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The BG News April 26, 1973

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 26, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2844.

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The United Barring unforeseen developments, Charles W, Bray, a State Department State* and North Vietnam have agreed they will be followed in mid May with spokesman, said the diplomatic move to hold new direct negotiations in Paris talks between Henry A. Kissinger, the was initiated by the "as beginning tomorrow on the faltering national security advisor to President part of an effort to bring the Vietnam cease-fire agreement. Nixon, and North Vietnamese agreement as a whole back into an Initial sessions will be held between Politburo member Le Due Tho. effective force." William H. Sullivan, a deputy assistant The Sullivan-Thach meetings were secretary of state, and Nguyen Co announced simultaneously yesterday IN A FORMAL note two weeks ago. Thach. vice minister for foreign affairs at the White House and the North North Vietnam accused the United in the Hanoi government. Vietnamese Embassy in Paris. Later. States and South Vietnam of "grave violations" of the Jan. 27 agreement, including military thrusts at areas In the South under Viet Cong control. Agnew declares The United States responded last weekend with a note charging Hanoi and "its agents" with several serious breaches, including a clandestine buildup of supplies and 300.000 troops in trust in Nixon South Vietnam. Newiphete by Carl Seid WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice speak through such unidentified Elsewhere in Indochina, the United President Spiro T. Agnew. who has sources." Agnew said States has accused Hanoi of illegally French Though Bawling Green is a for cry from Poris, Franca, a French cafe was visible been described as "appalled'' by the supporting insurgents against the administration's handling of the Water- governments of Cambodia and Laos, yesterday outside the French House on sorority row. Tho ccrfo wos open in In other Watergate developments while North Vietnam has criticized conjunction with International Week. gate affair, said yesterday he has full -Atty. Gen Richard G, Kleindienst. confidence in President Nixon's inte- U.S. bombing operations in the two cafe who disqualified himself from the countries grity and bis ability to resolve the case administration's Watergate At a hastily scheduled news con- invetigation last week because of asso- Honald L Ziegler. the White House ference. Agnew simply read a pre- ciations with persons under investi- press secretary, said the purpose of the pared statement, then declined to gation, decided he would have nothing Sullivan Thach talks is "to prepare a answer newsmen's questions. to do with a Mew York grand jury's review of the implementation of the Finals week substitution ok'd "I want to make it very clear that I investigation of a mutual-fund scandal Paris agreement and of appropriate have full confidence in the integrity of either measures to bring about tne strict President Nixon and in his determina- A Justice Department spokesman implementation of the agreement." Academic Council yesterday substi- posal is not a new idea. per cent of the professors do not abide tion and ability to resolve the Water- said Kleindienst had decided to dis- tuted the traditional three-day finals "We've been playing around with the with the present exam schedule, in that gate matter to the full satisfaction of qualify himself from any participation U.S. OFFICIALS said, meanwhile, week with a temporary three-day idea for some time. It was brought up they often give their exams at earlier the American people." Agnew said in the probe that if Hanoi shows that it intends to regular class period to be used at the before Council last May and January, times than designated," he said. -Columnist Jack Anderson, after observe all provisions of the discretion of the professor. but it was tabled both times." he said In addition, he said the plan might EARLIER yesterday it was speaking with federal prosecutors, agreement, the Navy will resume The council voted to permit the in- allow for a change from the problems announced that Nixon's top staff mem agreed to stop quoting from transcripts minesweeping operations in North dividual professor to decide what be "I SEE THE proposal as an alter- often associated with finals week. bers have ceased their regular of secret testimony in the Watergate Vietnamese waters and delegate wanted to do with finals week- whether native to the present final exam sche- Arnold said he did not think the plan would be accepted by everyone and morning meetings. investigation, and said he probably will Maurice Williams will be sent back to to hold classes or give an examination dule. By extending the quarter by three return them Paris to continue discussions with days, a professor can add time to his that he expected a lot of fireworks" White House press secretary Ronald especially from professors not in favor Ziegler said the change, ending a North Vietnamese waters and delegate The practice, to be experimented schedule to use as he sees fit " routine that had prevailed since the BUT HE HEDGED on whether he Maurice Williams will be sent back to with on a year trial basis, will go into of it. Dr. Michael Ferrari, acting provost start of Nixon's first term, took place would paraphrase such testimony in Paris to continue discussions with effect fall quarter. He said he thought the plan was a "worthwhile change." and president of Academic Council, two or three weeks ago future stories, and said he would never North Vietnam on the economic recon- Bill Arnold, president of the Student But he said it isn't related to charges reveal where he got the transcripts. struction of the country. Body Organization iSBOl. said the pro- "A survey taken proved that about 40 was not available for comment that some top staff members are involved in the wiretapping or attempts to cover it up.

He also said no staff member has Council gives go-ahead on 13 budgets submitted a resignation because of the affair, and said H. R. Haldeman retains his spot as presidential chief of tuff. Haldeman didn't accompany By Jim Wasserman Auxiliary services are self- shop is $(.029 less than this year. to install 10.000 feet of drain tile on the tree plantings at the Ice Arena, to be Nixon to Florida on a recently Staff Reporter supporting operations which draw Milliron attributed the reduction of golf course at a cost of $2,000 The tile funded by the Ice Arena completed working holiday. money by charging for services income to "the increasing use of meal will be funded by the golf course The council rejected a request by Lie The University Budget Council provided. Two of the services, the coupons." current fund balance. athletic department for $1,280 to NEWS REPORTS had quoted yesterday approved IS uoJjiU for Health Center and the University golf A member of Budget Council replace tree plantings along Loop associates and friends of Agnew as auxiliary services for the 1973-74 course, also receive allocations from suggested closing the student snack Also approved was $450 to replace Road saying the vice president was upset academic year. the $50 per quarter student general fee. bar on the sixth floor of the over the affair and felt the President The recommendations will be The office services budget, Administration Bldg. had done too little to uncover the facts. presented to the University Board of presented by Frederick F. Fether. "We will have somewhat of a Moore dissuades "Let me emphasize that I do not Trustees assistant controller, called for $207,784 projection of where we stand in total expenditures for 1973-74 and an (financially) in September," Milliron income of $210,000. Fether said most said. expenses would be for supplies. He said because the Kreischer cutting student jobs Office services purchases office Quadrangle billiards room is not used supplies for the University and also enough, a committee has been formed Reducing student employment at the sequently rationalizing the advisability provides copying and mimeographing to turn it into an all-purpose room for University to cut operating costs of an extra charge for various services. services. dances and other activities. should be kept to "a bare minimum." "It Is my hope that we can keep Milliron said the campus laundry University President Hollis A. Moore these extra fees from proliferating. We DALE SHAFFER, director of service is adding a $4,000 dry cleaning Jr. said in a memorandum to Budget must also keep existing special Campus Safety, presented the Parking unit, which can dry-clean draperies Council yesterday. charges at present rates." the memo- Services Budget, which calls for and uniforms. "It was quite natural for any unit on randum stated. expenditures of $222,123 and income of campus to cut back its operating costs Dr. Moore said he was pleased with $222,650. MOST OF THE telephone budget is (in order to free money for salary the University's successful efforts to Shaffer said Parking Services used for operating expenses, Milliron increases) by reducing the anticipated hold the most significant elements of received $82,435 from student said. "That is the bill we get from the expenditures in the budget category cost to the student-room and board automobile registration and $52,190 phone company." temporary help." his memorandum rates and instructional and general from faculty-staff auto registration Dr. Michael Ferrari, acting provost, stated. fees-at essentially present levels during the 1972-73 academic year. asked Milliron to look into the financial He said it has received $43,400 from effects of operating campus telephones "INDIRECTLY, however, this is International Week; fines for student parking violations and under a system other than Centres. causing a severe cutback in the avail- $16,000 from non-student fines. Meter Milliron said he would also look into ability of employment for students on receipts have netted $28,585. Shaffer possibilities of leasing five or six cars the campus Re: Black Women' said. for a period of two or three years to cut "As such, it widens the gap between costs of transportation services. available resources and cost-of-college International and black women's NINE BUDGETS were presented by Dr. Richard Eakin, vice provost of for those students who can afford it week events continue today A. Inghram Milliron. director of student affairs, presented a revised least-namely, those who 'work their In conjunction with International auxiliary services. Budgets presented, budget for the University Health way through college." it stated. Week, foreign films from the Inter- with expenditures and income listed Center. He also asked that the "If we reduce income for those who national Film Festival at Cannes. respectively, were: allocations for the University Golf anticipated campus employment, then France will be shown tonight at 7 in 210 -Amain: $123,986. $125,575; Course be increased from $17,000 to we have in effect raised the costs ol Math-Science Bldg -University Bake Shop: $116,870, $20,000. college for them while holding it The films to be shown include $116,971; Both were approved. steady for other students, many of "String Bean." "Red Balloon." "The -Central Stores: $721,904. $722,000; whom are the most able to pay.'' Nose." "Mediterranean World" and -Kreischer Billiards $3,479, $4,400: THE BUDGET COUNCIL also Dr. Moore said if additional funds Africa." -Mid-American Room: $111,254. approved six requests from the athletic are available to the University, it is his Dr. Eileen Southern, author and $116,300; department. Four requests are to be intent to earmark some of them so educator, will lecture on African -Telephone Services: $661,483. financed by the Stadium current fund University units can restore student Tradition in Afro-American Music' at $662,000; balance. They are: employees. 8:15 tonight in the Recital Hall. School -Transportation Services: $55,366, -A building to cover portable high of Music Bldg. $55,400; jump and pole vault pits: $3,000; IN ADDITION, he said he is re- -Laundry: $92,226, $92,250; -A chain link fence along the west viewing the student employment area DR. SOUTHERN is chairperson of sideof the track $3,131. with a view toward improving its the Fine Arts-Performing Arts Depart- -Replacement of tree plantings in administration. ment at York College of the City Uni- MILLIRON SAID although there are the island between sidewalks near the President Moore also cited the versity of New York She is author of K'f ■ shine to bright that Chut* Bionk, senior (B.A.), can see fewer employees in the Amani, more Ice Arena and the Stadium: $4,130; danger of an increase in special fees the book. "The Music of Black Ameri- himsoH en the hood of h*i Ford Mustang outside Bromfield students are using the room. Projected -Installation of a telephone conduit and charges for certain courses. cans " Kofi. Tho usual cool weather may have kept some persons expenditures for the Amani for 1973-74 from a manhole south of the Stadium to "Such is the inevitable outcome of Her lecture is co-sponsored by the msUe yesterday, but in this cose, a dirty car took preference are $581 less than this academic year. the track press box: $400 academic departments making drastic Black Student Union iBSUI and the Total projected income for the bake The council also approved a request economies in their operations and con- music theory department. Page 2/Th* tO New.. Thursday, April 26, 1973

