THE EVENING WORLfc, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922. 1 AMUSEMENTS. 1 Pta$s iht ILEADINQ MEMBERS OF CASTS IN NEXT WEEK'S BROADWAY THEATRICAL ATTRACTIONS NEW AMSTERDAM iV 49 ST Cv 16 6 for SAT. MIMIR NO HIGHKft ZIbGPBLD TMUMMt MARILYN HH.LBR Coming Wzzk LEON ERROL In NEW AM8TCRDAM ROOF, at II NEW ' Z1EGFELD MIDNIGHT FROIjlC r MONDAY NIGHT. Henry Millar' Theatre Lauretta Taylor In "Tha National Anthem." TOMOR'W Matinee and NlgHt j TUESDAY NIQHT. EM Broadhuret Theatre "Marjolaine." B.F.KBITgfS j. 1 fe THUR8DAY NIQHT. " Shuhart Theatre "Pin. anil No. OABY, mm. Daly. Hack . Daly. rur f Ua. FnANK . NIQHT. ?, SATURDAY S.".".WJ "WAS,, 5"' roViv."''ao. JIM Forty-eight- h Street Theatre 'The r Hark INS. latarialillan. CHA8. KINO LEILA RHODES. FRE88LER . KLAI88, OHN Tff I aiv Utiaetitia. TAYLOR comes to IDE EMPIRE sffllSJ LAtmETTB Theatre on Mon. mi. DREAM Say Naw night in "The National Gillette! lar MAKER E a play by Hartley Manners 1Mfi with Kzz as Its themo. The support 4 iv HENRY MILLER'S ?l lne cSTnpany Includes Ralph Morgan, Lait Mat. Todaif Laat Tlma Teltj Dodson Mitchell. Fran M. Thomas, r BILLIE BURKE I nttahlV Ung and Lillian ICcmblo In BOOTH TARKINOTON'S Baat -- Cooper. Cm.a "THE INTIMATE STRANGERS" 'l PA1ETV n'war, 4Cth St. ttA1.2i). UaiE.lI wad. flat..-2-.:o ... Ml. FUN "Mrffjoiaine," a musical version of E.LS1E, "MORE THAN Loularjrc. Parker's English comedy, ANY REVUE THIS "Pomander Walk," trtll bo presented A&Al JrtlllJ HEYW00O BROUN. . COLt-I- at Ibp, Broadhurst Theatre on Tues- MAV W? LUAO EEU g TAVLOB IN LtlinQDM Wait 44th Bt. Etanlnia at? i NA)TlOMAU nUUi3Uii Matlnefa W(L anil Pat. at i.U day night. In the cast are Peggy REP HOT ROMANCE HKKltXV ANTHEM "Wood.- - Lennox Pawlo, Mary Hay, MILLTrDV.un ELSIE FERGUSON SSR Irving' Beefce, A. O. Andrews and In "THE VARYING SHORE." WEEKS CollnjCampbell. Tho adaptation la7 KNICKERBOCKER , 5;! dishing-- -- by Cothcrlno Chlriholm with ST) lyrics 5) y Brian Uookor, and muslo "by m "BULL DOG DHUMMOND HugoNFcllx. -. r- avnue ING1 "DevKRQIPD "A nal Utlodrama." nttb A. E. MATTHEW Albert Dp Courrtllo has brougtat OOULD IK4 PAVt rvlA.mOfM COMPAiv. DCI AQPfi Waal 44tli St. Cranlno at i.JO CMA.L.TAJTI DELAOIU stall. Ttinra. and Sat., it .I.S) vOver jblls London rovuo, "Pins and to Columbia 'PI MS &MD xy i . f If Si COUUMB1A Tie!TRe., ' tho Theatre In tho DAVID Needles," which begins an engago-- - BELAaCO company aro Emll Casper, will H. 5,HUBBR-- T LEN0REULRCasKlKJ meat Hit the Shubert Theatre on ward, Suez do verdler, Rose Dor-- Preaant Thursday night. Among others in the Myrtle Ooorgn Mnek, yvm 41th St. Ktulnis st t.SC nard, Franks, CORT Matlnaei Wtd. and