
Roman Baby Girl Names

Name Meaning

Inspired from the Roman word ?Hestia?, , in refers to the Vesta Goddess of the Hearth. It is believed to be a continuous fire which the Vestal Virgins tended to and it burned in the Vesta Temple in .

Roman mythology legends portray as the goddess of ?sex and love?. She is Venus also known to be an ancestor of the people of Rome. Interestingly, Venus is also the name of the second planet in the solar system from the sun.

In Roman mythology, Rhea refers to the name of the mother of the legendary Rhea founders, Remus and , who founded Rome.

It is derived from the word ?pomus? which means a fruit tree. In Roman myth, Pomona refers to the goddess of fruit-bearing trees. Unusual and attractive, Pomona is one of the beautiful female roman goddess names.

The Roman goddess depicting both war and wisdom, has a charm to the Minerva name. It means ?intellect?.

Maia, as per Roman legends, was the wife and companion of . She was Maia also known as the spring goddess. Magical and beautiful as the name, Maia, is perfect for someone born in the month of May.

Luna in Roman mythology refers to the moon goddess. She is often portrayed as Luna riding a white chariot through the blue skies.

Lavinia, King Latinus?s daughter was ?s wife. She was an ancestor of the people of Rome. Legend says that to honor his beloved wife, Aeneas named a Lavinia town after her and it is known as Lavinium. It shares a rich history in Roman legends that you can sh

Lara, is a sweet and short name of a in Roman mythology who was known Lara to be very talkative. Lara means ?to talk?.

Roman mythology suggests that Hersilia was a Sabine woman, who married Hersilia Romulus and became his wife. Unique and graceful, Hersilia is surely to be a headturner.

Flora was the wife of, Zephyr, the west wind. She is known to be the goddess of spring and flowers. As beautiful as its name, Flora would be an ideal choice for your baby girl. Derived from the masculine form of ??, , was the goddess of women, Fauna fertility and healing in Roman mythology. She was also the companion and daughter of Faunus.

Elissa was also known as Dido in Roman mythology. Elissa was the queen of Elissa kingdom of Carthage. It sounds pleasant and cute.

Diana, has an air of royalty to its name and was borne by the absolutely stunning and gorgeous princess of Wales. , in Roman mythology refers to the Diana Goddess of hunting and forests. It is also the name of the beautiful moon goddess in Roman myth.

Concordia sounds magical and peaceful. Named after the goddess of harmony and peace as per Roman mythology, this name is perfect for your little girl.

Ceres, in Roman mythology is known to be the goddess of farming and agriculture. Its symbolic meaning is ?to grow?.

Camilla is a beautiful name for a baby girl with an interesting piece of mythology Camilla related to it. Roman myth refers to Camilla as a huntress who could run so fast over the field without touching or bending any grass.

Bellona, was known to be the name of the goddess of wars in Roman mythology. She was also the companion and friend of . Bellona means ?to fight?.

Beautiful and delicate, this name is referred to the goddess of winter solistice in Roman mythology. Angerona also means ?goddess of silence?.

This is an alternative name of the Roman God of love, . Amor means ?love?. Amor One of those exotic, timeless roman mythology baby girl names.