While delivering a letter on Augus street on Tuesday afternoon, Robei Stratton, our local mail carrier, met Meet at City Hall at 12 o'clock on with an unfortunate accident, break- Attacking a Boat in Which Jury Quickly Finds Henry Fella and ing his right leg between the knee )'%• Ed, Furmanjannjand Jack Wil January 1 - Collin Stratton Elect- Paul Horworth Guilty of Passing and ankle. He fell heavily while com- ing out of a yard. Ho was taken to The Scene'o' off Battle a ed President - Pass Resolution Worthless Checks on Saloon his home ami attended ly Dr. B. E. Declaring Certain Offices Vacant Keepers of This City and Other Haines. -Haley Kills Big fis "liob" has bepn mail carrier lor many Shovel. Appointments Made. Places. years and always prided himself on never missing a mail. This accident will keep him in his homo for a long o£ catching a wnale i At 10.2f> a. m. on January 1, 1014, Henry Folia, alias Tony Mihalick, time. •a may sound mighty fishy, the common council mot at tins City | and Paul Horworth, alals Frank Ccr * Edwin Furman and Rollln Hall. Present—Mayor Dey, mack, charged with paaslnR worthies? proof of the story lying on rnon O'Connor, Slover, Stanlon find cliockH in tliia city, wero placed on SHIN!*—HKKTT. ,t Furman's Garage, where Stratton; Clerk Mack and City Solici- trial In the county cmirt Moii(>l(y MIKB Dorothy llrett, daughter of IredulouB may view its re- COLLIN STRATTON tor Pearse. morning before Judge Only and tho Mrs, Osborn Wolloy, of Anbury Park, MICIIAIOI, .1. STANTON. ?ouncllman-at-l>arge and President Minutes of regular meeting wero following jury. Kdward Cllckner, WHS united In marriage! to one of The Retiring President of Common iday afternoon Messrs, Fur of the New Common Council. read and approved, when on motion Now Brunswick; Joseph K. Fisher, South Amboy's popular young men, J. M. Willett were under of Air, Stratton, tile council adjourned Council. HpotHwnod; Alex Hallcnt, Perth Am- Howard Khlnn, on New Year's even- new county drawbridge, a sine die. iboy; John H. 1)111, Spotswood; Charle:- Ing. The ceremony took place at tha j ascertain if the storm did SERVICES DURING At 12 o'clock City Clerk Mack call-* Ohlott UooHovelt; Otto Wittonuert home of the bridegroom's ' parents, £eto the bridge. Suddenly cd the meeting to ordor, when Alder- SILVER WEDDING Itarltan; Leo OOI'KIHS, Woodbridgo; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shinn, on First legan to act queerly and onn WEEK Of PRAYER rnan-at-Largo Strntton wan selected as Oscar Martin, ftarltan; Charts Ktreot, and was performed by Rev. J. .cii looked over the side to find chairman, CELEBRATION Rhodes, Now llnniHwlclt; (leorge Ely E. Shaw, pastor of the M. ft. Church. tl& cause of the trouble. The Mr. Slovcr nominated Mr. Stratton 3outh Ilrunswlck; Robert Hognrilus Miss Josephine Compton acted as jffbich followed, brought out Cap The' Ministerial Association of this Pumtllcn; Alfred Messeroll, North bridesmaid, and Mr. Charles Shinn, as President of the Council for 1914, .Mr. anil Mrs. P, F. Konah celebrated » "Paddy" Haley and Tom May- city has decided to continue the ann- brother of the groom, ac-Unl as grooms- and Mr. O'Connor nominated Mr. Stnn- thu twenty-l'il'tli iinnlvormiry of their Brunswick. al custom of union Bervicos during man. The bride and bridesmaid wero ' to the scene of the trouble, ton, when tlio former wan elected by wedding at their homo on nroailwuy Assistant Prosecutor Strieker re- the week of prayer beginning, Jan- very prettily attired and the wedding 'aw that a baby whale was at- a vote of 3 to 2. lust Sunday ovenlng. A largo num- presented the state anil Edmund uary 5, 1914. Therefore the follow- presented a most pleasant scene. Fol- g the boat. Now Captain Messrs. Clierallcr and Slovcr ncto; bor of guests were prcBcnt. being Hayes and Lawyer Charloa J. /Sachs, ng schedule has been arranged: lowing the ceremony, tho happy cou- is extremely agile and H tellers throughout tlio balloting. from New Yurk, Philadelphia, Eliza- of New York, the defendants. ])!n left for a short wedding trip to /an'' armed with a clan Monday, January 5—Prosbytorlan Mr. Stratton thanked the council for beth, New Brunswick and this city. Whilu Indicted separately the men rel The animal was soon killed ihurcu, Rev. H. C. White, of Chatta- the honor conferred upon him and There was nothing omitted In the wero tried together by consent, the various points of Interests, and on ,er* Captain "Paddy's" clam shovel nooga, Tenn., speaker. hoped with tlio co-operation of the way of providing entertainment and charges that they had passed a forged their return will reside in this city. lade several indentations in the poor Tuesday January 6—Methodist Pro- members of the council to givo a fair all found one continuous round of check on John Lasko, a saloon keeper .bale's anatomy. estant Church, Rev. Thomas Neal, Jr., nnd Just administration, always work- pleasuro until the early hours of the being taken up first. The check was '"T/he animal, now deceased, sank speaker. ing ,for the best interests of South morning. tor $22, drawn on the First National A SURPRISE VLSI Illicitly in the water and about 5 Wednesday, January 7—Baptist Amboy. Hruns, of Now Brunswick, was the Bank, of Perth Amboy, signed by tho cloik- was washed up on the flat3. Ihurch, Rev. J. E. Shaw speaker. The clerk read the Mayor's mes- caterer, and did honor to the occasion Crouse Contracting Co. There is a Last Saturday evening was a mem- Vlth'lcoiLslderable difficulty the whale Thursday, January 8—Methodist sage, which on motion of Mr. Slovcr, by his excellent service. The esteem contractor at Perth Amboy named orable one for Mr. an Mrs. Joseph was brought to Furman's Garage in Episcopal Church, Rev. F. F. Craig was received and filed, and that coun- ed host and hoatcs were recipent of Crouse and the State showed that he Jackson, of Catherine street, the oc- this-city. It required five men to peaker, cil govern themselves accordingly. The many pretty presents of silver arti- had not issued the checks and that casion being a surprise tendered to lift jJ£, weighing over 600 pounds, and Friday, January 9—A general meet- message In full la published elswhere cles. tbo bank had no account with the them in honor of their golden wed- '" eight feet. The skin is ng in the Presbyterian Church. In this Issue. On Mondny afternoon, the children parties on whom the checks had been ding by the Ladies' Aid Society of the and resembles rubber. Its The clergy hope that the members C On resolution by Mr. Chevalier, tho of the neighborhood were given a drawn. The men denied on the wit- Baptist Church. By a ruse Mr. and em to be certain of its >f the various churches will give offices of city solicitor, city engineer, treat in honor of the occasion, and ness stand that they had passed the Mrs. Jackson were induced to visit rorV.they reason that since meetings their earnest support, street commissioner, water commis- they had a most deligtful time, and check. They posed as Innocent men, their daughter, Mrs. Cbarles Camp- : a shatK it must be a whale. o sioner, city physician, city electrician, ioiisly inquring If another an- the victims of a desire of the police bell, and were accompanied by Fred to have tf spout and blubber port warden and members of Board of RIO SUM OF MONET PASSES ry wont be held soon. to make good. D. Mee, of Yockere, N. T., who was [the other characteristics that vacant, by a THROUGH COLLECTOR'S HAJ. Health were declared The taking of testimony was con- a Jackson guest .strict party vote. whale. Clark says The collections of City Collector JET. H. M. P. PEARSE cluded Monday atternoon and TueBday The party to the number of flfty 1 /"Messrs. O'Connor and Stanton re* tie Nosed hale. iutliff during 1913 run up to the morning the lawyers made their ar- assembled at the home of Mrs. Walter ue fused to vote on account of there not WILl REMOTE TO ELIZAHETH certainly pul a stren- astounding amount of 1122,674.09, guments and the case was presented Mundy nearby, ai'd from there went being any vacancies In said offices. The Rev. H, M. P. Pearse preached and are iund to re- ihowing that this city Is getting to the jury. o the home of Mrs. Campbell, where heir first what trip. A They refused to vote on nominations his last sermons as rector at Christ io of some importance. From repo\; The defendants claimed that up to they took the Jacksons completely by ' whales has reported for offices on the same grounds. Church Sunday last. A large congrega- been ubmltted to the council by the co)i-l \ last August they had been employed surprise. After hearty congratula- )n resolution by Mr. Slover, John tion was present at all the services. Hook this summer' ,and this ector we find that said money was in New York, Fella in a foundry at tions to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson on their Mullane was appointed to act as During the interim until the yestry le evidently ventu up t» •eceived from the following sources: Wllllamsburg and Horworth as a long- golden wedding, • the guests' made overseer of the poor until the case selects another rector, the lev. W. E. 'new Improvements at torgan\ nterest Susquehanna Coal shoreman. When they got out of work merry in song and social chat. Dur- now before the court was decided. Grlmshaw will be priest charge of linking that it would men it/ Co $5,240i they met and went to this city, ng the evening a purse of gold was Mr. Stanton offered a'resolution the parish. In Captain Paddy Haiey'a 'axes, 1906 7,876i knowing some Slavish people here. presented to the aged couple, and re- vel. . ' ^ that as the voters had adopted the Mr. Pearse is packing,u his houso- 'axes, 1907 ; 5,208,4 They admitted being in a saloon here, freshments were served. act! of 1909, the pay of policemen be hold -goods preparatory t ) removing but denied they had passed any 'axes, 1908...... " 7,044.)0 Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are the only $1,050.00. per annum; and that of the to Elizabeth. He will be greatly checks, nor that they knew anything 'axes, 1909 '..,. 6,720.1 ;wo charter members of the Baptist chief of police $1,170.00 per annum. missed In this parish, as he was al- about checks. axes, 1910./1 5,296.31 fHftD fOR ASSAULT. Lost, two votes In favor, and three ways a hard worker, an faithfully Church now residing In this city, and nterest'on same ;.. , 12.11 Lawyer Sachs declared that the only against. , ooked after the welfare if his par- Deacon Benjamin Grpcn recited the axes, 1911 3,466,72' particle of evidence the State had '" Edward Muldoon, John Rango and The following nominations wero shloners. The Citizen ex nds to him following verses In their honor: nterest on same ' 51.59 against the men was a confession al- '•James Lynch were brought before 'made and elected: ts sincere regrets on His departure Congratulations. axes, 1912 .-'. 11,412.31 leged to have been made by Fella to Police Justice Birmingham on Friday, City Solicitor—Francis P. Coan. :o other climes, and /trusts that Dear Brother Jackson we have come, nterest oa same 551.05 iteetive Peltier at New York. In the charge of assault and battery being City Engineer—Harry F. Thomas. health,, happiness and prosperity may' From our various walks in life, axes, 1913 37,268.05, is confession Fella told all about the preferred ' against them by Captain Street Commissioner—Richard B. bo his In the future. i V To extend our heartiest greetings. Henry Street Curbing, passing of various checks in this city, To you and your dear wife; ' James E, Craus, of the boat Altooim. Hillmann. interest , 3.90J Perth Amboy and Woodbridge. As friends we come, to fling tonight, k Ho appeared and tpstlfled that on Dec. Superintendent of Water Works- MBS. MAKGABET/ STAJTTOX. Sweet songs of joy and glee; tordentown Avenue As- Fella claimed on the witness stand BlBt tho defendants had assaulted Daniel J. Donlln. To celebrate the grand «Tent, sessment 78.7i Mrs. Margaret Stanton, widow of that when he signed that paper he did Justice Birmingham sent them City Physician—Dr. B. A. Meacham. Of your Golden Jubilee. nterest on same 19.G| John Stanton, departed this life on not know what it was. Horworth had County Jail to await the ,hear- Port Warden—Edward VanBuren. Grand Jury. Javid Street Concrete' December 26, after only a brief illness been teaten up by the New Yorkers Full fifty times our Earth has raced, Matron of Tompklns Home—Mrs. of pneumonia, aged i 63 years. Mrs. and taken back into his cell and was Around the solar sun; will be held on two Walk '.,.... 496.J Jane Wooten. • . Stanton was a mostj estimable woman in such a condition that Fella said he Since yon and charming leabelle, chargeB, having assaulted ofllcer Ryan ntorest on same...... By wedlock -were made one; Members of Board of Health- beloved by all who |knew her. She would do anything to escape a similar who had In custody William O'Brien. lent, city dock 55.(1 Call back those happy memories, Joseph Wilson, J. W. Mahoney, Loula s survived by two} sons and two mal-handllng. He bad been told to Muldoon apparently wished to have ent, city hall . 24.fJ| Of fifty years ago. Dill and William Albaugh. daughtors, viz: Councilman Michael sign the paper and he did so. When' fair Miss Dykes, the reigning ' O'Brien escape for he came up behind 'olice Justice, petty II-' Assessor, Third District—L. F. J. Stanton, Frank Stanton, Mrs. Rich- Rudolph Clack, of Penn street, Perth Belle, • the officer and punched him In the censes 563,00 First choose you for her beau. Meinzer, Jr. ard Ryan and Mrs.) William Ryan, all Amboy, and Joseph Schafferwere call- face. Patrolman Ryan made this 'oilce Justice, Fines... 110.50 President Stratton announced his of this elty. ed by the defense, but they did not charge against Muldoon. Assaulting 'ollco Justice, dog li- How proud you felt, when first yon committees as follows: sought, censes ,'.. 163.00 The funeral was held at 10 o'clock substantiate the "third degree" story. nn officer. In tho performance of his Streets—glover, Chevalier, Stratton. This towering maiden's hand, 'rnnohise Tax 1,674.29 on Monday morning ^rom St. Mary's Detective Peltier, of the Prosecu- duties la a serious offence and it may Judiciary—Chevalier, O'Connor^ When yon received that coy, sly, roadway Assessment.. 12,116,20 Roman Catholic Church, when solemn tor's office, and Detectives Rudolph glance, go bard with Muldoon. Stratton. o nterest on same. 31,09 high mass oflrequiem was celebrated Unger and Peter Carmody, New York All lovers understand; Lights—Chevalier, Slover, Stratton. You felt yourself at last a man, Miter Rent and Tapping 16,438 82 with Father jKennedy as ' celebrant; detectives, were called In rebuttal and XK8, 9TART It. jtl'PfiKGATE. Fire—Stratton, Chevalier, Slover. With dignity and pride; lower Taps 1,752.00 ^E .A. Coan, of Brooklyn, as denied that there had been any "third Piiblic Buildings and Grounds—Slo- You laid so very well the plan, MrB. Mary H. Applpgate, widow of deticon; and Rev. George A. Welsh, of degree" tactics and swore that the That won so fair a ver, Stratton, Chevalier. Charles Applegute, died at the homo Total $122,074.09 Washington, D. C, as sub-deacon. confession was bona Ode, -of her daughter, at Freneau, on Sat- Finances—Slover, Chevalier, Strat- Interment followed in the parish The jury after being out about Upon your union Heavpu hae smiled, 0 urday last. The deceased was well ton. Imetery, The bearers were Messrs. hirty minutes brought in a verdict And gave you children lour; known In this city, having for many "PAID IJT PULL." Taxes nnd Assessments—Stanton, Three loving girls, and one dear boy, »hn Sutllff, David Quinlan, Frank of guilty against both defendants. Earth's richest, choicest HtorR. years been hostess at tho hotel at "Paid in Full," Eugene Walter's Chevalier, Stratton, [onagham, William Bailey, John Corf- o Each to the otbei- baa proved true, reat play, will be the attraction at Poor—Stratton, Slover, Chevalier. Morgan. Sho has ontcrtained at din- jiorB and Barney Donnelly. J. J. .TOHN HOWARD GAMVOX As sped each joyful; ner some of tho most prominent peo- he Auditorium Theatre, Perth Amboy, Police—Chevalier Stratton, Slover. Your marriage vow Uiis day renew Scully was funeral director. John Howard (lannon (lied at his ple of the State. eglnnlng on Monday next and con- Sewers—Slover, Chevalier, Stratton.! Mid Merry Christmas ebcor. Inuing all week. The play will be Water—Chevalier, Slover, Stratton. / home Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, on AUTO ACCIDENT. Christmas morning, nged 19 years, Those golden tokens we BOW present, resented by the stock company which Licenses—Stratton, Chevalier, SI'/ They prove you're bold in high esteem, lVATCH MUIIT SKHVICE. permanently located there, and which ver. j About U o'clock Sunday night nn after n lingering illness. The burial By every member of our Church, utomobilo numbered 49303-N-J., while took place last Mondny. Howard was Watch night service was held In as built' up an excellent reputation ..Misscellaneous—Chevalier, Stratt[6n, k-.Z like-wise Senior I)paco.?> firpene. lassing down First street ran into well known here and the son of dipt. Accept, them in the Hjiirit riven, the M. P. Ohurch on Wednesday even- a. a very short time. "Paid in Pull" O'Connor. ' he fence that protects the bridge that John (lannon, formerly of this plac. rnm loving friends and Iruc: g, at which there were nearly fifty hon produced originally In New York On resolution by Mr. Slovor the And niny that .spirit <:losrr bind, •uns under the railroad tracks caua- .•>ple present. Appropriate hymns few seasons ago, had a continuous rules governing; previous council were Those lovins hearts to yon. ng considerable damage to the ma- were sung and tho pastor, Rev. F. F. in of ten months and created a dra- adopted to govern this council, and CARD OF TIIAJIKS. hine, it was owned by James F. And now \vr wish you 'both Cod-Bpeed, Craig,' nipde an address, taking his atic furore at the time of Its inl- that the council meet on January 6 The sister and brothers of the lato O'Hnra, of Now Brunswick. The It shall be our earnest uraypr, text/from Deuteronomy 5c, 3v. A ial presentation. It is a play with as first regular meeting, and nlternato Walter MacDowell wishes to extend ^hnt fJorl will prnnt 7"u ninny years, testimony meeting followed at which punch and contnins many scenes of Tuesday nights thereafter. ;hree occupants escaped with slight their thanks to their ninny friends Earth's richest jo to S Several spoke, nmong whom wns Rev. drilling Interest. It ,is replete with On resolution by Mr. Chevalier, the iruises. V. N. James put the machine for their expressions of synpathy. and rhon when nt laBf race la run, n running orilef tho next day. And you reach ol^ i ittoro, /j, E. Shaw. An impressive altar eveily drawn characters and a city clerk was directed'to notify for- j especially to St. Shepherd Lodge, nnd »ny "Well Iny you ••\ service wns next In ordor, and tho rain of very natural comedy. "Paid mer office holders to turn all city pro- IAteb Fedoo Temple of Treaton, and done." V i Full" should prove very entertain- perty In their nosnosEion over to their ANNOUNCEMENT, jhis fellow workmen for their br-auti- last ten minutes of the old year was naven's ninnnloifife spent around'tlio nltnr in quiet prayer g to the iimiiy patrons of the Audl- incf'SsorB. j* Mr. and Mrs. John Munclt announce |fii' "oral tributes. and consecration. The service closed 'l'ium. Remarks were made by Councilman .bo engagement of their daughter, \Mns- A- "• SLOVER. and BROTHERS. A man is mentnf a resolution if it "* world of satis- ofully ruiuludud of the Items of Interest From all Parts of the State as Gleaned Erom Our • . is made u tew days before put- •- .th which "colds" occur, \\ ting into effei't. Every nerve of " faction in buy- .iy tiro by no means cou> • • the body seems to brace Itself •• rtiilu se.isous of the year. Exchanges Briefly Paragraphed. '.', for tue abstinence. To break off ** ing Uneeda eneral belief that tills affej • • au olijeotiouiible habit without •• •b Involves the mucous uiem- " any preparation is u mistake. *] Biscuit, be- tin- uiiniil cavity and usually • • Denial may be easy for a few •• •out, is due to drafts, sudden Tries Petitions to Force Pier Project. was a party call. Upon being told at bis home in Crosswicks street, Bor- "" hours, bnt the grip ulmost in- I] cause you -•B In ttie temperature, wet feet, of the tragedy she became hysterical. dentown, on Tuesday morning. He ? variably returns. Undaunted because the City Council » t ; t » « :?' _ Tliis Is not thi.' I rue explanation has laid over his application for a Having parted from her husband, was fifty-seven years old, and leaves know you will Jci origin of n' i-nki. for It Is reuily Antonio Josephs, the mother has been a widow, son and daughter. ised by »|>eci.-il forms of hacteriu or franchise for an ocean pier at Asbury AS DIES THE YEAR. get what you .-frnis which find their way to this I'ark, a move that is regarded as a supporting herself and children. * « « * aembrane and umler certain liitlu- practical refusal of the application, * A * * Will Jfot Una Lecture Train. The old year Knocks at the farmhouse floor. want—soda en«et excite mi nctlve liillninniutlon Colonel \V. F. Masan-McCarty, an October, conio with your matron gaze Saloons Closed nt South River Sunday The State Board of Agriculture and From the fruit you lire storing for win- of these parts. Therefore, a ?old is nu engineer, who declares he represents As the result of the action taken ter days, crackers tha Infectious disease and triinHiuissil.lt1 tin; Pennsylvania Railroad have de- New York capitalists, is circulating by Councilman Rose, who is a mem- cided not to run a lecture and exhibi- And prop him upon the (,'ranory floor, from one person to another. petitions demanding, that the pier Where, the straw lies thrashed and the are oven ber of the Police Committee, and thetion train to remote rural sections of corn stnnds heaped. A large prupurtlon of the popul:it:ou franchise he granted. In laying over W. C. T. II., in regard to Sunday the Stats this year. As no train was 1,,-t htm out of the brearl he reaped. of cities and closely built up cuiuniu- the application several of the coun- He la feeble uiul faint ond can work no fresh, cris- Hitles are curriers of the Kcrmx of tu liquor selling, South River witnessed run last year, it is probable this more. berculosls. but if these orgiiiiiijuiK lire cllnien went on record as favoring n another quiet Sunday. The observer clean, impe* method of disseminating the latest Weaker lie waneth und weaker yet. not too creui In number or too active, pier under certain conditions, but moat could easily see that all the screens of them agreed that an expenditure ideas in argriculture will he abandon- November, shower your harvest down, iwd if the resisting power of tlie body were removed in every saloon in com-ed. For live years tin1 State and the Chestnut and nmat and acorn brown. ing and n Is good the juiluiuum'y or Inns coinpli of $250,000 on a project such as Is pliance with the Hlshops law. Many For you ho In bored, so pay tlie debt. :ntion may not occur, and the tuber- proposed is too small a sum to bo railroad co-oporated in sending out a Mako htm a pullet—he cannot speak— ishing. made the remark that they illd not And a pillow of moss for his pale, pinched tie bacilli, utitible to make any head' considered in connection with an train with a crops of experts, exhibits sen one intoxlcatod mart' on the streert cheek, way, me destroyed and absorbed l>y operation calling for a twenty-year of tbe newest discoverlns in farming the healthy tl.smie. I'ractically this and tlie police also say that this was\ and a car in which lecturos were de- Iio \ti numb to touch; ha Is deaf to call. franchise. It was determined to hold December, hither with mufllcd tread same condition occurs In connection the first Sunday in a long time thai) livered. From the railroad's stand- And i$iiv.<> on the year, for the year is Uneeda Bisc with a cold, ultboiiKh the Kerms the question in abeyance until a public expression has been obtained. they were not. called to quell lights point, the value of the train waa in dead, are always i which ciuise this affection ura fur und Sunday brawls of different kinds. Anil over him lay u wan wliltn pall, more often present in the body. Con Increasing tho output of tho farms Tiike down tho mattock and ply the form in qualit, sequently a cold is probably the moat # * « « * * * # and consequently booming tho freight Hjnide, litirlluirton llaskcl Plant itiirns. biiHini-HH. Now, It Is snld, the rail- And deep in tht> clny lot hU clay be laid common ailment we have. The ordi- ThoiiiiiN ,1. HIIKIIHII Drowned, An'] miowllakeH fall at his funeral, they are alw? nary form of pneumonia Is also due to roads consider the farm business up Fire of supposed incendiary origin ThonuiK J. ICngllNh, sixty years old, alike in crispnr the presence of u specific uerm and is to- II satisfactory volume. A better TIIIIH muy I die, Hlnce It must bo, early Sunday destroyed the largo bas- u former resident of Perth Ainhoy and My wane well earned and my workdays therefore an infectious disease. schuiiH! of lncrcnHlnB freights from tho done, in flavor—tl ket factory of H. R. Lind;ibury & n brother of Mrs. F. A. Simian, wife, A cold is not always a trivial affair. farm, tho farmers'say, would he to And tho seasons following one by ona, Sons, in Must Burlington, causing u of Alderman Soamnn, was drowned off To thu HIOW, swnot end that tho wise fore- are soda cracfc Serious complications may take place reduce the rates on fertilizers and loss of $13,000. Owing to tho fallurn Long Island, near Canarelo, Friday Hf'O, ns the result of the extension of the seeds. An agitation him been started Frd from Ihe More of my ripened you can dept of th» fire-alarm syst.i'in to register an afternoon. Mr. Kngllsh lived at I'erth iu Ha munition to udjacunt uieuibmnes, for a reduction of the freight charges Hlteavns, upon. And t as It la not in frequently followed by alarm in the flrehouscs of the city, Amboy until about fifteen years ago. Laid to real on my fallen Icnves the entire building wan ablaze be- for lllno, And with snow wlilto BOUIH to weep fop pneumonia, particularly In the very Win wife and child have hern dead for me. . —Alfred Austin. because Uneeda young and those advanced la yours fore the main department arrived. n number of years. and in person)) whom' health is much Biscuit are un- Members of tho Neptune Company ot * • # # Impaired. Besides, nt tmy period of East Burlington with a single hose Waking From Sleep. '" common sodp rife II cold uiiiy lead to deafness, Snymlllc Man lIKnprK Self. IOWA'S WALLED LAKE. saved a row of live frnmo dwellings Thill IH the lest of rcpliiixl health— chronic cutiirrh and other conditions Whiln making his rounds through I lie milliner In which yuu rise from crackers packe. adjoining the factory site. At tho Mystery In the Water and the Stones which cnusfi continued annoyance and the plant of the International Smoke-' your bed In Iliu moriiliu;. When a unui in an unepmmo height of the lire a volunteer crew That 8urround It. often render thoiie who are thus af- less Powder Company nt Purlfn Sun- Is In pi'iTcft hoaltli he nwiilienx natural- fected unable to carry out their work manned a drill engine and pulled n One of the curiosities of the west Is way. / '•"' day nftcrnoon, Jacob W. Shottlo, a ly If Ills body lins he<;n sullkleiitly re- successfully. blazing boxcar loaded with basket I he "Walled lake," it hundred miles freshed by Its rent. Tbe hours of re watchman, found tho body of his west of Dubuque. In. Some I wo fir The genus Unit cause a cold uiiiy nl materials from the factory aiding to a pone are a miiller of linblt and temper brothor-ln-Iaw, Charles Samsel of. throe feel higher than Hie siivrouiidluK almost liny time be found in our nose position whero firemen could reach it niuent. Iu many wises, mental activ- Sayrevlllo, hnnglng from tho rafters Hiii'l'iice, tin' lake hns a wnli leu feel ity IH nt Its height In those first min- Five cents every- II nd til null, but usually require sonic with their streams. exciting ca'nse to reudi-r llieui sulli In one of tho buildings. Samsel bad wide on the liDlliini and live feet on utes of waking Poets IIIKI authors whe'r'e in the olently active to Induce Inllaiiiiiiiitioii # * * # been 111 and out of his mind for nome tin' top, iinil (lie wall varies in height have I'oiicplvi'd lirillliml ideas in those This may come in the form of lowered Woman Hecaplfalcil by Train. time. lie left tho homo of Ills sister, from ten to Ill'teen Tout. The must ic- moments of pcrfivt physical repose, moisture-proof uuirfcalilo circiiinstjinre ciuinecii'd wl.lh tho brain nlerl mid tin- orpins and tis- vitality or drafts, wot feet, sudtleii .Mrs. Frank Koenun at noon. A doc- While picking coal at Jorali'miin'-f tills strange lake is Hint the slimes sues toiH'jl up after their rest, lie- package. changes of te:n|H.-rntiiru,' etc. Those Witch, 250 foot north of the Laok- tor tried in vain to revive tbe man, who lire* in tlie mountains or in re-,- used iu the coiiKtruclion of Ibis wnll liietiuice to leave the liwl Is nut a sood gions where there Is out little cliunc? awanna station at Lyndhurst, Monday Finn sol was forty-nine years old, thevary from three to I(K) pounds in siyn—a really healthy man Is loo full of Infection do not suffer from Bt>lds, morning,' Mrs. Mary firosho, twenty- son of Captain Ellas Samuel. His weight und there ure no stones what- of visor (i) lie mill. Quality, not (|iinn- although the temperature may lie very eight years old, was struck and inI'nther- , brother and four sisters sur- soever In the entire country surround tlty. Is the rnliiif! factor in sleep. The NATIONAL low find the exposure u^y^Inst for stantly killed by the rear car of a vive. Ing the lake for five or ten miles. broken nightmare or fitful slumber is eome rime. There is no record, history or Indian not. rest, for nt such limes neither drilling train, the wheels passing over * * * -* lirnin nor body is in repose. 