The Comité Régional D'action Viticole (CRAV): Regional Identity, Violence and the Challenges of Modernisation in the Languedoc (1944-1992)

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The Comité Régional D'action Viticole (CRAV): Regional Identity, Violence and the Challenges of Modernisation in the Languedoc (1944-1992) The Comité Régional d'Action Viticole (CRAV): Regional identity, violence and the challenges of modernisation in the Languedoc (1944-1992). Andrew William Macrae Smith Submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of PhD Queen Mary, University of London Supervised by Professor Julian Jackson 1 Abstract This thesis analyses the Comité Régional d’Action Viticole (CRAV), an active force in the French wine industry since the mid-1960s that has consistently mobilised militant winegrowers in response to economic crisis. Their role has expanded to represent not only the Midi’s viticultural heritage, but also a peculiar brand of regional nationalism. They invoked the memory of the "Grande révolte" of 1907, which saw hundreds of thousands mobilise against foreign wine imports, financial speculation and ineffective regulation. The legacy of 1907 will be considered in the context of its regionalist significance and the development of political Occitanisme, binding Oc and Vine at the beginning of the century. The prominent role of winegrowing since 1907 had seen a compact between winegrowers, local elites and the Socialist Party develop. Yet, this began to slowly disintegrate as government programmes targeted the amelioration of Languedoc wine from the early 1970s. Whilst this project embittered winegrowers, events like the shootout at Montredon in 1976 and the torching of a Leclerc store in 1984 saw the CRAV breach the frontiers of acceptability and alienate traditional supporters. Demographic change, economic development and the stain of violent protest all chipped away at the CRAV's rebellious appeal. This regional compact will be analysed both to gauge the impact of development upon regional identity and to understand changing conceptions of modernity in the agricultural South. The CRAV's survival is testament to their continuing relevance, despite being painted variously as terrorists, revolutionaries and militant syndicalists. These labels were fleeting, but their identity as winegrowers, Languedociens and their desire to live and work their land for a living wage have remained their defining characteristics. This thesis will analyse the limits of these identities and answer broader questions about the tension between regional development and defence against the backdrop of an increasingly global marketplace. 2 Contents Introduction p.10 Tending Vines & Picket Lines: The CRAV and the Post-War ‘Languedoc Viticole’ Chapter 1 p.35 1907: L’incident comme révélateur Chapter 2 p.79 Les Paysans et les Paroxysmes: The development of the Défense du vin movement (1944-1960) Chapter 3 p.123 Old Wine in Nouvelles Vagues: a unified Défense movement (1961-1976 Chapter 4 p.185 Crossing the Streams: The confluence of Oc & Vine Chapter 5 p.237 Montredon to Mitterrand: Socialism, syndicalism and the South (1976-1984) Chapter 6 p.294 "Enterrement ou résurrection": Modernisation and marginalisation (1984-1992) Conclusion p.350 "CRAV BOUM!": Change and continuity in the role of the CRAV Epilogue p. 360 From antiétatique to altermondialisme: Development & Défense in a globalised world 3 List of Acronyms: ADH Archives Départmentales de l’Hérault ADA Archives Départmentales de l’Aude ADG Archives Départmentales du Gard AJCB Musée des arts et traditions populaires, Archives Jean Charles-Brun AN Archives Nationales AOC or (AC) Appellation d’Origine Côntrolée or (Appellation Côntrolée) CDJA Comité Départementale des Jeunes Agriculteurs CGA Confédération Générale de l’Agriculture CGVM Conféderation générale des vignerons du Midi CRAV Comité Régional d’Action Viticole CRSV Comité Régional de Salut Viticole CMA Comité Marcelin Albert CNSTP Confédération Nationale Syndicale des Travailleurs Paysans EEC European Economic Community FAV Fédération des Associations Viticole FDCC (A/H/G) Fédération des Caves Cooperatives de l'Aude/Hérault/Gard FDSEA Fédération Départementale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles FNSEA Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles FRF Fédération Régionaliste Française FTAM Fédération des travailleurs agricole du Midi HL Hectolitre (100 litres) IVCC Institut des Vins de Consommation Courante 4 JO Journal Officiel JV Jeunes Viticulteurs MIVOC Mouvement d’Intervention des Viticulteurs Occitans MODEF Mouvement Ouvrier de Défense des Enterprises Familiales ONIVINS Office national interprofessionnel des vins PCF Parti Communiste Française PS Parti Socialiste PSU Parti Socialist Unifié RG Renseignements Généraux SAFER Sociétés d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural SFIO Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière UJRF Union de la Jeunesse Républicaine de France VDQS Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure 5 List of tables and illustrations p.11 Image from the CRAV's 2007 video address p.14 Map of the Languedoc p.41 Index of average annual prices of wine in the Midi (100% = 20yr average price) p.50 Cartoon depicting the primacy of fraud as a cause of the 1907 downturn p.60 Protest poster