when the Honorable Jona- than Dayton, Efquire, was unanimoufly chofen, and accordingly placed in the Chair.

The Houfe proceeded to the Election of a Clerk, when Majkell Ewing was una- nimoufly chofen. Mafkell Ewing attended; and after taking the Oath of Allegiance, and alio an Oath for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, he took his Seat as Clerk of the Houfe.

Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll do wait on the Council, and acquaint them that the Houfe of Affembly have this Day proceeded to Bufinefs, and have chofen the Honorable Jonathan Dayton, Efquire, their Speaker.

Refolved, That George Smith be Doorkeeper to the Houfe during the pre- fent Sitting. Ordered, That Meffrs. Ruthcrfurd, Elmer and Little, be a Committee to ex> amine the Minutes of the lad Sitting, and report fuch Bufinefs as was referred, or remains unfinilhed. A Meffage from the Council was delivered by Mr. Randolph, informing, that a fufficient Number of Members of that Houfe have this Day m:t, ele&ed the Honorable Elijha Lawrence, Efquire, Vice-Prejident, and proceeded to Bufi- nefs.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Wednefday, Oclober 17, I 79 <3-

The Houfe met.

Ellis Cook returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Morris, ap- Certificate his Election peared in the Houfe, and produced the of ; which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed; whereupon, being duly fworn, he took rendered an Excule for his Non- Attendance his Seat in the Houfe ; and having before this Time, Refolved, That the fame is fatisfadory. Ordered, That Mr. Cook, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. R. Ogden, be a Committee to report Rules and Regulations for the better Government of the Houfe. Ordered, That Meffrs. R. Ogden, Elmer, and Ruthcrfurd, be a Committee to examine and correct the Minutes of the Houfe. On Motion, Refolved, That Meffrs. Kitchel, Rutherfurd and Aiderfori, be authorized to, purchafe of the Executors of the Laft Will and Teftament of David Brearlcy, Ef- quire, deceafed, for the Ufe of this State, fuch printed Laws and other Papers rela- tive to the State, as they fhall conceive to be ufeful to the Legiflature. Ordered, That Meffrs. Nicoll, Cooper and Neiuhold, be a Committee to pre- pare and prefent a Bill for defraying incidental Charges. Ordered, That Meffrs. Cook, Burgin, Biddle, Wood and King/land, or any three the of them, be a Committee for the prefent Seffion, to join a Committee ot Council, on fuch public Accounts as may be referred to them during the Sitting lor of the Legiflature; that the faid Committee fettle and report all Accounts, the Payment of which, when fettled, Provifion is already made by Law; and Bill for de- that they deliver all others to the Committee appointed to bring in a fraying incidental Charges. Ordered, .

( 7 )

Ordered, That Mr. G. Andcrfon do wait on the Council, and requeft them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfc for the above Purpofe. Ordered, That Meffrs. R. Ogden, Wood, Elmer, Rutherfurd, Imlay, G. Ander- fou, and R. To-unfcnd, or any three of them, be a Committee to join a Com- mittee of the Council, to fettle the Accounts of the Trcafurer; and that Mr. G. Andcrfon do wait on the Council, and requeft. them to appoint a Committee, to join the Committee of this Houle for that Purpofe. Refolved, That the Speaker have Power, during the Seflion, to convene the General AlTembly whenever any extraordinary Occaiion fhall, in his Opinion, render it neceffary.

Refolved, That the Gallery be open, and that the Inhabitants of the State be permitted to be prefent at the tranfading the Bufinefs of the Houfe, except on fuch particular Occations as in the Opinion of the Houfe may require Secrecy.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Abraham Ogden returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Ef- fex ; John Andcrfon, John 'Taylor and Thomas Lowrey, returned as Reprefenta- tives of the County of Hunterdon ; James Linn, Peter D. Vroom and Robert Stockton, returned as Reprefentatives of the County of Somerfet ; Peter Vrcdcn- bergh,]\m, returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Middlefcx ; Cripps, returned as the Reprefentatives Benjamin one of of the County of Salem ,- and Thomas Clark, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucefter appeared in the Houfe, and produced the refpedive Certificates of their Eledion • read, approved, ordered to be filed which were and ; whereupon, being duly qua- lified the their Seats in by Speaker, they took the Houfe ; and having feverally rendered to the Houfe an Excufe for their Non-Attendance before this Time Refolved, That the fame is fatisfadory.

A Meffage from the Plonorable the Vice-Prefident, was prefented by the Se- cretary of the State, accompanied by the following Papers, to ivit :

No. i. A Letter from Thomas Jejfcrfon, Efq. Secretary of State.

2. An Aft of Coiigrefs for eftablifhing the temporary and permanent Seat of the Government of the .

3. An Ad to provide for the Payment of the Invalid Penfioners of the United States.

4. An Ad giving Effed to an Ad, intitled, An Aft providing for the Enu- meration of the Inhabitants ofthe United States, in Refpett to the State ofRhode- Ijland and Providence Plantations.

5. An Ad to fatisfy the Claim of John M'Cord againfl the United States; and an Ad for the Relief of Nathaniel Tivininp.

6. An Ad providing the Means of Intercourfe between the United States and Foreign Nations.

7. An Ad to authorize the Purchafe of a Trad of Land, for the Ufe of the United States.

8. A Letter from Thomas Jejfcrfon, Efq. Secretary of State.

9. An Ad of Congrefs impofing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or VefTels. 10. An Ad for the Government and Regulation of Seamen in the Merchants' Service.

1 1 An Ad to amend the Ad for the Eflablifhment and Support of Light- Houfes, Beacons, Buoys, and public Piers. 12. An ( 8 )

12. An Aft to regulate Trade and Intercourfe with the Indian Tribes.

13. An Aft providing for holding a Treaty or Treaties, to eftablifh Peace with certain Indian Tribes.

14. A Letter from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States.

15. A Refolution of Congrefs, refpefting the Terms for which the prefent Members of Congrefs were chofen and to remain. 16. A Letter from Thomas Jejferfon, Efq. Secretary of State.

17. A Refolution of Congrefs, relative to the Salary of the Clerks in the Of- fice of the Commiffioner of Army Accounts.

18. A Refolution of Congrefs for procuring Seals for the Supreme, Circuit, and Diftrift Courts of the United States, <&c.

19. An Aft making Provilion for the Debt of the United States. 20. An Aft to provide more effeftually for the Collection of the Duties im- pofed by Law on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into the United States, and on the Tonnage of Ships orVeffels. 21. An Aft to continue in Force, for a limited Time, an Aft, intitled, An AB for the temporary Efiablifhment of the Pof-Office. 22. An Aft for the Relief of "John Stewart and John Davidfon. 2i. An A^tto'proyide*more effeftually for the Settlement of the Accounts between the'yhited States and individual States.

24. A Letter from Thomas Jejferfon, Efq. Secretary of State. 25. An Aft of Congrefs making further Provilion for the Payment of the Debts of the United States. 26. An, Aft to enable the Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line, in the Continental Eftablifhment, to obtain Titles to certain Lands lying North-Weft of the River Ohio, between the Little Miami and Sciota.

27. An Aft authorizing the- Secretary of the Treafury, to finifh the Light- Houfe on Portland Head, in the Difrici of Maine. 28. An Aft declaring the Affent of Congrefs to certain Afts of the State of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode-IJland and Providence Plantations. 20. An Aft for the Relief of Perfons therein mentioned or defcribed.

30. An Aft for the Relief of difabled Soldiers and Seamen, lately in the Ser- vice of of the United States, and of certain other Perfons.

31. An Aft to alter the Times for holding the Circuit Courts of the United States, in the Diflrifts of South Carolina and Georgia, and providing that the Dif- trift Court of Pennfylvania fhall in future be held in the City of Philadelphia only. Lands, 32. A Refolution of Congrefs, direfting a Return of certain Surveys of the in the Wejiern Territory be made to, and perfefted by the Secretary of Treafury.

33. An Aft making certain Appropriations therein mentioned. 34. An Aft making Provifion for the Reduftion of the Public Debt. A Letter from John Becklcy, Clerk of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the .i55. Uniteitcd States, accompanying three Copies of the Journals of the Proceedings of that Houfe, one of which is tranfmitted herewith.

36. A Letter from Henry Knox, Efq. Secretary at War, relative to Invalids.

37- A ( 9 )

37^ A Letter from John Stagg, jun. Chief Clerk to the Secretary at War. Ordered, That the Papers accompanying the Vice-Prefident's Meffage, be re- ferred to Me Mrs. A. Ogden, Rutherfurd and Elmer, to examine the fame, and to felcft and report fuch as in their Opinion will require the further Confideration of this Houfe.

Mr. Rutherfurd, from the Committee appointed to examine the Minutes of the laft Seffion of the General Affembly, and to report whaf Bufinefs was refer- red to the prefent Seffions, or left unfinished, produced the following Lift of

Papers, to wit t

No. i. A Petition from William Bond, 2. A Petition from Reuben Randolph*

3. A Petition from Silvefler Tilton.

4. A Petition from Samuel Hayes.

5. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Monmouth, Burling-' ton and Gloucefter, refpe

7. A Petition from James Arden, and Alexander James Hamilton, Agents of Archibald Hamilton. 8. A Petition of John Polhemus.

9. Sundry Petitions from the Officers of Col. Courtlandfs Regiment of Militia, from the Infantry of Trenton, from the Officers of the Militia of Bergen, from the Militia of Orange-Dale, and from the Officers of the fourth Battalion of Hun- terdon, praying new Arrangements in the Militia Law of this State.

io. A Bill, intitled, An AB for incorporating the Town of'Nezv-Brnnfwick. 11. A Bill, intitled, An Act for incorporating the Town of Princeton.

12. A Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate Roads and Bridges, and to repeal the former one for that Purpofe.

13. A Bill, intitled, An Ail directing the Mode of difraining and felling Goods for the Payment of Rent, and for giving Landlords RcpojJcJJiou after the Determination ofLeafes.

14. A Bill, intitled, An A3 to regulate the Election of Members of the Le^ijlativc-Council and General Ajfembly, Sheriff's and Coroners.

15. A Bill, intitled. An ABto enforce the Attendance, and to fpecify the Qua- lifications of the Members of the Lcgijlative-Council and General AJfembly of this State.

16. A Bill, intitled, An AB for altering and refettling Part of the Boundary Line between the Counties of Somerfet and Middlefex.

17. A Bill, intitled, An AB for the Rcgiftering of Marriages, Births and Deaths, where the Parties, or their Relatives, may require the fame.

1 8. A Bill, intitled, An AB to enable the Jufiices and Freeholders in the County ofGloucefter, to appoint a Committee to value the Lands in the feveral Town^ flips in faid County, the better to enable the Ajfejfors to fettle jtas of Taxes in an equitable Manner, and defray the Expencc.

19. A Bill, intitled, An AB to enable the Inhabitants of the Town/hip ofSa~ le :, to maintain their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money*for that Purpofe.

C ao, A Bill, ( io )

20. A Bill, intitled, An Acl to ascertain the Grounds of Divorce from the Marriage Bond.

21. A Bill, intitled, An A3 for the Appointment ofcertain Perfons to fit vjith,

a id afj'ijl the Chancellor, in the final Hearing of all Caufcs ; to dire ft the Mode of the Examination of Witnejfes in the Court of Chancery, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned. 22. A Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate the Praclice of the Law, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.

23. A Memorial from the Honorable James Kinfey and John Chetwood, En- quires, and Abraham Ogden, Efquire, accompanying the two laft mentioned Bills.

Mr. Ruthcrfird further reported, that the Report of a Committee on the

moil: probable Means of promoting Manufactures within this State ; the 4th and 8th Paragraphs of a Report of a Committee on the Caufe of the Depreciation of the Copper Coin of this State, and certain Refolutions prefented for the Conn- deration of the Houfe, refpefting the permanent Seat of the Government of New- Jcrfcy, remained to be difcufled at the laft Seffion.

And that Leave was given to prefent a Bill on the firft Thurfday of the pre- fect Seffion, for creating Toll-Bridges over the Pajfaick and Uackinfack Rivers,

on the Road between Philadelphia and Neiu-York ; that the fecond Wedncfday of the prefent Seffion was appointed for the Hearing of the Parties, for and a- gainft the Repeal of an Aft, intitled, An A3 to ejlablif and confirm the Char- ter, Rights and Privileges, of the Borough of Elizabeth ; and that the Owners and Pojfejfors ofLands adjoining Sinjack Brook, in the County of Bergen, have Leave to prefent a Bill at the prefent Sitting, to enable them to clear the Jaid Brook, from the Head thereof to Pajfaick River.

The Papers in the foregoing Lift, marked No. 1 , No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 10, and No. 11, were feverally read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Paper in the foregoing Lift marked No. 2, was read and difmiffed.

The feveral Petitions marked No. 9, were read and referred to the next Sit- ting.

The Paper marked No. 8, was read and referred to Meffrs. Burgin, Lowrey and Runyan, to afcertain the Fads fet forth in the faid Petition, and report the fame with their Opinion thereon. The Bill marked No. 12, was read and referred to Meffrs. A. Ogden, Cooper, Nicoll, Linn, and Kitchcl. and inform them that Ordered, That Mr. J. Anderfon do wait on the Council, this Houle are ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, to appoint a Governor and o- ther Officers of the State, and do requeft, that Council will appoint the Time and Place of Meeting.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Ten o'CIock.

Thurfday, October 28, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. R. Ogden, from the Committee appointed to report Rules and Regula- tions for the better Government of the Houfe, brought in Rules and Orders to be and or- obferved in the Houfe of General Affembly ; which were read, amended, dered to be engroffed. Three ( « )

Three MefTagcs from the Council were delivered by Mr. Earing, informing that Mr. Frelinghuyfeii and Mr. SIdredge, or either of" them, are appointed a Committee of Council to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly, to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer. And alio, That Mr. Lambert and Mr. Ogden, or either of them, are appointed a Com- mittee of Council to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly on public Accounts, &c. And alfo, That Council will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, for the Appointment of a Governor only, To-Morrovv Afternoon, four o'Clock, at the Affembly Room.

The Houfe refumed the Consideration of the Report of the Committee on the Bufinefs which was left unfinished at the laft Sitting, and the Bill therein marked

No. 1 3 was read, and referred to Meffrs. A. Ogden, Riddle, Bui gin, Nicoll andLinu. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report be poftponed.

John Benfon returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Bergen, at- tended, and having produced the Certificate of his Election, the fame was read,

approved, and ordered to be filed ; whereupon, being duly qualified by the

Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe ; and having rendered an Excufe for his Non-Attendance before this Time,

Re/blved, that the fame is fatisfactory.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Report of the Committee on the Bufinefs which was left unfinifhed at the laft -Sitting, and the Ellis therein marked No. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 and 22, were Severally read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill therein marked No. 20 was read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The Memorial marked. No. 23 was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Report of a Committee on the molt probable Means of promoting Manufactures within this State, which re- mained to be difcuffed at the laft Sitting. Ordered, That Meffrs. Rutherfurd, Newbold, Cooper, Vredenbergb, and Elmer, be a Committee to bring in a Bill to promote Arts, Agriculture and Manufac- tures within the State.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the 5th Paragraph of the Report of a Committee at the laft Sitting, on the Caufe of the Depreciation of the CopperCoin. Ordered, That Meffrs. Nicoll, Elmer and R. Ogden, be a Committee to bring in a Bill to remedy the Evil fet forth in the faid 5th Paragraph.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of certain Refolutions prefented for the Confideration of the Houfe at the laft Sitting, refpeding the permanent Scat of the Government of New-Jerf'cy, which were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, nine o'Clock.

Friday, Odlober 29, l 790>

The Houfe met.

Mr. A. Olden, from the Committee to whom was referred the Vice-Prefident's Meffage, and Papers accompanying the fame, reported, that the Papers marked No. 11, No. 15, No. 19 and No. 36, require the further Confideration of the Legiflaturej the Legiflature ; and that the Remainder of the Papers accompanying faid Mef- fage ought to be put upon the Files of the Houfe.

The Paper marked No. 1 1 was read, and committed to Meffrs. Rutberfiird and Stilhuell, to bring in a Bill thereon. The Paper marked No. 15 was read, and referred to Meffrs. A. Ogden, Elmer and Cooper, to report thereon. The Paper marked No. 19 was read, and referred to Meffrs. A. Ogden, Elmer and Cooper.

The Paper marked No. 36 wr as read, and referred to Meffrs. G. Anderfvn, Ru~ thcrfurd and Lowrey, to report thereon. Ordered, That the remaining Papers accompanying the Vice-Prefident's Mef- fage be filed. Ordered, That Mr. Cn'ppshzve Leave of Abfence until Wednefdajf next. A Petition from the County of Cape-May, praying that the Roads in the faid County may hereafter be repaired and maintained by Taxes; alfo a Petition from the fame County, praying that the Prayer of the faid Petition may not be granted, but that the Roads may be repaired as they heretofore have been, were read, and referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Bill for regulating Roads and Bridges. A Petition from the Juftices of the Peace of the County of EJfex, praying the Repeal of the feventh Section of an A

The Bill, intitled, An Act for the regifiering of Marriages, Births and Deaths, •where the Parties, or their Relatives, may require the fame, was read a fecond

Time ; and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, Thaffthe faid Bill be committed to Meffrs. Kitchel,Linn and Stockton.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to enable the fufiices and chofen Freeholders in the County of Gloucefer, to appoint a Committee to Value the Lands in the feveral Toivnjhips in faid County, the better to enable the Ajfejfors to fettle the Quotas of

Taxes in an equitable Manner, and defray the Expence, was read a fecond Time ; and after fome Time fpent thereon.

Ordered, That the further Confederation of the faid Bill be poftponed.

The Lloufe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M. The —

( i.3 )

The Houfe met. A Petition from the Inhabitants and Owners of the Lands adjoining the River Taick, below the Little Falls, praying, for Reafons therein mentioned, for a Supplement to the Act, intitled, /li A3 to enable the Owners and Pojfejfors of the Meadows, Swamps and Lfcv Lands on the River Pajfaick, and its feveral Branches between the Little Fails and the Mill-Dam at Chatham, to break up Reefs near faid Falls, and to dig Canals for the more cffeclual draining [aid is, aid to raife Money for that Purpofe, compelling thole that are benefited by the faid Act to make good all fuch Damage as the Petitioners may fuflain in confequence of the Improvements made under the faid Act; which Petition was read, and ordered a i'econd Reading. The Speaker informed the Houfe, that the Directors of the Library Company of Burlington, had ordered their Librarian to furnifh the Members of the Houfe with fuch Looks as they may have Occafion to ufe during the prefent Sitting. Ordered, That the Speaker be directed to thank the Directors of the Library Company pf Burlington, for their obliging offer of the Books of the Library for the Ufe of the Members of this Houfe during the prefent Sitting.

The Members withdrew to attend aJoint-Meeting ; and being returned, the Speaker relumed the Chair, and reported, that the Joint-Meeting had elected William Paterjon, Eiquire, Governor of this State for the enfuing Year.

The Hojfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the o'Clock.

Saturday, October 30, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Kirchcl, from the Committee authorized to purchafe of the Executors of the Honorable David Brearlev, deceafed, for the Ufe of the State, fuch Books as they concive would be of Ufe to the Legiflature, reported, That purluant to the Authority velted in them by the Houfe, they have pur- chafed the following Folio Volumes, viz. A complete Set of the Laws of New-Jerfey, both public and private, from the Year 1741, to the Completion by TV ilfoil. A Volume containing an incomplete Set of the Laws from the Year 1703, to 1741, in which js alfo bound a Collection of Ordinances refpecting the Chancery and Courts of New-Jerf-,. Votes of Allembly from the Year 1745 to 1790. A Volume containing an incomplete Set of the Votes, from the Year 1703 to 1745, in which is alfo bound Indian Treaties and fome other Matters refpecting the Divilion and Partition Lines of the State. Journals of Council complete. •• _ -—^ — — Minutes of the Joint-Meeting complete. Grants, Concefiions, and original Conftitutions of Neiv-Jerfey. The whole bound and lettered in fixteen Volumes, and that the Coft of the fame amounts to Twenty feven Pounds. To which Report the Houfe agreed. Ordered, That the faid Account of Twenty-feven Pounds be delivered to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for defraying Incidental Charges. Ordered, That Meffrs. Rutherfurd, Swain and D. Vroom, be a Committee, to bring in a Bill for m fing a Tax for the Support of Government ; and alfo a Bill for alcertaining the Salaries of the public Officers of the State. Ordered, That Meffrs. Smith, Linn and R. Ogden, be a Committee to exa- mine what Laws are expired, or are near expiring. D Ordered, ( »4 )

Ordered, That Mcffrs. Linn, Cooper and A. Ogden, be a Committee to exa- mine and correct Bills after a fecond Reading, and before the engroffing. On Motion, Refuhed, That the Clerk of this Houfe be directed to purchafe, for the Ufe of the State, the reviled Laws of the State of New-York, and alfo the Laws which have paffed fince that Publication.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate the EleHion of Members of the Legijla- tive Council and General Affembly, Sheriff's and Coroners, was read a fecond

Time ; and after lome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Consideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning at Nine o'C!ock.

