April 2020 Price 60p The magazine for the town & parish of St Columb Major, providing community news & information for over 30 years. Town & Country 2 WHO'S WHO AT ST COLUMB PARISH CHURCH Christ the Redeemer Parish Priest: Helen Baber 880252 Our front page picture usually reflects Asst. Curate: Tess Lowe events in St Columb or perhaps something for the church season. Lay Minister: Philip Tremain 881041 This month for Easter we feature the Churchwarden: Colin Rescorla 880629 statue of Christ the Redeemer high PCC Vice Chair: Jill Merrifield 880558 above the city of Rio, Brazil. In consideration of the international PCC Secretary: Denise Tremain 881041 threat of coronavirus it is illuminated PCC Treasurer & Celia Webber 881640 with the flags of the countries which Gift Aid: have been afflicted. Planned giving: Jill Merrifield 880558 We hope and plan to continue with the Electoral Roll: Colin Rescorla 880629 production of "Town & Country" each month during the present crisis but Health & Safety: Philip Tremain 881041 that of course depends on the good Safeguarding: Sue Rescorla 880629 health of the editors, the printers, and Organist: Keith Rusling 07900 556075 for around 12% of readers, the postmen. Subscribers who receive a Tower Captain: Philip Tremain 881041 paper copy each month may like to Benefice Office 880252 email
[email protected] to 1 Tippet Meadow, St Columb, TR9 6TY register for an electronic copy if that is preferred or should it become the only Benefice website: www.lannpydar.org.uk medium available. Town & Country is edited by Phil & Denise Tremain, 24 Penkernick Way, St Columb, 01637-881041 and is published by the St Columb Major PCC.