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COURT DIRECTORY.] OXFORDSHIRE. NIC 329 Maul Capt. Spencer Dun can, TheVilla, Mills Hon. Algernon H. Maple Durham, Mott Mrs.29 New st.IIenley-on-Thama Woodstock rd. Summertown,Oxford Maple Durham, Reading Moulden Charles, 100 Hemdean road, Maul Rev. John Frederick M.A. St. Mills ll,eiV. Lawrence Heyworth D.D. Caversham, Reading - Mary's rectory, Henley-'m-Tham•.ls 19 Norham road, St. Giles, Oxfurd Moulden 'rhos. London rd. Bicester :M:aule Rev. George, 'retsworth Mills Edgar, il5 Woodstock road, E't. Moultrie Mrs. •rarwood house, Stan Maunsell Staff-Commander William Giles', Oxford ton Harcourt, uxford Hare R.N. The Moorings, Iffiey rd. Mills Waiter Edward, The Cottage, Mount Rev. Charles Bridge& M.A. 14 Oxford Oxford road, Banbury Norham road, St. Giles', Oxford Mawer John Wm. 95 Iffiey rd. Oxford Minchin Moses, Warborough, W1lngfd Mountain Rev. J<~cob M . .A.. Barford Mawle John, Elmleigh, lligh 'fown Minchin T.Beech ho.Dorchstr.\Vlngfd St. l\Iiehael, Oxford road, Banbury Minchin "William, :East End house, Mountain Mrs. 20 Divinity road, Cow Mawle John Taylor, 65 Middleton rd. Hook N orton, Banburv• ley road, Oxford Grimsbury, Banbury Minett Mrs. The Knoll, Hotherfield Mousir Frederick \Villiam, Paignton Max-Mnller Frederick M.A. 7• :Nor- Peppard, Henley-on-Thames villa, Bath road, Banhury barn gardens, St. Giles', Oxford Mitcalfe Leonard,IOC?.lthorpe rd.Bnby Mowbray Mrs. 26 \Vinchester roarl, Maxfield Mrs. Forest hill, Oxford Mitchell J.93llell st.Henley-on-'Thams St. Giles', Ox~ord Maxwell J"oseph A. 21 ~Iarlborough Mitchell John, 33 Chaliont road, St. Mowbray S. Edwin, 19 Polstead road, .road, Banbury Giles', Oxford St. Giles', Oxford May George M.B., B.!.. The \Yarren, Moberley Rev. Canon Uobert Campbell Moyle J.B., D.C.L. New coil. Ox:ford Caversham, Reading D.D. Christ Church, St. Aldate's st. Mozley Rev. Alfred Dean ~LA. R ... c May H.H.Newland lo.Eynsham,Oxfrd Moberley Miss, 17 Norh:-~m gardens, tory, Wigginton, Banbury May Miss, :Fritwell, lJanbury St. Giles', Oxford Muirhead James PaLrick D.L. Raseley May Mr&. Oak Tres ho.Shutford.llHby Mocatta Mrs. rr ·warneforu road, St. court, Little Haseley, 'l'etsworth May William, Spring pool, Langford, Clement's, Oxford Mullins G. 61 Holywell st. Oxford Lechlade S.O Mockridge Albert J., B.A. Training Mummery Mrs. 17 N~w street, Hen l\i!aycock John, Wendlebury, Bicester college, Culharu, Abingdon ley-on-Thames Mayherd l\Irs. Maylands, St. A.ndrew's Moffat Mrs. Church green, Witney Mundy :Miss, 6 The Terrace, Park road, Henley-on-Thames M old John H.28 Britannia. rd. Banbury town, Oxford Mayhew Rev. A.nthony Lawson M.A.18 Mold Stephen, 2 Bud:.irtgnam street, Munro John Arthur H. us kin M. A. Bradmore road, St. GilPs', Oxford Grandpont, Oxford Lincoln college, Oxfuru Mayman Robert, 2 Fyfield road, St. Mollison Daniel, 13 Sout!".moor road, Munton Rev. Henry,Chinnor,Tetswrth Giles', Oxford St. Giles', Oxbrd Munton Mrs. 15 St. l\Iargaret's road, Maynard Rev. George Fowke ~LA. Molyneux Lieut.