Akaki Final Report

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Akaki Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS I. MAIN REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………. IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................V 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1 2. POLLUTION STATUS AND THE VAROUS IMPACTS ON THE AKAKI RIVER.......4 2.1. Major Contributors to the Pollution of the Akaki River............................... 4 2.1.1. Municipal Solid Waste............................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2. Domestic Sewage........................................................................................................ 6 2.1.3. Industrial Waste........................................................................................................... 7 2.1.4. Waste from Other Sources ........................................................................................10 2.2. Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts............................................ 13 2.2.1. Human Health and Ecological Impacts ..................................................................................13 2.2.2. Socio-Economic Impacts.........................................................................................................16 2.3. Summary........................................................................................................ 17 3. POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN ETHIOPIA..................................................................................19 3.1. Policy and Legislative Framework .............................................................. 19 3.2. Institutional Set-Up and Responsibilities ................................................... 22 3.3. Capacities and Gaps for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis of the Akaki Rivers .................................................................................................... 24 3.4. Summary........................................................................................................ 30 4. PAST AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMMEMES RELATED TO THE AKAKI RIVER...........................................................................................................31 5. STAKEHOLDERS ANALYSIS ...................................................................................34 REFERENCES................................................................................................................39 II. BOXES Box 1: Number of Industrial Establishments in Ethiopia…………………………...8 Box 2: Different polluting sources in Addis Ababa and the surroundings……….12 Box 3: Source for drinking water for urban and rural population in Ethiopia……15 Box 4: The Ethiopian Water Resources Management Regulations…………….. 20 Box 5: The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Legislation………………..21 Box 6: The Pollution Control Proclamation………………………………………....21 Box 7: Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations………………….21 III. FIGURES Figure 1: Location map of the study area………………………………………….45 Figure 2: The city of Addis Ababa and the surrounding………………………….46 Figure 3: Waste point (industrial) and diffuse (litter) sources in the Akaki River………………………………………………………………………..47 IV. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Comments presented by the stakeholders at the Consultative Forum, June 6-7, 2005, Addis Ababa……………………………...49 Appendix 2a: Pollution loads of industrial effluents from sample industries in Addis Ababa.................................................................................50 Appendix 2b: The toxic effects of compound used by the different industries situated in Addis Ababa and the surroundings.............................51 Appendix 3: The level of different pollutants in the streams in and around Addis Ababa..........................................................................................52 Appendix 4: Ethiopian policies, legislations and regulations with relevance to environmental management, pollution and water quality issues...........................................................................................64 Appendix 5: Institutional framework for environmental management in Ethiopia..................................................................................................67 5a: Diagrammatic representation of the framework for environmental management in Ethiopia.......................................67 5b: The responsibilities of the main agencies in the Ethiopian Government with environmental mandates..................................69 Appendix 6: Identified problematic areas for the management of water resources in Ethiopia....................................................................72 Appendix 7: Questionnaire used to survey of institutional capacity in managing the water resources of the Akaki River........................74 Appendix 8: Water quality parameters measured in some institutions with laboratory facilities for assessing water quality............................76 Appendix 9: A summary of pollution related activities on the Awash and Akaki Rivers undertaken by several local and international institutions.....................................................................................81 Appendix 10a: Standards for discharges to water bodies from specified industrial sectors…………………………………………………… 92 Appendix 10b: General standards for all other industrial effluents..…………… 98 II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The consultant gratefully acknowledges the enthusiastic support received from officials and researchers of the various institutions in the country. The appreciation extends to: • Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority • Addis Ababa University • Clean and Green Addis Ababa Society • Dynamic Sanitary Services • Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center (ECPC) of the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission (ESTC) • Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) • Federal Environmental Protection Authority • Health Bureau of the Addis Ababa City Administration • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Water Resources • Oromia Environmental Protection Office • Oromia Health Bureau • Oromia Water Resources Bureau The consultant also appreciates the useful inputs provided by the participants of the National Roundtable on the Programme for Sustainable Consumption and Production in Akaki River Basin (held on the 6th and 7th of June 2005 in Addis Ababa) on the draft version of this report. Moreover the consultant is extremely grateful for the opportunity provided to him by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Ethiopian Science Technology Commission (ESTC). These two organizations were the driving forces behind the initiation and the development process of the program. In this regard the consultant would like to particularly mention H.E. Commissioner Mulugeta Amha (ESTC), Dr. Strike Mkandla (Resident Representative of UNEP in Ethiopia) Dr. Desta Mebratu (UNEP Nairobi), Ato Gashaw Gebeyehu (Currently with the United Nations Industrial Development Program, UNIDO) and Ato Debebe Yilma (Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center) for providing the opportunity and support to undertake such a challenging consultancy work. Lastly the consultant wants to extend his deepest gratitude to Mrs. Sue Edwards, Dr. Helmut Kloos, Professor Redda Teklehaimanot and Ato Seyoum Teferra for proof reading the draft document. Robi Redda Teklehaimanot July 2005 III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAEPA ADDIS ABABA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY AAU ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY AAWSA ADDIS ABABA WATER AND SEWAGE AUTHORITY ABWRAA AWASH BASIN WATER RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION AGENCY AWTI ARBA MINCH WATER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE ECPC ETHIOPIAN CLEANER PRODUCTION CENTER EGS ETHIOPIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EnDA ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT ACTION ENHRI ETHIOPIAN HEALTH NUTIRITION RESEARCH INSTITUTE EPA FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY ESTC ETHIOPIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION EVDSA ETHIOPIAN VALLEYS DEVELOPMENT STUDY AUTHORITY JU JIMMA UNIVERSITY MoFED MINISTERY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MoH MINISTRY OF HEALTH MoM MINISTRY OF MINES MoTI MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY MoWR MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES OEPO OROMIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OFFICE QSAE QUALITY AND STANDARDS AUTHORITY FOR ETHIOPIA UNEP UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM UNIDO UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION WHO WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WWDSE WATER WORKS DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ENTERPRISE IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Context In several regions of Ethiopia, a rapidly increasing population, together with widespread activities in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, has brought about the depletion and pollution of natural resources. However, due to various socio-economic constraints facing the country and a widespread lack of awareness of environmental problems, this issue has not been given priority. As the most densely populated and industrialized Administrative Region in the country, the city of Addis Ababa and its surrounding, is most affected by both water and air pollution. The water pollution problem which is the focus of this report has been manifested by the deteriorating water quality of rivers draining through the city. The Akaki River is the most important river that drains the basin in which the city of Addis Ababa
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