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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

9-24-1936 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1936). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1867.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT 17,1936 • 1 I I GROOVER-JOHNSTON PARTms FOR BRIDE ELECT SHOWER AND TEA . 1·1' I I 1'1'1 lot 'I 1 I. IIIIII III I .1 +" +-10+++ I I II I I I u The marriage of MISS Martha Groo Contlnumg a series of parties hon Among the lovely social events of BULLOCH COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTY- ver B or MIS3 e a of Statesboro and Jasper ng Carl Edna Flanders the week was the miscellaneous show ]P)IE��(0)WAIL Johnston of Millen was solemnized br de elect of thiS month was the • OF TilE DART OP er and tea grven by Mrs John H .,1IB HBIJ"T GBORGIA. GBORGLA. en ly Saturday morn ng at the home handkerchief shower given by M ss Brannen at her lovely home country "WIlED NATURE SMILES" "WBERB NATUR. 811u.a- of the br de s mother Mrs Sa nuel C Mathews morn Evelyn Thursday ng honoring her ne ce M sa Audrey La G oover W th the Rev C M Coal ut. the Tea Pot Grill Guests for n er br de-elect MIss Dar , TIMES Dorothy BULLOCH son pastor of the Statesboro Bapt st three tables of br dge were nv ted church off c mmed ate by greeted the guests and they were Mrs W D Anderson Tues atmg Only NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE' spent The hostess to the honoree was (STATESBORO fa n I es of the couple were present gift presented by Mrs M C Co vart to n S vonnah day n Savannah Personal The br de snow convalesc at a handsome ece of Fostor a H Purely ng p gh the rece v ng hne which was com lIIrs Gordon Mays spent Wetlne. Mr and Mrs Lann e S n mons were the Statesboro tal where she Bulloch Time. Established 1892 hosp score pr ze tnd v dual powder puffs of the hostess the honoree Consohdated 17 1917 n to posed January Mrs C B McAIl ster otored n vis tors n Savannah wns cnrr cd for a rush for i Statesboro NeWll E.tabhshed 1901 } VOL lay Savannah Monday operation was awarded M 55 Carol 46-NO 28 Anderson R er cltis after the cere Mrs L Lan mother of the Established 1917-Consohdated December 9 1920 Savannah Wednesday ss has returned from Mrs W H IS append shortly Statesboro Eagle 111 Ruth Clark Sharpe spendmg low score a vase was was Her rnarr pnze novelty Mrs L A Anderson :M ss Elolse M of mony performed age ncey Ogeechee a vis t n Claxton some time 10 Hot Spr ngs Ark vas scheduled given MISS Theodosia Donaldson and t� take place Saturday mother of the groom MIss Luetle was m the Tuesday a vis tor n Mrs M city Mrs B H Ran sey vas S P ttman and daughter became neces cut Education At ufternoon but when It prize salt and pepper shakers and Planting of Grass Study MISS Sudle Lee Akins was a VIS tor Brannen Mrs Aubrey Anderson Savannah Saturday M ss Katherme Pittman were vtsttors sary to have the surg cal treatment went to MISS Sara Guests ANTI.TALMADGE FARMERS URGED PLAN TO ENLARGE PETERSON GIVEN Mooney Directing the to the dining School 10 Augusta Wednesday vas a; VIS tor n in Savannah the ceremony was moved to an earher guests To Be Demonstrated High Friday Mrs Dew Groover Tuesday were MISS Flanders MISS Sara Moo room was MIss Edna The I lie hour Hodges Jack Bhtch of B shopv Mrs LL Dav s of Columbus Savannah Wednesday MISS Cecile Brannen MISS Ger c The bride is a twin s ster ney TO CUU POULTRY TOBACCO In observance of Ma.on Education tea was with WON HOUSES WARM v th hi. lovely pretty table overlaid CANDIDATF.S the week end a Unller the of the Geor APPROV was VISitor IS I sponsorship spent Verd e H II ard the of her s ster Mrs AI Mrs guest !II S8 are the trude Sel MISS Helen Brannen 4J. of Mary Groover They gman Week as by Grand Master a cloth of lace A centerp ece of Carohna Livestock ASSOCiatIOn prescribed here n Savannah fred Dorman this week for gla Saturday only daughters of IIIrs Groover MISS Frances Mathews MISS Ehza Show Car Thirty five Georgians Named Directors Order of Ab t N x the First Delstrlct DemocrafAr fa coral vine and clematis and of Figures Talmadge Payment of Georgia grand lodge Gordon Jr V1. tapers there Will be held here on May. Mrs Lester Brannen was a tor Mr and Mr. Alfred Dorman have merly MISS Moll e Dew of South beth DeLoach in Friday As Flock and Se Per Cent Dividend MISS Jeanette Dekle and ried Only 16'CouRties .,.ting EIght members of the Masonic order Convention business visttor' in the the Carolina and the late Senator Samuel pink whl1;e carried out a color October 8 at a m a demonstra Friday CeriIfy city dur-ing n Savannah Thursday returned from Macon p havmg gone MISS 'I'heodosia Donaldson MISS Caro Senate Race lecting Agents On Capital Stock and the Eastern Star Will • C Groover of Statesboro She IS an scheme of and white Lovely present His Nomination. week Mrs Charles Z Donaldson spent there to enter their MISS pink non of plantmg grass Thill work daughter Limestone Iyn Bhtch MISS Carol brtef at honor graduate of College pink roses were used the • program Friday (tomorrow) MISS Vera Johnson who s teaching n throughout Ga 21-0ltlclal be done for the benefit of the five raisers At a meet of directors last Thursday Savannah Alfred Merle Dorman in Wesleyan S C which IS the alma Mrs Cohen Anderson Atlanta Sept. mil Thirty Georgia poultry ng Tuesday Gaffney room. the School at Congressman Hugh Peterson, 1111- last other A aalad course was serv were High chapel beginning m Marlow visited her parents Mrs Fred Shearouse of Brooklet mater of her mother Messrs Wew 'tabulatIon of returns m the state farmers of thiS aeetion and the pub and hatcherymen thiS week ap of the Statesboro Tobacco Warehouse College Another ment to MISS Flan 12 30 0 clock Brief compl cd MISS M 88 talks will be for U S congr... f� the an Statesboro by Lamer and IS invited to attend the demonatra flock a on was opposed week end was a Visitor In the c Tuesday Mr and Mrs Hubert and and Jul Groover of Alya .Democratic showed today lie pomted as testing and pullorum Company resolut passed di ty Shuptnne tiers was a luncheon at the Jaeckel primary made by Cowart of the as her are her brothers Mr3 Johnston has Grace Anderson Mrs L G Lanier Judge Leroy First district wu Mrs Pierce Stewart has M ss PrISC lIa Prather of son Ohver have returned to their that anti candidate. won tlOn For-definite Information as to testing agents by the Georgia Breed an eight per cent Georgia fonUU,. Washmg Hotel morn ng given Ml3s Talmadge Macomc and been a member of the faculty of the Monday by the bnde a book and Mrs Inman • rectl��YJ!lenl;..of Lodge Mrs Chas E MIS. of Ve kepb .. In the make of Board ac dlV1dlind on the stock of the declared the nominee .t the conven· gueot Hazel Humphrey ton IS the guest of M ss Jean Sm th home in Tenn after a nominations for all �tate oltlces place ,"qulry Byron Improvement Supel'Vlsory capital Chattanooga M lIen H gh School for the past two Carol Anderson Adorning the pret­ Dekle and Cone of the Eastern Star Parents MIS8 Eileen Brannen pre or rona N C TraVIS of Dalton was a v Sit w th his Mr -which was an Issue Dyer county agent Fred W cording to Arthur Gannon poultry on Cavender parents and Mrs years able was an tton held here Frld.y DeIep. tily appointed exquisite sided ovcr room J'almad�eism of the students anti the pubhc gen Claxton the gift Several of T s MISS Rae Water. of spent visitor m the the week W 0 The groom IS tFte oniy son of Mrs Governor Eugene Talmadge himself Hodges chairman the board of speciallst, with the Agncultural Ex dividend IS justified by earn City during Shuptrme bowl of coral vine MISS Anderson s ....e invited to from countle. attended aDd plano solos were rendered the erally attend eighteen last week \ th her sister Mrs Mrs Elo se Br nson Johnston and the late during carried 16 of the 169 counties m county ccmtmasroners tension Service and supervisor of the mgs or the past aeason which are spent end Andrew Anderson to the honoree was a r of only < IS in gift pa afternoon the voters wiAhe. E Burch Johnston He engaged by MI.s Olhe Mae Jernigan n approved Juq. Brunson M as Mathews has returned Jean e • the state III hIS race for United States work the st the of Statesboro s Harry Evelyn berg Mar Seberg and MI•• candle sticks Covers were testing history the Insurance business carrying' on placed Others asaiatrng' with the enterta A B Lovett was temporary chair­ Mrs Sm th and daughter! a q s t to I er n ElSie mng senator Richard B Ruasell These agents Will select and test org�zattobaeco ndustry Harry (rom grandparents Anderson have returned to the Insurance Company for MISS Flahders MIS. Anderson against Johnston were Mrs Emit Anderson and Mrs TEACHERS COLLEGE man of the convention and made thot Jean and Satur flocks for farmers m as At the same diSCUSSion