1'Vmr BISCUIJ/ As n cold Is n tion. it must her and cutting the head, both shoul- legend to tell who brought these stones Family Kinds Home In Ashes. . hours of sleep, with all feeling or follow n certain cours fnd the best ders and the left arm from her body, to liuild tills wall, and to make the Returning home Sunday night from scene more uiystifyiniMi bolt of wood- thought in oblivion lire wovtL> mire COMPANY wo can do is to lessen FKUverity anil Coroner William J. Collins, of Ruther- tunn nine haws.of restl«ssn«i». prevent Its extension, an outing, Samuel Aler and family land half a mile in length composed of is tl pop ford, has taken the body In charge. alar belief that a cold : three days; found their home near Cranbury in oak surrounds the lake. With this ex- there Is considerable in this, for Mrs, Grosho was bending over to pick ception, the entire country Is a rolling ashes. Neighbors discovered the Practical. e>'en when properly for this peri up the coal, and had her back to tho prairie. The trees must have been house on fire at 6.30 o'clock Sunday "Oh, father," said the young woman od usually ellipses the activity train, of whose approach she was un- planted nlimit the same time the will of the attack ceases. aware. She is survived by a husband, night, theiblaze having started In thewas built. In 18riU there was u (treat enthusiastically, "we suffragettes are General Carting, kitchen. iThe origin of the lire is not storm, and the Ice and the lake broke eager to sweep the country!" If tlie syniptonrjipfe aggravated the three children who go to school, and "Humph!" replied her parent, look- Heavy or Light to All Parts family pliysicliijjflPnoiild be promptly by a baby two months old. known. The furniture on the first down-ii larpe part of the wall, and Hie farmers living in the country were ing at her over his spectacles, "then of City or Vicinity. sent for; ollicrflR simple home reuie floor was '• saved. , The house was suppose you start your share of it la dies may l>e,«iplojed; for instance. In * * « * obliged to repair the wall to prevent WACXAW KOSXOSKI owned by ,|ohn B. Perrine. our parlor and dining room!" Telephone ItS-J Cedar Street the bCKliwfllist n hot leniouiide, extrn ltald New Tirunsirick Negro Club. their farms from being flooded. This > the body and u cathartic at ':**•** curious lake covers a ground siirl'iice ' South AmbOT, Jf. J. 12-6-4 8e are of viilne. for these agents Six policemen made a raid Sunday ItorflVntonn Couple Wed Fifty-Yenrs. of 2.S0O n(!r<.*, and the water is twen- upon the rooms of Social Club at 18 jftrfulnte the skill, liver and Intestinal Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker Ferris of ty-five feet deep and ns.iold and clear It's A Cure Thai's Sure French street New Brunswick, getting fract and nid In relieving the iuttiutied 171 Prince jstreet, Bordentown, cele- ns Ice. No one seems to be able to tell -F'OR- the steward, Edward LIndsley, and where the water goes to or comes membrane and limiting the infection brated theif golden wedding Monday, RHEUMATISM, GOUT. A mils tin il foot bnth at bedtime mat thirty occupants of the place, one of from, but it is always fresh and clef tired list. the place, an earthquake, demolished 108 Fayette Street TeL MML In good, healthy condition. It is a resort for colored people, and A. C. FAXUSSXTS * * * * the town, and tlie inhabitants have Prompt and Expert Serrlce Ren- CtothliiR should be worn suitable for a wagon load of liquor was secured. been haunted ever since by tbe fear of Seeks Diinin&cs. From Middlesex. PHAEMAOT dered Day or Night the season. Such articles as etiest pro- The Anti-Saloon League made a com- u return of such a holocaust. The Broadway ana Augusta Street lectors and imittlers should be avoided plaint against the place several weeks A claim for $ViJ damages was made ruins of the great cathedral, whose for they weaken (he skin mid therefore ago. LIndsley was held In $500 ball Monday by John n'Connor against the walls crashed down upon the crowd of do more harm than good. It Is the Middlesex Countf Board of Freehol- supplicants who had gntbered within care of the body rather than the HO-for selling liquor without a license, JAS. J. DOL He pleaded guilty to the gambling ders for repair/ to his auto truck, for protection, still stand as a warning. MACHINE SHOP lection of the clothing Unit otters the The old abandoned town lies about n Krentent protection. charge. which went through the planking of the Perth Ambow bridge ten days ago. mile from the new town' and is a muss * * # * BN0INK9, BOlLEBSaii KACHIKIBI It was referred tl the county solicitor. of ruins, scarcely n single' house re- Triumph of a Sausage. Hoy's Clothes Afire on Stage. The truck at theVime of the accident maining Intact. Of all kinds repaired. Electrical "Westphalia, In Prussia, Is the home Scores of women stampeded for the of the sausnee. There, It Is said, n is said to have been loaded with ten MQDEL MAKING, PLI7KBIH6, exits In panic Sunday night when tons of material, lit is claimed it was Two Great Stages, trader will nnine no fewer than <1<1O The largest stage in the world Is that GAS FITTING, STEAK ATO Contractor different kinds <>r snusnw. A RSIISHBO Nicholas Lauer, who took the part of overloaded. The mombers of the an elf in a Christmas entortainment of the Grand Opera House in Paris. It HOT WATEB HIATDTe exlilWllmi was held rwently In Ger- board were sworn'^a by Justice of is 100 feet wide, nearly 200 feet In many, nt which 1.0*10 varieties of witi- given by the New Brunswick Turn the Peace Charles VV.\Sedara and will Vorcin in its hall In George street, depth and 80 feet high. The height is V. NEWELL JAMES Wlg« wore shown. meet for organization January !i, It mensural from the level of the stage 17S Henry Street Sooth Aaihey New Brunswick, darted on the stage In this roiiiiiM'llon (he stnry is told is expected all the prescbt officers will to the "HlfiSi" Corner Second and Stockton 8U. Telephone 1'21-W of n youiiK l'rtiflnlnn who, Ihouiih lie with hia costume afire. Tho audience, bo re-eloc.t'ed at that time for two- The stuKO of the Metropolitan Opern 1mrt rocrl'.'ivl nn expensive trnlnfiif; us :nmpoRcd mostly of women screamed year terms, with the e'xcoptiofc, of House, New York .city, Is 101 feel :n chemist, shut himself up In hl» lab- and It looked for a few minutes as it wide, 8!) feet deep nnd 77 feet high and oratory und liiKtpnd of devising n new Road Supervisor James De Hart \ of WM. T. HAMMELL, several children would be crushed. North Brunswick Township, who Will Is Imlloved to be the lnrjjest in the FOR SALE •I've, mifety mutch, motor engine, i-x- Painter nd Fapcrhanger. John Schultz, pianist, struck up a get a five-year term. Arthur O'Net'l United States.—London Answers. rloalvo, iioniplnim or photographic Estate of Mrs. Wm.Rea li'tis took porlc. veal, ollvus, pqiper, popular tune on the piano and with of New Brunswick and William Saw- WALL PAPER FOR SALE tho aid of other "men quited the fear- Henca the Danger, Estimates Cheerfully Given. Ontiel, old wine, OIIO-PHP, apples, cinna- yer of Spotswood are candidates fi Nine room house, sewer eocilectlon, mon and horrinsd' roes uml from them strlckcn crowd. Young Laucr's this job also. 'I nui just wondering whether it 68 SECOND ST. Boi lit. evolved n wonderful and totally orig- clothes ignited when he passed Anna would 1)0 safe to propose to that girl gas and water, 250 feet deep 60 feet inal "wurst," the best of Us kind. He Walsh, who as Santa Claim, carried * 6 * * that 1 linvo been golns with." wide. Small ba.-n, summer kltohen lius nmilHsod n considerable fortuno n Christmas tree illuminated with Kadi Fined Thousand Dollars. 'I don't think It would." LOWEST PRICED from Its siile.—Iterlin Cor, New York 'What make's you think she would lighted candles. Lauer who is twelve Finos of $1,000 each were Imposed HAUDWAllE STORE IN TOWN. and fruit trees. Run, turn me down?" years old, escaped with a badly burn- Monday by Judge Peter F. Daly upon \ "I don't. I think she would snap Apply to ed arm; Joseph Devlto and Anthony Maslno of you up."—Houston Post. O. I. BERGEN ft * « « Port Reading for selling liquor with- 11-1-tt J. C. P0TTH0FF, Executor. Saving the Eyesight. out a license. These men are also I Depressing Influenoe. Corner Stevens avenue and First street, CnmiVm Child Bnrns To Death. Hardware, Tinware, AK'itewure, An authority states that it is wall to ndlcted for acting as "padrones" ''So you don't like thnt professional (ins 1 ixturcs, Mantels, Gas use the eyes as much as possible in Left to care for her nineteen-month- and extorting money from men cinoptimist?- " Plates, Etc. looking at things far away. The old brother while her mother went to iloyed on the coal docks of the Phil- /'Not much," replied Mr. Growchor. The Old' Amboy HOIK clouds, the 8tty, distant trees, and for-work Runilav. ^"llle Josephs, flvu "There nre times when I tnlK'it f"t-"o' SCHOOL RUPFLIE8--Big Stock x estB may bo often very profitable ob- adelphia and Reading Railroad Com- m,V troubles If he were not constantly years old, was burned to death in her pany. Father Oalassi, who has bepn Stationery, Tobacco nnd (Jignrs and Cahnrpf . jeotB of observntion. Going on the home at. 20"i Senate street, Camden ndvlslns me to make n terrible effort water is especially useful to strength- conducting a fight against the mon, to cheer up."—Washington Star. CANVAS GL0YES en th» eyes and prevent shortsighted' Tho baby was unharmed. Neighbors, beard the sentence imposed. Thny 7.30 to 12 O'clock V attracted by smoke broko Into tho nesB. must pay the fine in two months, 111-110 Darld Street \ house and found the llttlo glr! with Up to Scratch. ft * * * "How shnll I know If they wnnt me her clothing burned from her body. to give an encore?" usked Mrs. Nn-0. H. EDWARDS Same Old Way. She waB taken to the Cooper Hospital, Hordeiitown Man Drops Dead. Klor.V demurely nt tbe nmnteur thent- CARPENTER and BUILDER Ftrat-olass Accomm/datloag top where physicians said she was dead. (ieorge L. Robblns, master carpen- r)cnln. Window and Door NotH a Specialty Manufacturer's Wife—Dinah, If. Permanent and Transl«it Guests. you oust your ballot the way I de-Tho mother returned home about two or for the, Pennsylvania Railroad "Thnt will be quite easy," explained EtitimuteK Furnished und v Biro, perhaps your wages will be hours later. When she Baw a crowd ••ompany, fell dead from heart cllseaso Mrs. Korstlc. "Wo will hear the cat- Jobbing Promptly Done Booms By lite Day railed.—Lira. in front of the house she thought It while about to pick up!a newspaper calls."—Judge. P. 0. Box 35 36 John Street. H. H. BEKNETI t fo » match between ourjjnepbeTr Ralph and little Ruth?" "1 say that if Mr. Edl-irils \rill f.-ive The us his (laughter to w«l#vitti I.alph ou the day of tbe ntiptin!«l will give Hie Services as Arranp groom n thousand pou, Good Oonjina Wee "We .should be phased," said tbe mother, "to see th# .voting nsais < II HIS r ( III Kill I make bis .ico,ualuiinct\ If be be form steady and pleasestuur daughter your Capital $50,000 He Was the Most Daring of K«'v. \\. ¥,. Urimsliiiw, I'rifs Surplus $75,000 5 (uffer will be accented." ItcsIiU'iice IK! Seen Undivided Profits Earned, $30,000 S All Villains. "Well said." re*xnod the gentleman. Services Sunday, Jan. 4, I "Dinner is sei*red," said Mrs. IM Wedding Stationery. (Second Sunday after Chri'# By JOHN Y. LARNED j wards at Ibis juncture. "Dim; wilh us- Alinvi' all. tin* iuvitmiuii • nuls and CHRIST CHURCH \\ •••••••••••••••••••••••a** Jinil we will arrange n time for you tc iinu'-uiK'cim'iils K-lnHilil li« eli'gitnt. dig Holy Communion 7.h ** This Bank Pays Interest bring your nephew." Milled .IIMI M'Ti.nlini1 ti) !ln* accepted Litany, Sermon and Holy We hnve stories of eminent rasculs, Tho invitation was accepted, anil Communion lo.a* [•i in eiiiional stjli', which any lirsl ON ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK Kiioh ns l)ick Turph], Claude Duval when all were seated at the table tbe Sunday School 2:30 nnd others, real «r lictitimis. but for visiting •.'cntleinaii bent bis hend rever- • •hiss stMtiuin-r will IM* glad lo show Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:30 PER CENT on balances averaging daily reckless effrontery coupled with nn ently and said grace with great fervor. to .vim when you iii-i> liccidini; in this Services during the week et ambition for Important criminal nmllcr January 10, a 1)14. After dinner the guests were shown Tuesday—The Epiphany, Holy $500 and over for the month. achievements none of these villains While or (loiiiu JIHI'IT, wiih Ida'l; over tbe house. Communion il.00 a. overtops Colonel TlnuniiH Wood, who "What a line brace of weapon*!'1 re- oniiri v is always in good tasto 2 flourished in England during the pro- Friday—Choir Rehearsal .. 7.:-!0 p. markeil the genlleinati, bending over :i Thi' exact proportions vary, hut you PEI1 CENT in Special Deposit Depart- tectorship of the Cromwells nnd the case of pistols. reign of.Charles II. One of Oliver ciwi iln-ide that from the various Sinn Doane Memorial Chapel ment on accounts of $200 and over remaining "Uelnj: the keeper of the crown Jewels pics 'tM'cli d Ic ynii Morning Prayer, Litany and Cromwell's nous gave Wood liirsrc J Sermon 10.30 a. in, grunt* (if land in Ireland, which were I am likely lo have use for them," rt I'laln script or block Iclteiini: Is IKKI. in Bank for at least Three Months prior to plieil Mr. Kdwnrds. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. 3 confiscated un the restoration of the •Hid if any ••rest or initials of (lie brldi' January 1 and July 1. legitimate UKiiiiirch. From this he "My fi-h-nd," Haiti the other seiilen- be i'li' ami can lie enrrled out without (III- iicw address: are orrlnrcd nnd Inclosed Sunday—The Sunday School.2:30 p. m. Safe Deposit Boxes S2.OO irp on Tower hill, close nt band. The Ikulty If every one knows Ids part anil with thi' invllallmis. Monday— crown Jewels wgre Kept there, but the does It. I'aiTiil, you lire to lake the The accepted fnrm of nn invitation The Woman's Auxiliary . 2:30 p. m. iron KrntliiK which now protects them Kld'o. Iliint, you are to In lie a tile anil IM quite simple II IM nrningf'l !!!>'i> The Girls' Friendly Society 7.30 p. m. had not boon constructed. n hag with you, make two parts of the (Ids: Tuesday— The Junior Auxiliary ... 3:30 p. m. While looking nt tho bauble Insignia weple.r with the (He and put the parts Mr. unit Mm. Jnhn Hull in the bug." rminoKt the honor of your iicct-cnco at the The Boy Scouts 7.30 p. ni. of British sovereignty the lady mid- ninn'luuf' nl* tlwlr itiinntiti'*' Wednesday— ymmmrmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmiz dcnly fell Into the *,'eiitleinnir.s urius. "What lire you going to take, colo- .IMIK'I The basketball team ... 7:30 p. m. appnronlly hnvliig fnlnled. lie looked nel'/" nsked n third man, Ilalloway. to Thursday— KEEP IT IN MIND "I shall take the crown. You. Ilnllo- Mr. nicluinl D.'IVIB about htm for smiie resting plneo on on Monday cvfnlni'. October the fifth The Loyal League 4.00 p. m. which to lay hnr. lint, Neolng no loungn wn.v, lire to remain outside the Jewel The Brotherhood of St. An- 1 at olKbt o'clock or bed, hi. snld to un nttcndnnt: room mid watch. Let each man carry HI. ('Hllicrlnc'B r.'liuri-h drpw (Juniors) 8.00 p. m. THAT u ciino with a sword In it and all the The Brotherhood of St. New York "My wife Is very III. Will you not iirniN lie can conceal In his clothing. Andrew (Seniors) 8:00 p.m. tisk the keeper's permission to remove Another form has a dotted line on Hoe to It that these instruct Ions are which Is to be written by hand the Saturday— her to u room where thorn Is a bed?" carried ottt to the letter." The Sewing School, where The Citizen Job Department The ntteiidnut hurried uwny nnd name of the guest "All right, colonel," snld Hunt, "we'll children are systematically I* pr.par.d to do any and all klndi of soon relumed with un Invitation for Sometimes when n phurch wedding taught plain sewing.'.... 2.30 p, m. the lady's husband to carry her Into stand by you and do our parts, hut I Is In dnnger of having uninvited strnii Visitation'of The »lck. the private apartments of the keeper must say thnt this Is the most ambi- frers tilling tin* pews, to the exclusion "When any person is sick, notjed /•. PRTISTTTTSTG himself, Mr, Edwards. ', tious move you have ever made. To of tho guests, a card of admission In in shall be given thereof to the minister NOTEHEAUS "Heaven bless you, sir," snld the tiiku (ho crown Jewels of England from closed with the Invitation. It Is n of the Parish."—Pra-fcr Book P. 281. anxious husband, "my poor wife Is the Tower In broad daylight nud get small white slip and has on It: ' LETTERHEADS away with them Is a bigger job tbmi Plcnse nrcpont this card at Rt Cath. ENVELOPES taking Old Noll's body from Westmin- ertne'w church on Mondny, Oclnbur the ritESnYTERIAlf CIIUBCH BILLHEADS ster abbey." fifth. STATEMENTS If the bride lives in the country the Services beginning Sunday, Jan. 4, BUSINESS CARDS It was the Oth of May nt 7 o'clock In city guests are not I fled of the trains, etc.. by Hinnll cards engraved: 10.30 a. m. Preaching. \ SOCIETY CARDS . • the morning. Colonel Blood, the gen 2.30 p. m. General SundW School. RULED BLANKS Train leaves Grand Central otntlon for tlemun who had established himself In ftoselyn at 0:30 p. m. Returnlnif train Classes for ill. We Invite you to BLANK BOOKS the confidence of the Edwards family, leaveR Ropelyn at 10 p. m. visit our scbool. \ PAMPHLETS knocked nt the door of the keeper's Very rarely Is It. S. V. P. used on T.O0 p. ra. Senior Christian Endeavor apartments with three companions. 1 wedding curd. These letters stand 7.45 p, m. Preaching. ' Hunt, Tarrot arid Ilalloway. Uelng ad Thursday— for the words of a French pnraiw* tliat 7.45 p. m. Regular Prayer and' mltted. be apologized for the nonap- means, "Iteply, If yon pleane." Th«y penrance of his wife and nephew, say- Praise meeting. , Indicate thnt nn acceptance or derlhis 4.00 p. m. Thursday, Junior C. E. O.t fosr Ciaipool or Vault Ol.aa.d ing that they would soon arrive. The tlon Is requested. TheRe letters nrc 8.00 p. m. Choir Hehearsal. friends he had with him desired to see never lidded to nn Invitation to a the crown Jewels nnd would Mr. Ed-church ceremony only. They arc used -o . IGH-GBADE wards kindly show them while wnltlng when provision must be made, for BAPTIST CIVRCH. \ Odorless 'Excavator for the ethers? The keeper consented: guests and the number to be enter Frice»-Sln»le CIOMU, 13.00; Double Clown the party entered the jewel room, and tnlnod must bo known In order to In- Rev. Thomai Nwl, Jr, Pastor. •6.00; Cewpooli, tlOO per tank load. the door, as usual, was closed. sure comfort to nil.' Retldenee 71 itoeoid 8tr»ei ..- DAVID QUINLAN. ITenry St In a twinkling the keeper was on the Those hrldos elect that do Sottis floor hound nnd gagged. But he strug- to i5i,to.,Mio expense of,"W'ed(1liiK stn "SefWSfis for tbe week beglonlnr gled and was stabbed. Parrot, who tlouo.ry, esrfhelM'y \t {he ceremony Is Sunday, January 4th, 1914. \ had worn n loose pair of breeches pur- to be a simple one and witnessed by a 10.30 a. m. Preaching. \ \ F. HL STEWS, Steam Cleaning, Dyeing posely, thrust the globe In his pocket. very few, nrn now writing pewonnl In- 2.30 p. m. Bible School Session. aw-vena Avenge, neirHatn street, Blood crushed the crown to save bulk formal notes Inviting their friends tn 6.45 p. m. Senior C. E. SODTB AMBOY " and put It under his cloak, while Hunt share the happiness by being present. i»r- \ and Repairing began to file the scepter In two parts Announcements can be ordered *ind 7.30 p. m. Delightful Song Btrhc* to get it into tbe bag. sent to all friends and relatives. This and Sermon. Establishment While this scene was being enacted plnn simplifies mutters nnd Is trrnivlii!! Week Day SerrlCM: Attend the a young soldier from the Rritish army In favor with women who f«» g«ch Y»»r METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Next to Empire Theatre. THE MiOOB. "lie's In the jewel room with some ns well ns plensaliter for nil parties visitors." Rev. J. E. Shim, Fqator. There's a reason: None but the best suffering greatly, and were it Dot for 'oncernod to have what is called "a your kindness 1 don't know what we "What's that';" exclaimed the young day." One nfternoon ench week • nr; of instructors should do." wau. heiifiug u cry, tiud. without wait- more rarely, one nfternoon n fortnight Services for the week beginning "l'ou are welcome, sir, I assure you, Ing to say more to his mother and sis- Is set aside for the express purpose of Sunday, January 4th, 1914. HUB-MARK ter, ran to the jewel room. Just be- Trainer's Business College, to my dwelling place and to remain receiving visitors. This is done by Sunday Services. here with your lady ns loug ns she is fore he passed in the visitors passed having engraved on the calling card. 9.30 a. m.—ClasB . out. The young man found his father PEETH AMBOY, N. J. R U B BE R S too ill to be taken awny." In the lower corner, directly opposite 10.30 a. m.—Preaching by Pastor. The lady gradually recovered. Mean- on the Boor covered with blood, bound 2,30 p. m.—Sunday Scbool. and gagged, but able to make a gut- the address, the word "Mondays," while her husband, who hnd n seduc- "Wednesdays" or whatever the, chosen 6.45 p. m.—Epworth League ServlM. tive manner nnd tongue, Ingratiated tural sound. Pointing to the door, his 7.30 p. m.—Preaching by Pastor. son understood what he meant, and. day mny be. This, of course, signifies himself Into the good graces of tbe to nil on one's visiting list that this is Services during the week. keeper nnd his family. After remain- running after the thieves, shouted to Junior League, Thursday, 3.30° p. m. OYSTERS I the guard to stop them. They were the day of" the week set aside for re Prarer Service, Thursday 7.45 p. m. ing there some time the invalid de- celving calls. IF TOO WAHT A S» that the Hub-Mark u on the all taken and the regalia found on Choir Rehearsal, Saturday 8.00 p. m. clared that she was able to leave, and The woman who has a dny should i\l- GOOD STEW OR FRY rubber before you buy. It it your with a profusion of thanks for tbe fa- them. All are welcome. All seati tree inturance of Standard First Quality wnys mention It when Inviting new STOP AT vor received they departed. "It was o bold attempt." said Blood, friends to call She says, "1 am nl- BubberFootwear for every purpose "What a fine gentleman!" exclaimed 'but It was for n crown." SOLD BY wnys nt home on Wednesday after- METHODIST PROTESTANT CUDBCB Mrs. Kdwnrds. It would seem that there was noth- noons, when 1 shall be delighted to see "And such a gentle lady!" remarked ing more to our story but to mention you," or something to the unine effect. net. F. F. Craig, Paat«r. P. P. KENAN'S CAFE H. KOLLISCH their daughter. the hanging of Colonel Blood and his A few days Inter the same couple When u dny has once been selected 188 Brwiiwafi assistants at Tyburn. But the close, and announced to one's friend)1 in the Services beginning Sunday, Jan. 4, Oyitera served In any «tyl«. Alto called on the keeper's family, bring- though not exciting, Is the most re- ing with them a present of gloves as manner Indicated It must be adhered 10.30 a. m. Regular Preaching, Subjoot told tn the shell. Orders promptly OVER 05 YEARS' markable chapter of all. Blood refus- to rigidly It Is most discourteous to a token of their gratitude for the ed to plead except to the king private- "Straightforwardness tor 1914." attended to. kindness they had received. Shut up ly. He managed to secure nn interview be "out" on nn "nt home" dny A host- 2.00 p. m. Junior C. E. Topic, "The ns the Edwards were, In the gloomy with Charles II. and then made state- ess should let nothing short nf Illness. Beatitudes No. 1, Dont be Proud." fortress, they were much pleased to ments thnt changed tbe situation. the death of a relative or Important Bible Reference St. Matthews 5, 3. Dr. GEORGE LUKE HAVBLL business keep her from being In readi- 2,30 p. m. Regular Sunday Scbool Bee those who visited them, nnd they Charles hnd iu his childhood become were especially delighted that the en- ness to greet nil coiners. On nil other "Jesus and the children." Bible a wanderer In foreign lands. Ills fa- days cullers cnn without ulTunse he Reference St. Marks 9, 30-41; 10, 13- tertaining stranger nnd bis refined ther hnd died nt the block. After many DENTIST TRADE MARKS looking wife should be so appreciative turned awny from the door with n siin 16. All Invited. DESIGNS privations he had been recalled to the pie "Nut nt home." but on the day slip 6,45 p. m. Senior C. 15. Topic, "A CopyniOHTS Ac. of what they hnd done for them. throne of England. Ills object was to cross meeting twelve great verBeB. ' Broadway and Anrnita Street, Adrone Bonding tiHliotfh nnd tH'Rcrlntinn mnj Ruth Edwards was a pretty girl of has herself set for receiving them n fHtlnlnT nscortntu finr (>intiKin j'rcu w'toLlior an pacify the various factions and cemeut No. 1, Salvation verse, St. John 3, Invention iBprobnlily puteiittihlo. Coninimi-en. seventeen, and the gentleman appear- good nnd perfectly lcgitlmnte excuse 1G." SOUTH AHB0T, K. J. HA-NUfJUOK on Pntonts them that he might have u peaceful aent free. Oldest nuoiiry I'ur fn:i;nri,i^ pnifintfl* ed to take a great fancy to her. reign. Under these circumstances It must be offered If she Is absent. 7,45 p. m. Song Service. I'fttento taken tlirmmh Aluim & Co. rueelve "Is she your only child?" he asked. The mnId who attends the door on 8.00 p. m. Regular Preaching Service. iprdal notice, without chnruo, in tho wns natural that a desperado like Blood "A splendid condition tor the New "No; I hnve n son a soldier with our should affect him. He had been on tin "at liotiKj" dny should wear n bind! ROOM 3 army In Flanders. But he will soon dress, thu' Is rather simple In style. Yenr," Scientific American. both sides during the parliamentary Let ActB 9, 6; Be our motto for ths PARI8BN BUILDING. A lifttidHomoly tllnntratod wonkiy. J.nrtrcst olr- be nt homo. He writes that his regi- war, at one tlmo having joined the white turnover collar nnd culls nnd a culJtLton of iinyttntoittttln Journal. 'J'prntB, ¥" n ncnt is ordered to England." , new yenr, union meetings, special gonri.fgurniontbMl- Buldbyull itcwtKfonlora. "fifth monarchy men." He convinced very sm&M white ca|i and n white •ovival services and individual lives. " "Hns your daughter u husband In Office Phone 190 Rosidence Phono 110 the king tbnt his death—If he was exe-•lpron with a tiny bib. She opens the UNN & C6.•NeN w York view 2" cuted—would he. avenged by hundreds Ktreet door as soon ns possible nftei Brand] Olllco. 6% F St.. WiishlHlniitonn , D.C. A husband! Alas, no! She meets of his nssoclatt'B. ho bell has rung nnd otTei'H n siuni; Joy Killers. EDWIN C. RODDY vv ytrnntf tntrh here except jailers, Her ray for the caller's enrd nud directs Some people havo a way of telling only suitor Is the hendsinnn's son. and Another Influence doubtless prevail- ter to the drawing room you to ehoer up that soundB as If they ALL KINDS Of INSURANCE ed. Charles was nn Immoral man him- CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 wouldn't, have her marry him for n wero billing to make a hot that you kingdom. Besides, we hnvo no dowry self and admired nny vllluln who was REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD If its a Piano or Piano Player you to give her." brave ns well ns wicked. To Announce Engagement.. can't. intend to glvo, see me before purchas- "Whnt n shame," aald the visiting By hnii'.'lng Blood Charles could hnve If this Is to be (lone at a curd party Commissioner of Dctds ing. Handlo only the reliable kind, lady, "Hint such n pretty girl should go got rid of him, but even In his power write the name of the lndy on each ipieen of hearts card and the gentle- Now! Now) and Bell at very low prices. unclaimed!" (o desperate a man was to be feared. Notary Publlo V 1 mini's name on each king of heiirto "That sweethenrt nf mlno provokes Factory l'hino Polish 25c Hottle "It shnll not ho," said the gentleman. The king pardoned him. rest *' ft me BO that 1 don't believu I shall coll Rooms 12 to IE ParlBon Building, bringing his fist down nn n table. •onllBciited estates, mid In >., ten i\rd. These arc then sdinllled Into the Mick nnd dealt out In the usual way to there nny more." "Don" like, that Bort B'wny * Angnsta St, Sonth Ambof. Whnt? So comely n wench to spend HARRY PARISEN hereafter Been In the pret u .nuu- le discovered In the first hnnd. of afternoon teima, eh 7" Open Evenings 7.00 to 9.00. * 201 DAVID STREET SOUTH AMBOV her dny« here? Whnt nay you, wlfav ASBOY CITIZEN. NEW COUNCIL ORGANIZED. wha' we get. We should permit no volres too much labor to be reason- ad *'i be taken of us and we ably expected from that committee. sho% - e the same care lost we START TIJE NEW YEAR WELL . YEAK: $1 IN ADVANCE (Continued From Page One) uncont* exact imposing condi- Public School Biilldlnus. iPHONE 146-M eilman Stanton sald/Ke was pleased trans ui,_ . se with whom we are Whlle considering finances let me dealing. v ask you to bear in mind the fact / by buying at to have the honor to be the first to l l> m n '1>VL[SH1U BY r. » > ^ ."2 * V . that pulbic school No. 1 is well congratulate his successor as presi- Permit me to briefly refer to the n up- i AMBOY I'ltlNTINU ricea for ihis •week. work It is a business run by the city lon delayed. Fifty five thousand amunlcationB or Items of II«WB re- on the co-operative l'lan> and is our dollars worth of bonds were author- ^.' UB must be accompanied by the only effort: at municipal ownership. . _ v"eof tbe writer to IIISUKJ publication ANNUAL MESSAGE Up(J t0 ( over tMg work and tne al Prime Rib Roast Fresh or Corned Plate and btrict business usage should govern n.rations an(J additions to school it. 1 he h ghest wisdom of which we . The latter usrtl the forty red in tiiH 1'osit OIHce at South A tuboy No 2 Soft Rib are capable should be shown in Its thollsands donars worth ()f bonds lGcand 18c 'oiid class ninil matter. Mayor William S. Doy's annual management. 1 only echo a truth , , finishing the message was read at the organization tljat w( re so]( without that every one understands, when work_ Fifteen thousand dollars' lOc ATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1914. of the new council on Thursday by 1 say that for some time past, this worth of authorlzed bond8 renlaIn ,In. Pot Roast City Clerk Mack. In full it was as department has not paid nearly so SDl(1. Thls Slim ls sm),)0SPd to cover well as it .should. 