Class _4JL_^_^j^i Book s??:^^ BMITHSONMAN DEPOSIT : ^ PROCEEDINGS N K \V J E R S E Y HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SECOND SERIES. VOL. III. 1872—1874 NEWARK, N . J . PIUNTKD AT THK DAILY ADVEKTISKli OFFICE. 1 874. ti,(iM: ¥kble of dor\tei)t><. PAOK Proceedings at Newark, May IGtli, 187 2, 1 Monmouth Coiiuty during the Provincial Era—by Hon. Joel Parker. 15 Proceedings at Trenton, January ICth, 1873, . - . 49 Old Fort or Block House at Trenton—by Mr. Charles Mogill, - Gl Pajssage from the Journals of Rev. Manasseh Oiitlcr. LL.D., referrin;^: to New Jersc}-, Pennsylvania and Ohio in 1787-8. - - T-'> Proceedings at Newark, May 15th, 1873, 98 List of Original Documents deposited with the Sociely by Mrs Char- lotte Ruthcrfurd, 110 Diary of Dr. Jabez Campliold, durin<^ Sullivan's Expedition, 1779, lir> Proceedings at Trenton, January 15th, 1874, - - - - 137 Proceedings at Newark, May 2 1st. 1874. 101 Report on the Extent and Condition of tlie Records of Bergen County, by William Nelson. 174 Letters from Richard Stockton to John Rutherfurd, Senators from New Jersey in 1798. 181 Index, 191 EI^K>j^T^. Page G4, for " Rev. J. S. Tiittlc " read Rev. J. F. Tnttle. " G4, line 14. for " 1800-71 " read 1870-71. " 64, line 25, for " Oallender " read CnleniJar. " r>7, line 14, for " Clevical " read Cervical. " 72, for "1872" read 181?,. " 1?.7, for "Vol. TV" read Vol. III. " " " 149, for May 1 read January \5th. " I r, I, for "May 20th" read i<in)r''21.s<. ' 170, for "S. P. Crayon " read J. T. Crayon. -'/)• 'y PROCEEDINGS OF THE clu Itrscg Jistflriciil ^0cid2. SKCONID SKRIES Vol. III. 1872. No. 1 Newark, May 16th, 1872. Tn accordance with llic By-Laws, the Society met in tlieir rooms at 12 M. The President, the Rkv. RAV.A.rn K. RitofiKus, I). I)., look the chair. The second Vice-President, Rkv. Samiki. M. IIamii.k, D.D.. was also present. ViM. David A. IIavks, the Recording Secretary, presented the iiiiniit(>s ol" tlie hist meeting, which were read and approved. Mk. ~\V"ii.lia.\i a. Wiiitkhkad, Corresponding Secretary, made a report of the correspondence of the Society since January, and presented letters of acceptance from a number of gentlemen elected to resident membership; and from the Hon. Tennis G. Bergen, of Long Island, N. V., and tlie Rev. William Stevens Perry, D.l)., acknowledging their election as Honorary Mcnilters. The Historical Socieli<'S of Maine, New Hampshire. Massacliu.setts. Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Haven Colony, New ^'ork, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, Georgia, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, the Essex Massa- chusetts Institute, New England Historic and (Genealogical Society, Smithsonian Institute, and New Jersey State Librarian, acknowledged the receipt of the Society's recent publications. From the superin- tendents of the Coast Survey ; the Rev. D. Bradlee, of Boston C. ; and the Mercantile Library Association; Mr. William Vanderpool, of Newark, and Mr. William Nelson, of Paterson, were letters -' MKKTI.N'fr IN N'KWARK. accoiiipaiiyiii^tr donations to tlio library : from Adjutant (Jenoral Strvkor, of Trenton, relative to the publication of his roster of New Jersey troops ; from Charles Whittlesey, President of the Western Reserve Historical Societ}', enquiring for information relating to Col. John Bradstroet's expedition, in October, 1764; from the Mr. Wm. J. Bruce, of Pittston, Pa., relative to the time, place and manner of the announcement of the Declaration of Independence at Morris- town, Xew Jersey fmni llampsliire, ; the State Librarian of Xew proposing an exchange of books ; and from other persons having reference to the operations of the Societ}-. The Secretary stated that, to the communications of Messrs. Whit- tlesey and Bruce, he had been unable to return any satisfactory answers, there being no information on the subjects referred to in the library of the Society. He also submitted to the Society a " Certified copy of a Supplement to an Act, entitled an Act for the better preservation of the early records of the State of New Jersey," passed by the Legislature at the last session, at the instance, and through the influence of the Hon. Nathaniel Niles, Speaker of the House of Assembly. Mr. Sa.muki. H. Coxgar submitted his report of donations re- ceived for the library sinct- January, which will be found on a subsequent page. The Treasurer, Col. Robkrt S. Sword-s, reported a balance in the treasury of $706.63. Dr. Pknxixotox, from the Committee on Publications, reported the issue since the last nieeting of another number of the "Proceed- ings," which completed, in print, all the transactions of the Society to the present time. The seventh volume of the " Collections" con taining Judge Elmer's New Jersey Reminiscences, had also been published since