was Betty Joyce spent the rhome n Ch cago after wh ch was organized by hiS father Hl! MISS Sara Jr Incumbent. PLANS PROGRESS Georgia part meetmg spendmg Mooney MISS CeCile Bran B A Aldred keynote speech m s one of s a on for the day Augusta 111 r and Mrs Gordon Mays and son so".e t me as of Mrs 0 L Millen outstandmg young J B Dame I of La Grange of national poultry Improvement begun plans increasing of guests nen MISS Ehzabeth DeLoach MISS ... (Tobe) were a bUSIness men tak an acttve 10 Delegates entertained at IIfr and Mrs V1. tors n M lien ng part a Tal Flocks Wlll be certified as warehouse facil ties for the FOR were two TERM John Ford ss «Iefeated program commg OPENlNG McLemore and M Mary Lou Cav Gertrude M.s years ago by c v c and church altalrs Sehgman Evelyn FOR STATE MEET dmner the buslDess sesllon VIS n I SHOWER FOR BRIDE following Mrs Watson were tors or not free from and It was voted to take Devane Sunday n Ichael we e home madge ousted member of the pubhc to whether they are steps They accompanied ... Mathews Mrs E M and .easpn was Kennedy Of much was and and Congressman Peterson tho charm and; slmphclty or that end Senators Representatives Savannah Fr day John Aust n of Myrtle Beach Mr. McLemore who W II service commiSSion ran thiS year for at Macon on October 7 pullorum disease baCillary white ImmedlBtely to by spend WEDDING DINNER Mrs J C H nes R miscellaneous ahower honor M:rs Meeting host n and Mrs Arnold ng es was Are InVIted to Attend the Mrs 01 Smith s v Sit Carl Coil ns and Frank several w th the and With her Btute (Leasurel a post to which the diarrhea and that the flock comes up Need for enlarged facil t ng days Mr and Mrs Frank Smith enter ••• Cohen NeVille at the home of Mrs WIll Impress the Natton wmt The conventIOn endorsed PreSident n otored to Savannah for certain of on 10 the conditions wh l�l Anderson Rush ng MISS Jul a Marm chael Ida Ncv lie F 28 THe governor appomted him when Tal to standards product pressed by ExerCISes Tomorrow slste� ta ned Sunday at the r home on Pree LEGION AUXILIARY rtday August of Roosevelt and assured the adminl. Loyalty GeorgIans va led en the day Wednesday M s C W Love n of bnde w� attractively attired n a madge suspended George B Hamil The class 109 of flocks by thesc agents pre throughout almost the tor us street Wlth a dmner The Amencan Leg on Will trat on of It. for Its wedding brown outfit w a Senators elect and appreciatIon et. F S of Jacksonv lie Fla vISit her Mrs BmTHS A'f'lhary th colorful shoulder .ton Will be conSidered offlcml the state tire recent season Beg w th the representatives Perry ng daughter honor Mr hold the next Georgi.. News Servlcc) by nnlng ng and Mrs Hamp Smith nonthly meet ng • (By fo ts It also pledged ItS co operation Mrs GIOO corsage first s was elect of the next general assembly of vIsited hiS sl.ter George Brannen and Perk ns an • HamIlton won nomtnutlon board and the UnIted States De day sales the market Mr Sidney marr afternoon at 30 0 by )frs whose age took place Septe nber Tuesday 3 clock at Punch was served on the porch by Atlanta Ga Sept 21-In response and w th Congressman Peterson vcr the week s m blocked-that s tobacco was left un Georgia county schol superm durlllg M ss Helen Hall of Augusta spent nounce the b rth of .. son on Misses Ida Nev and carry ng 14 counties and Ham I partment of Agriculture which Septem 6th A beautifully decorated cake top the home of Mrs Allen !II kell w th lie W Idred lia only to their leader s call to make t a John R Powell Jr of VIS m Atlanta tendents of Southeast Georg a have Swainsboro, Mrs Jul an Lane ted the ,eek end v th her mother Mrs 12th ns M ss Elma W II ams rece ved ten the rematnder of the nat onal ber Mrs Perk Will be re w a br Mrs as gan on charge program ped th de and groom and ,liver Barney Aventt JO nt hostess great convent Ueorg aDs m all the was elected permanent chairman and th s week attend the Woman s the at the door and s sales-and th s conditIOn con been mVlted to formal open ng ng W L Hall as M s. Lou se Dasher of guests presented Three of the memOOrs of the pub Last year a large number of hatch day bell was sur ounded by p nk zenn as All members are urged to be present sections are movmg forward WIth M ss Frankie of Metter wa. them to the rece v ng I ne wh ch con t nued exerc ses of the South Georg a Teach Trapnell Democratic Comm ttee Donaldson al d her "oth lie sefV ce commlSs on Talmadge oust erles m the state sold only approved throughout almost the entire to form the centerp ece fOI the pret MRS H F ARUNDEL slsted of Mrs Ida NeV1lfe Mrs Cohen plans to make the slate gather ng chosen per manent ver s season was ers here Friday (tomorrow) secretary Mrs Jack 01 of Valdosta erl n 1933 came back this year to or cert fied ch cks and Gannon ex [ndeed t exactly two College t Iy appo nted table w th mmlature F rst Vice Pres dent Nev Ie the br de Mrs Harmon Hen f of Democrats n Macon on October Brev anti Will marked the several "th her moth Mr and Mrs Harold G rardeau an weeks the ftoors at wh ch time 01 M D Colhns state ty good spend ng days n Savannah dnx the br de s mother Mrs W R Wln nommatlon for state off ces peets an even larger numbel to take before were cleared br des and mark the an mark occaSion It on glooms ng places 7th epoch ng w convent The briefest feature of er W II ams nounce the b rth of a off tI e school super ntendents II be the Mrs ley W Carl Coil ns returned Monday fro daughter Sep WILL MAKE HOME HERE NeVille the br de smother n law Jule Felton one of the three de part n the program th s season By at close of the day On many of the guests Covers were laid for W II be an event h stor c and prece the e t Ie convention was Mr Peter� tern ber 6 She hns been named Hav ng buen mtroduced to the re .M ss Reta Lee left Sunday for Oak a v s t of sevel al w th fr ends Peggy ieated Dave Parker of n ch cks from OltlC days add tonal storage roo n was speaker days Mr and Mrs Ith Mr and R P Stephens of Beaufort S Waycross sett the nt buy ng ally graded Hamp Sn ce v ng I ne tl e were adm t dent ng from stan Ipo of son s aeeol tance speech G N C vhere sl e w II teach hon e Gene MTS G rardeau was formerly guests and the Guard s Arn The college here opened last Friday ty n Ba nbl laat end as the of a close race"'for of the court of flocks poultrymen w II know that they necessary ory dge MIS Josh a Sm th IIfr and Mrs Oz spent veek guest ted to the I n room where a de Judge and enthus asm-an event nn a ng harmony came i 1 Beg ng half hour beh nd sched econom cs In that school MISS Wile Mae Scott was nto use It was for f eshmen upperclussmen !II ss Kat e has eturned to Mr and Mrs R L wh 1 c aus salad course was Felton carr ed 63 count es are gett ng d free ch cks brought ap Kennedy burn Banks Mr and Mrs SmIth Brady Ie look served by appeals that w II the nat on w th good scas� ule t n e Holl Roy mpresss the first were C D ngsworth callsd Mrs Fred Sm th had as her • that much tobacco was be Monday and classes guest her home In Savannah after v s t for a house n wh ch to move M so N na. Nev lie With 166 UnIt votes to 61 count es and hateher es Will profit parent ng ng Mr and Mrs Moore Mr and Ing Mr unreserved of Poultrymen the on n Mr and Mrs Slater an Ralph the loyalty the people e as convent to order the court dur the week end her mother M s Hagin MISS Gerald ne Nev lie ded at d verted from the local held Wednesday At tl general ng relatives I ere s w th the Nat onal B t pres w th 148 un t votes for Palker The from the program because they w II market by Mrs F ank Sm th MISS Sail e Sm th Stephens scu of a for FraT kl n DeLano house Joe of nounce the birth of a the br de s book The were Georg e. Ma v n P tt nan Pope Wheeler county Sh:I Parr sh of Savannah daughter Friday guests th s on n sembly P dent S Mrs A J B rd of Metter and A and w II be transferred to 1e na n ng un t votes were d v ded be able to advel t se and sell off cally congest Watchousemen 11th She has been Harold Sm th Rubert Sm th Company then usheted to the g it room by Mrs Roosevelt and for the New Deal n nnd non nated Ju Ige A B Lovett for Earl Lee and Mark W Ison who are Septembe given s sted that ad I tonal fae I t es presented the fac Ity ntroduced J B rd JI of V n a were m the Statesboro about He among three othel cand dates graded chicks Ganr on added sho�ld rg Sue Nell and September 26th C !II Nev lie Many Iseful g Its th s state decreed voters n cho rman and it was In the na ne L II an Ketr na Mrs by the n ne new as J temporary teach at v s ted the r of members follows Dl ng Clyde par c W II be were rece ved the br de Genelal M J Yeoman. Persons appo nted as and ty Thursday accompanied by Mrs Stephens by • Attolney the of 9th sclectmg h s that he n was before her pr mary September V Melton n education Ivan Hostet acceptance made what ents here for the week el d Hag 'lhose attend wete the cl08e Mrs McDonald of A.'