1 believe that it th(, (.O!it of tho BxpeIls!p of bringing follows: is capable ot showing far better re- . , ,,„ i 14c and lOc Juding from appointments, tlie Re- g st noo| N() , ,,„ to the re(luiremPnts The Iluyor's Message. suits. It should not only take care stnoo| N() to the re(lu remPnts Small Jersey Pork Loins ublican administration seem to think its. It should not only take care ,,r Uu. law. but judging from the cost ot .here is some good material in the To the Members of the City Council of itself, but trom the capital invested of tnp work on s(,hon| No_ 2 this a- Hindquarters of Lamb Democratic ranks. the City of South Ainhoy: and the volume ot business it is doing, Jlunm( wll, fllll flu. sho,.t ,, is an Gentlemen—Ia submitting to you 19c o it should accumulate a luri;e reserve |ln,)urtatu nllPSuOn as to what is the 18c thia second message, I wish to acknow- fund with which to meet a future pro- 1)GSt thillB to (lo in r|la|)t,f.t tl) th|H Will it be more law? The indications ledge that I share with you a con- hable outlay lor our entire owner- Kehoo] Man u, who are ml,,. sciousness of the added responsibil- are that there will be some before the ahp ot un HI equate watersupp y. * ^ (0 httV.(. d |(]eng guch Also Chickens, Fresh Hams, Venl, Etc. old office holders will relinquish their ity that has been placed upon you by It is my firm conviction that thematters uclleve thnt it wollld be the the recent'eiectlon. general use of water meters Hhould wispst to tear down the old building and Weight Guaranteed. TELEPHONE 88-J. Jobs. The political complexion of your be encouraged, and as soon sis pos- Iim, ,„,„,, an (,ntll.(,h. m,w Bchool on body has been reversed, and a re- sibl.- all water should be sold at n tllf, sal,,e site, except that the new measure rate per 1000 gallons. The , „,,„„,,, ,„, , . Counting by Knots. publican majority has liecn ordained s( hooI )mM1B lt nelm!1 to succeed a majority of the opposite present flat rate, I am impressed, _,„,,„ (.tr,,,,u „„,, ,„,„,,. ,,, fa(;p on It was the rii*ii>iii of the Aztecs to party that lias had control of the should be discontinued. I liilly be- tll|lt H(m,t others think that it keep their nnounts by menus of municipal affairs of this city for llieve that we sbould sell as we buy- WOI1|(, ,„, wiK,,r ,„ vl.Amm an(1 re. Established in 1871. strings. The numbers were indicated several years past. according to measure. At best, the m()(1(!| tm, ok] „,,]„„,, „.„„ Ul(J a,,,|f. by knots. A single knot was ten, two This has been effected by the will of Ilitt rute s little more than guess tk)I1 „,,„,,.,, tow.,nI John Btr(.(,( Ap single kiiuii-i twenty, iiml so on. Tlir the citizens, and may be accepted as work. It has a ways appeared to me |0 tll(, ||lf,r|lH ,,r ,,,[,„,,. (,r ,,„,„,, „,„„„ hundreds were Indicated by double their expressed wish for a changi thut the only honest way, an well | oflVr m, ()|lln|(1D (lt „,,„ time. , (U) in the administration of city affairs, an the only business.way, wns to sell |lmm.,.,. H|ru-etoly urge upon you tin knots. Tilt! color nf Mo siring indi- Just what wus paid for, and to charge | . i . <,|lng as much us inuy bd Thomas West Company cuted wlml tli« numbers referred tt>. This places upon you a special re (1( tt of ( ( v sponslbility. It Is evidence that your only lor value received. This Is ,„,,.,,,,,, for tll,H |M,r|,,mn from the Soldiers wore red, gold yellow, silver Th* House of Quality. constituents arc looking to you to In- possible only tinier meter rate. | Susiiiiclmnnit paid-up taxcnt instead white mill corn green. This method is stitute some improvements in muni- I believe that the city would pro- „,• H(.MinB mor(, |)()n(lH Th)H W|)1|ld Still in use on tho sierras of tlie Argen- cipal conditions. nt by supplying the meters Just, ns ,„, a ,|h.,,(,t n,]l(!f. ,„ lh|] laX|,aynrs tina, where the herdsmen keep tale of 1 believe that you are expected t< tlio gas companleH have alwiiys done, nlI(J i i,lr|f,,v«i that the new school APPRECIATION tlieir charges in a .similar wny. Sev- Inaugurate a stricter business policy Ihcso compunios never make the would stand as a monumentmoniimei , bearing eral strands depend from one, Ihe llrst in the conduct of municipal affairs, mistake or guessing nt tht! quantity, ,|(.ri,,.t,uii wltnenn to the wisdom of of these strands being reserved for having due regard to tlie progress am ol gas used, They esti.bll«h a set yollr n(,t|on, what )j(!ttl!bettoi r purpoB„ e Tbe steady growth in the volume of bulls, Ihe next for cows, the mill; and municipal advancement of our city, price or a given quantity, and render j ,,()11|,| this money serve than to im- and at the snme time over bearing hi dry being dift'ercntinled; the next for u bill for the qimntlty used. ThlnH|Ht ,„ increasing the educationiil business transacted by this store during mind the urgent need of keeping i much bufilnoBS imictlce Injected Info nullities of our cnmlni! citizens, and sheep, 11 mi no on. Knots were proba- the year 1913 has been most gratifying. watchful eye upon the public expen- our water works transactions would, liott(ir ,),.,,p,,rinB them for IntelII- bly among tlie first methods of mini to ditures. I Icel sure, soon show a marked Im-, civic service We wish our many customers and record figures—the knot or the murk on prnvemonl In the revenues, llesldes, j in the meantime I would advlsi u bit of. stick. In tlie English hop gar- tlie meter rate would have a good , tlmt tlie entire Hum from the source friends a Happy and Prosperous New dens the tallyman (generally the local olfcct In tending to encourage coon- m,,m,,i |J(. |!(.|)t i,, „ mipnmte fund schoolmaster! goes,' nroiintl with the omy In (he use ol water, and to less- f)llt of wh)uIl n,,. (:ily treasurer Year, and cordially inrite a continuance tally and ils mark.' ami tlie most civi- nn the waste, and would tend to ed- mlKnl |,,. nuthorlKeiJ to discount of their patronage. iiente tho people up -to the Idea of c|lv n0,,,H| ilK rm. lls 1)ructi(.|i], and Miied Clik'iiginui still ties n knol in Ills tlieir co-partnership liUerest In this the notes bo repaid to that fund jjai^dkercbicf when he Is asked "to.lie Important branch of our city govern- l,,. ,|,,,., ] us the notes are paid Sincerely, sure ti.1 remember."-- Chicago Xn™. w n MKt ""-•nt. 'ta (|ln |,.m)( '|'i,iS would continue Thomas West Company I do not wish lo give the Impress- ,,n|y K() |ong ils t|,|a mnncv remained Tenny^ofi and the Horse. loa that I titvor a biglier rate by any ,,n |,!in."sary, and could be wisely lowered, principal, Tim success < i' the department docs meet him lie, was Ulad jo accept the not depend upon the maintaining of Opening Stockton Strrrfl. offer of n !jfl home, lining up the fin high a rate. I hplleve it is pos-' Very close to the above Idea is con- Bleep bill U> ltlackilmii. Tennyson. •iiDie to establish a rate that would nected the plan or opening Stock- wllh his cimriic'teristlJcniiHlderiition more fairly distribute the benefits of ton street through to Augusta street, for animal*, sugsrostodfhat they nnd our water supply, and at the same I made this suggestion in my mess- the books were too lieajv for the pony time yield an ample return for the ag,j. one year ago. I -feel now, as I to drag. The two meffl therefore gut capital and ;cost of this useful arm felt then that for the money required out and 'walked for slic distance in ol our city government. this Improvement lms a v«ry prnmi- front of the trap. untiKhey discovered Kirc Houses. . • nent claim upon your consideration. Iftew that tbe books had dipped out. The At this Juncture of our history, I am Probably thus far, the circumstances uave n owner of the pony a-Ji-d Tennyson to MAYOR WM. S. DBY. fully persuaded that the present coun- °t proven favorable to this cil would have no excuse for expend- movement. I trust that you may, ln stand at the animal!'bend while he ur •went bnek for the Jtioks. These he ing a large sum ,on fire houses, y° wisdom, perceive an opportun- /\N this New Year's Day, we wish to ex- / I do not advocate a miserly policy Klaborate houses of this character are lty.m the nMr futl're of accomplish- found a hundred yula or more down ln tWs the hill, and on his ilurn he found the in promoting what is essential to uur not among tho city's immediate re- S long-needed object. The press our deep appreciation ol the Public / progress, our comfort, or the advance- nuisites. The state of our finances Susnuehanna paid-up taxes, I think, pony lind boon restijLbut had quickly c ould be wiseI ment of our municipal conditions. do not warrant costly buildings for , 4 y divided between Confidence bestowed upon us, and to pledg^ become quiet. KnJlng t!>:it it dislik- I, (Iv however, ventuia to suggest to that purpose. The appropriation tuls °Mect ''in<1 the sch00' already ed strangers, he/pondered yoii the rieti^of exercising strict con- made for that purpose did not con-,named' Botn ot tnese objects would anew our best efforts in serving our Patrons Tennyson • nnd/*Pt it quiet, Wlmt servatism in'Vugurd to ne,'-. -ventures, template It. A modest house on Ste- thetl "remain as something to speak was* his fluriwfc to learn that the poet unnecessary lncredi=<.o m officials, sal- vens avenue or John street, or some r"r themselves in the coming years, well! had nianiiw Ihe affair by holding aries, or In uncertain experiments. other suitable location, would answer Jllst aa the clty Hal1 remains from watch *fE0 t° "le uniuiiil's ear. Your policy, 1 am persuaded, Is ex- the needs of this city for the present'the l'ald-"l> railroad tax of twenty- pected to be conservative, and a prac- and the arly future, I feel quiet sure, mi° yoars .aP- , tical business administration of our It. would seem to be very proper to' 1 note wlth P'oasure the willing- Elephants' Teeth, public affairs, make provision for stabling the city ness of 0Ilr l)GOl'Ip to avail them- selves of the Now on—in full swing! /he elephant has no cutting teeth, Permit me to admonish you to go team in the intended building, us \.oll advantages of the san- as to provide for the needed fire-fight- Uary sewers. Te|uants Are, in in- ,Ae most animals, but only a series of slowly In respect to executing new ( reas n /molars, These molars or grinders us contracts for the extension of public ing apparatus, and also make provi- ' ' e numbers, prefering houses sion for a meeting room for the regu- tllnt contain the improvements, and r (hey wenr inviiy gradually move for- works, until at least the larger part are sllf! f of the unfinished contracts nn hand lar gatherings of the company. This «'inB a disposition to pay BRIEGS' CLEARANCE SALE ward I" Llie Jaw, and Ihe reuimint of for the are completed. I am fully persuaded, can be provided increased comforts they re- the tooth, when (lie surface in com for *he sum of four thousand dollars ceiVG- To mv mind, it is only a Ques- OF plctcly destroyed. Is cast out ln front. When you have, occasion to award Tho same molar can thus he replaced new contracts, let your gain in ex- ($4,000.00) at the outside. tion of a short time when the mod- perience be of good service to you. ern dwelling will so far supersede us many IIS eight times. The tusks, First execute plain practical agree- Law Suits. the unimproved houses, that the lat- Briegs-Built Suits and Overcoats which are only enormously elongated ments, accompanied by specific state- Porrait me to advise'against hastily ter will be back numbers, teeth. CJin be renewed only once. Th. s ments of what has to be done, ex- courting law suits, They are expen-1 This is a healthy Illustration of wenrhig process and Iho ejection of Ihe pressed ln language that Is easily un- sive, and frequently might be avoided our people having risen up to mo- stump of the tooth go on very slowly derstood, that you may avoid trouble by using sound business prudence and dern conditions, and argues well for dining the life of the elephant. Only in securing their fulfillment. a little patience. You can always do the future of our city. Without mo- We wish we had words that could adequately ono or two teeth at. n time are In use Allow me further to suggest that business to better advantage while dern conveniences it la impo9sjble or in view* In each Jaw. There are al- you familiarize yourselves with the you are on friendly terms with the to maintain clean, healthful streets, describe the opportunities this sale offers you. wnys other teeth \viiltlng to pass for- police system of our city, and any other party. Threatening letters pro- and m'odern sanitary conditions, suggestions you have to often that are voke hostilty, and have no frighten- Tnis advance ln our surroundings ward and begin their work, although w Never, we think, have suits and overcoats so there Is n limit to this succession, for. likely to yield a larger measure o[ ing effect upon business men of ei- i" make greater demands upon our safety and protection to our people, perlence. Prudence and firmness are c'ty water supply, gradully expanding when.the-last lias come Into use and I assure you thut I shall be very glad the requisites of an ideal policy. I this part of our city work, until It good looking, so well tailored, been sold at been worn down, the elephant can no to consldor. Allow me to remind you of the ur-'will become of greater service and like prices. longef chow his food and must die of In my first message I suggested the gent need of an ordinance to wisely ot higher commercial value, offering starvation. If he turn nut already suc- establishment of suitable oflice aooom- govern In the erection of buildings,, another proof of the importance of cumbed to old age. odations for the various heads of the and the establishing of property lines,'tue wisest possible management be- city departments. I am pleased to n order to preserve uniformity ln'inB given to this arm of our city gov- acknowledge tho steps you have al- blocks, and to prevent unjust en- ernment. Start the New Year with a New Suit. Tho Poet's Banknotes. ready taken in that direction. I now croachments upon the rights of others. Street building will continue in urge you to, as speedily as possible, In "The Tragedy of l.sabella H," It In City Accounts. response to the popular desire. As said thai I lie unfortunate Spanish complete wlmt you have, I believe, soon as the benefits to one improved very wisely begun. 1 feel confident In my rtrst messago I emphasized street are apparent, a correapondins queim. liloswl with generous impulses, l l !!2S21SUITS AND Q 7C $22.00) SUITS AND 1 r 7C that tlJD time has gone by, when it ho importance of natal Ing a bet- change wln b e coveted by residents was exceedingly eharltiible. Unfortu- may have been wise to transact our J nately shtv lutd no mil inn of tlie value ter system of keeping the c ty ac- of otner strects an(, . tl win t)_ •loioolOVERCOATS O.IJ $20.00/OVERCOATS 13.* 3 nuniclpnl affairs in all kinds of stores counts. For years past this city has tlon for the same. This ^m , >™ of money would want to give away nnd business places. • Present condi- followed a more or less hnphnzzard . exponsfi, -both to the city and the in- a e sums out of nil proportion to tin - tions make our municipal building the habit of handling its accounts and, ,llv|(h|al bu, „ th an;a ntnges co°t $18.00) SUITS AND 4 7 7c $28.00) SUITS AND A a 7K cnslon. Once the ipieen hud command proper plane in which the public busi- at the end of each yeitr Instead of the something, and on this account a- $15.00) OVERCOATS I -&. / 3 $25.00/OVERCOATS IO. IJ ed a large grant in aid to a innn of let- ness ought to bo transacted. frcasurer making n yearly report !ore pllblic progresa OURht not t0 ^0 ters, nnd the steward, in order to give Tho Jlayor's office bus room enough Hhowlng the rocolpa and eXnendl-| retartcil. Better and cleaner stroets her n Jusl Ideii nf Ils magnitude, deelil- In It to accommodate tho city collector, ii res of each appronriatlori account mako living conditions healthier, nml the safe that was bought to safe- (has beon necessary to hire other I, ,ltn ,tgelr mora en]oy.lble. Foi: ed to present I hi' donation In the fonn Rip to prepare this report. I b -| , . •of maby banknotes of .small value - guard the documents connected with e H ls thc cost ia bllt a minor cong| All Soft Hats and Children's Suits in that offce. Hhould bo housed there, and ieve this should not he It is nay-] (lol.ntUm within reasonable limitations, enoii^h of Iliem ID paper the walls of tho collector should confine the busi- ng twice for work that Is plainly It i8 n case where cost is not evory- ihc boudoir. Isabella was startled-she ness of his office to the- place so pro- the duty of the treasurer ft"o do''". " thing, this Sale. properly kept, each •account would wollld never have believed, she said. vided for his use Mcchiinlcsvlllo Sciv«rs. that there were so many banknotes 111 The other heads of the various de- show, when bnlallced. the exact re- ceipts, expenses, and the balances The Mechanicsvllle sower question 'the world, "lint no matter," she con- partments should occupy the accom- emnlntng to the respective appro- -eluded. "Since banknotes lire so easy modations provided for them. Public presents an unfortunate, and perplex- property stored ln private houses priations. This data would be of val- ing problem for your solution that "THE STORE THAT SATISFIES" .to get, it is quite proper to send the ue to tho finance committee when will call for careful thought and stu- ;noor poet plenty of them." about the city does not look business- like ;hey want to formulate the annua..l. dy. A large sum of public money, budget. The treasurer under such ia at present tied up in that piec'p j Realistic Dream. Street Lighting. a system, could furnish at a mo- of pulbic work; still in its present A Hanover college professor wns nn- The need of additional street-light- nent's notice the exact condition of. shape, It represents hut little of, noyed by the pranks of a freshman In ng hns long been apparent. Poorly ny appropriation account for the' value to the city. It will require tha his classes, lie resolved thill: If thai lighted streets are not in harmony guidance, of the council. An over- exercise of good Judgment to am- with modern Ideas of civic nroirnss, rf "f nn nnnrorrlnMnn ly to A uteinsr, ffiUhurch street. selections and other pastimes served There, were stories tlmt he iippunred in Whole Milk Cheese, lb. 2 lc to while awuy tho evening hours and "u dove eolorert rout mill white sndn OB BALB—Four houses, all Improvo- Rev. J. K. Shaw occupied tho pulpit JHs, good location. Apply to A. Kleiner, the young people ushered in tho ne'.v Inexpressibles;" tlmt It look two nrl- Jhuroh streBt. vr 8-lB-tf at the M. 13. Churcu, Milltown, on your In a mom jolly manner. Refresh- IHI.H IO iimko Ills gloves, n spwlnl ex- Bonny Best Catsup, bottle Oc ?OR SALK—Three lots on Second street, Sunday last, and was greeted by 11 pelt boln;,' HHslKiied Io Die (IUUIIIIH, and ill sell BlniflB lota If desired. A. Htelner,' ments wore Horved and all the guests lurch street. nrgo congregation. Hint lie had Ihree hnlnlrensem who spe- 3 bottles 25c voted MIHB T1IOHI|IHOII a capital host- cialized, so to speak, on llm illffuntnt FOR SALE—A special bargain in 1 ess. S!?,llo,V"S.and?.lotB'0">'watfl«us^ others journeyed to Mechanlcvllle and "Kluipllelly mid nnnlttniHlvc elegiinee feefc Charles 8. uuckeiew «-6-'25-t: f were IIIH Ideals. To nltrmt notice by Pure Lard (Why pay 18c?) lb. 14c A number of local young people visited 11 number or homos. Songs RY OWNKIW-1 make a were sung, and the homo of Mrs.I'onsplciioumicHs in (Irexs WHS In his Ktymt managing estates and collecting uttonfleii a surprise party held at the opinion the most niorllfylnir experl- ,;ana pun oolleot yours better than you Bnrlhn liloodgood was last visited. .jolleot your own.. 1 will t»ko charge uf home of Miss Huida Nelbermnn, in iMicii Unit « Kcnlleiinin could hnvo, Compound Lard, lb. - lie r repairs and colloot for 5 per cent. You Sayreville, on Wednesday evening. ll«r« a Hplomlld repast awaited tho llyron told Leigh Hunt Hint I here was eno trouble chasing delinquents, You party, and was greasy enjoyed. Af- e to injr office on (he lutli urencli month nothing ivmnHinlile in Mi-ii riiiiici'H get an Itsiulted Statement and uhook ter ' wishing the seafion'B greetings, a illi Wm, £1.1'arlBen, real estate and ln- William O'Brien was brought before drcMs except a certain exMiilnlte pro. Eagle Cond. Milk, can - 13c noe, «W Hroiulway, South Amboy, N. .1. ustlco BlrmlnEham on Friday on return trip was mado reaching homo prlety. From which It may lie Inferred t •* 1-n-sa cliargo of disorderly conduct. He nliDiit 2.1 H a. 111, tlmt his reforms were of a 2 cans 25c sort" U.ANXOCS. was sent to tlie County Jail for 30 dpys. lioost Smith Amboy! Thot'B Just Crisco, can - Sic wliut Harry did whon ho plncnd lila Arsnnic. iALE—Large Hall Stand, Re- Kxceptlng possibly the bichloride of >T, Tables, Bureaus, Bedstead A number of young people have nag "Oscur" aRiiinat Ilo(>'« "My Star." Hodno lioastnd that his I'el'tli mercury, few toxic substances nre so 'lugs, Chairs, Crockery, an availed themselves of tho skating »t common us arsenic, for Hie iirseimtes Salmon, can Sic, 3 cans 25c usehold Ooods.—Christ Churc Crossway Brook during the latter Amboy miK could hnst "OKcar" in and ni'Seiilles nre, not only much used throe heats out of live. Hurry took South Amboy. 12-1 part of the woclt. This Is the drat In medicine, but are likely to be en- (Medium lied, % lb. cans) him ui< on the spot. Tlio course was countered In comiuwliil siibsliinccs, CORE YOUH furniture In air katlng that has boon reported. .-ieusonablo rutes. Money advancec to be on Bordentown avenue between wiillpaper, dyostufl's. tie. Arsenic linn .?e receipts. Millers' I'urnlturi tho bridge near nosn's and White- been known since ancient times. The $1.00 In stamps with following: $5.00 in stamps with following: -M17 atate St. cor. Payotte, I'ert Wardens and Vestry of Christ STWMP SPECIALS N. J. 5-10 head's liarn. Starters, judges, otc, wnrd IIH'IIIIH innwullnc. or powerful. In Best Tea, (any flavor) %Ib. 20c Church have engaged tho services of the sixteenth century It wnsi useil for Alphabet Noodles, pkg 10c girflJ.OAN ID suras of $1110,«Wi, *ii» were selected, and tho day last Mon- Imporial Baiting Pdr, %'b. 25c 1 Min&ijn to I2,(«JIJ. Inquire M l,n tho Rev. Weston K. Grlmshaw, who Inimlrldiil purposes ill the form (ifiiquu Lomon or Vanilla Ext., bot. 10c . John A,' l^jyeli. HO Bruailway. will be tho priest in charge of theday. Tho first heat was declared a (ofann ntid in literature bus been Hie 910.00 111 stumps with following: Peroxide, bottle 10c < TU LOAN on, Bond and Vloitsasc parish until a now rector comes. 1c, tint after that Oscnr showed his most cclehniliiil «f poisons. Although Best Tea, (any flavor) lib. 58c 11. A. oonu, r. hoels and won three straight, and considered one of the most powerful Marshnmllow Whip, pkg... 15e Imperial Baking pdr lib. 15c poisons, it is less so In its ordlinivy Walter Kreger, driver for John Pe- thvis proved that South Amboy has WOBK WASTED. forms than potassium cymilde anil the terson, n wholesale liquor dealer of the best horses as well as all other things. Harry feels proud of hisiilltnloids, though in combination with •NTED—l'iunl!}-washing toilontUomo, Perth Amlioy, was fined $300 by Judgo hydrogen it becomes ono of the dead- ilmonSssIlk, 10li David street,cor. I'll) Daly last week for delivering two victory, and now- sports a new over- liest substances known, the slightest Brown Bros. Tea Co. ae. : l-3-l eases of beer to a hotel in this city. coat. If there are any other nags whiff of tho KIIS being siilliclent to in- across the river, bring them over and sure death. In the common form, the Formerly Lislak's Saloon BLUE FRONT The members of Ianthe Council are Harry will take care that the owners dioxide or "white arsenic," one or two grains cnuse ilonth — Boston Hentld. cler New Management to attend the raising of tho chiefs of leave their purses In this city, and 183 Broadway Telephone 153-W Pocahontas Council No. 18 of Newthus help boost South Amboy. Brunswick on Wednesday night, Jan- Great Pneta and a Little Girl. uary 7th, 1914.—Mrs. K. J. Berlew, K. Al Y. M. €, A. AILEIS. James Russell Lowell used to walk along the gravel paths of his beautiful ' NOTICE TO CliEDHORS. o£R. Whalen's Pets slipped oie over on 'tleii In Cambridge, Mass., hand in AUL BRYLINSKf, the Commuters at the Y. M. C. A. al- hand with n bright little girl, who was EMIL H. MENZRL AND LOUISE) Manaker, executors of Maria Menzel, Proprietor. January 14th, is the date of theeys on New Yer's day. The Y. M. C. his neighbor, and discoursed with her deceased, by direction of the Surro- musical entertainment given by the A. champions wore again in good upon fairies, paper dolls, roses find oth- gate of the County of Middlesex, B&ptist Church choir, "Fifteen miles form and the bowling was very Inter- er important subjects. Henry Wilds- hereby gives notice to the creditors to Happytown" is the title of the play. esting. "Stevio's" fade-away ball was worth Longfellow, n neighbor of Low- of the said Maria Menzel, to bring In ;HOICE WINES ell's nnd of the little glii's. who a their debts, demands and claims Tickets are now on sale ab fifteen attributed as the cause of their down- velvet cont and a blp; tie, was also her against the estate of tho.said deceas- cents each. fall. John Rue bowled 214 In his first Intimate friend. He used to tell her ed, under oath or affirmation, within game, and celebrated his team's vic- wonderful stories of ancient heroes mid nine months from this date, or they AND LIQUORS Miss Llla Furman leaves this week tory to the detriment of the furniture. will be forever barred of any action miuiy other marvelous thlnss. It was therefor against the said executors. for Staunton, Va., where she will at- Whalen was high man with 223 in hia nnturnl that tho little girl should re- Dated December 27, 1913. FOR the HOLIDAYS tend the Mary Baldwin Seminary. last game. The following are the solve even then to become 11 writer, EMIL H. MENZEL • Wholesale and Itotnll, Deliveries Froo. Miss Ellen Parison, who attends this nnd first of nil a poet, for It was ns n and LOUISE MANAKBR, poet that tho novelist, Elennor Hallo- school, will also return after her holi- Com 111 nters. Executors. day vacation, well Abbott, first achieved recognition. Present claims to JOHN A. COAN, Ingroham 196 119 165 —Century. Proctor, South Araboy, New Jersey. Coach and Crane 139 146 179 1-3-9. Automobile Mr. Ellas Forse entertained a num- TO HIRE Orr .140 180 151 Quick Decision, ber of friends at his home oa John For JVeddlngs. Kccoptloiis, FuneralB, &c. "Sly gas meter is out of whack." JTOHCE OF AKM7AL ElECTIOM. street on Thursday evening. Cards, f;»r,\edar nod Center Streets. Total 475 445 445 "What's the matter with It?" The annual election of the Star musical selections, etc., formed the . T. M. C. A, Reseros. "It 1IC3. It doesn't register cor- Building and Loan Association will BKBCTCN SOtTn AHBOT pastimes of the evening and all pres- take place at the City Hall Monday Stephenson 201 183 13rectly.8 " 1 Tel. 1M-J ent had a delightful time. ,1. Rue 214 106 14S"That's what they nil sny." evening, January 5th, 1914. The following officers are to be J. Whalen. ..' 149 149 223"But it doesn't register half the gas we use." elected: President, Treasurer, Sec- LONDON "PEA SOUP." Rev. J. E. Shaw of this city made SHAKE YOUR HEAD retary, Twelve Directors, and One 'Then It's lying on the wrong sldel an address at the annual banquet o£ Total 564 438 509 Auditor. Meeting will ba called to fttlrti and Fag* So Thick Thit They the New York Alumni Association, of We'll send a man right out,"—Houston order at 7.30 p. m. Post. as much as you have - Turn Day Into Night, Creole Fraternity, Phi Kappa Sigma, John J. Delaney Thomas C. Gelstnon The Yacht Club bowling team de- a mind to, yet the Secretary President London unil Londoners have been the held in Nowarlc on Tuesday evening, feated the Commuters of the Y. M. Out of Danger. butt of many a nood Joke, but pevuti|is Mr. Shaw la a member of the associa- eye glasses we have tho oldest sutjuut of ttio uuniorbt C. A,, on the latter's alleys on Mon- Pat, the hodcarrler ito the carpenter, the ••London fog, Tins mint, wulcu tion. day evening. The Association boys who-is vigorously sucking his tliunib, sold you will "sit commonly culled "IIOII soup," dates displayed fine form but the veterans cursing at the same time)—Don't you tight"—stick on as HERE WE ARE! back io tlio Huroutcuuth century. There Mr. and Mra. Arthur Van Ness of know how to drive n nail yet without captured the honors by -winning three smashlu1 yer finger? Carpenter-No; «r<5 words us fur Imelt ns Unit wlil Morgan Holghts, escaped serious In- out of the five games. The following long as you need Indicate that tlio dty siiHVrcd even lu jury lnst ThurBday when their auto- you blamed fool, and neither do you. ara the scores: Pat—Sure, I do. Hold the lm miner in them, Ouv patented those from mists us luteiisu us mobile turned turtle near Brlelle. any of those of toil ay. Tnclit Club. both hands.—New York Amerleiui. clips do the business. Both rocolvod minor bruises and Crane, G. W. 153 153 138155 189 TO OttDEB. ALL KINDS. la •November, 1(10(1. John Evelyn scratches but wore able to proceed The glasses, too, if Parker 1B2 Applying the Lesson. made a note In liin diary to the effect aftor their machiae was righted. Oysters and Ohiins thut tosi'o WIIH "so thick n mist and Kulner 171 109 132 154 Toucher—nil ve you looked up the we have examined nienniug of the word Imbibes, Funny? 'In'bulkorlnthosholl. fog Hint people lost tbelr wiiy in l.b« Cunningham 171 180 191813 160 your eyes free of atroots, it being so luteiisu Hint no Rev. If. C. White, of Chattanooga, Fanny—Yes. ma'am. Toucher—Well, Home Baked Beans what doe.s It mean? Kniiiiy—To tuko light of ciimlle or turelies ylelili'tl any Tenn., will have chargo of the services . 