ONLINE BANKING AGREEMENT Revised 04-2021 The following information represents the Online Banking Agreement between you and Central State Bank (“Bank,” “we,” “our,” “ours,” us”). This Agreement, including, as applicable, the signature card, rate and fee schedule, Truth in Savings disclosures, Funds Availability Policy Disclosure, Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement and Disclosure, Consent for Electronic Communications and Disclosures, and other instructions and the terms and conditions contained herein relating to specific Services that may be provided in connection herewith (collectively, this “Agreement”), sets forth the terms and conditions governing the provision of Online Banking services to you or anyone authorized by you (collectively, “Customer,” “you,” “your,” “yours”) and describes your and our rights, responsibilities and obligations. Unless otherwise indicated, the provisions of this Agreement apply to both business and consumer customers. If you are a business Customer who utilizes specific services, you may be required to agree to additional terms and conditions. These terms and conditions, if applicable, are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. If you are a business Customer, by completing and signing the Enrollment Form, and/or using one or more of the Services, Customer agrees to, and shall be bound by, the terms, conditions and provisions in this Agreement, including those for each Service which Customer has selected. If you are a consumer, by clicking the “I agree” button at the end of this Agreement, you are electronically signing this Agreement, which shall be considered the same as your authorized written signature constituting your binding agreement to all of the terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced in this Agreement.
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