Sat. si London Oaloty company are Edith Albert Dwlvcll and a chorus of girls. mm Kelly tiould, Harry Pilcer, MaiMe Gay, CREAM SODA PIONEER 8AM WALLACE MARY ICE H. AND Jack iMorrlson, Tommy Mostol, Ru- HARRIS EDDINGERi pert Haxctl, Amy Verity, Bwart New Offerings WANTS TOMB SO MARKED. Preatot 'CAPTAIN APPLEJACK' ScotLflfervo and Knox, Alice Pollard TKEATREITUV4JM and ajjhorus of girls. OrlKlnntor of Coollnsr Ileveraar, CKOfViHAM On the Screen J.ravrx f 1,000 to Tell roal- - "The Neat," a translation by Grace Si) ED. WYNN Georger1 of Paul Oeraldy's French TRENTON. Jan. 21. Robert McCay THE PMPECT IPO OIL '' splay,""Les Noccs D'Argent," will be (HI ALTO AND R1VOLI "Saturday Oreeu, who In a will filed at the State s produced on Saturday night at the Night," Cecil B. Do Mlllo's produc Ml'1 House authorized his heirs to pend GOOD MORNING DEARIE ! Korty-eflght- h Street Theatre. The tion of a story by Jcanlo Macphor-eo- n, $1,000 for a suitable tombstone to in-- I Unilral Corr.cdT ml .2J. llaUnc -- eMWiaiv.f-... ttflV Chris-- . iriTwe Stnsatloa at tB,J4V'" Wtd. Sat.. - V cast Includes Luetic Watson, will be presented at these thea- mm ROL.tl4C lPEGSy form posterity that he was the origin- Norman, Frank IDurbock, Ken- Wood! seventy-eigh- lino beginning Tho plot PASSION' ator of Ico cream sodas, was t SQ.JAllnn Pollock i neth Mackcnna, Ruth Glllmoro, Jult-ttt- o tres STF TIMES years old when he died, May II. a Bin oi uiracemifir; Crosby and Brueo Elmore. is concerned with a millionaire's son RKMAOh 552AD hurst Philadelphia. TTlth JANET BECCHI who marries his washerwoman's 1920. He lived In SSs. Sat., rn.1 TANOHRINE" to have originated tho J.30 'lai. "Up In Clouds" moves to the CA-WN- Green is oald O V B'way, &th St. Em. the daughter, whereupon tho girl he Jilt K la. . Wej. (pro.) and Sa'. a ; 1 Forty-fourt- , 1874. Is Ps . h Street Theatre on Mon-- CONRAD. ice cream soda in The estate 'A MUSICM ed becomes the wife of a chauffeur. DELIOHT." ,. day night. lino between Clinton and Westbrook so i about $352,000. WILD CAT EDrrw valued at THE F.a. Jouma v One of tho scenes Is a Hallowe'en badly that it l.i not expected to be ' "Maytlme" will tho party . with In marble I IRPDTV tur.A., weit 4M St. at t.i to attraction a dance a clcnrrd until Trains aro AMUSEMENTS. LIDCIAII JU.,. and , "House, AMUSEMENTS. li. Sa. at j 1 the 'Bronx Opera swimming pool. Among other fea- belnc nent via Mlddtetown Irom Now RrVOU AND R.IAJ.TO GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS Haven and New In TlIE WHOLfcSOME JICSlCA.!, COMKDT' tures at tho RIalto will bo 'XSaprlccio Indon. Espagnol" as an overturo and the THE O'BRIEN GIR. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. IVrFIIM Wei 4Sth St. JCranuaa - RIalto Magazine. Tho Rlvolt will JLalVbUlH Mata. Thura. and fiat. !! 8S00 r tt- Jnlson's S9lh St 'iw:' "tt, 8t . 8J53. Crel. 8.30. V FNTI1RY Thta.. 2d A Can. r. W. Col. t also have concert numbers, cartoon ...... we a Amoassaaor n..,. d. 2.30. Eill .. . x,d. A Hat. J.S0 ITrirnti a i,tl. kk. lUni I.,.. Ili-IN- ATWII.f. In "THE m 1 vauaevuie ' comedy and tho Rlvoll Pictorial. I UIVIIWU M1 GRAND DUKE. AL J0LS0N "B0MB0" BLOSSOM TIME l'M.MI'gl fiTafiiBl imtiM ill I itHtfl "if MARIE DORO PALACE Among the features will CRITERION "Red Hot Romance," ASTOR 3U nd Drotdwtr. Ertnloit, lid. J EVERYBODY IS I.AUOllINO AT - - - a m n T- N WWfi,? In TOMORROW NIGH- Valeska In "The White by John Emerson and Anita Lous, lilt Twl f "TOE CRITICS"&"S.S.TENACITV" "CONCERTS "LILIES OF THE FIELD" Suratt Thea.. S2d St. A Ccat. r. Y. will bo tho feature Tho ploco is an in THE AT nCI MHMT W. ISlk. Ilrr. IS. En. 3.30. .OFNTllRY RIVOLI RIALTO Bj Wm. JlurltlUt. With FREDCRICK PERRY S&c; Way Gallaghor and Shean. Charles WM. FAVERSHAM aiiuri, & st-- . extravagant comedy, with BaBll SQUAW MAN the Jim. QEORGIE PRICE MARIE NORDSTROM B'WAY AT 49th St. ''"""Wtil Strtti; fetenlnn. .S0. CO. MUSIC BOX Stiles Hackett tstb JOHNNY DOOLEY Purcell, Vernon and conneuy, joi-lln- i, R1IOII f", ! Sydney, Edward June - - Ittln WcdnndtT & SL. S.30. BROS. SAM HEARNt JOVEOAH DE 1 NORA BAYESS"'"l?;W0,?'l- P1!"- A. and Delmor. Roy Atwell and others In tho RAJAH WALTER WEEMS DUNHAM 'MUSIC BOX REVUE' xnnifFD DHAniih chas. WILLIAMS DONALD SISTERS SELMA Don't take another RIVERSIDE Frank Mclntyre In oast. Thoro will also bo "Pageantry Vlltn Hartlo BRAATZ. Kns JUST MARRIED:: Lynrti HUHU CHERRY at the Rita," Sybil Vane In India" and other pictures, together 0ermin, ?UU1fLI 1000EAT$1.00500at 50c c a a u :n songs and Herbert Williams and with musical numbers and a Spanish A" bath until youve u will bo evs e-s- TXffZ..3Ar2'JO .piTSON'S SIX CYLINDER LOVE Hilda 'Wolf In' comedy; the jazz dance. aw 39a,sr. la im t Wl Will CASINO &&TH ERNEST leaaing entertainers. fa mVlIFoIiSeI "bVSSk seen . . . With TRUEX. ALHAMBRA Sophie Tucker In STRAND George Arliss will bo FRAZEE "The Syncopated Jubilee," Harry seen In "Tho Ruling I'asslon," an Mat. Wad. A Sat. ii :.. Langdon In Wilson JEANETTE LESTER QUINTtllt DULCY "After the Ball." adaptation of a story by Earl Derr BROS. LYNN FONTANNE Brothers and Beaumont Sisters will rolo RflflTH Wcat 4Mb SL Era. 8.30. ""A CLAIRE J NIWELLI Blggers. The Btnr has the of a & Hat. 1.30. weeks Ml"' Hall, brt, V. V Mau. Wtd. M 1 !T B'waj Cent. appear. New York. THI WV fAdCft w- - B. OOitinL 