476 504 498 470 601 charge and fitted Delivered to votir Door. S i Total In. Teacher—Yes. Now give 11 sen- Sllrootldii. Holibei-U's niv n the Presbytertaln Church Sunday, Com 111 utcrs you, will hang on as GET Y0UK SHE OF BINES bl'tTvecn tbo vury llfe'litu whicli nre llx- January 4th. Mr. White is an able tence using- the word. Funny—My Ingraham . 177 165 161760 146 aunt imbibes boarders. — Plillndeipuln Agent fur Perth Ambov Milk and OroamOa «d between London and KeiiNingtoi] on Mid impressive speaker. The sacra- helps to eyesight as Tlie Host Kvor— Pot Mieoso ivml Cream Crane, R. 170 173 150 120 183 Ledger. both Blde.4 and wldk- conclios and i>»9- ment of the Lord's Supper will bB ad- Table Iloardora Wanted. Tol. 187 «biigers were jmsslni;. It ueyiin iiliout Orr 138 154 159139 180 long as you need 2inii- with, much merriment, Refr&shmcnts wore Borvod in ample quantities and form and made strikes and spares Safety Pins. plinicnt-s to (lie Mini, whom 1 huve not with almost monotonous rapidity. Been 'e 1 ciimo to Knplanrl." all had a most pleasant time. Pins fiiHliloiiL'il inmost exnctly like Whon the score was tallied it was Insurance Broker In Eltailictli'N time the burning of (hose of tlie sort known today as found thnt "Pop" had to his credit 'safety pins" Imvo been found In COfll wns lirolilljltcd wlille pnrllnnient Miss Hazel Hyers WBB in seBMlon, So donso were the •355. lOtruscnii mid Koiiian tombs, nmt the COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS number of her fr date of thiw bus, In some ItiHtniu'cs, fogs during the yon re of 1813 mill 131-1 0 NOTARY PUBLIC that when the prince repeat tried to at hr been assigned to 11 period prior to I he SOTCIDIO mo children are spoiled lu their ClirlHtlini ern, make his iviiy to Ilntfleld. tli« home of % because that is tho easiest I iimld not llm1 '• T way and wnn coinpnllcil tn foreijo > raise them. Write your imnie with lnve. mercy ™ ASS trip mill return to Cnrlton H011. imd kindness on flip hearts of thoK Grand Opera House year will be held at the banking house St. Stephen's lodge, No. «3, Terminal Y. M. C. A. team at New on Tuesday, January 13th, 1914. /ocate of the philoso- . Meets at K. of P. Hall, (1, York on Saturday afternoon. Crane, The polls will be open at 2 o'clock third Mondays of each month (< m, there is no more •I Ingraham and Orr, of the locals, made p. in., and remain open one hour. ing July, August, and holida / among theatrical stars 1 R. C. STEPHENSON, 7:30 p. m. a fine showing winning two out of jse Stahl who will ap- 12-6-6 Cashier. three games with a total margin of Joel Parker Council, No. le Henry B. Harris Estate V. A. M,, meets every Frldr 46 pins. All were bowling in top in Knights of Pythias Hall . for an engagement of notch form and the veterans of the | JfOTICE. ALL PERSONS CONCERNED WILL Olaf P. Nau; Recording .ning January 5, at the New York team received a disagree- A. R. Chatten. dra House, New York. take notice. That all debts owing to able surprise in the prowess of their the estate of James H. Gordon, or to .ahl will play in her great 1 1 Gorra Lodge, No. 86, D. B. -, nffesnv youthful visitors on the alleys. In- the firm of Howell and Gordon, are Regular meetings second and fou • ' "Maggie Pepper", a comedy graham was high man, bowling 207 now due a.nd payable. Notice Is fur- Fridays of each month at 8 p. m., n three acts by Charles Klein. 1 ther given that the proper and legal Bundenseh'B Hall. President, Lc in his second game. The following is ,' the) many successes scored by settlement of tho Estate of James H Barlund, Sr.; Secretary, (Jens Tho: • • the score: Gordon, deceased,, will require the son; Financial Secretary, Geo ypical American playwright none I «S Jfew York Terminal Y. M. C. A. collection of all the nbove mentioned Mortlnesen; Treasurer. John S. Lu; o. 484, B. JnM 1G4 L. V. mid E., meets in Welsh's Ha uis best plays. Lutscbulte 152 lfil Gordon, at the store corner of Broad- Murray 181 172 ICG way and David street, or to the un-First and Third Sundays of ea The story is built upon the life of • dersigned. month at 2 p. m. J. E. Pippett, Prt girl who has risen from a lowly ident; L. D. Wortley, Financial S< 81 478 444 471 WILLIAM J. BOWE, retary and Treasurer; F. L. Haw jash carrier to the place of assistant ^^Ln&^LnW ^nnnl Administrator of James =H. Gordon. Recording Secretary. buyer in a department store. Her deceased. 9-13-tf name is Maggie Pepper and she lives • ingraham 137 207 192 Washington Camp, No. 86, P. Crane 149 151 174 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. S. of AM meets second and four up to It. The store is on the verge Monday nights of each month, at of failure when the formerly wayward Orr 180 151 108 of I». Hall, at 8 o'clock. William ^ ; : TO ARTHUR McCROSSEN, JAMES son of the deceased proprietor takes .:;;:^g;:i:i^:.;>::'.; Anderson, president; Charles S. Bucl '•••••'"-S'jffcv.!:-?; 46G 50!) 564 MoCroxson, Christianna McCrossen, elfew, vice-president; Bert Lamber, hold. He recungnizes tho ability of Mary .1. McCrossen, Margaret Leahey, son, Master of Forms; John Frencl Maggie and, despite the protestations Edward Leahey, Mary 13, Broderick financial secretary; Joseph E. Pippett of his store manager, elevates her to - "T^i II AHKDTIt AI/L LI'HJli: l>ISHAM)i:i). and Frances Coffey. recording secretary; Joseph Hubbard trre position of buyer, follows her ad- By virtue of nn order of the Court chaplain; Peter J. Cassidy, treasurer Tho Middlesex County Basketball of Chancery of New Jersey made on vice and' as she takes a firmer control League has disbanded, with the Ster- the day of the date hereof, ln a cause Frleiidslifu Council, No. 16, D. of L of the management the business Im- lings of South River and the local wherein Thonius J. MeCrosseh Is com-meets on alternate Fridays of r 8thei teamr showincIassg this thseasonat .of of Margaret Leahey, one of the ten- In each month. Praaldent, Tb secured. Manager Wilentz was un-ants In common of said lands and asC. Oelslnon; Secretary, John J. £ r. linelll> » thB* Athletle° s eeem to any the rr r aS "t fl or ,, teamt able to book a good team, and since such claims some right to or interest •y; Treasurer. J6ha J. Coskley. «ere. The play will be staged in a ' f f ° f » " ,f ° "* : Jlmmle Cantlon is out of the lineup in the said lands. manner to reflect credit upon the to PleeeB under Beveral chanEeB ln ™*• co'lplf «'»***»•«••»•; and imtj Gra*«i«dt», H*. tT, D. • for a few days, decided not to play Dated the 17th day of December, 1913 1. O. O. F./Veets on the First author, producer and company. No management and the quavering sup- cleyer shooting makes this year's ef- port of the fans. Owing to various forts eclipse those of former years,at all this week. The fans were dis- JOHN A. COAN, Third Friday evsnlng of each mo „. mio t f th f Oi t ais forts eclipse those of former years Solicitor for Complainant in Scully'*/Hall, Stevens avenu*. i appointed but Manager Wilentz is ar- Post Office Bldg. 8. Underf, N. G.; Mrs. Margart andTr seldom able to go out on the diamond this season and Judging from their ranging a good game for next Wed- ized to the fullest extent. 12-27-5 South Amboy, N. ,T.Thomas, .Recording Secretary. with the tame players upon any two (clever playing, they will annex many nesday night and a large crowd is IndeMnieace Eight A H«M I {occasions. • This contributed, ia a more victories before the season la expected to be present. MIDDLESEX COUNTY ORPHANS No. 1,/meets third, Monday In es j measure, to the small amount of ln< .finished. COUBT month/at 7,30 o'clock p. m. Forem Marti* Shuler; President, John Rapidly approaching its 150th per- terest taken by the fan- s durin• • g th- e o lc«b*rg*. Woodward; Secretary, N. N. Paai. formance at the Astor Theatre "Seven' season. It Is true that the local HEAD PIN TOURNAMENT. The greatest distance nt which an IN THE MATTER OP THB ESTATE lafithe Coaaefl, Vo.t, P. tar Keys to Baldpate" Is still attracting team wen a majority of their games, I Thehea d p)n tournaraent on. tne Iceberg can be observed in clear weath- of Frank Melnzer, deceased.—On Pe- Order «f Red Man, meets every seooi er by day Is eighteen miles. The av- tition tor the sale of lands to pay and fourth Thursday of th* moat absolute capacity audiences to that but considering their defeats at the,y_ JJ_ ^ ^_ bowling alleys has been debts. playhouse. Unquestionably the beat hands of the St. Anthonys and the | i p v d very popular, erage berg on an ordinary clear day at 2.30 p. m., In K. of P. Hall. Foci comp eted an( rO e can be slghted'from thirteen to sixteen ORDER TO SHOW CADSE. hontas, Mrs. Lydia Coward; K. of B play that Geo. M. Cohan has written Franklins, from our neighboring city, Good bow,jng has beell developed ln miles from the ship; on a cloudy day Edward Barker and Maria Melnzer, Kate J. Berlew. down to date, this farce of laughs, their record, on the whole, was a contestants, but to the executors of Frank Melnzer de- many of tne from eleven to fourteen miles. In nceased, having exhibited under oath Good Samaritan Ledge, Ho. IS, I. •: thrills, mystery and melodramatic disappointing one for the local fanB. Borrow of a few bad Bpllts has be- slight fog bergs can be sighted at two a true account of the personal estate P., meets every Wednesday evening aurprises is furnishing one of the The Sherldans, under the ener- come theIr apeclality. All are now miles; ln a dense fog nt 200 yards. In and debts of the said decedent where- at 8 o'clock, at Knights of Pythias most enjoyable entertainments now getlc leadership of Mike Delaney, anxiouB for the regular tournament bright moonlight they can be seen nt by It appears that the personal estate Hall, corner of First and Stockton forged to the front as a Junior team two nnd onc-hulf miles with the nuked of said Frank Meinzer is insufficient to streets. Chancellor Commander, Jo- current-on Bread way. which is expected to open 'soon. The seph F. Christoph; Keeper of Rec- worthy of playing ln Senior society. eye; in starlight nt one mile, mid ntpay his debts, and requesting the aid results of tournament are as follows: two miles distance with glasses. On itof the court in the premises. ords and Seals, William A. Chapman. During* the season- the team was It is thereupon on this fourteenth Bronx Opera House. Contestant Games Ply'd Frft'd Score night overctist nml durk, hut with tlio Seneca Tribe, No. 38, Imp'd. O. B. built up Into a fast working nine, Clayton 15 1287 day of November, 1913, ordered that all 3L, meets every Thursday evening at Primrose and Dockstader's "20th and a good schedule was arranged horizon visible, bergs enn be seen nt u persons interesfc>d in the lands, ten- Danser 12 595 distance of oue-hnlf mile wltli glasses. 8 o'clock, in Knights of Pythiai Hall. Century Minstrels" will be the attrac- but they ,aoked that onevita l fea. ements and hereditaments and real Oliver 12 648 estate 6t tho said Frank Melnzer de- Sachem, John French; Chief of Rec- - tlon at Cohan & Harris' Bronx Opera tl]nj neLessary t0 make an entirely ords, George G. Cliver; Collector of Rue 15 1050 Early Hairpiht. - ' ceased, appear before this court at the Wampum, Stephen Miller. ;, - House the week commencing Monday, 'mcemm seaBOn for baseball-good 603 Court House In the City of New Bruns- January 5. I Straub, R. A 12 The women >of early dnys possessed wick on Friday the sixteenth day of Sterling Castle. No, M. X. d. I* support Straub, C 15 907 bronze bodkins made like those of our January, 1914, at ten o'clock in themeets first and third Saturday eve- The reunion of those burnt cork 1 i 1The High School baseball team's Greene 12 553 time, nnd in their toilet they employed forenoon of that day or as soon there- ning of each month, at 7:10 o'clock; stars after _ a separation^ which haa ^^ {m tne aeason compared fa. Moreau 12* 781 small tweezers of a pattern that bus after as the court can attend to theat Knights of Pythias Hall. Noble lasted nearly ten years, has been an |vorabjy same to show cause why so much of Chief, Charles T. Grace; Hajttr- Of" with its showing in other Bloom 6 430 not altered In 2.000 years. To retain event that has excited much comment I the hair iu the desired fnsliion they the lands, tenmenta, hereditaments Records, George H. Hack, f years. Although the services, of Chapman, R. B. 6 404 the country over and brought record 'Russ" Bolce were missed, as well as had not. It is true, hit on the Iden of and real estate of the said Frank Meln- United Brotherhood of flanenters Berlew 15 1125 zer. deceased, should not be sold as crowds to see them in overy city other stars of the preeeeding yenr, bending a wire double, but they did and Joiners of America, JLecallNi, Locker 1096 will be sufficient to pay his debts. visited this season. Mr. Primrose i the team finished In the County High 15 employ for tills purpose straight meets second and fourth/Wednesdays 1350 Witness, Peter F. paly, Judge of said of each month In People s Hall, Sayre- Is said to bo easily maintaining his . Craqe 15 broKge'pins exacti.v like'the modern Court, this fourteenh day of No- gchool League at aecond plBCe 6ut 915 ville. President, Benjamin Crablel; reputation as "America's most grace- l | Brunswick and Wood- Mageo 15 hatpin nnd showing a 'big spherical vember, A. D. 1913. clagg ng New 1276 head. DANIEL W. CLAYTON, Vice-President, Fred Keonlg; Record- fulfill dancer,rifln/iQ."" urhllwhiloe HjfiMr. . DookstadeTlrtrtlrn*nrlnMr i4sa ' Stephenson, R. C, . 15 ing Secretary, Fred Johnson; Finan- bridge. Orr developed wonderfully Bloodgood, F...... 15 '855 Surrogate. is living up to his ' reputation as a John A. Coan, Proctor. 11-22-6 cial Secretary, Frank M. Irwln; as a twlrler and with good support Ingraham 15 1290 ' It Wat Up to Dobbin. Treasurer, Charles Englehart. funny man. won a large majority of his games. A cultured daughter, home from Burke ~6 9 412 Singing Society Llederkrau, Senlk In football, the season can be call- 3 241 boarding school, had just been driving Johnson ,12 the fnt mid antiquated family horso, Amboy. Practice of singing taken Home-Made Enamel Cement. ed successful, South Ambov's only Wilson .:.... 3 12 -107 place every Monday of each month at, team, the Scholastics, only losing one from which all speed and spirit had de- 8 p. m. Business meeting held every Take equal parts of sor,. putty, fine- Chapman, F 15 842 parted some fifteen years before. ly gifted coal as'^es and HlftQd table gatno during the year. Its showing first Monday of each month at » Whalen 16 1263 "Mamma," she called daintily— p. m. Fred Thumhart, President; salt. Mix and pack well into the hole was so good, in fact that it may beBloodgood, W. H, 9 591 though In sudden alarm—"I can't leave Kutscher, vice-president; Harry Rich- of your kettle. Place pan on stove' used as the nucleus for the organiza- Nichols 12 754 Dobbin "standing, can T?" ard, secretary; Chas. Steuerwald, with a little water In it until the ce- tion of a strong Senior eleven, in this Dixon 12 1024' The matter of fact .mother replied treasurer; B. Grohe, librarian. ment hardenB. city next fall. Stephenson, F...... 15 1442 briskly; "You can. Unless he prefers Whepi Court Barltan, No. 41, F. of A., meet* It Is in basketball that South Am- to sit."-New York Mail. . on the second and fourth Wednesdays Shlnn . 12 795 of each month, at 8 p. m., ln Protec- boy has made rapid advances. Only 1007 Are Golden tion Hall. Chief Ranger, Uarcus Big Demand for Toak. Dowdcll 15 The Profe»»or'» Compliment. about three years ago Bill O'Toole and Morgan 15 Make sure all your layers are Peterson; Sub-Chief Ranger, Louis Steel beams are beginning to take and Antone Molcheskl started the "The professor pnld me n compli- on the job. Regular use of Borland: Finan. Secretary, Edward the place of teak wood in India. Kerr 15 game ln tho old Columbia Hall. Aftor ment that I don't know whether to like Dewan; Treasurer, Michael Zupko; There is no other wood that resists High Scores. a Beason at that place the Neptunes or uot." Rec. Secretary, Louis Melnzer; Sr. the whltfl antB and rot as well as Stephenson, F.. ., : ;.. Ill "How is Hint ray trlvlV" Woodward, Nelson Banks; Jr. Wood- • developed into one of the best county teak, and teak is becoming Bcarce and Ingraham 108 "Ho.nn.VH I mn so Interesting that ho ward, Nelson Kviest; Sr. Beadle, senior teams and during the next two Michael Press; Jr. Beadle, Ludwlg expensive. . Stephenson, R ' 10G li going to name n germ after me."— seasons this club staged their games Poultry Regulator Hartman; Trustees, Aaron Hyer, Sr., TittMlnufrh Post. SSa. vka. lo 15 lb. puu at }SM. in the Knights of Pythias Hall with Locker < 106 Richard McCloud, Sr., Andrew Kron- Whalen ..'. 106 will accomplish this. It keeps meyer. Wontferfiil Cough Kcmeiiy. John Manhattan, Bill O'Toole and Getting a Start. Crane 104 the digestive and reproductive Dr. King's New Discovery is known Reub Porgotson as the prime movers. "Why docRii't that dachshund come |Berlew .".. 102 organs in perfect condition. everywhere as the remedy which will in 1912 the season was not as suc- when I call him? The Idea of sulking Prevent and cure roup and colds, aurely atop a cough or cold. D. P. jcesful as In former years and the Tournament Winners. orTme!" with Pratti Roup Remedy, Pills or NEW IEBSET CENTli 1st. Stephenson, F, High average. "He's cominc ns f««t us he can," suld Powder. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Lawson of Eldson Tenn. writes: "Dr. organization was forced too dlscon- TRAINS LEAVE SOUTH At. «JOY 2nd. Crane, G. W. 2nd, high average. the man's wife. "Ilo's got his front , Accept no substitutes; insist on Pmtts. Klng's New Discovery is the most tinue the game. For New York, Newarlj and Eliza- 3rd. Ingraham, S. M. High score. legs started."—Washington BTernld. Money back if not satisfied. wonderful cough, cold and throat and J ]n staging the Riversides games beth at 6.23, 7.07, *7.3'2, 7.50, "8.19, 4th. Chapman, F. Low average. Have you Pratts 180 page illustrated lung medicine I ever sold ln my store, here, Dave WllenU gave South Amboy There in nothing in life so important 74 Poultry Book? 10.01, 11.11 a. m.; UM, 12.28, 2.41, It can't bo beat, It sells without a championship team that will make Stephenson's high score forfeited in 8B to think before you act. 4180. For Bale by 4.25, 5.00, 5.57, 8.22, 9.44 p. in. Sun- any trouble at all. It needs no n name for It in basketball circles. favor of Ingrahnm. No winner al- MRS. AUGUST BEHN days, 8.26 a. m.; 1,17, 3.18, 5.01, 6.47, guarantee." This la true, because Dr. It is needless to say that the venture lowed to receive more than one award. II. WOLFF & CO. J. SUTLIFF 9.22, p. m., King's New Discovery will relievo the was succcsful, for the Hlvles have High Averages. Both About Right. For Long Branch, Asbury Park, etc Tom—"Women «on't love men for most obstinate of coughs and colds, been patronized by large crowds from Stephonaon, F 2-15 T 6.22, 9.16 a. m.; 12.10, s2.10, 2.36, \ what they really are but for what they Lung troubles (illicitly helped by Its jail parts of the county and while play- 80 INN & SON Crane, G. W have done." Kitty—"And men lov 4.39, C.08, G.42, 10.10, 12,56 p. m. Sun- ' uso. You should ki>ep a bottle in tho Ing hero have not lost a single game 86 Ingraham, S. M women for what their fathers he days, 4,55, (",42 n. in.,; 5.11, !).3O p. m. IIOUBO at all times for all Uie memdurin- g the Benson. Glayton, L, 85 4-5 dona."—Puck. For Freehold, 5.22 7.0S, 9.16 a. m.; bers of the family, fide nnd ?1.00. All fl junior fives have re " 'Steplienson, R 80 1-15 "-2.3C, H.U9, G.08, G.32, 6.42 p. m. drilBBlsts or by innil. H. K. nncklcii made their debut in South A._«o/. Whalen, J. 84 1-D jay 11.10, a. m.; 6.11, 9.3G p. mi & Co. Philadelphia or SI. Louis. Tho record of some have been sucess- Berlew, L.\ 75 Advertise in Tho Citizen. New York only: H. Saturday only,

\ WARMXG AGAIXST,THE PSE SECOJfD-HAlfD/POTATO SACKS. I r Your Department «f Apiculture Finds That AGt Brief Items Concerning People We Powdery Sca)» anil undoubt- Premier niack Pepper 9c you can get the finest Miss Grace Hoffman, of Hahway, is edly are carried In the sacks in which Premier Oat Flakes 9c I spending tho week ln this city. potatoes have been imported from p clothes ever made; tailored from the finest of Im- Kurope. The sacks therefore provide Duryca's Corn Starch, pkg ported Fabrics and finished with greatest care. Harold Orr, of Catherine street, was a source of infection to American a New York visitor on Saturday. grown potatoes punked in tlioni. It appears that there Is a consid- William E. Mr, and Mrs. ICdgar Browcr, of Now erable, trade In such second-hand for- York, spent tho, holidays In this city. eign potato Hacks between dealers GEORGE GREEN located chiefly at Iho Atlantic ports John Street Ni Miss Addle Dayton, of New Ilruns- of entry lo the United Stutes, am wlck, spent Saturday last In this city. especially In New York, and potato ".The One-Price Store" growers of the lOautorn State.a. Master Raymond Manduka, of Mtll- In HiiiiHi Instances, entire shipment? vlllo, is making a visit In tlilH elty. from the, great potato districts of 158 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. Maine to have been MlM iOlfzabdh Malonoy, of llrnok- nado In foreign, sacond-lmnd sacks. lyn, visited friends In this city this Hvnn though none of the Impnrte wee'c> potatoes themselves were used for ——— seed purposes, which IH not the caso, Mrs, S. C. Thorn, of Old HrlilKO. theno diseases would none the less spent Thursday uvenlng In South surely, but moro Insidiously, be In Ai'iboy. traduced and 'spread through this trulllc In Kocond-haiul potato sacks as Sweaters That Please! Messrs. Snmufll Klnslllngor and Wll- now conducted. liam Goldberg, spent Sunday at Now Farmers should require, dealers to York city. guarantee that tho sacks hnve been We are now showing a full line of Sweaters sterilized. Purchasers of seed pota- for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. They • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Norcross, of toes should specify that the seed Ocean Grove, spent New Year's day in new Backs or sterilized second- are of various colors, excellent in quality, In this city. hand Backs. DealerB - can sterilize these socks before offering them for and are being offered at reasonable prices. Mrs. Harry Fllllus has returned sale by placing tho empty sacks In Call in and look this stock over :: :: home after several week's visit at tight containers in which live steam I Mount Holly, should he Injected for about .ah hour. Purchasers of second-hand sacks can Mrs,iM. B. Hoffman, of John street, protect themselves by following tho Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith same procedure or by boiling them at Wanamassa. for two or three hours in any avail- BIG SPECIALS! able vessel. Unless these precau- Miss Helen Davis, of Jersey City, Is tions are taken the use of new sack; visiting her uncle, Mr. Harry Davis of exclusively ls recommended, 3 For Saturday Only Upper Main street. * o 8c Amoskeag Apron Ging- v"a? Mary Yates, of Old Bridge, DUPLICATING AN ACCIDENT. e spent Thursday with Mrs, J. A. Brown, of this city. 8howing Hew It Happantd li 8oma< Y ham, per yard - &% tint*! a Dangaroua Risk. Mr. and Mra; John Graham, of Mata- "Showing just how au accident hap- 49c Corsets at - - 39c wan, spent New Year's day . with pened ls somptlmes serious business," friends on Augusta street. said the adjuster of an accident insur- A "bunch" of the finest, most desirable Royal- ance company "The settlement of a Tailor Overcbatings have been cut and slashed to a $1.26 Meyer's Gloves at O8c Mrs. Mary Bickerton, of Trenton, is claim Isn't made any easier by having visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. some reckless 'person insist on Illus- price that will save you from 12.50 to $5.50 on a John C. Johnson, on John street. trating just bow the thing occurred garment. The real part of Winter is still to come and then losing a hand, an nrm or per- and Miss Julia McLaughlin, of* Jersey haps his life, before your very eyes, M, KAUFMAN Ity, spent Sunday at the home of "I shall never forget an elevator ac- Mrs. Annie Hills, on John street. cident that occurred In the early days \ 150 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. of my adjusting. The elevator wus in Now is the time to get that Overcoat! Messrs. Thomas Major and A. W. an old building which had been reuiod eled for apartments and offices. * The material is absolutely all wool, the fit g Shantz, of Perth Amb'oy^ were guests of Raymond Kress on Thursday. "A tenant rang the elevator bell on ahteed and the finish and workmanship the kind i one of tho upper flours. As there was no response to his signal, he put his have made the Royal Tailors justly famous. O Miss Rose Bergen, of Brooklyn, head over the metal lattice work thnt in and look the line over. sp(jnt the Christmas holidays with Mr, Inclosed the shaft to sec if the eleva- and Mrs. Nllson, on Henry street. tor wns up or dowu. Just then the elevator started, the heavy weights H. Wolff* Co. Messrs. Harvey Watson, Gerald came down and crushed his skull. Everything in Men's Furnishings and G Hackett and Cambell Strusholm, of "When I came to look the ground Weather Wear. this city, spent Wednesday in Sayre- over the janitor insisted on showing ville. ' me just how the man met his death. As nn Illustration he put his head out into the elevator shaft. Again the ele- The good wear and low prices of our Shoes a- Blankets and Comfortables Joseph Kirby, who is., attending tha vator started, the weights came down State Normal School at Westchester, as before, and Instead of one claim to steadily increasing our shoe business, showing t\ .,*., _, t • • • • a., spent Saturday with friends ln settle there were two. although of our Footwear satisfies. We know that we can satis .his city. course the latter one wns set nside on Grey or White Cotton Blankets - 65c to 1.49 the ground of gross carelessness. fy and please you if you will give us the chance. Miss Charlotte Dreyling and Master "Another case was where a woman Grey or White Woolnap Blankets - 1.69 up Albert Dreyllng, of Jamesburg, have employed ln a steam laundry had four Everything in Footwear, from the Baby's first returned home after a short visit In lingers so crushed thnt amputation pair to Men's Heavy Working Shoes. Grey Wool Blankets - - 2.49 and up this city. was necessary. The., next day in an attempt to show me 'just how the White Wool Blankets - 2.49 and up Mrs. Jennie Prancens and daughter, thing happened' another woman lost her entire hand, and amputation was f Arlington, spent the week end with .'•/•• necessnry nhove the wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foreman on s Silk Covered Comfortables, filled with a soft "Nowadays when I go to the scene ~2T J. Alfred Johnson 'eltus street. of nn accident t sny: 'Give me full , pure white cotton - - - 8.25 particulars. Show mo the place nnd "The Regal Store" »{ Comfortables, fancy or plain colors - 1.25 to 4.50 Mr, and Mrs. H. Lundstrom «and the position of the injured person, but aughter, Aatrid, of Brooklyn, Bpont for heaven's sake don't duplicate the he holidays at the home of Mr. and accident for the snke of showing me Broadway South Amtoy, N.\J. < Mrs. John .Nilson, on Henry street.' "lust howl" ' "—New York Sun. Coat Sweaters frvAW^vA1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holm and daugh- Pure Gold. Pure gold 1B considered as divisible For men, women and children in a complete er, of Arlington, spent Saturday" and ln respect to purity into 24 partB, each Sunday last with friends ln this city. called a carat, (or karat), an old terw Law Regulating Fashions. Black Friday. V variety. While in the city Mr. Holm paid a for one-twenty-fourth of an ounce, In 1C39 the general court of Massa- Bteck Friday in the financial hlif isit to the Citizen office. We are Troy. Hence the phrase 18 carat fine chusetts passed a law that "No gar- tory of the United 8tate» was Septem- For men or women at - - 1.98 to 5.75 means that 18 twenty-fourths is pure ment shall be made with short eleeves; ber 24, 1869, when Gould and other hvays glad to Bee him. and such aa have garments with short • o • gold, and the remainder an alloy mate- speculators ran the price of gold np (Colors: Maroon, Navy or Brown.) rial. Ordinary gold chainB and Jew- sleeves shall not wear them unless to 362%, catching a great many per- Maintain High Ideals. elry are usually only 14 carat fins, they covor the arm to the wrist. And sons ln a corner and causing a panic. For boys and girls - - 98c to 3.50. Tho most difficult problem that any but wedding rings are 22 carats flno. ereafter no person whatever shall In British financial history Black "Fri- nu man being has to solve Is the pre- nake any garment for women with day wass May 11. iSfiC, on which daj (Colors: Maroon, Navy and Red.) vention of an insidious lownrlng of hiu ileeveB more than half an ell wldG the ;on:mtrclul panic caused by th tnndards. It Is BO easy to grow a Longest British Tunnel. I [twenty-two and a half IncheB)." If failure ot Ov«reml. Gurmiy & C' The Severn tunnel, seven miles /; laws regulating fashions were passed For Infants .... 59e up iltllc careless about personal appear- Limited, reached its height. :", ance, to be a trifle lead particular in Ions, is the greatest in Britain. oday, how many women would be fined for law-breaking? iscpnilnG the difference between riglit 1 lid wrong, to drop into habits of neg- ; Nothing In It. An Advertiser calls his patent wash- About Scratched Silver. '< ect In small matters thai were once Possible Explanation. onsldbrd duties! that gradually the ing mhebine "The Ladles' Delight." Whenever silver haR become Now, if there is anything about wash- scratched muho It quite smooth by rub- Some prophets are without whole life baa slipped to a lower plane ln their own country {pr thf •i. wour & Co. ufore one Is a\fei't:. The lowering of ing thit delights the ladies, we should bing it well with n piece of chamois diitils along inly Hue menus a lower- llktt toj know what It Is, They are any- leather that has been rolled into a el Thoughts. thing liut delighted on a washing day. tight ball and dipped In sweet oil. Slony'ContJmpt. an s World TRICKY JSURGLARS

n the Early Twenties Cuick of Wit and Full of Resource $1(W00 Literary Prize. In Time of Danger.