{on spent sev and their son and W II ng wi 0 defended many of Taln adge s te.tmg agents n th s v c n ty nclude young Bobby Congressman EE Cox of Ca had been tern ed n ltdvance the key Mr and MIS W 0 Denmark HattlC Nesby fr ends and relatives of Mrs NeV1lle ler n ndustr al arts W H Bennett era I With her Mrs the house on South Ma n acts n court but broke w th him Frank Smith and W H Sm th Jr days daughter ... BIR1HDAY PARTY occupy milia Will be the cha note who v 1I be remembered as M sa temporary n socml sc ence M ss Helen speech ch Idren of Brooklet VIS ted Mr house snow Dunlap C B Mathe YS Master street n wh ch W H no vives later over of the state gov can have their flocks test company Jimmie BI tch son of Mr Goff Lou se HendrIX of Claxton opelatlOn man of the convent on Poultrymen G W Lankford of ANDERSON-SIKES and keynoter n ss Toombs nomi Mrs v th a 10 the laboratory "chool M LOUIse Waley Lee last Sunday M ss Frances Mathews left and Mrs ernment Without an ed n touch W th one of shape neat balance hand dunng BI tch of Savannah appropriatIOn lind Governor elect E D R \ ers has by gett ng nated Mrs E Maxwell 1\Ir Henry tn cal education Smith of that Mrs W s for a nfter McG Ivrey phys 0 Dav and daughter the week for Pulaski where she WlII bill three other candidates these or see their coun nest egg payment of the ster celebrated hIS third b Thurs NOVELT CLUB swamped chosen hiS staunch agents by ng as of Reg annollnce the marriage of rthday collegeague and J McCorm ck m the labora county temporary secretary whoBe MISS Carr e Lee DaVIS a few e cent d V1dend now ordered Henry spent teach th s With a at the home hiS for hiS Job One of them was W 111 or homc demonstrat on agents For ght per year their DealY to R ch day party of The regular meetmg of the Novel of Democrat c ty elect on y 83 unanimous daughter Dorothy supporter pnnc pies tory school Leonard Kent m ndus days m Savannah last week Mrs E L Sol th and Mrs Lester of who was on the and band flocks The future plans for warehous ng C grandparents Mr and Mrs J L T Club vas held for the week w th Augusta Charles S Reid Atlanta as selectmg testmg ng a Pard S kes of Otto N C formerly of lawyer M ss Mayor Renfroe made tormal ad Mr and Mrs Futrell of tobacco Will be left to the tr al arts and Mary Will Wake Carlten 011 ff VIS ted MISS Helen 011 ff n Mathews on t cket He carr ed 11 coun of 100 b rds or less the Will largely North Mam street A Mrs W Ibur Cason as hostess Aftel Talmadge chalrn an of the conven charges dress of welcome tn behalf Claxton NhlCh took place Fr day aft permanent ford n the school A mu of the city Fla were stockholders who Will laboratory Tampa week end guests of ties With 26 UnIt votes Yeomans car be 4 cent. per b rd flocks be assembled Wadley Monday Elder an hOllr of sew ng and chatt ng tlDn and the new state executive corn Larger He fel c tated the of the ernoon, September 11th With dainty s cal program was Mrs democracy Judge and Mrs H B lied 129 counties With 336 un t vote. Will cost less bird The next- month n annual meet ng The presented by Strange Mrs J F Brannen refreshments were served per charges Jack e Burnsed of Manassa. per • mlttee Delegates have been select Gibert Cone Mrs E L Barnes Mrs First d str ct of Georg a and the na Mr and Mrs Jul an Brooks of her tla F E Strickland 19 count es With 48 cover cost test mater al t me d rectors Will probably have a plan ed Ighter Mrs ed from and of ng tlon I would ruther the form ng the ceremony The young V1rtually every county Will am Deal Mrs W S Hanner and represent Swainsboro vIsited her mother Mrs durmg the week UnIt votes ,Reuben Garland of At of tester leg bands testtng sheets drafted to subm t to the stockholders left for Atlanta details oI conventIOn plans are bemg First d str t In congress than allV W couple mmedlately at that W II am Deal Pre. dent P ttman ex B Johnson last week end Dr Ed Moore M s W L Hall and Ianta the fourth candidate and the Ike meetmg a polled other m the nation he tI other po nts of tnterest On the r completed rapidly tended a welcome to the students and district de MISS Mary Ruth Lanter left Mon 50274 votes but did not cur popular new chairman s In return they W II make their home n PARIS DICTATES The Wldely known presented Rev G N Ramey and Rev clared reference to the recent day for Rome where she w II continue vannah a the tabulat on Saturday "y smgle county r Claxton and popula recogn zed as a man of C M Coalson representmg the state pr mary the mayor .ald her studies at Shorter College Mr and Mrs showed WAGE CAMPAIGN EDUCATORS HOLD marked ab and When hlo armle. • hty high prmc pies churches of Statesboro who also ex Napoleon led to Mrs Malvm Blewett of Savannah vere The senate race between Russell baby week end guests of DAVIS-PRIESTER BLACK IS Mr the and I' It generally conceded that tended a welcome Alps pOinted out the dltflcult IS spending the week w th her par n .and Tal drew 390849 votes the parents Reg ster A nadge Rivers could not have made a IMPORTANT task of cross them he happier DEFEAT TAX PLAN MEET A large number of representatives ng said to hi. ents Mr and Mr. John Everett S C and number In a Boro ghs daughter greatest Georg hIStory chOice of a man who Will be more un n en 6 000 are down n the general assembly are expected years looking M ss Mary Margaret BI tch left As the Color Of these Russell 256 154 to 134 Teachers DISCUSS EducatIOnal Kathleen of Savannah were VIS to," LeadIng got for the chairman Leaders of GeorgIa Would In t like men' approved to come here Fr day smce thiS Will upon you qu yourselves8 Sunday for S va nsboro where she In the c 695 for Taln It Russell m Bulloch Coun ty T�sday adge gave of the state committee !\fter form of Program V hen a went to In o shIp GeorgIans Meanmg be the first opportun ty have had Georg the polls laat has accepted a pos ton m the �chool 378 umt votes to 32 for for 1936 37 they Mr and Mrs J C H nes and Mrs " Talmadge on Of 15 Mill LImItatIOn ty graduat from Young HarriS Mr smce week the eyes of 125 000 OO() men, Mrs for a get together the primary Ghergls Hagan hss returned J n Moore have returned from a v s t E D Rivers anti Talmadge cand Reid was m the ba nkmg bu. nes' of two weeks women and ch Idren looked dowr/upon home ser es to The Bulloch county teachers gath ago after spend ng last week With at Shellman s date for carried 142 coun The first of a of meettngs Bluff governor n Gamesville and then for several and sa d t hke ered at the court house In Statesboro Dean Z S Henderson has an Georgia qu yourselves her parents Mr and MIS Roach at ties to 15 for Charles RedWIne of nt w th text Mr E 0 Holland left dur ng the was B acqua the pubhc the of mcn a years law partner of J Jones that the s Georg did so said the mayor Claxton Fr day afternoon September 18 to nounced enrollment larger week for she W 11 v s t Talmadge a cho ce for Claxto Nhere pastor of Dresses Fayetteville and then later came to Atlanta where the 15 m Ii tax I mltat on At the conclUSIOn of h s address the proposed In class than last fall th s Mr and "scuss plans for mprov ng the n every at Mrs Broward POPI ell relat ves awh the 'l he third candidate Blan for Ie off c at ng us ng the r ng Job he s a member of the law firm of mayor d the re amendment was held at the court structlonal n the Bulloch time DlIrlllg the fall term of 1935 splayed lOVing cup Jesup v s ted Mrs s ton Fortson carried two counties process Poppell parents Mr and Mrs Andre v n the of the 1m a to ceremony preaence for Little Powell Reid and Goldste n 212 freshmen were stered and 230 cently warded Bulloch county by M and house In Green�iI1e Ga on Tuesday county schools The meet ng was un reg Mr. Waley Lee several days have arr ved from North med ate membe"3 of the fam Iy and Soon after the pr mary Mr Rivers I have been thiS fall the two Un ted States senators In last week See ANTI TALMADGE page 3 C A Mathews of der the dLrect 0 of the county su already legIstered classmates her last s on ot year gradu announced that he would adopt the the was recogmt of her oversubscriptIOn of per n tendent H P Womack Last fall total enrollment Jack Darby and Lester Brannen Jr Decatur cho. rmnn of a state cam at ng class hands off cy on all amendments to her quota to the natlonul Democratic pol The aim for the s 455 The enrollment through Wednes left Monday for Atlants where they Fall • general ycar The I v'ing room where the cere be voted on th s fall With the pa gn comm ttee opposed to the pas campa gn fund The express excep work was the teachers day has exceeded that number con mayor Will enter the r freshman OFFICE FORCE CUT adopted by mony was performed was beaut tlOn oI the one author z old fully ng age sage of the amendment was pr nc pal To the nstruct