Monday, November i, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, An Ad for regifieri ng of Marriages, Births and Deaths, where the Parties, or their Relatives, require the fame, reported the fame with fundry Amendments; which being further amended, was ordered to be engroffed,

Mr. R. Ogden, from the Committee appointed to examine the Laws of this State, and to report what Laws have expired or are near expiring, reported, that they have carefully infpe£led the Laws of this State, and that they do not find any Ae/t expired or near expiring, which requires the Attention of the Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, An AB to enable the Jujlices and chofsn Freeholders in the County of Gloucefter, to appoint a Committee to value the Lands and Certainties in the feveral Totvnfhips in jaid County, the better to enable the Ajfejfors to fettle the Quotas of Yaxes in an equitable Manner, and defray the Expcncc, was read a

fecond Time ; and the Title amended by altering the Word "County" to Coun- ties, and to add after the Word "Gloucefter" the Words and Hunterdon; and

, after the Word "Lands" to add the Words and Certainties ; and the faid Bill being further amended in the Houfe, was ordered to be engrofled. A Petition from the Inhabitants and Owners of the Lands adjoining the River Pajfaick, below the Little Falls, read on the 29th Ultimo, was read a fecond

Time ; whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of their Petition, advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent fix Weeks previous thereto, in three of the moft public Places in the Townfhips of Saddle River and Acquackanunck, and alfo in the News-Papers printed at Elrzabeth-Yown.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of Dover, in the County of Monmouth, pray- ing that they may have Time given them to difcharge the Arrearages of Taxes from that Townfhip, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Gloucefter, praying that the Jurisdiction of a Magistrate may be raifed to Twenty-five Pounds in A£tions on the Cafe, and to Forty Pounds on Bonds, Bills and Notes of Hand, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A petition from fundry Inhabitants of Gloucefter County, on the Subject of Bills of Cofls, on the Recovery of Debts, and alfo in State Actions, was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Bill before the Houfe to regulate the Practice of the Law. A ;

( '5 )

A Petition from the Juftices of the Peace of the County of EJJcx, praying a Repeal of the feventh Sedion of the Ad for fupprefiing Vice and Immorality, was read a lecond Time and difmiilcd. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P, M.

The Houfe met. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the Auditor, communi- cating Information to the Houfe relative to the Settlement of the Accounts of this State with the United States, which was read and ordered to be filed.

The Bill, intitled, An Act for the Appointment of certain Perfons to fit with and aljijl the Chancellor, on the final hearing of all Caufes, to direct the Mode of the Examination of Witnejfes in the Court of Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be en- groffed. A Petition from Meffrs. Nealc and Lawrence, Printers of Burlington, praying to be appointed to print for the State, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Tuefday, November i, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Elmer, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An AcT; to prcferibe the Manner of appointing Sena- tors the United States, Electors of and of the Preft dent and Vice-Prefident of the United States, on the Part of this Smte j which Bill was read, and ordered a fe- cond Reading.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James Mott, Treafurer, and Aaron Dunham, Auditor, accompanied with an Account current between John State, Dennis and the as fettled by them, by which it appears, that there is a Ba- State lance due the of £. 307 11 10, which was read ; Whereupon, A Memorial was prefented from John Dennis, praying to be heard before the Houfe on the Subjed of the faid Account Ordered, That the faid Memorial and Accounts be read a fecond Time, on the Friday in the next Week, at which Time the Houfe will hear Mr. Dennis on the Subjed of the faid Accounts.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James Mott, Efquirc, Trea- furer, informing that he has brought with him to this Place, Six Thoufand and Eighty-Six Pounds Three Shillings and Six-pence, of the Loan-Office Money, cancelled by the Juftices and Freeholders, and the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds, Loan-Office and Revenue Money, cancelled at the Treafury Office by Benjamin Van Clcve and James Exving, Efquires, and Three Thoufand Four Hun- dred and Thirty-Six Pounds Seven Shillings and Ten-pence, Old State Money of the Emiflions of June o, 1780, and January 0, 1781, cancelled by the fame Per- fons, and that he waits the Diredion of the Houfe with refped to the fame ; whereupon, Ordered, That Meffrs. Neivbold, Clark, Taylor, Little, E. Townfend and Smith, or any three of them, be a Committee, to join a Committee of the Council for the Purpofe of counting and burning the cancelled Money in the Hands of the Trea- furer, and that Mr. Arnold do wait on the Council and rcqueft them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe. Mr. :

( Id )

Mr. Nicoll, 'from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Acl to prohil it the ijfuing of Notes -jjithin this State, payable to the Bearer for any Sum lefs than which BiU was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Jofeph Reeder, praying to be empowered by Law to recover Monies due to him from the Townfhips of Hardiuick and Independence, in the County of Sujl'.x, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Meffage from the Council was delivered by Mr. Randolph, informing that Mr. Hoops and Mr. Woodhull, or either of them, are appointed to join the Com- mittee of the Houfe of Allembly, for the Purpofe of counting and burning certain cancelled Loan-Office Monies, &c. now in the Treafury.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An Acl to reflate the Election oj the Members'ofthe Legislative Council and General Affemblj, She' riff's and Coroners ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

On Motion, Ordered, That Mefirs. D. Vroom, Biddle and Nicoil, be added to the Commit- tee appointed to fettle the Trealurer's Accounts, and that Mr. Benfon do wait on the Council, and requeft them to add to the Committee of Council appointed for that Purpofe.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Burgin, from the Committee to whom the Petition of Captain John Pol- hernus was referred, reported, That in their Opinion he is entitled to the Depreciation on his Fay, and that the Treafurer be directed to ilfue a Certificate therefor; which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Jonas Wade returned as one of the Reprefentttives of the County of Ejfex, at- tended the Houfe, and produced the Certificate of his Election, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed ; whereupon, being duJy qualified by the

Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe -, and having reuuered an Excufe for his Non-Attendance before this Time, Refolved, That the fame is fatisfaclory.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to enable the Jujlices and chofen Freehold- ers in the Counties ofGloucejler and Hunterdon, to appoint Commi[\>. oners to va- lue the hands and'Certain ties in the feveral Townfhips in the faid Counties, the better to enable the Ajjejfors to fettle the Quotas ofTaxes in an equitable Manner, and to defray the Expence, was read and compared. Refolved, unammoufly, That the fame do pais.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Appointment of certain Perfons to fit with andaflijl the Chancellor in the final Hearing of all Caufe's, to direct the Mode of the Examination ofWitnejfes in the Court of Chancery, and for other Pur- pojes therein mentioned, was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as iollows



( i8 ) and Coroners, and the Title thereof was amended by adding the Words in the Salem, liunundon Counties of Bergen, Monmouth, Burlington, Gloitc^kr, and fame, Suffix; and after having debated and further amended the Ordered, That the laid Bill be engroffed. On Motion, the on Refolved, That this Houfe will go into a Committee of Whole Fridfly Morning next, to take into Confideration the Propriety of recommending to the good People of this State,' to choofe a Covention of three Perfons from each County, for the Purpofe of revifing the Conflitution of this State.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Wednefday, November 3, 17CO.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from James Parker and others, praying, that the State would either build a Bridge -over Raritan River, from the fait Land near the Houfe in which Simon Probafco lives, on the Eaft Side of the River, to th;- Bank fome where a- bove an old Dock built by Dcrick Schuyler, called the Sttli Houfe Dock, or that they would permit the Petitioners to build the fame, fuhject to a Toll from all

Perfons making Ufe of the Bridge ; which Petition was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, A Memorial from a Committee chofen by the Inhabitants of Springfield, Weft field and Rahivay', three of the Wards of the Borough of'Elizabeth, praying that a Law may pals to repeal an Aft to eitablifh and confirm the Charter, Rights and Privileges of the Borough of Elizabeth, fo far as the lame relates to the faid Wards, was read Ordered, That the Memorialists have Leave to prefent a Bill, pursuant to the Prayer of their Petition. Mr. Cripps returned and took his Seat.

Samuel Sharp returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Salem, attended the Houfe, and produced the Certificate of his Election, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed; whereupon being duly qualified by the an Excufe for his Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe ; and having rendered Non-Attendance before this Time, Refolved, That the fame is fatisfaftory. A Petition from the Inhabitants of Little Egg-Harbour, in the County of Z>«r- linvton, ftating that there are large Arrearages of Taxes unpaid in the faid Town- that fhip, which accrued in the Years 1780, 17S1 and 1782, praying the fame may be remitted, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Rxithcrfurd, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to promote Arts, Agriculture and ma- nufactures -within this State; which was read, and ordered a fecond Read- ing.

The Bill, intitled, An Att to prefcribe the Manner of appointing Senators of

the I t^he United States, and Electors of tbe^ Prefident and Vice-P reft dent of States, on the Part of this State, was read a fecond Time, debited and ordered to be engroffed.

A Petition from a Number of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Burlington, Gloucejler, Salem and Cumberland, praying that the Laws of the State may be fo altered, ( !9 )

altered, as to to permit the Fifhing with Seins for Shad until the 30th of May in each Year, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, Pi M. The Houfe met.

/ A Petition from James Drake, dating his Claim to the Ferry on the River Ra~ ritan, at Tseiv-Brunfwick, and praying that the Application for a Bridge acrofs the faid River at New-Brunfwiek may be difmiffed, was read, and ordered a fe- cond Reading. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the City of Nevj-Brunfvj'uk, praying that certain Perfons may be incorporated for the Purpofe of 'building a Bridge acrofs Raritan River, and that they may be authorized by Law to build the fame at the End of Albany-fireet, in the City of New-Brunfiuick, was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Townfhip of Stafford, in the County of Monmouth, praying that their Arrearages of Taxes may be divided in different AfTeffmeots, to be

paid at different Times, was read a fecond Time ; whereupon, On Motion, Ordered, That Me firs. New bold, Linn, Kitchel, Biddle and Elmer, be a Com- mittee to bring in a Bill to regulate the Collection of the Arrearages of Taxes within this State.

The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Little Egg^Harbour, in the County of Burlington, read this Morning, was read a fecond Time, and Ebenezer Tucker, Elquire', in Behalf of the Petitioners attended the Houfe, and produced Teftimony to prove the Situation of the faid Townfhip at the Time the Arrearages of Taxes

accrued ; and alter fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Qotifideration thereof be poflponed.

Agreeably to Leave given this Day, the Draught of a Bill was prefented, inti- tlcd, An A£i to repeal an Act, intitled, An Aft to eftablifo and confirm the Char- ter, Rights and Privileges of the Borough of Elizabeth, fo far ,as the fame re- lates to the Wards of Springfield, We(lfield and Rahiuay ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading on Wednesday next, and that Leave be given to fuch Perfons as think themfelves affetfed thereby, to appear before the Houfe and heard againft and in Support of the be fame. ^ , A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, on the Sub- ject of Bills of Cofls, and one other Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the fame County, praying that the Jurifditf ion of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas may be extended to Twenty-five Pounds in Adions on the Cafe, and on Bonds, Bills and Notes of Hand, to Forty Pounds, were read, and ordered a fe- cond Reading, with the Bill before the Houfe to regulate the Practice of the Law.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the o'Clock.

Thurfday, November 4, 1790. / The Houfe met.

A Petition from George Drake, of the County of Middlefex, praying forRea- fons therein contained, that a Law may be faffed to divorce him from Catherine. his Wife, was read and difmilled.

A Petition from Catherine Piatt, praying that a Warrant given her for the Half-Pay of her late'Hufband may, on account of its being filled with Receipts on the Back be renewed, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A :

( *° )

A Petition from Lewis J. Coflight, formerly a Lieutenant in the fir ft Jpfcy Regiment, praying for Realons therein contained, that the Legiilarure would diredt that he fhould receive Notes for the Depreciation of his Pay, was read, and com- mitted to Meffrs. Bui gift, Lowrcy and Runyan, to report thereon. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County uf Smerfct, praying that the Bridge propofed to be built acrofs Raritan River at New- Brunfwick, may be built as far above Albany-Jlreet as the natural Situation of the River and its Banks,

and the Fitnefs of the Ground for Roads to and from the faid Bridge will admit -, whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petition, together with the feveral Petitions on the Sub- jeft of building a Bridge acrofs Raritan River at New-Bru:?fwick, be read a fe- cond Time on Thurfday next, at which Time the Petitioners may he heard be- fore the Houfe on the Subjetft of their feveral Petitions, and that this Order be ad- vertifed three Days pievious to that Day, at three of the moil public Places in New-Brunfivick. The Petition from Little Egg-Harbour, on which the Houfe heard Teftimo- ny Yellerday, was taken into Confederation and committed to Meffrs. Stillwell, Cook and Cooper, to report a Bill for the Relief of the Petitioners.

The engrolTed Bill, intitled, An AH to regulate the Eleclion of Members of tie Legi/lative-Couucil and General Afcmbly, Sheriff's and Coroners in the Counties of Bergen, Monmouth, Burlington, Glouceflcr, Salem, Hunterdon and Svjfex, was read and compared : On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. Haikinfon, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Nicoll, Mr J Anderfon, Mr. Hugg, Mr. Mttherfurd, Mr. Swain, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wade. Mr. Ben/on, Mr, King/land, Mr. Smith, „ Mr. Biddle, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Linn, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Clark, Mr. Little, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Cook, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Cooper, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Cr:pps, Mr. Neivbold, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. A. Ogden, Mr. Wood. Mr. Elmer, Mr. R. Ogden, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Biddle do carry the faid Bill to Council, and requeft their Concurrence therein. A Petition from John Wefl, a Prifoner confined in the Goal of the County of Burlington for Debt, praying the Benefit of an Ad of Infolvency to relieve him from Confinement, was read, and ordered a fecond 1 Reading. A Petition from Thomas Millet, a Prifoner confined in the Goal of Somerfct County tor Debt, praying the Benefit of an AcT: of AlFembly to relieve him from Confinement, was read; whereupon, A Petition was prefented from John Johnfon and Elizabeth Johnfon his Daugh- ter, ftating Reafons why the faid Thomas Millet fhould not be indulged, agreea-

bly to the Prayer contained in his Petition ; whereupon, Ordered, That the firft mentioned Petition do lie on the Table, and that the fecond be filed. A Petition from Thomas Carpenter, praying the Legislature would dired the Treafurer :

( 21 )

Treafurer to pay him the Balance due him from the State, of £26 12 io, \va3 read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Friday, November 5, 1 79®>

The Houfe met. A Petition From M&fy Drummdnd and Elias Dtummond, Orphan Children of Robert Drummohd, decealed, praying that they may he impowered to alii, de- mand, fue for and recover, for their oWO Ufe, all Debts due to the State in Right of, or by Viitue of the Confifcation of the Effate of the laid Robert Drwnmond, deceafcd, not heretofore recovered and received to the Ufe of the faid State, was read and ordered a fecond Reading,

A Petition from George Drake, letting forth, that his Wife Catharinehzs eloped -from his Bed and Board, and now and for fome Ttme pall, does and has lived in open Adultery with another Perfon, and praying that he may have Leave to bring in a Bill of Divorcement, on giving due Notice thereof to his Wife, and to the Parifh in which he now refides, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. 0^/o,7, from the major Part of the Committee to whom the Art, intitled, Ad Ait for direfting a Mode for dijlraining and felling Goods for the Payment of Rent, atidfor giving Landlords Re-Pojfefon after the Determination of Leafs, and girting Pnrcbafers at Sheriffs Sales Pojfejjion agreeable to their Purchafes, was committed, reported as follows ; 1. That they are of Opinion, that the Laws of this State now give adequate Remedy to Landlords and Tenants in all Cafes which relpecl them, in their mu- tual Relation to each other, and that all Innovations would be dangerous, and not likely to advance the Public Good. 2. That if any fpecial Provilion be necelTary for giving Purchafers at Sheriffs Sales Poli'effion, agreeable to their Purchafes, other than inch already provided by Law, that (uch Provilion may with more Propriety be made in the Ad now un- der Coniideration of the Houfe, for regulating the Practice of the Law, than in any detached Law exprefsly made for that Purpofe.

To which Report the Houfe agreed ; whereupon Ordered, That the Bill which was committed to the faid Committee do lie on the Table.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day the Speaker left the Chair, and the Houfe refolved itfelt into a Committe of the Whole, to take into Confideration the Pro- priety of recommending to the good People of this Srate, to choofe a Convention of three Perfons from each County, for the Purpofe of reviling the Conflitution of the State, and after fome Time the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Cook, Chairman of the Committee, reported, that the Committee had made fome Pro-

grefs in the Bulinefs teferred to them, and begged Leave to lit again ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Committee fit again on Friday next, in the Atternoon.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'C lock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act for the Regiflering of Marriages, Births, aid Deaths, ivhere the Parties or their Relatives may require the fame, was

read and compared :

On the (^ricltion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows F Teas. ( » )

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Smith, Mr. BidJJe, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. j&ttfc/, Mr. Sargftf, Mr. Arnold, Mr. £*'»«, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Benfott, Mr. Little, Mr. Swain, Mr. C/tffjJ, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. TVzy/or, Mr. Coo£, Mr. iST/Vo//, Mr. £. Townfend, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Nevjbold, Mr. j£. Townfend, Mr. Cripps, Mr. y4. Ogdon, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. £W, Mr. i?. Qg

The Petition from George Drake, read this Morning, was read a fecond Timei whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to bring in a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of his Petition, on Thursday in the Week after next, on giving at leaft: four Days Notice of fuch his Intention to his faid Wife, and giving at leaft eight Days Notice by Advertifement in the Parifh in which he refides. The Petition from Mary Drummond and Elias Drummond, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, to anfvver the Pray- er of their Petition. Mr. Cooper, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 for and ordered a fecond regulating the Election of Town-Officers; which was read, Reading. The Petition of Sylvcfter Hilton, with fundry Accounts- accompanying the fame, was read a fecond Time, and referred to the Committee on Public Ac- counts. The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Saturday, November 6, 1790.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An A3 to prefcribe the Manner of appointing and Vice-Prcfulentof Senators of the United States, and Electors of the Prefident the United States, on the Part of this State, was read and compared. do pafs. Refolved unanlmoujly , That the fame Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Cook do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, praying that more effectual Laws may be paffed for the Prefervation of Timber, and that the Burthen of the Proof may lie on the Defendant, was read, and ordered to lie on the Table. this State, The Bill, intitled, An A3 to prohibit the iffuing of Notes within payable to the Bearer jor any Sum lefs than was read a fecond Time, and ordered to lie on the Table. Agreeably to Leave given, the Speaker laid before the Houfe a Bill, intitled, An :

( *3 )

An All for transferring the Reftdue of the confifcated ferfonal Eflate, late of Robert Drummond, deceafcd, to his Children ; which Bill was read, and ordered a f.cond Reading. Mr. Neivbold from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Acl directing the Mode of col/effing the Arrear- ages of Taxes in the feveral Counties of this State ; which Bill was read and or- dered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Stillwell, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the

Draught of a Bill, intitled, A i Ai for the Relief of the Town/hip of Little Egg* Htrbo:, in the County of Burlington ; which Bill was read, and ordered a feV cond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail to promote Arts, Agrkultute and Manufaclufes

•within this Srate, was read a (econd Time ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning Ten of the Clock.

Monday, November 8, 1790.

The Houfe met.

The Pethionfrom Little Egg-Harbour, Starford and Dover, on the Subje& of Fiihmg within the Bounds of the faid Townihips, and praying an Art may pals to prevent Sheepfhead being caught and carried to Market in July and Augufl,

Was read ; whereupon,

A Petition in Opposition thereto from Gloucefler and Burlington was prefented and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to Meffrs. Biddle, Cooper and Little, to repoit thereon.

A Petition from the Juflices of the Peace of the County of Bergen, praying a Repeal of the feventh Seflion of the Art for fuppreffing Vice and Immorality, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Benjamin Morgan, praying that an Obligation by him handed forward to the Treafurer, againft a confifcated Eftate, and on which he had in Part received Payment by the Receipt of a State Certificate, may be returned to him, that he may proceed for the Recovery of what is due from the Fugitive, was read. Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of his Petition.

