
5205 Forty-third Avenue, Hyattsville, Maryland 20781 Rectory Office: 301-927-6684 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: @St.JeromeCatholicChurchHyattsville

PASTOR: Reverend In Residence: Reverend Isadore Dixon, July 14, 2019 Reverend Charles Edeh, Chaplain of the Nigerian Catholic Community  DEACON: Reverend Mr. Neal Conway

MASS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m.—Folk Group 10:30 a.m.—Choir 12:30 p.m.—Nigerian Catholic Community Monday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Days: As Announced

EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR & MARIAN DEVOTIONS Friday after 8 a.m. Mass until 2.45 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3 to 4 p.m. or anytime by request.

BAPTISM Contact Deacon Neal Conway: 301-938-2871 or [email protected]. A baptismal preparation meeting is required.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the priest at least 6 months ahead of the wedding to arrange for interviews & marriage prep.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Contact Therese Tirador, Dir. of Religious Ed. 202-286-9106 Email: [email protected]

CATHOLIC COUNSELING SERVICE Contact Rebecca Mullan, 301-927-6684 ext. 13

 St. Jerome Academy: 3012774568  St. Jerome Child Center: 3016991314 Principal: Mr. Daniel Flynn Director: Mrs. Christie Cooper July 14, 2019 Service Opportunity M Bread for Our Brothers Ministry to the Poor and Needy: The Knights of Columbus, P.G. Council 2809, is looking for volunteers able to devote up to four hours of time one or two Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons per month to pack surplus bread into boxes at a Rock- ville bakery and deliver the boxes to two or more local charities. Please note: this ministry is not restricted to KofC members only, and anyone who might be willing to participate is welcome. If interested or have questions, please call Dennis O’Malley at 3013287500. IMPORTANT PARISH  Faith based therapy for individuals, cou- SCHEDULE CHANGE ples, children, and families at an afforda- The noon Mass will be suspended for ble cost. Contact Rebecca Mullan at 301 the summer. The 8 a.m. Mass will con- 9276684 x13 for more information. tinue as usual. The noon Mass is being suspended because Fr. Dixon is no long- er able to celebrate a public Mass by WHY DO WE DO THAT? CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED himself and attendance during the sum- Question: mer at noon is often fewer than 10 peo- I've heard that faith is a theological virtue. What ple. does that mean?           Answer:     To say a virtue is theological means that it comes as a gift from God. St. , a Dominican  monk who crafted the famous arguments for the ex‐ Women’s istence of God, wrote: "This alone is the true Ministry: knowledge of God: to know that God is beyond New Endow knowing." God is transcendent. This word comes from the Latin "transcendere," meaning "to climb study groups beyond." When something is transcendent, it exists coming this beyond our normal range of experience. Philosopher fall! Peter Kreeft put it simply: "God is always more."While God created us in His image and like‐ ness, too often we re1create Him in ours. We project St. Jerome Church plans to host women’s Endow our deepest hopes, our subliminal fears, and our study groups during the fall 2019 semester. The cur- hidden dreams, and conjure up our own image of rent plan is for a morning and an evening group to study Letter to Women, which focuses on “the thought what God could be. Yet God can never be limited to of John Paul II and is a good introduction to the our own perception of Him. That's where faith Christian concept of woman and her indispensable comes in. We read in the Catechism that "faith is the role in the Church, the family, society, and the world.” theological virtue by which we believe in God and For more information, go to the News and Events sec- believe all that He has said and revealed to us and tion of our website all that the Holy Church proposes