Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 9-24-1936 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1936). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1867. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1867 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT 17,1936 • 1 I I GROOVER-JOHNSTON PARTms FOR BRIDE ELECT SHOWER AND TEA . 1·1' I I 1'1'1 lot 'I 1 I. IIIIII III I .1 +" +-10+++ I I II I I I u The marriage of MISS Martha Groo Contlnumg a series of parties hon Among the lovely social events of BULLOCH COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTY- ver B or MIS3 e a of Statesboro and Jasper ng Carl Edna Flanders the week was the miscellaneous show ]P)IE��(0)WAIL Johnston of Millen was solemnized br de elect of thiS month was the • OF TilE DART OP er and tea grven by Mrs John H .,1IB HBIJ"T GBORGIA. GBORGLA. en ly Saturday morn ng at the home handkerchief shower given by M ss Brannen at her lovely home country "WIlED NATURE SMILES" "WBERB NATUR. 811u.a- of the br de s mother Mrs Sa nuel C Mathews morn Evelyn Thursday ng honoring her ne ce M sa Audrey La G oover W th the Rev C M Coal ut. the Tea Pot Grill Guests for n er br de-elect MIss Dar , TIMES Dorothy BULLOCH son pastor of the Statesboro Bapt st three tables of br dge were nv ted church off c mmed ate by greeted the guests and they were Mrs W D Anderson Tues atmg Only NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE' spent The hostess to the honoree was (STATESBORO fa n I es of the couple were present gift presented by Mrs M C Co vart to n S vonnah day n Savannah Personal The br de snow convalesc at a handsome ece of Fostor a H Purely ng p gh the rece v ng hne which was com lIIrs Gordon Mays spent Wetlne. Mr and Mrs Lann e S n mons were the Statesboro tal where she Bulloch Time. Established 1892 hosp score pr ze tnd v dual powder puffs of the hostess the honoree Consohdated 17 1917 n to posed January Mrs C B McAIl ster otored n vis tors n Savannah wns cnrr cd for a rush for i Statesboro NeWll E.tabhshed 1901 } VOL lay Savannah Monday operation was awarded M 55 Carol 46-NO 28 Anderson R er cltis after the cere Mrs L Lan mother of the Established 1917-Consohdated December 9 1920 Savannah Wednesday ss has returned from Mrs W H IS append shortly Statesboro Eagle 111 Ruth Clark Sharpe spendmg low score a vase was was Her rnarr pnze novelty Mrs L A Anderson :M ss Elolse M of mony performed age ncey Ogeechee a vis t n Claxton some time 10 Hot Spr ngs Ark vas scheduled given MISS Theodosia Donaldson and t� take place Saturday mother of the groom MIss Luetle was m the Tuesday a vis tor n Mrs M city Mrs B H Ran sey vas S P ttman and daughter became neces cut Education At ufternoon but when It prize salt and pepper shakers and Planting of Grass Study MISS Sudle Lee Akins was a VIS tor Brannen Mrs Aubrey Anderson Savannah Saturday M ss Katherme Pittman were vtsttors sary to have the surg cal treatment went to MISS Sara Guests ANTI.TALMADGE FARMERS URGED PLAN TO ENLARGE PETERSON GIVEN Mooney Directing the to the dining School 10 Augusta Wednesday vas a; VIS tor n in Savannah the ceremony was moved to an earher guests To Be Demonstrated High Friday Mrs Dew Groover Tuesday were MISS Flanders MISS Sara Moo room was MIss Edna The I lie hour Hodges Jack Bhtch of B shopv Mrs LL Dav s of Columbus Savannah Wednesday MISS Cecile Brannen MISS Ger c The bride is a twin s ster ney TO CUU POULTRY TOBACCO In observance of Ma.on Education tea was with WON HOUSES WARM v th hi. lovely pretty table overlaid CANDIDATF.S the week end a Unller the of the Geor APPROV was VISitor IS I sponsorship spent Verd e H II ard the of her s ster Mrs AI Mrs guest !II S8 are the trude Sel MISS Helen Brannen 4J. of Mary Groover They gman Week as by Grand Master a cloth of lace A centerp ece of Carohna Livestock ASSOCiatIOn prescribed here n Savannah fred Dorman this week for gla Saturday only daughters of IIIrs Groover MISS Frances Mathews MISS Ehza Show Car Thirty five Georgians Named Directors Order of Ab t N x the First