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Observf4:R Published by the American Psychological Society Vol OBSERVf4:R Published by the American Psychological Society Vol. 8, No. I January 1995 • BISTART grants New NIMH grant program is Human Capital Initiative beginning to thin the "graying" ranks ofpsychological Becoming Federal Priority research PIs ........................ 3 High-level federal science policy forum incorporates APS-initiated research plan • A science base for NIDA WASHINGTON, DC, NOVEMBER 21 - The Human Capital Initiative (HCI), which began as a Research organizations help national behavioral science agenda (faithful DbselVer readers will remember), was one formulate NIDA policy ........ 5 of a selected number of priorities under consideration at a recent high-level federal science policy forum here. This is yet another milestone in the HCI's increasingly widespread acceptance by Congress and federal science agencies since being developed • MR and drug treatment under the auspices of APS three years ago. Consensus meeting to be held There are signs that the HCI will advance further, possibly to become one of the in June on mental retardation "cross-cutting" research initiatives that are supported by several agencies. The HCI also and psychopharmacology ... 7 is being expanded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to become a Foundation­ wide priority. • PHS Commissioned Corps Cross Cutting and Budgeting Cutting Consider a career in the Close to 500 science leaders from academia, government and industry- including a uniformed health/research corps number of psychologists-took part in the event. Speakers included Vice President Al of the Public Health Service .... 9 Gore, National Institutes of Health Director Harold Varmus, Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, Council of Economic Advisers Chair Laura Tyson, and several other senior Clinton Administration officials. The meeting was described by participants as some- • Human Capital Initiative Mental Health .................... 14 SEE He! ON PAGE 8 INSIDE Smithsonian Lecture Series 1995 APS Convention 12 NEPA Call for Papers 31 Is a Smashing Success EPA Graduate Fellowships 33 APS co-sponsors popular Campus-oll-the-Malliecture series 011 Nature/Nurture Departments Presidential Column 2 id you know that the heritability of intelligence rises with age, while the Spotlight on Research - heritability of blood cholesterol level falls with age? These were among the Computerized Faces 16 D arresting scientific discoveries described at an eight-week fall Smithsonian People 18 Institution lecture series on genetic and environmental factors in human development Teaching Tips - Research Collaboration 24 and behavior. Members in the News 27 Organized by the Smithsonian and coordinated by The Student Notebook 34 APS, the Insights Into Behavior course drew nearly 120 Organizational Profile - registrants, including about a dozen APS members in Undergraduate Psychology 38 the Washington, DC, area, to hear world-recognized Announcements 39 behavioral geneticists explain the convergence of Swap Shop 41 Employment Bulletin 43 environmental and genetic factors on behavior. SEE SMITHSONIAN ON PAGE 20 American Psychological Society. 1010 Vermont Ave, NW. Suite 1100. Washington, DC 20005-4907.202-783-2077 Presidential Column •The American Psychological Society Who's Minding the Store? President Marilynn B. Brewer President-Elect Richard F. Thompson The Role of the Generalist Past President Gordon H. Bower Past President James L. McGaugh In a World of Specialists Past President Janet T. Spence Past President Charles A. Kiesler Secretary Robert Plomin Marilynn Brewer Treasurer Paul W. Thayer Ohio Stale University Members at Large Elizabeth Capaldi Kay Deaux Lorraine Eyde J. Bruce Ovennier As in previous years, the APS Board of Directors held its Sandra SCarf Richard Weinberg winter retreat meeting in early December, a time well suited to reflecting on the activi­ Staff ties of the year jusl past and looking toward the future. Any discussion of long-Ierm £:ucllfive Direr tor Alan O. Kraut Direc/or oJGOI'tmment Relorions Sarah Brookhan planning for our society necessarily involves assessing the role of a generalist organiza­ Direc/or ofCmiferences and Special Projects Lauren Butler tion working on behalf of a discipline that encompasses the study of behavior from the Conl'tmrionAssislolII Anne Kwiatkowski M ('mbership Assi.flonl Maria Cuz:wcrea molecular to the social levels of analysis. What is the mission of the generalist in this I Director of Conllllllllicat;ons Lee Herring world of scientific specialization? EdilOrial Assislal/l Martha Tralka BlJ()lieeperiOffice Manager Paul Rigby APS Niche The APS Observer Although the differentialion of scientific disciplines evolves gradually over time, Publisher Alan G. Kraut APS entered the scene at a point