A Meffage from the Council was prefented by Mr. Mayheiv informing that the Bill, intitled, An Aclfor the Rcgijlering of Marriages, Births and Deaths, •where the Parties or their Relatives may require the fame, is paffed by Council without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, An Acl for the Reliefof Little Egg-Harbour, in the County of Burlington, was read a fecoryd Time. An Amendment was moved to add after the fecond Section, the following as the third Section : 3. A id be itfurther Enabled, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Treafu- rer of this State, to pafs to the Credit of the County of Burlington, an Account of the Arrearages due from the faid County for the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782, the Sum of £. 575 o 3 State Money, and £. 580 137 Specie. On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Amendment ? It was carried in the Negative, as follows Nays. :

( *4 )

Nays. Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr 7 Ankrfon, Mr. llugg, Mr. Sharp, Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. y//W./, ' 'Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Still-well, Mr. £/./.'//

Mr. Bjtrgin, ' Mr. /.//a', Mr. £. Towufeud, Mr. Elmer, Mr. C/tfrl, Mr. L/7/7?, Mr. #. To-wnfend, Mr. Neiubold, Mr. Coo*, Mr. M' De-well, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. ^. Qg^*'; Mr. C;7>/)J-, Mr. N/Vo//, Mr. 2SPW*. Mr. £«///;. Mr. D. Froow, Mr. #. Oijic/?, Mr. j^W.

Mr. Hankinfo , Mr. Runyan, The Houfe having gone through the faid Bill, Ordered, That the fame be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled. ^ Act for transferring the Repdue of the con ffeared per- foual Ejlatc, late of Robert Drummond, deceafed, to his Children, was read a fe- cond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M. The Houfe met.

The Petition from John Weft, a Prifoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Burlington, for Debt, praying the Benefit of an Act oi infolvcncy to releafe him from Confinement, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill purfuant to the Pray- er of his Petition.

Mr. A. Ogderii agreeably to Leave given at the laft Sitting, and in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Acl for building Bridges over the Rivers Paffaick and Hackinfaek, and j or other Purpofes therein mentioned s which Bill was read; whereupon, Sundry Petitions were prefented againft pafling the fame, which were read, and, wfth the Bill, ordered a fecond Reading.

The engrolTed Bill, intitled, An Acl for transferring the Refidue of the conff-

cate I perfonal Ejlate, late of Robert Drummond, deceafed, to bis Children, was read and compared. Rejohed, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aclfor the Relief of the Toivnfrip of Little E r Z-Harbour, in the County of Burlington, was read and compared : On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs I It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows ;

( *5 )

County of Burlington, fetting forth, that he was robbed of a Sum of public Money in the Year 1782, and .praying Leave to prove the fame to the Satisfaction of the Lcgiflature, and that they would pais a Law to relieve him from the Payment of the laid public Money. Alfo, a Petition from a Committee of the faid Town- lhip, praying that the Petition of the foul John Allen may be granted, and that a Law may be palled for the Relief of the faid Petitioner, were read. Ordcrc ', That the Petitioners be heard before the Houfe on Saturday next, at Il.ne p'CloCk in the Morning, with their Witneifes, to prove the Facls" fet forth in their Perition.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Tuefday, November o, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Blddlc, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioner, pre- fentcd the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 to revive, under certain Re- Jlriclions, two certain Ails therein mentionedfor the Relief of Infohent Debtors which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Robert Neil, a Prifoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Betgc;i for Debt, was read, praying that a Law may pafs to relieve him from Con- finement. Ordered, That the faid Petition be read a fecond Time, with the Billlaft read.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail for regulating the Eleilion of Town-Officers, was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to to be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail for regulating the Prailice of the Law, and for other Purpof'es therein mentioned, was read a lecond Time, and after fome De- bate theieon, Ordered, That it be committed to MefJTrs. Linn, D. Vroom, Biddle, R. Ogden, Kiichel and Sharp. Upon Motion, Ordered, That James Mott, Efquire, be requeued to lay before the Houfe an Eftimate of the Sum, which will be requilite to complete the Payment of leven Years Intereft on all Depreciation Notes, and of four Years Inteieft on all other of this State, fo Certificates when much may be due ; and alfo an Eflimate of the Sum in the Treafury, which may wirii Propriety be appropriated in that Way. Mr. Ellis, from the Council prefented a Bill, intitled, An AH to make Provi- fon for the Wages of Witncjfes attending the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts in this State, and a Bill entitled, An Ail to repeal Part of an Ail, intitled, an more to prevent the taking and detaining A£l cffeiluallj unjujlifable Poffeffion of Lands, fee. and requeued the Concurrence of this Houfe to faid Bills; which Bills were read and ordeied a fecond Reading.

A Petition from John Van Bujkirk, Rating a Demand againfr. John Meycrs's Ellate which was confifcated, and the Monies atifing therefrom paid into the Hands of the Treafurer, and praying that the Treafurer may be directed to give him a Certificate for the Amount of his Demand, was read, and. ordered a fe- cond Reading.

A Petition from Jonathan Cheever, Samuel Munlun, and John Knap, Prifoners confined for Debt in the Gaol o( Morris County, praying the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency to relieve them from Confinement, was read and ordeied a fecond Pleading. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'C'lock, P. M. G The :

f 16 )

The Koufe met. A Petition from David Thompfoi? of the County of Morris, praying an Al- lowance for the Depreciation of certain Monies loaned the State, togtther with fundry Vouchers accompanying the fame were read and committed to Meffrs. Clark, D. Vroom and Arnold.

The Petition from William Temple Franklin was read a fecond Time, and or- dered to lie on the Table.

The Bill, intitled, An A3 direfiing the Mode of collecting the Arrearages of Taxes in the feveral Counties ofthis State, was read a (econd Time, and after fome Debate thereon, Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to Meflrs. Elmer, Kitchel and Wade. A Memorial from Jonathan Stiles, late Collector of the County of Morris, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Jofeph Rceder, praying to be empowered by Law to recover Monies due to him from the Townfhips of Hardvjick and Independence, in the I ounty of Sufcx, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefect a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of his Petition at the next Sitting of the Legiflature, on his previoufly ad- vertifing the Purport of fuch Bill for three Weeks in three of the moft public Places ot each of the Townfhips ot Harchuick and Independence. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, A:i A3 to enforce the Attendance, and to fpecify the Qualifications ofthe Members of the Legi/lative- Conncil and General Afembly of this State; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock*

Wednefday, November 10, 1790.

, The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, An A3 to repeal Fart of an A3, intitled, An A3 more ef- fe3ually to prevent the taking and detaining unjuflifable Pojfefjion of Landsx &c. was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An A3 making Provifion for the Wages of Witness at- tending the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts in this State, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a jhird Reading. The engroffed Bill, intitled, An A3 for regulating the Ele3ion cf Tovjn-Of- ficers, was read and compared. On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirms*- tive, as follows Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Haukinfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Arnold, J. ' Mr. Benfon, Mr. Kingjland, Mr. Smith, Mr. Little, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Still-well, Mr. M'Dozvell, • Mr. Bur

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame Ordered, That Mr. A. Ogden do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence. A Petition from a Number of the Inhabitants of the State, praying a Law for regulating the Infpection of Rye-Flour and Indian-Meal, and an Amendment to the Laws for regulating the Inlpeclion of Wheat-Flour, and re-packing of Bee£ and Pork for Exportation to foreign Markets, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from William M. Bell, praying, that certain Certificates which he paid forward to the Agent of forfeited Eftates of the County of Bergen, may be delivered back to him in Lieu of a Certificate which the Treafurer was ordered to iffue to him, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

1 A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Morris , praying that the Legi Hature would remit a Fine laid upon Daniel Freeman, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Truftees of the Firjl Baptift Church in Kingxuood and Amivell, was read, praying that a Law may be paffed to enable them to raife a Sum of Money by a Lottery, for the Repair of their Churches and Parfonage, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from William Darling was read and difmiffed. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James MotT, Efquire, giving the Houfe the Information required from him by the Order of Yefierday ; which, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Rutherfurd, Elmer and Swain, who are di- rected to bring in a Bill to appropriate Money in the Treafury to the Payment of Intereft on the State Debt, and to repeal the Ad, called the Revenue Aci. A Petition from the Proprietors of the Ferry on the Weft Side of Pajfaick River, on the Road which leads from Newark, to the Road leading from Bergen- Point to Powles-Hook, was read, praying that their Property in the faid Ferry may be preferved to them, and that if a Bill is paffed for building Bridges acrofs the laid River, they may be compenfated for the Property they now enjoy theie ; Alio, a Petition from Bergen County, praying that the Law for building Bridges over faid R.ivers may not be paffed, was read, and otdered a fecond Reading with the Bill-. The Petition from John Van Bufldrk was read a fecond Time, and the Con- fideration thereof poflponed.

Mr. A. Ogden agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioner pre- fented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aci directing the Treafurer to deliver unto Benjamin Morgan a certain Bond depojited in his Office j which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from Abraham Quackenbofs was read a fecond Time with the Vouchers, and the Petitioner had Leave to prefent a Refolution to anfwer.the Prayer of his Petition.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, the Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal an Aft, in: it led, An Act to eftablijh and confirm the Charter,- Rights and Privileges ofthe Borough of Elizabeth, fo far as the fame relates to the Wards of Springfield, Weft- field andRahway, was read a fecond Time, and the Title amended to read as

follows : An Aft to repeal an Act, intitled, An Aft to eftabiifb and confirm the Charter, Rights and Privileges ofthe Borough of Elizabeth, Jo fir as the fame ex- tends to that Part of the faid Borough lying on the Weft Side of the Eafl Branch of Rab-way River ; and the Parties attending for and againft the fame, having agreed to the Principles of the Bill as amended, Ordet ed ( *8 )

Ordered, That the fame be engroiTcd.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'CIock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engrofled Bill, intitled, An Act to repeal an Aft, intitled, An A3 to cfa- 11:"' and confirm the Charter , Rights a/td Privileges of the Borough of Elizabeth, as the extends to that Part the aid J<> far fame of J Borough, lying on the IVefi Side of the Eafl Branch of Rahway River, was read and compared. Refolved unahimoufly. That the fame do pals. Ordered, That the Speaker do tign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. D Vroom do carry the (aid Bill to the Council for Concur- rence.

Agreeably to Leave given Mr. Nicoll pre fen ted the following Refolution, Rcfolved, That the Tiealurer be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to ilTue a Certificate unto Abraham Quackenbofs, of' the County of Bergen, for the Sum of Fifty-fix Pounds Five Shillings, on Intereft, at fix per Centum per An- num, being the Amount of a Debt due him from the Eftate of Abraham C. Barring, if lo much fhall remain in the Hands of the Treaiuref of the confiscated EH ate of the faid Abraham C. Barring. Ordered, That Mr. Elmer do carry the faid Rei'olution to the Council for Con- currence. i

The Petition from Thomas Carpenter was read a fecond Time ; whereupon, Refohed, That the Treafurer of the State be authorized and directed to pay unto Thomas Carpenter, late Paymafter of the Militia of the Counties'of Glouces- ter and Salem, the Sum of Eight Pounds, Seventeen Shillings and Scvert-pence, in Specie or other current Money of this State, in Difcharge of the Sum of Twenty-lix Pounds Twelve Shillings and Ten-Pence, State Money, found due to faid Carpenter on the Settlement of his Accounts as Paymafter, and allowed by the Afiembly on the twenty- fecond Day of June, One Thoufand Seven Hun- dred and Eighty-two, with Intereft for the above Sum of Eight Pounds, Seven- teen Shillings and Seven-pence, from the Time of the aforelaid Settlement. Ordered, That Mr. Bankinfon do carry the faid Refolution to Council for Con- currence. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Somerfet, praying that the Bridge propofed to be built acrols Raritan River at Neiv-Brunfwick may be built as far above Albany-Jlrcet as the natural Situation of the River and its Banks, and the Fitnefs of the Ground for Roads to and from the faid Bridge, will admit, was read.' Ordered, That the faid Petition be read a fecond Time with the others on the fame Subject. A Petition from the Seventh-Day Baptifl Society in the Counties of Middlefex and Cumberland, praying that the Seventh Day of the Week may be confidered as their Sabbath, and that they may be indulged to do their ufual fervile Labor on the Firft-Day of the Week within their Houfes, Work-Shops and Farms; and alio a Petition from each of the faid Counties from other Societies that they may be indulged with the Law they have prayed for, were read. Ordered, That they have Leave to prelent a Bill to anfvver the Prayer of their

Petition ; whereupon Mr. Burgin prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to tolerate the Seventh-Day Baptijl Society in folio-wing their -worldly B::fi- nefs on the Firjl Day ofthe Week, and alfo to exempt them from certain Services on the Seventh Day of the Week ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The : :

( *9 )

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for incorporating the Town of New-Britnjwick, was read a fecond Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for incorporating the Town of Princeton, was read i fecond Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.

Mr. Eldredge, from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Aft for transferring the Refiduc of the confifcatedperjonal EJtate, late of Robert Drummond, deceafed, to his Children, is parTed by Council without Amendment.

Mr. Eldredge alfo delivered to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, An Aft to pre- fcribe the Manner of appointing Senators of the United States, and Eleftors of the Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, on the Part of this State, with the Amendments made thereto by Council, and requefted the Concurrence

of this Houfe to the faid Amendments ; which Bill was read, and the Amend- ments being read in their Places were agreed to.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofied with the faid Amendments.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Statement of an Account againft John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, produced to him by the Treafurer in the Words following

John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, To the State of New-Jerfey, Dr. To Amount of an Order drawn by him on William Abbott, Efquire, former Collector of Hunterdou County, in Favor of for - . £.6 9 $ Intereft from Settlement in 1 783, is 7 Years, 214 1 £.938 To ditto of ditto drawn on ditto, in Favor

ofAzariah Dunham, Efquire, for £. 1 20,000 Continental Money, dated March 17, 1780, equal to Specie - £. 1200 o o Intereft from Settlement in 1780, is 10 Years, 720 o o

£. I920 o o

£. 1929 3 8 New-Jerfey Treafury Office, October 30, 1790. James Mott, Treafurer.

Ordered, That the Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee appointed to join a Committee of the Council to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury. brought in the following Report

H Account ( 30 )

Account of R.evenue-Money, emitted by a Law, palled December 20, 1783, cancelled in the Treafury of the State of Neiv-Jerfey, on the 3d of September, 1790, by "James Eiving and Benjamin Van Cieve, Efquires, agreeably to a Law pafled November 30, 1789.

Denominations. ( 3' )

Account of Loan-Office Money cancelled in the Treafury of New-Jerfey, on the 27th of September, 1790, by James Ewing and Benjamin Van Cleve, Efquires, agreeably to a Law palled November 30, 1789. ( 3* )

)ays of September, 1790, and the Sum of Two Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds, Loan-,oan-Office Money, cancelled by ditto on the 27th of September, 1790. Alfo, the Sum ot Six Thoufand and Eighty- fix Pounds Four Shillings, Loan-Office Mo- ney, cancelled in the feveral Counties, by the Boards of Juftices and Freeholders. Alfo, the Sum of Three Thoufand One Hundred and Eighty-nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Ten-pence, State-Money, of the Emiffion of June 9th, 1780, and the Sum of Two Hundred and Forty-fix Pounds Eleven Shillings, State-Money, of the Emifllon of January 9th, 1781, cancelled alfo by James Eiving and Benja- min

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, ~ On Account of Taxes levied in Continen- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Specie. Bergen, £. 266 14 11 Monmouth, 1148 16 o Burlington, 2816 15 8 Salem, 112 6 7 Hunterdon, 1602 5 9 Morris, » 19 1 13 2

£. 6138 12 1

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer- On Account of Tax for railing £. 50,000 State- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settle- State-Money & ment by the Counties of Certificates. Burlington, £. 3850 8 o 1-4 Suffex, 578 19 73-4

£. 4429 7 8

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer— On Account of Tax for raifing £. 50,000 State- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft State-Money 6c Settlement by the Counties of Certificates. Specie. Burlington, £. 302 7 2 Suffex, £. 1307 15 3 3-4

2 £• 1307 1 J 3 3-4 £• 302 7 ( 33 )

min Van CJeve, Efquires, on the 27th of September, 1790, agreeably to the fore- going Statements, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Commitces, November 9, 1790. Robert Hoop?, DaNH.L NtWBOLD. Ordered, That the laid Report be filed.

Mr. ]i. Ogden from the Committee appointed to join a Committee of the Council to fettle the Trcafurcr's Accounts, brought in a Report of the fame in the following Figures and Words.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, . Cr, -tal Money, and reduced to Specie. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by Specie, the Counties of Bergen, £. 266 14 11 Monmouth, 1 148 16 o Burlington, 2816 15 8 Hunterdon, 402 5 o Morris, 170 14 4 Balance carried to Account Current, 1333 5 5

November 1, 1790. £. 6138 12 1 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -Money and Certificates, due December 1, 178 1. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by State-Money & the Counties of Certificates. Eurlirgton, £. 3806 3 6 1-4 Suffcx, 5/8 19 73-4 Balance carried to Account Current, 44 4 6 November 1, 1790. r 4429 7 8 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr -Money and Certificates, and 25,0001. Specie, due /fril 1, 1782. By Deficiency not yet paid in State-Money 6c Specie. by the County of Certificates. Suffex, £m 1307 15 33-4 Balance carried to Account Current, ,. r n 7 November 1, 1790. . L 1307 15 3 3-4 £ 302 y By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN. I —

( 34 )

Dr> JAMES MOTT, Treafurer— On Account of Tax lor railing 50,00:1. State To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft State-Money & Specie. Settlement by the Counties of ,

( 35 )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Money and Certificates, and 25,000!. Specie, due July 1, 1782. By Deficiencies not yet paid in State-Money 65 by the Counties of Certificates. Specie. ' iTex £ . /. 245 18 8 Monmouth, £. 1370 11 o 3-4 Burlington, i 934 x y t .% Hunterdon, 1018 o 6 Morris, 853 19 71-2 Suffex, I090 12 5 385 8 Balance carried to Account Current, 362 18 2 1-2 241 3 6

November 1, 17'90. £-4696 1 93-4 £ 2806 11 91-2 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of iNEvV-jtiv^Er Cr. —Tax for railing 90,0001. due October 1, 1782. By Deficiences not yet paid in by the Counties of State-Money. Specie. Burlington, /-2IO 15 II Suffex, /- 2, 4 ° 3 Balance carried to Account Current, 568 1 1 3 — --' —- 1

November 1, 1790. £• 782 II 6 /. 210 15 jl, By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Tax for railing 90,0001. due January 1, 1783. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of State-Money. Specie. Middlefex, £.80 o o Suffex, 568 14 9 Balance carried to Account Current, "45 5 7

November 1, 1790. £. 694 o 4 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSE* , Cr. —Tax for railing 90,9301. due January 1, 1784. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Specie. Burlington, £. 475 6 3. 3-4 Hunterdon, 938 1 n 3-4 Moiris, 542 II 10 Suffex, 1600 3 iq 1-2 Balance carried to Account Current, 50 9 o

November 1, 1790. £. 3606 4 o By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELtfREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN, ( 3* )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treaforer- On Account of Tax for railing io,oool. Specie for- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settle- ment by the Counties of Specie. Middlefex, £. 30 o o Hunterdon, 6co 10 10 Suffex, 633 18 7

£. 1264 9 5

Dr. JAMLS MOTT, Tieaiu.er- On Account of Tax for railing a Revenue of £. 31,259 5- To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful Money. SulTex, £. 369 14 8

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer- On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of £ 31,259 5 • To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlefex, ; £, 200 SulTex, 714 y 1

£• 9 X 4 7 1

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Trenfur'er- On Account of Tax for railing 12,5001. lor paying the- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £. 244 o 8 SulTex, 171 13 5

£ 4 : 5 H l

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer- On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of £. 31,259 5- To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful Money. Sufiex, £.80 o o ( 37 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -linking 30,0001. in Bills of Credit, due December I, 1785. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Cc/unties of Specie. Hunterdon, £, 571 4 10 Suffex, 633 18 7 Balance carried to Account Current, 59 6 o

November 1, 1790. /• 1264 9 5 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN. '

-to tiie State ot NEvV-JERSEY, Cr. -in Bills of Credit, das December 1, 1785. By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful Money, Suffex, £• 369 14 8 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-to the State of NEVV-JERSEY, Cr. -in Bills of Credit, due December 30, 1786. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlefex, £. 100 o o Suffex, 614 7 I Balance carried to Account Current, 200 o o

November 1, 1 790. £.914 7 I By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERbEY, Cr' — Intereft on the State Debt, due December I, 1787. By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £ 239 o 8 Balance carried to Account Current, 176 13 5

November 1, 1790. £• 415 T 4 x By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. — in Bills of Credit, due December 30, 1787. Lawful Money,

Amount carried to Account Current, /• 80 o o November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, K ROBERT OGDEN. ( 38 )

Dr# JAMES MOTT, Trcafurer- On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of £. 31,259 5- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £ 248 o o Morris, 85 10 o Suflex, 334 1 5 6

£. 668 5 6

D JAMES MOTT, Trea finer-- On Account of Tax for raifing io,oool. fof* To the Quotas of the faid Tax, payable into the Treafury by the feveral Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, £. 671 14 10 ElTex, 664 2 Middlefex, 815 9 Monmouth, 987 o 10 Somerfet, 868 l 9 8 Burlington, 1095 18 8 Gloucefter, 795 6 8 Salem, 636 o 10 Cape-May, 149 15 9 Hunterdon, I346 8 Morris, 743 10 9 Cumberland, 3?7 4 Suffex, 863 10 1

/. 10,000 o

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer- On Account of Tax for raifing 12,500!. for paying the- To the Quotas of the faid Tax, payable into the Treafury by the Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, /. 839 14 o Effex, 830 3 o Middlefex, 1019 6 o Monmouth, 1233 16 o Somerfet, 1086 5 o Burlington, 1369 18 o Gloucefter, 994 3 o Salem, 795 1 O Cape-May, 187 5 o Hunterdon, 1683 o o Morris, 929 8 o Cumberland, 446 8 o :i Suffex, 1085 13 o

£. 12,500 o ( 39 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -in Bills of Credit, due December 30, I788. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £. 194 10 o Sullex, 334 15 6 Balance carried to Account Current, 130 00

November 1,1750. £.66856 By Order of the Committes, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-co the btate of NEvv-jERbEY, Cr. —Support of Government, Sec. due December 30, 1789. Lawful Money.