onal s derably and by the end of the week Georg a Tech Improve program PETERSON decorated In ferns and coral v ne We would ons for which he so offiCials (See page 3) suggest at least pens fought V1g speaker Labor school peo m the ·chools '0 that educat on Will cons derably over 500 are expected to M ss W nona Aldred has returned BY HOMER PARKER are Preced ng the ceremony M ss Flor dur the recent orously ng campa gn pie and commumty leaders from the s to tn have been 110m a VISit one black dress for fall ""ntrlbute very gn ficantly the registered of several Neeks With rei relat ves hel e thiS week ence your ------YOUNG PEOPLE MEET Da Iy sang I Love You Tr Iy Mr R vers With Senator es n along fifteen count the Fourth congres soc al welfare of chi I at ves Comptroller General Explams dlVldual and the "Lakeland Orlando and Day M ss left MD MISS wardrobe. Our are MONDAY AT Dorothy Darby day Fay Foy played the wedd ng racks Just Richard B Russell Jr Clark Howell slonal district were Ads BROOKLET tona Cut m HIS Budget Is present dren In the county A demonstra Beach Fla for Rome where she Will resume her mus c Mrs Arch e Barrow s ster of national committeeman and Mrs VIr was be with the most stun­ of trlct orgamzatlon formed ne: tIon M ss Jane Franseth LOCAL LADIES TO :Mr slzzhng Cause Actton supervisor The s and Mrs Waley Lee MISS Reta stud es at Shorter the bride young people departments ot College acted as maid of honor and g nIa Polhlll Pr ce was honor zat on guest a part of the state Wide organ from the South a T"achers Col Lee Mrs Cec I and and • Georg the Brooklet Statesboro Metter Por Anderson httle Mr and Mrs James Lee and htUe Archie Barrow acted mng Irrestible styles. dinner only attendan, Homer C Parker c.mptroller gen at a Victory last Fnday which which s the Georg a sponsored by lege Will aid the teachers children tal and Ison Method.. Faye Anderson vIsited son Frank AifEND MEETING St t churches of M lien spent Sunday as best man The bride wore a be eral said he had written a assembled hundreds of Democrats Thursday Education AsSOCiation the Aasoc a aoo to thiS aim one day last week patrons accomphsn Will meet With the Brooklet group W th Mr and Mrs J D Lee commg dress and hat of blue velvet Jetter to all moto� vehicle from all of the state Of want to Inspecters parts Speakers tlOn of County CommiSSIOners of was dec ded M ss Ruth course, you'll It that Bulloch county Mrs Julian C Lane to Seek at 8 0 clock for the Sel gman left Wednes Dr and Mrs C H Parr sh and tr mmed With rhinestone cl With Monday evenmg ps m the state pomtmg out that because proclaimed the result of the Septem a the As for a Georg Georgia MUnICipal schools should be d vlded Into three Posltton as VIce ChaIrman of the day Athens where she Will re M S5 Par sh were v 5 tors accessor es follow WIth num­ purpose completmg orgamaa Henrietta match ng Mrs Ban-ow.3 up snappy o! a reduced for the fourth ber 9th as mdlcat ve of budget pr mary tI., soclat on and the FederatIOn zones ID 8U ne Georgia The schools zone 1 will State Conventton a on A mu her studies at the Un vers of n tlOn of county �n spcctal ty Savannah dur ng the week dress was of blue sheer crepe Both ber In or of thiS he not be vote of the nation ID the November green, rust brown quarter year would of Labor be Brooklct Sttlson and a as a Leefield slcal WlII be the Georg Jun or Mrs Jul an Waters of Savannah wore program proV1ded by corsages of pmk rosebuds The able to all the of hiS election to It W111 be mtere.t to her friends . . . . keep employes general The of the campaign ng Mrs .• PrIces sponsors Chponreka zone 2 Will tnclude Por N na Horne left dur was the of Mr and Mor er styled right. Brooklet young people Dean Z S ng guest Mrs motl of the br de wore a lovely on the untll has done herself n s office Job the first of Georgia proud defeat thiS amendment have for sev tal West Side to learn that Mrs Juhan C Lane week for Tallahassee Fla to Mlddleground Reg Henderson of the college Wlll make gan Waters dur ng the week end black crepe dress w th a corsage of rangIng from- tlte Senator Russell and Mr elect E year nominating eral years advocated reformat on of xon be ng considered by Governor Burne her Ister and M and zone 3 consIsts nc address duties as chaperone of Mr and Mrs C M Rush had wh te rosebuds the pr pal using as biB ng He aald that Rivers said Senator Nathan L. Bach tax aald Mr Mathews D Rivers and h s Ir ends n connec Ph our system of NeVils Warnock Esla and Den Alpha Delta sorortty house as their Mrs L R The theme Lo,!e Never Falleth There guests Sunday groom IS the son of Mr and would of Tenne.see the tlOn tlOn of v ce cha r spect�rs prmclpal Real estate lQ many Instances bears mark The teachers n each zone W1th the pos L Sel will '" a bnef aocl8l the gman spent last week end In Anderson and son of Mrs W W • pertod after Kerney Gray P�lester of Allendale S '0

POLITICS • OLD AGE PENSION FAll_RETuRN OUT OF In Statesboro BULlOCH TIMES not It would be laughable if it were FOR' SALE •••• ACCESSORIES Acr IS PROBLEM BORROWED FUNDS AND successful aspi­ HOSiERy.... HANDBAGS so serious the way .. .. Churches have set about re- Extended Them THE STATESBORO NEWS rants for office • How to Get Proposed Measure Overpay Loans state forming the machinery of the On Ballot Disturbing Lead- Through Federal Land 700 Bushels Coker's 33·47 Seed Oats and Owner. to certain mat­ Columbia. D. B. TURNER, BdUor with Teference taking First Baptist Church era of Victorious Faction. Bank of ters "ou t of poli tics." oats M. Minister, First year from originator. These SUBSCRIPTION �.60 PER Y1IlAR c. Coalson, S. 21.-For For instance, it is noted that one Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 21.-What to do Columbia, C., Sept. Dr. H. in the 10:15 a. m. Sunday scheol, every falling due to the Fed­ are cold-resistant, and, my Jdarcb leader to reorganize is $1.00 smut-proof, .Iltered •• lecond-clalll matter proposes about old age pensions absorbing atee­ F. Hook, superintendent. eral Land Bank of Columbia in Au­ at 1905, ... tbe poeloffllee al gt to that end. How ••• are the best all-around oats ever highway department 11 :30 a. m. Ser- of future state opinion, Ga., und,er the Act of CongreMi Morning worship. the interests Georgia's boro, eliminate To Inllitation gust, the bank collected $6.57, accord­ is he to politics? An th� minister. "Power K..reb 8, 1871. going mon by Subject, leaders. administration to Julian H. Scarborough, presi­ produced. be sure by widening the possibilities to Live." ing 6:45 m. Training Union. The constitutional amendment pro- who said that farmers in the VARD8 OF THANH8 of politics, according to present indi­ p. Baptist dent, bushel at to its in I am them at $1.00. per is extended the Globe Shoe Co, many patrons Kermit R. Carr, director. which and tak­ selling I ot this leader has not by the last legislature, Carolinas, Georgia Florida, The cbarge tor--;;bilabIDK' card cations. While Ser- 'posed by our 8:00 m. Evening worship. . o'bltuu1e. Ie cee cent per Bulloch county to visit p, the of­ farm. and his plan, it seems Statesboro and surrounding the vote on ing advantage of opportunity my a minimum specified particular mon "Costliness of Irre- would bave let people word, wltb &0 eeete as subject, inten­ colorful collection of .Fall fered them by the prices received for ·::r:e�� to be recognized as somebody's store and inspect our complete, ligion." whether tbey wanted pensions for the Fifty�bushel lots or.' more at ��'t wft�u��:y�urN:O!�� the board to we music )ly the choir, Mrs. their products, made substantial pay­ wUl be wllbout the tion to widen highway fashions. .' With pardonable pride Special were vetoed Governor Tal- rlblluar, pu1>Ulbed and Winter footwear " '.' aged, by J. G: director. on loans the rub 1u &�yaDce. the where there shall be a mem­ Moore, ments their during bushel. point season are the most outstanding . 'our shoes' by far' . lit 8 o'clcck.Wednee- madge. 1\.' say thia Prayer . in each congressional tlistrict­ . D. month. ber day evening. Speaker of the House E. Rivers, ever 'shown the Globe, flOW In some Mr. AND HAPPINESS instead of five as at by CAR --- instances, Scarborough ROSES ten members YOUR 8u'ccessful candidate for governor and said, the excess payments were made present, Church the Democratic party's future head M. notice that roses Presbyterian installments while in Did you ever take if that is what you could TIlESE the on past due J. ,HENDR-iX· Now, floor. SAVE AT in made old age pensions '. i models are to be found on this H•.1... SNEED, �astor... Georgia, •. "f'· contentment are to be found close then DeLuxe Borne instances they were made in ad­ R� F. SUMMIT, GA And call "out of politics," D.,. , honestly 1 st FIoor chiel plank in his platform. .,. open as models the' country'S lead­ 10:15. school; HelU'Y thus a desire on the term Sunday . vance, showing (3sept5tp) eyes . �lJjs, torether? Keep your we don't understand what the Leading �tyled by '. But the law places the responsi- LOW PRICES superintendent, free their t1'avol lind you'll agree on the board Florsheim, part of the farmers to you about, means. If five positions ing shoe stylists-including Peacock, Melotone. school at W, E, the official November. 