LOS ANGELES PROVINCE ESIGNS SISTERSD OF ST JOSEPH OF CARONDELET AND FRIENDS WINTER 2016 O God of Wisdom come1 WISDOM Fill us with your ancient Knowing Bring us to your Carol L Smith, CSJ Winter 1 ~ Sister Carol L Smith, CSJ holy glow. See p 24 Contents DEPARTMENTS Administration Letter Mission Advancement–– 4 Advancing the Mission Justice––“Nug Ecneloiv” 7 Archives––A Teacher’s Manual 14 FEATURES Mission Statement 5 The Voice of Vocation 6 Ministry in the Golden Years 8 WISDOM Inner Peace 10 Winter 2016 - Vol. 33 No. 4 A Year of Memories 12 Editor Advent Journey to Wisdom 16 Meyling Eliash-Daneshfar Designer Medaille House of Discernment Community 17 Carol Louise Smith, CSJ Families Take Their Mission Seriously 18 Proofreaders Sister Teresa Avalos, CSJ SJW Workers Find Wisdom at Work 20 Sister Cathy Bundon, CSJ All of Which Woman Is Capable 22 Sister Caroline Chang, CSJ Sister Imelda D'Agostino, CSJ Remembering 23 Sister Therese Denham, CSJ Sister Maureen Doherty, CSJ CONTRIBUTORS Sister Joan Hagen, CSJ Sister Dennis Mary McFadden, CSJ Sister Frances Baker, CSJ Sister Patricia Rose Shanahan, CSJ Sister Carol Brong, CSJ DESIGNS is a publication of the Sisters of St. Meyling Eliash-Daneshfar, Editor Joseph of Carondelet in the Los Angeles Yessenia Diaz, SJWorker Province; it is published three times a year. All material submitted is subject to review, Sally Koch, CSJ Candidate revision, and editing. Unsolicited material Sister Thomas Bernard MacConnell, CSJ may not exceed 300 words. Send all articles to: Dianne Nelson CSJ Associate Sister Pat Nelson, CSJ Meyling Eliash-Daneshfar Carondelet Center Sister Patricia Rose Shanahan, CSJ 11999 Chalon Road Sister Diane Smith, CSJ Los Angeles, CA 90049
[email protected] www.csjla.org PHOTO CREDITS Sister Patricia Rose Shanahan, CSJ DESIGNS Meyling Eliash-Daneshfar Sister Carol L Smith, CSJ DESIGNS 22 From the Leadership Team Wisdom builds her house, sets her table, bids all welcome to her feast, and her feast is LIFE.