80 Turner Road Email:
[email protected] Kedron QLD 4031 Phone: 07 3857 9999 Subscribe: https://paduac.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe Fax: 07 3857 9988 19 July 2018 5. What do you do when you get stuck/Where do you go for help? The Rector Parent/Student/Teacher interviews are a valuable opportunity for students to be part of the conversation around their learning Welcome back to Term 3 journey. At these interviews, our boys need to be able to speak to their report grade and they need to leave the meeting Welcome back to Term 3 and I trust that understanding what they need to do in order to fully embrace you had the chance to refresh and relax the learning opportunities in each of their subjects. over the holidays. We return to school following the issuing of Semester One Welcome to New Staff and Students reports and begin the term with Parent/ This term we welcome new students and staff to the College. Student/Teacher (PST) interviews on We welcome four new students who join the Padua community. Wednesday July 25 and Monday July 30. We also welcome the following new staff: I hope that parents have had the opportunity to discuss their • Mr Ian Coles - Mr Coles will be taking a 4-week son’s report. There has been much written around the ways contract in the Industrial Technology and Design in which schools communicate achievement to parents and Department. Over the holiday we appointed Ms Evie students. Without downplaying the value in our current college Skinner to the position of Industrial Technology and report, we know that cannot, by itself, tell the learning story.