Ingenious Schemes Used by House breakers, When Detected In the Ac of Robbery, to Baffle Their Pursuers For Fishing, and Escape the Clutches of the Law, Camping, The wise Imrglur considers not only :erns and Hard iimv he may enter, but iilso how U niny escape, lie lias Hie whole thing Use under All planned out before embarking on hi Condition*. venture, nnd nothing is left to chance. Strong and Durable When lie is at work in a room lie usually locks the door on the Inside, o "Why ig he so bitter nt ti'u girl lie if there is no lock lie simply props a was only recently eiigugf>d tu?" Give steady, bright light. chilli* with Its buck liurd under tli "Because when she sent the ring door luuidle, thus making It ijulte lin back she labeled tlie box: 'Gluss—with Easy to light Easy to possible for any one to come In ujioi: care.'"—I.ippincott's. him unexpectedly. Sometimes bis ordinary precautions To Be Puffed Up. clean and rewick. Don't 1 full, mid he is driven to take others on the spur of the moment. These are of- smoke. Don't blow out 0 ten of the most extraordinary diame- ,r t ter mid may end in doing serious dmn in the wind. Don't leak. . the age to life and property. eaent An instance In point occurred not long ago at Hopwood, near Iteddltch. At dealeru everywhere ma lei Photo bv A tradesman's wife was nlonc la the hrtiiNe nt night when sho wns around UAWIYMI'IJE. by a creaking sound. Opening her i one o If you were n young mid nmhltloiM eyes, slii! saw a rough looking man ii STANDARD OIL COMPANY .. Lizzie Morv wrilci- junt l«'i;Iiiiiiiig to pet n the room. Mvldcntly he knew his way Paterson (New Jeraejr) Trenton entitled 'ooliiig in tlie HtiM'iiiy world mid out, for he tiptoed to u, chest of Jersey City NEWARK Camden i missing •ihouUl win u .flO.fKKt prlxo fur the liest drawers and took out n snuill cush hoi fare miss »tni'}' submitted In ii wnliwt bow leli held « sum of about $70, With ivould yon feul? great presence of mliid the lady re- frained from screaming. Slio wnlted l'lnpiiy'/ Well, I reckon tlmt feeling until the man wns out of the room lervlce book would nliout cover the Koiisittlon, and jral of then sprung up und hastily put on a it is exnod.v how JIIHK Diilryniple, tins dressing gown. were enjoyed foi'tuiiiito wliiiifr of II rci'uut prize, do- Then Klie ran out, but on Raining the 'lljBH Ijt'i' wnotionx ti'huii she liennl Coed—I don't think clothes make I top ot the stairs wns inet by a. bluzo the mini. tho good neWH. of iluino, Tho thlof, who hnd evident- College Man—Nor 1. I think it nil d&- . in the evening "T wrote 'Itinn.i of the Green V«}i,'" ly heard hor get out of bed, hod (match- pends on what ho smokes.—Kansas 1 NEVER IDLE! 1913 on the tex •mid Miss Dulryniplo. "In nix weeks. ed up a pile of newspapers in tho pnx- City Star." jar" showing how 1 evenliiK while looking over n New e below and, heaping them on the We All Do That. o In regards to the York pnper I sinv (lie (uii(ent. adver- stairs, set (li"« to them. Advertisements in the tised, u(id I Iniiiiertliiloly <]et«rniliiwl Io It wns impossible to puss tlie barrier try for l.hf prize. of lire, and, though fortunately help meeting last Tlnirs- "For KIX WI'OUK I wim (lend to tlio came in time to put the flumes out, the SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN world' mid hiuvly uliv^ to my fiunlly burglar got clean away. ccotint of tlie early ,C nd friends. Indeed, mother SII.VK HIIO Even more cunning wn» tii» ruse of in the morning. claims about half, of the prize money a thief who raided n lioiwc on Woln Are Working Twenty-Four Hours a Day! is del' sliiira for keeping disturbing street, London. 'Die tenant, hearing n s last Sunday were again j|gbt« und sounds out of niy life during noise outside his bedroom door, Jump- th, because of a number :1m weeks 1 wns scrihbllnj;." ed up mid discovered that bis wntcli Miss Dnlr.vniplc'In :i New ,Ters»oy girl, and chain were missing. Without Wiilt- lied to work and others An advertisement placed in the CITIZEN /fair mimber present, and luivlng spout must of her life in the ng to put on slippers, he bolted down- subjecjs preached at both •Ity of fiiHsnlc. Her father in n prom- stairs and was just in time to see tin.' has no time limit to its usefulness to the . id evening services. inent lawyer, ii student mid the owner thief rush out of the front door. He if Jin extx'ptioiiiill.v JIiiu library. Miss gnve cbuse. The thief glanced around, advertiser, It works 24 hours a day. If Dalryinple nttiibutes her literary saw thnt his pursuer was barefooted Dr. •Plxira—After n meal you must your ad is well written and interesting, it orations-tor Christmas and astes to the splendid opportunity her and, taking a bottle from his pocket, r's showing the home scene sib and think. ather's well chosen collection of l»ool;s flung it forcibly down upon the pave- Mr. St.ingee—I do. I think of the will be laid aside by the reader for future up over last Sunday with the iDfordcd lifi'. At an early age she wus ment in front of the other. high cost of living for hours after.— reference. Or, if your ad reaches the right coratlons giving the public the urned louau in the library to browse The householder naturally pulled up New V'ork Globe. i of witnessing the same. among tlie books nt will. Among the short, just in time to save his feet, prospect, it will make an impression on his ' favorite authors of the young wommi while the burglar, turning sharply He Is It. memory which will last for days, weeks / ocount of the.absence of the re William Locke, De' Morgan and down a side alley, disappeared from ...itendent and assistant, Mr. leffery Farnol, and of the older novel- view. and even months. / ists she moat admires Dickens, Tbflclc- Jdgood and Mr. Stultz, Mr. A. The latter case calls to mind one roy and George Eliot. which happened in Devonport or, rath- Consider for a moment, can't you recall .eraon, the second assistant, had Stories for the prize winning ton- er, In Stoke, which is the residential arge of the school and conducted :est were entered anonymously, and suburb of that town. A naval officer an advertisement which you read months ic exercises In an acceptable manner, iss Dnlrymple sent in two roiunnceB. wns aroused about 3 n. in. on a winter ago which was so strongly impressed on lso giving a few review remarks. When the final sifting Qf manuscripts morning by hearing a slight clatter jouis Clayton acted aa secretary. took place tho judges did not know downstairs. He picked up a sword your memory, that you still remember the o - ivulch of her stories to select (is the and went down and located' the sound winner. The story, however, which as having come from the dining room. offer made? ' / Knaw Him as Well. id not win out the publishers have There was a good deal of silver The results of advertising may not be A eertnln cmitiinkerout* fid gentle- ept and will bring out next year. there, and he at once made up his »JJ,.\,I * "^long ugo advertised for n This is not Sliss Dnlryuiple'n first ex- mind that burglars were nfter it. He - instantaneous. Don't expect that when who was required, union!,' erleiiee lu prize winning. She has ried the door, but found it fastened .Ideations, to posses mi Int.!- leou the lucky one upon two otlier oc- rom the inside, so went out of the you spend a dollar for advertising today iiilutunca with the neighbor- 'nslons, but tlie checks received were front door mid rushed uround to the that it will return to you ten-fold tomorrow. t to his grout surprise lie re. not nearly so large. window. Howell—Uowell Is pretty well posted. . n single application for the And, spenklug of checks, Miss Dal- But the thieves had foreseen this Powell—He knows so much that it is Newspaper advertising is the very best st. rymple Is n good little business wo- impossible to sell a cyclopedia In his maneuver. As be reached It one of town.—Washington Star. medium for bringing to the attention of the .iot understand it nt all," heman und will Invest most of her .$10,- hem flung a handful of pepper Into his during II chut one dny with iXX) lu bonila and mortgages nnd will face, and as he reeled back, choked buying public your business and your tier at the local IIvery Ktubles ot use tlie money for I'nrls gowns, a nd half blinded, they both jumped out Lost Luster. loiitloiied the fact. lip nround the world or a new motor- nd took to their heels. wares and gaining their confidence by im- iits sec," snld the latter, ns n car. One of the smartest tricks ever play- pressing on them yoiir personality and f Intelligence flitted across hln This petite, hlue eyed girl with a 'd by a burglar was In a house in the Ye hndvurtlsed, I believe, for wealth of wavy golden hair, although uburbs of Worcester. The man broke reputation for fair dealing, ••mint be well noqunlntoa with romance writer, uns strong eonvie- n at night and, after packing up some jtiliorliood,' dldu't ye?" ;16ns. She believes In "votes for wo- ilver below, ventured upstairs to see 1," replied the old gentleman men," but nt the same time she's a what be could find. The master of the - '• • • • •'••<>* • ''•-, ..''• "I want some one who knowtt oraey sort of person, a fine cook and bouse spotted him nnd called bis son. Try an Advertisement for Three Months ij about." housekeeper of marked ability. They located Mr. Sykes in a first i, tlmt explains it," wan the an- floor front room. His shadow wnR in the CITIZEN. "\'e nee, they who knows thu "A Friend In Need." plainly visible on the blind, outlined iboiliooil well, knows ye too!"— Few women Imve reached "an old apparently by a candle or lantern. igc serene and bright nnd lovely us a The father kept wntch outside in the Jiplnhd night" without being culled ront, while the son went for a police- His Protty Compliment, pon—not oliee, but many times—to innn. When he returned with the o'f- Football Not a Pigskin. iioti the Uowiiftor Qiiuon Mnrghorl' ispense sago counsel to young men, iccr tlie shadow wns still plainly vlsi- That phrase BO much used in the Itnly was tliu lovuly youug bride ilany a ninn In his retrospect of u sue- ile. Rut when they went up «und en- football season, "chasing fae pigskin," to ci'owu prince thin itnecdoto of •esHful life Is glad to acknowledge :erad the room, behold there was noth- iiivolves a popular error. The foot- LIBRARY I ••oee'itloii In one of the bill towns what ho owes to the words of un older ing but un etllgy imidc with pillows ball 1B not made of pigskin, but of the ill the Beat and latett Bwki m*M woman, that were snld In time to en- i widely told In thu press. nd a suit of clothes! bide of the calf or cow, und, for the Bead at Small C#rt. .'he llttlo boy who wns to present hlo him to avoid un error or to pre- The Intruder, seeing thnt he bad been cheaper variety, the skin ot the Blieep. a IIHUUI liuuiiuot WUM thu son of u imt a repetition' of the mistake he llscovered, had rapidly constructed 'ootballs of the ordinary grade are Whj Go Without flood BMihgt stlngulshud literary mini, mill ho und mde. ibis to personate himself and hnd then made in thief country, but some of the THE A. C. FABISEV LIBBABT eon tmiglit n pretty pooiu of a few It Is a wonderful thing for the stu- •leared off by moans of a rope hanging finest, Bold to those who are not par- ilont absent from home, tho beginner Brown—Why. num. can't you see the South Amboj 4-1-tt mes In graceful imilse of tlie princess. 'roin u back bedroom window.—Pear- oke? 1 nearly split my sides when I ticular about price, are imported ttpm 3nt when iho moment cnuiu to i'i*cltL* n business, tlie novice milking his way loii's Weekly. '; England, where the industry was an n any cured*, to have one faithful list beard that ftory. ve It ho fjtnoci'mutely guzlng lit her, too Smith—So did I,—Philadelphia Press. Id one before it was started In Amer- Ladies! S* Money and overcome to sprailt. After II monuMit. i-olce, one attentive, sympathetic ear, >vhorolii lie may repose his confidence Grattan's Parliament. ica. Keep in Style by lu oydor to relieve tlie situation, the A Desirable Acquaintance. priifcess smiled find hold out her Iwml and be quite sure ho will never be be- Qrattan's parliament was so named Reading McCall's Magazine for''the flojvei-s. The little follow held trayed or disappointed. The tender 'rom the fact that It bad been largely Coal Consumers Organize, memory of such a "guide, philosopher >rought about through the tireless en and Unrig McCall Pattern* book for ii moment, then, to the de- Recent developments in the coal sit- —' 1 McC.U'McC.Ui i MwiiMivUMiUll '.ght of the usseiubly, explained coiili- nd friend" will never leave him. His irgy of Henry Grattan. Iti independ uation in tlio Philippines, Including a liolp you aress styl- Ife will be truer nnd nobler because ?nee was declared by net of parllainenl shortage in the supply of fuel for tha ishly nt a modermo dontlally ns he gnvo the flowers to her io does not care to disappoint her. by keoplui; \ "There i were verses, but you ure so n England in the year 1782. It cnnie archipelago during the last few rou posted on tho :o an end by the passing of the net of months and tho .increasing use of fuel latest fashions In •beautiful)I can't remember them." clothes nnd hats. 50 Eleven Piece Shirt Waist Sets. inion in July, 1800. In 180G Gmttnii in tho- islands for industrial purposes New Fashion DG- Shirt waist sets for the schoolgirl laid of his parliament: "I have n pa in which fuel costs are of prime im- EIKIIS In each Issue. Also valuable infor- st Bides and Chapped Skin who goes in for pretty novelties in •entnl recollection of It. I sat by Its portance, have led to the organlza- mation on fill homo iuall jewelry are of Florentine oinim- rnidle. I followed Its henrso."—New :lon of an nssocisiHim of largt coal and personal mal- st bitten ears, fingers and r_' .w iu i.iuniia which la likely lors. (July 60c a •liiig on gold or silver metal. The com- iTork American. year, Including pped hands and lips, chll- iniitlous of shades are In wondrtms io be of great Importance In lndu»< a froo patton). Sub- ld BoreB, red and rough Bkins, ones of blue mingled sparingly with trial matters In the far east. scrlfio today or send The Way of It. forfroo satnploeopy. nothing to equal Bucklen's black, in green or rose with white and 'Jones tells me his son Is making a o McCallPittMMKillonnbloyoiito ninko In your lve. Stops the patn at once hi uiauves with grays. Cato, on Buying a Farm. own homo, with your own hnnils. clothing The sets Include eleven pieces—a lolse in tho world." Tor yourself audchllriron wlilcliwIUbopor- jals quickly. In every homo 'So he Is. He's ringing the Ijell for When you have decided to buy a feet In style and fit. Price—noliohlHhortlian hould bo a box handy all the linlf (lnzi-u ovnl shirt wulst studs of farm, be careful not to buy rashly; lGceuts. Send forfroo I'ntloni Catalogue moderate slice, button euft" links, a ;h begin We Will Civs Yon Fini Prutnli Tor KlittlUK silb- Beat remedy for * all skill! low."—Baltimore American. { Mr. Bnckngln—Is thnt .Tlmmy Wlu

Miss Ciirrffl Strtisljolm, of John si., Mr. nml Mrs. 8i'.\nld»r Silvers, ol 1 GEORGE GREEN is visiting hi'i aunt at Kfyport. Freehold, KiHiiit Sal unlay at the homo (if Mrs. W. A. Ilrmvn, on John street. "The One-Price Store" Mr. nnd Mrs, ,/olm Jicalh WITC VIH- llors at Newark on Sunday lant. MISH Julia .M^Uiughlln, of Jersey 158 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. (!lly, s|icnt. Hie week end nt the home Ilaruld Dnylon, ol' .li'rm*y Cllly, of Mrs. Annie IHIIK, nn John street, spunl, tlin week end Iti tlilH city. We tire upi'ciiilizing on Men's Suits at $10. Mr, and Urn. John Lyons, of Jersey Mrs, Isnicl Wunl, of (ieorp! street. C'lty, spent, tho week end at the homo W(y aro ccrtiiin nowhere elso do you get the style Is visiting friends in Altmma, l'i\. of Mrs. I, A. Mills, on Slovi-ns avc. and vulue we ofi'er. We absolutely guarantee these Mrs. Kdwnrd Honors, of Burlington, Mrs, Mlmcr Whlttnker, nnd child- suits to give satisfaction in every respect, .^ee the *\ spent the week end in this city. ren, of Trenton, arc visiting at the Blue SergeB, Grays, Browns and Mixtures. No hoint of Mr. and Mrs. .1. (!. Johnson. John Ott, of Kcypoit, called on wonder we're petting such a wonderful increase in, friends In this city on Monday last. Mrs. Marry Ware left tills city on business—the Greatest Suits Ever Sold for Friday for Pitman drove, where she ThompBon Broach, of Ridge wood, expcctH to spend the month of August. l.OO Avoid Travel Fatigue— spent Saturday with friends in this city. Miss Margaret Short, of Portage, N. Y,, is visiting at the home of Mr. SPECIAL! Telephone! Mrs. Bleecker Bangs, of New York and Mrs. Edward Callngher, on David Shoes, Hats and Furnishings—Reductions city, spent last Friday evening in this street. city. Ranging from 10 to 40 per cent. URING the hot weather one often hesitates The Misses Helen and Adeline Voor- MAKE IT A POINT TO SEE THESE EXCELLENT VALUES D about taking trips out of town, even though Ambrose Hubbard has returned heos, of Philadelphia, are being en- it seems that the trip is necessary. home after making a trip to Niagara tertained by their cousin, Miss Vera You may save many of those hurried trips Falls. Pronch. vand avoid the waste of time and energy if you The Turner Store Campbell Strusholm and Milton Ambrose Hubbard returned home Outfitter to Men and Boys (ill just let your telephone do the traveling Eloodgood are camping at Morgan on Wednesday evening after enjoying V you. Beach. his vacation at Niagara Falls and from Head to Foot vicinity. . thy not decide now to let the telephone Mr. anil Mrs. C. DIMicelli have Broadway and David St. South Amboy takeNthose trips out of town during the summer? moved into their new home on Pine Mrs. M. H. Hammell, of Now Brims; Avoid travel fatigue and enjoy a quick, easy avenue, wiek, spent last Saturday at the home and satisfactory round trip—by telephone. of Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers, m Hudson Bowman, of Jersey City, is John street. visiting Helvin Nichols, of Stevens avenue, George C, Gllck, Jr., and sister, Every Thursday Don't Travel—Telephone! Mrs. E. Hardy, are spending a few Lester Stratton, of Trenton, spent days with Mis. Gralm Dobson, of CHILDREN Bell TtUphon, ft several days this week ia South Philadelphia. m Long Dwtmct Station Amboy. BOYNTON BEACH Mrs. Charles Dayton, of New York Free William F. Scully, of Springfield, City, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Look At This Q™* NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY Mass., is spending his vacation in J, G. Hubbard, of Secona street, on this city. Tuesday last. T, SPAWN, local Commercial Manager, = Rides, Treats and Mrs. John Nil son and Mrs. Joel Mrs. George Kane and son, Fred- 108 Fayette Street, / Perth Amloy, N. J. Magnusoa spent Friday last at Belle- erick, left on Tuesday morning for Amusements. Come Early! wood Park, Mrs, Kane's former home In Barton, Md., where they will spend the sum- Master Ernest Sheppard, of Mill- mer vacation. Mias Adia Breen, of New York City, NOTICE. Always Complaining! town, spent Saturday last wltTi friends spent Thursday of last week at the ALL PERSONS CONCERNED MAY Don't know what la the matter. invthls city. Miss Wilmlna Rhino, of Asbury home of his parents, Mr. and Mrstak. e notice that the Subscriber, Exe- cutor, etc., of Thomas Broflerick, de- Have headaches, (eel nervous, irritat- Park, has returned home after spend, John Cosgrove, in this city. ceased, intends to exhibit his final ed, and all out of sorts. Byes ache. Mrs, J, a. Hubbard and daughter, ing two weeks with Miss Carrie Nor- account to the Orphans' Court for the Mildred, were visitors at Asbury Park get blurry while reading, All this eross, of John street. Miss Eleanor Wilson, of Second County of Middlesex, on Friday, the on Tuesday. twenty-ninth day of August, 1913, at trouble may be caused because you street, and Miss- Minnie Straub, ot need glasses, something to correct Miss Catherine Segrave returned 10. a. m., in the Terra of April, 1913, the strain on the eye. Broadway, expect to leave this city for settlement and allowance; the Jul an F. Craig returned Weanes- home gundav evening, after enjoylns Monday for a two weeks' vacation in same being first audited and stated We can fit you -with glasses at mod- flay from a vacation spent in tour- weekg at . <,„„ Haven> 6n Lake by the Surrogate. Palenville, Catskill Mts., N. Y. 1 erate prices. Examination Free, "S the West. Champlain.N. Y. Dated July 22, 1913. JOHN S. COAKLEY, SAMUEL KINSTLINGER, 7-26-5 Executor. Mr. and Mrs. I. B, Mervlne have Mrs. Elizabeth Slack and niece, PKESBYTERIAJf ITEMS. Jaweler and Optician Broadway, opp. C. R. R. Station been enjoying tho week at Palmerton, Mias Ella Butler, of Jersey City, On August 1st, the pastor will leave NOTICE TO CONTBACTOKS. Pennsylvania. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John for his vacation. The preaching ser- Cusick on Sunday last. vice will be omitted during tha 8he'i a Bear. KEl'TIJKE llESKITVES Mrs. George \V. Applegate, of Sec- month. However, all the other ser- SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE received by the Board of Chosen Free- Bmlljr (at prom)—"1 wonder If Phil DEFEAT ACME JUS. ond street, spent Saturday last at Mias Margaret Gallagher, Misa vices will be continued as formerly. Asbury Park. holders at their room in the County •ipects me to dance the turkey trot On Sunday afternoon the Neptuno Margaret Short, of Portage, N, Y., Don't forget we are making prepa- Record Building at New Brunswick, •with him?" Dorrltt—"I don't see why. Resorves journeyed to Perth Amboy and Miss Elizabeth Campbell, are rations on a large scale for our Har- I hoard him call you a bear a mlnuta N. J., on Monday, August 11, 1913, at and dofeated the Acme Jrs., by the Mra. Oscar Lambertson, of George visiting at Albany, N. Y. vest Home on August 27th, the first ago."—\Vlsoonisla Sphinx. score of 5 to 4, In a five inning con- street, Is entertaining her sister 2.30 o'clock, P. M., for building a con- one of its kind to be held in this crete nnd steel culvert on Hanson test. The Neptunes outplayed their from Matawan. Mr, Charles Bergen, formerly of city. There will be a band engnged opponents during all stages of the Avenue, in the city of Perth Amboy, 0111 cc Phono I'.ld Ucsldonco I'liuno 110 South River, but now of St. Augus- to give us some stirring music; also according to plaus and specifications game. The box score is as follows: Miss Etta Prcsau, of Newark, is tine, Fla., was the guest of Saxton chicken supper, ice crenm In abun- EDWIN C. RODDY Neptune Resorves. visiting Mrs. Arthur Van Ness, of on file at the office of Alvin B. Fox, Morgan Heights. Bastedo on Thursday last. dance and all other things which go Perth Amboy, N. J., and nt the office AB R HPO A H to make up a successful Harvest ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE S. Gross, If 3 0 2 10 1 of Thomas H. Hngerty, New Bruns- P. Knbosky, cf 2 1 10 0 0 Mrs. August Bloom and family mot- Homo. The weather permitting ev- wick, N. J. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Snangenberg erything will be served under larga P. Rentier, rf, SI) 2 12 10 0 and daughter, Myrtle, spent the week ored back Monday to their summer T. Render, c, rf.. 2 0 0 2 0 0 cottage in Ocean Grove after spend- tents on the lawn. The date Is Each bid must be accompanied by a Commissioner of Deeds J end at Cfimden. V. Kaleta. ss .... 3 13 2 2 1 ing the week end in this oily. August 27th. certified check in the amount of $200 Ifotnrj Public C. Patskoski, lb .. 2 0 1 44 0 0 payable to the order of Thomas H. T. Kwilinski, 2b.. 2 0 12 1 J. A. Van Neat, County Superintend- o . Hngerty, without any conditional en- C, "Wiotetak, 3b.. 2 113 1 RoomB 12 to 15 Parlsen Building, ent of Sunday Schools, was in this Mrs. S. W. Rubensteln and daugh- .ELECTION 1AW DATA ISSUED. dorsements, which check shall be for- A. Smith, p 1 1 1 0 1 ters, Mildred nnd Colin, spent tho BVny & Augusta St, South Ambov. 0 0 0 city on Sunday last. The annual compilation of tho feited if the successful bidder fails J. Kennedy, rf 1 0 1 week end nt the homo of Mr. and Open Evenings 7.00 to 9.00. •lection law with tho instructions to to enter into contract stnd bond wltbin Total 20 B 13 15 5 2 Mrs. August Blum and children, Mrs. Herman KolIIsh on Broadway. ten days from the nward of the con- Acme Juniors. •lection oflloers and a chronological Laslto, Bs 3 0 1 0 1 0 have returned home after making a index of duties relating to the prltract- . Adams, if 2 ] 2 1 0 0 visit at Asbury Park. Raymond Mills and his ilanne, Miss imry and geueral election was issued A deposit, of Five ($5.00) Dollars AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Hustler, 1b ....• 2 0 1 2 0 1 Florence Dobbs, both of New York Wednesday by Secretary of Statu will be required for copies of speci- Coughlin, 3b 2 0 1 0 0 1 Mrs. B. M. Golden, of Augusta city, ore spending the week with Mrs. David a. Crater. Tho publication also fications which will be refunded upon Ltirson, 2b 2 0 1 2 0 0 R. A. Mills, of David street. Hydo, p. rf 2 10 12 0 street, has returned home after a contains the constitutional provision the return of same In good condition SERVICE Tyro, cf 2 1 1 1 0 0 visit at Atlantic City. :jn>ier>rnln£ the rights of suffrage and to either of tho above offices. Rasinussen, c ..'...2 0 1 G 0 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. John Keennn will other data relative to elections. The Board reserves the. right to re- Wlnngnr, rf, p 1 1 0 2 0 0 4 Passenger Car Terms Moderate Miss Clara Peterson, of Rlverton, start Monday on a visit to Mr. Keen- Instead of being published In twoject any or all bids If In their opin- Total 19 4 S In 3 2 s spending the week with her par- an'B former home in Boston, Mass., separate documents ns heretofore tho ion It. in to tho best interest of tho Home run, A. Smith. Two base hit ents on George street. where they will spend their vacation ntlre work has been combined into County BO to do. J. H. BRIGCS P. Render. Bases on bulls off Smith time. one volume of 342 pages. This will A. .7. GJSB1IARDT, 1, off W^inagnr, 2; passed balls, Pats- We regret to learn that Prank he sent one to all election officers Attest: Director. hoHki; Struck out by Smith, 4; by Phone lKB-M HI Broadnii} Hydo, 3;*\timo of game 55 min. Um-Meinzer, proprietor of the Cpntrnl R, A. Cosgrpve, formerly of this and mi' il clerks throughout the ASHER W. BISSBTT 8onth Amboy, V. I. 6-14 pire, Bavot'|l)tl. Hotel, is seriously ill. city, now of 'JPTRpy City, together with itn» 7-19-4 1MB0Y CITIZEJf. MOTHER-OF-PEARL A Fixture. GA| WAISTCOATS. President Woodrow Wilson's , 3ATURnAY, AUGUST 2, 1913. Diffraction Grating Causes It* Beauti- ful Iridescence. Strong*fColor Note Cos- The apparent color of ruother-of- tume Feature of Season. Double-Barreled Endorsement of 3fIW TOBK AMUSEMENTS pearl was for a long time somewhat of a puzzle to scientists. Later It was Taomas A. Wise and tile company found that the surface of mother-of- Governor James F. Fielder yihv will appear in "The Silver Wed- pearl consisted of fine striatious or ridges, with, of course, little hollows diEg" at the Longacre Theatre are re- between. This explained everything, hearsing under the direction of Ed- for it was then to tlie srientisl.s noth- ward Locks, the author of this orig- ing more or less tbau tut ordinary dif- T""HERE are those who have inal comedy. fraction grating. To provo it still fur- j^ questioned the political Preliminary performances will be ther im impression of the surface was propriety of President played in Asbury Park August 4 and taken iu black wax. and tlit* wsix it- Wilson taking an active part in in Long Branch, August 5 and 6. self exhibited the beautiful display of the New Jersey gubernatorial Itt the cast are Alice Gale, Frank color shown in tb« original mother-of- pearl surface. The color is not due to campaign prior to the primaries, McCormack, Mary Mallon, Ouinio So- pigment, but to (hi- caiu-vlliition in p:irt and, while it is pretty well un- •cola, Edna Temple, Calvin Thomas, of the lifjbt fulling on tlie surface. derstood tliat efforts have been Violet Moore, Carl Hemmann, Lillian To understand this butter it will he made to induce the president to Rcs-s, Harry McAullffe and others. "Where ou earth did you get well to explain a diffraction grating. hair oil?" coniB out with some kind of an More than SOO members of the Rand It consists of a piece of pin ti? glass "That's not hair oil: it's liquid glue." indorsements for Wittpenn, it is Sonool of Social Science have ar- Upon wlik'h are engraved many paral- "(ireat Jupiter! Then that's why I almost as well known that tho racged to attend the New York pre- lel lines. Rowland has been able to can't get my lint off!"—New York Fielder managers have made no miere on Monday evening, August 11. scratch lines on a glass so thut there American. are 20,000 to the inch and the distances effort to obtain any further in- from oue to tlie other do not. vury by dorsement from the White A Paradox. H. H. Frazee has engaged Lydia one-millionth of that distance In tlie House than those already given Bicksou to succeed Amelia Sinners as 20,000. before Woodrow Wilson went to Washington. ' the maid In the all star cast ot "Plna As wbite light, or sunlight, consists THE FIELDER CAMPAIGN MANAGERS POINT WITH PRIDE TO THtt Feathers" when that play opens ths of every color known and as light FACT THAT PRESIDENT WILSON, IN WRITING HIS LAST ANNUAL. new Cohan & Harris Bronx Opera travels in waves, lit ceituiu places If riouse Saturday night, August 30. This light Is coming from several different MESSAGE AS GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY, VOLUNTARILY—AND OP s the only change in the original directions very close to one another HIS OWN VOLITION—WROTE THE FOLLOWING: oast, which, with Robert Edeson, Wil- some of these waves will meet in what are known as opposite phases and will "May I not in doting express the satisfaction I feal In the knowledge ton Lackaye, Rose Coghlan, Max Fig-blot one another out, and the only re- that when I lay down th« duti«* of governor, I shall leave them in the man and Lollta Robertson, will term, maining color will be the white. hands of Senator Fielder, a man of proved character, capacity, fidelity inate its first season (fifty-two weeks) It can be e"uslly seen wliut Is meant and devotion to the publio service; a man of a type to which the people in Long Branch on Saturday night, by opposing phases from a considera- of the atate desire their public men te conform?" ,! 1 August 9. tion of waves on the seashore. If the It is a wnll known fact that this was written at a time when the then top of u big wave meets a trough of another they cancel, and uo wave at all Senator Holder wan being urged to become a candidate for governor. Active operations are In progress Is the result. The same takes place in That paragraph wan capitalized by Fielder boomers, who dedicated it M for the production of the new Victor light phenomena. Light consists of an a Wilson in case he should decide to enter the canvas*. Herbert operetta, la which Anne ether wave, similar to wireless waves, BuJ it remained for Wilson to eap tho climax about seven weeks later Swinburne will be featured under H. only much shorter, and If its wave is Husband—Why, dear, are you putting when, knowing that hi« former statement had been so widely publiihed ta H. Frazee's management next season. destroyed none of thut light can be on nil that makeup) •'Fioieler boost nnd as if TO INDORSE HIS OWN INDORSEMENT, A cast ot unusually capable and well seen by the eye. Wife—Going to have my picture taken and wunt to look nutural.—Clil ho went even strongor on the occasion of the Fielder inaugural, March 1, known principles Is being engaged, Colors of silk are due In the main to cugo Newti wiion in handing over the seal of the stato to him as his successor he laid: together with a chorus of smart look' the sidiie thing as mother-of-pearl, es- Ing young women. Miss Swinburne, pecially shot silk. It, as wltb the "I have the greatest feeling of confidence in the man to whom I am who has been abroad since she closed pearl, can be perfectly reproduced.