Amount carried to Account Current. £, 10,000 o o November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-co the State or NEW-JERSEY, Cl> -Intereft on the State Debt, due December 30, 1789. Lawful Money.

Amount carried to Acount Current, £.12,500 o o November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, ' JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN. 1

( 4° ) MOTT, Treafurer- Dr. JAMES On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of £. 31,259$- To the Quotas of the faid Tax, payable into the Lawful Money. Treafury by the feveral Counties of Bergen, £.2099 16 4 ElTex, 2075 18 10 Middlefex, 2549 1 6 Monmouth, 3087 2 Somerfet, 2716 7 o Burlington, 34 2 5 16 4 Gloucester, 2486 2 1 Salem, 1988 4 5 Cape-May, 468 4 6 Hunterdon, 4208 15 6 Morris, 2321 16 5 Cumberland, 1 1 16 6 6 Suffex, 2714 J 7 7

£• 3L-59 5 o

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer- On Account of Tax for raifing 12,500!. for finking- To the Quotas of the faid Tax, payable into the Treafury by the Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, Effex, Middlefex, Monmouth, Somerfet, Burlington, Gloucester, Salem, Cape-May, Hunterdon, Morris, "Cumberland, Suffex, ( 4* )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr, —in Bili< of Credit, due December 30, 1789. Ly jjeliciencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlefex, £- 30 o o Monauu'h, 3?6 16 6 Suffex, ^63 5 9 Balance cauicd to Account Current, 29749 2 9

November 1, 1790. £ 31^59 5 o By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, —finking the Bills of Credit of this By Deficiencies not yet paid in the Counties of Middlefex, ( 4* )

Specie. 1

( 43 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr,

-able to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, but by a Law, ' -made payable into the Trcafury. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by Specie. the Counties of £. S. D. Monmouth, 607 x 8 o Hunterdon, r 27 16 6 Morris, 3 9 8 16 10 SufTex, iy 5 y 1 6 Balance carried to Account Current, 408 16 4

November 1, 1790. /. 3880 9 2 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr, -was payable to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, -made payable into the Treafury. By Deficiencies not yet paid in Specie, by the Counties of £. S. D. EiTex, 35c. o 2 Monmouth, 2931 o o Somerfet, 1692 9 I Burlington, 3062 1 Hunterdon, 4063 Morris, 2478 r3 4 Cumberland, 3 I2 7 a Suffex, 2400 o o Balance carried to Account Current, 489 1 6

November 1, 1790. A I7788 o 6 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERbE Y, Cr> -was payable to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, -made payable into the Treafury. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Specie. Effex, £-536 1 2 Middlefex, 6 14 10 Monmouth, 1465 10 o Somerfet, 1293 o o Burlington, 15^0 6 4 Hunterdon, 368 6 2 Morris, 1239 6 8 Cumberland, * 675 o o SufTex, 1200 o o Balance carried to Account Current, 811 8 2

November 1, 1790. £. 9190 13 4 By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN. —

( 44 )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer—

.On Account of Tax in Specie, duejauuarj i, 1784, which—

but by a Law, paiTed November 28, 1789, is

To Deficiencies in the faid Tax, due December

10, 1789, agreeably to an Account from Sp

the faid Receiver of that Date, from the

Counties of












Dolls. 34279 81 i- 1 2854 19 3 ( It

§P Pc 3 W j? o » g». g g' « 6a E* cs C W EL .— C O x* u: £ii rts *^

£*- ft, O PS q ^ C O — . I— *• «•'•», • 4> oo N m o — 4* oo w cm ooogoooSso'feoo & in Continental Lev ; e cl os O0-£cnooov^oo%oo-? Money and reduced to tt, m Specie. . i^ 00 OO-^vodOOooooOO" Wr"

o CO oo M o> m ^ OO Os Wt L^ oo _ O ^l 00 /> OOcmooOOOosOOOOO . w •"_ .' „ . . _ - in old State-Mo- ^ _, nOOOOOOcmO-OOO2? „, _ Levied G ney. ?o ^ -t^o^JosooocsooooQ *7. o> MM ^. o H Os CM v° CM en vo os N "« . en O fc» ooooOOOOO^iO *3 he m 00 "O-^OOGcooOOOOOH- Levied in Specie. *i k* to I— M O0««0000000000 vj

*• I Os °t q. on _?* Os ^1OS I s#i ON CM vg" 00 « m iX M VO » I— en 0\ wi ^ Co -fe^jcri o O0VO-. ,.„./. -vinonoOoocmoovo^v^vo Levied in Specie, former os ]y due to the Continen- ->'>lo» N 0"'0", \ooo~it>C\ tal Receiver. o Os 4* Os CO O Os O VO « O O Os -)e ts

Os ca ~- O -M «j ^ -"OO-OOOOOOOOO -^ Sinking Fu"d Tax due Cj CM .00^000000000 December ,,i d . hh 7 S Sn ~o oooooooooooo Specie. >— OS Ui CO o CM 0000^000000000sc Revenue Taxes due in q "<1 -jOOoooooooooo 1705, 1786, 1787 and G 1-88ou > CM cmOOOOOOO 00000 */ pj *> H CM CM *T5 OOOsoOOOOOOOOO " State Debt Tax. due o 0000000000000 December 30, 1787. O 00 00000000000000 s o OOOOOOOOOOOOO^ -n„. H o Su pp° rt AX> e 0000000000000 T • o * o 0000000000000 December 30, 1789. PJ o 0000000000000 State Pebt Tax> due o " 0000000000000 December, 780. o 30, 1 0000000000000 < m cn " CM PJ ON M c CMOOOOOOOOCNOOCM > M en oooooooo Iaooo Revenue Tax, due De- _ cember io, 1780.* so o °OOOOOOOsOOO 3 » #, O

4^ i-i cm >. _ _ 00 00 O O O O o O fc» O ^- «s*\ O i- r»j-r- j >•• u Or*Sinking Fund T.ix, due ooooosoovo+.Soo July 10, 1790. Cj 0000000--)CM«00 - ^ H or -j 00 o 00 cm j^ cTowotoooSsOOooo ^ 0Jd Srate Money> <*OsOOOOOcmO~000 . 03 -^•O^jOVOOOOvOOoOO !t» MM - CM »-<

en «5 OO — " 0\ \fl h-4».00"-iM Cr, vo ON ©S ON t>» 04-kCOO\tr>-«OaON Ow\0*-aOOwOO C\ *7\ ~ ON71 Specie, or Lawful Money. -^

ONKJSO*wn O *« >0 ** 00-4* » W 4»Ooooo\Ocmoovovonv» q,^ - . M cm -* ( 47 )

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr, On Account of Cafh received of Sundry Perfons. 17S9. Received of Barnes Smock, Efquire, late Coroner of Mon- Nov. 6, mouth County, by the Hands of Afher Holmes, Efquire, on Account of Cofts due to the late Chief Juilice, &c. from Ktnneth Hankinfon and David Rhea, being Part of an Execution againft them in the Hands of the faid Smock, £.6 10 3 1790. Henry Stites, Efquire, Sheriff of the County of Cape- January 8, May, on Account of Fines, 015 22, Mark Thomlon, Efquire, former Sheriff of SufTex Coun- ty, on Account of Ditto, 2 17 10 Feb. 1, Jofeph Blackwood, Efquire, former Sheriff of Glouces- ter County, on Account of Ditto, 5 13 May 14, Peter Ward, Efquire, late Sheriff of Bergen County, on Account of Ditto, 050 Sept. 30, John Stillwell, Efquire, Agent for Monmouth County, on Account of Forfeited Eflates, 020

Amount carried to Account jCurrent, £. \a 17 November I, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

Treafurer, to the State of JAMES MOTT, NEW-JERSEY, "dr s On Account of Cafh received for Intereft on Taxes. 17S9. Received of Barnes Smock, Efquire, late Coroner of Mon- Nov. 6, mouth County, by the Hands of Afher Holmes, Efquire, on Account of Intereft on the Tax for Support of Go- vernment, due December 1, 1785, being Part of an Ex- ecution in his Hands againft David Rhea, Efquire, late Sheriff of faid County, at the Suit of the Treafurer for the Uie of the State, £• 5Z ° 9 Amount carried to Account Current, November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW -JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Cafh received for fundry Licences given by Vir- tue of a Law, paGed November 24, 1786. I790. Received of John Van Emburgh, for a Licenfe to run a January 1, Line of Stages from Amboy to Bordentown, for one Year from this Date, f. 20 00 Amos Hutchin, for a Licenfe to run a Line of Stages from Amboy to Burlington, for one Year from this Date, 20 O o

Feb. 1 8, John Infkeep, Stephen Page, Matthias Kerhn, Charles Befonet, John Vandergrift, David Hamilton, John Gu- lick, Jofhua Mercereau, John Heard, John Mercereau, . John Lyon and John N. Cumming, for a Licenfe to run, a Line of Stages through this State, for one \ ear from this Date, 1 5:0 o o

Amount carried forward, £.190 o o ( 48 )

I79° # Amount brought forward, £.190 January 1, Matthias Ward, Thomas Egbert, Jacob G. Bergen, John M'Collum, Jofeph Broadhurft, Archibald Powel and* Henderfon Moore, for a Licenfe to run a Line of Stages through this State for one Year from this Date, 150 May I, Amos Hutchin, per Bethanath Hodgkinfon, for a Licenfe to run a Line of Stages from Amboy to Burlington, for one Year from this Date, 20

June l t John Van Emburgh, per Thomas Nixon, for a Licenfe to run a Line of Stages from Amboy to Bordentown, for one Year from this Date, 20

Amount carried to Account Current, £. 380 o 6 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDCE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Cafh received of the Commiffioners of the New Loan-Of- fices in the feveral Counties on Account of Intereft. 1790. Received of Jofeph Reading, Ejquire, one of the Commif- January I, fioners for Hunterdon County, on Account of the third Year's Intereft due on the Sum loaned in the faid County, £. 506 17 9 2, William Philips, one of the Commiffioners of Ditto, on Ac- count of Ditto. 220 4 3 6, Thomas Anderfon, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Suffex County, on Account of Ditto, 500 7 I II, Nicholas Van Brunt, one of the Commiffioners of Mon- mouth County, on Account of Ditto, 549 10 9 14, Jofeph Lewis, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Mor- ris County, on Account of Ditto, 300 o o 15, Edmund Wetherby, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Salem County, per Thomas Sinnickfon, Efquire, on Ac- count of Ditto, 219 II o John LTolme, Efquire, one of the Commifiioners of Salem County, per Thomas Sinnickfon, Efquire, on Account of Ditto, t 23 o o 10, Jofeph Annin, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Somer- fet County, on Account of Ditto, *co 14 10 21, Samuel Hugg, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of GIou- cefter County, per Jofeph Champion, Efquire, on Ac- count of Ditto, 233 18 3 Jofeph Champion, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Gloucefter County, on Account of Ditto, 200 18 4 22, Ifaac Wheaton and , Efquires, Commiffi- oners of the New Loan-Office for Cumberland County, on Account of Ditto, 206 11 10 Thomas Anderfon.. Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Suffex County, per George Warne, on Account of Do. 3 19 2

Amount carried forward, £. 3555 13 3 434 1

( 5° )

Amount brought forward, £. 5606 6 1 1790. Received of Thomas Anderfon, Inquire, one of the Corn- April 9, miffioners of SulTex County, in full of the third Year's Intereft, due on the Sum loaned in the faid County, 5 18 9 Alfo, three Months Intereft on 99I. up to March 3, 1790, upon which the Equity of Redemption was, foreclofed, I 9 8 14, Edmund Wetherby, Efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Salem County, in full of the fecond Year's Intereft oh Ditto, 5 5 9

Amount carried to Account Current, £.5619 1 1 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Loan-Office Money, received of the Commiffioners. of the New- Loan-Offices, in the feveral Counties, cancelled by their refpe&iye Boards of Juftices and Freeholders. 1790. Received of Abraham Schuyler andJohnRunyon, efquires, May 25, Commiffioners of Middlefex County, per Peter Ten Eyck, a fealed Bundle of Loan-Office Money, cancelled by the Board of Juftices and Freeholders in faid Coun-

ty the 1 2th of May, certified to contain £. 572 10 o Jonas Wade and John Condit, efquires, Commiffioners of EfTex County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 12th of May, certified to contain 321 o o John Outwater, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of

Bergen County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 1 3th of May, certified to contain 802 1 9 June 14, Ebenezer Elmer, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Cumberland County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 14th of May laft, certified to contain 211 10 o July 6, Thomas Anderlon, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Suffex County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 1 2th May laft, certified to contain 350 9 o 8, John Baker and Elijah Hughes, efquires, Commiffioners of Cape-May County, per John Holmes, ditto, can- celled by ditto 1 2th of May laft, certified to contain 35 14 o 15, Samuel Hugg, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Gloucefter County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 12th of May laft, certified to contain 370 19 o 17, Jofeph Reading, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Hunterdon County, ditto, cancelled by ditto 31ft of May laft, certified to contain 1020 2 o 20, John Smock, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Mon- mouth County, ditto, cancelled by ditto May 12th laft, certified to contain 807 15 9 efquires, Aug. 3, John Holme and Edmund Wetherby, Com- miffioners of Salem County, per John Ffirth, ditto, cancelled by ditto July 21 laft, certified to contain 166 6 o

Amount carried forward, £. 4658 7 6 ( 5* )

Amount brought forward, £. 4658 7 6 1700. Received of Abraham Staats and Jofeph Annin, efquires, Sept. 9, Commiffiouers of Somerfet County, per Jaques Voor- hies, a fealed Bundle of Loan-Office Money, cancelled by the Board of Justices and Freeholders in laid Coun- ty May 1 2th laft, certified to contain 309 3 o 16, Jofeph Lewis, efquire, Commiffioner of Morris County, per Jacob Tutiull, ditto, cancelled by ditto May 12th

laft, certified to contain . 403 13 o 0&. 2, Robert S. Jones, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Burlington County, ditto, cancelled by ditto May

1 2th laft, certified to contain 715 o o

Amount carried to Account Current, £. 6086 3 6 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr, 1790. On Account of Old State Money received of Abraham Aug. 13, Schuyler, efquire, per Aaron Dunham, efquire, faid to be the Balance unexpended of a Sum drawn by the faid Schuyler, as Contractor of Middlefex County, £. 22 IO o Amount carried to Account Current, November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NE V\-JErlSEY, Dr. 1789. On Account of Notes or Certificates received of fundry Perfons. Nov. 8, Received of Jofeph Buck, efquire, Sheriff of Cumber- land County, per Nathan Hand, on Account of Fines, £.42. 1 7 6, Jacob Arnold, elquire, late Sheriff of Morris County, on Account of ditto, 281 17 5 1790. Henry Stites, efquire, Sheriff of Cape-May County, per Jan. 8, John Holmes, on Account of ditto, 10 3 5 22, Mark Thomfon, efquire, former Sheriff of Suffex Coun- ty, on Account of ditto, impofed in 1785, 43 19 8 Feb. 1, John Blackwood, efquire, Sheriff of Gloucefter County, on Account of ditto, levied in 1788 and 1789, 82 16 9 April 9, Prudden Ailing, efquire, Sheriff of Morris County, on Account of Fines, 25 1 o May 14, William Kerr, efquire, late Sheriff of Suffex County, on Account of ditto, • 33 3 6 Peter Ward', efquire, late Sheriff of Bergen County, per Nehemiah Wade, efquire, on Account of ditcu, im- pofed in 1786, 1787 and 1788, 31 15 4 24, David Rhea, efquire, late Sheriff of Monmouth County, on Account of a Fine due from him, agreeably to a Law, palfed December 1, 1789, 300 o o John Conway, efquire, former Sheriff of Middlefex County, on Account of a Fine impofed in June, 1782, 4 13 o

Amount carried forward, £. 855 11 8 —1

( 5* )

ljao. Amount brought forward, £. 855 1 1 8 May 26, Received of Ifaac Wheaton, elquire, one of the Com- miflioners of the Old Loan-Office for Cumberland County, per Ebenezer Elmer, efquire, on Account of Debt due to the faid Office, 26 15 8

Amount carried to Account Current, £. 882 7 4 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafarer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Notes or Certificates received of the Agents and fundry other Perfons, on Account of Forfeited Eflates, 1790. Received of Jofeph Gallon, efquire, Agent of Forfeited April 7, Eflates for Sulfex County, £. 560 4 1 ditto, for Bergen 9, Cornelius Haring, efquire, Agent of County, per Nehemiah Wade, efquire, 575 14 10

19, Brant Chriflopher, on Account of a Debt due from him to the Forfeited Eflate of Daniel Coxe, agreeably to a Law pafled November 28, 1789, 247 12 6

Amount carried forward, £• 1383 12 3

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer— Account Current in To Amount of Notes or Certificates received of fundry Perfons, £. 882 7 4 To Amount of ditto, received of the Agents and others, on Account of Forfeited Eilates, 2210 7 9

£. 3092 15 1 ( 53 )

Amount brought forward, £. 1383 12 3 1790. Received of John Armstrong, Executor of Nathan Armftrong, April2->, on Account of a Debt due from the Eftate of the faid Na- than Armftrong, to the Forfeited Eftate of Daniel Coxe, agreeably to a Law palled November 28, 1789, 128 10 8

30, Jacob Arnold, efquire, on Account of a Debt due from the faid Arnold, to the Forfeited Eftate of Stephen Skinner, agreeably to a Law paffed November 28, 1789. 8l 7 4 Benjamin Chew, Executor of Jofeph Turner, per Aaron Dunham, efquire, on Account of a Debt due from the Eftate of the faid Turner to the Forfeited Eftate of Jofeph Lee, agreeably to a Law paffed November 28,

1789, • 84 9 10 June 3, David Olden, efquire, Agent of Forfeited Eftates for Middlelex County, 498 July 28, John Zabrifki, by the Hands of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire, agreeably to a Law paffed November 14, 1788, 517 6 o

Sept. 30, John Stillwell, efquire, Agent of Forfeited Eftates for Monmouth County, being a Balance due from him as Agent, agreeably to a Refolution palled November 25, 1789, 10 12 o

Amount carried to Account Current, £.2210 7 9 November 1, 1790. By Order of the Committees, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Notes or Certificates. By Amount of fundry Notes or Certifi- cates examined and allowed, f. 3092 15 1 November i, 1790. WE, the Comnittees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Trea- furer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers relative thereto do find the lame juftly ilated. WILLIAM NEWBOLD JOHN COND1T, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN, EBENEZER ELMER, RICHARD WOOD, ISAAC NICOLL, PETER D. VROOM, JOHN RUTHERFURD, JOSEPH BIDDLE. O —

( 54 ) JAMES MOTT, Treafurer-— Account Current in To Balance due the State in Old State-Money, on Settlement made November i, 1789, £.2281 9 7 To Balance due the State, on Settlement made in Novem- ber, 1, 1789, in Lawful Money, /. 1067 185, received at one. for three on the Sinking Fund Tax, and not then

exchanged, equal in Old State Money to . 3203 15 3 To Balance on Tax in State-Money and Certificates, due December 1, 1781, 44 4 To ditto, on ditto, due July 1, 1782, 362 18 To ditto, in State-Money, due Odrober 1, 1782, 568 11 To ditto, ditto, due January 1, 1783, 45 5 To ditto, on the Sinking Fund Tax, due December i, 1785, viz. £.59 60 Lawtul Money, equal to at one for three in State Money, To Amount ieceived of Abraham Schuyler, efquire,

£. 6706 12 4 1-2 November 1, 1790. WE, the Committees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer's- find a Balance of One Hundred and Sixteen Pounds Nineteen Shillings and an- Shilling and Ten-pence, Lawful Money, received at one for three on the Sinking- and Fifty-three Pounds Five Shillings and Six-Pence, Old State-Money, remain- ( 55 )

Cr. - —to ftte Safe of NEW-JERSEY, u — Old Scare- Money. By Amount of old State-Money, of the Emiflion of Benja- Jiune 9, T7S0, cancelled by James Ewing, and min Van Cleve, elquires, September 27, 1790. and burned by a Committee of both Houfes, agreeably to a Lavf, palled November 30, 1789, per Certificate, £.3189 16 10 By ditto, of the Emiffion of January 9, 178 1, ditto, ditto, 246 11 o Balance due the State in Old State- Money, /• 116 19 o 1-2 Balance due the State £. 105 1 1 10 Lawful Money, received at one for three, on the Sinking Fund Tax, and not exchanged, equal in Old State-Money to 3153 5 6

• —^_ i_ r r 3270 4 6 1-2

£. 6706 12 4 1-2 -Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers relative thereto, do -Half-penny, Old State-Money, and One Thoufand and Fifty-one Pounds One -Fund Tax, and not yet exchanged, equal to Three Thoufand One Hundred -ing in the Hands of the faid Treafurer, agreeably to the above Statement. WILLIAM NEWBOLD, JOHN COND1T, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN, EBENEZER ELMER, RICHARD WOOD, ISAAC NICOLL, PETER D. VROOM, JOHN RUTHERFURD, JOSEPH BIDDLE, GEORGE ANDERSON.