3 gen- and 3:30. Sunday Clito, biliti Of lire twin companions, farms from debt as soon as is pos­ _,1}uI� the)' cause a snarl, what wouldn't ten posi­ Andrew Geller, Elco, and Red Cross.. an appropriate shoe McDougald, superintendent. eral .election ballqts in the hands of more than to be Vir- sible. that I, apt tions do to the board? 7 :00 Young People's League, defeated nligion for teachers and nurses. enjoy the new high cut the governor. Talmadge, by You'll... Tomlinson, president. In North Carolina the amount fail­ -their older-sister. Taking affairs "out of politics" ginia Senator Richard B. Russell Jr. for various combinations. All A of· men from the observed models and you'll rave about the LOOK! 8 :00 group due in was and You who read the papers means out the crowd the ing August $13,798.78 generally kicking Presbyterian churches of Savannah' 'sen�tor, campaigned against pen­ there was more or models carried in a complete size range-$6.75 to $12.50. the amount collected was $137,506.98. that a month ago at present in control. That is about will have charge of the evening ",,1'\>- slons. the OIL Carolina the umount fall­ about an upstir in re­ MOTOR will be "The Men's ,In South less publicity what will be the outcome of any ice. The subject Although Talmadge has made no • and in Con- due in was $13,027.64 and Pine Mountain Valley Development, undertaken the Responsibility Privilege his final decision as ing August organization plan by and comment as to dis­ are to be found on this nection with the Sunday School amount collected was in Harris county, Ga., when ten of the It Popular priced shoes the $96,155.08. coming session legislature. president to what goes on the official ballot, 2nd Floor for Church." Clyde Underhill, In the amount due satisfied in a group of 210, our faction models Georgia falling families, is never "politics" for floor. Betty Co-Ed-Flattering of the Men-of-the-Church movement those close to him do not believe he little in was and the were notified to up their when the other in shoes will have August $50,637.89 pack to do things, but the Misses-Rhythm Step-the newest creation of Savannah Presbytery, will change his attitude. was move to more accept­ un- amount collected $373,477.01. troubles and in control and proceed chil­ comes the as to what crowd gets for correct walking, and vitality shoes for women and Then question won­ " .. chAife�re welcome. In Florida the amount falling due able surroundings. Maybe you der such authority as they can corn- the ordinaries will take on Riv­ models for and formal stand the cause of the dis- dren. Lovely school, dress, sports in August was $27,227.24 and the dered what was man-well that is corrupt politics. ers' request that they put the amend­ size was and even maybe you felt wear. All models carried in complete rang� Methodist Church amount collected $80,349.18. sattsfnction, Truth to say, we do not expect state ment on the ballot if the governor these should In the four states, therefore, the sorrow that families. administrntions to be cleaned of poli- $4.95 to $6.75. G. N. RAINEY, Pastor. doesn't. amount due in August was so I are in exactly new when some falling ticians placed charge a. m Church J. L. A survey cast doubt dea!t . 10 :15 .. ., .. sch?ol amount collected t 18 writer a oc- $104,691.55 and the haFveourbeednays agoharshhly wlhthd' accorrI'mg to the r rnt ing as poli- • Renfroe, superintendent. ThIS IS Rally ordinaries in a number of counties . en- was to rlid e through the 'P'me M oun- and semi- in the church school and the . the $687,488.25. .. ticinns! Featuring economy prices, stylish Day said they would not put proposal ca�lon n of the church is ask> tam in company With oor tire membership in Development 3rd FI on the official ballot. Ordinaries sh.dow-Io•• n.lsh is said that new laws will be dress shoes. Sport models tor growing girls, under the N.w friends who It TODAY- ed to nttend.i Program of distinguished would follow party drouths of the welt Jesse Johnston. other counties said they passed to fight the and the famous Tri-Tan and Powhattan Goodyear direction of Mrs. FREE BOOKS BAN are connected with the enterprise. i a. m. worship and lead. future. The best for a drouth 11 :30 Morning Rivers' a of remedy children carried in all widths and Hon. Henry Kimbrough, member school and dress shoes for Tillotson Carburetors by the pastor. Theme, Riv- above the Inw and that is-rain. preaching In campaign speeches Speaker the directors is Victorious the legislature, one of Prices from $1.98 to $3.45. "God's Minority," the ordinaries should sizes. range service ers said that PLEASES W CTU MONOGRAMMED the his brother-in­ In a loyalist is a fellow who 7:00 p. m. Young people's of orgnnization; Spain consider it a mandate of the people to in room. white faintly 11.llo.... an educated nnd pro­ lines with the radical government. League of Schools Distinctive paper, y low, F. O'Neal, up and vote on the issue were Action Waynesboro 8:00 p. m. Evening worship permit them to marked with u shudowy check. business man of Chipley, and In the United States it is a fellow Theme, In Refusing Text Books gressive I st floor florsheim and freeman Shoes preaching by the pustor. he elected. 24 folded note sheets, 3'1{, "x manager and who with lithe organization." Men's featuring Place of the Child in the Pro- Lauded At Sessiun. double border in Tap Bennett, general stays Department "The Walter Stevens, Bibb county ordi- 4 "AI ", with were Christ." silver and 24 envelopes superintendent of the enterprise, gram of the gray. .. So- nary, said he would not put pen- with MOVES US AGAIN 4 :30 p. m. Monday, Missionary 'Ga., Sept. 17.-The to match. 4 1/16"x5 1/16" our escorts. No better opportunity Waynesboro, SOc on the ballot unless Mono­ sion amendment are g ray bordered flap. and ciety. schools of Waynesboro prob­ could have been to see serv- city three In­ given 8 m. Wednesday, mid-week authorized to do so. Ordi- with your 1110 ... Some of our readers will 'recall p. officially the school system in the ¥,rammed •• learn first-hand the significance and A musical program un- ably only itials while you wuit. And, re­ the editor ice. special O. R. of Richmond wants that one 'dny last spring Z. S. Hen- nary Eve, state which has declined to use the member this is Symphony, extent of the project. Of nil men. del' the direction of Mrs. lyaapho.y com­ on official . of the Times visited a school will the devotional. ruling free school books provided by the first choice of dlscrtminating there is none better qualified • derson precede probably Val­ Ordinaries of Greene, Habersham, correspondents everywhere. munity in the neighborhood of Shoe Co. beer it became known when the ••• Ilty lead the than Ben­ Globe tax, to enterprise Tup 'I GAS Columbia, which the good paper SAVES Butts, Franklin, Burke, Women's Christian there could not be dosta, following First District nett. Certainly and Jenkins counties of that hi. visit and TO Hall, Lowndes Union held its more city reported DESIRABLE Temperance quarterly and . NOT one more enthused found Model A ... $2.48 it on the ballot. as "editor of the For- SAVANNAH. GA.' said they would put identified him BROUGHTON EAST conference here . in his work. For three hours 17 ST., zealous advocates have advertised Swainsboro," which was Pension which a est-Blade, . The W. C. T. passed eleven-thou- . U., as we rode through the Chev. '29-'31 $5.25 IMPORTS at REJECT amendment as the law requires and is now the of that • the the use of money one then property • resolution deploring sand-acre development, we met Globe Shoes" journalist, Wens- "No One Ever Regretted Buying Quality their own expense. the sale of beer to another. enterprising young to Close derived through thrill after Virtually Impossible. the next state Demo- ley Hobby. Statesboro friends offer­ Oharles Reid, books for school children, was was on this tr on the Sabbath BAITERIES to provide It ip American Market Foreign committee and convention chair- ed the thnt the Valdosta cratic at the action of the the circumstance which suggestion , delighted Wayne.­ that we found Farm Products. at Macon editor wns us out of our com- man, said the party meeting which convention lead­ of this taking boro schools, the writing article, .. prompte of the fair > October 7 doubtless would be urged munity as a preservatlon ers understand to have been actuated and which 'Suggests the heading, New 21.