ImprovementsinSpeechSynthesis.EditedbyE.Keller et al. Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-49985-4 &Hardback); 0-470-84594-5 &Electronic) Improvements in Speech Synthesis ImprovementsinSpeechSynthesis.EditedbyE.Keller et al. Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-49985-4 &Hardback); 0-470-84594-5 &Electronic) Improvements in Speech Synthesis COST 258: The Naturalness of Synthetic Speech Edited by E. Keller, University of Lausanne, Switzerland G. Bailly, INPG, France A. Monaghan, Aculab plc, UK J. Terken, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands M. Huckvale, University College London, UK JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD ImprovementsinSpeechSynthesis.EditedbyE.Keller et al. Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-49985-4 &Hardback); 0-470-84594-5 &Electronic) Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UD, England National 01243 779777 International &44) 1243 779777 e-mail &for orders and customer service enquiries):
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