— to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Lawful Money.

By Amount of fundry Vouchers from no. 1 to no. 39, inclu- five, for Cafh paid, Lawful Money, for one Year's lntereft on Continental Loan-Olfice Certificates, I 5V- 19 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. §j, ditto for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Years lntereft on ditto, By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 90, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the third Years Intercit on ditto, By diito, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 255, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fourth Years lntereft on ditto, By ditto, 'of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 949, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fifth Years lntereft on ditto,

By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 126, ditto, for ditto, paid -in ditto, for one Year's lntereft in Continental Certificates, figned by Benjamin Thompfon, efquire, Commiffioncr,

By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 162, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Years intereit on ditto,

Amount carried forward, £. 1 6785 9 4 —

( 5* )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— Account Current in Amount brought forward, £ 7OI 97 6 9 1-2 To Balance on the Tax, due October i, 1782, which was payable to the Re- ceiver of Continental Taxes, £.498 16 4 To ditto, due January 1, 1783, ditto, 489 I 6 To ditto, due October 1, 1783, ditto, 811 82 To ditto, due January 1, 1784, ditto, 151 o 3

1950 To Amount received of fundry Perfons, To ditto received for Intereft on Taxes, To ditto received for fundry Licences, To ditto received of the Commiffioners of the New Loan- Offices, in the feveral Counties, on Account of Intereft, To ditto, received of ditto, being Loan-Office Money, can- celled by their refpective Boards of Juft ices and Free- holders, ( 57 )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Lawful Money. Amount brought forward, £.16/85 9 4 By Amount of fundry Vouchers, from no. 1 to no. 273, inciufive, for Cam paid, Lawful Money, for the third Year's Intereft on Continental Loan-Office Certificates, 821 I 6

By ditto, of ditto, from no. i to no. 810, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fourth Year's Interelt on ditto, 7399 *9 8 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no, 23, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft on Continental Certificates, figned by John Pierce, Commiffioner, 87 3 I By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 26, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Year's Interell on ditto, 02 810 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 47, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the third Year's Intereft on ditto, 201 14 3 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 146, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, 3012 10 2

By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fifth Year's Intereft on ditto, I 18 9

By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fifth Year's Interelt on Continental Certificates, figned by Benjamin Thompfon, per Refolution paffed November 25, 17S9, 296 5 10 By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for Intereft on ditto, figned by ditto, per Refolution paffed November

25, 1789, . 147 o 9 By ditto, or fundry ditto, from no. 1 to no. 72, inciufive for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft on Certificates figned by Silas Condift, Commiffioner, 173 o o

By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 98, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Year's Iutereft on ditto, 647 15 10 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 161, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the third Year's Intereft on ditto,' 4448 11 8 By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, per Refolution paffed No- vember 25, 1789, 383 By ditto, of fundry ditto, from no. i to no. 105, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft on Certificates, given by the Commiffioners in the feveral Counties, for Militia Services, 179 18 4 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no 133, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Year's Intereft on ditto, 476 17 5 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 186, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the third Year's Intereft on ditto, '563 19 5 By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, per Refolution paffed No- vember 25, 1789, 640 By ditto, of fundry ditto, from no. 1 to no. 14, inciufive, for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft- on Notes of Depreciation, 112 18 5 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 33, ditto for ditto, paid the fecond Year's Intereft on ditto, in ditto, for 508 4 9

Amount carried forward, £. 37056 10 3 P —

( 58 )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer— -

Account Current in

Amount brought forward, 84300 16 1 2-2

carried forward. Amount £.84300 16 1 1-2 ( 59 )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Lawful Money. Amount brought forward, £. 37036 10 3 By Amount of fun dry Vouchers from no. i to no. 75, inclu- five, for Cam paid, Lawful Money, for the third Year's In- tereft on Continental Loan- Office Certificates, 2666 17 11 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 23, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft on Certificates, given by the Treafurer, for Demands againft Forfeited Eftates, 145 6 9 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 39, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the fecond Year's intereft on ditto, 435 4 3 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 58, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, ditto, for the third Year's Intereft on 1121 3 3 By ditto, of three ditto, no. 1, 2 and 3, for ditto, paid in ditto, to Samuel Den man, Samuel Reading and Jacob Ar- nold, efquires, for Thomas Kinney, on Account of Princi- pal and Intereft on State Notes, agreeably to Refolutions of the Legiflature, palled November 25, 1789, June 5, 1790, and December 1, 1789, 367 14 6 By ditto, of fundry ditto, from no. 1 to no. 191, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for Support of Government and Inci- dental Charges, £. 6853 7 1, viz. To the Members of the Legiflature, Clerks, Doorkeepers, Printing, &c. £.2567 11 2 For the Salaries of the feveral Officers of Government, and to the Judges for holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 2402 16 7 For fundry Incidental Charges, 1882 19 4

6853 7 1 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 33, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, on Widows Warrants of Half-Pay, 12 [I 7 6 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 18, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, to Invalids, on their Certificates from the In- fpeclor, agreeably to a Law paffed May 25, 1790, 184 15 2 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 8, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for Principal and Intereft, on 1-4 Notes of Depre- ciation, 191 o 10 By ditto, of ditto, from no. 1 to no. 15, ditto, for ditto, paid in ditto, for one Year's Intereft on Old State-Money, 86 15 11 By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, paid in ditto, for the Time of a Servant, enlifted in the Continental Army, agree- ably to a Law, paffed May 28, 1777, 20 o o By ditto, of three ditto, no. 1, 2 and 3, for ditto, paid in ditto, for Principal and Intereft on Notes given by Peter T. Schenck, Agent for borrowing Money in the County of agreeably to paffed Somerfet, an Acft January 8, 1781, 336 17 9 By ditto, of 1 ditto, no. 1 for Cafh allowed in ditto, on an Or- der drawn by John Stevens, Jun. late Treafurer, on "Wil- liam Abbot, efquire, former Collector of Hunterdon County, for £. 120,000 Continental Money, equal in Spe- cie to 1200 o o

Amount carried forward, £. 51877 —

( <*> )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— Account Current in Amount brought forward, £.84300 16 1 1-2

£. 84300 16 1 1-2

"WE, the Committees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Trea- furer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the feveral Vouchers relative thereto, viz. from no. 1 to no. 39, inclufive, from no. 1 to 57, ditto, from no. 1 to 90, ditto, from no. 1 to 255, ditto, from no. 1 to 949, ditto, from no. 1 to 126, ditto, from no. 1 to 162, ditto, from no. 1 to 273, ditto, from no. 1 to 810, ditro, from no. 1 to 23, ditto, from no. 1 to 26 ditto, from no. 1 to 47 ditto, from no. 1 to 146 ditto, no. 1, no. 1, no 1, from no. 1 to 72, inclufive, from no.' 1 to 98, ditto, from no. 1 to 161, ditto, no. 1, from no. I to 105, ditto, from no. 1 to 133, ditto, from no. 1 to 186, ditto, no. 1, from no. 1 to 14, ditto, from no. 1 to 33, ditto, from no. 1 to 75 ditto, from no. 1 to 23, ditto, from no. 1 to 39, ditto, from no. 1 to 58, ditto, no. 1, 2 and 3, from no. 1 to 191, ditto, from no. 1 to 33, ditto, from no. 1 to 18 ditto, from no. 1 to 8, ditto, from no. 1 to 15, ditto, no. 1, no. 1, 2 and 3, no. 1, no. 1, no. 1, no. 1 and 2, no. 1, do find a Balance of Five Thoufand Three Hundred and Eighty-three Pounds Sixteen ( * )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr, —Lawful Money. Amount brought forward, £. 51877 I 2 By Amount of one Voucher, no. 1, for Cafh paid in Revenue Money, delivered to Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing,

clquires, and cancelled 1 by them on the 2th and 14th Days 1 o! May, and burned by a Committee of both Houlcs, the 2 2d of May, 1790, 5953 15 3 _ By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, for ditto, in Revenue Money, delivered to James Ewing and Benjamin Van Cleve, en- quires, and cancelled by them, September 3d, and burned by a Committee of both Houfes this prefent Sitting, 4162 16 o By ditto, of two ditto, no. 1 and no. 2, for ditto, in Loan- Office Money, delivered to James Ewing and Benjamin Van Cleve, elquires, and cancelled by them on the 4th, 7th, 8th and 27th Days of September, and burned by a Committee of both} Houfes this prefent Sitting, 10837 4 By ditto, of one ditto, no. 1, foi ditto, in Loan-Office Money, cancelled by the Juftices and Freeholders in the feveral Counties, agreeably to an Acl paffed November 24, 1788, and burned by a Committee of both Houfes this prefent Sitting, 6086 3 6 Balance due the State, 5383 16 1 1-2

November 1, 1790. £. 84300 16 1 1-2

Sixteen Shillings and Two-pence, Half-penny, remaining in the Hands of the faid Treafurer, agreeably to the above Statement WILLIAM NEWBOLD, JOHN COND1T, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN, EBENEZER ELMER, RICHARD WOOD, ISAAC NICOLL, PETER D. VROOM, JOHN RUTHERFURD, JOSEPH BIDDLE, GEORGE ANDERSON. Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— Account Current in-— To Amount of 29 Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, Jun. late Treasurer, remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer, on Settlement, November 1, 1789, £. 131 1 5 8 1-2 To Amount of one ditto, ilTued to Samuel Doudney, in Lieu of one loft, agreeably-to an A&, palled November 7, 1789, 66 1 8 4 1-2

November 1, 1790. £• 1378 4 I

WE, the Committees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Trea- do find Twenty-five Notes of Depreciation, figned by and received of John- Twelve Pounds, Fourteen Shillings and an Half-Penny, remaining in the Hands-

Ordercd, That the faid Accounts lie on the Table, for the Infpeclion of tfie Houfe. A Memorial from a Number of the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Upper Freehold, in the Couuty of Moftmouth, ftating Difficulties in the Collection ol the Arrears of Taxes, and praying that a Law may pals, directing the Deficiencies of Taxes to be collected in two or three yearly Payments, and that a Law may pafs to direct a new Affeffment of the prefent Year's Tax, and a Day of Appeal, and that further Time may be given to the faid Townfhip to pay forward the prefent Taxes, was read, and ordered a fecond Pleading. The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Thurfday, November u, 1790.

The Houfe met. A Petition from Enos Seeley and William Kelfay, late Commiffioners of for- feited Eftates in the County of Cumberland, fetting forth, that a Writ had been iffued fome Time paft againft them, at the Suit of the State, for the Sum of had been entered by Default, and Execution if- f. 167 6 10 ; that a Judgment fued againft them, for the Sum of Two Hundred and Thirty Pounds, Sixteen Shillings and Ten-pence, and praying the Legiflature would grant them Relief as to the Difference of the two Sums, being Sixty-three Pounds Ten Shillings, and diretf their Treafurer accordingly, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. reported Mr. Stillivell, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 for vefiing in the United States of America, the Jurifdiclion of a Lot of Land at Sandy-Hook, in the County of Monmouth; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Agreeably : ;

( • $ ) —to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Notes of Depreciation. By Amount of fun dry Vouchers, from no. I to no. 4, in- cluiive, for Depreciation Notes delivered to fundry Perfons, £• ^5 10 o 1-2, Remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer 25 Notes of De- preciation, figned by and received of John Stevens, Jun. late Treafurer, amounting to 1 112 14 01-2

£• I37 8 4 1 -furer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers relative thereto, -Stevens, Jun. late Treafurer, amounting to One Thoufand One Hundred and -of the faid Treafurer, agreeably to the above Statement. WILLIAM NEWBOLD, JOHN COND1T, JEREMIAH ELDREDGE, ROBERT OGDEN, EBENEZER ELMER, RICHARD WOOD, ISAAC NICOLL, PETER D. VROOM, JOHN RUTHERFURD, JOSEPH BIDDLE, GEORGE ANDERSON.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day on the Petitions from Somerfer, and the fe- veral Petitions for the building a Bridge over Raritan River at or near Neiv- Brunfwick : The Petitioners attended before the Houfe by themfelves, or their Reprefentatives, and were heard on the Subjeil-Matter of their feveral Petitions and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Bufinefs be poftponed un- til this Afternoon.

Mr. Lambert from the Council prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aa to enable the Jujlicds and chofen Freeholders in the Counties of Gloucester and Hunterdon, to appoint CommiJJioners to value the Lands and Certainties in the feveral Town- fnps in faid Counties, the better to enable the Ajfejfors to fettle the Quotas of Taxes in an equitable Manner, and defray the Expence, with the Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he defired the Concurrence of Bill with the this Houfe ; which Amendments made thereto by Council were read, and the Amendments ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Freeholders, &c. of the County of Bergen, praying fome effe&ual Law may be paffed to prevent the Practice of (hooting and deilroying Cattle in the Commons, Woods and Paltures in the fiid County, was read ; Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prelent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill., intitled, An Aft to repeal Pari: an intitled, of Act, An Aft more 'ef- fectually to prevent the taking and detaining unjufifable Pojfejjion of Lands, c was read a third Time.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows Yeas. ( o-4 ) ( 65 ) letter to enable the Ajfeffbts to fettle the Quotas ofTaxes in an equitable Manner, and defray the Expence, was read and compared. Re/'oJvedundwitnou/ly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Imlaj do carry the laid Bills to Council, and acquaint them, that laid Bills are paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments. Mr. Burgi,!, from the Committee to whom the Petition of Lieutenant Leivis

was referred, reported as follows ; J. Coftigin That the faid Lewis J. Coftigin is entitled to the Depreciation on his Pay, agree- ably to a Refolve of Congrefs for that Purpofe, and that the Treafurer be direct- ed to make out a Certificate to him, the faid Lewis J. Coftigin, in the ufual Way in that Cafe. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Nicoll, from the Committee, to whom the Petition of John Van Bufkirk

was referred, reported as follows : That they find by the Teftimony to them produced, 1. That on the firft Day of May, 1775, John C. Myer gave his Bond to John Van Buj, 'irk, for the Payment of £. 114 14 9 York Currency, with Intereft from the Date of the Bond. 2. That the faid John Van Bujiirk, hath not received any Part of the Monies due on faid Bond.

3. That the Eftate of the faid John C. Myer was forfeited to, and vefted in the Sfca$e.^of iNeiv-Jeifey.', and fold by Cornelius Haring, the Agent of Forfeited. Eflates in the County of Bergen, on the 20th and 21ft Days of November, 1786,. the Proceeds of which he paid into the Treafury of this State, amounting to /.'. 2419 8 o, on the t 6th April, 1787, and on the 23d April, 1788, the Whole; of which flill remains in the Treafury, no Demands having been prefented to the Treafurer againft the Forfeited Eftate ot the faid John C. Myer. 5. That there was no Money in the Treafury previous to the Year 1787, to fa- tisfy the Demands of the Creditors of the faid John C. Myer > that the real Eftate of the faid John C, Myer was in the Pofieffion of and claimed by his Mother, and generally thought to be her Property, and therefore the faid John Van Bnf- kirk did not apply to have his Bond adjudicated till after the Sale aforefaid, at which Time the Law was expired, and he could get no Relief. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Statement of the Monies counted and cancelled in the Treafury of Neiv-Jerfey, by James Ewing and Benjamin Van Cleve, Efquires, as follows: Account of Loain-Qffke Money, cancelled in the Treafury of Nciu-Jerfey, September 27, 1790-

Denominations. ( 66 )

Account of State -Money of the Emiffion of June 9th, 1780, cancelled in the Treafury of the State of Neiv-Jerfey, September 27, 1790.

Denominations. ( *7 ) renue-Money, of the State aforcfaio], containing Four Thoufand One Hundred and Sixty-two Pounds. Sixteen Shillings, agreeably to the above Invoice. Wit- nek our Hands the 3d Day of September, 1790. JAMES EVviNG, BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE.

Account of Loan-Office Money, cancelled at the Treafury of the State of New* Jsrja, Stptember 4, 7 and 8, 1790.


reported by the Auditor and Treafurer ; whereupon, Ordered, That the Houfe remit unto Mr. Dennis the fecond Item or Debet Side of the faid Account, and that he have Leave to prefent a Refolution to anfwer his Prayer.

The Bill, intitled, An ABfor the Reliefof the townfhip of Little Egg-Har- bour, in the County of Burlington, with the Amendments made thereto by Coun- cil, was read a fecond Time with the Amendments, and agreed to. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engroffed with the faid Amendment?. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met. Refohed, That Mr. John Dennis be releafed from the Payment of the Sum contained in the fecond Item, on the Debet Side of the Account of the faid 'John 1 Dennis, as one of the former Treafurers with the State of New J erfey, as reported by the late Treafurer and Auditor of this State, which Item is as follows : Efquire, 1776. 7 Received from Azariah Dunham, one of the Signers, Nov. 29.3 £• 868 18, which Sum was taken into the PoiTeflion of General William Winds, the latter Part of December or the beginning of January follow- ing, and returned to faid Dennis^ again the 6th of March, 1778, which reduced by the Scale, amounts to the Sum of Four Hundred and Eighty-five Pounds Se-

faid \ be entirely diftharged ven Shillings and Four-pence ; and that the Dennis therefrom. Ordered, That Mr. Kiugfland do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An AB for the Reliefof the Townfhip of Little E

The' Petition from the Juflices of Bergen County'/ on the fame Subject, was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be difmifled.

A Petition from Monmouth County, praying a Law may be pafTed to prevent Perfons from drawing, a Sein within certain Distances of Cranberry Inlet, Ma- nafquan and Shark-River Inlets, was read, and referred to Meffrs. Biddle, Cooper and Lie fie.

A Petition from Monmouth and Midilcfex Counties, on the Subject of Bills of Colls was read, and committed to the Con, ttee to whom was referred the Bill to regulate the Practice of the Law.

