Page 104 TITLE 12—BANKS and BANKING § 322 Ber Bank Under a State Charter, the Membership of the State Bank in the Federal
§ 322 TITLE 12—BANKS AND BANKING Page 104 ber bank under a State charter, the membership 1950—Act Aug. 17, 1950, inserted second par., permit- of the State bank in the Federal Reserve System ting application for membership in the Federal Reserve shall continue. System by the State bank resulting from a conversion, Any such State bank which on February 25, merger, or consolidation transaction involving a na- 1927, has established and is operating a branch tional bank, except where the national bank merges or consolidates with a State bank already a member of or branches in conformity with the State law, System in which case the membership continues. may retain and operate the same while remain- 1935—Act Aug. 23, 1935, § 338, inserted phrase in third ing or upon becoming a stockholder of such Fed- (formerly second) par. beginning ‘‘except that the ap- eral Reserve bank; but no such State bank may proval of the Board of Governors’’. retain or acquire stock in a Federal Reserve 1934—Act June 16, 1934, inserted third sentence in bank except upon relinquishment of any branch first par. or branches established after February 25, 1927, 1933—Act June 16, 1933, inserted ‘‘including Morris beyond the limits of the city, town, or village in Plan banks and other incorporated banking institu- which the parent bank is situated: Provided, tions engaged in similar business’’ in first par. and in- serted proviso to third (formerly second) par. through however, That nothing herein contained shall ‘‘branches of national banks’’. prevent any State member bank from establish- 1927—Act Feb.
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