XXXIII. NO. 39. SOUTH AM HOY. N. J.. HATifRlM Y. JANUARY 3, 1VH4. Price ThreeCt MAIL CARRIER BREAKS HIS. While delivering a letter on Augus street on Tuesday afternoon, Robei Stratton, our local mail carrier, met Meet at City Hall at 12 o'clock on with an unfortunate accident, break- Attacking a Boat in Which Jury Quickly Finds Henry Fella and ing his right leg between the knee )'%• Ed, Furmanjannjand Jack Wil January 1 - Collin Stratton Elect- Paul Horworth Guilty of Passing and ankle. He fell heavily while com- ing out of a yard. Ho was taken to The Scene'o' off Battle a ed President - Pass Resolution Worthless Checks on Saloon his home ami attended ly Dr. B. E. Declaring Certain Offices Vacant Keepers of This City and Other Haines. -Haley Kills Big fis "liob" has bepn mail carrier lor many Shovel. Appointments Made. Places. years and always prided himself on never missing a mail. This accident will keep him in his homo for a long o£ catching a wnale i At 10.2f> a. m. on January 1, 1014, Henry Folia, alias Tony Mihalick, time. •a may sound mighty fishy, the common council mot at tins City | and Paul Horworth, alals Frank Ccr * Edwin Furman and Rollln Hall. Present—Mayor Dey, Coune.il- mack, charged with paaslnR worthies? proof of the story lying on rnon O'Connor, Slover, Stanlon find cliockH in tliia city, wero placed on SHIN!*—HKKTT. ,t Furman's Garage, where Stratton; Clerk Mack and City Solici- trial In the county cmirt Moii(>l(y MIKB Dorothy llrett, daughter of IredulouB may view its re- COLLIN STRATTON tor Pearse. morning before Judge Only and tho Mrs, Osborn Wolloy, of Anbury Park, MICIIAIOI, .1. STANTON. ?ouncllman-at-l>arge and President Minutes of regular meeting wero following jury. Kdward Cllckner, WHS united In marriage! to one of The Retiring President of Common iday afternoon Messrs, Fur of the New Common Council. read and approved, when on motion Now Brunswick; Joseph K. Fisher, South Amboy's popular young men, J. M. Willett were under of Air, Stratton, tile council adjourned Council. HpotHwnod; Alex Hallcnt, Perth Am- Howard Khlnn, on New Year's even- new county drawbridge, a sine die. iboy; John H. 1)111, Spotswood; Charle:- Ing. The ceremony took place at tha j ascertain if the storm did SERVICES DURING At 12 o'clock City Clerk Mack call-* Ohlott UooHovelt; Otto Wittonuert home of the bridegroom's ' parents, £eto the bridge. Suddenly cd the meeting to ordor, when Alder- SILVER WEDDING Itarltan; Leo OOI'KIHS, Woodbridgo; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shinn, on First legan to act queerly and onn WEEK Of PRAYER rnan-at-Largo Strntton wan selected as Oscar Martin, ftarltan; Charts Ktreot, and was performed by Rev. J. .cii looked over the side to find chairman, CELEBRATION Rhodes, Now llnniHwlclt; (leorge Ely E. Shaw, pastor of the M. ft. Church. tl& cause of the trouble. The Mr. Slovcr nominated Mr. Stratton 3outh Ilrunswlck; Robert Hognrilus Miss Josephine Compton acted as jffbich followed, brought out Cap The' Ministerial Association of this Pumtllcn; Alfred Messeroll, North bridesmaid, and Mr. Charles Shinn, as President of the Council for 1914, .Mr. anil Mrs. P, F. Konah celebrated » "Paddy" Haley and Tom May- city has decided to continue the ann- brother of the groom, ac-Unl as grooms- and Mr. O'Connor nominated Mr. Stnn- thu twenty-l'il'tli iinnlvormiry of their Brunswick. al custom of union Bervicos during man. The bride and bridesmaid wero ' to the scene of the trouble, ton, when tlio former wan elected by wedding at their homo on nroailwuy Assistant Prosecutor Strieker re- the week of prayer beginning, Jan- very prettily attired and the wedding 'aw that a baby whale was at- a vote of 3 to 2. lust Sunday ovenlng. A largo num- presented the state anil Edmund uary 5, 1914. Therefore the follow- presented a most pleasant scene. Fol- g the boat. Now Captain Messrs. Clierallcr and Slovcr ncto; bor of guests were prcBcnt. being Hayes and Lawyer Charloa J. /Sachs, ng schedule has been arranged: lowing the ceremony, tho happy cou- is extremely agile and H tellers throughout tlio balloting. from New Yurk, Philadelphia, Eliza- of New York, the defendants. ])!n left for a short wedding trip to /an'' armed with a clan Monday, January 5—Prosbytorlan Mr. Stratton thanked the council for beth, New Brunswick and this city. Whilu Indicted separately the men rel The animal was soon killed ihurcu, Rev. H. C. White, of Chatta- the honor conferred upon him and There was nothing omitted In the wero tried together by consent, the various points of Interests, and on ,er* Captain "Paddy's" clam shovel nooga, Tenn., speaker. hoped with tlio co-operation of the way of