rncJBMft&s eorreRiaLS ^P insurance wm Unfortunately for too many people, renters' insurance is HOUSE something they don't think about until the day after a robbery or the day after a fire. And, for too many students, it's something they let their OPERATIONS parents handle instead of considering themselves. Saturday's fire at University Village was a tragic example of how catastrophes are not always confined to "the other [OBERLEUTNAKT guy;" they can hit us, too. HALDEMAN Yesterday's BG News survey of local insurance agencies pointed out one disturbing fact about insurance. Although many students can blithely rely on their parents' policies to bail them out of trouble, that kind of insurance may not be enough. In many cases, protection offered under a parents' policy provides only a maximum of $1,000. For students with stereo systems, musical instruments, cameras, furniture and basic household items, that $1,000 may not go very far. jTRVA/K For them, a renters' policy of their own may be a necessity, |Sl«\...| not a luxury. All students-particularly those living in off-campus apartments or houses-should take a close look at their parents' policies to see if they are covered and if that coverage is enough. ANYONE WANT TO TAKE THE MARTHA CALL?' If not, they should take the initiative to obtain a policy of their own. poster Because the next time, they may be "the other guy." tii shirks duty spare us your ivy ethics

The University of Toledo (TU) should do its part to support the Northwest Ohio University Computer Center (NOUC). By Nicholas von Hoffman the masters of money are derided as Eastern Establishmentarianism. at 20 NATO Ambassador and White House NOUC was designed as a joint operation by BGSU and TU, overly literate pansies rather than as Broad Street, New York City, right hanger-on , class ot but this University has been forced to assume more than its Baiting the Lastern Establishment overly powerful monopolists around the corner from Wall 54. and Secretary of the Treasury share of the financial burden. isn't i now sport in American politics . class of 42. who then | During this academic year, the University plans to spend nor. necessarily, a disreputable one THIS KIND OF DILUTED and AT LEAST NIXON, the son of a poor went to Boston and got a 1'h I) at MIT about $383,000 for NOUC operating expenses. From Andrew Jackson forward. imprecise speei'hmaking leads to great family, went to a nowhere little But maybe the best example of thel confusion over who this upper-class college, but get a look at the self-help kid who worked his way out of TU presently contributes nothing toward operating people in the rest of the country have feared and fought the money power of enemy is and why background of his Secretary of the slums is Peter Flanigan. whose expenses and because it uses the facilities only on a limited the Northeast Sometimes they've Is it the members of the New York Defense Harvard 41. Harvard Law mother was a Busch beer heiress and | scale, its dollar input is small. done it straight out by attacking Wall Stock Exchange, esthetes at Yale, School '47. and then, after clerking in whose lather was the head of Manu- Dr Lynn Bellamie, director of computer services at TU, Street and the bankers, and sometime-. pinkos in the State Department or fags the Supreme Court, he joins the Boston facturers-Hanover Trust, one of the| said his university is making a "tedious and expensive they've done it on the bias by making infiltrating the CIA? law firm of Ropes, Gray. Best, largest banks in the world. change" in its computers so it will be able to increase its fun of the rich fancy pants from With the Nixon crowd, the effecte, t'oolidge and Rugg Despite these disadvantages. Merely to read that name out loud is Flanigan was able to fight his way lol computer load at NOUC. Harvard. eastern, snob elite they lambast is to choke in the gold and social incense the top by graduating from Princeton I TU doesn't plan to assume any of the operating costs until In a capitalist nation where the use tbemielvi ■ ol the word capitalist is Irowncd on and Look at himself The of high-church Episcopalianism. i'491. He went on from there to be a I the 1973-74 academic year. the deceptive term "free enterprise law firm he left to take his present Nixon, in fact, is just as dependent on White House assistant to Nixon, bull Meanwhile, this University will continue to pay more than is favored, it shouldn't surprise us thai position is located in the citadel of Harvard swells, effete or otherwise, as retired from public service, doubtless! its share. mi John F Kennedy Our renowned to make a little money for his family! When the proposal to form the center was drawn up between Dr , this age's by becoming a partner in the Wall| the two universities, these financial problems were not degraded version of Benjamin Street lirm of Dillon, Reed Franklin, holds no less than three anticipated due to a lack of foresight. In the While House hacky-tacky degrees from that most Eslablish- flacky division of ghosts and gagl When representatives of the two schools meet this week, rHe BG news menlanan of all Eastern institutions writers, none have been more scornful! this University should demand that TU help finance the of effete, elite snobs than the thuggishl center. An Independent Student Voice SO ALSO WITH THAT won of the Patrick Buchanan and the urbane! great Harvard Law SO. Budget William Satire. Editorial Staff Director Hoy Ash. who wasn't able to keep Ins company out ol the red even WHEN HE'S DOING his number | with the defense contracts, graduated Buchanan doesn l tell you he's editor katherine I halton Irom the Harvard School of Business. graduate of Georgetown, thel legal contracts managing editor j. scoff tcredon ihr s.uiie place that made Robert expensive, ritzy, upper-class Roman! news editor kathleen m. fraie McNamara so smart. Catholic university Nor is he overly! editorial editor james m. carey And let s not forget Caspar anxious to let the public know that he makeup editor Curtis in. hazlett Weinberger, the Secretary of HEW. then plunged deeper into the ivy by| Those students whose jobs at the University Health Center who's making a name for himself as taking a degree at Columbia. sports editor frederic r ortlip were placed in jeopardy last week should take immediate the meanest man in America by Mr. Safire was able to rise above his photo editor morcia j. lamer action to ensure that the threat is not repeated in the future. cutting off aid to medicine. principled revulsion against thel Twenty-six students temporarily lost their jobs on Monday. copy editor . . . Joan c. gestl Hes Harvard College 38 and dandelions and daffodils of Easterrl April 16 because of financial problems. entertainment editor patrkia I bailey Harvard Law '41. James T. Lynn, the degeneracy and take a very highly paicl Dr. Kichard R. FJakin, vice provost for student affairs, new HUD Secretary who is also a job with-would you believe if The| member of Nixon's super-tiptop, non- New York Times ordered their jobs to be reinstated Tuesday. Business Staff Congressionally authorized Cabinet, But then our respected Secretary oil According to David Strominger. senior (A&S). some suffered through a bachelor's degree at business monager vaughn e. rockhold state William P. Rogers tColgate 3<| students were hired by a verbal agreement with implications declasse Western Reserve, but and Cornell Law '371. cashed hi: I advertising manager John g. pollock the job would be for the entire year. recouped by going to Harvard Law. paycheck as counsel for the equally! Other students were asked to sign "letters of intent.'" sales manager michael j. valentini Judging by the personal backgrounds odious Washington Post for a numbei| stating the intentions of the Health Center but legally assuring ot this work-ethic Administration, it of years without throwing up little Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall would appear that most of their effort The moral is not to burn dowil has been put into getting the silver Harvard. A university teaches things I This practice of hiring students without legitimate, court Phone 372 2003 spoons out of their mouths so they can not character or wisdom, and if it feelil standing contracts must be brought to an end. denounce their fellow Ivy League inclined to apologize for a Richardsoil Students should not be forced to lose their jobs or suffer the graduates and a McNamara. it can glory in iL'[ consequences due to University oversight or budget overruns. THUS WE HAVE ROGERS Morton, Emersons. its Frankfurters and it-j Students working for the Health Center or any other •*.•><••■ ,• ,Sa QMMH«| l4mmmi9Hm '-.*» a. „•* m iK« W. •< Ofca 0»«w~. at*m—4 k> •* Santayanas. men who did knov| »«»««i *• -- ~« «.-,., MAM *.. »G N. M ti—.-< (~« a another Old Blue. Nixon egghead Ray something of ethics. an incident from reoccurring. Price. Yale '51 From Princeton comes THE MORAL. IF THERE is one. i.l that these men. who revile their owil on the right beginnings to pose as fake average Mr I Americas, risk setting up their owi| destruction. If the likes of Flanigan have thei I worldly goods confiscated by a know | nothing mob of their own creation, it a small loss, but that same mob wil burn the libraries, too. rockefeller and his oyster bay bridge For everybody's sake, including it I own. the upper-class alumni had bette J By William F. Berkley Jr. Pericles' plan for the Parthenon in lideland and coves and inlets coaxing Would he proceed to build It? "Yep." economically artificial: and above all lay off Athens the land away from the owners, and said the Governor di would profane something that is Wothinflen Potl-Kma F»olutai Syrdicnta I The American public has been kept It is altogether possible that Nelson donated the property to the Asked how he would manage that unique to the entire area-the glorious more or less inlormed about the Rockefeller has never considered the Department of the Interior as a natural without the federal assistance 100-mile tongue of water which is a tribulations ol governor Nelson possibility that he was mistaken since refuge for the wildlife distinctive to apparently foreclosed by the decision source of pride, joy. and relaxation to Rockefeller of New York in recent his school days, a posture distinctly that part of the Sound of the Interior Department. Governor the hundreds of thousands of people let's hear from you] weeks, of which the most spectacular irritating and instantly discernible to But they did this with the proviso Rockefeller said, with that diffidence who love and revere it. The BG News welcomes all was his unsuccessful attempt to those others of us who share the that if it were ever decided to disfigure which is so endearing in him. "that's It is a pity the Good Lord, in letters to the editor and opinion impose a mayor ot his choosing on New Governor's disinclination to sell-doubt. that part of the world by using it as a up to me. You'll find out as the vouchsafing us Long Island Sound, did columns. Letters may comment York City At this moment, the Governor having gathering system for traffic to be scenario unfolds.' not show the prescience of the elders of By and large unpublicized. by been outfoxed, he is fuming mad about propelled across the Sound, the deal Ovster Bav. on any other letter, column or I contrast, is the setback Governor it. and before it is settled, the quarrel was retroactively cancelled, and the WHO KNOWS, perhaps the Governor THERE ARE HERE and there signs editorial Rockefeller recently ran into involving over the Long Island bridge may acreage would revert to the lormer has decided to pay for the 300 million that New York State is not absolutely Letters should be a maximum of | a viaduct across the western end of emerge as the most resonant collision owners dollar bridge out of his own pocket. the dominion of the Governor, that the 300 words, typewritten We ask ' Long Island Sound stretching from between the brazen forces of Meanwhile, the Regional Plan boundaries of Pocantico Hills are not that columns be no more than four Oyster Bay in the south five miles over progress and the more subtle forces A MONTH OR SO ago. the Interior Association of New York City has in fact co-extensive with those of New typed pages triple-spaced open water to Rye. New York. of adaptation, since the republic was Department ruled that under the issued a devastating analysis of the York State The News maintains the right to It is safe to say that Governor divided over the question of developing circumstances Governor Rockefeller's Long Island bridge proposal in which it But it is not only the New Yorkers edit all submissions that exceed Rockefeller desires that damned a supersonic transport. viaduct could not proceed across the points out that the venture a l would fight, it is everyone's mature enough to these limits, with respect to the bridge more than he desires any single scheduled site accommodate automobile traffic along acknowledge that the easy flow of laws of libel and proper taste project, short perhaps of the Brasilia THE TOWN OF OYSTER Bay is Governor Rockefeller was almost, the intended route for only ten years, automobile traffic is not the foremost Letters and columns must he is building in Albany. resolute against the bridge, and with bu! alas not entirely, speechless with bl would encourage the spread-city national imperative. include the author's name.' much forethought, the city fathers, in indignation, and at the first concept which undermines not only the Governor Rockefeller may discover address and phone number, and MOREOVER. HE TENDS to treat 1968, performed a wonderfully wily opportunity answered reporters' genuine city, but the suburbs; this as the scenario unfolds in the next may be mailed to the Editor, co' opponents of the bridge as the same deed questions about what he intended to do c) WOULD SUPPLY truck routes couple of years. The BG News 106 University fall kind of people who would have opposed They took 3.000 acres of creek and under the circumstances along a north-south artery that is Wo.hmjlan Sler-Kinf Features Syndicate Thundery, April 16, 1973, Th. to Nawt/fea* 3 Nixon aide status unchanged' Haldeman quits staff meetings