-The belief York, Sept. Rivers to its force behind the' name of our home city, which sugges- by, put same motive which caused the and by the '''Roses Happiness." that it would be virtually impossible tion marc or Jess grnted upon our movement. of the convention resolution, down the first nvenue of BULLOCH COUNTY passage Half way the American un- sensitive nature. to completely close Plans for the Macon convention, the educntion of tihere was a IWantAd� namely, opposing great enterprise and tL. thi� trusted without del' the of Rivers Product. are te.tee! aDd approyed 10, But we Jet it go at that and market to foreign farm goods supervision' children through the tax on alcoholic All :..I marker upon a post which indicated of Re"earch and TecbDololJ'. LIBRARY ONE CENT A WORD PER ISSUE $2� call for a "revival of democ- UDited Drar Co.lnatitate it would never of Reid, name happen again. the American standard beverages. the number of the lot and the ti MONnlS GUARAN'l'II: lowel'ing edition of the Atlanta • including a mammoth parade of the Sunday's ,. •6VOLTS is in a bulletin just l'ary," W. T. Knox, superintendent inside the little expressed of the family living NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN at � living as the editor's' As the schools open for the Battery Oharging of floats from as many counties Constitution, reporting county CElliTS A the commit­ Waynesbol'o school�, today denied that cottage. 5110 published by agricultural immediately tUrn to Stores ...... participation with a group of Georgia :faB term, they Our Association of possible. the source of the free state books "Step said Tap Bennett, "this �EN\'Y-FJVE WE� tee of the National .. here," as a source of Unofficial were that the editors in an affah; at the Southeast� the county library The bulletin is part reports fund entered into consideration when ;!ilid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!����rffrrffrfrrrr� is one of our contented families; we Manufacturers. re- material. Three hundred and RENT-Six-room furnish­ would have a attend- em Fail' grounds Saturday night, reading FOR house, the committee gathering large school declined the books. 'I'here welcome I want this of a sel'ies prepared by the are always here; or 30 South Zet- the offense in these words: seven books have been issued to the ed unfurnished, ance with delegation votes split among rentul to lhe peated instruct industrialists about vari­ were books on hand fol' man to meet these people." terower avenue. MRS. LULA M. t.o ASSIJRANCE since 172 as desired to go under FOR Herald- as "Editor D. B. Turner, of the sub-librarians September 1, American farmers' many people as the board has been doing, And he led straight down the short DAVIS. (17sep2tc) ous phases of the pupils And is which were readers. Rivers banner. Journal, .Waycross." .'tbat of supplementary the so the stnte books wet'e not needed. which ended a(. the little path lovely has set CONCRETE watering troughs-50- problems. successful Chairman Jack Williams' paper. The Bulloch county library If Rivers is convention the invita­ SERVICE was a See Z. Whitehurst the new bulletin, this question The accepted OUR CLEANING bungalow. In the front there gallon capacity. In Democratic USE to a 'Sta'ndard for the surrounding James A. Farley, of the This thing is getting suspicious high at STATESBORO BURIAL VAULT How's not reserve the Amer- tion of Savannah to hold the Decem­ little plot of land. not larger than the .... is asked: HWhy it's done countJ'es that are J'nterested J'n or- national Qommittee will be in attend­ WILL GET THE BEST CLEANING us. We wonder why being CO., phone 319. (24sepltp) for the American farm­ ber meeting at Savannah. YOU KNOW YOU front 0 ff··Ice In wh'IC h these lines are icon mal'ket "'J'brarl'es. ]\'J'ss" CHAMPION at the convention. so ganJzJng count.y SALE-One 3- this: ance KNOW YOU ARE DEALING WITH duzen rows of studiously! FOlt QUICK large Your Roof? er 1" The answer, in brief is POSSIBLE. YOU being written. Half a the Notice to the Taxpayer. of the City supervisor of libraries of cane Some idea of what shape legislation Hinely, / roller mill, 50-gallon boiler, 1 it and has been, OF RESPONSIBILITY. roses bl oomed-wh'tI e, red ye 11 ow, anti tIte REBUILT PLUGS "!in general, is, of Statesboro AN ORGANIZATION First visited the this and one brood sow with eight pigs. Now's the time to re.roo(-hefore to be introduced at the next session of district, library the American are the Inside the G BulIdogs an the to reserve The books now open for radiant and beautiful. eorgia E. C. Statesboro. (24sltp) winter rains set in. Delny may menn policy meets week. She was much impressed by BROWN, the general assembly, which taxes. The hiU or for the American farmer. payment of your 1936 city house there was the voice of a radio. Grid Season extra for plastering papering. market Start what has been done here. Effingham MULES AND HORSES-Fresh car- in has come from Stare Sen­ date is November 1936. ill and Jet us the many the world war, January, closing 15, The of sacred music hushed DrOI) explain Particularly since THAC"STON�S singing is to have II; coun- load of good mules and horses just S. of Savannah. The welfare of your city and the county attempting advantages of roofing with CULF­ made to do that ator David Atkinson, uur knock at the door. 23.-Wbat will what want at the every effort has been institutions are in response to Athens, Ga., Sept. received; you right EACH a maintenance of your and Miss Hinely is assist- STEEL GALVANIZED ROOFING •.• in response to question ty library, Vine street amolute embargoes Atkinson, taxes. DRY CLEANERS A man the door and probably result in a fast and dizzy price. MALLARD BROS., 13c without adopting I dependent on the collection of: young opened Protecls home from fire and light� in this proJ·ect. your as to what legislation he would favor, this ing near postoffice. items We will your tpis here (17sep4tp)- many appreciate ere s 0 b eSJ'd e h'Jm an eIder I football season will as bad wcather ••• Bused and without excluding giving th to d y, begin a ning, well as the HOBSON Prop. Another book from the pen of .said he was for reorganization of matter immediate attention. 18 DuBOSE, - PHONE Geor- farm neal' on years of ,I,e mOil' econorn� Guaranteed not raised in this coun­ bent man, perhaps 80 years of age, Saturday as the University of STRAYED From my service, consumed but writer has just been com- board "so as to take it Thi& 25, 1936. Univer- Georgia about young icul roofing ,.ou can buy. sU;te h.ighway August om h'e mtro,I uced as h'IS father. and the Mercer Emit, August 15, wh gia Bulldogs Geor- try. J. L. RENFROE, Mayor. pI cted. This book is "Empire colored red and cream' - outl of politics." heifer, light 7 we examine our foreign in the house Bears meet in beautiful Sanfonl "But when _------Clerk. There was no one else sity STREAMLINE GLENN BLAND, City woman as gia Today in Pictur,es and Para- short horns with tips sawed off' re: farm adjoining WANTED-Settled white we find that it would FOR SALE-23-acre at t.he moment. Happily the younger Stadium. found. S. trade minutely, Dictator Stalin personally pinned a (27aug-12nov' and to care for two written by Mi'ss Wood- ward if L. FA1RCLClTH, limits of Statesboro, 22 acres housekeeper raphs," Emily • to achieve that unfurnished cily man led us from room to This week Coach Harry J. Mehre Route Statesboro. Guides be impossible the wrist of a little FOR RENT-Five-room ten- small children. Apply to MRS, WAL­ room, point- the writer de- 1, (24sepltp) Fender virtually strap watch to state of 'cultivation, good ward. In this book at 114 North jn high in Anderson- his 50 and at the same cot- apartment College will sell on LACE, Kennedy street, ing out furniture, rugs, handicraft, pushed approximately Bulldog FOR RENT - Furnished five-roo;;; objective absolutely, Russian girl who won the Soviet ant house and pecans; picts the past and present of Geor- Matoh the Linea street, at $15 per month. HOMER ville. (178eptltp) much of it made at the community candidates through their final pre- at 111 North Main time preserve the high AmeJ'iean record. The we terms. H. R. WILLIAMS, in all its and charm. A apartment ton-picking thing C. PARKER. (lOseptltp) easy \ need gia grandeur For New Oarl on the cheerful- season work. He stressed of the Singley apartment. of All standard of living. what kind of time factory development; valuable feature of this is its stl'e�t, want to know is, bogk see MRS. M. S. PITT- STATESBORO BUGGY & WAGON CO. are and he answered ques- speed, and had the squad moving . .. partIculars "The American citizen's tHstcs • ••�.�;;------.