A Petition from Nathaniel Porter, late a Captain of Militia of the County of Sorrierfe't, ftating a Demand again fl the State was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Hoops from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had concurred in the Refolntion relative to authorizing the Trealurer to pay unto Thomas Carpenter, late Paymafler of the Militia of the Counties of Gloucejler and Salem, the Sum of £. 8 177 Specie, 6tc. and the Refolution relative to authorizing the Treafurer to ifTue a Certificate unto 'Abraham Quackenbofs for the Sum of £. 56 5 o, &c. A Petition from the Owners and PolTeiTors of the Lands lying on Salem Creek, and other Inhabitants who expert to be benefited by a Canal from faid Creek to tiie River Delaware, fetting forth, that by Reafon of the great Length and vari- ous Windings of Salem Creek, the Navigation may be fhortened 35 Miies, by digging a Canal about 569 Rods through advantageous Land from a little below a Place called Hank's Bridge on faid Creek, to the Mouth of a Line-Ditch between Benjamin Cripps, Efq. and Thomas Jeans, on the River; and praying that a Law may be enacted, to authorize the Perfons interelled in the propofed Canal to meet together, and choofe Men to value and afcertain the Sum each Tra

Agreeably to the Order forthis Afternoon, the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Com- mittee of the Whole and Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Cook, Chairman of the Committee, took the Chair, and the Committee proceeded to confider the Propriety of recommending to the good People of this State, to choofe a Conven- tion of three Perfons from each County for the Purpofe of reviling the Conftitu-

tion of this State ; and after fome Time, The Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Cook, Chairman of the Committee, reported, that the Committee rofe without entering into any Refolution.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine of the Clock.

Saturday, November 13, 1790.

The Houfe met. The Speaker being indifpofed did not attend the Houfe, Mr. Cook was appoint- ed Speaker pro tern.

A Memorial was prefented from John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, praying to againfl by be heard on the Accounts ftated him the IrealureF, which was read ; whereupon, S Ordered, ( 70 )

Ordered, That the faid Memorialift be heard before the Houfe on Monday next in the Afternoon, and that the Speaker be defired to write to the Treafurer, requefting him to attend.

The Petition from the Inhabitants of the Counties of Burlington, Clouccjicr, Cumberland and Salem, refpeding the Fifheries, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That Meffrs. Sharp, Elmer and Nevjbold, be a Committee to bring in a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of their Petition. Mr. Rutberfurd from the Committee to whom was refened the Petition o* MeiTrs. Neale and Laxbrencc, reported, That in their Opinion a Perfon mould be appointed by Law to print for the

State on the following Terms : i. That fuch Printer fhall deliver to the Treafurer of the State tooo Copies of the Laws of the State, and the fame Number of Copies of the Journals of the

Council, Affembly and Joint-Meeting ; all which fhall be printed in a neat and corre£t Manner in folio, with an Englifh Type, and on Paper of a Quality equal to the Sheet herewith produced, the Text of die Laws to be 58 M's in Length and 28 M's in Breadth, and the Text of the Journals to be 5S M s in Length, and 32 M's in Breadth, with no more Blanks or Scabbarding than may be

neceffary for the Peripicuity of the Work • the original Notes of the Laws to be 4 M's in Breadth, and each Copy of the Laws and Journals to be well ftitched and to be printed at the Rate of 5 Sheets in a Week. 2. That the Treafurer fhall pay fuch Printer the Sum of Three Pounds for each Sheet of the Laws and Journals, on his delivering the aforefaid Number of Copies of the fame. Which Report was read and agreed to by the Houfe. On Motion, Ordered, That Meffrs. Neale and Lawrence be appointed to print the Laws, Journals and Votes ot the prefent Sitting. Ordered, That Meffrs. Rutberfurd and Clark, be a Committee to afcertain the Number of Laws, Journals and Votes to be forwarded to each refpedive County. The Report of the Committee on the Petition of John Van Bujlirk was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed. A Memorial was prefented from Elijha Boudinot, Hating certain Claims a- to gainft the State as Commiffary of Prifoners ; which was read and committed MeiTrs. Wade, Kitchel and Taylor. Mr. Abraham Ogden has Leave of Abfence till Tucfday next.

""Mr. Cripps has Leave of Ablence till Wednefday next.. returned, the The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; and being Speaker refumed the Chair, and The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M,

The Houfe met.

Agreeably" to the Order of the Day, the Petitioners from the Townfhip of Eve/ham, in the County Burlington, appeared before the Houfe' on the Hearing ordered, and the Houfe having proceeded to examine Witneffes refpeding the the Robbery faid to have been committed on John Allen Colledor of Taxes in faid Townfhip, and having gone through the lame, Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Pray- er of their Petition.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning, Ten o'Clock. Monday ( P )

Monday, November 15, 1790.

The Houfe met.

A Memorial from Caleb Ruffe I, Efquire, Collector of the County of Morris* Mating fundry Deficiencies of Taxes, and the Difficulties attending the Collection

of the fame, under the exifling Laws of this State ; which was read and commit- ted to Meffrs. Cook, D. Vroom, Linn, R.Ogden and Elmer, to report thereon.

A Petition from Fulkert Dow and others, late Soldiers in the Firft Jerfey Re- /> giment, dating Demands againft the Public for their Services in the faid Regiment, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Rurherfurd, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Support of the Government of the State of New-Jcrfey ; which Bill was read,' and ordered a fecond Reading. The Petition from E/ios Seeley and William Keifay, late Commiffioners of For- feited Eilates in the County of Cumberland, v/as read a fecond Time; where- upon, Refolved, That the Sum of Sixty-three Pounds Ten Shillings be remitted unto Enos Seeley and William Kelfay, late Commiffioners of Forfeited Eftates in the County of Cumberland, on an Execution in the Hands of the late Sheriff of faid

County ; and that the faid Sheriff be directed to receive from them the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty-feven Pounds, Six Shillings and Ten-pence, with the Intereft thereon anting from the Date of the Judgment, and Cofts of fait, and that the Treafurer do receive from the faid Sheriff the faid Sums in full Difcharge of the Act ion fo brought as aforefaid. Ordered That Mr. Linn do cany the laid Refolution to the Council for Concur- rence.

The Bill, intitled, An Act to tolerate the Seventh Day Baptift Society, in fol- lowing their worldly Bufinefs on the Firjl Day of the Week, alfo to exempt them from certain Services on the Seventh Day of the Week, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Rutherfurd, Elmer and Runyan. The Bill, intitled, An Aftfor vefling in the United States of America, the Ju- rifdiflion of a Lot ofLand at Sandy-Hook, in the County ofMonmouth, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe the Bill, intitled, An Aft to build a Toll- Bridge over the River Rar itan, at the City of New-Brunfwick j which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Jacob Deky, ftating a Demand againft the Forfeited Eftate of Jofeph Barton, and praying that he may receive a Certificate from the Treafurer for the Amount of his Demand, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Report of Mr. Burgin on the Petition of Lewis J. Cojligin, of the 12th

Inftant, was read a fecond Time and agreed to ; whereupon, Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized and

direrted to iffue in the ufual Stile and Form, unto Captain John Polhemus and ^,- Lieutenant Lewis J. Cojligin, Certificates of fuch Sums as may appear to be the Amount of Depreciation due on their Pays refpertively as Captain and Lieute- nant, taking Care before the Delivery of fuch Certificates to indorfe on the Back thereof the Advances, if any, which have been made to them by the State, either in Cloathing, State-Stores or otherwife. Ordered, That Mr. Little do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Biddle, agreeably to Leave given and on Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the ( 7* ) the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to difcharge the Representatives of John Allen, late Colleftor of Eve(ham, deceafed, from the Payment of a Sum of Public Money taken by Robbers; which Bill was read, and ordered a lecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive, under certain Reftriclions, two certain Acts therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, was read a lecond Time, debated and ordered to be engrclled. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aftfor vejiing in the United States of Ame- rica, the Jurifdiftion of a hot of hand at Sandy-Hook, in the County of Monmouth, was read and compared. Refolvedunanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. hoiurey do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence. Mr. Nicoll, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for defraying fondry Incidental Charges ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Rutherford, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to raife the Sum of Fifteen ThouJ Pounds, for the Service of the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one ; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Rutherfurd, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to complete the Payment of a certain Proportion of the Intereji, due on the Public Securities of this State, and to repeal Part of an Aft, intitled, An Aft to raife the Sum of Twelve Thou- fand Five Hundred Pounds per Annum, for tbe Term of Twenty-two Tears, for tbfPurpofe of paying the Intereji on the Debt due from this State to the Inhabi- tants thereof; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Proprietors of the Stages, running between Trenton and Elizabeth-Town and Powles-Hook, through this State, praying that the Law, im- poiing a Tax on the faid Stages, may be repealed, was read, and ordered a fe- cond Reading. Mr. Harino- from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to remitting the Sum of Sixty-three Pounds and Ten-pence unto Enos Seeley and William Keifay, late Commiffioners of Forfeited Ellates of the County of Cumberland. Agreeably to the Order of this Afternoon, the Petition of John Stevens, Houfe and was heard the iun. late Treafurer, was read ; he attended the on Sub- ject of the Account flated againft him by the prelent Treafurer, who alfo attended the Houfe, and was heard thereon. Ordered, That the further Confederation of the faid Bufinefs be poilponed until Monday next.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine of the Clock.

Tuefday, November 16, 1790.

The Houfe met. Reflriftions tw$ The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive under certain certain Mr. ( 74 )

Ward the Balance in his Hands to the (aid Treafurer and Receiver-General. 2. That upon the Refignation of the laid Jonathan Stiles, the faid Board of Tuilices and Freeholders appointed Caleb Ruffel, Efquire, Collector ©f faid Coun- ty in the Room of the faid Jonathan Stiles, and that the faid Caleb Ruffel under- took the Office of County Collector accordingly.

3. That your Committee did not think it proper to go into a full Settlement of the Accounts of the faid Jonathan Stiles, conceiving it to be the Buiinefs of the Juftic.es and Freeholders of faid County, yet they have fo far gone into an Ex- amination of his Vouchers, as to induce them to believe, that the faid Jonathan Stiles has complied with the Conditions on which he was to be difcharged from his Office by the faid fuftices and Freeholders. 4. That two Suits have been commenced by the Treafurer in the Supreme Court of this State, againft the laid Jonathan Stiles, for the Arrears of Taxes due from the faid County of Morris, for the Years 1782 and 1783, although the faid Juftices and Freeholders had appointed Caleb Ruffel, Efquire, to ceiled the faid Taxes. 5. That it appears unreafonable to your Committee, that the faid Jonathan S iles mould be accountable for the faid Arrears of Taxes, and therefore are of Opinion, that the faid Suits ought to be flayed, and that the faid Caleb Ri ought to be authorized by Law to colled the fame. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. The Petition from Capt. Nathaniel Porter, read on the 12th Inftant, was read a fecond Time, and with the Papers accompanying the fame, were committed to Meffrs. Linn, D. Vroom and Lowrey.

The Bill, intitled, An Ad to Promote Arts, Agriculture and Manufactures within this State, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Debate thereon, Ordered, That the further Coniideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Elmer, from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill, intitled, An A3 to tolerate the Seventh Day Baptift Society, in following their -worldly Bufinefs on the Firjl Day of the Week, alfo to exempt them from certain Services on the Seventh Day ofthe Week, reported the lame with fundry Amendments, and

the following Title : An Ail for the Relief of certain Religions Societies in this State ; and the Hcufe having confidered and debated the faid Bill by Paragraphs, the fame was ordered to be engroffed. A Memorial from Little Egg-Harbour, in the County of Burlington, flating Inconveniences in the prefent Practice of the Laws of this State, and praying fome Amendments thereto, was read and referred to the Committee to whom the Adl to Regulate the Practice of the Law was committed. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M,

The Houfe met.

The Report of Mr. Cook of this Morning was taken into Confideration and

agreed to ; whereupon, Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be,' and he is hereby directed to flay the Proceedings at Law in the Supreme Court againft Jona .tor fhall t\\e Arrearages of Taxes for the Years 1782 and 1783, until the Legiflature make further Order therein. Ordered, That Mr. Runyan do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence. State The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Support of the Government of the of 'Jew-Jerfey, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. The ( 7$ )

The engrofled Bill, intitled, An A3for the Relief of certain Religious Societies in this State, was read and compared.

On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative,

as follows : Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nay3. Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Rutherfurd, Mr. Benlon,

Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. Hugg, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Smith, Mr. Linn, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Little, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Swain, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Clark, Mt. Lowrey, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Cook, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Wade. Mr. Cooper, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Wood. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Rutherfurd do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

The Bill, intitled, An Aid to raife the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds, for the

Services of the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one, was read a fecond Time ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Consideration thereof be poftponed.

The Bill, intitled, An Act to complete the Payment of a certain Proportion of the Inter eft due on the Public Securities of this State, and to repeal Part of an Ad, intitled, An Ail to raife the Sum of 'Twelve Thoufand Five Hun- dred Pounds per Annum, for the Term of Twenty-two T'ears, for the Purpofe of paying the Intereft on the Debt due from this State to the Inhabitants thereof; was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled

Mr. Newbold from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Act fur v in the United States of America, the Jurifdicdion of a Lot of Land at Sandy-Hook, in the County of Monmouth, is pafled by Council without Amend- ment.

Mr. Newbold horn. Council informed the Houfe, that Council do approve o£ the Bond given by James Mott, Efquire, tor the faithful Dilcharge of his Of- fice.

Mr. Newbold from Council prefented to this Houfe a Bill, intitled, An A3 to repeal the fecond Section of the Aft, intitled, An Aft to repeal two certain ABs giving to the Secretary of this State an annual Salary, and alfo fo much ofa certain Act therein mentioned, as refpeeds Fees to be taken by the faid Secretary upon Commiffions granted to Juflices, Coroners and Militia Officers, and requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe thereto.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine of the Clock.

Wednefday, November 17, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Sharp, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled. A Supplement to an Aft, intitled, An Act to regulate the Fisheries, and to prevent 'he ObftruSHons of the Navigation in the River De- laware ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Biddle, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught Eiil, of a intitled, An Att to regulate the Fiji cries in certain Parts of the ;

( 7* )

the Counties of Monmouth and Burlington ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal the fecond Section of"the /.ft, intitled, An Aft to repeal two certain Acts giving to the Secretary of this State an annual Sa- Idry, and alfo fo much of a certain Aft therein mentioned, as refpefts Fees to be taken by the faid Secretary upon Commiffions granted to Jujlices, Coroners and Mi- litia Officers, was read a fecond Time.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill be read a third Time ? It was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That Mr. Sharp do wait on the Council, and inform them that the faid Bill is difagreed to by this Houfe.

Two Petitions from a Number ol the Inhabitants of Bedminjier, in the Coun- ty of Somerfet, praying a Revival of the Law authorizing them to repair their Highways by Hire, was read, and the Members of the County had Leave to pre- fent a Bill to anfwerthe Prayer of the faid Petition.

A Petition from Robert Hoops, in Behalf of the Truftees of the Fii ft Presby- terian Church in the Townfhip of Oxford; of Aaron Hankinfon, in Behalf of the Truftees of the Firft Presbyterian Church in the Townfhip of Hard-wick; and of Robert Ogden, in Behalf of the Truftees of the Firfl Presbyterian Church in Hardijlon, in the County of Suffix ; alio a Petition from feveral Members of the Presbyterian Church at Allentown, and from feveral Members of the Presby- terian Church of Shrewsbury, in the County of Monmouth ; were read, pray- ing that a Law may pafs to empower them to laife a Sum of Money by Lottery, the better to enable them to repair their public Buildings. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be read a fecond Time.

Agreeably to Leave given, Mr. Wade prefented the following Refolution, which was agreed to Refolved, That the Treafurer of the State be dire'fted, and he is hereby re- quired to pay unto William M. Bell, of the County ot Bergen, the Sum of Eighty- fix Pounds Six. Shillings and Six-pence, being the Amount of Cofts paid on an Action brought in a Court of Equity againft the faid William M. Bell by 'Jacobus Pofl, for a Farm purchafed by him of Cornelius Haring, Agent of Forfeited Eftates of the faid County of Bergen, which Eftate the faid William M. Bell was obliged to give up to the faid Jacobus Pofl, in the Month of April laft. Ordered, That Mr. Smith do carry the faid B.efolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Condat from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to flay the Proceedings at Law againft Jonathan Stiles, &c.

Mr. Condit alfo prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate the Eleftiou of Members of the Legislative Council and General Ajfembly, Sheriffs and Coronas in the Counties of Bergen, Monmouth, Burlington Gloucejter, Salem, Hunterdon. and Suffix, with fundry Amendments made thereto, to which Amendments he

requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill with the Amendments was read, and the Amendments agreed to. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofTed with the faid Amendments. Mr. Hoops from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution, relative to directing the Treafurer to pay unto William M. Bell the Sum of f. 86 6 6, &c. The ( 77 )

The engrdffed Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Support of the Government of the State of New-Jerfey, was read and compared. On the Queilion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows : ( 7» )

Perfons, for Neceffaries furnifbed the Prifbners in Ncif-2'ork, the Sum of Seven

Hundred and Sixty-nine Pounds Eight Shillings ; that on the firft Day of May

1 7*0, the Accounts of the laid Elifl.-a Boudinot were flated by Ja7P.es Etving, then Auditor, on which there appeared to be due him the Sum of Eleven Hun- dred and Forty-eight Pounds Three Shillings, Continental Money, including the Balance due him on his Difburfements, and Allowance for his Service as Com- miflary during the faid Year ; which reduced by the Scale of Depreciation, makes Twenty-one Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Seven-pence good Money ; which Sum to your Committee appearing inadequate to the Services rendered, are therefore of Opinion, that he ought to be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, as a full Compenfation for the Balance of his Difburfements, Time and Expences, as CommilTary of Prifoners for the Year 1779. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Thurfday, November 18, 1790.

The Houfe met.

- Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Petition of George Drake, read on the 5th Inftant, the laid George Drake attended the Houfe, and proved that he had complied with the faid Order ; whereupon, Mr. Rimy an, in Behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to divorce George Drake from Catharine his Wife ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The re-engrofTed Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate the Eleftion of Members

" of the Legijlative Council and General AJfcmbly, Sheriff's and Coroners, in the Counties of Bergen, ' Monmouth, Burlington, Glouccfler, Salem, Hunterdon and Suffix, was read and compared.

On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma-

tive, as follows : ( 79 ),

Mr. Cooper, with Leave, preferred the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal fuch Parts of an Aft, iutitled, An Aft to afccrtain the Sum to be raijcd within this State for the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety, and to cftablijh the Quotas of the feveral Counties thereof, as lays a Tax on covered Waggons with- out Steel Springs, andfor other Purpofes therein mentioned ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Pleading. Mr. Ellis from the Council prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aft for regulat- ing the Eleclion of Town-Officers, with Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he requefled the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read, and the Amendments being read in their Places, were agreed to. Ordered* That the faid Bill be re-engroffed with the faid Amendments.

t Mr. Ellis alfo prefented a Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive the Orphan s Court* and for other Purpofes therein mentioned ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Siillivell, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to extend the Power of Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas j which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to an Aft, intitled, An Aft to regulate the Fifoeries, and to prevent the Obfruftions of the Navigation in the River Dela-

ware, was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to lie on the Table. -

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to difcharge the Reprefentatives of John Allen, late Colleftor of Eve[bam, deceafed, from the Payment of a Sum of Public Money taken by Robbers, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be en- groffed. The Bill, intitled, An Aft to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Raritan,

at the City ofNew-Brunfwick, was read a fecond Time ; and after fome Time fpent therein, Ordered, That the further Confederation thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Nine of the Clock*

f Friday, November 19, 1790.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Cripps returned and took his Seat.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft for regulating the Eleftion of Town* Officers, was read and compared, Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. E. Townfend do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and ac* quaint them, that the fame is paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to difcharge the Reprefentatives of John Allen, late Colleftor of the Townflrip ofEvefham, deceafed, from the Payment of a Sum of Public Money taken by Robbers, was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative,

as follows 5 Yeas. ( 8o V ( 8i )

Mr. EldfCikJ from the Council prefented a Bill, intitled, An Aft granting Power to the religious Societies in this State to creel Lotteries for the Benefit of to requefted the the [aid Societies; which he Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intirled, An Acl to divorce George Drake from Catharine his Wife, was read a fecond Time; and the Houfe having heard Teftimony refperting the Incontinency of the faid Catharine, the faid Bill was ordered to be engrolfed. Mr. Clark from the Committee to whom the Petition of David Thompfon, Ef- quire, was committed, reported that they had examined the Papers and Vouchers produced by the laid David Thompfon, and that the following appeared to be a State of Fafts ;

1. That the faid David Thompfon was by a Law of this State, pafTed the third Day of April, 1778, appointed Commiffioner for borrowing Money, to pay Bounties, &C for the County of Morris.