-Col. th~ Hon. Caryl St. Giles', Oxford •Chadlington, Charl!mry S.O Craven J.P. Red ho. Bodicote,Bnhry Murphy Mrs. Cathcart, 12 Sew Inn Meadows G. D. Lucerne, Iilley rd.Oxfd Molyneux Miss, 2 vVcl~ington place, Hall street, Oxford Meads Richd. Shelswell, Bicester St. Giles' street, Oxfc•rd Murray James A.H., M.A., LL.D., Medhurst Arthur, 18 Stanley road, Molyneux Philip M.A. 23 Polstead rd. D.C.L.78 Banbury rd.St.Giles',Oxfd Cowley, Oxford St. Gile·s', Oxford Muscott E. 31 ::'\Iarlborough rd.Bnbry Medley Du·iley J ulius l\LA. 7 Crick Money Edward John, 18 Sonthmoor Musgrave Miss, 'Yood green, Vl·-itney road, St. Giles', Oxford road, St. Giles', Oxford Mybrea Frederick Harlanu, lllonnt's .Medley Samuel, I Tiroughton rd.llnbry Monk John, The Laur<)l;;, Tetsworth court, Rotherfield Peppard, Reading Mee Rev.. John Henry 1\LA. l\Ius.Doc. Monro D.B., M.A. Oriel coli. Oxford Myres John Linton B.!.. Christ Church 54 Broad street, Oxford Montague F. C., M. A. ! >riel coli. Oxfrd college, Oxford Meeres Rev. Horace M.A. Vicarage, Moody Mrs. Hook ~m· ton, Banbury Nagel D. H., M.A. Trinity coll. Oxford Brad well, Lechlade S. 0. Gloucs Moore Rev. E., D.D. Queen's la. Oxford Napier Prof. Arthur Sampson ~I.A., Melland Mr&. 34 Norham road, St. .Moore Rev. George :"il.A. The Vicar- Ph.D., ll.Sc. Headington hill,Oxford Giles', Oxford age, Temple Cowley, Oxf.Jrd Napier Mrs. 'VoOtls·tock Mellers J olm, 7 4 I\I,idilleton road, ~Ioore Arthur S. W., l\LA. 2-1- Beau· Nash W. F. Battle ho. Goring,Readng Grimsbury, Banbury mont street, Oxford Nason E. Sunny bank,Chipping Nortn Mellett Edward James, 11 Hart st. Moore Miss. St. Michael's college, N eal Mrs. 39 North street, Grims- Henley-on-Thames ·3hipton-under-Wychwood, Chip- bury, Banbury Melville-Lee l\Irs. 13 St. Giles' st.O:xfd ping Norton Neale Maj.Charles Walter,TheCedars, Mercer \V. New st.IIenley-on-Thames Moore R. C. St. Edburg Yilla, Bieester Reading road, IIenley-ou-'fhames Merivale Mrs. Portland lodge, Park Moore William, 2 Wyfold villas, Pro Neale A. C. London rd.Chipping Nortn town, Oxford spect street, Caversham, Reading N eale Charles Raymond, 'fhe Cedars, Merry Rev. William Waiter D. D. Lin. Moreton Lord .J.P. 8arsden house, Reading road, Henley-on-Thames coln college, Oxford Chipping N orton N eale George, 32 \,Y elliugtun square, ~Ierry J. L. 22 Oxford rc·ad, Banbnry Morfill Williaa:n Richard M.A. 4 St. Giles', Oxford Metcalfe Misses, 45 St. Giles' st. Oxfrd Clarendon villas, Park town, Oxford Neate Rev. 