— Than They Were Nat Friends. about to hand this seal. I have been aesocieted with him In an unveual , New York Tribune. Intimacy. I have found In him qualltiee of honesty and courage whieh ;. heV engagement as prlma donna of DSHOHB TAILOHKI* EFFKOT. "T'nV Count of Luxembourg," will re- commend men mere than other qualities, particularly in publio life. The)/ turn to New .York shortly to begin re- EGGS FRIED ON ICE. This demure little tailored suit of rarest thing in public life is courage, and the man that has courage 'e hearsals, which will be conducted by lovely taupe colored Jnwjuurd worst- marked for distinction. The man who has not ia marked far extinction ed and mohiiir fabric draped over a and deaerves hie submergence, for the people of this country are going Fred G, Latham. Max Hlrschfeld has By the Use of a Peculiar but Simple skirt ot the same tone bus collar ami to be served by conscience, not by expedience. When you strike a man oe«n engaged as musical director. Principle of Electrioity. Frying eg(?s on ice is entirely feasible, cuffs of machine embroidery that fol- ef conscience you have itruck the bedrock of our institution*. as was demonstrated at a recent elec- lows tlie color scheme daintily. A vest "It ie therefore with confidence in hie oharacter and affection for him Following the presentation of the of cerise silk Is vivid against the soft personally that I hand to Governor Fielder tha seal of office." trical exhibition given by tho Univer- gray and cream hues. new operetta Mr. Fra- sity of Illinois. Tlie eggs were placed PRESIDENT WILSON KNOWS THAT BOTH OF HIS UTTERANCES zee will Immediately begin prepara- in an ordinary frying pan, and the HAVE BEEN WIDELY CIRCULATED AS A FIELDER AS8ET, YET HE frying pan was placed on a pile of What's What In Bathing Suits. tions for the production of "Iole," the Never bus tlie Anglo-Saxon eye gazed HAS DONE NOTHING TO CONTRADICT THE BELIEF THAT HE IS FOR cracked ice on a kitchen tnblo. Eggs FIELDER AND HAS DONE MUCH TO CONFIRM THAT BELIEF. libretto of which has been made by were fried nicely, though it took lougcr upon such startling bathing costumes Robert W. Chambers from his novel than wbeu a stove Is used. No wires and accessories as those designed for f of the same name. Frank Lalor of were In sight. The frying pan hnd no tills season's wear. Kmerald green taf- "Pink Lady" fame Is to have the electrlcul connections nud could be fetas, scarlet satin with Scotch plaid rK^lpal comedy role, and the music taken up and replaced nt will, trimmings, bishop's purple satin, black tnffetns with adornments of cubist de- is now being written by William Under the table was the secret, an signs were some of tlie color scbemes- TEETH /" Frederick Peters, composer of "The electromagnet. Even with the secret seen recently at n fashionable seaside Ad—She's pretty and rich. If I only are necessary to good health. Don't neglect decayed , Pwrple Road" score. divulged, the trick was wonderful resort. know whether or not she is foolish! enough, for between the frying pan Bo—Why don't you propose to her? teeth. Have them attended. I use only the very best • ' ' o and the magnet was a pile of ice ami For bond coverings there were qtiaint If sho accepts you may be sure she is AOTHOR PLEADS FOB THE FAUK the board table top, neither of which bonnets, caps and hoods of rubberized not very bright.—Philadelphia Press. materials. ,My methods are the most modevn, and wns affected excepting by the heat sent silk or satin in the gnyest of tints. you pay me no more for good work than you pay for Eleanor Gates, author of "Toe down from the frying pan. Stockings of dazzling green, purple. Poor Little Rich. Girl," and of a A peculiar Vmt simple principle of Two and Two. poor work to be had elsewhere. Consultation Free. new play which will be seen early electricity wns used. An electromag- JLJ _t\u DAij -L ±LX\J, II7.II9 Smith itreet in the season under the direction of net, as Is generally known, is a horse- Also South River PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Arthur Hopkins, holds forth a brief shoe shaped bar of iron, with coils of for- country life for children. "Child- wire wound round each arm of the "ren," she Insists, "oug-ht to know horseshoe. something of tho country. A child's When a current of electricity is sent through the coils of wire the horseshoe education Is Jiardly complete without becomes a magnet and will attract and some experience of life on a farm— firmly grip any bit of Iron placed near a real farm, not some rich man's the ends of the arms or poles. This plaything. And I believe that In- applies to a direct current of electric- stinctively every child cries for the ity. If, however, an alternating cur- open. I know a little boy who can rent of electricity Is sent through the ride- out every day in the biggest and colls any iron near the magnet poles NEVER IDLE! newest automobiles that money can is heated by what are called "eddy buy. But I know he'd willingly fore- currents." Advertisements in the go that pleasure for a year if ho In the egg frying trick the magnet was placed under the table, and ah could drive a team of horses hitched alternating current was sent through to a farmer's wagon for a week. the colls.—Saturday Evening Post. Miss Vuuiig—1'id you tell your sis- SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN The desire is healthy, normal, and ter-in-law I wore four shoes? parents would' do well to give It Advioe ta • Husband. H. Tully — Certainly; two on each Are Working Twenty-Four Hours a Day! consideration." Don't kick because you have to but- foot—Boston Globe. ton your wife's waist. Be glad your wife has a waist and doubly glad you The Family Goat. The UII of Engli.h. have a wife to button a waist for. Of the 80,000 English words avail- Some men's wives bave no -waists to AD advertisement placed in the CITIZEN able for conversation purposes only button. Some men's wives' waists has no time limit to its usefulness to the •100 lire said to be In common use. If bave no buttons on to button. Some those wert! carefully selected Iliorc men's wives' waists which have but- advertiser. It works 24 hours a day. If •would bo little cause for complaint, tons on to button don't care a button Hlnco the combinations they make whether tbey are buttoned or not. your ad is well written and interesting, it possible should provide Innumerable Some men don't have any wives wltb FOB THE BHA11T SKA COSTUME. will be laid aside by the reader for future Hhndes of variation, direful word se- buttons on to button.—Ladies' Home lection Is something tlint should bo en- Journal. red and blue were displayed with silk reference. Or, if your ad reaches the right t'OMNiKiid lu mid out of the schools.— and satin bathing shoes laced with prospect, it wilt make an impression on his Christian Science Monitor. Cauitio John Bright. satin ribbon in the prevailing cothuru Many stories were told about John fashion, halfway to the knees, memory which will last for days, weeks Brlght's caustic repartees in private Under these suits were worn bloom- Striot Economy, ers to match, finished below the Ithee and even months. "Nothing la lost here but tho squeal," life. This story, says the British Weekly, Is true: wltb a ruffle of the same or with a declared the pork pni'lter. "Are you as contrasting frill. A purple satin suit Consider for a moment, can't you recall economical In condticlliig .vour busl 'I should like to come back to this Tabitha the Cat—Which would you hnd frills of white linen printed with rather live with, a married woman or an advertisement which you read months I1HSS?'' ' world In. fifty years to see what changes have happened in England." Jouey flowers, and the unmistakable an old maid? "Moru so," niiHwei'cil I he visitor, "I'm resotnblauce drew from scores of wo- ago which was so strongly impressed on In the lumber business. We don't said n gentleman to Mr. Bright, Rags the Dog—A married woman for 'My good sir," replied Mr. Bright, men the exclamation, "Pantalets!" mlno every time. When things go your memory that you still remember the •wnste even the linrk."—Phlludelpulu Among the accessories pictured must Ledger, "If you don't: mend your ways you wrong she'll take It out on her hus- offer made ? may be glad of any excuse to come be noted the corsage bouquet of rub- band and let mu out. • — ber roses. ' Not Like Real Life. back." The results of advertising may not be "1 like novi'lM." Appropriate Food. Quite Soothing. How Long Have You Been Married? instantaneous. Don't expect that when "Why?" If you have been married— "Although the plot niny thicken, the 'I suppose, youue mau, Hint you you spend a dollar for advertising today, realize the cost of supporting two per- One year—Celebrate with cotton. heroine nlmiys remains beautifully 1 Two years—I'npor. that it will return to you ten-fold tomorrow. thin."—Wiistilnptoii Ilornld. sons? ' naked Uio stern father. 'I am sure that you will find thai Three—Leather. Four—Fruit nnd (lowers. Newspaper advertising is the very beat • Revolutionary. my income is quite sufficient for my own needs. You will nnt have an ex- Five—Wood. "Miss Dp Bunk Insists t.ltnt slip Is n Six—Sugar. medium for bringing to the attention of the daughter of the revolution." tra burden II' I marry your daughter." —Buffalo Express. Seven—Woolen. buying public your business and your "Why so?" Eight—India rubber. "Her find in » grindstone maker."— Nine-Willow. wares and gaining their confidence by im- Lacerated Feelings. TndinunpollM Star. Ten-Tin. "Doesn't II' humiliate- yon to have to pressing on them your personality and Eleven—Steel. go through life this way?" asked the Twelv.'—Silk and tine linen. reputation for fair dealing. sympathetic woman us she purchased Minister Praises This Lnxntlve. Thirteen—Luce. -vs. Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Allison, In., photograph. Fourteen—Ivory. "Yes, ma'am," replied tho bearded MlHtrrsH (in awed voice)—Nora, my Fifteen—Crystn I. in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills lady. "If it wasn't fur tho wife ami husband Is just raving over those chops Twenty—Chiim. for constipation, writes:—"Dr. King's kids I'd throw up the Job today."—("In- you sent up. He says they are raw, Twenty-fl vi>—Sliver. ao homo should be without thorn." elimnll Enquirer. and he Is acting like n wild num. The Try an Advertisement for Three Months New Lite Pills arc such perfect pills Tblriy- Pearl. Cook (placidly)—Thin slmro. mum. If Forty—Ttuby. he is acting like a wolld moil vnw meat No better regulator for the liver and If thou mliii^l little to little and in the CITIZEN. Fifty-Gohi. is just the food I'or him.—I'lilluilulplila uowpls. Every pill guaranteed. Try tloost HO often sunn It w' lii;i'ome H n Seventy-Ovo—Dlumoiud. Ledger. "" nt nil great heap. - ll.'si'.'l. SOUTH AXBOY CITIZEN. SOCIETIES Gen. IVm. 8, Truei Post, No. 118, .SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914. 0. A. R* meets first and third Wed- nesday afternoon of each month at 3 o'clock, in Michael Welsh's Hall. , JBW IOBK AMUSEMENTS. Commander, Aaron Stlllwell; Adju- tant. S. H. Chatten. ', *Shanieen Mm" At The Grand Opera St. Stephen's Lodge, No. to,F . * A. House. S. Meets at K. of P. Hall, first and third Mondays of each month (except- 'Pure Irish wit and touching Irish ing July, August, and holidays) at melodies are the soul of Chauncey 7:ai» p. m. Dlcott's latest success, "Shameen Joel Piirker Council, Wo. 69, Jr. O. Phil," In which he opens a limited en- V. A. Sf., meets every Friday evening, gagement at the Grand Opera House, in Knights of Pythias Hall. Councilor, New York, Monday evening, February Olaf P. Nau; Recording Secretary, second. A. R. Chatten. '"" The play takes the audience to tht Otirm Lodge, So. 86, D. B. &— Regular meetings second and, fourth Emerald Isle and describes tbe simple, Fridays of each month at 8 p. m,, in yet nappy life of the folk there and Bundosen's Hall. President, Jens L. their steadfast loyalty to each other Borltind, Sr.; Secretary, A. J. John- gnd to the cause of liberty. son; Financial Secretary, George It__ gives the Impression that the Mortenaen; Treasurer. John S. Lund. happiest place In heaven or on earth Star of Jersey lodge, Jfo. OH, D. of L. F. and E., meets in Welsh's Hall, is the Green Isle. There young Dare First and Third Sundays of eacb O'Donnell strives by every means in month at 2 p. m. J. E. Pippett, Pres- his power to raise money and recruits ident; L. D. Wortley, Financial Sec- for George Washington, who is strugg- retary and Treasurer; F. L. Hawes, ling la the American colonies to throw Recording Secretary. off the yoke of England. To confer Wughlngton Camp, No. 30, p. 0. with him there comes across the ocean S. of An meets Becond and fourtn Monday nights of each month, at K Edward O'Dea, representative of the of P. Hall, at 8 o'clock. William W. Continental Congress, and, as luclc Anderson, president; Charles s. Buck- would have it, he brings with him his elew, vice-president; liert Lambert- fair young sister, Peggy. Dare im- son, Master of Forms; John French, financial secretary; Joseph B. Pippett. mediately falls head over ears in love recording secretary; Joseph Hubbard, with Peggy which is as it should be, chaplain; Peter J. t'assldy, treasurer. for it is the fair-young colleen she is. Friendship Council, No. 16, D. of L. Unfortunately tor Dare and the suc- meets on alternate Fridays of each cess of his love-making, however, he month, at 2.30 p. m., in Knights of ia already engaged to Shiela Farrell, Pythias Hall, First and Stocktor a pretty young widow, although the streals, Councilor, Mrs. Ethel Stulta; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ada Ward engagement hag little of element of seriousness, as It bag been entered in- Paul DeGraw Hrnnlltoa Lodge, Jfo 562, B. of H, T., meets every 2d am to at the lady's request, to save her fourth Sunday of each month at K fortune from the unscrupulous execu- of P. Hall, President, T. F. Brennar tiorsof her husband's estate, Peggy, Secretary, William Bulman; Tn* who is the guest of Mrs. Farrell, does urer. Thomas j. Kennedy: Agent • Chauncey Olcott in scene fr< m "Shameen Dim," lit Grand Opem House, New York, week of February 2.- Official Publication, Edward MeDoi not know this, however, and whon she ough. feels ber heart beginning to answer the Protection Engine COBDMT — call of Dare's, there Is great tod o Jim:il»l»KS DEFEAT The man who is able to deliver the on the fourth Thursday of eacb monltb Tbe low-browed executor attempts to MI1AT0WN ALL STARS goods never has to carry a good luck at Engine House, Bergen Hill, at 7;S0 p. m. President, William Birmingham; have Dare remanded as a traitor to chaim tbe Crown, and some thrilling situa- Tho RlvorBldes captured another Treasurer, Michael Welsh; Foreman, game on Saturday night when they do- Patrick Conway; Secretary, Francis ' tions occur. But all ends happily, Stanton. however. Dare wins' his Peggy, and the fented the fast All Stars, of MUHown, NOTICE. Sporting Comment. ALL PERSONS CONCERNED WILL General Mortal Loire, K». N, L O. fair Shiela gives her hands, and incl- on the Broadway Theatre Court at take notice. That til debts owing to 0. F« meets every Tuesday evening at dently her fortune to the- brave young Keyport. The final score was 45 to the estate of James H. Gordon, or to 7.30 o'clock, at KnighU of Pythlna American, O'Dea. 30, both teams giving exhibitions of the firm of Howell and Gordon, are Hall. Noble Grand, Cyrus E. Davis"; Goals from Foul—Clltte 6, Cantton 7. classy basketball. Bobbio Burns, the now due and payable. Notice If fur- Secretary, Charlw P. Thorn**.; Plnan-' Riversides Go Down Time of halves, •'80 minutes. • Score Matawan boy, was.given, another ;trlftl ther given that the proper and legal clal Secretary, Adolph StlV" ' settlement of tho testate of James H Airtor Theatre. at Stir BiMit aii l*n , at end of first halt 24 to 11. Referee, forward for the Rlvles and played Gordon^^^, „„,„„„deceased,. , „.,will. .„,„.„requir;e th_»e ot South Amboy, M. J., meet* to City i^Keys to Baldpate" will begin Before Tottenville A. C. T. Cantlon. One point awarded T. A. an excellent game. Jlmmie Cantlon' TOlieotion"of alfthe above "mentioned Hall, on the fourth Monday malar 1U 6th month at the Astor Theatre, C. by Referee Cantlon. was again there .with his clever shoot- debts, by legal action, It necessary In each month. Presidents Thorn* New York, on Monday, evening. Class- ing and floor work. He made several Payment may be made to Franclf H, C. Gelilnon; Secretary, John j. Delt ' I • For the third time this Reason the spectacular shots which brought forth Gordon, at the store corner of Broad- ey; Treasurer. John J. Cotkley. way and David street, or to tbe un- PLAYED CLOSE GAME. much aplause. Hank Thomas was al- Lady Once Ltdgw. If*. 17, D. «f B dersigned. 1. O. 0. F. Hecu on the Writ an< The game played between the Con- so In good trim and scored 14 points WILLIAM J. BOWB, Third Friday evening of each moatt Desperate DeBtnond Lar- norg Five aml the Marlnea at Columbia for his team. A large crowd witness- Administrator of JameB H. Gordon. Cohan's dcill In the artfof play build- f? T7, , fc ... , _, , in Scully'i Hall, Steven* avenue, lira. ing that has si> far been penned by kln' and Ms CreW °f bandltS from ToU Hall, on Saturday night, was probably ed the game. The score was as fol- deceased. 9-13-tf S. Linden, N. G.; tfrs. Margaretta Thomas, Recording Secretary. tab'master of sUigecraft, and Its in- A™°;.,J,_\*'.*!,1 C ntlrei n „ !'„,!"„':„;!!„ ,one of the beet Junior games witnessed lows: title role at center. 'on that court thlg year The Marlncs BlverB|des Milltown IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Indepmdente Enirlne * HAM C*. p at this hands of Wallace alke " d' g game, right in won out by one bagltet( after the score* Forwards No. 1, meets third Monday in each Eddlnger, Joseph Allen; Martin Alsop, 7fro , t , ab^Ut50 ^V? T' nefed month at 7.30 o'clock p, m. Foreman, Furnell B. PrUt,\ Carleton. Macy, was tied at the end of the game, 18 Cantlon C.Crabiel TO ARTHUR McCROSSEN, JAMES madl° y°! ° o, ' 'TVTV" ? " was ti Kulthau! McCrossen, Chrlstianna McCrossen, Martin ' Sbuler; President, John ' B. Claude Brooke, Edgar Halstead, John th« "*"» t0 do 8°™«f « to 18. An extra five minute peroid R. Burns Woodward; Secretary, N. N. Pearce. wa a layed durin which WaIter Tn j Mary J. McCrossen, Margaret Leahey, C. King, Gall Kane, Margaret Green, 1 ed WaB !°u ^uTvTd hat h l9lan, d1 P ' B °-' Center Edward Leahey, Mary B. Broderick lanthe CoonclL Wo.CD.of P. Iap'd lou U1 ll w 1IU ma8 f J. Crabiel j Order of Bed Men, meets every second Lorena Atwood, Jessie Graham and '' ' " T^",V5/° " * " ™f ™ > ° »• H«ta«» shot the winning Thomas. Francea Coffey. others, U proving a delight to con- ^peradoes had looted 35 points while . - Guards I By virtue of an order of the Court and fourth Thursday of to* month, goal for hi8 flve The flnal 8Core wa3 f d at 2.30 p. m., in K. of P. Hall. Poca- stantlv crowded .udlene*. ith e Rlverside8 were °^ able to. tu<* 20 to 18. Lyons starred, getting six'Allen Smith of Chancery of Now Jersey made on away 19i Zenewlck tne day of tne datB nereof. In a cause hoatas, Mrs. Lydla Coward; K. of R., Special madness on 'Lincoln and 1 field goals. Anderson and Thomas S. Burns Kate J. Berlew. ' Manaeer wllentz wherein Thomas J. McCrosaen ia co: Birthday I marsnaiien m!s worked well {or the winning team. j.leld Goals—Cantlon 4, R. Burns S, Good Snmarllan Lodge, No. U, S. •( o ,forces In hopes of wresting the laurels The SQOre wgs aa ,oUow8. 'Thomas 7, Allen 3, S. Burns 4, C. are required t'oappear, plead, answer Pn meets every Wednesday evening | from the invaders, and had his usual jiarines Connorls Five Crabiel 6, Kulthau 1, J. Crabiel 6. or demurr to the said complainant's at 8 o'clock, at Knights of Pythias . Bronx Opera House. bill on or before the 16th day of team with the exception of Johnnie] Forwards Goals from Foul—Cantlon 3, C. Cra- Hall, corner ot First and Stockton "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," McCreery. The game was certainly Feburary, 1914, or the said bill will be streets. Chancellor Commander, F. Thoma3 I Lyons blel 4. taken as confessed against you. Eugene Walter's great play founded on sted, for the encroachment B. Norcross; Keeper of Records'and notly conte Baly • Kress Score, at end of first half 24 to 18, The said bill is filed for the parti- the widely read story of the same name tators on the playing space, Seals, William A. Chapman. of the gl)ec Center favor of Riversides. Referee, Cantlon. tion of certain lands in the City of by John Fox, Jr., with Charlotte Wai- ' South Amboy, County Middlesex' and Seneca Tribe, No. 28, Imp'4. 0. & gave rooin tor very llttle open team d Orr fcor in her original creation of June, . The crowd waa by far the State of New Jersey, of which Ann. 1L, meets every Thursday evening at work Guards 8 o'clock, In Knlgbts ot Pythias Hall. will be the attraction at Cohan & Har- ] that has witnessed a game on jj I THE BLOCKED TUNNEL McCrossen died seized and you Arthur argest oilJy Connors McCrossen, James McCrossen, Marga- Sachem, William O'Brien; Chief of Rec- ris and A. H. Woods' Bronx Opera the local court this year, and Manager T „.,„„_ For years there used to be a tunnel ret Leahey, Mary B. Broderick and ords, George G. Oliver; Collector of Albaugh out ot tns Trea8urv Wampum, Stephen Miller. House for the week commencing Mon- wilentz had a hard time In disposing FleId Goals—Thnmna 2 nuiv I An building at Wash- Frances Coffey are made defendants ii.. , P.h.,,.rFebruar«y 58 . L|of. .,.the. superfluou„ s _„.rooters—. A. ,larg e ' 4 ;"„,,"* Ineton. Through that tunnel went not because you are tenants In common Sterling Castle, No. M, K. Al, derson 1, Lyons 6, Kress 1, * .,,._. __*„._ . „»„._ ot tbe said lands, and you Christiana The Btory of "The Trail of the Lone- r from Tottenville accompained H ' the dollarJ s and bullion ithaU t were stor- meet* first and third Saturday eve- mlmoe 0 Referee, Shamoskl. McCrossen are made a defendant be- ning of etch month, at 7:30 o'clock, some Pine" Is familiar through the their team and cheered madly when ed in that building, but something that cause you are the wife of James Mc- at Knights ot PythlM Hall. Noble widespread popularitpopuarty whicichh the novel the|irr teftteam begalbeganl jtoo taktakee ththee lealeadd W1III1¥WIVI4 „ ._ ™»™«.u n coulcouldd bbee turne turnedd intintoo brighbright t goldgold,. Crossen and claim an Inchoate right Chief, Charles T. Grace; Matter of llIKJj ISIU of dower In that portion of Bald lands attained. Mr. Walter made free use ear]y in the game. The Riversides » « DEFEAT EHFIBE A.C. u was confidential Information—that Records, George H. Mack. Tne of which your said husband Is seized, of the material at hand and dramatiz- rooterB, inthe majority cheered lustily' Empire A. 0., of this city, met BOrt of view of conditions, obtained a and you Mary J. McCrossen are made, United Brotherhood ol Carpeiten cd the soul and the love and the spirit- expecting the Riversides to make one defeat at the hands of the Sayrevllle aay or two in advance, was most val- a defendant because you are the wife aad Joiner* of America, local ISM; ual development of the little mountain ;of tne|r whirlwind flnishes, a strong Whirlwinds on Friday night at Sayre- and gave the possessor an ad-of Thomas J. McCrosaen, the com- meets second and fourth Wednesdays , g llI Th plainant, and claim an Inchoate right of eacb month in People's Hall, Sgyre- glrl. Thho love of JunJ e for thhe "fur-'characteristi"f' c of the team, Their vllIe- The boys led nearly vantage o\er his competitors in ex- of dower In that portion of said lands vllle. President, Benjamin Crabiel; rln" engineer, Jack Hole, and his af- hopes were dashed for when the Island throughout the game but weakenek d at tending or recalling, credit, Judging of which your husband is seized, and Vice-President, Fred Keonig; Record- feutlon for her are brought out in thft' gained the lead by Al Mclntire's first the end, Sayrevllle winning out by the business conditions, knowing the cur-you Edward Leahey are made a de-Ing Secretary, Fred Johnson; Finan- vory first scene of the play. liold goal, they maintained it until the soore of 2B t(> 18. Rossltter refereed rents ot trade. fendant because you are the husband cial Secretary, Frank M. lrwln; the game. The score: of Margaret Leahey, one of the ten-Treasurer, Charles Englebart Those who know the June of the' pnd of the game. | It was that sort of information on ants in common of said lands and as book can readily understand that Preacher, tbe clever little forward Empire A. C. ' _ Sayrevllle which tbe banking business was built. such claims some right to or Interest Singing S^cietj Uederkma, Seatfe Chnrlotte Walker, herself a Bouthern ( the visitors, proved to be the star Forwards Extended to one bank in advance. It in the said lands. Anboy. Practice of tinging take* 0 place every Monday of each month at girl, who lias the role of June In the' shooter of the game, getting six Held Hackett Welschadel wa8 special privilege. Dated the 17th day of December, 1913 8 p. m. Business meeting held ever? play, will embody all the witchery of goals. He worked well with B. Paugh Bush Allgair, G. Hoffman one end ot that tunnel was In the JOHN A. COAN, first Monday of each month at ( the mountain lass. Miss Walker's 'ana was gjven good backing by Al Center ' . Treasury, the other led to the National. Solicitor for Complainant, p. m. Fred Thumnart, PrealdeM; Post Office Bldg. June has captivated audiences that, Mclntire's clever floor work. The Whalen Jenegar city Bank of New York—that vast fl- Kutacher, vice-president; Harry Rlea- 12-27-5 South Amboy, N. J. ard, aecretary; Chat. Steuent packed the theatres throughout the ]anky pivot man gave a clever exhl- Donnelly , Burke nancial institution which seems to con- treaaurer; B. Grohe. librarian. country. The original company 1P- bitlon of passin'g and also made some Clarke".--.-- , -Maukra, Fortenbacher Bider Itself a compound of tbe United Court RarlUD, No. U, F. of A, met. eluding W. S. Hart, George Bancroft, exceptionally good shots. I Guards States Government and Almighty Pro- on the second and fourth Wednesday* Wlllard Roberston, Daniel Jarrett, Jr., The Riversides made strenuous ef- Field Goals—Hackett 3, Bush 3, vfdence. The tunnel was a conflden- of each month, at 8 p. m.. In Protec- George Woodward, Ada Ncvll, Alice forts to stem the tide of defeat but clark It Welschadel 2, Allgair 4, G. tial clerk in the Treasury. tion Hall. Chief Ranger, Marcua Peterson;. Sub-Chief .Ranger, Louli Martin and Cyrus Wood will support -we'i|e swept off their feet. Jlmmie Hoffman 1, Burke 4. ', when the new administration went Qoals f ora Borland: Finaa. Secretary, Edward Miss Walker, and the elaborate scenic cantlon and Bunk Allen gamely tried "" Foul—Hackett 1, Bush 3, in, a certain Mr. Skelton Williams dy- Dewan; Trussurer, Michael Zupko; invostlture will vivify the romatlc at- to get their team on an even fowls Fortenbacher 2, G. Hoffman 1. namited that tunnel by firing the clerk. Reo. Secretary. Louis Melnzer; Sr. mosphere of this story of mountain ; Woodward, Nelson Banks; Jr. Wood- with the visitors, but the T. A. C. boys —o I This is the same Mr. Williams who, ward, Nelson Kviest; Sr. Beadle, life. didn't relinquish their lead to a mo- Sl'OHTING NOTES ., being appointed comptroller ot the Bigger Hatches Michael Press; Jr. Beadle, Ludwlg ment. The Riversides were relieved of the currency, will be exofflclo member of Eggs hatch better if Hartman; Trustees, Aaron Hyer, Sr., "SPITE FENCE" Tom Cantlon was chosen as referee, monotony of winning on Wednesday, the Federal. Reserve Board under the Richard HcCloud, Sr., Andrew Kron- tne nanles oC new the hens are in perfect meyer. PROPERTY S0M)' Van Mulchahey, Camp- and of course are cheerful about it? banking law. The National City condition. For the second time the Allgor beil and Cantl011 DelnK submitted to Tho local boys have establlBhed an en- ls "^ buay at Preaent "ehl^e the Manager L "splto fence" property on the Rumson 1 arklns. He refereed In his viable record so far this season. They confirmation of Mr. Williams, NEW IEBSEY CENTBAL. rood near Seabright was sold at sher-1u3ual lmPartlnl BW« aftd found favor have played 39 games, winning 36 and Thls ia not the °nly issue 'n reSard prgtts, id's'sale Wednesday afternoon. Dep. ^h the supporters of both sides. The on]y ioslllg thrce. to Mr. Williams.. There is. among Poultry Regulator TRAINS LEAVE SOUTH AMBOY score wa.s a.s. follows»-n : I others of varying Interest, one about pays big the year 'round. For New York, Newark and Eliza- uty-Sherlff Cornelius B. Barkalow of the Freehold was In charge. A bid of Riversides Tottenville A. C. The preliminary attraction was also Seaboard Air Line and some deal- It prevents disease, sharp- beth at 6.23, 7.07, *7.32, 7.50, '8.19-, ln s with n Mr R an of $100 above the encumbranco was ac- Forwards good one. Although handicapped S - y Predatory ens the appetite, improves 10.01, 11.11 a. m.; 12.08, 12.28, 2.41, mold \ cepted. The bidder was William J. Cantlon B. Paugh by not having their regular team the - digestion. You'll get more 4.25, 5.00, 5.57, 8.22, 9.44 p. m. Sun- Tno New York days, 8.26 a. m.| 1.17, 3.18, 5.01, 6.47, .*'Leonar 1 __«n_dJ noP f Atlantitlinnltnc UI»lilnnJHighlandsn , ntiwho'Regan n Preacher Nationals made a creditable showing.' Institution lends "live" eggs—more and 1 Tho High School boys were also minus color to the ldett thllt Mr- Williams hit stronger chicks. 9.22, p. m. oted for the mortgagee. The Centre) Center 11 hard when ne 'eet home brought $2,800 above the ThomoB Mclntlre the services of Kwllinski. , exploded that special Packaocn 2!,c. am. si oo. is lh. vail, For Long Branch, Asbury Park, etc. privilege. And the fact of the howl Satisfaction Guaranteed 'tgage, Mr. Leonard being the pur- Guards 6.22, 9.16 a. m.; 12.10, 82.10, "' l s mnlt ln la but an or Money Back. It Is now believed that the Allen Cllno Bunk Allen celebrated tho occasion " . 8 a«'Htional ar- 4.39, 6.08, 8.42, 10.10, 12.BG p. • Rtfust labttitvtti: fatitt on Prattt. days, 4.5S, 9.42 a. m.,; 5.11 will be removed again, L. Paugh on Wednesday night by getting knock- gument for Williams. Gel Pratt* Ida pagr Wunlmtri Field fionls-Cantlon 1 Regan"°2, jcd out. Although he received a severe Tho opposition to Williams must II Ikiultru Hook. For Freehold, 5.22 7.08, Thomas 2, Allen 1, Preacher 6, B.Jblow, he enmo back and finished thefln(1 sounde r ground.-Nawark News. 4180. For sale by 12.10, f -B, 5.39, 6.08, 6.32, 1 as dang 9 Mclntlre 3, Cllnc 1, L. Faugh game, Kotlinpr n big hnnd from the MRS. AUGUST BEHN Sun' ' .10, a. m.; 5.11, crowd. Advertise In The H. WOLFF & CO. J. SOTLIFP •' k only; s. Sat' THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN. Janakowska. Burk Lainbertson, Ethel January Honor Roll Alpine, George Nelius, Jerome New- orriot—Flr»tstrei|t.n6«.rBroailirBy.ltrei|t, mark, Edward Agan, Anna Pensler, Hattie Larson, Marguerite Korka., The following are the names of pu- Myrtle Thorpe, Charles Dieker, Joseph SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914. ils who have received high averages Swartzbach, Harold Hamilton, Brown Bros. Specials! Items of Interest Presented In i their studies during January: ' Third Year B—Elbert Selover, Harry OPPORTUNITIES FOB ALL. Olsen, Mary Tomasewski, Edward Short Paragraphs for Busy •School No. 1. i Mills, Sadie Taffar, Effle Barkalow, The following are a few special bargains we Seventh Year—lilancho Diinam™, Charles Stockton, Arnold Kamps, Wil- FOB BEKT. Readers. arlie Newniark, Alice Mclvor, Mary liam Sprague. John Hyer, Harry Ro- . wish to call to your particular attention, and liaiikinson, Clarence Davis, Mildred meo, Elida Vetter, Henry Miller. OFFICES FOR BENT—In new 1*. O. Jiulltl- Letts, Mae Timmins, Ruth Nielson,' Fourth Year A—Alice Edwards, they are bargains not necessarily because they lag, Broadway. Large, well ventilated and Souio foggy nights this weeks. lighted rooms. Apply to Miss M. K. Scully, Florence Nleltopp, Henrietta Dieker, Grace Dieker, Ida Maclver, Monroe am low in price, but because they are low in Augusta street. 1-3I-" Carl Skow, Richard Hillmann, Ray- Green, Raymond Davis, Ruth Harper, FOR UKNT—Two Hats, f, and 8 looms, I Ferdinand Tedesco is making im- mond Perkins, Albert Linden, Marga- Fiances Willard, Florence Weber, price and fine in quality and cheaper than you proveraeniB. Apply to 51.J.uellt, ~!) Aumista ret Erikson, Alice Disbrow. , Carrie Buckalew, Edward Henry, Rus- street, South Amboy. 1-31-2 provements to his residence on Augus- Seventh Year—Klva Donnell, Bea- sell Nilaon, Elinor Furman, Ruth Ed- wiil find FOB HUNT—House, six rooms, with Im- ta street. trice, Selovcr, Etta Sullivan, Alva wards, Malissa Kwoselt. provement}*, on David street. Inquire of Eighth Year—Olg Hanzalek, Georg Mrs. A. T. Worthing. l-;il- liuckelew, Dora ForguLtsun, Margaret a The pupils at St. Mary's School have iirown, Bnrniee Edwards, Rachel Oall- Samuelson, Jacob Newmark, Clarenc POK RENT—Housoou John street, all I in been taking their mid-term examina- ahan, Blanche Hunting, Liu-ile Maissey, Ooiuinger, Mildred Applegale, John provements. Inquire (Jeu. (iuntlnnn. 1-21-vl' Mario Shuw, Howard King. , Tomaszewski, Freda Martin. Specials from Saturday to Tuesday • FOR BENT—Five-room huimo, gas nntl tions this week. Sixth Year—Gladys Parisen, Esther water, on Augusta BtreBt. Inquire of Mrs. 1 Josephine Clark. 