From: Stephen Mayne [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2018 4:31 PM To: '
[email protected]' Cc: '
[email protected]' Subject: Decision to be taken at Admin Committee tonight Dear President Kroger and fellow Victorian Liberal Party Administrative Committee members (and a few others on BCC), As you may be aware by now, the following story appeared in Crikey today about your meeting tonight. A text version is reproduced below if you are unable to get past the paywall. Also relevant is this earlier story which appeared in The Manningham Leader on July 14, outlining the scenario that if Australia’s soon to be longest serving incumbent Federal MP, Kevin Andrews, is centrally endorsed in Menzies to serve for more than 30 years, I will run as an independent against him at the 2019 Federal election. Please note that my main interest in securing the departure of Kevin Andrews relates to his positions on gambling. Australians lose more per capita gambling than any other people on earth. The total losses will exceed $25 billion in 2018, which will cause enormous damage to families, along with more crime, family violence and suicide, not to mention the loss of potential revenue for small business which have to deal with $25 billion less circulating throughout the economy each year. I am a professional advocate for gambling reform and Mr Andrews was the shadow Minister who helped defeat the proposed Andrew Wilkie reforms to poker machines in 2011. Subsequent to that move, Mr Andrews has inappropriately accepted $40,000 in campaign donations from Clubs NSW, an organisation based in Sydney which operates as ruthlessly to promote gambling as the NRA does in relation to guns in the United States.