------. Jy intelligently h.Is(.orlC Th,s book WJIl be does it keep 'I MAN, 205 North Main street, phone STATE6dUKO. GEORGIA too .------Ip tions about his work and about his along briskly. .accuracy: '. too he wants and geta m an varied; placed the lIbrary at early (24sepltc) in a than team in his own farmers A Connecticut man who was neighbors. "I want you to see every- Bigger any Georgia many things which date. LOST-Setter about two the Bull- \286. dog years OT can motor accident told the judge his car we have," and he opened the the last eight years, 1936 either 'do not produce at all, thing old, white with larg.e brown spots ::::'�����������������������������_ our was worth and he wanted $75 cash - 66':w While room-a which we had have many possiblities. By posi- economically. $8 bath thing dogs REAL ESTATE BARGAINS lost in Statesboro on Thursday FOR SALE 50 Rhode hland red WANTED-Will pay cash for goot!. not produ�e Insurance Cost 'he fire Wbat a fine officer Your Coach it. a looks but --- .. to to Rfduce us in tions the good, will suit- at 75 MRS. used JOSIAH ZET- be able repair never before bad done for squad . 1 mght, September 17th; pay pullets cent� .each typewriter. lliuminated farmers might produce he does not know able reward. J. 1. Route JOHN Ga. TEROWER. or our citizens would make for the WPA, the PWA, strange home. You'd have already Mehre says yet 212 acres, 125 in cultivation, three AYCOCK, P.o.WELL, RegJster, (ltc) 17sep1tc) some of these things, . I . Statesboro. WITH team as a team. miles of 1, (24sepltp) without or PROPERTY surmJsedt hat Jt was as neat anti about the houses, good land, 1'1.. Nevils; be able to get along something. INSURE YOUR ", might ------reason for this is that the price $7,500. LOST- 0 of Statesboro Sat- interest of clean as skill m!lI a model house- One others, it may be in the 174 40 in cultivation n. CARD OF THANKS be al- acres, good steetst, a small pocketbook wife could it. did you starting eleven will probably urdali nIil' both and the general pub­ keep "Happy, land 7 miles 98c agriculture 'I , house, good south',contammg$20 five one-dollar a silver • different from one bills, INSURANCE CO. ask me 1 don't know what most entir,ely acre.' lic to continue the imports provided FIRE Man,] per dollar and some small change. For ATLANTIC MUTUAL Mercer [ would be doing if this hadn't been which took the field against 61 acres 40 in cultivation good reward return to MRS. SAM HAR­ - they do not drag down domestic price 2 OF SAVANNAH leave it for the battle last sea·son. house; godd land, some timber, Route Statesboro Cattle of an pro\'ilied for me. I wouldn't opening VILLE, 3, (24sltc) levels and provided exports miles of Denmark; price $1,350. Hogs FOR at guard, will for anything." Only Harry HRrman, WANTED TO RENT-Two or three- value arc ass\1l'�d!' 80 acres, 70 in cultivation, extra equivalent RESOURCES NEARLY $900,000 from the 1935 start- "[Ub SAFETY" out of the And as we wall,ed out of the kitch- be in the line-up goo� land! good house, 2 miles of h?rse farm, rood 1and, good foul' The bulletin shows that hus a new hav- 01' hve-room barn and other farm en Tap Bennett opened r. little se- ers. And he position, pTlce $2,750. dwelling, I will have in Statesboro on of $856,583,000 worth of foreign A STRONG GEORGIA COMPANY Nev�ls; within nve miles of Friday lithia been from tackle. Elght�room house, good condition, outbuildings, "-' manufacturers million acres of land could be used in cret door. "See here," he jng changed . '8RlJNSWlI'Il and imported saitl, Statesboro. Can furnish self. L. M. TIllES products who started at big lot, good neighborhood; price of now STATE FOR OVER 25 YEARS' is something extra which the... peo- Big Maurice Green, this week a carload of bred breeder into this country in 1932, a total of the production" many things SERVING THE INSURERS OF OUR $2,250. BROOKS, care F. C. Temples, agent pure will FOR QUALITY or­ and adds: pie have provided themselves;" and fullback last year, probably give G. & F. Railway. (24sepltp) FAMOUS $317,035,000 included things not bought abroad, how- JOSIAH ZETTEROWER that INSURES he shelves filled with can- way to Bill HnJ·tman. Green, in the United States. "In several cases, it appears displayed STRAYED-From near and cattle from the farm­ dinarily grown ",,======-======Donegal Sep- hogs just bought -A COMPLETE STOCK doubt into the ballie fish we could 01' make the - ned fruit and vegetables, pretty as ever, will no get tember three white and three them Bre certain kind� of while grow - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BRICK MER­ 1st, .tI; • Among DWELLING HOUSES be in the pictures. "This is what they are do- early. Try CARDUI For spotted shoats, weighing about 60 ers of Tennessee. are choice stock and coffee, tea, COCOft, spices, products in question, it may They furs, CANTILE BUILDINGS AND CONTENTS. ALSO AUTOMOBILES, for It is possible that a sopho- pounds each; al 0 two spotted sows, interest of and of the gen­ ing in preparation the winter," hardly Functional Paint rubber, gums, resins, balsams, urugs, agriculture Monthly marked swallow fork in right car and WINDSTORM AND PLATE GLASS. he said. "No, not al1 the families more' w-ill bTeak into the opening hides and skins, eral public to continue the imports, 'teen the and in left ear. For 're- and will be sold to the farmers of Bul- herbs, leaves, roots, will Women from the age to crep split have these those who line-up. There arc several who and materials. exports of an equivalent things; only change ot ille have tound Caroul waJtl notify JAS. A. BRANAN and drying tanning Provided these will be and care to have them have gone to the see action. Among genuinely helptul tor the ",lIef ot Statesboro. (24sepltc) loch county at right prices. The bulletin l'emRl'ks that uscvel'al value eould be a.sured provided trouble and labor." QUI'nton Lumpkin, of Macon, at cen- tunctlonn.! mont.hly pains due to lack the imports were not allowerl to drag SORRIER INSURANCE AGfN€Y, FOR SALE- Two houses on Inman Agents of JUlIt the right strength trom the TRESPASS NOTICE levels. Where was the lady of the home I ter; Bill Badgett, Knoxville, Tenn., down domestic price c. A. IIORRIER tood t.hey ea(.. Mrs. Crtt Haynes, of streel, six and seven-room, good wbile this husband carried tackle' Carrol Thomas Decatur end' "It is clear tha(. this way a larg­ young writes: 'f} used. cardul garage, lots 60x286 feet, making SOUTHERN wanlcd not to in GEORGIA EBaex, hto., nre and All persons land STATESBORO, Btrange'rs her home? "She's Mario� Gillespie, Elber'ton, Han'; when a I1rl for oramp' and found It "fer, large garden or chicken yards" sold er ,acreage of improved farm through hunt, fish or otherwise trespass on a small down with the he an- halfback. at sacrifice; payment, l)\cLetnore 1523rd would find economic use in producing at church Stephens, 0·. L. Hall in the children," the lands of R. C. ::�Cl� c�eo:�tl� .=.��.�� You can .in POLICY. HOLDERS had be•• on. bocli: ..... and .... In Qalance monthly. this 'way PRESENT SAVINGS TO ,·250/0 The will also their ...... p .. swered . Bulldogs play district. W W. MANN. (24.epltp) f

.. NEWS SIX THURSDAY SEPT 24 1936 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO Hal Stanley WrItes Sale UnCler Power In Seeurlty Deed I Sale Under Power In Security Deed NASHVILLE LED Edna P Rou8lleau •• Business •• for Dublin lVobodr's I Slogan "fly THE WAY W A Simpson (By GEE MeGEE IN tOBACCO PRICE

86 565 298 Pounds Sold In State For $18 145 .,57 F nal F gures Show

Petition for Dlamlaalon GEORGIA Bulloch County W F Thompson executor of the will of M s Emma E Thompson deceased hav ng app ed for d .mlss on from said executorsh p notice I. hereby given tbat 8a d app cat on will be heanl at my oft' ce on the first Mon day n October 1936 Th • September 8 1936 J E McCROAN Ordinary

A A Pe Lb Pe Lb 936 1935 2 96 2102 2040 1815 2203 93 2 6 1756 2208 2036 2040 1849 1576 683 2028 974 2344 2080 2039 33 1870 1802 20 6 1987 2278 8 3 1723 1642 2276 1990

2096 1891 DUPONT'S SALES (EDUCATORS page 1) TO NAZIS BARED Internat onal ·Spy Company s Part arm ng of Germany


Nat on W de Survey to Be Con ducted for Purpose of So c al Improvement

. ..



BIRTH .� *+ 10+·1 IIII I 1-1 +++++ I 1 I 1 1+ .. I 1 I II II 111 I •• 1 Naval Stores Men Mr and Mrs Orie Olhff, of Portal, BULLOCH Favor NONE-SUCH CAFE COUNTY_ announce the birth of a son on Sep- Crop Reports • ';IIE HEAl�T OF � ����OWA� tember 19th He has been named Place of Quahty-Modern Cookinl GEORGIA, ���m� • Savannah, Ga, Sept 17 -Govern­ Charles WIlham Mrs Olliff was be- BREAKFAS� "WHEU NATURE SMILBS.� BRADY, Editor mental forecasts of the naval stores fore her marriage MISS Geraldme We Fry Our Fresh Yard crop were favored by representatives '1"1' I I III I I II II I I 1 I I JoIo.Jolo...... Ellis, of Eggs In Butter.