'Valter :'~!.A. Alvescott S.O Mewbnrn William J.P., D.L. Wykham Morgan Miss, 72 Dell street, Henley K eighbour Theophilus, Lashbrook, park, Banbury on-Thames Shiplake, Henley-ou-Tham.es Middleton :Frank E. g8 Abingdon rd. Morgan Mrs. 50 Aston street, Cow Neil James M.D. Divinity walk, St. Grandpont, Oxford ley, Oxford Clement's·, Oxford Middleton Mrs. Market plac~, Henley M organ William Lewis M. A. Oxon. 37 Neill Mrs.Hernes rd.Sumrnrtwn.Oxfd on-Thames Broad street, Oxford Nelson Capt. Abercromby A. C. Tha Middleton W. T . .r.7 Museum rd.Oxfrd Morley Miss, Woorlst·wk Priory, Bicester Mildmny Rev. Aubrey Neville :::>t.John Morison Mrs. 139 \Voodstock road, St. Nelson James Edward, !slip, Oxford B.A. High street, Witney Giles', Oxford Nettleship Henry M.A. 17 Bradm:.~re Miles A. C. WoodstoGk ho. \Voodst'lck Morley Thos. 17 Long ·wall st.Oxford road, St. Giles', Oxford M1ller Lieut.-Col. Jamci! D.L., J.P. Morley W. I6 Long Wall st. Oxford N ettle'lhip ~Irs. 7 Ban bury road, St. Shotover house, Oxford Morrell Fredric Parker M.A. 21 St. Giles', Oxford .Miller Rev. Edward, 9 llradmore rd. Giles' street, Oxford Neubauer Dr . .A.doli ~LA. 5 Sorham St. Giles', Oxford Morrell George Herbert M.A., B.C.L., road, St. Giles', Oxford Miller Johu Charles, 24 Market place, D.L., J.P. lleadington Hill ihall, N eville Louis, 28 llolywell st. Oxford Henley-on-Thames Oxford N ewell D. 3 l\Ierton st. Grimsbry,Bnbry :Miller Miss, 23 llanbury road, St. Morrell J ame.s Conyer,;, l" ield house, Newman Rev. \Yilliam M.A. Church Giles', Oxford Woodstock rd. Summertown,Oxfrd green, Witney Miller l\Irs. Alkertvn, Banbury Morris Rev. Charles B.A. Headington Newman Hev. \Villiam Jas. Hermann Miller Mrs. II ~ewton road, Grand· hill, Oxford l\I.A. Steeple U::.rton, Oxford pout, Oxford Morris Edwin Charles, 18 .Market pl. Newman Benedict,DE.:>demona cottage, Miller Mrs. 3 Norham road, St.Giles', Henley-on-Thames Dlmsden, Reading Oxford Morris George, Grammar school, Newman \V. Fulbrook, Burford R.S.O .Miller Ml'ls. 25 Norham road, St.Giles', Charlbury S. 0 Newton Rev. I. 8 5 Iffley :rd. Oxford Oxford Morris Henry, Basset manor, Stoke Newton llilv. J. Knight, 74 Kingston Miller Mrs. Shutford, Banbury row, Henley-on-Thanws road, St. Giles', Oxford Miller Mrs. Thurle, llanbury road, Morris 1\-I:I'SI. East Adderbury, Banbury Newton Miss, Fyneld house, Fylleld, Summertown, Oxford Morris Mrs. "\>Villiam, \Voodstock Wallingford Miller Sam C. u Bronghton rd.llaubry Morris W.Manor ho.Kelmscott,Swindn Nichol Miss, J esmond cottage, Head Miller W.G.Caversham .Pk.pl.Reading M0rris W. J., M.A. Kidlin~ton, Oxford ington, Oxford Miller William S. The 8quare,l\'iLney Morrison Mrs. 259 Cowley rd. Oxford Nicholas F. •r. San Gabriel, Iffiey Millington Edward Lewis, ro Hamilton l\Ioth Mrs. Queen st.Henley-on-'fhams road, Oxford avenue, Henley-on-Thames Mott Mrs. 4 Crick rd.St.Giles',Oxford Nicholl T. I Stanley rd.Cowley,Oxfrd .