131. JUTINXP, ' retired millionaire who hides his 32 CodmcuUtb Wreka In T- Mille's HATUnDAT at 9.10 l- De ' B'"!i,a' sit Cecil EIGHTY-FIRS- T BTREET' THEA- Identity as an automobile mechanic. LAST THREE WEEKS. T i1 43'" 01. j;,, Uau. SHUFFLE ALONG iAg",a TRE Stella Mayhew In songs and Extra Mldaliht Parfarnane Wtd. I MO", Doris Kenyon plays the heroine. Tho M GEORGE THE GREEN Production at comedy, Bert Errol and Edwin and - 44th.W.ofII'y.ISa.S.30lAt 3 laniTRICHSTEIHiffiS? programme will Include a Har- in CHIIRFRT Thra. Connelly will bo In the vautie- -' afo I.AST MAT. 2.30ITtmM Jane oia Liioya cpmeay, ino oixanu .topi- 1 Arliss THEA. 39th &t.,nr.B'y Eti.8.45. GODDESS vllle list, and the screen will show cal Review and Madeline MacGulgun, PRINCESS Mata. WedntMlar and Saturday. HobartiBos worth In "The Sea Lion." "THE vloltnlste. In MARRIED HAMILTON The bill will include MATtTuuntraT 7 Vest I2d St. Eicnlnli, 3.30. NORMAN TREVOR WOMAN." rCArmioiosvsv rr ?ti 1.30. I Beth Berl In dances, James B. Dono- I WHO GETS I Uata. Ud. and Hat., Night" BEGINNING MONDAY CAPITOL Tho will "Saturday chief featuro Lee, UE I VALESKA 8UR van and Marlon Frank Davis be "The Grim Comedian," by Rltn SLAPPED.. PLAYHOUSE jy;2; GALLAGHER & I Nj find ArlAln rtamnll nnrl H'rnnltln TTcnth. wont PcrurauULvie .fdl": CHARLES PU8CB Welman, a photoplay of stago llfo. WARWICK! m V.FORDHAM Singer's Midgets will EA lid Ht. v. of 11'waT. ROBERT .. A and DUn. muslo programme opens with REPUBLIC ' Paramount Picture r;f mo mo The LYRIC, Era. 8.30. lllta.Wrd. & Sit. M0. HELEN MENKEN .'DRIFTING' FRANK I SYBIL neau mil inrougnout wceic. Tchalkovsky'fl Fourth Symphony. MalNTVRE VANS There will also bo Johnny Burke, EVES. Wm. A. Bradj'a 4TH ST. Thea., E. of n'waj. WILLIAMS WOLrtJS Holly photoplays. Presented by JESSE L. LASKY uu. and uincns. Mack and and LYRIC THEAOTU3 "Turn to the 8.10. FRITZ LEIBER 8H1Akpea0rE. WINTER OARDEN There will ho MATINEE SF.I.WYN THEATllfc. Wfat 4!d St. Eta.8.30. Mld-Wlnt- .r CarnjT.I Right." the play by Wlnchell Smith Matinee 2.30. Mat. Today. Rameo Juliet; Jullua of 1921," WL and SaL at t Eve., ; Wed. Jean Bedlnl's "Chuckles Caciar: Mon. and Tun. . Thrills of fire scene that ALL-STA- and John E. Hazzard, will be shown AlmiUIt ILAMMEltSTniN Presenti Taming ot a R BILL. Lucille Chalfant In songs, Klein Monday nlgh(. JOSEPH LILLIAN Thura.. Ottielto; Thun. Mat., tha Shrew. on the screen beginning CAWTHORN N Brothers, Joe. Jur.Uson, tho Whlto Alice Terry, Edward LORRAINE is real Beauty of women, STELLA MAYHEW. Way Sotrna jugglor. Tho cast lnoludes BERT ERROL. othaia A Trio, ami Braatz, Connelly Mulhnll. BLUE with rhotociar. "THE SEA