WASHINGTON (API - H possible involvement. "He is very much concen- The press secretary gave suggestion that the R Haldeman no longer pre- trating on this matter . He only limited responses to the President had know- sides at regular early HALDEMAN HAD is a man at work.'' Ziegler barrage of questions he ledge at that time is not morning meetings of senior presided over the daily responded faced at his first briefing correct." Ziegler said. presidential aides, but a sessions attended by such WHEN ASKED whether since last Thursday. But he He also noted, however, spokesman insisted Nixon aides as John Ehrlich- Nixon was angry, outraged, said he expects he could be that Nixon was deeply yesterday his status as man. Ziegler. . and or saddened by the major more responsive at some involved last year in a series White House chief of staff is George Shultz. new developments he point in the future." of summit conferences and unchanged Ziegler said the change in reported last week. Ziegler Ziegler did say. in in attempting to negotiate The regular daily procedure came because it said he was not prepared to response to questions, that an end to the Vietnam war. meetings, which had been was decided "we could be project that type of feeling there has been "no change in and thus "was depending on held since President Nixon more productive by on the the part of the Presi- the status of the White the ongoing investigations took office, were ended two meeting with individual dent ." House staff and that no taking place" to unravel the or three weeks ago. press members of the staff and "I have seen the President resignations have been sub- Watergate case. secretary Ronald L Ziegler with department heads in involved in a number of mitted by aides allegedly in- Haldeman in the past has said in response to ques- separate meetings. difficult situations in the volved in the Watergate usually been the first aide tions During yesterday's hour- four and one-half years he's case Nixon sees when he reaches But Ziegler quickly added long news briefing. Ziegler been in office and in each of He also denied that Nixon his office Asked whether that the change in procedure was asked about Nixon's these periods I have not de- was warned in August 1972 that was the case today. isn't related to the Water- mood as he pursues the tected a rnange in mood of the scope of the Ziegler said he didn't know gate scandal or Haldeman's Watergate investigation as such,'' Ziegler said Watergate scandal "Any but that I think Bob has seen him " Graduate newsnoTes drowns off four students on the KSU campus There was no immediate word on Census wrong May 4. 1970. was turned down by the the progress of the talks Fla. coast attorney general's office Classes and administrative offices A 1972 University grad- WASHINGTON (API The lensus have been closed at the private uate drowned Monday while Bureau yesterday reported it missed liberal arts school since list Friday Indian dies surfing in the Atlantic Ocean about 5 3 million persons in the 1970 Some students at the school have near West Palm Beach, Fla. census, an undercounl ol about 2 5 per been told they should seek financial RAPID CITY. S.D. (API An In- Frank Walker Jr. 23. was cent dian wounded lasl week in an ex- aid from private lending agencies However, census officials said at a about 300 yards from the change of gunfire with federal offi- The agencies have higher interest news conference that the undcrcount shore when he reportedly cers .it Wounded Knee died yester- rates than university-administered for 1970 was lower than lor both the called for help. A sling from day programs 1960 and 1950 censuses The I960 a rescue helicopter was From left, Beverly Harbay, a little sister for Omega Phi Pti It was the first death since militant undercounl was 2.7 per cent and in lowered, but he fell off as social fraternity; Jimi Pierre, pledge; George Miller, iraternily Indians look over the reservation 1950 it was 3 3 per cent. the sling was being raised. Roffle member; and David Turner, pledge, stand with the huge village 58 days ago in a protest that Secret Service Walker was the husband of ttuHed dog to be rallied oH today by the fraternity's has been marked by sporadic gunfire WASHINGTON (API - Security at KSU request the former Donna Coker of lampado Club Contributions will be given to the Heart Fund. Frank Clearwater. 47. died today in the White House is described as Foslona. KENT (APi - President Glen Old* a Rapid City hospital of a head wound adequate by the two lop U.S. Secret of Kent Stale University indicated sulfered lasl Tuesday during what Service officials. They said it didn't yesterday that the Watergate bugging federal officials called the heaviest seem likely President Nixon would case could lead to a possible gunfire exchange during the occupa- have to use an available tunnel to reopening of a request for a federal tion escape if a mob attempted to storm Peace plans discarded grand jury investigation of the Kenl Eleven persons, including two his official residence. State shootings nearly three years lederal marshals, have been reported James J Rowley, the Secret PARIS (API - The Saigon accord lor settlement of the in drafting (he Kissinger Ever since the Pans ago wounded since lollowers of the Service Director, and Thomas J. government and the Viet political stalemate Tho agreement, were sche- agreement was signed Jan Olds told i news conference (hat if American Indian Movemenl took Kelley. assistant director, testified duled lo meet tomorrow, 27. the parties have accused it is found that (he IS attorney over the town Tuesday in U.S. District Court The Cong handed each other FOR THE FIRST time presumably to prepare lor each other almost daily of general's office was in an) mj American Civil Liberties Union is sharply conflicting pro- since the talks opened the new Kissinger Tho talks violating its provisions. related to the Watergale affair. 1 challenging the legality of a posals yesterday lor a final March 19. the two sides think that would have a radical effect Antioch dispute regulation limiting the number of political settlement in South failed to set a date for their on the assessment of (he Congress demonstrators in front of the White Vietnam. YELLOW SPRINGS Ohio (API next meeting Representing with regard to the objectivity and House Each side quickly rejected Antioch College officials and striking the two sides are Saigon's 73-74 News, Key validity of determinations made by "if the president was in the White the key provisions of the students met yesterday in settle a deputy premier. Nguyen that office ' House, they (a violent crowd) other side's plan and dispute in which the students want l.uii Vien. and Minister of A request for a federal grand jury probably couldn't get to him." Kelley acknowledged failure to assurances that financial aid will not meet tomorrow's deadline State Nguyen Van Hieu of investigation of the shooting deaths ol be reduced said. top positions filled set bv the Paris cease-lire the Viet Cong. But the United States and The University Publications Committee Monday chose the North Vietnam agreed editor and business manager ol The Hi. News and co-editors meanwhile that Henry A. of Ihe Key for the 1973-74 academic year Kissinger and Hanoi Polit- Joan C. Gestl. junior (HA. A4Si. was named BG News buro member Le Due Tho editor A journalism and political science major, she has Kent State police patrol dorms will meet in Paris in mid- served as copy editor of The News. May to discuss violations of Roland P. Gabriel, junior I HA i. was selected as business the cease-fire provisions Campus police at Kent criminal research, said in editor of the Daily Kent were two attempted rapes offenders manager for The News A management major. Gabriel is they formulated in their currently an advertising salesman for The News State University I KSU I the Staler article (hat foot Slater, said he believes and 10 breaking and entering secret negotiations last SWAFFIELD said he Gestl and Gabriel will assume their duties Monday. May have begun palroling patrols were an expensive student reactions to the foot incidents involving vending winter. dormitories on a regular but necessary law enforce- patrols has been marked by machines during the week believes there has been only 14. basis in an attempt to ment device for the Kenl "an apathetic attitude." ending April 14. a slight increase in campus Deputy Asst. Secretary of Drewsilla Bostic. senior (B.A I. and Kathleen A Kamber, decrease the number of State campus "The students are really She also said the most crime in recent months Stale William L. Sullivan junior i A&S I, were named co-edilors of Ihe Key. campus crimes kind of indifferent to it. but I frequent crimes on the Kent It might just be that and Hanoi's deputy foreign Bostic. a journalism major, is now editor of the freshman In an article in the Daily THE ARTICLE said that don't really think they mind Slate campus were assaults we're starting to report it minister. Nguyen Co Thach. record for the Key. Kamber. a biology major, is currently Kent Stater, the campus campus policemen are now it." he said on women, thefts, armed better," he said. who also played a major role senior editor of Ihe Key. newspaper, a KSU admini- palroling on loot from 7 p.m. The articles quoted robberies, and crimes strator said the patrols were until 3 a.m. and can Herman as saying there committed bv out-of-town begun because of pressure lawfully patrol dormitory Fall Leases lirom students and two corridors " Sorority (Reduced Summer Lease Rates) women's groups Bui il added that "entry Margaret Herman, an into private rooms is Save the News ™9 Al-Lyn Apts. OPEN RUSH administrative specialist in forbidden. traffic planning and Bruce Swaffield. associate Fifth St. & Anyone Interested STAPIUM Bumpus Dahms Apts. THURSDAY IS STUDENT , -STAMVM-^ Register In ^iirtef«af NIGHT $1.00 & I.D. LCi*e?*a2 HELD 121 and 131 State St. NOW PLAYING - 8 00 P.M. only OVER • 2 Bdrm. Units • Close to Campus 440 Student Services ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! NOW PLAYING 2ND BIG WEEK • 24 Hr. Office Hrs. • 7 Days Wk. EVENINGS AT 7:00 & 9:30 • SAT. & SUN MAT 2.00 & 4:30 • 9 to 12 Month Leases Requirement Falcon Plaza Motel 2.2 Cummulative Ave. Overall and Previous Qtr. it "WHAT A STIRRING, Rental Office Falcon Plaza Motel SPELLBINDING ENTERTAINMENT." 353-9863 352-1973 NO FEE -AN*r*e 0*j«al. COucsboetU EOHfe* "BEST FILM THIS YEARI ?yi?ws?ws?» o*r. «-::• UniledAelisls only 65 For Fall: (9 month) 835 Fourth Street (based on 4 person occupancy) OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY i SUNDAY ONLY PROGRAM 2 Bedroom (4 man) 75.00/month • Facilities include gaaaaa ADMISSION J1.75 - FOR 3 BIG HITS! RATED-R SHOWS START AT 7:30 P.M. For Fall: (12 month) • IV* baths HELD OVER THIRD FEATURE 835 Fourth Street SECOND FEATURE • Wall to Wall Carpeting SHOWN EVE. 7.00 & 9:00 FRI. & SAT. FIRST FEATURE 2 Bedroom (4 man) 65.00/month ONLY f j'lfMyni PiClMfffft P'tltftls • Central Heat and A/C » HlMH tKttra Sejitlirijj ''•tuCUar. FLY GIRLS WHO 810-815 Fourth Street i B Whiles • Patio Grills KNOW WHAT It'sa-business,' i> 1 Bedroom Furnished 162.00/month TO DO FgR doinrj pleasure - ' 1 Bedroom Unfurnished 147.00/month • Indoor Pool OR TO A MAN with (> P* All Apartments Fully Furnished Contact Our Rental Agent at unless otherwise stated 741 High St. Air Conditioning — Lounge Facilities 352-6248 COLOR Laundry Facilities Hrs. 1012,1-5,711 Everyday but Wtd. Claudia CARDINALE LMJ.COBB J&G& AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL COLOR Call 354-1313 or see Apt 6, 835 Fourth Bates and Springer Inc. - **• 4/Th* M N. wt, Thundoy, April 26, 1973 g Rare books preserved Archives record history