2. That in Purfuance of faid Law, the (aid David Thompjon borrowed confi- derable Sums of Money upon his cwn Credit, and did between the 22d of May and 30th of November, 1778. pay Bounties, &c. (as per his Account exhibited to the Commifnoner of Army Accounts) to the Amount of £. 1547 J 6 6 Conti- nental, which being reduced by the Scale of Depreciation amounts (including his Commiffion of one and an half per Cent) to £. 607 I 2 Specie.

3. That the faid David Thompfon, from what appears to your Committee, muft have paid for C loathing, &c. not included in the Account of the Commiffioner of Army Accounts, the Sum of £.411 10 6 Continental; your Committee are therefore of Opinion, that the Account of the faid David Thompfon will ftand as follows :

Dr. The State of Neiu-Jerfcy, ToDavidThompfon,Commlff\onev,&cc t Cr.

1778. ( 8* ) ( 8 3 )

Mr. Woodbull from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An is palled Aclfor the Support of the Government of the State of Nevj-Jerfey , by Council. Mr. Woodbull from Council prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Re- liefof certain religious Societies in this State, with fundry Amendments, and re- Bill quefted the Concurrence of this Houfe to faid Amendments ; which with the Amendments were read, and the Amendments being read in their Places were agreed to. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofled with the faid Amendments. A Petition from John Charlton and William Axtell, Guardians of the Children of the late Matthew Clarkfon, deceafed, ftating a Demand againft the Eftate of David Ogden, whofe Eftate was forfeited to and veiled in this State, and praying that the Treafurer may be directed to ilTue them a Certificate for the Amount of ordered a fecond Reading. their Demand ; which Petition was read and A Petition from John Smith, praying Payment for a Horfe loft by him in an Aaion with the Enemy at Quintan s Bridge, in the Year 1778, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Minifters, Elders and Deacons of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Hackinfack, in the County of Bergen, and the Minifter, Elders and Deacons of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Schralenburgh, in the County of Bergen, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, and that a Law may pals for that Purpofe, was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Bill be- fore the Houfe from Council on that Subject.

The Bill, intitled, An Acl to regulate the Fiferies in certain Parts of the Counties of Monmouth and Burlington, was read a fecond Time, and referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill, intitled, An Acl for the Appointment of certain Perfons, to ft with

and affi/l the Chancellor in the final Hearing of all Caujes, to direel the Mode of the Examination ofWitneffcs in the Courts of Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, with the Amendments made thereto by Council, was read a fecond Time, and the faid Amendments being read in their Places, were a- greed to. Ordered, That the faid Bill as amended be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Saturday, November 20, 1790.

The Houfe met.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Acl:for the Relief ofcertain religious Socie- ties in this State, was read and compared. Refive:!, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do iign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Wade do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is paiTed by this Houfe with their Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, An Acl granting Power to the religious Societies in this State to ereel Lotteries for the Benefit of faid Societies, with the feveral Peti- tions on that Subject before the Houfe, were read a fecond Time and ordered to lie on the Table. Ordered, That Mr. Wood do wait on the Council, and inform them that the

faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe. Mr. ( 84 )

Mr. Linn from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitlcd, \An Aftfor altering and reftttling Part of the Boundary Line kef-ween the Counties of

Somerfet and Middlcfex, reported the fame with fundry Amendments ; and the faid Bill being debated and further amended in the Houfe," Ordered, That the lame be engrotled. Mr. Oo-den from Council informed this Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Ail lo difcharge the Reprefentatives:of John Allen, late Collector of tie Tov.mjhip of Evefbam, deceafed, from the Payment of a Sunt of Public Money taken by Robben, is palled by Council without Amendment. Mr. Ogden from Council prefented a Bill, intitled, An Ail to direfi the Time and Mode ofelecting Representatives in the Congrcfs of the United States for this State; to which Bill he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Oo-den slfo prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aid to revive, wider certain Reftricdions, two certain Aids therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, with fundry Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amend- of this Houfe which Bill with the ments he requefled the Concurrence ; Amend- ments were read, and the Amendments being read in their Places, the fame were ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aid to revive the Orphan s Court, and for other Pur- fofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aid for building Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaiek and Hackinfack, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, was read a fecund Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met. Mr. A. Oo-den with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 grattting Power to the Commifjioners appointed by an Aid, intitled, An Aid for building Bridges over the Rivers PaJJaick and Hackinfack, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned, to ereid a Lottery for the Purpofe of raifing a Fund to defray the Expenccs of carrying into Execution the good Purpofes intended in and by faid recited Aid ; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aid to revive the Orphans Court, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned, was read a third Time. Refolved unanimoujly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That Mr. Benfoil do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, An Aid to revive under certain Reftricdions two certain Aids therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, with the Amend- ments made thereto, was read a fecond Time, the Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill ordered to be re-engroffed.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aid; to direcd the Mode of the Examination of Witness in the Court of Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read and compared.

Refolved unanimoufly , That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Arnold do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments. Mr, Baring from Council prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aid direBing the Treafurer ( 8 5 )

Treafurer to deliver unto Benjamin Morgan a certain Bond depofitcd in his Office^ with the Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he re- queued the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read, and with the Amendments ordered to be read a fecond Time.

Mr. Hariug alfo prefented the Bill, intitled, An Aft to divorce George Drake from Catharine his Wife, with the Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he requefled the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read, and the Amendments being read in their Places, the fame were agreed to, and the Bill ordered to be re-engroffed with the faid Amendments. Mr. Haring prefented a Bill, intitled, An Aft to regulate the Fif cries, and to prevent the Obftruciions of the Navigation in the River Delaware, to which he requefled the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read and ordered a fe- cond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An Aft to build a 'Toll-Bridge over the River Raritau, at the City of New-Brunfwick ; and after having gone through the fame and made fundry Amendments thereto, Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal fitch Parts of an Aft, intitled, An Aft to afcertain the Sum to be raifed within this State for the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety , and to eflablifh the Quotas of the feveral Counties thereof, as lays a Tax on covered Waggons -without Springs, and for other Purpofcs therein men- tioned, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the faid Bill be poftponed.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of John Black, Executor of the lad Will and Teftament of Caleb Newbold, deceafed, reported, 1. That a Bond executed by John Leonard, of Upper Freehold, in the County of Monmouth, to Caleb Newbold, of Springfield, in the County of Purlin nor, deceafed, was produced to faid Committee, on which Bond they find due from the faid John Leonard to the Eilate of the faid Caleb Newbold, the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds lawful Money, Principal, and the Sum of Two Hundred and Twelve Pounds Six Shillings, Intereft. 2. That the faid John Leonard joined the Britifh Troops during the late War, and that his Property was confifcated to the Ufe of this State. 3. That the faid Caleb Newbold in his Life Time applied to two of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monmouth, to have an Adjudi- cation on faid Bond; that the Laws for that Purpofe were expired at the Time of fuch Application, but that the faid Caleb Newbold fuppofed they were ftill in Force. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

A Petition from Jane Stewart, of Somerfet County, Wife of William Stewart , of Nova-Scotia, praying for Reafons therein fet forth, that an AcT: may pafs to divorce her from her faid Hufband, was read. Ordered, That the faid Petitioner be heard before the Houfe on the firfl Fri- day of the next Sitting of the Legiflature, in Support of the Fads flated in her Petition, and that within one Month from this Time fhe caufe to be inferted in the public News-Papers printed at New-Brunfwick, and in two of the public News-papers printed in the City of Nevj-Tork, a Notice of this Application to the Legiflature of this State for a Divorce from the faid William Stewart, and of the Time of Hearing, and that the faid Notice be inferted three Weeks fuc- ceffively in the faid News-Papers.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning Nine of the Clock. X Monday,, : :

( 86 )

Monday, November 11, 1790.

The Ho ufe met.

Mr. R. Ogden, from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill for re- gulating the Practice of the Law, brought in the three following Bills, to wit : 1. A Bill, intitled, An Act to repeal an Aft, intitled, An Ac! for regulating andjlmrtening the Proceedings in the Courts of Law. 2. A Bill, intitled, An Act to regulate the Pr a ft ice of the Law, and to pro- in the Twelve vide a Remedy againft execfive Cofts Recovery of Debts above Pounds. 3. A Bill, intitled, An Act for regulating the Practice and Proceedings in the Courts ofLaw; which faid feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond B-eading.

The Houfe refumed the Coniideration of the Bill, intitled, An Ait directing the Time and Mode of collefting the Arrearages of Taxes in the Jcveral Counties of this State, and after having gone through the fame, and made fundry Amendments thereto, Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Raritan, at the City of New -Brunfwick, was read and compared. Rpfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. v Ordered, That Mr. Biddle do carry the faid Bill to Council, for Concur- rence.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act to revive, under certain Reflrictions, two certain Acts therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, was read and compared. On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays.

Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Ben/on, Smith, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Mr. Arnold, Mr. Hugg, Mr. S'tillixiell, Mr. M< Do-well, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Unit, Mr. Burgin, Mr. King/land, Mr. Swain, Mr. A. Ogden, Mr. Clark, Mr. -Linn, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Cook, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. R. Townfind, Mr. Rutherfurd, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Wade, Mr. E. Toixnfend, Mr. Crippi, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Wood. Mr. Vredenbergh. Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. R. Ogden, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Clark do cany the faid Bill to the Council, and acquaint

them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act to divorce George Drake from Catha- rine his Wife, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Cook do carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them

that the fame is palled by this Houfe with their Amendments.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act for building Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack, andfor other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read and compared. On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows Yeas, ( «7 )

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas; Nays. Mr. G. Anderfon, Mi Hankinfon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Benlon, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Nicoll. Mr. Biddle, Mr. Linn, Mr. Swain, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Little, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Clark, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Cook, Mr. A. Ogden, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Cooper, Mr. R. Ogden, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Cripps, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Wade. Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. R.utherfurd, Mr. Elmer. Mr. Sharp, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. A. Ogden do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An AB for altering and rcfettling Part of thi Boundary Line bet-ween the Counties of Somerfet and Middlefex, Was read and compared.

On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas Yeas. Mr. :

( 88 )

the Purpofc of' raifing a Fund to defray the Expences of carrying into Execution the good Purpofes intended in and by [aid recited Act, was read and compared.

On the Queflion, whether the lame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows Yeas. Nays. M'Dowell, Newbold, Rutherfurd, Smith, Slillwell, E. Townfend, Vredenbergh, Wood. :

( 89 )

A Petition from a Committee of the Townfhip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, ftating Difficulties in the Collection of the Arrearages of Taxes, and praying Provilion may be made by Law, the better to enforce the Collection of Taxes, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Glouccfter County, praying a Law to increafe the Jurifdiclion of Judges, &c. in the Trial of Caufes, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, with the Bill before the Houfe for that Purpofe.

A Petition from Gloucefter County, on the Subject of Cofls on Actions in the

Courts of Law, was read ; whereupon,

Mr. Sharp, with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to re- peal Part of an Aft, intitled, An Aft to amend an Aft, intitled, An Aft for re- 'gulating andfhortening the Proceedings in the Courts ofLazv; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Rutherfurd, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Relief of the County of Suffex ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for fixing a -permanent Seat of Government in this State, and altering the Place for ofthe firft Meeting of the Legiflature after the annual Eleftions, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, November 2,3, 1790. The Houfe met.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to direft the Treafurer to deliver unto

Benjamin Morgan a certain Bond dep oftted- in his Office, was read and compared.

Refolved unanimoujly , That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do iign the lame. Ordered, That Mr. Cripps do carry the laid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that the fame is palTed by this Houfe with their Amendments.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft for fixing a permanent Seat of Government in this State, andfor altering the Place of the firf, Meeting of the Legijlature after the annual Eleftions, was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. C. Anderfon, Mr. Kit/hel, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Little, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. tm,, Mr. Ben/on, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Bttrgin, Mr. Micoll, Mr. 3 i ddh, Mr. Nicoll, Mr.- Cooper, Mr. A. Ogden, Mr. Clark, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Cripps, Mr. R. Ogden, Mr Cook, Mr. Sharp, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr, Rutherfurd, Mr. King/land, Mr. Stiilwefl, •.Mr. Elmer, Mr. Smith, Mr. Kitebet, Mr. Vrtdenbergh, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Hagg, Mr. Swain, Mr. lmlay, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Linn, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Loivrey, Mr. R. Town/end, Mr. Ncwbold, Mr. Wade, Mr. King/land, Mr. Wood. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. D. Vroom do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and requeft their Concurrence therein.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft direfting the Time and Mode of collefting the Arrearages of Taxes in the fevhal Counties of this State, was read and compared. Y On : ,

( PO )

the On Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays.

Mr. C. Anderftn, Mr. Hugg, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Butgin, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. Inilay, Mr. Smith, Mr M' Do-well, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kingjlqnd, Mr. StIll-well, Mr. Nicoll. Mr- Ben/on, Mr. Kitckel, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Biddle, Mr. L/«», Mr. Swain, Mr. C/ar^, Mr. Little, Mr. Taylor, Mr. CW, Mr. Lo-wrey, Mr. £. Tonnnfend, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ne-wbold, Mr. 7?. Town/end, Mr. £>;/>/./, Mr. y/. 2^», Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. D. Knjo;«, Mr. ft. (9^«, Mr. #Wr, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Runyan, Mr. JfW. Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Rutherfurd, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. £/mr do carry the faid Bill to Council, for Concur- rence.

Mr. Lambert from Council prefented the Bill, intitled, ^,7 y#? to build a Toll- Bridge over the River Raritan, at the City of Neiv-Brunfivick, with fundry Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read, and the Amendments being read in their Places were agreed to, and the Bill ordered to be re-engrofTed.

The Houfe refumed the Confederation of the Bill, intitled, An Ad to direft the Time and Mode of electing Reprcfcntatives in the Congrefs of the United States, for this State ; and after having gone through the fame, Ordered, That the kid Bill be read a third Time The Report of the Committee on the Petition of John Black, Executor, &c. of Caleb Newbold, was read a fecond Time ; whereupon, Rcfolved, That the Treafurer be directed to iffue a Certificate to John Black, Executor of the laft Will and Teftament of Caleb Newbold, deceafed, for the Sum of Two Hundred and Ninety-five Pounds lawful Money, being a Balance due from the confifcated Eflate of John Leonard to the Eftate of Caleb Newbold, de- ceafed, provided there be a Sufficiency of faid confifcated Eflate to anfwer faid

Demand ; and if there fhall not be fufficient of faid confifcated Eftate in the Trea- fury to pay faid Demand, then for fuch Part of the fame as may be in the faid

Treafury ; and that fuch Certificate be ilTued by the Treafurer in the ufual Manner of iffuing Certificates for Money due from confifcated Eftates. Ordered, That Mr. Hankinfon do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence. The Report of Mr. Linn on the Memorial of Captain Nathaniel Porter, was read a fecond Time and the Memorial difmiffed.

The Report of Mr. Wade of the 17th Inftant, on the Petition of Elifa Bondi-

not, was read a fecond Time ; whereupon, Refolved, That the Treafurer be directed, and he is hereby required to pay unto Elijha Bondinot, Efquire, or his Order, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, as a full Compenlation for his Time, Expences and Advances made whilft Com- miffary of Priloners, in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy- nine. Ordered, That Mr. Hugg do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence. The Petition of David Thompfon, and the Report of Mr. Clark thereon of the 19th Inftant, was read a fecond Time, and referred to next Sitting.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'CIock, P. M. The ( 9* )

The Houfe met.

The Members withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting 5 and being returned, the

Speaker refumed the Chair, and then the Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine of the Clock.

Wednefday, November 24, 1790.

The Houfe met. On Motion, Refolved, That the Clerk of the Affembly be directed to furnifh the Printer with a Copy of the Eledion Laws, and that the Printer be dire&ed to print the fame in One Hundred Bills, to be forwarded to the feveral Counties as foon as poffible. Ordered, That Mr. Imlay do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Petition from Mansfield, read on the 22d Inftant, was read a fecond Time; whereupon, Mr. G. Anderfon prefented a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petition, in- titled, An Act to empower the Inhabitants ofthe Town/tip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlingto'i, to choofe a Collector to do the Duty ofMofes Englifh, one of the late Collectors offaid Townjhip j which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An A3 to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Raritau, at the City of Neiv-Brunfwick, was read and compared. Refolved, That the lame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Kingjland do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is palled by this Houfe with their Amendments. The Bill, intitled, An A3 to raife the Sum of Fifteen Tboufand Pounds, for the Services of the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one, was read a fecond Tim?, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

Mr. Con-lit from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An A3 for building Bridges over the Rivers Paffaick and Hackinfack, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned, is palled by Council without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, An A3 for conflituting and appointing Truflees, to execute a>id fulfil the Truft repofed in the Executors of George Willocks, deceafed, fo far as relates to the Protefiant Epifcopal Churches in the Will of faid George Wil- locks, called Shrewsbury, Burlington and Hopewell, was read a lecond Time, de- bated, and ordered to be engroffed. The Petition from John Charlton, Executor, &c. of Richard Charlton, and the Petition oijohu Charlton and William Axtell, Guardians of the Children of the late Matthew Clarkfon, deceafed, ftating Demands againft the Eftate of David Qgden, Elquire, and the Petition of Jacob Dckay, ftating a Demand againft the Eftate of Jofeph Barton, were read and referred to the next Sitting.

Mr. Biddle, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 to repeal that Provifo at the End of the Paragraph relative to Coroners Fees in the A3, intitled, An A3for the better enabling the Judges andjuftices of this Co- lony to afcertain and tax Bills ofCofls, andfor making Provifion by Law for the Payment of the Services of the feveral Officers of the County, and for preventing the faid Officers from taking exorbitant Fees ; which Bill was read. On ( 9* )

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill be read a fecond Time ? It was car- ried in the Negative ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Bill do lie on the Table.

Mr. Rutbcrfurd, with Leave, prefented the following Resolution, which was agreed to.

Refolved, That Ifane Nenle and Daniel Lawrence be appointed to print the Laws of this State, which have been or fhall be paffed during the prefent Seffion of the Legiflature ; and alfo to print the Journals of the Proceedings of the Council, Affembly and Joint-Meeting, agreeably to the Terms prefcribed by Law.

Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be directed to forward- a Copy of the Laws and of the Journals to each of the following Perfons, viz. The Go- vernor of this State, the Juftices of the Supreme Court, the Secretary of State of the United State, the Senators and Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States, the Attorney-General, the Auditor of Accounts, the Secre- tary of the State, the Clerks of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, and of the Council and Affembly, and alfo to remit to the Clerk of the Council, for the Ufe of the Council, four Copies, and to the Clerk of the Affembly, for the Ufe of the Affembly, fix Copies ; and the faid Treafurer fhall alfo put up the Laws and Journals intended for the Officers and Inhabitants of each County in four fe- parate fealed Bundles, and fhall direct and forward a Bundle to each of the Mem- bers of the Legislature for each County, and the Proportion of the Laws and Journals for each County, mail be as follows, viz. For the County of Hunterdon, no Copies.

For the County of Burlington, 95. For the County of Monmouth, 65.

For each of the Counties of Middlefex, Somerfet and Gloucejler, 75. For each of the Counties of Bergen, Ejfex, Salem, Morris and Sujfex, 65.

For the County of Cumberland, 55. For the County of Cape-May, 35.

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Refolutions to the Council for Concurrence.

On Motion,

Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized to iffue a Certificate on lntereft at fix per Cent, unto James Perry and Thomas Hays, for the Amount of Two-thirds of £. 1496 o o, ariling from the Sale of the perfonal Property of James Perry, Thomas Hays and Miles Sherhrook, and paid into the Treafury of this State with the lntereft thereon from the Time in which the faid Sum was paid into the Treafury of this State ; which Sum was afcer- tained to be due to the faid James Perry and Thomas Hays, by Concurrence of this Houfe in the Report of their Committee on the 21ft of November, 17S8.

Ordered, That Mr. Linn do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to direel the Time and Mode of electing Reprefenta- tives in the Con&rcfs of the United States, for this State, was read a third lime.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative,

as follows ; Yeas. ( 93 )

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. G. Anderfon, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Aidcrfon, Mr. King/land, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Kitcbel, J. ' Mr. Benfori, Mr. Lowrev, Mr. Swain, Mr. Little,

Mr. B/r/://c', Mr. M'Do-well, Mr. Taj/flr, Mr. Mr©//. Mr. C/rfr£, Mr. Newbold, Mr. £. Torvnfend, Mr. Coo£, Mr. y^. ©£<&»; Mr. #. Town/end, Mr. Cripps, Mr. #. Og>/e/;, Mr. Vrcdcnbergh, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Runyau, Mr. Wade, Mr. £//0£T, Mr. Rutherfurd, Mr. /^W." Mr. Haukinfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. flogg, Mr. .SVwzf/;, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Zirr/e do carry the laid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

A Memorial from Samuel Forman, late Commiffioner of Forfeited Eflates in the County of Monmouth, was read, and ordered to lie on the Table. A Petition from Richard Cox, of the County of Monmouth, was read and re- ferred to the next Sitting.

