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OBSERV(4~R Pub Lis H E D by T H E Amer I Can P Syc Hol Og I Cal S Ocie Ty ------Vol OBSERV(4~R Pub lis h e d by t h e Amer i can P syc hol og i cal S ocie ty ------------------------------- Vol. 5, No, 6 November 1992 Second Phase of HeI Shows First-of-a-Kind Results could result in a presentation of an A Productive Meeting on Developing the "Changing Nature of Work" Initiative: initiative to federal research agencies and Implications for Our National Competitiveness in the Global Economy Congress as early as the beginning of WASHINGTON, DC-Chances are, the changed. All of this has a dramatic impact 1993. average worker's job has changed on the nation '5 productivity and competi­ With this meeting, "phase two of the considerably over the past few years, and tiv eness in the ever-emerging global HCI is off to a flying start," according to if the job hasn'l changed, the workers economy_ Milton D. Hake!, chair of the HCI themselves (i.e., demographics) have Coordinating Committee, the group Change Reactions responsible for overseeing this stage of the • Discounts for APS Members HC] process. (See colored J2·page insert) A scientific understanding of these changes is important, and organjzed • Contributors to APS 4 psychology just completed a major link in HCI Background Errata that evolving chain of change. In fact, The first stage of the HCI culminated in • Corrections to the APS "work" and "productivity" were more than the publication in February 1992 of the Membership Directory 6 just research themes of an APS'sponsored Human Capital Initiative document. September 20·21 meeting on the Human Intended as a framework for a sustained Capital Initiative (HCI). In two enor· research effort, it targets six major INSIDE mously productive days, a group of more problems facing the nation, communities, than 30 psychologists from a wide variety and families-Literacy, Productivity, NIH Transition Committee 3 of scientific backgrounds developed the Aging, Substance Abuse, Health, and New Cognitive Science Prize 5 basic elements of a specific initiative on Violence-and describes these issues in Influential Papers, Schools, "The Changing Nature of Work." terms of psychological research. (APS and Authors 8 The group also established an ambi· Chicago in '93 14 tio us drafting and review schedule that SEEHCI APS Fellow Criteria 28 ON PAGE 18 Departments Presidential Column - Charles Kiesler· Higher Ed 2 Congress Highlights On the APS Trail 5 Member Profile· Edward Zigler· Head Start 25 APS Priorities for '93 Members in the News 30 People 32 The Student Notebook 34 High and Low Points of Federal Appropriations for Research Organizational Profile - WASHINGTON, DC- A gloomy end·of·year federal budget resulted in funding for the Multivariate Psychology 36 National Institutes of Health (NIH) of $10.363 billion for FY 1993. That's $291.2 Letters 37 million above FY 1992 funding and is an increase of less than 3%, the smallest increase Announcements 38 in years. Still, included in the funding bill were congressional directives that should 43 Employment Bulletin increase both funding and visibility for behavioral science. SEE CONGRESS Also included in the funding is $586.7 million for the National ON P AGE 19 American Psychological Society + 1010 Vermont Ave, NW + Suite 1100 + Washington, DC 20005·4907 + 202·783·2077 •The American Psychological Society Pressures on American President Gordon H. Bower Pasl Presidcnt James L. McGaugh Past Presidell' lanet T. Spence Past President Charles A. Kiesler Research Universities Secretary Michela Gallagher Treasurer Milton D. Hakel Members at Large Charles A. Kiesler Nancy E. Cantor Elizabeth Capaldi Elizabeth Loflus Sandra Scarr University of Missouri-Columbia Claude Steele Bonnie R. Strickland Staff The APS membership is represented by many faculty in £xecllIivc Director Alan G. Kraut research universities. Research universities are both the DireclOr ojGorel'lImcm Relatiolls Sarah Brookhart backbone of the education of future scientists for the Ass;sIal/t Director Belly Willis DireclOr ojColll'emion alld country and the core of current basic research. SO,.APS Special Projects Lauren Butler members are probably well aware of the increasing Director of Memhership Sharon Hantman dilemma in which higher education finds il self-caught Membership Officer Allen Walker Director o/Commllnications Lee Herring between the skepticism of the public on the one hand and EdilOrial AHistal/t Pamela McCray uncontrollable expenses on the olher. FilloncialfAdmilliSll'olil'e Officer Patricia Redmon Admin;strat;I'c Assistant Wanda Watson In the press and legislative bodies, the following criticisms are endemic. Universi­ The APS Observer ties are seen as out of control; unable to act; lacking leadership and direction; demon­ Publisher Alan O. Kraut strating poor business practices; and overcharging students despite rich endowments. EdifOr Lee Herring Faculty are seen as avaricious-not in the classroom and not working very hard (e.g., SraffWrirer Don Kent Prof Scam). The APS Observer (ISSN; 1050·4672) is the monthly publication of the Americull Psychological Society