- met 10 Savannah . of the who Statesb�r� • industry Famous for Watfles and Hot Cakes BULLOCH to diSCUSS what stabisttcs were .TIMES 10 STITCH AND CHATTERS PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY today ------A M Seligman spen t Tuesday FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS (STATESBORO I�::::£::::I of Uncle Sam's Mrs Lewis Cowart en­ The of the Presbyterian required Washmgton NEWS--STATESBORO EAGLE' Personal Augusta delightfully auxiliary 12 to 3 p m. Purely 10 Bulloch Established 1892 tertained the members of her church Will observe ItS annual bureau for this commodity Those Times, Mrs LOUIS Elhs has returned from sewing loyalty to Consolidated Tuesday Saturday 25 Statesboro News, Estabhshed 1901 January 17 , 1917. attendance were unaru­ } was a VISitor 10 Fla club Thursday afternoon at her home at the manse practically MIss Alma Gladm a VISIt to relatives 10 Orlando, meeting Monday, Sep- Statesboro Eagle, Estabhshed for Various 1917-Consohdated December 1920. STATESBORO, GA., an hour of at 4 Mr mous In expressing themselves Suppers 9, THURSDAy;ocTOBER 1,1936 Savannah Saturday IIlrs Fred Shearouse, of Sylvama, After chatting and sewmg tember 28th, o'clock, WIth 5 to 9 p. m., dally VOL. 46-NO. of was the the hostess served B sweet course. and Mrs Sneed a. hosts A the forecast 30e: 29 Mrs Eddie Durden, Metter, was 8 VIsitor 10 the city during Henry The naval stores men are also de- and Steaks Our Specialty, visitor 10 the Tuesday large attendance urged Chopa Full Grown a Cit)" week lSI FAIR Egg 8lrOUS advised as to room m town. OFFICIAlS t severa I little INFORMAL BRIDGE of being foreign The coziest dlninl BULLOCH SINGERS Ike IIltnkovltz spen days MENrs Brown and son, MARINES OFFER POULTRY IIlrs Edw10 Groover oca poduction Three quarterly reports 8TS. Gift to Editor RAISERS In Savannah In Savannah entertamed at BROUGHTON'" DRAYTON during the week Ronald, were VISitors TVhe Ipr:grt'.',�sue, Y �o!��I;;SBlble"_ MEET AT DENMARK the were endorsed EDUCATORS Thad MorriS several I her home on Savannah avenue Tues. Misses Mary C Sneed and Margie local Industry GA. LAY FINAL FIGHT Mrs spent Friday SAVANNAH, PLANS An of I egg unusual proportIOns was ADDED The Bulloch I sev- afternoon for two Dekle IonC F Speh, of Washington, repre- OPENINGS th e week 10 Atlanta • Franklin IS spen d ng day guests tables DULY County Slngll1g Asso­ days dunng IIIrs Ohn (24septfc) presented to CELEBRATE � Educational the editor th,s week ciatlon will moot of at an intorma ..on- Sentence be sentativs of the bureau of chemistry Features to Be Un- by 10 the TAX C of week WIth her parents litbridge par prayers, to opened auditorium of LAW Homer Parker, Atlanta, jom- eral day this y by A F Thir.ty-Five Men MEASURE _ Harris, subscriber who farms Young Mrs James Mrs Sneed and Salls of the Department of Agrl- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Re- der Direction of May Annual Denmark school all ed hIS famtly here for the week end at Johnston, of Har- Dr. Sutton Dotson-Rackley Picnic Sunday, October middle 10 near Statesboro. The measured Find at Conference - In farmer egg 10 At aev- 13 ster culture data on the spectable past Employment During 11, o'clock We WII! Statesboro 011 Mrs E G Cromartre IS spend 109 IIlrs L Chfton IS spendmg lormgnsonburg, Va, who Vls/tmg Mrs Devotional M ISS Eumce Le gatherlOg and Dr. Brittain. Held Near Statesboro have the port� needs white ml13t agbe8 7% Inches In Wishes of the naval stores em- housekeeper; CIrcumference the long Present new convenuon October saveral th,s week 10 Savannah this week m Sandersville Groover and other relatives In the Plano solo--MI8S Frances Dea.1 men, -- Month. books and a 15th To DIse:1I88 days eral and - Last large days woman of Judgment good reputa- way 6% inches Saturday. the need of full Final are by around, and number of Mr and Mrs. Walter Aldred Jr busmess city for a few days Introduction of topic-Mrs W. D phaaized eo-opera- home for ht rt plans being- Wllipped mto good smgers from thIS and Limitation on I tion permanent rtg pa y. C A Measure. ••• -weighed exactly 3 ounces Captain U S marme as uon if useful statistics are to be pro- Brooklet. shape for the of Bearing Small, If It IS true adJomlllg counties were buainess VISitors 10 Sava nnah Mr and Mrs G E Bean have I McGauley J L' LATZAK, Route 1, opening the matt that a shoemaker's fam- Officers for the in mmd that ordinary 2 corps off,cer 10 new The Frist distrIct rs Bean SPEND-THE-DAY PARTY An the work the d d elaborate and season aggs weigh charge of the diatrlct year will be elected at regional their his mother, M insight into of 00- (17sep2tp) complete from ily goes barefooted and a this time meetla, Monday. guest Will carpenter's October 4th to ounces, you observe that the prod­ Come out WIth of the Chalmers Frankhn spent several of Hazelhurst 'Mr and Mrs Otfs Groover enter- g mner children-c-Mrs Henry Elhs • 11tl'l the Southeastern recrutting headquarters, well filled lunch bas­ 'GeorgIa Education uct Savannah, fanlily lives It IS Assoclatloll :; Fair of Mr Harns' was one outdoors, equally kets and let's m Atlanta on and Carrie tained inforrna 11 Sund Wlth a A discusaion of work-Mrs has experienced since the hennery the L WIll be days during the week Mrs W D DaVIS Miss y ay prImary great announces that the enhstment enjoy day G held in Stateaboro on :VI�e�;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;=;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;l of which to be q�uota true that raisers Octobel' proud poultry feed on fish Banks 18 Savannah Mon- at their LeWIS Ellis Cotton States EXPOSitIon before for president and Frances business Lee Da VIS motored to I spend-the-day party country THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTS YOUR the October has been set at thir-ty- Trap­ 15th when Moore left home Their were Miss Ahce "Life - turn of t!te �o they Joillfy Which IS to nell, secretury Mrs Sam during I;lte day afternoon gue�ts Poem, Sculptor" VirgInIa century, according five, which Includes five vacancies for say Featuring the session here and d r MEATS statements Mike more than III week for Tybee, where she wil I spen Mra Josephine Hart left Sunday I Jones, of Savanna,h M an d Mrs Tomlinson ,. by Benton, president young men between 17 and �hat 500 poultry raisers . 18 years the other Remer and of the fair who GRAPE MARKET IS nme dlstCicts of the atate some time for New York CIty to VISit her daugh-! Brady children, Laura Juniors and theirt work-Mrs Wm asecctauon, says that of age to learn the drum and ate fish when they met here trumpet Satunlay Will be a of Sa- and Remer Misses An- Deal -But WHO your clothes? the entire fair program been All MAY fight agaln8t the 16-mUI IIltss Myrtice Zetttrower, ter Mrs DaVIS , Margaret Jr, inspects iJtas applicants must be WIth­ as guests of H. A ORGANIZE .Ingle, Dotson and W J tax amendment to week end here WIth several me Barnes and M JORes planned this season Wlth more care out the state constita_ vannah, spent last M' rs Alfred Dorman spent Working WIth tntermedlates-Mrs our BROUGHT dependents and our meala for TO CLOSE must the the government mspects pass 10 their tion •• "Certainly Rackley annual which Orvill« A WIth relatives 10 mn.le Ernest and With an eye to entertam­ picmc, Park, prominent Ma­ her parents. days last week Ramsay sake-because EAT Itl" )OU say Such lnapectton IS hea�'!:." gteater usual rigId examinatIOn 'we phYSical ROTARY con was HERE Emit CL ar� ment and educatIOn Income To Farmers Said To held on the edge of the attorney, Will be the speaker on Mr and Mrs W C Akms and NOVEL T UB Chorus, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," But for your health-protectIOn see also that spIW��R In additIOn to the above city The " . quota, Cap­ thiS 10 In I the same and attention. 0 e8 dreaded Undet the plcmc subject Statesboro were bUSiness VISitors Sa- L and The Novel T club held their meet- a of glven inspection thctU:0th:�:':ore directIOn of Dr tam began at 11 o'clock 111 AkinS ChMarrlestaonnd' SMrCs Sehgman by group young girls Wllhs Approximate $2,500 for Smull """ted that he WII! enhst the fore­ Visiting Rotarians Hosts Tues­ as germ-carrlers than even foods 1 Other speakers to be and I Wednes d th Mrs A diSCUSSion sentor to A Sutton, head of the Atlanta ten noon here on Oc. vannah Tuesday daughter Gertie, spent Thursday Ing ay of the cycle, school The Past Season. I mUSICians who can read and dinner was sel ved contlnu­ day to and play Evening Group of tober 15th malude L as no morel DI M Dr Thomas Alex. MISS Helen Hall, of Augusta, spent 10'h A Clifton mh°r"lngas tess wAI vanety be presentel:! by Mrs Henry Sneed Safeguard your health With germ-free c",,13 system, D Collins, stute su­ note Fllday clearungllt, by anyone of the follOWing ously until 3 O'clOCk 10