LION and Jack '""THE KITTEN" I with BROADWAY THEATRE Kitty A MUSICAL COMEDY REVELATION roiigravo. tf MAURICE settings and gowns such as llBbart Boaworth dunces, Jifancls lu Joe Faurlo jr., Bl; "iVcat AWVIOZI SOPHIE TU0KER. HARR CAjMQO THEATRE James Oliver ' MONDAY EVENING aV George Mooro and Mary Jayne and LYRIC THC nipm c Fulton Jill St. LANUOON. ENa Paulifu North" I II 1, U U Mala. Wed. only De Mille can assem- BirnaH Garry Otlir , Ihe photoplay "Tol'ablo David: ' will Curwood's 'IFlowor of tho I II L L i s,,. t ' for anothor week. H. B. Wal- mncus iqew John Draw, Mra. Ltill Carter, Eatella Wlnwoad, Trial HaaSllaa Bill bo among the attractions. prittnt TUftN TO Erneat Lawford. John Halllday. Rot'l Rentlil. (INTBAL ble And a drama that GALLAGHER & SHEA ) thall and Paulino Starke head the SUPERB COLISEUM With Ella Retford. 3 rOMFIiY ,,t Em. 8.!i), THzATRE BWot472Sl featuro Is tho Jlinmle THE RIGHT .op. ' -- FLORENCE NASH English 'comedienne, heading tho bill, cast. Another SUP1RPI Mil, namlr.4 s,t , 2 o0 rwiCEnAirv reflects life as a georgeous comedy, "A Charmed Life." - Qiis-e.- is RUTH ROYE Will be Palsy Nellts, pianist, and tho Auftrey YlETRO 6 BATS NOW SELLING- i The orchestra will play the "Zampa" REX INsriAl PETROVA "S-- ,'ricei: f.if. & Hat. Maia. i iz; inner lit Half af Wats tihotoplay "Our Mutual Friend," the PBOOUCTIO Mata.. 60. $1. tlSO. lluy Heat I In Advance. mirror. SINGERS MIDGETS PIiim of week. Thursday will overture. THE WHITE PEACOCK." by Mml. Ptlrova. taatay. "EXIT VAMP" with Ilrst half the ETHEL CLAYTON. " bring Ltohtnor Sisters and Alexander, aximetnioii .van. wed. & sat.. 2.30. Von Stro- - "lit Halt f Waak - Oklahoma Bob Albright, and tho film CENTRAL THEATRE nniiiiTnrii 11 n 11 iti production "Foolish wives" KUmtKll'IJ It Sidney tdoVs'io BEGINNING TOMORROW I BIG VAUDEVILLE ACT helm's I APOLLO play Lulu Bott." Ney I'lay. Ulackmer Jb "Miss its run. rnoto Drama REGlJNT For the first half of tho continues "Seelni 8ldney Blackmar The Mountain Man' DAVID VVJAWC GftlFFITHX "TOO MUCH WIFE" naa revived my faitn th Theatre.' ISmpirtoKAM veek there will bo "Young America, KEEPS STANDEES ON TIPS OF THEIR TOES. Franwa llodiaon lturnett amotions Hoc- - nnnAJLJCD caius Ida May Chodwlck and Hobart block hoah. 'JOHN GOLDEN Presents- - worth An the (screen In "The Sea NEW HAVEN, Jan. 21. Derailment CRITERION SQUARE Lion." 'With the change of bill of fourteen cars of a heavily laden - U ne you to laugh two hours any weekday Thursday' will be Do Lylo Alda in freight train over the Shore Iilno dlvl- THANK-- pt YEAR If want ongs and "Mlsfe Lulu Bott." ton of the Nw York, New Haven and m afternoon it will cost you SOc. PROCTOR THEATRES Starting Hartford Railroad yesterday blocked tho I3ITH LAUGHING AUDIENCE. 