January and had int-t willi a very satisfactory recep- tion from the public. Tlic ( 'onunittee renewed the suggestion, pre- viously made, that the members unsupplied with full sets of tlie Society's publications should secure them without delay, as but few copies were lefl of some of thi- vuliniies. Mr. Dkxni.s presented the report of the Committee on the Library, congratulating the members on the growth of that necessary adjunct — MKKTING IN NKWARK. .t of the Society, but regretting that through the inadequacy of the Library Fund its growth was dependent on donations alone. "The success which has attended the Society so far"—said the Committee "the accumulations of the historical treasures we possess, and the conveniences and fiicilities afforded for research, have not been with- out pecuniary cost to the earlier members, and we, who have succeeded them, should not intermit our exertions to carry forward the work so well established, and heretofore so generously sustained"—and an urgent appeal was made for further subscriptions to the Fund. Mk. II.\yi:s IVdiii th(> ("ommiltcc on Xominations reported favorably upon a number of gentlemen proposed for membership at the last meeting, who were thereupon duly elected ; and new nominations were received. (Communications to the ."society being in order, the PRKSinKXT presented with appropriate remarks, engraved portraits of the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, from 1813 to 1850, and of Mrs. Miller; and also ol" the Rev. Jacob Kirkpatrick. ^Ih. ?Iayks presented a lithographic portrait of Samuel Southard, Senator of New Jersey, &c. Mr. G. N. Abkel presented through Mr. Hayes, several printed Rewards and Merits received by General Philip Kearney, when a child, from his instructor, H. G. IJfford. Mr.Whitkhkad presented a communication from the Rev. Jo.^ei'ii F. TuTTLE, D.D., President of the Wabash College, transmitting copious extracts from a Joiirii;il kept by the Hev. Manasseh ( 'ntler, LL.D., during journeys to and from Ohio in 17S7-S giving descrip- tions of various places in New Jersey at that time, the reading of which was listened to with much interest. Mu. Wii.i.i.wi \' ANOKHiMKti, presented a copy of a very rare pamphlet, containing the trial of the suit of Eunice Hall vs. Robert Grant, for slander, which created great exciti'inent in Xew Jersey, in IS'Jl. Mr. WniTKUKAD presented a manuscript journal kept on beard 4 MKKTINC, IN NKWAHK. hiT Majesty's ship, Chester, in 17 Ki :iiid 17 17, while acting with fleets at rjonisburfrh. and on the coasts of America and rortugal. Ass<'ssnient lists for I'erth Anihoy in the years 1801, l.SO:>. and ISOt. and lists of panpeis in the township of \Voodhrid>:(' in 17!i7, 17rtS, 17'.tfi, ISOO.and ISOI, with an acconnt of the amount of theex- ponditure of the poor nites— in the hand writing of James Parker, the late vencrahlc Prcsidonl of the Society. Hon. X.\th.\niki. Nii.ks olVcred the followinir rreanilile and Kesolutioii : WiiKKKAS nearly all tiie olTicial (loouniciits roniKH-ti-d witli the atliiiiiiist ration of publie ofticer.s in New Jersey, durin}; the Colonial period, prior to 1776, are now in the State Paper Offices of England, and. Whereas, the said documents contain a large portion of the History of New Jer.sey during that period of which the iState has now no record, and. Whereas, an appropriation of three thon.'^and dollars was made by the Legislature of 1872, towards procuring coj)ies of said documents, said sum to be expended \ni<ler the direction of the New Jersey Historical Society, therefore be it Re.iolved, That a Committee be appointed by the President, to procure copies of said documents for the State Lilirary and for publication, and to carry out the provi.sions of .said act, and that the authority thus vested in said Conniiittee be ccrtifie<l to tlieni In* the proper officers, under the Seal of the Societ.v. Mh. Nii.ks remarked that the Act of tlie Legislature rel'erred to in the Kesolutioii was oidy tiie consummation of a purpose originating with Mr. AV'hitehcad in 1S4J5, two years before the organization td" the Society, which was cordially indorsed by Governor Haines, and recommended in two of his mess iges, but failed to secure the ap- proval of the Legislature, altliough favorable reports were made from the Committees to which u,. "ibject was referred. There could he no (piestion as t(. the propriety of tlie measure, and doiilitli'ss tlio success which would attend the execution of this .\ci would k-ad to others of tlie kind. M i{. W iiiTKiiKAii said it gave him great ph'asure to second the resolution. The project could now Ik- |irosecute(l to a siiccessl'ul result under more favorable circumstances than when originally pre- sented, for after the repeated failures in ISJI], ISII.
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