Where do you go when you applications of former It also contains many old There are also collections need a November. 1943 issue students mo grades), and books including an 1855 of books by Thoreau, of The BG News? Or a 1955 pictures of buildings, edition of Walt Whitman's Whitman and H.G.Weils. yearbook? students and professors. "Leaves of Grass." two The answer might be the volumes of Galileo's Morton said both University Archives and THE RARE books depart- "Oialogo." one of which was departments depend heavily Rare Books departments in ment contains more than banned by the Catholic on gifts from University 310 and 311 Library 3.100 volumes of limited and church for "heretical departments and area Stephen Morton. Univer- autographed editions of teachings;" and a 1497 edi- foundations, although many sity archivist and rare books books in English and Ameri- tion of the Latin Old Testa- of the rare books were dis- librarian, heads the depart- can literature and Ohio and ment printed in Nuremburg. covered in the stacks of the ments, which contain docu- regional history. Germany. Library. ments ranging from a 1497 copy of the Latin Old Testa- ment to the first copies of The BG News. Michigan dean to talk The two departments are currently connected because of budget problems. on science, technology "VERY FEW students and faculty members realize NnnplwtobyCariMd i we exist." Morton said Dr. Frank II T Rhodes, "It may be that the quali- British Broadcasting Old transcripts, admission applications, graduation applications and gradt The archives, begun in dean of the college of lit- ties we measure have as Corporation series on "The transfers or* being filed by Stephen Morton, University archivist and rare erature, sciences and the little relation to the world Planet Earth." 1967 when the Library Archives books librarian, loft. Assisting him are Dorothy Donnells, secretary, and Dave opened, preserve docu- arts at the University of itself as a telephone number His free public lecture is ments about the Univer- Michigan, will speak tonight to its subscriber," he said. sponsored by Sigma Xi. pro- Amstutx, junior (Ed.). All papers are at least five years old. sity's development. It at 7:30 in the Alumni Room, fessional science society. basically provides a compre- Union. A NATIVE of England. hensive study of all aspects In the April 23 issui of Dr. Rhodes received his of the University, Morion Time. Or. Rhodes was cited Ph.D. from the University of said along with other American Birmingham and has taught scientific experts on the at the universities of Illinois. Respect, love roles discussed The archives include a copy of each yearbook since growing disillusionment Durham. Wales and Michi- 1918. copies of all theses and with science and technology gan. His special fields are Elders are held in high esteem and dissertations written for in America, and the growing geology, mineralogy and Olade Ajala, graduate student from He referred to the Yoruba attitude ELDERS, on the other hand, are any disrespect is frowned upon by the graduate degrees at the Uni- feeling that within science paleontology Nigeria, Tuesday discussed multiple toward greetings, relationships with expected to demonstrate love by versity: old campus maps there should be room for the Dr. Rhodes served as roles of respect and love in the friends and relatives, parent-child helping the youths get up society, he said and brochures; high school nonobjective. mystical and author, consultant and parti- Yoruba culture in the third lecture of relationships, generosity and warm Ajala said the Yorubas have appro- The next lecture in the non-western records and University even irrational. cipant in a nation-wide the non-western culture series. ness to new acquaintances. priate greetings for all events, from Ajala said traditionally the concept Male youths are expected to pros- marriage to death to relaxation culture series will be May 1 in 203 of love and respect form the main- trate themselves (lying stomach Hayes Hall Rabab Asbahi of Syria spring of most other components of down i when greeting an elder, while He said the hierarchical order ol will discuss the role of women in the Yoruba culture. girls are expected to kneel, he said the society favors this concept Syria and the Arab world

Model Open...Noon till 6 P.M. City will install CAMPUS MANOR 21 railroad signs APARTMENTS The city plans to install 21 cials agreed to replace the yellow pre-warning signs at crossbucks. after the city Behind Burger Chef Next to Sterling 11 Penn Central railroad offered to clear brush and t-rossings purchase pre-warning signs Fire Chief Howard Rutter 'We've ordered the pre- NOW RENTING FOR SUMMER AND FALL said a survey conducted by warning signs, but so far the city found that at many there's been no action from crossings, the crossbucks the railroad.' Rutter OPENINGS FOR 1-4 STUDENTS were damaged or missing, commented * Special Summer Rates that brush obstructed Bowling Green is con- motorists' view of the tracks tinuing negotiation^ with and that yellow pre warning railroad officials for • Practically on campus - 2 minute walk signs were missing warning lights at the East • All new modern and furnished He said Penn Central offi- Poe Road crossing, he said • Plenty of free parking • Cable TV • Gas hot water heat & air conditioning 1616 E WOOSTER ST PHONE 352-7248 • Twenty business locations at your fingertips DISCOUNT • Communications system between apartment DRUG STORES and front door Enjoy Good Living • A location that requires no car TERRY TOWELS in Evenings 200 SHEET