Delstrlct DemocrafAr fa coral vine and clematis and of Figures Talmadge Payment of Georgia grand lodge Gordon Jr V1. tapers there Will be held here on May. Mrs Lester Brannen was a tor Mr and Mr. Alfred Dorman have merly MISS Moll e Dew of South beth DeLoach in Friday As Flock and Se Per Cent Dividend MISS Jeanette Dekle and ried Only 16'CouRties .,.ting EIght members of the Masonic order Convention business visttor' in the the Carolina and the late Senator Samuel pink whl1;e carried out a color October 8 at a m a demonstra Friday CeriIfy city dur-ing n Savannah Thursday returned from Macon p havmg gone MISS 'I'heodosia Donaldson MISS Caro Senate Race lecting Agents On Capital Stock and the Eastern Star Will • C Groover of Statesboro She IS an scheme of and white Lovely present His Nomination. week Mrs Charles Z Donaldson spent there to enter their MISS pink non of plantmg grass Thill work daughter Limestone Iyn Bhtch MISS Carol brtef at honor graduate of College pink roses were used the • program Friday (tomorrow) MISS Vera Johnson who s teaching n throughout Ga 21-0ltlclal be done for the benefit of the five raisers At a meet of directors last Thursday Savannah Alfred Merle Dorman in Wesleyan S C which IS the alma Mrs Cohen Anderson Atlanta Sept. mil Thirty Georgia poultry ng Tuesday Gaffney room. the School at Congressman Hugh Peterson, 1111- last other A aalad course was serv were High chapel beginning m Marlow visited her parents Mrs Fred Shearouse of Brooklet mater of her mother Messrs Wew 'tabulatIon of returns m the state farmers of thiS aeetion and the pub and hatcherymen thiS week ap of the Statesboro Tobacco Warehouse College Another ment to MISS Flan 12 30 0 clock Brief compl cd MISS M 88 talks will be for U S congr... f� the an Statesboro by Lamer and IS invited to attend the demonatra flock a on was opposed week end was a Visitor In the c Tuesday Mr and Mrs Hubert and and Jul Groover of Alya .Democratic showed today lie pomted as testing and pullorum Company resolut passed di ty Shuptnne tiers was a luncheon at the Jaeckel primary made by Cowart of the as her are her brothers Mr3 Johnston has Grace Anderson Mrs L G Lanier Judge Leroy First district wu Mrs Pierce Stewart has M ss PrISC lIa Prather of son Ohver have returned to their that anti candidate. won tlOn For-definite Information as to testing agents by the Georgia Breed an eight per cent Georgia fonUU,. Washmg Hotel morn ng given Ml3s Talmadge Macomc and been a member of the faculty of the Monday by the bnde a book and Mrs Inman • rectl��YJ!lenl;..of Lodge Mrs Chas E MIS. of Ve kepb .. In the make of Board ac dlV1dlind on the stock of the declared the nominee .t the conven· gueot Hazel Humphrey ton IS the guest of M ss Jean Sm th home in Tenn after a nominations for all �tate oltlces place ,"qulry Byron Improvement Supel'Vlsory capital Chattanooga M lIen H gh School for the past two Carol Anderson Adorning the pret­ Dekle and Cone of the Eastern Star Parents MIS8 Eileen Brannen pre or rona N C TraVIS of Dalton was a v Sit w th his Mr -which was an Issue Dyer county agent Fred W cording to Arthur Gannon poultry on Cavender parents and Mrs years able was an tton held here Frld.y DeIep. tily appointed exquisite sided ovcr room J'almad�eism of the students anti the pubhc gen Claxton the gift Several of T s MISS Rae Water. of spent visitor m the the week W 0 The groom IS tFte oniy son of Mrs Governor Eugene Talmadge himself Hodges chairman the board of speciallst, with the Agncultural Ex dividend IS justified by earn City during Shuptrme bowl of coral vine MISS Anderson s ....e invited to from countle. attended aDd plano solos were rendered the erally attend eighteen last week \ th her sister Mrs Mrs Elo se Br nson Johnston and the late during carried 16 of the 169 counties m county ccmtmasroners tension Service and supervisor of the mgs or the past aeason which are spent end Andrew Anderson to the honoree was a r of only < IS in gift pa afternoon the voters wiAhe.
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