11-S-lf KoSBiithal, Ci'lia Alpine, Pauline Hou-j What "Vikings' Means. Best Creamery Butter, lb. - 35c FOR • RUNT—House, 8ix rooms, nil Im- Tows have had great difficulty in ley, Stasia Hooley, Raymond Dowdcll. "Vikings" is tlic term tlmt provements; with.garage 1'or two machines. reaching this city this week owing to Carl Kmmons, Mary (irynkiewicz, Ro-' to the SSi-n ixltiui vlcm wiirriors—'fill Apply to Charles .SteuerwaUl, Kordeutown berta (Iravalt, Carrie Strusholm, Ellie avenue; or at Frtuer Hron., I'erih Ainiiuy the thick fog on the water. riyer, Helen Kwillnskl, William Brlskl. Uiem pil'tilcs. If vou liko—of tlie i'i){litl Campbell's Beans can Oc, 3 cans M. J. 10-11-tl" Sixth Year—Katbryn Kutcher, Ethel hi I tit* i'l<>vi'iitli iH'iitiil'.v. Tlic tunu up FOK KBNT—store, I'Jl Hroadwuy, I'. I'. A delegation from lnathe Council, Hornt-y, Kva Pensler, Harmon Dill, | lilies In |In- niiik mill file ;is well us Kenah. 7-o-tr In Hie chiefs iilnl means. I'uiiilaintmt.-il D. of P., trailed to Cartaret on Mon- Raymond Dill, Stanley Olenczak, An-' New Sweet Cider, gallon POK RENT—Rooms in I'arlsen itallttlng. drew Malisewski, Mildred Johnson, ly. pii'Mtcs nr rohhiTH.—New York Steam heat, electric light and water. In- day. The trip was made In Mullln's quire on premises. u-7-tl Margaret Cleary, lUrnnst Seinoneit, j auto truck. Ruth Dalrymplo. I Pillsbury Flour, 243^ lbs. 78c FOB SALE. Flflh Year—Edward Parker, Prank i Champagne Bottles, William Loyd-Pitts, a well known (•ominger, John Parlter, Ellen Sinieii-1 ien, (Jertruile Rue, Margaret Long, uui' ri'iiHim why cliiiiiipiifrne liul FOB SALK—llousi) and throe lots 163 David speaker, gave a lecture at tho Empire Harry Rolner, Carleton Voorhecs. IIIV KI> dtiir IK thiil iiincblni'r.v c-animt Hershey's Cocoa, y* lb box 15c street, near isteveiiB avenue. Apply on prem- hi- uscil to make tlii'iu. LIIIIK power ises, or to W, P. Nichols, 130 Henry st. 1-31-tf Theatre on Tuesday night on "Convict Fifth Year—Evelyn McDowell, Chea- iilum- fait Hi'ciiiv lln- in'ci'ssnry mil FOR 8A.LE—Two lota on Ward avenue, Lifa at Jollet Prison." ter Hornoy, Gladys KmillusBen, Mlnnlo chenp to quick buyer. A grout opportunity Nowniar'r, Arthur Skow, Gertrudo flirill llllcklll'MK llf I 111' K'lllKM. A llUllllH String Beans, can »c, 3 cans S5c to secure land In this rapidly growing resi- Fouratt, Etliel Tlntle, Mildred Stou- Is jilvt'ii tu wiirldiii-ii who luivo luu dential section. Trolley within one block. That Pennsylvania road to the henmm, Franeea Gallagher, Dortbn .VI'III'N Of lfX|MM'll'IKt'. — KXfllllllKII. . Apply to A titeiner, 2u Church street. 10-11-tr county bridge Is a disgrace to the com- Bright. Kinlly StrausHcr, Yetta I'cnslcr, Uneeda Biscuits, pkg. - * POIl a ALE—Four houses, ail improve- munity. The past week It has been Marion Gladstone. ments, good looatlon. Apply to A. Steiuer, Parhapi It Would. in a wretched condition for travel. Fourth Yoar—Margaret Rue, Mlslo 26Church street. 8-10-tf Till, Carleton Grace, Helen Emmons, If prlni'i's kni'w when lo upcuk nni PUB SALE!—Three lots on Second street women to keep Hllenl, courtlerH to Bny Fancy Canned Tomatoes, Oc, 3 cans. Will »ell single lots If desired. iV. 8telner,2& Normn Cassldy, Anna Wntxon, William ;hurch street. • .. 4-o-tr Oa Wednesday the stork visited tho Drown, Anna Axen, Ruth Shaw, Frank v.'linl 11 icy thinight ii MI] Kcrvnnln to iiiio of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oeant Pohl, Katlierlnn Chevalier, Lloyd Nlel- •'Oiii'i'iil It. (he whole world would liu FOBSALK—A spools] bargain In A nine Mothers or Quaker Oats, pkg.Oc, 3 for «5c and left a bouncing boy, weighing ten topp, Margaret Addeo, Clnronce Mills, nt lu-iici-.-Chlni-Ho. oom house and 3 lota, city water and gun or James Qnlnlan, Lena Lukle, Olga 01- leotrlc llghu. Also Broom house, line yard ounds. Both mother and baby are '1th Uowers and fruits. Clan, hot and cold Ben, John Lukie, Charlua Massey. Pleiu Don't. • "'/• STAMP SPECIALS "~ liter, large atatlonary range. AI so several doing nicely. Third Year—Flora Petty, Vernon Al- eclal farm bargain! ranging from nix acres bright, lenn Harris, Raymond Grace, Oh. ,vi'H, \vi- think u good deal of the ILOO'ln aUmpi with •2.00 In itnmpi with ftllowtaf I jwards. 22 lota In Block 41 Bis. at a sacrifice volct> lu-xL door, but It wouldn't Ice. All lou are extra >iste, some aa deep Tho show windows of the Welsh LaRuo Wycltoff, Jay Oliver, Ilennlc Vanilla Extract, tot .> ll« awreet. Uharle«S, Buoke|e»f:.>.i B-2Mf Wlnateln, Jacob Hotihhelser, Hobart tin for IIN to put our thout;lils Into Bugle Cocoa, box 15c store, at the corner of First street and Golden Santos Coffee, lb... tit )vo.TO PBOPEIITY OWNBB*i-l- make It Emmons, Jamea EHIBOH, wiirils •• New Orloana I'lcnynne. Best Ammonia, tot 10c ^l Broadway, have been set back, greatly Dustbane, can ....'... Stc •liMlalty of managing datatoa uBk.'9 Mustard, bot 10c Imperial Baking pdr lib. 4te and hold membership elsewhere, come rill Sheppard, Catherine Albright, Re- /'OR SALK—Baby carriage In line condi- tlbn. Particulars by inquiring nt CITIZEN ;eina Hochholser, Hannah Tlce, Cora J6lce; ^ 1-10-tf Tlce, Marlon Wilson, Lulu Harris, ; Paul Emnions, Grandon Petty. BRING THIS COUPON WE STORE YOU It furniture In airy . 8te,y.ens avenue pavement has al- rooms. Reasonable rates. Money advanced ta storage receipts. Millers' Furniture 'en broken into to repair a Years of Practical Experience In *to our store and purchase, $1.00 in mer- / itore, 345-347. State .St. cor. Fayette, Perth ^ It Is to be regretted that School No. 1, niboy.'N.J. c-10 First Yoar A—Samuel Taffer, Ray- Harness Making, Hepali-Ingr nod Car* chandise and you will receive $2.00 in flk/ IOKKY TO LOAN In Bltms 01 tlUO, HOD, |W |fueh', U, tho case. Plenty of time was rluge Upholstering i>. IIWI and up to IJ.WIO Inquire "ainraon Cotinoll of the City sistant to an undertaker, was the of- South Amboy, Now Jersey., ficiating person. We consider this ii OU SEE—they take extra $8.75, $12.75, $15.75 and $18.75 consider tho reports of tbo very little mutter to malto a storm precautions at the factory .iimlssionors of Assossment for tbe over. to insure every South Bend curbing and laying of sidewalks on Y "THE STORE THAT SATISflES" John stroot between Broadway and Watch being an accurate Stevens n,vonuo, also for tho grading of Tho Sacroil Heart Hnll was tho timekeeper. Portia Btroot between Pine avenue and scene of great merriment on Wednes- They test it in an electric Foltiis street, nt n regular mooting of ay evening, tho occasion being a social the Common Council to be held at the heated oven and then in a refrig- City Hall on Tuesday, February 3rd, gathering under the allspices of tho erator, and put it through many 191-1, nfthe hour of elfe'ht o'clock p. in. Young Ludlos' Sodality of the Sacred other tests and it must keep DESCRIPTION All owners of jiropcrty nffeotGd by Heart Parish. Dancing formed the Desigu—Bridge model of latest design. BRIEGS accurate time under all these said Improvement should present principal pastime, for which Kerr's tests before it is allowed to leave Platos—Oonutno nickel—noi iWuss nickel The Tailor, Clothier and Haberdasher tuolv objections to the adoption niid orchestra furnshod the music. Re- plated an in many mikus—insuring an ovua conllrniatlon of enkl report on or be- the factory. cipanflion and contraction in cuan^uB of toia- 'pre said date. fra.tlnncnts. wore servitd and when the ponturo. 91 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. RICHARD M. MACK, estivities came to a close all declared And then they use only the JHWOIB—Selected ruby and sayipliire Jewels Uirouulumt — ait) hauler ami Dot BU oasy lo -2 City Clerk. .boy had spent a most delightful even- best grade of material in con- chip or bruak as tliu ffimot jonuls generally structing them. lined. NOTICE. Escapement—Double roller — tliin over- That's why every South Bend nomea all dancor of over baukiiitf wlilcli would .AH PERSONS CONCKHNISD MAY Btop Uio vratch. Geo. E. Applegate of Considerable difficulty has been ox- Watch owner is a satisfied one. take notice, that tbe subscriber, Survi- Stoel Escapo Whcol—IJanldr than lhu KINDLING WOOD ving? Guardian, etc., of Joseph Hollon, jcrionced tills year in getting out of Because we know these facts Irtaa cntnuiotily us oil. FOR SALE Swan Hill Ice Elizabeth Holton, Jamoa Holton, Nich- ;own merchants, -who deliver In this we guarantee every South Bend Lover Sat—1'rotectB you n^a[ni;t accidental olas Hplton, Francis Holton, and Mary :lt.y, to imy their license feea. Last Watch we sell to give satisfac- tnovinn °- the liuinls. ;Holton, minors, Intondr, to exhibit Ills Regulator—A p&lenl mtcromtiter nut and All Throughly Dry, Good Solid Wood. 'final account to the Orphans' Court for Saturday tbn manager of tbo Old tion or money back. But we BCIUW—no daugor olback JnaL, Reduces Rates in Ice tho County of Middlesex, on Friday, Uridgo Milling Company mnde a com- have never had to give any Balance Wheel — Carnpensating — »ulo- G Barrels $1.00 on Premises. the sixth day of March, 10M, nt 10 a. m. Inint before .lustlcn Birminglinm tliat waUcally R4*"~*"4^^UJ euaugue o[ money back yet. aturo, etc.1' '0 *ne Term of December, 1013, for ls delivery wagon hnd heon hold up 6 Barrels $1,00 Dolivered. Hair Sprite trtal On and after February lflt, Ice wi' u and ailownncu; the BIIIUO liere, by Speclui Officer Parisen. Ho -•idlted uncl Btnlod by tho Come in and look us over. made. >t as Informed that unless he compiled A(Iju&tm«nU—T as follows: and flvo pOHlttona. Vorj-. ury 2-1, 1 OH. vlth then city ordlnaneo nnd paid his SAMUEL KINSTLINGtR, cacli ooo ol tlieBe adjueltneiits. y{. A. BIEKS0N. 20" ' Butcher T's * MAUKICK LIJCIT-", 'ue, ho would not bn allowed to doliver Surviving Or Man. Finish—Very hlulily ind b«at Morgan. Nearc" Saloon 'eed hero and his wagons would bo '. Jeweler and Optician iahvd tlirouKtiout. Quid lettering*. The Citizen icld up in tlJa futuro. Tel. 1B»* Bi dwty, Op. C.R.R. Station , Mr. Harold Dayi of New York spent the week end

Mr. a.n'd.Mrs. Fred Dixon/ot Plajn- Reduction on all Rubber SOUTH AMH0T MAN JUST fleld, were visitors in this'city on, Sun- Overshoes, Rubber Boots, &c day. ,.. " ••• .- .' . • ] FULLS THROU'GH AS A CITIZEN The New Telephone Directory 10 Judge Daly ••made forty-three new- Miss Elizabeth Klllenberg,. of Perth citizens in court at New Brunswick, on For the New Jersey Division Amboy, spent Wednesday evening in Friday of last,week. He heard sixty- this city. two applications. No, one was turned down. Those who did not get their Goes to Press Thursday, February 5,1914 II. Wolff & Co. Mr. John ;»od these i-laini?. Th*y were- ..•NOTES A Request That Surprised the grants - Htilit royal j;f;1111s to :ill who could prove themselves heirs hefiir;1 :l Sultan Abdul Hamid. bibber court. As a matter of fact, few .iBl revival services that tl;lve qmilified. ai:il while tllcl'e ll;ls jLvt, —^B- to progress for the past l*t*eii ;i iol nf squaliMing in tho lower .Weeki came to a close last Sunday TALE OF A BADLY USED TURK. courts over titles, the 1,111(1 lias reiiiain- VievenlBg when a very impressive evan- etl in tlie possession of .1 few knowing HTSOIIS 11 IJ;IIWM'III in e.-icli generation. - gelistic service was beia.' The large A Truthful Account of an Experience number being sick and weather seem- Of Iliesc- lakes initl bills in western at the Court of the "Illuminator of »w York out1 is the proprietor to just ..:'..«i to interfere with the attendance, the Universe" That Reads Like a that extent lluit lie is nlilo to respond ForFithing, '; yet very helpful services were held Story From the Arabian Nights. tlieir lieauty and make tliem com- Camping, .and a number revived. panionable. To this end lie imisl see Many fijiifaistic stork* sire ivlutiul of them nut only aw ;i naturalist lmt :is an and Hard ,-Vlnltil Humid, tilt' cx-siilliiii of Tur- iirtlst: must look at Iliem n'itli the Use under All. Mr. Frank Fulton led the closing key, iind ljis court. Tin' fiilknnii;;. meeting of the revival service last of a poet anil of a philosopher as well. Condition*, iiott't'viT, rmni! In me I'roiii u relitilile Higgins—Our old cliiKxiiuite. Whi/.- Aluive all, on,, must live with the hills. Strong and Durable week and delivered a timely address. source, \vriles :i eoMriliutiir to C'liiiui- wire, liow is lie getting along in litera- l;iy h.\" day and year liy yen*. In the Ufi'.s' Juui'iiiil, and utict! wliou 1 told ture? Hu slioulil lie doing xx ell fie priwniilly intvw it . lie's doing spVixlldly now. -;oii!otliin£ of a uihlmaii. - From Give steady, bright light. He's specializing in excuses for iimr- go on. to lio true. It is xvorlliy nf » *|il;in> -Niuili and S0111I1," liy Staiilon David union;,' Sclii'lKM'iizsniti'K fiiuimis lilies. ricil Weil.—Chicago News. K'rkinan. Easy to light Easy to Xnt fiir from the sultan's IHIISII-L1 lived The services last Sundaj were all of To Piease Her. ii (vrtiilu Ahmed liuxliili KITi'iiili, ono How to Make Frumenty. -n interesting and instructive nature. of I In; hunilreils'of clerics pui|>lo.vt>ri :il clean and rewick. Don't i pastor preached in the morning on One of the old iline delicacies In Ens- tiic sulilime |>oiti\ Almu'd's duties hi'nl was finniante, ftntneiif.v or l"ur- broditus, the man who worked so vonslstwl of writing iirimle ulllriiil incnly. smoke. Don't blow out 1 for God that be nearly died. coinuiiniic-sitloiiM to |iii>vliieiul fjoviM - Accordinj; to the inost ancieiil foi'inu- . Phillipians—Chapter 2, Verses 21 IIOI'H. I'\>t' I his lie wus supposed to re- la extarit It was i'on<-oc.tcd in the fol- in the wind Don't leak. 30. It made us all feel that a ceive n wiliiry of U(l() clusters OilifMit IOWIIIK niniiiiev: "TnUe clean whent jirit of willing sacrifice and self- SS) |icr uiontll. If. lunvex'er, lie ivceiv- mil lii'a.v it In a mortal', that the IIIIMH jenial is needed by the church. ert this salary six limes ii yunr hi; hi. all gone nil', anil seethe II till it At dealers everywhere tlioiiKlit himsolf lucky. Imrsl. anil dike It up nnd let it cool; CumiiiiviMl to mnny of Ills cotleunuos and tiilie clean fresh hroth and s\yeet ; Mrs. Peterson, superintendent of the in the Kovurnnii'iit olilci-s, Ahmed was milk of almonds or sweet mill; of klut- 'Junior C. E., had churge of the ser- in conil'iirtiible -circuinstimceH. His anil 1 oi 11 ><>i- It nil; nnd lake the yolks STANDARD OIL COMPANY Vvi'oe at 2 p. in. and in her usual way oxvned his own house, so lit? liml no . Hull It i! lillle, iind m-l II down Jled the meeting. A number of new font to |iny. mill lie KIIVU Ills leisure anil 1110NS. it forth wit Ii ful venison or Pateraon (Now Jersey) Trenton ^reward cards has been secured for Uino to rultlviitliiK Hi'-1 tiny jiimlen flesh .mutton." Jersey City NEWARK Camden the Juniors. They are preparing for Lhiit Hiippllod his fnuilly with frull VenNon wax Kehloiu Nerveil wllhoiil 'their evening during Christian Kndea- und voKCtiililoH 'he wlwlo your ruunil. this ,icc(ini|iiiiiiiii(Mi!, but fiiiuicnly. week February 1st to the 8th. Alinicd lOTewll. not liclnj.' iiiiililllous. lied with Mtignr. WUH a favorite WHS JI ctmtenteil uinn. dish nf ItKulf. Ilio "clean lirolli" lii-Ing Mr. Eloodgood, our superintendent, In his peaceful household (here wus nmllti'il when 11 lord WIIH to lie the par- was present and conducted the Sunday only one rllxcordnnt note. U'lic oiiusn "I didn't xviuil any :wn W know I wim tiiker. :School oxercies and we were glad to WIIM n dwni'f peach tree in Ahmed's huii'." ! "Million pics" WIIH the niiinu given to jinfilen tlmt lion; uvery yeiir six or "IfHiilI rltfht; I'll liiM-p It dark."-St Ihe mince pit- us early us l.VJll. 'I'lmy have him at his post. After the con- i-ljjlil miiininolli iienehes. Htirly In IIIM Louis* Olobe-DemueTnt. weld IIIHH U'IIOWII US slueil nnil Christ- clusion of the lesson Btudy, he Bpoke mnrrtcd life Ills wll'u ilreiiineil Hint lu.-r tiisiM ples.-Uirdiui Answers. of the one thing needful and advised lmslinnd would one tiny iittuin eral- ' All In Alarm* Now, the scholars to early seek the Lord. nenco nnrl Unit tlio Iienehes wore eon- NEVER IDLE! nrcleil with his fortune, Actions and Words. ' He also encouraged a Decision Day. An Itnlliin pHyehologlHt ' mahitiitiiH Advertisements in the Wo hope that the parents and teach- Fifty tluies encli your sue ur^eil him that as an onitor'H gesturaH urn Invol- ers will t>ear this In mind and try to to tnl.o the poncliPM us nn olTorlnK to untary, llie.v nli'oiil ii lest of IIIN sin- lead their children and scholars to a I he sultiin. "Wo lire simple people," •.•erily, deslslon for Jesus Christ. she would suy. "Put'li iniunilflCKiit I'or instanci'. if the Bpeukoi- plays SOUTH AM BOY CITIZEN , pouches are not for tie. Curry tlieni, I xvHli his watch uliaiii lie Is on his 1 : i prny thei . to tho piilnco mid present guiird ami Ills iillerancos are not en i A/veVr lJiteresting senior C. B. ser- them to the tieimfnetov of tlio world." tirely fninlc. Are.Working Twenty-Four Hours a Day! vie/ waa Mr. Hause at 7 p. m. But Ahmod would reply: Should ho HWU.V his body from Ride -Topic "Perllslfcatthreaten the nation." "Wife, no good coineH to those who to siiiu It IN II sign of versatility mid A vory excellent paper/-. 911 the Topic have roliitlons with the JIIIIIH-O. I, who of an iiotlve mind, xvhlle n constant was prepared by Mr. Peterson and have nlwiiys lieen discreet, do not wish repotilloii of (he same .gesture i« hold iread by his wife. Others made re- to full under suspicion." « to Inillcali' (lint Ills heart Is In (he sub- An advertinement placed in the CITIZEN But at lust, lifter twenty yours, All- ject ami Hint he in sincere. marks on the topic that made It a very med yielded to his wife's Importunity Then* would seem to be HDIHO incon- lius'no lime limit io its usefulness to the Instructive Bervice. Ulid curried the bciiutlful fruit to th« sistency In Hiis. since the orator might advi'rt.if'Pr. It, works 24 hours a day. If liuluce. There lie entrusted the peach- _ fiddle with his watch chain every few ' 'inspiring hymnf* were sung us usual es to (lie K'rniul chaiiiliorliiin. wli", Hnmptoii^T'liiit mini bought every minutes. your ad is WPII written and interesting, it at the song service, Iniowiwt: tlie. siiltnn'8 fomlness for luirglar nlnrm tlint ever came oil the Tlie Iiloa rei-nlls the remark' of it wit, will be luid aside by the reader for future fruit, promptly carrioil them Into tlio market. who salil (hut a man's trousers were The evening sermon was on Text, prcHL'iii-e of (he llluinliiator of lln> tlni- Ithodos—Did he i|iillV indiciilive of his position in life. "If rotVrvnoe. Or, if your ad reaches the rijrht they ling nt (lie pockets," xvus this say- vorse. 'i'lie Ntiltan Kincloiisly itei-t'pt- Hampton—Hud to. noxv he hn.sii'l found iin Psalms 103, 10: Shoeing the ing, "lie has money. If they hag at prospect, it will make an impression on his eil the fflft and coniLiiuiiiled Ahniwl to any money l«ft to steul. — Chiragu mercy of God. . Hevival service follow- xvuit until he xx'ns at lllierty luimlei1 the knees he has. lirnlns."—New Vork memory which will last for days, weeks ed. Thu evening's offering was for the Dally News. Telegram. , tiiat hu inife'lit lilnisulf ttiank the grow- A Fiery Steed. benefit of conference benevolenciea. er t?f sui-'li .splendid l'ruit. and even months. It' ImppeiiiHl that the twcpllon-room Tho Druggist's Diagnosis," The offering next Sunday in both C. where the scribe mviiltod the pleasure People xvbo go to apothecaries to Consider f >r a moment, can't you recall 1 E/ societies is for local missionary of tlio sovurulsn was filled with a Imre Iheii diseases'prescribed for oc- tin advertisement which you read months work. Let us all help, blind of suspected bomb throwers, nnd cnsionnlly get very strange diagnoses. Aluuetl WHS presently hustled away One day n farmer, wearing a long ago which was so strongly impressed on to prison with the supposed revolu- countenance, is said to have entered your memory that you still remember the The Sonior C. E. society and Juniors tionaries. He was thoroughly confus- an apothecary's shon and remarked, are planning for the observance of ed by tlio rough treatment or the •'1 seem to have something queer In offer made ? •""iOliiVrBtlan Endeavor week, ^beginning 4,'unrds and couia only stammer: "1 my stomach, and 1 wantTou to give February 1st to 8th. • am the man who brought the.peaches!. me something for it." The results of advertising may not be Monday, Feb. 2—Social night. 1 nm the nuin who brought the "What are your symptoms?" the instantaneous. Don't expect that when Tuesday, Feb." 3.—Junior rally night. peaches!"' apothecary asked. Wednesday, Feb. 4—Mr.. J. T. Sproule, iu prison he soon became known as "Every little while something seems f > ispend a dollar for advertising today "the man of the peaches" uu'd was to rise up and then settle back again, president of New Jersoy State Union. iind by nud by it rises up again." that it will return to you ten-fold tomorrow. i Thursday, Feb. 5.—C. E. with prayer looked, upon as a harmless lunatic. After many mouths the suspected "Is that a regular race horse, Billy?" The a|K)thi!cary put bis chin iu tbe - Newspaper advertising is the very best ' service. bomb throwers, including Ahmed, "Is he! Say, you just ought to see palm of his bund and meditated. how pretty lie starts when they build "Look here," hu said gravely, "you Friday, Fen. »6.—Tha story of the were brought before the criminal 1 medium for bringing to the attention of the Pink Rose, history of slum work, and a flre under him, '—Pittsburgh Press. haven't gone and swallowed an eleva court. He told bis story to the Judge tor, have you ?"- Pittsburgh Chronicle buying public your busineas and your salvation. and asked that the grand chamberlain Telegraph. It Is to be hoped that all C. B. and be called to confirm his words. The H* Ini tha Groc.r. wareB and paining their confidence by im- ' in this week of ser- •judge granted his request and wus Raphad la Net Romantic pressing on them your personality and iceB. Evwybody Invited.' greatly surprised when the dignitary Raphael uot only could not paint a told of the arrival of Ahmed at the landscape; be could not paint people in reputation for fair dealing. palace some month* ago and of his a landscape. * • • His figures have Go to church Sunday will be observ- mysterious disappearance. Tbe cham- ed next Sunday a, m. when the pastor always ait indoor look—that is. a set. berlain took the afflicted scribe to his determined, voluntary, dramatic cbur- , will speak along that line, It is to be own suit in tbe palace and went to ex- ncter. arising from their own passions, hoped that the Invitations given plain matters to the sultan. or a watchfulness of those of others, Try an Advertisement for Three Months through* the press, pulpit and by per- The sultan, sincerely sorry for the and want that Wild uncertainty of ex sonal contact many will avail them- unlucky mistake, commanded the presslon which is connected with tbe in the CITIZEN. selves of the opportunity to attend at chaniberlulu to promise Ahmed that accidents of nature and the changes of least next Sunday some Christian any wish of his should be fulfilled. the elements. He bag notbiug roman- church, You will be welcome. Ahmed replied that he would accept tic about him.-William Uailitt. not one, but three gifts, and that be must name them to tbe sultan per- NOTICE TO COJfTBACTOBS. NOTICE 10 CBEDIT0B8. ~v Tho subjects in this church next Subscribe for The Citizen, v sonnlly. The sultan was much con- Sunday will be appropriate as to cerned, and ordered the scribe ushered EMIL H. MENZEL AND LOUISE church attendance and Christian En- Into his private study. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Manaker, executors of Maria Meniel, Ladie»l S»v« Moyy and received by the Board of Chosen Free- deceased, by direction of the Surro- deavor. Lot us all rally. "Sire," sold Ahmed, "I ask for a Hirst Hlstorinn—You can't deny that holders of Middlesex County at their gate of the County of Middlesex, Initi'hot, the sum of 200 piasters and Diogenes was an honest man. - ==== Keep in Style by rooms in the County Record Building hereby gives notice to the creditors Sunday, February the 8th, Is the a copy of tbe Koran." Second Historian—WhatT I'm dig- Reading McCaUY Magazine at New Brunswick, on Monday, Feb. 2, of the said Maria Menzel, to bring In day for monthly offering to parsonago "Your desire Is granted," answered ging upJfacts now to prove that he 1914, at 2.30 o'clock p. m., for building their debts, demands and claims the sultan, "on: condition that you ex- and Using McCall Patterns a steel and concrete Bridge over Ire- against the estate of the said deceas- fund. Dont forget the penny-a-day didn't pay for-the oil in his lantern.— land Brook, on the new road between plain the meaning of your singular Chicago Daily New.s. belp you dress styl- ed, under oath or affirmation, within banks, and other methods to enlarge renuest." Isblj »t a modoTnlo Road Hall Road and Dunham's Corner nine months from this date, or they tlio fund. This Is a week's notice In expense b; kooplnu road In Bast Brunswick Township. will be forevor barred of any action "ijlre," replied bur hero, "with the Paternal Wisdom. oa posted on tho advance fatest fashions in According to plans and specifications therefor against the said executors. 200 plasters I shall obtain n divorce clotbos nntl iiats. w on file at the office of Alvln B. Fox, Dated December 27, 1913. from my wife, the original cause of New Fuslilon 1)0- Perth Amhoy. N. J., and at tbe office of : slens In each Issue. EMIL H. MENZEL Wonderful Couirh Remedy. all my trouble; with the hntchot 1 in- Also valuable infor* Thomas H. Hagerty, County Collector, and LOUISE MANAKER, tend to cut down my punch tree, r.nd luntloii on all Lomu Now Brunswick, N. J. Dr. King's Now Discovery is known uud tiorsonal Dial- Executors. upou the Kornn I wish to sxvenr nn lors. Only 6eo a A deposit of $5.00 will bs required Present claims to JOHN A. COAN, evorywhai'B as the remedy which will onth never to enter the palace gates joar.iaclndlni! for copies of the specifications which Proctor, South Amboy, New Jersey. surely stop a' cough or cold, D. P. a free pntteru. Sub- will be refunded upon the return of npiilii so long as I live." scribe today or solid 1-3-9, Lawson of Eldson Tenn. writes: "Dr. . forfreosamiilocopy. same in good condition. King's Now DlBcovery is the most McCillPtlurmiwIlloiiableyou torankotn you A certified check for $200.00 without Apellei' Masterpiece. own homo. wUU. sour own hnmls, ctouilnt, any conditional endorsement must ac- wonderful cough, cold aad throat and The masterpiece of Apelics was the Tor yoursolfttudclilldronwlilch will Ira irer- company each bid, which check shall IfOTICE 10 CREDITOBS. foci la stylo audflt. Price—miniililBliertbnii fe T^jng wodioine I ever sold in my store. Venus Anadyomenc, "Venus Rising 16 cents. Sond for frao Piiitorn Caiiooiiitt-1 be forfeited should the successful bid- HENRY MacDOWELL AND AN- •/ It' can't be beat. It sells without Prom the Sen." The fnJllug drops of We Will Glvi Yoi Flu Fr fur irottliiK sul> der fall to enter into contract and bond drew Slover, executors ot Walter Mac- water from her hair form n trnnspnr- sorlt)tlonsamouKyourfrl'»>ils..H within 10 days from the award, of the any trouble at all. It needs no rreraliiin (:iitiilni!iioiiiiil UIIKII I'meortor. bid. Oowell, deceased, by direction of the guarantee," This Is true because Dr. •Hit sliver veil over her form. It cost SHEWyOK The Board reserves the right to re- Surrogato of the County of Middlesex, ,11121,500 nnd wrts painted for the teni- iect any or all bids If in their opinion hereby gives notice to the creditors ot King's I^ew Discovery will relieve the plo of Esculaplus at Cos, nnd nfter- the said Walter MacDowell to'brlng In most obstinate of coughs and colds. It Is to the best interest of the County wnrd placed liy' Augustus in the tem- BO to do. their debts, demands and claims Lung troubles quickly helped by its ple which he dedicated to his illus- A. J. GEBHARDT, against the estate of the said deseased, use. You should keep a bottle in the under oath or affirmation, within nine trious patron, Julius Cnesnr. Tnrt of Director. months from this date, or they will :'houso at all times for all the mem- the fnmous picture wns injured and LIBRARY! Attest: be forever barred of any action there* bers of tho family. 60c and J1.00. All no one could bo found to repair it— All the BMI ••< UUtt BMki ea> fet ASHBR W. BISSETT, Clerk. for against the sold executors. drugr' '•» or by mall. H. E. Bucklen New York American. Tommy—Pa, what Is concentrated 1-10-4. Dated January 6,1914. lye? Mr. Tuclfer—It's the short and BMi at laall Ctrt. ft n ladelphla or St. Loula. Why fl« Wttfcrat Q—4 l«ichfl HENRY MacDoV Onr first step townrd aprfeement ugly word, Tommy. Don't bother m«. It is better to mar ' a Btrong-mlnd- should be to decline before we argue. —Bt. Louii Globe-Democrat. , and ANDREW H. SI it la the CIUIML •rmt L a riBuiir vmnin ed woman than a ong-minded