MODEL OPEN NOON till 6 P.M. 352-7365 NOTEBOOK PAPER 12x15 OR LARGER TURKISH TOWELS or NARROW MARGINAL RULED ALL COTTON - BAG OF 5-| Birchwood Place 650 6th St. 1 352-9302 352-8033 REGULAR 59* REGULAR 99 Buckeye House 649 6th St. NOW 35< )\ Mt. Vernon 802 6th St. NOW 69< TWICE AS NICE SHAMPOO & PLASTIC MUGS Other Various Apartments and Houses CONDITIONER Now Leasing Spring, Summer, and Fall DRY. NORMAL & OILY DISPOSABLE OR REUSABLE . 7 0Z. PACK OF 10 * MFC'S LIST $1.55 REGULAR 59* GRAY'S EVERYDAY • Apuimtnii tttt complettly luinishtd if*dy lo It occupied •Utilities paid eicept electric Right here in good ol' LOW PRICE $1.39 ; •Cirpmd halls and iniide ■ntiincis eW shaped living dining area c NOW 39< •Ctntril Gil an conditioning ind htltmg with individual •Wall to wall cirpetmg NOW 99 iptvtmtnt contioli Bowling Green at the 4-D's Club •JSound conditioned intinoi •Kitctitns coma iquipptd with gas langas lood Aisle WORTHALL FOLDING •Cable I V K0TEX TAMPONS disposal 1 •f tea large closets •Mjoomy mi.ion *nh conciete block luenvalls on 7th & High St. FEMININE SYRINGE SUPER OR REGULAR •Insulated window glass •Gas lighted anttance BOX OF 40 ill •Sliding glass doois to balcony 2 YEAR GUARANTEE •Gas equipped laundry .iaa available m each spjnment MFG'S LIST $1.93 on Saturday, April 28, REGULAR $1.98 ] Mttaj •fast recovery 8" water heating GRAY'S EVERYDAY d •Outdoor Gai gii»s available lo each building •Twni beds m each bedroom LOW PRICE $1.69 • Amplt oil street perking •Built m vanity in hallway from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. NOW 99* •880 sq ti per apartment •linen closet NOW'P •? bedrooms — 1W baths •f uhjstve membership to 4D s with party facilities, hit CLAIROL then bar indoor pool pool table MEN'S • you can dig BACKSLIDE doin' some HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO LONG SLEEVES Boogie and Blues. WITH NATURAL PROTEIN DRESS SHIRTS Based On Four Man Rentals 4 02 MFG'S LIST 89C SIZES 14*17 50 ASSORTED COLORS 12 mo. $60.00 mo. and 9 mo. - $65.00 mo. • Admission $1 GRAY'S EVERYOAY LOW PRICE 71« REGULAR $2.99 $ • Free refreshments & swimming! NOW 50' NOW 2 m 4" Office at 4D's at Seventh and High Streets ARRID LIGHT POWDER Hours from 1-5 or by Appointment • Members admitted free LEPAGE'S THWFTAPE ANTI-PERSPIRANT SPRAY 6 0Z. VixlOOOin. MFG'S LIST $1.29 REGULAR 33< Call 352 9378 Days GRAY'S EVERYDAY 352-7740 Evenings NOW 24* 352-7324 Other »5< So. College. Specials thru Sunday - Rights to limit Quantities TKundov, AprN 26. 1*73. Th. M N.wi/P««. 3 B/ocks need media input

The best way to change in New Orleans. Kennedy we hadn't been kept out She said while there is "no appears to be bad the image of black people worked for two years as a systematically for 20 years, such thing as complete ob- "This business is based on conveyed by the media is to researcher for "Playboy" they wouldn't be looking for jectivity." the only way a headlines, scandals and "get us in the magazine. She was recently us now ' reporter or a station can scoops." she said. "You management." Royal hired as an urban affairs Kennedy said the media keep the viewers' can't survive without Kennedy said yesterday. reporter by NBC-TV in first became aware of a confidence is by being confidential sources." The featured speaker for Cleveland need for black reporters in truthful this week's "Re: Black 1967 during the Detroit not. Since time allotment on Women'' program. Kennedy KENNEDY SAID part of Were the only people "PEOPLE ARE very television is short, she said a discussed training for the reason she was hired by who can tell the story the sensitive about seeing reporter can only give the persons who want to work in NBC was that she is a black way it is." she said themselves on television," essence or the "most the media and related some woman. "There's only one way of Kennedy said She added, exciting" segment of an of her own experiences "It will be easier for us to getting at the black however, that it is important event Prior to an 18-month stint get into the media in the perspective--bv being for a reporter to report a The normal time slot is at WDSU television station future." Kennedy said if black situation as it is. even if it one and one-half minutes. However, she was allowed lour minutes to present a summary on last fall's violence at Southern Bike registration urged University in Baton Rouge. La . which she covered while working in New Riding a bicycle may be dents to register their all bicycles to include a bell the city and 50 cents is Orleans. faster than walking, but it bicycles with the city or the or "other device capable of deposited in a bicycle may also present some Campus Safety office to an audible signal." A light account used to purchase Thai was my most expensive problems. insure faster recovery of must also be placed on the new campus bicycle racks difficult assignment." she Lt Matt C. Brichta of the stolen bicycles. front of the bicycle and a tail One registration is good said I had personal Bowling Green police force Bicycle registrations are light or reflector on the for the life ot the bicycle, feelings about it. 1 believed Royal KennaaV estimated recently that one required by a Bowling Green back The lights must be Sgt Jones said ihe students were right." out of every 10 bicycles is ordinance and a University visible for at least 500 feet stolen motor vehicle regulation Students may register Of the 150-200 bicycles Bicycles must also comply their bicycles with the city stolen each year, about 60 with vehicle regulations or at the Campus Safety Gas escape forces evacuation per cent are eventually re- outlined by the Codified office in Commons covered, he said Ordinances of Bowling REGISTRANTS will pleted two 300-foot relief Green receive a certificate of WILLIAMSBURG, Mich into its second week. Wood- yesterday. A company One DNR geologist said LT. BRICHTA urged stu- Those ordinances require registration for a $1 fee. A (API - "It's like walking in ruff said the situation is spokesman said Amoco holes in the area but neither "Gas with about 3.000 numerical and alphabetical Transylvania There's water about what we have dumped 1.300 barrels of showed any signs of water or pounds per square inch pres- gas. Two other shallow- sure is coming out of that record of the student's and gas bubbling all around expected There's still gas heavy mud into the 6.200 foot Police blotter name, and the bicycle's you It's hairy." bubbling out As one blow- shaft Tuesday to plug it but relief holes were being well underground We don't make model, color and That was the report hole subsides, others break the effort failed. drilled yesterday, he said know where it's going but Amoco has denied its well there's a lot of gas being Campus Safety received of a tire on a car parked in serial number will be kept yesterday from James out. Another batch of still Lot 8 i a commuter lot) and Woodruff, director of the heavier mud-water mixture is the source of the gas built up down there " reports of two petit on file in the city police which has permeated the Two more families were larcenies and two breaking three dents were made in department Michigan Public Service "EVEN IF the problem is was injected into the well Sgt Melvin K Jones, Commission, after touring solved, they won't be able to yesterday and Amoco offi- area around Wilhamsburg. evacuated Tuesday night, and enterings on Tuesday. the side of the vehicle The but Department of Natural bringing to 65 the number of At 9 50 am a woman owner said that the air had supervisor of the Campus this half-abandoned town get back into those homes cial H. B LeKever said the whose inhabitants were lor some time." efforts were showing Resources i DNR t and other families evacuated in the reported that her wallet was been let out of the tires Safety parking bureau, said past week They represent twice before a serial number can be lorced to flee by an eruption Kfforts to plug a natural promising results " state officials say they taken from her purse while believe the well is respon- about 250 of Williamsburg's she was in Hayes Hall. Campus Safety also applied to any bicycle that of natural gas blowholes gas well drilled by Amoco Production Co continued HE SAID Amoco has com- sible for the p-oblem. 450 population A resident of McDonald handled a case of disorderly does not already have one As the evacuation moved West reported at 1 42 p m. conduct in which a youth If the bicycle is registered Tsar that her clothes had been was turned over to juvenile at Campus Safety. 50 cents taken from a dormitory authorities of the $1 charge is given to washing machine A breaking and entering at 504 Offenhauer A was HAVEN HOUSE MANOR APTS reported at 4:46 p.m. A locked room was entered 1515 E. WOOSTER and a 24mm camera lens valued at $194 was taken The other breaking and NEW BUILDING COMPLETED entering occurred at the handball courts in the Stadium Bldg. A padlock 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS- was taken off a locker and COMPLETELY FURNISHED the $34 worth of equipment was taken MODEL SUITE IN OTHER reports, an HOURS: arrest was made for CALL violating "do not enter" 12-5 signs on Centrex Drive. NOW A bicycle worth $35. which 352-7444 LEASING was unlocked, was stolen from outside Dunbar Hall. A report of vehicle tampering was also received Air was taken out Schnitzel foodie Inc. Social studies topic of speech today at 4 p.m. A Bowling Green Harris L Dante, president of the National Council for Establishment Social Studies, will speak about history in modern secondary social studies and humanities programs today Since 1602 at 4 p.m. Sponsored by the history department, he will speak in the Alumni Room. Union — Come In — We Want Your Crisis Phone — Business — 352-PLUS

North Grove Apts. 1005 North Grove Street 9 Month Lease 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE •PARTS FOR IMPORT & Unfurnished $160.00 DOMESTIC CARS Furnished $180.00 • FREE Teletype Parts (2-3-4 man) Locator Service • TOLL-FREE Phone Call Res. Mgr. B-7 From B.G. 353-5891 — Ask operator for Management by Enterprize 2433 - Pendleton • Oip this BG Hews Ad and Save 10% on purchase Realty Co. North 1-75 Expressway on Exit 95 (Miami SL) 353-3641 7 10 mile off 175 m2®MMMMMJS^m< 4/Th« BG Nawi. Thur«l

