The Voice of the UK Soft Drinks Industry The British Soft Drinks Association is the national trade association representing the collective interests of producers and manufacturers of soft drinks including carbonated soft drinks, still and dilutable drinks, fruit juices and smoothies, and bottled waters. Join the BSDA today and have your say in your industry! ,QÀXHQFLQJ*RYHUQPHQW Communicating with the Media Promoting Sustainablity Enhancing Skills ,I\RXZLVKWRUHFHLYHIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWDOOWKHEHQH¿WV%6'$PHPEHUVKLS has to offer please call us on +44 (0)207 430 0356 or email
[email protected]. Soft Drinks Internationa l – March 2010 ConTEnTS 1 news Europe 4 Africa 8 Middle East 10 The leading English language magazine published in Europe, devoted exclusively to the Asia Pacific 12 manufacture, distribution and marketing of soft drinks, fruit juices and bottled water. Americas 14 Ingredients 18 features Juices & Juice Drinks 22 Energy & Sports 24 Aslanoba Foods Enters The Turkish Juice Market 40 Waters & Water Plus Drinks 26 With the help of Tetra Pak, Teas 29 Aslanoba is on track to reach its target 10% market share bY the end Carbonates 30 of 2010. Traditional 32 Generating Price Premiums 42 Packaging 50 Recent research undertaken bY Quest For New Citrus Notes 34 Beneo-Group has shoWn that price Environment 52 Consumers are looking for neW premiums are still possible if beVerage eXperiences Which are consumers understand and Value People 54 authentic, fresh, Vibrant, sophisticated health benefits. Events 55 and natural, saYs DaWn Streich from GiVaudan. Bubbling Up 57 Clean It Up 44 Implementing an appropriate Water From Flavours To The treatment process can deliVer Tailor-made Product financial and enVironmental gains, regulars Concept 36 maintains Puresep.