,!«••\ » I A , t-H-I-y-M-H- Aunt Amelia's Milly examined the val- entine once more before inclosing it in its box aud wrani'lug it securely. SOLVING THE WIND The Ohu. j At last it lay before Uer. a dainty Crossed^ f puckuce wrapped lu wliite pii|ier. She Services as Arranged \ carried It Into tbe spare bedroom where Online J| NflTIONHL BUNK on the old fashioned writing desk Aunt One Big Problem That Bothers .' SOUTH AMBOY, N, J. Valentinejs Amelia kept her writing in;iU'n;ils. the Weather Forecasters. rums! ciniirii i | Milly smiled a little as she lighted tbe candle and heated tue stick of red sealing wax. Aunt Amelia's Ivory han- Kev. W. E. Grfmshaw, Fr Capital $50,000 Surplus $75,000 ;: They Brought a Sur- :: dled seal was there, and Milly used It. CURRENTS THEY CAN'T STUDY Residence 96 ' Undivided Profits Earned, $30,000 I: prise on the Good '' afterword holding the clear cut im- Services Sunday, Peb pression to the light Against the red (Fourth Sunday afte Saint's Day wax was tbe impression of a sailing Atmospheric Conditions Away Above CHRIST CHL slilp tossing on a stormy sea: under- th» Eanh Ara Beyond Their Reach Holy Communion .. This Bank Pays Interest neath In tiiiv letters it read, "Such is and Are Consequently Unknown Fac- Litany, Sermon and Hoi) I By CLARISSA. MACK1E £ life." tors—Methods of the Ancients. Communion ON ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK Sunday School Then In a laboriously disguised band Tile art of predicting the weuthcr is Evening Prayer and Sermon PEIt CENT on balances averaging daily Milly wrote Harry Blake's name with one In which it seems at first sight tlie Services during the ween "K I hnd known you could be so some of Aunt Amelia's violet ink. "I modern scientist ought easily to sur-February 7. 1914. I $500 and over for the month. hateful!" Milly Telford had sobbed. will address it to the house; he will pass his ancestors. Yet It may be Monday—Purification B. V. I "If I hud only known you bud such surely receive It then," murmured doubted whether he is really more Holy Communion 9.0 Amelia, blushing hotly. a wusplsh temper!" Hurry Bluke had successful in it than they were. The Friday—Choir Rehearsal .. 7.31 PER CEXT in Speoial Deposit Dapart- hotly retorted. meteorological department boasted And that was the beginning of UM It was Miss Amtlln TelforiTs morn- Doane Memorial Chapel some time bnrk that their forecasts of Morning Prayer, Litany and ~ meat on accounts of $200 and over remaining few bitter words that ended tbelr en- ing custom to walk demurely down the wwiilicr as published in the daily press village street and cull at the poatofflce Sermon 3 in Bank for at least Three Months prior to gaeciiU'iit. were justilk'il by the result in ,'J2 perSunday School 3 Si) Milly hastened to puck lier trunk for bur mull and then do her market- cent of the eason recorded. As the per- January 1 and July 1. and run uway to Fern Hollow, where ing for the day, St. Valentine's day centage of correct guesses In a suffi- wns no exception to the rule, and when Chapel of The Good £ ISSUES TRAVELERS' CHECKS PATABLE EVERYWHERE. her Aunt Amellu Telford lived tlio ciently extended list, however, would Sunday School Miss Amelia walked up tbe prim path exactly equal the Incorrect, this does Evening Prayer SELLS FOREIGN DBAFT8 PAYABLE IS ANT PAST OF quiet, uneventful days of a New Bug- to her front Uoor slie curried a handful land spinster. not show a very great superiority for Baptism is Administr THE WORLD. of letters and newspapers. Milly wns scientific methods over pure conjec- At ChriBt Church, "Broken your engagement to Hurry waiting with thinly disguised Impu- ture. Service, Second Sur mou HARRY C. PERRINE, President R. C. 8TEPHBN80N, Cashier Blake?" echoed Aunt Amelia when dence in Hii' ciizy sitting room. Yet tbe meteorological department At Doane Memoi ^-... .at 10.S T. FRANCIS PERRINE. Assistant Cashier Milly bad made ronfeiMloii, "Any mull for me, Aunt Amelia?" Mile enjoys the .iidvnutiige. !is our nnccs- a. m. last Sunday of tbe month. * "Yen," MlKhed MII1J-. "And, Aunt asked. At Chape] of Good Shepherd, at 3.30 DIRECTORS: "Yen; it box of vnndy from some torn, nf course, did not. of elaborate Amelia, I'm NO (linnkfiil that 1 diHcov- and noeuriite ri'Ciinliiig instruments, p. m., last Sunday of the month. DANIEL C, CHASE CHRISTIAN STRAUB HENRY WOLFF ercd my mlHtaku In lime!" one," laughed Alut-liu, HARRY C. PERRINE GEORGE V. BOQART Milly Himk'hiMl up the big box of like Secchl'H meteorograph, together J. BAIRD PERRINE R. C. STEPHENBON "I IIOJM', ili'ur, dial you won't regret HweetH, and tlm look of enger anticipa- with telegraphic reports from weather THB PARISH HOUSE. It," wild Aunt Amelia, with u troubled tion died from her face us she Hcnnneil stntloim dldpersed nearly nil over the Meetings of tbe Various Societies: cxjiruHMlou in her ttvveet blue eyes. tlie address, surface of the globe. Its relative non- Sunday—The Sunday School.2:30 p. m. .Safe Deposit Boxes S2.OO up "I never NIIHII! And, Aunt Amelia," "Oh! It's only from Hilly Wake- success shows pcrhupx that there Is Monday— ndded Milly brightly, "I'm never going mun," she tuilil atreletiHly, pushing it still u factor in the problem which It IM The Woman's Auxiliary . 2:30 p. «. to marry. I'm KOIIIK to Hpend my dnys aside, jit present Impossible to estimate. The Girls' Friendly Society 7.30 p. m. This IB the more extraordinary be- Tuesday— a barpy, care true H|ilnntor like you!" Amelia removed her clonk and hat The Junior Auxiliary ... 3:30 p. m: and sat down to 'look over the mall ta use tbe modern met bod of forecast Aunt Amelia went nwuy without a Ing the weather differs entirely from Tbe basketball team ... 7:30 p. no. word, and If Milly hnd followed BIIU that had come to herr 81m read several Wednesday— letters with <|iiiet enjoyment, then that practiced by the ancients. With would bnve tieen tint little woman look- them It was simply a question of time The Boy Scouts 7.30 p. m, ing wistfully IICTOKH tho valley ut the picked up u large square white IIIIN- Thursday— KEEP IT IN MINO slve heavily embossed. und season, of, what is the same thing, The Brotherhood of St. An- red chiiiineyH of tut old KnijHtone of the appearance or disappearance of drew (Juniors) 8.60 p. m. houie set nKiilnst the wintry lilllHldes. "A valentine for mu!" she cried, with gentle excitement. She carefully open- certain stare. The Brotherhood of St. THAT If abe had had uinr« faith in the lover When ilexlod'H husbandman saw tbe Andrew (Seniors) 8:00 p. m. of her youth Unit KriiyHtoiio houxe ed the enveloite with her embroidery HclHHors and drew out n large white Pleiades be knew It was time for him Saturday— , wo'tild liavc been her home today, to begin his harvest, and when they The Sewing School, where ,' satin heart, on which was painted a children are Bystemprf/wlly The Citizen Job Department "Poor child—poor [OOIIHII child!" stxe smaller heart of rorgetmenotn. In the net forty days later, his plowing. This murniured aadly, and one could not tell might still be u good enough rule for taught plain sewis*..... 2,i.i p. ra. Is prepared to *• any antf all hind* of center of the small heart was a verse Vialtatlom •«•!he gfca. Jf whether ahe pltiud her niece Milly or In gold lettering: countries near tbe equator, wbere the "When any npYson is sick, jjptlca tbe Hplrlt of her own lout youth. prevalence of trade winds, which blow shall be given JBereof to the mSalster 1 Though bitter pride holds UH apart, uninterruptedly in tbe direction in of the ParlshJF-Prayer Book P.! The window of tbe little atationery Thy Image lingers In my heart, NOTEHEAUS which the sun appears to travel, •hop wag gay with love mlftMlve*. Amelia read the lines over and over nnd where the monsoons, which in tbe LETTERHEADS They hung from wires In long strings with trembling lips that refused to ut- ENVELOPES .-', countries east of 8uez blow for six CHUBCH or were Axed cunningly In. place by ter more than a whisper. < Then Hhe months the other way, help to keep the • ••••• • •• BILLHEADS ••-,: ^ ' hidden props at the back. ' .bowed-, her heud, where the crinkled weather, If not constant, yet rcKiilnr, STATEMENTS ValentineR, valentine**, everywhere. bronze tresses ..were mingled with a In other latitudes, however, there Is rvices beginning Sunday, Feb.* .. BUSINESS CARDS powdering of white, and she wept They cluttered tbe glass showcased no such help, mid he who would pre- ,u.3O a. m. Preaching. /' SOCIETY CARDS aud were festooned overhead in a riot softly. dict the weather must therefore con- 1.30 p. m. General Sunday School. . RULED BLANKS of alluring color. Milly 'crept to her nnd listened to fine himself to finding out what winds Classe* for all. We Invlt* you to BLANK BOOKS Outsklo it was snowing fast, and the old story of a lovers' qunrrel ex- are blowing In other parts of the visit our school. PAMPHLETS Milly Telforil in her scarlet coat and tending over many years, and now of world and when they are likely to 7.00 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor the valentine which had come as an reach him. 7.45 p. m. Preaching. olive brunch of peace from her old As to this, modern science still de- Thursday— lover. 7.45 p. m. Regular Prayer and pends mainly on the observations made Praise meeting. "It was so unexpected, my dear," by Halley, who discovered in the Sev-4.00 p. m. Thursday, Junior C. B. Jurt Alike. sobbed, Annt Amelln. "T never ex- enteenth century during' a voyng*; in S.00 p. m. Choir Rehearsal. "Have yon seen my umbrella?" ask- pected to hear frqni Henry Blake tbe tropics how the sun so wnruiedthe HIGH-GKADE ed the cashier of the bookkeeper. njrflln." sir at the equator that the heated air, "What sort of an umbrella was It?" "Henry Blake?" echoed Milly, pick- rising after Its inn liner, dispersed Itself BAPTIST CHURCH. "It bad a booked end." ing up the embossed envelope and toward tbe poles and was replaced by "I have not seen it, but I bad n nice scanning the address. She knew the a rush of cold air from the regions Her. Tiomai NMI, Jr., FUter. one given me at Christmas, and the bold masculine linnd flint hnd pi'im farther froiii the sun. Rcsldeaee 71 BMOBI Stimt end was exactly like yours. It was the words, giving her the formal name, This, which explains the phenomenon turn*hooked too."-LIppincott's. by which she hnd been christened ad of trade winds, was really the founda- Services for the week beginning Aunt Amelia's namesake: tion of modern meteorology, although Sunday, February 1, 1914:: , Origin of the Eskimo. "Miss Amellh Telford. Pern Hollow. it was reserved for Halley, some Sfty 10.30 a.m. Preaching. F. W. STEINS, No satisfactory solution of the ques- N. H." years later, to point out that, thanks to 2.30 p. m. Bible School Sessionsion. , Stevens Avenue, near Main Street, tion of the origin of the Eskimo has Thnt wns Aunt Amelia's name- too! the rotation of tlie earth on Its own «.4B p. m. Senior C, E. Society mwt- SOOTH AM BUT ever been given. Whether they came How funny that her mint should hnve axis, both kinds of winds stray some- iae. from Asia or from North America! thought the valentine was for her— what from their apparent objective. 7.80 p. m. Delightful Song Barrtaa \ whether they lire related to the more from her old sweetheart! Of course It Later Dove's "law of rotation" was and Sermon. /---v southern American Indians or to the »vns for the young Milly, from Harry discovered, which declares that in cer- Week Day 8ervle««: Attend the Tartars of the great Astnn continent, himself! ; Wednesday tain latitudes the wind will nearly nl- 3.30 p. in. Junior C. E. Meetlif. Is still open to debate. "Just fancy nno vnleutlne doing for ways follow the sun's motion—1. e., will Thursday , v SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL two of us!1' thought Milly ecstatically. pass from N. through N. E., and from 7.45 p. m. Church Prayer Meeting. How Rows Begin. Tliim. with sudden thought,.she added: S. "E. to S., completing the circle by Friday ' and you will not be disappointed. "Hubby, I dreamed last night that "You said his name wns Henry passing from S. to N. through the 7.S0 p. m. Cbolr Rehearsal. Largest Enrollment in its History you didn't love me." Blnke. Aunt Amelia?" west, but will very seldom move tlie "How foolish you are!" Amelln lifted ber tear wet eyes; she reverse way. "Foolish, nm IV As If I could help wns smiling linppily. "His name Is - Finally, there conies in whnt is METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH" whnt 1 dream about!" Henry Blake; nnd he Is your Harry known as the law of Busy Bnllvt. There's a reason: None but the best ' And tbe fracas was on.—Louisville Blake's undo.- Of course I never told which Is that, in the northern hemi- Her. 3. E. Shaw, Pastor. of instructors Courier-Journal. you thnt. 1 knew him when he lived In sphere, if one stands with one's bnck the old stone bouse across the valley. to the wind the line of lower pressure 8he Didn't Like Flattery. BEAD THB LINES 0V£B AND OVEli. I never expected this"— She was hold- Is always on one's left hand. Services for the week beginning Trainer's Business College, Ins the valentine close to her heart. Sunday, February 1, 1914: She—1 hute flattery! He—Of course) knitted cap made a brilliant flash of This enables us to understand whnt PIBTH AJIBOT. N. J. you do, Kvery pretty girl does. iTben "How odd!" breathed Milly Incredu- if meant by the cyclonic and unti- Sunday Services. color as she ran up tho step3 of Mr. lously. "And Harry lives with his 9.30 a. m.—Class she drew a long, deep sigh and permit- Ware's shop and opened the door. cyclonlc disturbances which are so ted bim to pat bis arm round her TJncle Henry, you know; they keep frequently mentioned In the official 10.30 a. m.—Preaching by Pastor. Mr, Ware, having dismissed bis last bachelors' hall In the most delightful 2.30 p. m.—Sunday School. tralat.)-Excliange. customer, hurried forward to meet her. forecasts as approaching us, general- apartment—and, dear, there Is the ly from tbe Atlantic. 6.45 p. m.—Epworth League Senrte*, I want • some drawing pencils, doorbell." 7.30 p. m.—Preaching by Palter. OYSTERS! Tbougb wrong may win, Its victory please." said Milly, approaching the If within any particular spot the 1* brief.—Leonard. Milly flew to the front door to admit pressure is lower.than it is outside it. Services during tbe week. IT TOD WAlfT A glass case. Junior League, Thursday, 3.30 p. m. the tall, dignified form of Mr. Henry the wind blows round it in tbe con- GOOD STEW OR FRY '"Valentines!" Blnke. "Why, Milly!" he cried cor- Prayer Service, Thursday 7.45 p.m. Mllly'g brent 1) came faster us the dially, clasping her hand. "I—er—came trary direction to the hands of a Choir Rehearsal, Saturday 8.00 p. m. STOP AT tender missives stared her in the face. —er"— Milly saw thnt in one hand watch and 1B called cyclonic from the All are welcome. All seats tree "I forgot It was "St. Valentine's dny,'' lie carried a flat package wrapped In similar behavior of the West Indian HUB-MARK she murmured, with an odd little laugh. white paper with broken red seats. hurricanes named cyclones. This Is P.P. KENAN'S CAFE When I was a young man girls "You came to see Aunt Amelia," because the lowest pressure to any METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH RUB B E R S didn't forget St. VnlenUne's day," said one standing with his back to tbe wind 188 BrMtw*?. smiled Milly, «B she puibed htm to- Rev. F. F. Craig, Pastw. Mr. Ware reprovingly. ward the sitting room door. "I know is alwayson one's left hand. If, how- Oysters ••rved In ur styl*. Alas Milly laughed lightly. ''There are so all about It." she nodded wisely. ever, the pressure within the area in •old In the «h»ll. orders proaaptly many things to think: about," she apol- "You do?" he Inughed. "Then you question is higher than outside It, the Services beginning Sunday, attended to. ogized. Then, having purchased her can sec that I recognised Amelia's seat wind blows round it clockwise and Is 10.30 a. m. Regular Preaching, 8ubie6««s pencils, she lingered, looking over the nnd her violet ink. But that rnscnl called anti-cyclonic. "Gladness in tbe house of the Lord." vulentines. If she had not quarreled Harry fought to the last ditch that it , One circumstance against modern 2.00 p. m. Junior C. E. / Topic, Dr. GEORGE LUKE HAW. SM that tin Hub-M«rk it oa Ilia with Harry—why, she would undoubt- was intended for him. This duplicat- methods of forecasting the weather "Christian Erideavor progress," robber hator* you buy. It U your edly be selecting a valentine for him ing family names Is a nuisance," correctly outweighs all those In their "Christian Endeavor day." Bible in«iruK*of Standard First Quality Ret. St Mark's Gospel 4, 26-32. and he would send her some ridicu- "It's a blessing In dlegutae some- favor, The winds that can be ob- DENTIST RabberFootWMr for avaiy pnipou lously sweet remembrance of the dny served are all those blowing close to 2.30 p. m. Regular Sunday School times," giggled Milly as he dlsnppenred Subject, "The unfriendly neighbor." SOLD BY and she would pretend that she could within the sitting room. tbe earth's surface. What Is the ef- fect of the currents prevailing at even Bible Rtf, St Luke's Gospel 11,1-13. - BrMiway aid Awtte Blurt, H. KOLLISCH not guess the sender. Ten minutes Inter Milly wan In the Classes for all, come and study the "It Isn't too late to buy some now, village drug store talking over the a few miles above It, where, as avia- Holy Bible. ! SOUTH AMBOT. H. J. Miss Milly." wheedled Mr. Ware across telephone to Harry Blake In New York. tors constantly declare there are even 7.00 p. ra. sharp Senior C. B. Topic, the counter. " 'Taln't Valentine's dny 'boles" and "pockets" in the atmos- "Christian Endeavor progress;" OVER OS YEAR*' "Did you send me n valentine, till tomorrow." Harry?" she asked, nnd when he an- phere? Until there is more Informa- "Christian Endeavor day." Bible ROOMS "I'll take some of these cute little swered In the nfflrmntlve she told him tion on this, meteorology will not be Ref. St. Mark's Goapel 4, 26-32. nn exact science.—Detroit Free rress. Meet in main audience room. PARISBN BUILDING. henrts," snld Milly. "1'vo quite forgot- enough of the story to bring him down :en niy sister's children." to Fern Hollow by the next train. 7.46 p. m. Regular service of Bong. While Mr. Ware slipped the heartw Conspicuous among the wedding Wished He Hadn't Spoken. Christian. Endeavor hymns. V Office Phone 100 Residence Phone UO Into envelopes ready for- direction. presents received by Mr. nnd Mrs. Tbe bored youth turned to his dinner 8.00 p. m. Regular Preaching Service. Milly hovered over a dainty satin val- Hurry Blake were two valentines, al- lurtner, with n yawn. Subject "Christian Endeavor," EDWIN C. RODDY TRADE MARKS entine oh wbli'h was paloted a wreath most alike In design nnd each bearing Who is Unit strange looking man He went about doing good. Acts 10, DESIGNS the Hame trite little couplet. Attached 38. COCYRIQHTO AC. of forgetmenots, and within the wreath over there who stares at me so much?" ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE Anyona Mndlng a sketch and doacrlntlon may was a verso lettered In gold: were the enrds of Mr. nnd Mra, Henry ho drawled. nulcklT ucerUin mir npliilnn free whether au Invention ti prnbnblr piiieutiijilji, Coimnunlni. Though bittnr prido liohla UH apart, Blnke. Ob, thut's rrofessor Jenkins," she - - - irtdeiiMnl. HANDBOOK on Paiei Thy linage lingers In my lu'iirt. "Those vulentines," explained the REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD Jl nuoncy ior ncouriiiR patent'mtmit B.. replied nirily. "tin; famous expert on l'ntantl taken tbrouiih Munti & Co. reoclvi It seemed to be n versa written for bride to lier dearest friend, "are proof The RADLE PIANOS Commissioner ol Deefls tptctat notice, without ohnnre, In the Insanity."—London Telegraph. Bell llko hot cakes. Everyone In BO estranged lovers. Milly Telford's heurt to me thnt St. Vnleutlne In truth keeps pleased with them, thnt one Hold lm- bent quickly ns «he took out ber purse n watchful eye on his people. Almost niGdlatoly brlnge aDother ouatoiner Notary Public J Scientific American. Kalth must become active through A •handsomely Illustrated weekly, Ijinrest cir- iintl paid for the white Hntln vnlnntlne. Identical, they croBBed efli'h other In RoomB 12 to 15 Parleen Building, culation of nuy (irlontlflo Journal. Tcrnia, f 3 a works. Deeds must spring spontane- Factory Piano Polish 2Se Hottlc roart foar montbSifL Bold brail newsdealer*. She evnded Sir. Ware's kindly, quli- transit und brought happiness to four *w»y * Aagnsta St, Sotith AmboT. zlcnl (flame IIH she hiiHtened from the people—nnd that's expecting a good ously from the divine life within the HARRY PARISEN plnce. Up In ber own little room at deal from two valentines!" soul.—C. W. Wendte. Open Evening* s 7.00i to D.QO. hi V St. WublDgion, B, 0. 201 DAVID STREET SOUTH A*BOV CITIZES. THIRD P C WINNING ESSAV. liar gujrds but Hardy filled his place From Page One) Quite well. | BUYYOuiv NK YJ!AK:*I IN ADVANCE goods ana pobrtr service. It is also High School By -Ainning this game the H. S. ELEPHONE 146-M true that some fOuBi themselves de- boys Jiave but one team to defeat to ceived about their purchases when !aim/tbe junior championship of South at POULISIIKtl HV they got them home ana" had time to Mentiomngs "H A Milt IV I'ltlNTl.Mi (Ml. look them carefully over. "These peo- Ne^-t Wednesday night, in the pre- say little or nothing a&vit their liminary the H. S. boys will play the <>rs, bistJcutuiM uutl erless Five from Perth Amboy. ' In mlurl ihut this Journal is a disappointments. A lady found her David St. and therefore a prnper med- Thanksgiving turkey unfit to cook boys journeyed to Bayonne where they The lineup: ication of rheir uoliccH. when she was ready to place it in themet their second defeat of the sea-S. A. H. S. Fid. g. Fl. g. P. S. and assure yourself of their worth. oven, and had to buy her Thanksgiving son at tile hands of the. fast High Rue, f 2 0 4 The following specials for this wo<>k: itlons or iteniK ul ncitb in- .liniier at home. Another bought some School team of that place, by the score Ourkard, f 1 0 2 of 39 to 10. firaee, c 4 1 9 iiulilicatloii chops cheap, they looked so nice. Whin they were about to be cooked, The game was not one-sided as the Hardy, g. 1 0 2 Small Jer^fij- Pork Loins for Pot Ilit-uat Suutli Ami). the greater part were unfit to eat. score would indicate but was Fast James, g 0 0 0 Roasting ;ltU:r. These people did not say much about from start to finish. The score at their disapointinent and loss. They the end of 'the first half was 14 to 13 Total 8 1 17~ 16c and 18c -BDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914. could not take them hack. Had these jn Bayonne High School favor. Nationals Fid. g. Fl. g. P. S. 18c jieo;»!o purchased at home, their loss During ihe first half the Amboy lads Lyons, f 1 0 2 Genuine Hindquarters Lamb Krosh Killed Chickens EEI) STU.VPl'l\ them from than is ho standard that Is demanded o getting four field goals and five fouls 'fi. Bills of every con- by the home merchant. His percent- whilo A. Nugle wan a close, second STRICTLY FRKSH Jersey Eggs, >r are being intro- age of profit is no smaller, and his with four Held goals, A return will 45c. a dozen. Sam Lernor. 1-10-tf Buy from Citizen Advertisers and get value uced milkers seem to beexpenses for rent and labor are no less be arranged for Boiunlimi; during the , turning wild over their special than are those of tho home merchant. first week In February. Tho lineup: schemes. That a halt is necessary, For tho same quality of goods where S. A. H. S. Fid. g. Fl. g. P. S. can be plainly seen in the startling hust the outsider any chance of under- Rue, f 1 0 2 facts taken from the Newark Ne\v3, as polling the home dealer? DeBides, in OUR ANNUAL follows: dealing with tho homo merchant you Uurknrd, f 0 0 0 "Scrutiny of the long list of bills have tho advantage of knowing that, (iraee, o li 5 37 KwlllnMkl, B 0 0 0 Introduced Monday night In the Leg- you have a responsibility back of your islature serves to indicate why the Jumus, K 0 0 0 cost of government both State and purohiises. if tltoy are. not satisfac- February Furniture Sale local shows a constant Increase from tory you have redress. They can be Total 7 5 19 year to year, New offices are creat- returned without loss to you. In most II. H. S, Phi. g. Fl. g. l\ S. ed, present salaries Increased, bond is-cases this advantage is absent in your Starts To-Day and Lasts Until March 1st. sues authorized and pensions provided Stophpnson, f. . .. "* .'I 0 6 dealings with tho out-of-town mer- for. Hausor, f. 3 0 0 chants. Even if the dealer IH willing . "Among the .new offices sought to be A, Naglo, c 4 0 ' '• 8 created are State censors of moving to exchange goods, It costs money and We will offer during the month of February the strongest line of bargains ever F. Nuglo, g 4 • 5 <3B. picture- films, salaries $1,500 each, and time to travel back and forth, nnd this put out. Inventory has just been completed and we find that it is absolutely nec- .not more than three clerks at $1,000 Scliulxtimn, g.' ... i! 0 8 each; a State athletic commission at adds again to tho cost of the purchase. essary tor us to reduce our stock about 1-8 in order to have proper room to display $1,500, with a salaiied secretary; a leg- The out-of-town merchant often has n Total . 17 5 39 islative adviser and bill, examiner, two rule against exchanging goods; but new goods. The reduction throughout will range from 10 to 33% on all purchases. Referee, Davis, Times of halveB bills for,,ttils..purpose, one fixing the the home merchant can make no such salarayy at f 1,60ft and the other at $3,000, 20 liilnuteB, This sale is not made tip of a quantity of undesirable merchandise, but consists thth e lay VfimUtflVfiUt B the total cost of the stringent rulos. This illustrates the buregj .to. i|5,po&, and under a com- the principal of RIOSI'ONSIMLITY. of all New Stylish Pieces in uny finish and we guarantee a complete stock to select |« bill to the former $1,000 is ap- In dealing with tho stranger you carry "I'unltln" says Bnyonne la some fast from at February Prices. No matter what your wants are we are always pleased to ated for collecting data. this responsibility. In dealing nt home place riven to the soda dealers. ry increases include surrogates give your order our best attention. I gls^rars of deeds iri'flll counties yoit do not. The (luostlon of value 200,000 population or loss; con- received, resolves Itself down to tho The boys were walking down bno of Below we list a tew of our specials and you can rest assured that we have the] f and court attendants i*^ flrst-simple fact, that responsible merchan- tho streets in Bayonno when Milton "*ass counties: extra pay for court dise like every thing else has a stand- Rue said, "Say fellows I smell a baker goods we advertise. lerks, criers and sergcants-at-ar^is shop" and the boys walked two blocks attendance after the usual hour'f&r ard value, and for the same quality before thpy found tha shop. wljopurnment; increased allowance for and quantity you must and do pay ap- nnxss IIKI»S DINKING BOOM SUITES clerical assistance to- county superin- 1 lroximntely tho same price, whether Our Brass Bods are all (lalslied with Danmrd S Piece Early English Dining Room Suite. tendents.-of schools, and an increase^ "Punkln" nearly got arrested for you buy the goods from the man out of Lacquer which 1B guaranteed not to tnrnish or Large size Bulfett, 6 Chairs and Extension Table. In the expanse money additional to the running into people but it was noticed salaries of the same officials and in-town or the neighbor who delivers give dlssntlsfactldn in any way. The regular price of this set was $70 00. Now creslng salaries of township commit- them at your door. Tho outside mer- he was busy looking at the skyscrap- $45 00 BRASS BEDS, now WO 00 teemen. i- , chant pays no share of your taxes or $40 00 BRASS BEDS, now $38 00 "Five pension bills include one todoos he contribute one cent to any pension public employes after twenty $35 00 BRASS BEDS, now >25 00 oeaJ Interest in your town. I'lnier Burkard and. Teofil Kwllinskl years on half salary; one to pension $32 00 BRASS BEDS, now |28 00 all city employes after thirty years' Oi^ the principle of the "Golden had too much angel cake which Is one $100.00 8 PIECE FUMED DIKING ROOM SUITE 1 $26 00 BRASS BEDS, now. $18 00 service or in case of permanent dis- Rule!" the path of duty in this matter reason for the defeat. Consists of $1.7 00 BRASS BEDS, now $18 00 ability; one for half pay pensions for is plain. "Do unto others as you 54 inch Buffett county hospital nurses; one for half $30 00 BRASS BEDS, now.. $20 00 pay pensions for employes of penal in- would have them do unto you," is Milton Rue, who took spite out OB 48 inch Table stitutions after twenty-five years' con- moreithan an injunction, it is a Divine everyone after the game, asked an el- 00-CAKTg 6 Leather Seat Chairs. Fine new fumed pattern tinuous service, and one half pay pen- comtrand, derly man for Information, "Say old regular price was $100 00. Now / BionB for city wharfingers. LOCKER. scow," etc. We have just received 25 new Go-Carts in Reed, ' > "Five bills pprovid e for bond issues.. Leather and Wood Panel Bodies la all the latest V authorizethi s freeholders to Issue U1V(:LAIMED LETTERS. colors. These Carta arrange In price from fourxand one-half per cent, bonds for The boys say the/ defeat is due to List of letters unclaimed for week of $5 00 to $30 00 tuberculosis hospitals; one permits the new stockings which they wore for $1CO 00 9 PIECE FUMED DINING BOOM SUITE village trustees to issue bonds for fire January 30,. 1914. the first time. . Consits of apparatus; one authorizes increase in Mrs. S. Witacheck, Bronistaw Tri- $80 00 8 PIECE WALNUT SPITE Issue of bonds by cities owning water Consists of Colonial Bed; Dresser and Chiffonier. 1 60 inch Buffett supplies, and the two others amend awski, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heron, HOYS DEFEATED IX TOTTEJTVILLE. acts already in force by permitting the George Boyle, Daniel Delaney, Mrs. Large size Pieces. Wood la the best figured Wal- 1 54 inch 8 foot Table of bonds at five per cent, instead Julia Christ, John Doyle, Helen Ker- Last Monday afternoon the H. S. nut. Now 1 China Closet • . win, Thomas Connors, Joseph Kane, boys were defeated for the third 6 Leather Chairs. Now of. these twenty-ono bills time this season by Curtis H. S., of will bei laws, but in all probability John Marshall Thomas Leary, William a considerable number of them will 12, Preston, James O'Brcin, Alfred Totten.ville, by the scoro of 26 to 20. KI3O.OO pass both Rouses and receive tho Smith. Tho Amboy lads were greatly out- »185 00 4 PIECK CASE PANE! SUITE Governor's signature. Doubtless soino weighed by the Curtis' lads but put In calling for above letters please Oonslats of BUGS, BUGS, BUGS, of them are meritorious, but it is none up a, classy game. At the end of the the less significant of the legislative say "Advertised." If not called for Caned Panel Dresser disposition to increase the public ex- within 30 days they will be sent to first half the Tottenville team led by Cane Panel Bed $20.00 9x12 Axmin- penses which, in one way or another, the score of 9 to 8. A return, game sterRugs, - * the people must pay, that all. these the Dead Letter Office. Cane Panel Chiffonier B. B. HALVES, P. M. will be played sometime in February. Cane Panel Dressing Table, has three mirror enumerated were, introduced nt one The line-up: 8 ft. 3 In, by 10 ft. 6 in. Axmtnster Rugs $12 00 time. o effect. Made of Fancy Figured Circassian Wal- S. A. H. S. Fid. g. . Fl. g. P, S. $35 00 to $40 00, 9x12 Wilton Rugs...... $80 00 "Investigation of tho 1C4 bills intro-l' HUM HI)AY OELEIIBATION nut, Sheriton style. Now duced. prior to Monday night would w. Burkard, f 3 0 • G $40 00 to $50 00, Wilton Rugs....' $85.00 probably reveal about the same pro-< Miss Maude VanBuren entertained a Grace, f 4 2 10 portion having a slmilnr purpose, and large number of her friends at her Rue. c 1 0 2 $ 1OO.OO this may bo predicted of the several CHIFFOROBES home on Broadway last Friday evening Hardy, g .1 0 2 hundred yet to come. And this in $12!> 01) 3 PIECE CIRCASSIAN WALNUT SUITE tho' face of Comptroller Edward's in honor of her fourteenth, birthday.James, g 0 0 0 This is a very handy size, made of finely select- warning that tho State faces a deficit, Tho home was beautifully decorated, This Suite consists of: 1Bed, Dresser and Chif- ed Quartered Oak, has full equipment of Pants and that in most counties and munici- the colors being blue and gold, and Total 20 fonier of line select Circassian Walnut Wood. The and Coat Hangers, Sliding Drawers, Hat Box, palities both, tax rates and valuations clusters of electric lights also added regular price of this Suite was $125 00. Now Looking Glass, etc. The regular price of this are going up." Piece was $38 00. Now to tliu pretty effect. The young peo- Curtis H. S. Fid. g. PI. g. P. S. ple Indulged in games of various kinds McHose, f. 0 2 2 $ 90.00 The First Nntlonal Banlt of South and musical selections were furnished ray, f. .'. 5 2 12 $29.00 Amboy, N. J., has changed the rules by a number of the guests. Refresh- !opeland, c 0 6 L1BKABY SUITES governing savings accounts, nnd now ments were served at a late hour. Fountain, g 0 6 $110 00 i Plow Suites, consists of: DRESSERS, D11ESSERS pays Interest on savings accounts on Souvenirs wero distributed, and at a Dougherty, g 0 0 •the Bum of .$5.00 or more. .This late hour the guests left for their 1 Leather Rocker ' • $65 00 Walnut Dressers, 60 inch Top.... $47 50 should oncourage everybody both large homes wiBhlng Miss VanBuren many 1 Leather Settee . • • $35 00 Mahogany Dressers $38 50 Tottil 11 26 1 Leather Chair ) imd, innnll have si btuik account. happy returns of the day. ThoBe $37 50 Birds-eye Maple Dressers $32 00 u 1 Book End Library Table. / start s v4a to-dny. 1-31-8 present were: Misses Helen Rellly, Just before the ferry entered the $36 50 Circassian Walnut Dressers $80 00 •" ¥• ThlB Suite is finished in the new Fumed Brown, of Long Branch; Marie Cheeseman, illp on Tottenville side last Monday, and is very ATTRACTIVE ana COMTORTABLB. $20 00. Birds-eye Maple Dressers $14 98 V. It. | Y. Jf. .0. A. NOTES Mary Lenahnn, Margaret Cosgrove, Percy" anld, "There is the stall our Tho mpi ng to be held at tho Y, M.Margaret Kress, Mny Trlnloy, Marie hont goes Into." C,' A. l>ul tilng on Sunday afternoon Coaltley, Anna Mullen, Anna Brady, EXTEN8I0Y TABLES will be ndifeuSHd' by Kov. H. C, AVhiLn. Anna Hlckcy, Anna Munn, Catherine I\!iss Buclmnan in English class $38 00 54 Inch Top Table $28 00 tho ' new lumli\im, Catherine Gordon, Cntlierlne asked what Bon Ami meant, and one Ssistor of the Presbyterian $25 .00 Library Settees, at $15 00 $35 00 4S inch Top Table $25 00 Church. Mullen, Claire Knnc, Helen Parker, if the hoys answered "Dirt chasor." ey. White is a logical and $r>0 00 Library Leather Suites $40.00 $40 00 54 iuoh Top Table $80 00 eloquent speaker and Ills address is I'tcrtrude Mullane, Veronica Donovnn, snip tn be interesting. A large nuiii- Kllzabeth Scully, Catherine VanBuren, Last Wednesday the boy's A. A. held b'o'r should avail themselves of the \iina' lialloy, Angela Gordon, and a meeting to advise some method of Our large stock includes the very lowest priced furniture made up to the high opportunity lo hear Rov. White, for Maude VnnBuron; Messrs. . Gf^ce raising money for the basket-ball ex- 15 the service will surely lnv helpful and Lcnnhan, Cleorgo Sullivan, "^l^P lionsea. ' grade Grand Rapids' goods. No matter what style of furniture you wish to get, interesting. Mills, Frank Mlnnlck, Frank SegrA^e, you will find we have something in that line to show you at February Prices. Christopher McDonnell, Adam Lovely, The speaker nt tin Association HOYS DEFEAT NATIONALS If you are not ready for furniture now, buy it during this sale and save money. Building (m Suniiiiy last was Itev. Joseph Scully, Edward Kelly, Louis Lust Wednesday night tho H. S. Stuart S. R;tz. Tho sen\ • • ins of a Trinlcy, . Henry Hess, John Kecnan, We will store your purchases and deliver when wanted, free of charge. bpys, added another'victory to their evangelistic, nature and the address iiud Thomas Vail, Jr. ? mng list by defeating the Nntlonals in wns one of I ho finest nnd most bene- the preliminary to the Riversides by ficial hoard nt tho Y. M. C. A. services Trumped. Hie score of .1.7 to 4. this yenr. • All who nttenduJ greatly "I wish I had never learned to play The H. . >ds held their opponents enjoyed Rev. RHZ'K talk and trust that cards!" exclaimed a man who bad lieeii unfortunate, at the game. "You scoreless during tho first half aud The 15. West Company, h'B.'.fnny again ho secured. mean you \VIK!I you had lp?.r:rcd, don't scored soven points themselves. KEYPORT, N. J. \ you?" was L.J wife's st.KUBtic ru- Ity defeating tbo Nationals the boys Have'you tried "After Dinner CnC- 'ui-.idcr. won their thirteenth game after loon- fee? /It 'Is liked by all who use It. Ing two straight. Store closes at 0 p. m, every evening except Saturday^. Sold at 33c a pound by Drownl Bros. M; ~i has always hnd a tendency to The H. 9. boys wore without tho Tea Company. I * * * ?o \ in the air. services of Kwllinskl one of their reg-