for our be‐ lief" (CCC 1814). We can know God through reason, to a point. As human beings, we want to know and Keeping up with understand the world around us, but God isn't in the your summer giving world around us. He's beyond it. The best way to to St. Jerome has come to know God is not through our own clever never been easier! mental maneuvering, but through trusting in God's Sign up for Faith Di- revelation of Himself. We might think we know who rect today, just head God is, but the only way we can have any idea is if we trust, through the virtue of faith, who He has re‐ to vealed Himself to be. ST. JEROME CHURCH, HYATTSVILLE JɅȼɉ 14, 2019 Please remember the sick and the shutins:  Charlie Stephen, Rose Mary Holland Eugene Perry, Michael Lori, Sherry Gibbons, Isabel Muir, Larry Andes, Robert Armentrout, Daniel Birch, Rocky Blythe, Pam & Tina Bracket, Liz Burdick, Deacon Leonard Cain, Donny Capps, Mildred Carroll, Eleanor Conway, William DeGennaro, Frances DeStefano, Willie & Daniel Earnest, Antoinette Ebondo, Martha Farnie, Tony Foltz, Don Gibson, Joseph Loving isn't too difficult, right? Many of us are surround- Gigliotti, Mary Rose Gigliotti, Caroline Gignoux, Tony Green, ed by kind, lovely people trying to do the right thing. In- Anthony Guerrero, Mike and Anne Heidenberg, Eileen deed, to "love ? your neighbor as yourself" seems like it Harrington, Gail Houle, Elinor Jackson, Rita Kline, Richard should be easy enough. Treat people like you would like Kostelnik, Dawn LaChance, Joseph Lipovsky, Thomas Matera, to be treated. Bring the new neighbors some baked goods Ann Ruth Mazurek, Jackie Michaud, Stephen Noel, Wilbert  Noel, Cindy Mutchler, Maria Olquin, Sarah Proctor, Helen (normal and gluten free, just in case). Chat with the bank Rogovsky, Ed Ryan, Mary Lou Smith, Jeanne Smith, Jeni teller about his holiday weekend. Write an occasional Stepanek, Veronica Tirador, Dorothy Tontodanato, Robbie card to your sister "just because." There were probably Williams, Hazel Winters, Joel Rivera, Roseanna Consorti, varieties of these acts of kindness in Jesus' day. Perhaps Marjorie Somok, Joseph Emmerick, Rita Toomey, Rosa Maria substituting figs for cookies. But "exchange pleasantries Santos, Shaun Donahue, Raymond Caron, James Gaudian, with the traveling cloth merchant" isn't the example Jesus Melvin Muir, Madeline Muir, Michelle Stevans, Bridget gives. "A man fell victim to robbers... they stripped him Sullivan, those known to you alone, those suffering with cancer,  depression, or addiction, that they may know the Father’s love and beat him and went off leaving him half dead." The through our prayers.  righteous pass by the scene of the dying man. The hero of the story is the one on the margins of Jewish society, who perhaps would not have been welcomed, in other circum- stances, by the man now in the ditch. His neighborly love causes him to halt his journey, to tend wounds, and to pay  for the man's care out of his own savings. Are we inter- as of July 9 ruptible? Are we attentive to the hurts of others? Are we SUNDAY: July 14 generous with our money and possessions? In the past few weeks, who has crossed your mind as someone in  7 a.m. Eleanor Depaulo need of help? Perhaps it's an acquaintance suffering from   8:30 a.m. Jessie Manneranio cancer. Maybe you were invited to donate or volunteer to  10:30 a.m. Jan & Lan Buckley (L) a local social cause, but it just won't stick in your mind MONDAY: July 15 (or schedule) to make it happen. The needs of people are  8 a.m. Mrs. Jones many and varied. We can't help everyone, but God does place opportunities in our path for compassion and coura- TUESDAY: July 16 geous love. This week, be "the one who treated him with   8 a.m. Tsega Mabte (L) mercy." WEDNESDAY: July 17  8 a.m. Maryann Rice; Joseph Zito THURSDAY: July 18 "The remedy for fear  8 a.m. Bill Rice is trust in God." FRIDAY: July 19  8 a.m. Terry Enfield Caryll Houselander SATURDAY: July 20  8 a.m. William Brown

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