560TH TIME ot th CHAVEN COMEDY. Feiralar Matlneaa 50c to $1.00. Ifltht and CONTINUOUS 9W toMIDHiaHT week Avenue I nNf,Af RF. " Bt- - f:'- - I F Wtt Itth SI. Evenlnaa, 8.30. Saturday Matitwca SOc to $1 JO Da $. the ut the Fifth Theatro w' ' ITTI Saatt $1.00. In the evening, or Saturday or Sunday matinee JAMES OOVETCURWOOD will be Nelson Story and Elsie Clark, Oood Orchntra I.STAQED BY W1NCHELL SMITH it will be 99c. Beginning tomorrow at 2.30. Weber and Elliott and Grace Huff, CONCERTS AND MUSIC. t?Howerof ihe Norlhws The 2SdStreet Theatre v.111 have Ford Arthur SEATS NOW und Cunningham, Anthony and Ar-- CHICAGO OPERA Pauline Lord best, MARY GARDEN. Ootril Olnetor. Hopkini OPENS TUES.. 8.30. in "Th Claw." with Iran Fanwlck Soon piciurizQct ihe nold, photoplays. mm in "Anna Chriatie" Steed's Sextet and M U A T T A M OPERA W. 44th. IY1 11 HOUSE THE DELUGE" Vandarl Thea., 41th St. Evi. 1.31 Broadhurtt The.. En. S.30Laat 2 sioriQS- - At the ,CSth Street hill Preaent K ffl j, w and of any ofmy Theatre tho "H Plymouth Thea., Weit 43th, weo. a. Mat. iiimea Emerson " Diiiun." mail. sal., z.30. MM.. ' -- John '"Will Include Jim und Betty Morgan. Tim.. wit., fiiiui ana hi "Ttltl"!airl of th Ooltftn WhI" atJ ilones and Jones, the Russian Revile, Butttrfly"! st. mil "OirMr "Jhousanda ofpeople . Wolmsley and Keating and film plays, .,iw., production yAo sow stfht Csrreo 'T, Among 'the features at the I25th LET'S' GO TO THE Anita Loos it EVENINQ, J?t Street Thtatre will be Payton and TnmU HAIL THURSDAY BEST VAUD.VII LE a.f CATUaf FILM 1 ogroo wjfA him Mullane, lUWrl JANUARY S. AT 1.30. n Ward, Frank "Dancing ONLY RECITAL OF THE SEASON. neorao Jeaael. Norton A Melnotte, Rue Hughes photoplays YVETTE DANCING CARNIVAL Shoes," und llurka A DurUn. Jack t'nilli. Mo. RINK " " HELP OVER FOR 2? WEEK f LOEWS STATE THEATRE On B VatlanSralaeo. 'Her rolor Scheme.' AT THE ST. NICHOLAS - Hot Romance I L E R Merldtaa Victoria Red G U T l'rta. 4 lii;re. STREET. tho bill the first half of the week will AND HER PLAYERS 5 m 69 WEST 66TH In songs, Na An Hall at Town Hill Hot Offin. "MISS LULU laughter, will Sj be Betty Bond the Jack a BETT." Performances, like the be continu- ' dt. IltWU iJOTt. "i. ,inu i iinni Do ROLLER f- - )'owell Quintet and Tom Mix on the a" William MUle'a TroducUon DANCING ous from noon to 11.30 P. M., Dally and Sunday AEOLIAN HALL. Tliura. En.. Ian. 20. 8.15. pcreen riLAB 6HiAVt Supreme TO-DA- Y SKATING :f' In "Sky High." Thursday HAENSCL a JONES ANNOUNCE and Vaudeville. 2.30 Will to DAILY A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION bring, in addition Miss Bond, Welch. MealyAMontroie. 