
( / /vw ' VOTES•*" A & D ROCEEDINGS I OF THE FIFTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ATEV O F I NEW-JERSEY. \ta Seflion begun at Burlington the 26th Day of October, 1790, and continued by Adjournments. BEING THE FIRST SITTING. BURLINGTON: PRINTED BY NEALE AND LAWRENCE. M.DCC.XC. f'miwmmi ^SS» \ # 4 LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL, Bergen, Peter Haring, f Effex, John Condit, A liddlefex, Samuel Randolph, Monmouth, o Elifha Lawrence, V. P. Somcrfct, Frederick Frelinglmyfen, u Burlington, o William Newbold, c Gloiicejler, o Jofcph Ellis, \ Efquirss, Salem, ^ "i John Mayhew, Cape-May, Js Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, £""* John Lambert, Morris, William Woodhull, Cwnberla;;J, Samuel Ogden, Suffix, .Robert Hoops, IT ST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. f-ftaac Nicoll, Bergen, < John A. Benfon, C P'dmund W. Kingfland, ^-Jonas Wade, Effkx, < Jonathan Dayton, Speaker, (-Abraham Ogden, r Thomas M'Dowell, Middlcfex, } Peter Vredenbeigh, \John Runyan, Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, VPhomas Little, (John Imlay, (- Robert Stockton, Somerfet, ^ Peter D. Vroom, (James Linn, ^•Jofeph Biddle, Burlington, ^Daniel Newbold, ^George Anderfon, rjofeph Cooper, Glouccjler, 1 Thomas Clark, Squires, Samuel Hugg, (-•Samuel .Sharp, Salem, sjohn Smith, ^Benjamin Cripps, Townfend, r Elijah Cape May, ^Nezer Swain, < Richard Townfend, rjohn Anderfon, Hunterdon, ^Thomas Lowrey, ^John Taylor, r Ellis Cook, Morris, p Aaron Kitchel, ^•Jacob Arnold, rJohn Burgin, Cumberland, 3Ebenezer Elmer, CRichard Wood, jun. C Aaron Hankinfon, Suffex, vjohn Rutherfurd, C Robert Ogden, «;,^^^«K^^^^^^»^^^^^^^^^^ ( 5 ) 1 VOTESI t ,'TT PROCEEDINGSAND OF THE FIFTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATEOF THE O F NEW-JERSEY. Burlington, Tuefday, October 26, 1790. THIS being the Time and Place appointed by Law for the firft Meeting of the fifteenth General Affembly, the following Perfons attended, to ivit : Ifaac Nicoll and Edmund William King/land, returned as two of the Reprefen- tatives of the County of Bergen ; Jonathan Dayton, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of EJfex ; Thomas M'Doivell and John Runyau, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Middlesex ; Jofeph Still-well, Thomas Little and Imlay, as Reprefentatives of the County of John Monmouth ; Jofeph Bid- die, Daniel Nexuhold and George Anderfon, as Reprefentatives of the County of Burli'igton; Jofeph Cooper and Samuel Hugg, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucejler ; John Smith, as one the Reprefentatives of the County of Salem ; Elijah Toivnfend, Nezer Sivain, and Richard Townfend, as Reprefentatives of the County of Cape-May ; Aaron Kitchel, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Morris ; John Burgin, Ehcnezer Elmer and Richard Wood, jan. as Reprefentatives of the County of Cumberland ; and Aaron Hankinfon, John Rutherfurd and Robert Ogden, as Reprefentatives of the County of Sujfex. The refpedtive Certificates of their Eledion were read, approved, and ordered to be filed. George Anderfon, Efq. was appointed, agreeably to the Conflitution, to qualify Jonathan Dayton, Efq. who being du- ly fworn, took his Seat accordingly ; and the remaining Perlons returned as Reprefentatives, Being qualified by the faid Jonathan Dayton, took, their Seats in the Houfe, B The ( 6 ) The Houfe proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker, when the Honorable Jona- than Dayton, Efquire, was unanimoufly chofen, and accordingly placed in the Chair. The Houfe proceeded to the Election of a Clerk, when Majkell Ewing was una- nimoufly chofen. Mafkell Ewing attended; and after taking the Oath of Allegiance, and alio an Oath for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, he took his Seat as Clerk of the Houfe. Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll do wait on the Council, and acquaint them that the Houfe of Affembly have this Day proceeded to Bufinefs, and have chofen the Honorable Jonathan Dayton, Efquire, their Speaker. Refolved, That George Smith be Doorkeeper to the Houfe during the pre- fent Sitting. Ordered, That Meffrs. Ruthcrfurd, Elmer and Little, be a Committee to ex> amine the Minutes of the lad Sitting, and report fuch Bufinefs as was referred, or remains unfinilhed. A Meffage from the Council was delivered by Mr. Randolph, informing, that a fufficient Number of Members of that Houfe have this Day m:t, ele&ed the Honorable Elijha Lawrence, Efquire, Vice-Prejident, and proceeded to Bufi- nefs. The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Ten o'Clock. Wednefday, Oclober 17, I 79 <3- The Houfe met. Ellis Cook returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Morris, ap- Certificate his Election peared in the Houfe, and produced the of ; which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed; whereupon, being duly fworn, he took rendered an Excule for his Non- Attendance his Seat in the Houfe ; and having before this