"Too Long Neglected"
The Seventh United States Cavalry "Too Long Neglected" 7th Cavalry Regimental Coat of Arms Compiled and written by EUGENE McAULIFFE •ii, M D 58501 , i / > , l v - jpnTii;y>, :';?.i, . ,1f. i',\[,T1r1 iPiWim i 33105 00071 5209 Th. Seventh United States Cavalry "Too Long Heglected" 7th Cavalry Regimental Coat of Arms North Dakota State Library Bismarek. NO 58501 Compiled and written by EUGENE McAULIFFE DESIGNED BY DR. AVARD FAIRBANKS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Sculptor's tentative scale model of Bronze Equestrian Statue of Major General George Armstrong Custer. Height of statue to be 13', height of granite base 10'. The names of 263 officers, troopers, scouts and civilians who died in General Custer's command will be set forth on separate bronze tablets with Regimental insignia, etc. I The Seventh United States Cavalry Too Long Neglected By EUGENE McAULIFFE Trie erection of an adequate memorial to commemorate the death of two hundred sixty-three gallant officers, troopers, scouts and civilians, including the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, United Slates Cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel (Brevet Major General) George Armstrong Custer, in The Battle of The Little Big Horn. Montana, on 25-26 June 1876, has been loo ions; neglected. More than eighty years have passed since thai memorable Sunday, the 25th of June L876, when five companies of the Seventh Cavalry, totaling some two hundred men, died under a merciless, screaming, avalanche of Indian warriors, outnumbering General Custer's handful of gallant men by a force variously estimated as numbering from fifteen hundred to as high as five thousand, many of whom carried repeating rifles.
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