2 SESSIONS IOOO THRILLS y . troupe Thel' P. M. to 12.30 r Ihe Choy Ling Foo and the MELDRUM (llrl. L'ahlUJk llomlne. Morton Jewell Afternoon & Erenini I OaCHtSTftAl JOHN t'n ..tha. Kneolal Keatiir Hihiim Splendid ilanco mu- k, lllm comedy, A Sailor Made Man,' 1 MM a n e Lloyd. PIANO RECITAL. Ktrlnwir riano. m SdAVEl "MISS LULU DETT," sic. Oood ventila- nnirb m a hr rlth Harold tion. Lrftrgo corps of lloor on which to , "MISS LULU BETT," Instructors on hand swoop around In , tllaa Jean Sotbern. Ele l'aulaen, at all times for s, Brcat circles to the TYSON & CO.; .MARION BURLESQUE 151 FREDERIC WARREN of lively, Tlakate sa aala alt A J'leroe, Bert Walih A either private Fhythm far PARK LEX I Itobertaon muslo by Btrferaisae ef lbs l SO, or on tho floor. thrilling CHANGE JUOW BVER.Y WCCK. COLUMBIA THEATRE. Belwyn Tnf.tre, TomotTOw Er. at 8. Nana. Jonea A Jonei, Saiaphon 4. roller-skatl- CNTiae picture aaseee AT Morning lessons by uoiumrjin Durieaque OorvoertI lllion A jibuiuu no. uppolntment. our n th "SmarteM" ntr-- L. . band. talnmont In town. And It's strictly clssn. Be. & Sir one-ha- lt Dave .Morion win bring iiiu new H fm m t;W sides, the prlcs ars lust about 0RPHANSiST0RM burlesque, "The Land of Impossible,' AMUSEMENTS. RIPODROME'Succlll DANCING BILLIARDS ROLLER SKATING those at any other ftrit claaa Broadway theatre. And the answer la, The Columbia -- LOEW'S- "THREE TERRACE GARDEN s always crowded A B LIVE GHOSTS.' DON'T FORGET OUR ANNUAL CARNIVAL NIGHT .4ftfrno3M T F " DANCE fifth HI., nrar Islington Atv, t'nmmcnnnp .lonani ST Klmbtrlj 11 A.M. to 111 P.M. MoCoj Pai. Y.xtt., 7 so in 13.30. Coat. is Walton. Jteta. A P F Pandtii: VOrkESCUTlHTWC E, aTTTiTsfir Sue Mtlit BOc, DAIa Hundaji. 2.30 to 1Z.SO. DANCERS CLUB BALL Aft. Ttnttlan tTra, Oiheri CONTIKCOUS DAN'CIMK G0LDWYN presents I ' Kill Your Cold Leaaoni Day or Evenint, WED., JAN. 25th .VJ1 T BROOKLYN. Private CAPITOL Man From Lost River' ContraU TUfadajr Nlaht and Hundar Aflrmoon. The n EXHIBITIONS EVERY THURSDAY NIQHT. U'war at tlal Capitol Grand Unb. of the Under the Careful Management e. . I n. I Jt K W.TfP A f All new, all beautiful, all strictly Marlon-rsau- Over Sunday TIioj. H. Ince presents Bronx Opera House 119 M, a id A. 1'ou. And that's sajlng a mouthful, as all i.ia.,ta .bat. St. Nicholas Rink W. "hone 3700 Columbus huiloque "fana" know I Trlc usllv. Seats 69 66th St. t.iuo ika In s'dvancs. Smoklnr Parraltlaa. Ijtfcge 5 HAIL THE WOMAN rJ(Ol.lCS-AN0T- MARION Sw Creefes Adv. en StrahD "MAIN STREET WEEK JAN. 30 WORLD OT HlR SHOW wit ALMA TELL lUd HcKAY MORRIS D7. if St. stout vu)aiM J- - IHW