Sign-up for the following presented at the time of Acctg B/Acctg. Mass-All majors: limited Stu. combination, Soc. ogy, other areas welcome May I job interviews will begin sign-up number of Eng.. PE and Stu Eng combination Group session at 4 p.m. for Monday. April 30. in the May 8 SCHOOLS Soc. Stu. all interested candidates Ohio Dept of Health- Knox County Schools. May 11 forum. Student Services BUSINESS who are unable to get on the B mm of 30 hours in either Bldg Sign-up for non school Equitable of Iowa-B/any May 8 Ohio-Elem K-6. Art 7-12. schedule. Must turn in schedules i business, govern- May 7 field interested in sales. Guidance-female 7-12, Ind. Lakewood Public Schools, resume or data sheet. Biology or Chemistry. - ment! will be from 12 30- Clermont County Schools, Arts, French/Eng. combina- Ohio-Elem. K-8, Girls PE- Training program. Positions 1:30 p.m. and school sche (;iidden-l)urkee-Summer May 10 Ohio-Rescheduled from tion. Spanish, Eng. or Soc. HS. Deaf Ed , HS Physiol- AGENCIES in various areas of Ohio. dules from 4-5 p m A data Intern Accounting March 28. Sec -Math. F.MR- sheet or resume must be Trainees-juniors-major Union Carbide Corp- K-12. Soc. Sci and Gen. Sci.. Home Econ-Sec.. I ml Ed- Sec.. Library Sci.-Sec. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 Gen I I c*tur<-. C«>rp Suspect files innocent plea Columbia High School, Ohio-HS Eng -Speech/ Jour- ACROSS DOWN guilty to a charge of aiding nalism. Voc Bus. Ed., HS Terry L Meeker. 22. I■ null.n at 937 \ Main St I Edna Ferlirr 1 Place. formerly of 937 N Main St . Also charged were Lee and abetting the shooting Guidance Counselor-female- novel. 2 I -nnr ipecrh. pleaded innocent Tuesday in Fletcher. 23, of the North with intent to kill. Charges M.A.. Middle School 6 Dairy product. 3 Campanile. 10 Oriental mu- » Black or blue Wood County Common fleas Main Street address, and of aiding and abetting the Sci 'coaching football and ll Pax. basketball. Librarian. liquid. Court to charges of shooting Carol Bogart, 23. senior armed robbery and I"i Buffalo'* water- 5 Hurry up: Slang. with intent to kill, armed IA&SI. of 119 University blackmail were dropped Middle School Math front. Phrase. Bogart has pleaded coaching. IfS t tlilrf ur.illMil 6 t urii|irf- -ion robbery, and blackmail Lane iin-il.- pit. innocent to the same 7 Annoys, 17 Pull n« plinrhr-. 8 Recline. Meeker was charged in Fletcher was sentenced charges Fletcher received. May 10 19 Swatch. 9 I .IMIMII movie the Feb. 12 shooting of Monday to serve from one to No trial date has been set 20 Annex. cops. 21 Trajrrlorir.. Charles Holtgreven. 39. 21) years after pleading lor Meeker or Bogart Newton fublic Schools. 10 Gives confidence. 22 Waterway. 11 Drop. 14 Rrowni»lvyeIloM. 12 Shade of blue. 2ft K.iiii..! rMi mid 13 Dreamed. don-.. 18 Samovari. 2? Handsome nnr. 23 Prelii. 20 CliMened. 25 Cuckoo. Thursday 30 Provide' with a 2ft Move* rapidly (eruke. on fool. 'eapon of a sort. 27 Retired. 35 Earlier: Poet. 2H " . Mable" 36 Collreted liii hy 29 Like shale. bit. 31 Factions Qt. Coke Night 3R < j--iin .ii \ - 32 Faltered. rousin. 33 Leave out. 39 H„lk U Hothead*. 41 \ I'.lim-t'- nerd. 37 Raises! reg. 35

» .Name*akr« of a 5ft Upon: Prefix. j A ' i PBiSiA Ik ■ iii.mi tn -t lady. 57 Undo, in poetry. ■ i ' i M SBTn E c ' i A ' : Domino's is student managed! »'» Tree yielding a H 1 A . ■' H A poison, ! ( ( 1 i EM nil Overturn, H * U ' t i ■ ' A - ft I Onl). . . •_;( RBIN I . A ! 5 h2 < ,III-I- for regret. BBBB] I » u s ■ ! ■ all Domino's is holding the price line — unlike our main competition, we have ft3 bear. •• S A ! aaa ' A c A i A 1 A I) I us ■■ I 1 1 N increased our efficiency rather than raise prices due to food cost increases. i> ' A 1 1 M f N 1 f • A \ Domino's continues to put out the best pizza and give the best service in town. c 0 ■ I BB1 ■■ s f '• 1 t> • E i CALL DOMINO'S for the BEST! 352-5221 The Pizza People, Period ~*m>~ CLaSSIFIED «■»

68 M.iiihu 327. auto PS 7365 CAMPUS CALENDAR Attention fraternities' Are good condition 3524>858 you missing a composite" 11 > man needed to rent NOW Thursday. April» 1973 Where is it' Maybe Us on For sale- 2 girls bikes SIS thru summer Greenview OUR BODIES, the "moon"" each rail 352 7076 alter ph 352 t*w TheBG S. h.-.l "I S.-II Drlrnse will * 50 pm in 212 4 00 Women sBldg Phi Kappa Psi Little Sis 2 bedrm apt to sublet lor Rush Tuesday and 1971 Honda 100- excellent summer Fantastic deal Christian Science Organization will hold a testimonial Thursday. 7 8 pm condition Only 1000 miles 352-5378 alter 8 meeting at 6 30 pm in I'rout Chapel All are welcome to Starting pnif $275 Call 352- attend Have a happv birthdav Gale 5771 alter 5 00 Must sell this t nlurnished one bedroom Rae - TPK spring apt 461 S Summit Married The BGSI' Karate Club will meet in the Forum of couple moving Retng OURSELVES Student Services at 7-9 pm Open to the public The brothers say congrats 72 Opel 1900 station wagon stove, carpet A C pool etc to lieorge Resanovich and KM stereo system Best 352 7962 352 9135 in Frank H T Rhodes Dean ol College of Literature Fat Ankrom who have been offer Weekdays after 5 00 Arts and Sciences at V ol Mich . Ann Arbor, will speak on named 1973 football cheer ph 354 3802 2 persons needed to sublet Science and Society in the Alumni Room ol the Cnion at leaders Phi Kappa Tau apt for sum Air-cond June 7 30 pm I'ndergrads. grad students, (acuity, and public 64 Triumph TR-4 needs rent paid call 352 7927 after invited No tee CBS -Congratulations on work Make olfer Will 7 pm vour Sigma Nu activation bargain 353 2721 The Swan Club presents the water show. Say It With JSB Need I F rmmt to sblt 1 A Book By and For Women Flowers.' at 8 15 pm in the Natatonum Tickets may be Siberian Huskv puppies bdrm apt sum qtr (all purchased at Women's Bldg box office from 12-4 pm or at April showers bring Mayes AKC registered B W blue 352 5079 by The Boston door Doors open 7 30 pm flowers What do Mayes eyes Terms reasonable (lowers bring'' An Phone 669 4493 HOI SfcS & APTS FOR Women's Health The Pentecostal Bible Cla i will meet at the tU'F Center engagement ring' Congrats RENT t'ALL352-9j:8 Book Collective at 9 pm Joan* Rulus TheM R s For sale Fender Jazz Bass w case Bob 352 4218 I M rmt in BG summer 832- Ihis honest and challenging book explores some mapi as Congratulations Pat and 24118am 4pm bass plater 354-0472 George on making cheer Saxophone tor sale 125 or pects ol a woman's life in relation to her body-including her leading Good luck for a best olfer Motorcycle Apts lor summer & fall physiology, her sexuality, her health needs The women's Need ride to New York Citv Wanted 6 string acoustical super season"' Love Carol fiberglass saddlebags In all rental Special summer group that wrote this book found that they could not trust the Mav3.3&2 9261 guitar call 352 7880 and Kathie English bikes S25 See Todd rates 1 block to campus No 32 Shatzel or No 213 \pplv Hamblin Cleaners or generally male medical establishment Sharing their ex- HELP W ANTKO Wanted Bicvcle rack to lit Shawn Locker and Jed Brut Village Green Apt call 353-4673 before 5 pm or periences with one another, they discovered that there was an Mustang (or next to nothing are lavaliered That s good 353 3143 after 6 pm imperative need lor women everywhere to learn together Waitress wanted Pagliai s 354-Oi95afler7 30 news Best wishes Phi Panasonic Model KS820 Piua Appl> in person 1004 about their bodies in order to have control over them, and over Kappa Tau stereo AM FM 8-track Uailable tall & summer S Main recorder player with leases Close to campus their loves FREE HOUSE FOR Jl LY Swan Club presents Sav It speakers Call 372 1756 Phone 352-1973 353-9063 These papers-among them ones on anatomy, sexuality, Professional photographer Married couple wanted to With Flowers a water before 6 or alter 10 needs several girls for live in prolessor s house show April 26 27 28. 8 15 Teachers grad students birth control, abortion, nutrition, exercise, childbeanng. meno- campus photography For during July Air pm at Natatonum Tickets Mobile home 12 x 65 2 Ig voung working people- turn pause, common medical problems ol women, and the health info call 352 0000 conditioned Cse ol air 1100 bdrms full awning 2 bdrm apt for summer establishment-are carefully researched, directly presented, conditioned car Cat care washer drver Mam extras Ph 352 8161 mornings and well illustrated Attractive girls wanted lor and lawn care needed Square Dance at Yollmars Must see to appreciate Tall barmaids full or part time Tiding mower i References Park i on south side of 669-6245 669 4713 alter 5 I nfur 2 brm k 1 bath apt Our Bodies. Ourselves is written by women lor women, to Experience preferred required 352-0981 Maumee River between to sublet in BG 1150 mo communicate their excitement about the power of shared in Apply in person Petti s Grand Rapids 4 For sale- Combo-organ Vox Ph 353-7701 formation, to assert that in an age ol professionals women are Alpine Village 117 N Main Waterville< ApriL 28th Jaguar Heath Kit $250 or PERSONALS 9pm l am Music it calling best oiler Call 372 3478 lor THl RSTIN MANOR the best experts on themselves and their feelings, to begin the by Bob Bradley Bovs Dame Dale APARTMENTS collective struggle tor adequate health care It seeks to stimu SKHV1CF.SOFFF.RKD sponsored bv Little League NOW LEASING ass.'* WEEK END SALE 26th SI 50 single. $3 double Come 65 Dodge Dart for sale New FOR SIMMER late women to discussion and to action, always making room 27th. 2Sth 25-, OFF ON single or bring a square trv tires it brakes S150 Call AT SPECIAL RATES tor new ideas and lot continuing change and growth Price Auto repair YW A. Domestic EVERYTHING The it. vou II Idte it' Stein 372-1489 phone 352-5435 $2 95 LYRIC Auto 455 S Main Working Hand Craft Center 352-7031 515Conneaut FOR SALE KOR RfcNT HOt'SES k APTS FOR RENT CALL 352-9378 1 YEHE 2 SINE Ml SIC FRISBEE S are in season at Earrings 72c pr at the HOI SES 4 APTS FOB FOR ALL OCCASIONS 352 METAMORPHOSIS Purple Mushroom Sale RENT l. ALL 352-9378 Greenview Apartments 7445 begins Tours , goes till Sat SIMMER 4 FALL leases Need a ticket for the Indv Need 2 or 3 students to available I bdrm 2 bdrm 500" -Call CAO office lor 1970 Boss 302 excellent sublease apt for summer k eft available Special IMPORTS INN Imported informafion 2-2343 42200 354-8463 I11 blocks to campus 352' summer rates Call 352-1995 Car Specialists foreign 5360 or 372 5553 or stop b> repair 13284 Bishop ltd B G DELTA TAl DELTA Little Fender Telecasier blonde Turn leit off N Dixie Bwy Sis Open Rush Monday April finish maple neck with 2 man apt lor summer I WAYNE APARTMENTS First Order Sold Out Open Mon Fn 10am 8pm 30 8 pm at the house Come hardshell case Like new block from campus 352-5657 352-3595 Sat 10am-5pm meet the brothers 4i sisters Calir2-5654 4100 mo Call Tim alter 5 352-9296 LARGE 2 BDRM APTS WANTED HOSTE Have a HOOTI.N 66 Karmen Ghia- good cond FOR 4 STl DENTS NEAR good tune on vour 2Dt 2 4004 or 354 6695 Apts and room for sum k TOWERS PH 3527J65 Second Printing Now Available Working group needs exp birthdav Congrats' David tall Near campus Ph 352-