Time, Refolved, That the fame is fatisfadory. Ordered, That Mr. Cook, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. R. Ogden, be a Committee to report Rules and Regulations for the better Government of the Houfe. Ordered, That Meffrs. R. Ogden, Elmer, and Ruthcrfurd, be a Committee to examine and correct the Minutes of the Houfe. On Motion, Refolved, That Meffrs. Kitchel, Rutherfurd and Aiderfori, be authorized to, purchafe of the Executors of the Laft Will and Teftament of David Brearlcy, Ef- quire, deceafed, for the Ufe of this State, fuch printed Laws and other Papers rela- tive to the State, as they fhall conceive to be ufeful to the Legiflature. Ordered, That Meffrs. Nicoll, Cooper and Neiuhold, be a Committee to pre- pare and prefent a Bill for defraying incidental Charges. Ordered, That Meffrs. Cook, Burgin, Biddle, Wood and King/land, or any three the of them, be a Committee for the prefent Seffion, to join a Committee ot Council, on fuch public Accounts as may be referred to them during the Sitting lor of the Legiflature; that the faid Committee fettle and report all Accounts, the Payment of which, when fettled, Provifion is already made by Law; and Bill for de- that they deliver all others to the Committee appointed to bring in a fraying incidental Charges. Ordered, . ( 7 ) Ordered, That Mr. G. Andcrfon do wait on the Council, and requeft them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfc for the above Purpofe. Ordered, That Meffrs. R. Ogden, Wood, Elmer, Rutherfurd, Imlay, G. Ander- fou, and R. To-unfcnd, or any three of them, be a Committee to join a Com- mittee of the Council, to fettle the Accounts of the Trcafurer; and that Mr. G. Andcrfon do wait on the Council, and requeft. them to appoint a Committee, to join the Committee of this Houle for that Purpofe. Refolved, That the Speaker have Power, during the Seflion, to convene the General AlTembly whenever any extraordinary Occaiion fhall, in his Opinion, render it neceffary. Refolved, That the Gallery be open, and that the Inhabitants of the State be permitted to be prefent at the tranfading the Bufinefs of the Houfe, except on fuch particular Occations as in the Opinion of the Houfe may require Secrecy. The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M. The Houfe met. Abraham Ogden returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Ef- fex ; John Andcrfon, John 'Taylor and Thomas Lowrey, returned as Reprefenta- tives of the County of Hunterdon ; James Linn, Peter D. Vroom and Robert Stockton, returned as Reprefentatives of the County of Somerfet ; Peter Vrcdcn- bergh,]\m, returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Middlefcx ; Cripps, returned as the Reprefentatives Benjamin one of of the County of Salem ,- and Thomas Clark, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucefter appeared in the Houfe, and produced the refpedive Certificates of their Eledion • read, approved, ordered to be filed which were and ; whereupon, being duly qua- lified the their Seats in by Speaker, they took the Houfe ; and having feverally rendered to the Houfe an Excufe for their Non-Attendance before this Time Refolved, That the fame is fatisfadory. A Meffage from the Plonorable the Vice-Prefident, was prefented by the Se- cretary of the State, accompanied by the following Papers, to ivit : No. i. A Letter from Thomas Jejfcrfon, Efq. Secretary of State. 2. An Aft of Coiigrefs for eftablifhing the temporary and permanent Seat of the Government of the United States. 3. An Ad to provide for the Payment of the Invalid Penfioners of the United States. 4. An Ad giving Effed to an Ad, intitled, An Aft providing for the Enu- meration of the Inhabitants ofthe United States, in Refpett to the State ofRhode- Ijland and Providence Plantations. 5. An Ad to fatisfy the Claim of John M'Cord againfl the United States; and an Ad for the Relief of Nathaniel Tivininp. 6. An Ad providing the Means of Intercourfe between the United States and Foreign Nations. 7. An Ad to authorize the Purchafe of a Trad of Land, for the Ufe of the United States. 8. A Letter from Thomas Jejfcrfon, Efq. Secretary of State. 9. An Ad of Congrefs impofing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or VefTels. 10. An Ad for the Government and Regulation of Seamen in the Merchants' Service. 1 1 An Ad to amend the Ad for the Eflablifhment and Support of Light- Houfes, Beacons, Buoys, and public Piers. 12. An ( 8 ) 12. An Aft to regulate Trade and Intercourfe with the Indian Tribes. 13. An Aft providing for holding a Treaty or Treaties, to eftablifh Peace with certain Indian Tribes. 14. A Letter from the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States. 15. A Refolution of Congrefs, refpefting the Terms for which the prefent Members of Congrefs were chofen and to remain. 16. A Letter from Thomas Jejferfon, Efq. Secretary of State. 17. A Refolution of Congrefs, relative to the Salary of the Clerks in the Of- fice of the Commiffioner of Army Accounts.
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