Everywhere but in the United States, the American university system is considered (Federal 1D Number: 73-1345573). On alternative the best in the world. I have read over 100 domestically authored articles unfavorably months, beg in ning with February. the Observer con· comparing United States K- 12 education with other countries. I have yet to see one sists oflhe APS Employment Bulletin. The May and June issues and the July and August issues are com­ article positively compare the quality of American universi ties to other countries. bined. Editoria] and advertising offices are at APS. 1010 VennoTlt Avenue, NW. Suite 1100, Washington. Changes in federal regulations have made life more complicated for universities. It DC 20005-4907; Tel: 202-783-2077. Fax; 202-783- 2083. Email (Bitnet): APS@APS has become very expensive to deal with changes in regulations regarding institutional safety (e.g. , radioactive waste), accounting of indirect costs (Circular A21), animal care, Contents copyright © 1992 by the American Psychological Society. All rights reserved. and many other areas. A university can spend several million dollars a year supporting a bureaucracy to deal with regulatory changes, while being accused by the government All APS members receive the Obsen·er. Non-member subscription rates are $30 (domestic) and $50 (foreign) of spending too much on non-teaching activities. per year. Send subscription requests 10 the address above. Third-class postage is paid at Washington, DC. The long partnership between the federal government and universities to promote Postmaster: Send address changes to American Psy· chological Society. 1010 VennontAvenue, NW, Suite basic research and educate future generations of scientists is threatened. The true costs 1100, Washington. DC 20005·4907. of doing research are not being reimbursed, and indirect cost recovery is being further Contributors: Unsolicited articles. announcements, reduced, often wiUlOut any rational basis. Instead of acknowledging the special role of and letters to the editor should be submitted to the universities in basic research and graduate education, the federal government treats Edilorat the address above. Submit copy via mail, fax. universities less weB than independent research institutes, not only in teons of indirect or email. If submitting materia! on computer disk, submit a paper copy and a wordproccssed or ASCII cost recovery but direct research time as well. No research institute would contribute fil e on Macintosh (3.5") or DOS (3.5" or 5.25") disks. free time to a project. Yet the cost of a university doing so can exceed its total indirect costs recovered. The job c1assified ad rate is $4.50 per line (approx. 34 characters fit on a line; 6-line mini­ mum). Copy must be received by the 15tb of American universities have a myriad of objective problems which are not well the month preceding the month of publica­ understood. For example, we are still bedeviled by deferred maintenance that dates tion. Advertisers are invoiced aflcr publica­ back to short-tenn responses to the high inflation times of the 19705. In my experience, tion. An editorial calendar and a display ad rate sheet are available upon request. Contact: the huge estimates one sees in the press regarding deferred maintenance in some of our APS Obsen'er and Employment Bulletin best universities are very likely to be accurate and will continue to rise if unattended. IOlO Vennon[ Ave, NW, Suite llOO Washington, DC 200054907 Another objective problem relates to price indices. I have seen the Consumer Price Tel; 202-783-2077, Fax; 202-783-2083 Index (CPI) used dozens of times to judge tuition increases, but never the Higher Email (Bitnet); LHERRING@APS Internet [email protected] Education Price Index (HEP!). There is no specifiable relationship between the CPI and SEE KIESLER ON PAGE 20 APS OBSERVER November 1992 Task Force Addresses Merging of• ADAMHA Institutes Into National Institutes of Health An Interview with Wendy Baldwin (NICHO) and Susan Blumenthal (NIMH): four years that prevents a good fit with Ensuring a Smooth Landing of AOAMHA Institutes onto NIH Deck their work. They are concerned that bringing neuroscience in as the prototype of behavioral science would actually work To explore ongoing internal organizational changes surrounding the to restrict the range of the behavioral science that will be funded at NIH. merger, effective October 1, of the research components of the Alcohol Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) and those of Blumenthal: Over the past decade there the National Institutes of Health, APS Executive Director Alan Kraut recently met with APS member Wendy Baldwin and Susan Blumenthal, SEE NIH ON PAGE 22 co-chairs of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) task force working to facilitate the transition of the research components of ADAMHA into NIH. Baldwin is Deputy Director of the National Institute of Child Call for Health and Human Development (NICHD), and Blumenthal is Chief of the Behavioral Medicine Program, Basic Prevention and Behavioral Nominations Medicine Research Branch at NIMH.
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