when subdisciplinary specialties in psychology were Editor Lee Herring Staff Writer Don Kenl already well established and represented by existing scientific societies at both national and intemationallevels. Most of these societies serve well the functions of scientific The APS Observer (ISSN: 1050-4672) is the monthly communication and community building that are vital to the continued development of publication of the American Psychological Society the field. But the question faced by the founders of APS was who is looking after the (Federal ID Number: 73-1345573). On alternative months, beginning with February, the Observer con­ interests of the enterprise as a totality? The niche to be filled was not another organiza­ sists of the APS Employment Bulletin. The May and tion structured around the established specialties but an organization whose sole purpose June issues and the July and August issues are com­ was the promotion of the discipline as a whole. bined. Editorial and advertising offices are at APS. 1010 Vennont Avenue, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005-4907; Tel: 202-783-2077, Fax: 202-783- Growth, Function, and Mission 2083. Bitnet: LHERRING@APS. Internet: The growth of slructure and function of the APS has kept faithful to this pan­ [email protected] disciplinary mi ssion. Our highly effective advocacy efforts in Washington represent all Contents copyright © 1995 by the American of the behavioral sciences; OUf annual convention is designed to provide a forum for Psychological Socicty. All rights reserved. cross-specialty communication; and our journals (including the newly proposed journal, All APS members receive the Observer. Domestic Teaching of Psychological Science) are discipline-wide in their coverage. In reviewing non-member subscription rates are $35 (i ndividual). $50 (institution) and foreign rates arc $50 (individual) these most visible manifestations of the activities and purposes of APS, the Board and $65 (institution) per year. Add $45 to upgrade reaffirmed its corrunitment to this generalist perspective. I, for one, am convinced that fromsurfacedelivery to airmail foroverseas addresses. this is the vision of the role of the American Psychological Society that should carry us Send subscription requests to the address above. Third­ class postage is paid at Washington. DC. Postmaster: into the next century. Send address changes to American Psychological So­ ciety, 1010 Vermont Avenue. NW, Suite 1100. Wash­ APS and a National Agenda ington, DC 20005-4907. Nothing epitomizes our pan-disciplinary efforts like the Human Capital Initiative Contributors: Unsolicited articles, announcements, (HCI), a framework for a research agenda in lhe behavior sciences that crosses all areas and letters to the editor should be submitted to the Editor at the address above. Submit copy via mail and levels of analysis in our field. As an advocacy effort on behalf of basic and applied (include computer diskette. if possible), fax , or email. research in the psychological sciences, the HCI has been wildly successful. It appears in report language in both the budget appropriations and authorization reports of the U.S. Congress, has been the focus of a meeting among heads of major private foundations, The job classified ad rate is $5.50 per line (approx. 34 characters fit on a line; 6-line mini­ and has been embraced and instituted by the National Science Foundation as a Founda­ mum). Copy must be received by the 15th of tion-wide initiative. (See story on page 1 on the National Science and Technology the month preceding the month of publica­ Council.) tion. Advertisers are invoiced after publica­ tion. An editorial calendar and a display ad But the Human Capital Initialive is more than a political document; it is a scholarly rate sheet are available upon request. Contact: achievement as well. Its content demonstrates that a cloth can be woven from the many APS Observer and Employment BufIelin lhreads of psychological science, and that the whole can, indeed, be more than the sum I 1010 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 1100 of its parts. I encourage all members of APS to read the Human Capital Initiative Washington, DC 20005-4907 document itself, as an internal communication reminding us of our common purposes, Attn: Martha Traika, Advenising Manager shared perspectives, and disciplinary identification. This is what APS will try to Tel: 202-783-2077, Fax: 202-783-2083 Bitnet: MTRALKA @APS represent on behalf of the generalist in all of us. Internet: [email protected] Happy New Year! APS OBSERVER January 1995 Americall Psychological Society choline levels. Tracy said the grant • NIMH BISTART Grants provides needed seed money and will probably make it a little bit easier to get Fulfilling a Mission other grants. Jump Start The B/START
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