The engrolTed Bill, intitled, An AS to raife the Sum of Fifteen thoufand Founds, for the Service of the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one, was read and compared.

On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows : Yeas. Nays. Mr. Sharp, Mr. G. Anderfon,

Mr. Smith, Mr. J. Anderfon, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Newbold. Mr. Swain, Mr. Taylor, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. R. Townfend. Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Wade, Mr. Wood. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered'* That Mr. Loxvrey do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concur- rence. Mr. Wade, with Leave, prefented the following Refolution, which was agreed to, to ivit : Whereas by fcveral Refolutions of the Legiflature, paffed in the Months of May and 'June lafl, the Treafurer of the State was directed to iffue a Certificate unto William AT. Bell, for Twenty-five Hundred and Fifty-fix Pounds and Four- pence, which faid Certificate the faid William M. Bell hath lince received : And whereas the faid William M. Bell is defirous that the faid Treafurer may be di- rected (on his delivering up the original Note, as above fpecified) to iffue a Num- ber of Notes to the faid William M. Bell, in Lieu thereof ; and as the faid Requeft appears to be jufi, therefore, Refohed, That the Treafurer of the State be, and he is hereby directed and required, to iffue unto William M. Bell, Certificates to the Amount of Twenty- five Hundred and Fifty-fix Pounds and Four-pence, with Intereft from the firft Z Day ( 94 )

Day of April laft, on his delivering up to the faid Treafurer a Certificate for the fame Sum figned by James Mott, Treafurer, which Certificates fhall be ill'ued in

the following Form, to ivit : "The State of Neic-Jerfey is indebted to William M. Bell, or Bearer, in the Sum of which faid Sum fhall be paid to the laid William M. Bell, or Bearer, with an Intereft of Six per Cent, per Annum from the firft Day of April laft ; and the Treafurer of the State is hereby direded and required to pay the In- tereft on the fame, as on other Certificates of this State." Ordered, That Mr. M'Doivell do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Rcfolvcd, That his Excellency the Governor of this State be requefted to write to the Governor of the State of New-York, dating the Injuftice done to the Citizens of this State by certain Laws of that State, depriving them of Payment for any Debts due from the Eftates of Perfons whofe Property has been confifca- ted to the Ufe of that State, and which Laws have occalioned fimilar Piefolutions by the Legiflature of this State, which will be relcinded in Cafe the Laws of that State on that Subjeft are repealed. Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The Bill, in titled, An Atl to empower the Inhabitants of tl e Town/lip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, to choofe a Colleft or to do the Duty of Mofes Englifo, one of'the late Colic ftors of faid Townflip, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. The Petition of John Smith, praying Compenfation for the Lofs of a Horfe taken from him by the Enemy in an Engagement during the late War, was read and referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to promote Arts, Agriculture and Manufaftures -within this State, was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engroffed. A Petition from Levi Selvers, fetting forth that he had purchafed a Real Eftate of the Commiffioners of Forfeited Eflates of the County of Hunterdon, as

the forfeited Property of John tabor Kemp and Grace his Wife ; that by a Trial in the Supreme Court, the Property appeared to be Rebecca Cox's, and the Pof- feffion taken from the Petitioner and delivered to her, and praying to be re-iro* burfed the Sum of Two Thoufand One Hundred and Sixty-eight Pounds, the Amount of the Purchafe Money paid the State for the fame, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Relief of the County of Sujfex, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the faid Bill do lie on the Table.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal fuch Parts of an Aft, inritlel, An Aft to afcertain the Sum to be raifed -within this State for the Year Seventeen Hundred and Ninety, and to efiablijh the Quotas of the feveral Counties thereof, as lays a Tax on covered Waggons ivithout Springs, and for other Purpofes therein men- ordered to lie the Table. tioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and on %

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Thurfday, November 25, 1790.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft for confituting and appointing Truflees U execute and fulfil the Trufis repofed in the Executors of George Willocks, deceafed, fi ( 95 )

fo far as relates to the Protejlant EpifcopaJ Churches in the Will of [aid George Willocks, called Shrewsbury, Burlington and Hopewell, was read and compared. Refohcd ir.ianimoitjly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do iign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Sivain do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of John Cox, Efquire, of Nottingham, in the County of Burlington, begs Leave to report, i. That on the firft Day of May, 1775, John B. Scott, of Newtown, in the County of Sujfex, executed a Bond to the faid John Cox, conditioned for the Pay- ment of Two Hundred Pounds, Principal, together with Intereft at fix per Centum per Annum, and for fecuring the Payment of faid Sum, together with the Inte- relt thtreon, executed a Mortgage on a Houfe and Lot of Land in Newtown a- forefaid, alio on twenty-five Acres of Meadow Land in the County of Morris. 2. That the faid John B. Scott joined the Britifh Troops during the late War, and that his Pioperty, including the Lands and Tenements contained in faid Mortgage, were confilcated to the Ufe of this State and fold, and that the Money ariftng from fuch Sale hath been paid into the Treafury of this State.

3. That there appears due to the faid John Cox, on laid Bond, the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, Principal, and One Hundred and Eighty-fix Pounds, Intereft. A Motion was made, that the Houfe go into a Refolution to direct the Trea- surer to iffue a Certificate to John Cox, Efquire, for Two Hundred Pounds, and the Intereft due thereon, after deducting (even Years and five Months Intereft. On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ? It was carried in the Ne-

gative ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table.

Mr. Randolph, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to appointing Ifaac Ncale and Daniel Lawrence to to print the Laws and Journals, and directing the Treafurer diftribute the fame ; that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Clerk of the AfTembly to furnifh the Printer with a Copy of the Election-Laws, &c. and that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate to John Black, Executor, &c. of Caleb Newbold, deceafed, for the Sum of £. 295, &c.

Mr. Randolph from Council alfo informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Ail for granting Power to the Commiffioners appointed by an Aft, intitled, An Aft for building Bridges over the Rivers PaJJ'aick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, to ere ft a Lottery, &c. And the Bill, intitled, An Aftfor altering and refettling Part ofthe boundary Line between the Counties of Somerfet and Middlcfex, are pafTed by Council without Amendment.

Mr. Cook, from the Committee appointed to fettle fuch public Accounts as fhould be referred to them during this prefent Sellion of the Legiflature, re- ported as follows :

That there appears to be due to Silvefler Tilton, as follows : viz. To Cafh paid Doctor Stockton, for Attendance and Medicine adminiftered to him when wounded in an Action with the Enemy, January ift, 1782, at Manahockin, £.600 To Cafh paid Doctor Aaron Swaine,for ditto, until July, 1782, as per Account, 36 10 o To Board and Nuriing during faid Time, 20 o o JOHN LAMBERT, ELLIS COOK. The ( 90 )

The Houfe having confidered the faid Report, Rcfohed, That the Treafurer be directed and empowered to pay to the faid Silvefter Tilton therein named, the Sums therein allowed. That Mr. A. Ogden do carry the faid Refolution and Report to the Council for Concurrence.

The Bill, intitled, An A3 to amend an Aft, intitlcd, An Acl to regulate tie Fijhcrics, and to prevent the Obft ruB ions of the Navigation in the River Dela- ware, was read a third Time. Refolved, That the fame do pais. Ordered That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. R. Ogden do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Newbold from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill, intitled, An Ailfor fixing a -permanent Seat of Government in this State, and for altering the Place of the firjl Meeting of the Legijlature after the annual Eleclions, without Amendment.

The Petition from John Van Bufkirk, and the Report of the Committee of

this Houfe thereon were read ; whereupon, Refolved, That the Treafurer be dire&ed to iffue a Certificate to John Van Bufkirk, for the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty-two Pounds Four Shillings and Three-pence, with Interefl at fix per Cent, from the firfl Day of September, 1784, it being the Amount of the Principal and Intereft due on a certain Bond given by John C. Myers to John Van Bufkirk, after deducting therefrom feven Years and five Months Intereft, if fo much remains in the Treaiury of the For- feited Eftate of the faid John C. Myers. Ordered, That Mr. Runjan do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Hoops from Council prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Acl; direcling the Time and Mode of colle cling the Arrearages of Taxes in the fever a I Counties of thjs State, with the Amendments made thereto, to which Amend-

ments he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill, with the Amend- ments made thereto were read, and the Amendments being read in their Places were agreed to by the Houfe, and ordered to be re-engroffed. On Motion, Ordered, That Mafiell Ezving, the Clerk of the Affembly, be directed to ap- ply to James Parker, Efquire, in whofe Charge and Care the Furniture of the Ge- neral Aifembly is at Amboy, and caufe them to be removed from Amboy to Tren-

ton, the Place eftablifhed by Law for the Seat of Government ; and the faid James Parker is hereby dire&ed to deliver the fame to the faid Mqfkell Ewing, or his Order, whofe Receipt therefor fhall be a fufficient Voucher to him for the Delivery of the fame. The Petition of William Bond was read a fecond Time, and referred to the next Sitting.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Acl to empower the Inhabitants of the Town- Jlrip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, to choofe a Colle ft or to do the Duty of Mofes Englif, one of the late Colleclors of faid Townfip, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Swain do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence. Refolved, 1 ( 97 )

Refohel, That the Treafurer and Auditor of Accounts be directed to examine all the neceliary Documents which they can procure, and ftate the Charges this Srate may have againft John Steyetis, juh. late Treafurer, and report the fame to the Legiflature at their nsxt Sitting.

Ordere I, That Mr. Sharp do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

Rcfuhed, That the Treafurer of the State be directed to recover the Payment of a Sum remaining due on a Bond and Mortgage from William, Eail of Ster- ling, to Stepiien Skinner, and which is in the Poffeffion of the faid Treafurer as the Property of the State. Ordered, That Mr. Smith do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

Whereas Robert Morris, Efquire, in Behalf of the Eftate of Robert Hunter Mo) ris, Elquire, deccafed, hath exhibited to the Judges of the Court of Common PJeas in the County of Morris for Adjuflment, large Demands againft the Ellate

at David Ogden, Efquire, whole Eftate became forfeited to this State; and as it is neceffary that Counfel fbould be employed in Behalf of this State, in order thaC

Juftice may be done ; Therefore,

Refolvcd, That the Treafurer of the State be authorized to employ Abraham Og- den and Aaron Ogdct, Efqrs. to appear in Behalf of this State in adjufting and fet- tling the Accounts fo exhibited by Robert Morris, Efquire, againft the Eftate of the faid David Ogden, Efquire, and that he pay them fuch Sums as he fhall deem a- dequate to the Services performed. Ordered, That Mr. Hvgg do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An All to promote Arts, Agriculture and Manu- factures iii it hin this State, was read and compared.

On the Qucftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays.

Mr. Cook, Mr. Runyan, Mr. J. Andcrfon, Mr. King/land,, Mr. D. Vroonit Mr. Ratherfuvd, Mr. Mr. Elmer, Mr. Sharp, Mr. llaukinfon, Mi'. Smith, Mr. lmlay, Mr. St ill-well, Mr. Linn, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Little, Mr. E. Toiunfend, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. M'Do'well, Mr. Wade, Mr. A. Ogden, Mr. Wood, Mr. R. Ogden, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered That Mr. Stockton do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur* rence.

The Bill, intitled, An Aci for defraying fundry Incidental Charges, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. A Memorial from John Stevens, Efquire, praying a Committee may be ap- pointed to meet for the Purpofe of fettling and adjufting the Accounts which are yet unfettled between the State and his Son John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, be- fore whom he may appear with his Books for Settlement. Ordered, That an Hearing be granted to Mr. Stevens, the late Treafurer, on

A a the ( P8 ) the fecond Thurfday of the next Sitting, and that he be informed by the Clerk of this Houfe, that the Houfe expert and require that the Books of the faid John Stevens, fo far as they refpecT: this State, be then produced and laid before the Houfe, and that the fame Books, or an authenticated Copy thereof, be thereafter lodged in the Office of the prelent Treafurer of this State.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft directing the Ti?ne and Mode of collecting the Arrearages of Taxes in the feveral Counties of this State, was read and com- pared. Refolved unanimmjly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Taylor do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is palled by this Houle with their Amendments. Refolved, That the Treafurer of the State be directed to afcertain the Sum that is due to this State, on Account of the Money loaned by the Commiffioners of the Loan Office in the Year 1776, and that he report the fame to the Lcgiflature at the next Sitting. Ordered, That Mr. E. Towuj"end do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Refolved, That the Secretary of the State be directed to prepare an exempli- fied Copy of an Act, intitled, An Ailfor vcfling in the United States of Amet ica the Jurisdiction of a Lot ofLand at Sandy Hook, in the County of Monmouth, and that he deliver the fame to his Excellency the Governor of this State, to be by him tranfmitted to the Prefident of the United States. Ordered, That Mr. Swain do carry the laid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

Refolved, That the Treafurer be, and he is hereby direfted to defift from any further Payments of Intereft on Continental Certificates, after the firft Day of February next, and that he be inftrufted to deliver to the Auditor of this btate, all Vouchers for Payments of Intereft made on fuch Certificates iince (or not in- cluded in) the late Settlement, and the Receipt of the Auditor for fuch Vouchers fhall be deemed fufficient in the next Settlement of the Treafurtr's Accounts with the State, fo far as the fame extends. Ordered, That Mr. R. Toiunfend do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

A Certificate of Half-Pay, adjudged by the Court of Quarter-Seffions of the Peace of Morris County, in Favor of Martha Treeleafe, late Martha Lyon, who was Widow of Henry Lyon, deceafed, late Soldier in the firft Jerfey Regiment in the Service of the United States, for the Amount of her former Hufband s Half- Pay, was read and approved. Ordered, That a Warrant do itTue in Favor of the faid Martha Treeleafe, for 27/6 per Month, from the firft Day of Augujl, 17,78, to the tenth Day of May, 1788. of the A Certificate of Half-Pay, adjudged by the Court of Quarter-Seffions Peace of Morris County, in Favor of Elizabeth Wordun, Widow of Sanu/J United States, Wordun, late a Sergeant in the Jerfey Brigade in the Service of the was read and approved. Ordered, That a Warrant do iffue in Favor of the faid Elizabeth Wordun, for late horn the firft 3oj-. per Month, being the Amount of her Hufband's Half-Pay, Day of November, during her Widowhood. 1779, A ;

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A Certificate of Half- Pay, adjudged by the Court of Quarter-Seffio^s of the Peace of Morris County, in Favor of Phebe Leonard, late Phcbc Lunn, formerly Widow of 'Squire Lunn, late an Enljgn in General Herd's Brigade of thh State, in the Service of the United States, was read and approved. Ordered, That a Warrant do ilTue in Favor of the faid Phebe Leonard, hts Pbebe Lunn, for Ten Dollars per Month, from the fixth Day of Augufl, 1776, to the twenty-third of April, 1778, being the Amount of her late Hufbamfs Half-Pay.

Mr. Kitcbel, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, A Supple-

ment to an A3, intitled. An A3 for the Relief and Support of' maimci and dif- abled Officers, Soldiers and Seamen, and of the Widows and Child} en offitch as fall in Battle, or other-wife lofe their Lives in the military and naval Service which Bill was read, and referred to the next Sitting.

The Petition from Levi Selvers * the Petition from Nicholas Popart * the Petition from Fulkert Dow, and others, and the Petition from David Baird, were feverally read and referred to the next Sitting.

Refohsd, That the Treafurer be, and he is hereby direfted to pay unto Catha- rine Piatt, on the Warrant iffued for her late Hufband s Half Pay, the Sum of Eighty-four Pounds Seven Shillings and Six-pence, which will complete (even Years Half-Pay of her late Hufband s, and the Receipt of the faid Catharine Piatt for the aforefaid Sum fhall be a fufficient Voucher with the Treafurer in the Set- tlement of his Accounts. Ordered, That Mr. Wood do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act for defraying fundry Incidental Charges, was read and compared. Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the lame. Ordered, That Mr. Vredenbergh do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Ellis from the Council informed the Houfe, that Council had difagreed to the Refolution relative to requeuing his Excellency the Governor to write to the Governor of New-Tork, &c. That Council had rejected the Bill, intitled. An AcT: to promote Arts, Agriculture and Manufactures ; that Council had palled the Bill, intitled. An A3 to raife the Sum of Fifteen Tbovfand Pounds for the Service of the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one ; that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to recover a Sum remaining due on a Bond from Lord Sterling to Stephen Skinner, and the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer and Auditor to examine the neceffary Docu- ments, and ftate the Charges of the State againd John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer; the Refolution relative to authorizing the Treafurer to employ Abraham Orden and Aaron Ogicn, Efquires, as Counfel in fettling certain Accounts exhibited by Robert Morris, Efquire, againft the Eftate of David Oglen, Efquire, &c. the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to pay unto Eli/ha Bou linot, Efquire, the Sum of £. 100, for his Time, Expences and Advances as CommilTary of

Prifoners ; the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to ilTue unto Willi- am M. Bell Certificates to the Amount of £. 2556 o 4, upon his delivering up to the Treafurer a certain Certificate, &c. and the Refolution relative to diiect- ing the Treafurer to pay unto Silvefler Tilton, the Sum allowed by a Report of

a Committee, to wit : £. 62 10 o, &c.

The Houfc adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.

Friday, ( 100 )

Friday, November 26, 1790.

The Hcufe met.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive Part of an Act to empower the Iuluri- the tants of Town/hips of Bridge-water and Be'dmiufer, in the County of Somcrfet, to rpair their public Highways by Hire, and to raife Money for' tint Purpcfe, was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engroiTed.

The engrofled Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive Part of an Aft to empower the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Bcdminjler, in the County of Sower-jet, to repair their public Highways by Hire, and to raife Money for that Turpofc, was read and compared. Refohed unanimoufy, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do lign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Linn do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Refohed, That the Treafurer be directed to iffue to Moore Furman, Efquire, Agent of Forfeited Efiates for the County of Hunterdon, a Certificate or Cerrifi- cates for the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eight-pence, with Intereft from the 18th of November, 1786, and that the Older of the Le- giflafuxc of the 25th of November, 1789, for iffuing a Certificate to the laid Moore Furman for the faid Sum, be and the fame is hereby revoked. Ordered, That Mr. Cooper do carry the laid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

The Warrant entitling Phebe Leonard, late Phebe Lunn ; the Warrant en- titling Elizabeth Wordun, and the Warrant entitling Martha Trccleafe, late Martha Lyon, feverally to draw the Amount of their late Hufbands' Half-Pay, were read, approved, and ordered to be figned. Ordered, That Mr. Lovjrey do carry the faid Warrants to Council for Con- currence.

The Bill, intitled, An At~l to enable the Inhabitants of the Town of Salem to maintain their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpcfe, was read and referred to the next Sitting.

Mr. Mayhevj from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to afcertain the Sum that is due to this State on Account of the Monies loaned by the Commiffioners of the Loan-Ofiice, &c. And the Refolution relative to directing the Secretary of the State to prepare an exemplified Copy of an Act, intitled, An Aft for vejiiug in the United States, the Jurifdiftion of a Lot of Laud at Sandy Hook, &c. The" Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to defift from any further Payment of Intereft on Continental Certificates, &c. The Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to pay unto Catharine Piatt, for her late Hufbands Half-Pay, tie Sum of £.84 7 6, &c. And the Bill, intitled, An Aft for confituting and ap- •^ pointing Trujlecs to execute andfulfil the Truft repofed in the Executors of George Willocks, deceafe.l, fo far as relates to the P rotejlant Epifcopal Churches iifthc

Will of thefaid George W i Hock r, called Shrewsbury, Burlington and Hopewell ; the Bill, intitled, An Aft empowering the Townfhip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, to choofe a Collector to do the Duty of Mofes Englif, one of the hue Collectors of faid Townfhip ; the Bill, intitled, An Aft to revive Part of an Aft to empower the Inhabitants of the Townfip of' Bedminjlc , in the County of So;::cr- fet, to repair their public Highways by Hire, and to raife Money for that Pur- pofe ; and the Bill, intitled, An Aftfor defraying fundry Incidental CI. arges, are paffed by Council without Amendment. The Houfe rofe without Day.

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