University Bookstore Classifieds get results Student Services Bldg. Mon.-Fri. 8-5 - Sat. 9-5 Thursday, April 26, 1973, Th« BG N.w./P«,. 7 Play depicts women's lib, sex strike

By Patty Bailey this week. though more memorable for as it was in ancient Greece. envisioned a "parallel pro- dance have been added Addington said the show names and title, and has EatertaluacM NM Lissa. an adaptation of its battle of the sexes than Since its first performance. duction" to Aristophanes' The original musical score might appear on the surface some rather drastic changes "Lysistrata" by David for any moralistic state- "Lysistrata" has been one play when he got the concept includes a variety of to be quite divorced from in the choral odes, it should A musical comedy Addington. associate pro- ments of the most widely-produced lor this production two years musical styles ranging from the original be understood that every adapted from a play written fessor of speech, opened last It's central situation of plays of all time ago Stravinski to acid rock. effort has been made to by Aristophanes in 411 B.C.? night and plays through women calling a sex strike Donald M. Wilson, assistant "Although this version ensure that the production That's exactly what is Saturday. until men stop war has given ADDINGTON. director of The director said "Lissa" professor of music, wrote makes no attempt at remain faithful to the script being produced in the Main "Lysistrata... is one of the the play a timeless quality the production as well as is a plea for peace rather the score. historical accuracy, changes of the original.' he said Auditorium. University Hall earliest antiwar plays, al- making it as current today adaptor of the script, said he than a negative statement against war Choreography for the pro- He said with "Lissa," he duction, by Bruce Baker, is trying to recreate what senior (A&S). includes happened in the audience, everything from ballet to rather than trying to funky chicken recreate what happened on stage ■•THE PLAY has a The chorales in Aristo- reputation for being phanes' original work were dirty'." Addington said. He always sung and for the said he has "tried to tone it University Theatre pro- down. I don't want it to be a duction both music and titillating play." Campus movie selection

An apathetic student body submitted, "and the movie zation to keep an accurate sentations, lie said loads to a poor campus suggested was already on count of movie attendance The record is also movie schedule, according our list." Rosen said. He said the record is required to determine prices to the chairman of the Union important for UAO's own (or certain dims Activities Organization A movie poll is usually projects and for the il'AOi movie committee. taken during winter quarter University administration's Rosen said film rental Eric Rosen, senior lA&S). at one of the UAO campus information rales are based either on a said his committee is movie showings These polls flat rate determined by always open to student sug- provide the movie During the 1971-72 school theater (ixe or on thf gestions lor the UAO movie committee with its only year, 35.000 persons number o( persons admiitejj schedule, but he said guidelines lor scheduling attended UAO movie pre- to see a movie students usually do not voice films for the next academic their film preferences. year Last year the committee However. Rosen said requested movie movie patrons often take the Car Wash GULF Gloria Shantt, s*nw (Ed.), c*ni*r, portrays Una in rrw mutkal adaptation of suggestions through a BG polls as a joke. Many of the ' I iVrri' Arittophanos'famous comody 'lysistrata'. In this scono tho women swoar to News article printed before papers end up on the floor of gas •»•**** abstain from tax until thoir husbands a,iv« up war. Tho production will run the group's annual movie the theater until Saturday night in tho Main Auditorium, University Hall. Curtain time is 8 poll 15 gal. Free wash PJ2: ROSEN SAID it is ONLY ONE letter was important for his organi- 10 gal. .50 5 gal. .75 Informal faculty recital PHI MU's 1000 S. MAIN RAIN CHECK

Review by across the aisle managed to brought out as much wonderful change of routine Are ^JK - FEATURING - David Faadray get her feet into her tiny emotion as I have heard in a to find three musicians who shoes piece for piano could approach their music Psyched For The Char Broiled Steaks and I have always felt that Jerome Rose, the school's on the level of their performances by so-called artisl-in-residence. finished I REALIZE that infor audience The pretense was Chops the program with selections mality is not necessarily a gone, and we were all IR^T Full Course Family serious musicians suffer Spring Events |U v.l Dinner from an excess of formality. Irom Liszt's "Years of Pil- virtue I also realize that the brought a little bit closer to grimage." feeling most serious musi- the music Bt^J 12 VARIET1F.S The music seems to be per- PANCAKES & WAF- formed by similarly-dressed The highlights ol Rose's cians have for their music is automatons, who perform performance were his rendi- real and frequently shines FLES according to computer tapes tions of "Petrarch Sonnet through the drab formality Open Tues. thru Sat. No. 104 and Tarantella." of most concerts. . 7:J0-8 programmed by tyrant com- k Sundays 7:30 - 7:00 posers in the dim past. Rose played the soft melo- AfMCOOMAtOS mIM In a move that genuinely dies with a tenderness that Just the same, it was a lit EAST WOOSTI II surprised me. the Bowling HANOI KTROOM Green School of Music spon- sored a faculty recital last .. WOMENS VOU CAM BC A N00N SPECIALS DAILY Saturday evening that was unusual in two ways. U BILLIARDS TOURN/ The recital, featuring BIG SPCMOCtt Young Nam Kim. violin: An- THURS., MAY 3 1050 S. MAIN dreas Poulimenos. baritone: mva and Jerome Rose, piano: A 6:30 in Buckeye Room was held at 11 p.m. and the musicians wore casual FIRST PLACE TROPHY AWARDED clothing and invited ques- Sign up in UAO Office tions and comments on the O Re: Black Women music they presented. 4.00 ENTRY FEE The informality did not Topic: African Traditions harm the music. The three pieces performed were in Afro-American Music powerful and precise.

BRAHM'S Sonata in D minor" opened the concert. This piece featured Young Nam Kim. He conveyed the modiness mau\ma. ECWARO G ROejNSON „; —— of the music with skillful dynamic control. His LEARN THE SECRET HOW!! musical ability was easily matched by his stage presence. Andreas Poulimenos followed, singing a tradi- tional Greek Easter chant from Holy Week With little visible effort, Poulimenos' voice com- manded the recital hall. At JLNDERHM times, it seemed that his voice came from every corner of the room @ DBHTSSWirTJW Although he conveyed the GO mgr somber emotion of the chant well, it became the one low point of the concert. It was "SOUNDER' sung in Greek, in a melody •^««>-*»e"l-,»O"f0liwH* in CALL 865-7101 V* so monotonous that I even- 12th Week tually found myself won- Ofor dering how the woman SCHEDULE Grand Opening The Side Door BRATHAUS Three days left to — is on the make — Lecture presents by Register for free Dr. Eileen Southern Gift Certificates and Light n in' Dan Live Music on Professor of Music and Wed. - Fri. - Sat. Purchase Yarns at Place: Recital Hall, Music Bldg. Terrific Savings the Preacher's Kid Todzinger TONIGHT TODAYS Hobbies April 27.- 28 (Fri. & Sat.) 115 E. Court 8:00 P.M. Tomorrows Heirlooms 8:30 - 11:00 Sponsored By Black Student Union (formerly Johnny's Lounge) THE FRENCH KNOT 25« Everyone Welcome ftaje •/The M News, ItmnUf, Aswfl *», ItTJ) Falcon stickers trample Michigan State, 12-5