glorifying Albert in Occitan yet draped in the flag of the Republic p.75 Graph of the rapid increase of Algerian wine production p.82 Table illustrating the rise of cooperative wineries in France p.85 Index of the average price of wine in the Languedoc (1948 Harvest = 100%) p.109 Emmanuel Maffre-Beaugé addressing a demonstration in Montpellier p.124 André Castera addressing a demonstration in Carcassonne flanked by CRS p.128 RG reproduction of anti-Gaullist propaganda p.133 An SFIO publication highlighting the PCF's association with Stalinism p.145 Winegrowers smash bottles of Algerian wines p.163 Graph of Hérault Harvest in HL p.187 Protest in Béziers, 1961 p.189 Map of the borders of Occitanie according to the COEA p.215 Occitanistes exchange the flag of Occitanie with the Irish Republican 'Starry Plough' p.244 Changes in adjusted value of Languedocian agriculture (Euros per hectare, 2003) p.246 Key facts about the agricultural sector in the Languedoc-Roussillon p.253 André Cases confronting the CRS at Narbonne p.278 Winegrowers spray-painting the Croix Occitane on the halted Talgo train p.291 Protests in Narbonne p.301 Consumption trends in Europe (litres of wine per inhabitant per year) p.304 Changes in the Surface of vines (HA) p.305 Changes in varieties by HA (1968-1990) p.307 Comparison of AOC yield restrictions p.319 Protest against arrachage in Narbonne p.324 Development of demonstration attendances in Languedoc Roussillon (1949-1991) p.326 Jean Ramond addressing winegrowers p.334 Jean Huillet addressing winegrowers p.347 Cartoon illustrating the CRAV's links to the land p.365 Jose Bové being arrested for dismantling a McDonalds 6 Acknowledgements The most prominent acknowledgement must be to Professor Julian Jackson for his guidance, constant advice and patience throughout the preparation of this thesis. Many friends have also helped to proof-read and critique sections of my work. Andrew Dodd willingly discussed many of this project's minutiae, providing an excellent sounding board and partner for debate. Eleanor Davey provided useful insight and constructive criticism of various chapters as a willing reader. Ed Naylor has also helped to read through sections and offered advice. Daniel De Groff listened to many conference papers which tested various sections of my study and provided excellent feedback on these. Likewise, Paul Davidson kindly read through early drafts and provided a base in Paris for several shorter trips to the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Archives Nationales. The archivists at the Archives Départmentales de l'Aude must constitute some of the finest in France. They flagged up many relevant works, none the least that of Lawrence McFalls when they assumed that the name 'McFalls' must mean he was Scottish and wondered if we were acquainted. Lawrence McFalls (Université de Montréal) subsequently provided advice by correspondence was helpful in delineating the boundaries of this study. Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (Université de Lyon) was also very generous in her advice relating to Montredon's relationship with 1968. I must likewise express gratitude to those that responded to interviews, whether that contact was by email, telephone or simply my knocking unexpectedly 7 upon their door. Some of those approached offered advice and guidance in longer correspondences. Amongst these was Jean Clavel, a prolific commentator with many publications and an active blog. His work Mondialisation des vins was kindly donated to the author by Mme. Béatrice de Chabert of the Syndicat AOC Coteaux de Languedoc. The Editor of Paysan du Midi, Philippe Cazal, was also generous with his time and knowledge and even kind enough to forward me articles of interest. This work builds upon a much more rudimentary study of the CRAV which I undertook as part of my Undergraduate degree. The supervision of Stephen Tyre at The University of St Andrews was formative and essential to the completion of that work. The advice of Gerard De Groot also left a great impression which has shaped my approach to this work. I am grateful to my family, who have remained convinced that I would complete this project and succeed thereafter, specifically my Mother, Christine. Finally, my Fiancée, Holly Ivins, has provided constant support. She has proof-read copious drafts and listened patiently to plans, ideas and arguments as the thesis took shape. Both her encouragement and her belief were as essential to the completion of this piece as she is to me. 8 Dedicated to the memory of my Father, Gordon Smith. 9 Introduction: Tending Vines & Picket Lines: The CRAV and the Post-War ‘Languedoc Viticole’ Vignerons, nous vous appelons à vous révolter. Nous sommes au point de non retour. Soyez les dignes représentants des révoltes de 1907 où déjà certains sont morts pour permettre aux générations futures de pouvoir vivre de leur labeur. Faisons en sorte que nos enfants puissent connaître la viticulture. 1 When five masked men stood issuing threats of blood and chaos to the French establishment in March 2007, they called on the French public to support them in their violent crusade. This call to arms was issued in the vernacular of a cause a century old, invoking heritage, pride and a very classical interpretation of piety.
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