providing entertainment and charges that they had passed a forged their return will reside in this city. lade several indentations in the poor Tuesday January 6—Methodist Pro- members of the council to givo a fair all found one continuous round of check on John Lasko, a saloon keeper .bale's anatomy. estant Church, Rev. Thomas Neal, Jr., nnd Just administration, always work- pleasuro until the early hours of the being taken up first. The check was '"T/he animal, now deceased, sank speaker. ing ,for the best interests of South morning. tor $22, drawn on the First National A SURPRISE VLSI Illicitly in the water and about 5 Wednesday, January 7—Baptist Amboy. Hruns, of Now Brunswick, was the Bank, of Perth Amboy, signed by tho cloik- was washed up on the flat3. Ihurch, Rev. J. E. Shaw speaker. The clerk read the Mayor's mes- caterer, and did honor to the occasion Crouse Contracting Co. There is a Last Saturday evening was a mem- Vlth'lcoiLslderable difficulty the whale Thursday, January 8—Methodist sage, which on motion of Mr. Slovcr, by his excellent service. The esteem contractor at Perth Amboy named orable one for Mr. an Mrs. Joseph was brought to Furman's Garage in Episcopal Church, Rev. F. F. Craig was received and filed, and that coun- ed host and hoatcs were recipent of Crouse and the State showed that he Jackson, of Catherine street, the oc- this-city. It required five men to peaker, cil govern themselves accordingly. The many pretty presents of silver arti- had not issued the checks and that casion being a surprise tendered to lift jJ£, weighing over 600 pounds, and Friday, January 9—A general meet- message In full la published elswhere cles. tbo bank had no account with the them in honor of their golden wed- '" eight feet. The skin is ng in the Presbyterian Church. In this Issue. On Mondny afternoon, the children parties on whom the checks had been ding by the Ladies' Aid Society of the and resembles rubber. Its The clergy hope that the members C On resolution by Mr. Chevalier, tho of the neighborhood were given a drawn. The men denied on the wit- Baptist Church. By a ruse Mr. and em to be certain of its >f the various churches will give offices of city solicitor, city engineer, treat in honor of the occasion, and ness stand that they had passed the Mrs. Jackson were induced to visit rorV.they reason that since meetings their earnest support, street commissioner, water commis- they had a most deligtful time, and check. They posed as Innocent men, their daughter, Mrs. Cbarles Camp- : a shatK it must be a whale. o sioner, city physician, city electrician, ioiisly inquring If another an- the victims of a desire of the police bell, and were accompanied by Fred to have tf spout and blubber port warden and members of Board of RIO SUM OF MONET PASSES ry wont be held soon. to make good. D. Mee, of Yockere, N. T., who was [the other characteristics that vacant, by a THROUGH COLLECTOR'S HAJ. Health were declared The taking of testimony was con- a Jackson guest .strict party vote. whale. Clark says The collections of City Collector JET. H. M. P. PEARSE cluded Monday atternoon and TueBday The party to the number of flfty 1 /"Messrs. O'Connor and Stanton re* tie Nosed hale. iutliff during 1913 run up to the morning the lawyers made their ar- assembled at the home of Mrs. Walter ue fused to vote on account of there not WILl REMOTE TO ELIZAHETH certainly pul a stren- astounding amount of 1122,674.09, guments and the case was presented Mundy nearby, ai'd from there went being any vacancies In said offices. The Rev. H, M. P. Pearse preached and are iund to re- ihowing that this city Is getting to the jury. o the home of Mrs. Campbell, where heir first what trip. A They refused to vote on nominations his last sermons as rector at Christ io of some importance. From repo\; The defendants claimed that up to they took the Jacksons completely by ' whales has reported for offices on the same grounds. Church Sunday last. A large congrega- been ubmltted to the council by the co)i-l \ last August they had been employed surprise. After hearty congratula- )n resolution by Mr. Slover, John tion was present at all the services. Hook this summer' ,and this ector we find that said money was in New York, Fella in a foundry at tions to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson on their Mullane was appointed to act as During the interim until the yestry le evidently ventu up t» •eceived from the following sources: Wllllamsburg and Horworth as a long- golden wedding, • the guests' made overseer of the poor until the case selects another rector, the lev.
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