By Jim Maagoae goals for the day). Zabek men down as Steve Urbin Although coach Mickey and Wilcox scored from Tom Cochrane was pleased with The Bowling Green As the third period started Hardenburg at 10:47. tbe victory, be said the team lacrosse team dumped the the Falcons enjoyed a 7-1 will have to be sharper then Spartans of Michigan State, lead. At 553 the Spartans it was yesterday If it wants 12-5. in a Midwest Lacrosse scored the last goal. to beat Ashland. Association (MLA) contest MICHIGAN PUT one past at Perry Field yesterday. BG goalie Pat Collura with yExtra bases- The Spartans had their 11:50 left in the third period. hands full from the opening It was MSU's only goal of face-off. the period. The BG stickers played a In the third period Decker control-type game that left exploded for the first three MSU without many scoring goals of the quarter. His Stat race opportunities simply first of the three came at because they hardly ever 1104 in the third stanza. had the ball Zabek got the assist. ByBobMooa The Falcons drew first Grimes then assisted Staff Writer blood as Bill Grimes scored Decker. At 5:15 Decker on a fastbreak at 8.44 of the scored again on an Going into Tuesday's game with Miami, Ric Richmond first period. Sophomore unassisted play where be was the leading pitcher in the Mid-American Conference. assist leader Verne Zabek broke an attempted That may change, however, after tbe righthander gave op was credited with the assist Michigan clear. three runs in the eighth inning to the Redskins Co-caplain Bob Decker, a Falcon attackman, geti a friendly pal on the back With 2:59 left Zabek Also among the top pitchers in the MAC was Mike from a Michigan Stalo opponent during BG's 12-5 win ovor MSU yesterday at AT 4:27 OF the first scored his second goal of the Frilling, ranking 11th before the Miami game. Whack.' the Stadium. Docker led BG with five goall. The Falcont are now 4-2 overall quarter, sophomore Mike game. This one was As for team statistics, before tbe Miami game tbe and 4-1 in the MIA Wilcox scored on a man-up unassisted. Falcons were seventh in hitting (2381. fourth in fielding situation. Paul Wayne got In the fourth quarter the average (.964), seventh in average-runs-per-game (3.8) and the assist. Falcons' only score came third in team ERA 12.14 > in MAC play. The Spartans could when co-captain Leif Elsmo produce only one goal in the connected from Grimes R1GH1TIELDER Dave Fox put a scare into the crowd in first half, while BG tallied while the Falcons were a the third inning of tbe Miami game. Comeback— for five goals in the second man-up. Fox caught a foul ball one-handed, but crashed Into the stanza. fence in full stride. The second quarter saw THE FOURTH period was He was unhurt and received a round of applause when be Injuries halt Brewton's progress at new position Falcon goals by John the most productive for came to bat at tbe bottom of the inning. Gawaluck, co-captain Bob MSU as it hit for three goals. Fox then responded by beating a ground ball to the second Decker (the first two of five The Falcons were two baseman for his first of two hits during the day. By Keuy While four to five weeks after the hand. remember though, there's it was a brilliant play," said Falcon coach Don Purvis. Assistant SporM Editor injury. He also found pressure on him to do the job "It was as fine a catch as you'll ever see." himself riding the pine for THE ADJUSTMENT is and now he wants to do it." With his two hits in four at bats, Fox raised his batting This story is entitled The the rest of the campaign. It taking time and it has Jackson said Autocross highlights average to .303, third best among tbe Falcons. Yet he Comeback was his third year in a row showed in the team's first When asked how he felt remains in the eighth spot in the batting order. To some who are trying to on the bench two scrimmages. But about being out of Normally, Fox's bat would place him high in the order, make the effort to get back Brewton was doing well commission after a good but coach Purvis has a reason to keep Fox where he is. into the groove after an THAT'S quite a long time, until another injury put him spring start Brewton sports car weekend "Fox not only hits well, but be also is a good runner, so, by extended lay-off, being rusty especially for a player who on the sideline again. replied. "I need spring ball hitting eighth. If be gets on base tbe pitcher can bunt him to and uncoordinated, along gained more than 1.200 Brewton was involved in a to feel my way back into the An entire weekend of RACING FILMS followed second That puts a runner in scoring position for the top of with a number of other yards as a senior in prep head-on car collision during offense as well as at my new activities for sports car by question-and-answer the order (Haas. Pettorlni. and Ammons," Purvis said. things, may accompany the school and was his league's the Christmas break which position. enthusiasts has been set for periods will be shown • • • attempt. leading scorer. left him with a sprained I like being a receiver today through Sunday. tomorrow at 3:30. 5. 7 and Purvis credits defensive lapses and missed scoring But for i.iei: Brewton. With a new gridiron cervical in his neck. "When more than a tailback Its a The events will include 9:30 PHI and Sunday at 10 opportunities for tbe loss to Miami. who is trying to travel the campaign come all of the 1 get hit. I get this tingling tough position, though, and 1 displays of racing and sports and 11 30 a.m. and at 1 p.m. long road back into football, goals and eagerness of sensation in my fingers.'' he have to discipline my body cars, films about racing, in 122 Library. "IT WAS A very disappointing game," be said. "We didn't injuries have played a players trying to make up said to concentrating on the ball, talks by a sports car driver Speakers will include Bill play as well defensively as we normally do. Offensively, we strong role in keeping him for bad years and goals The doctors have ruled catching it and the other and a sports car builder, and Bader. owner and promoter had a lot of opportunities, but couldn't capitalise. on the bench instead of on missed. him out of action for the rest little things that go along an auto rally of the Sandusky Inter- "We may be making some personnel moves. We're not the field This spring was DO of spring drills at a time with being a good receiver." The weekend is sponsored national Speedway. getting enough offense from our six, seven and eight spots in different for Brewton as the when he was just really As of now Brewton is by Kreischer Quadrangle, Registration for the the batting order." AT THE beginning of last coaching staff moved him beginning to exhibit his old initiating a strict summer the Sandusky International University's annual Miami is one of several teams to wear batting helmets, year's campaign, the former from tailback to wingback. self program of receiver Speedway and the Univer- Autocross road rally will be not only at the plate but in the field. An MAC requirement Toledo (Woodward I ace The biggest switch for He has totaled two catches workouts around BG and his sity Sports Car Club at 11:30 am Sunday in the makes helmets mandatory when batting, but the Redskins seemed to be coming around Brewton was that he had to and two TD's at Hi. The one Toledo home to get htm It will feature sports car parking lot behind the have taken the rule a step further. after sitting it out for a year. learn to be a receiver as that gave him the most ready when the whistle for displays today from 9 a.m.-9 Health Center. Competition eoe In the Falcons' first game well as a runner satisfaction came in the summer ball blows p in tomorrow and begins at 1 p.m. With the MAC season now about one-third of the way against Purdue last year. "Being a receiver Is endzone from 24 yards out "I'm going to work hard Saturday from 8 a.m.-9 Spectators must park in through. Purvis has some thoughts on how the race is Brewton handled the kick- tough." Brewton said while on a counter play this summer catching and p.m.. and Sunday from 10 the Library lot. progressing. off chores. sitting on the steps of his off- everything else because I'm a m.-2 p.m. In the forum. All events are free and "There are a number of real good clubs in the league." be One indication that campus apartment. "I'm going to be ready." be said. Student Services Building. open to the public. said. "Miami is one of them and so is Central Michigan, Superfly" was back came very rusty from not having "RIGHT NOW the mam although I haven't seen them play as yet. on the opening boot, with played in quite a while and thing Greg needs is Brewton churning up the there's a lot of body discipline Potentially he's "MIAMI HAS THE advantage right now because they're real estate at Ross-Ade coordination I have to always had the ability, but in first place, but it's too early to tell who is going to win it. Stadium before one man develop to catch passes, run he's never had to use it," Mathematically, all the teams are still in tbe race, so any tripped him up and kept him patterns and block people. said coach Carlos Jackson, team could win. from going all the way. "I thought I jammed all of who has been more than The weather could definitely be a factor.'' The next week when the my fingers the first day pleased with Brewton's He added that the MAC champ could probably afford to team was preparing for the trying to catch that ball. I progress. lose five to seven games and still win tbe crown. Miami Redskins. Brewton probably contacted "The big thing though is Tim Pettorini continues his assault on the BG record suffered a shoulder injury arthritis.'' Brewton his attitude on the field and books. With three hits in the Miami game, raising his hit which proved to be the quipped, examining his that's excellent. Let's total on the season to 26, Pettorini needs 19 more hits to monkey on his back the rest break the single-season mark for hits (44) held jointly by ol the year. Bob White and John Knox Brewton was out of action ABA announces secret Pettorini has 23 more games this season in which to break it. His career mark for hits is now up to 123. 14 more than draft held in January the previous record. • • • Former Falcon hurler Jim Meerpohl has been assigned to NEW YORK (AP) - Ernie Brown of Missouri; Tom the roster of the Wilson (North Carolina) Pennants of the DiGregorio of Providence Burleson of North Carolina Carolina League (class A). and William "Bird" Averitt State; Louis Dunbar of of Pepperdine. the nation's ; and George Gervin THE PENNANTS are a new club in the league and are leading college scorer, were of Eastern Michigan. made up of farmhands from seven major league teams, among 20 players picked in a Mike Green of Louisiana including the Philadelphia Phillies, who own Meerpohl. secret draft last January, Tech; Larry Kenon of A Phillies' minor league spokesman said Meerpohl was the American Basketball Memphis State; Kevin assigned to Wilson in order to get In more pitching time. Association announced yes- Kunnert of Iowa; Barry Another Bowling Green baseball graduate. John Knox, is terday. Parkhill of the University of on the disabled list for the Toledo Mud Hens of the Others selected in the Virginia; Robert Parrish of International League after pulling a thigh muscle in an secret draft were freshman Centenary; Bill Schaeffer of Driver Joe Darwol takes his Triumph Spitfire through the early-season game. Alvan Adams of Oklahoma St. John's. N. Y.; Clyde Autocross hold Sunday, April 9, behind the Health Center Knox had been the starting third baseman after he was Turner of Minnesota and Turn University; Mike Bantom of The University Sports Car Club wW held another Autocross moved from his second base spot by manager John Upon in David Vaughn of Oral Gfeg Brewton St. Joseph's. Pa.; Jim this Sunday at 1 p.m. at the same location. favor of Chuck Scrivener. Brewer of Minnesota; John Roberts were also picked OFFICIAL CITY (REPUBLICAN) LUTHER Winthrop Terrace BRIMARY BALLOT SEEKING EMPLOYMENT owlbig Own City South A. To vote for a cawdVtete pb APARTMENTS •pace at tbe left of the name of Available NOW aV To cost a write-la veto place 1" la the tart 825 Third Street - and write the ccataidate-. name in the 1 bedroom (2 man) $80.00 each Still has two full bath apart- •X Full-time or Part-time C U TOO tee*. MO, ballot return It I 841 Eighth Street - ments for the price of one * another b Openings 2 bedroom (3 man) $65.00 each bath apartments. OK " X- OMLY Of MAMBMQ BALLOT which offer a 733-755-777 Manvrtkt - 2 bedroom (3 man) $65.00 each For Member of CoaneB Rewarding Future (4 man) $55.00 each Third Ward Come Over And See One (Vote tor sot more tkaa owe) 9 Month Lease Only For more information All Apartments Furnished Today! HARVEY J. ZEIGLER, JR. Contact: — Management by — Office at 400 Napoleon Rd. CHARLES L. CODD Pendleton Realty Co. WAYNE W. SNYDER Ph. 352-9135 Ph - 358-7362 Anytime 353-3641 Open till 8 P.M. Mon.-Thur.; Till 5 Fri.; Till 3 Sat. rm. teece proeM " • M* lerMce JLto