Helping to create opportunities and sustainable livelihoods GROUP FOUNDATION

01 Note from the Chair

02 : our funder 03 04 05 Engineers Without CARE The funding from The Connection Borders UK Anglo American Group at St Martin’s Focusing on the fight Foundation has also against poverty supported CARE’s Alleviating poverty microfinance programme, Helping homeless people through engineering by creating 400 to make lasting changes savings groups in their lives

The Foundation is currently funding a community-driven water, 06 07 education and sanitation project which includes Fairbridge PLAN education on the importance of safe Promoting the rights Working with 13-25 year olds in hygiene and sanitation of children worldwide some of the most disadvantaged for 3000 residents within areas in the UK target communities

08 Pro Mujer

Providing credit, healthcare and business training for poor Anglo American Group women entrepreneurs Foundation funding will enable Sightsavers and its partners to reach 1,500,000 people

10 Anglo American Group Foundation Trustees

11 Governance and Application process

09 12 Financial Information Sightsavers

Fighting blindness worldwide Note from the Chair 01

Cover: This is the first public report produced Three children who benefit from the services given at Ponte en Mi Lugar. In late 2005, the Anglo American plc by the Anglo American Group Foundation began engaging with charity organisation Children of the Andes, COA. Children of the Andes is a UK based charity that provides support Foundation. It provides a brief account to Columbia’s most vulnerable children through working with local NGOs. COA was established in 1991 to support of some of the activities of the children living on the streets and in the sewers of Bogotá Foundation since it was established in 2005. Over this period, it has disbursed and committed some $8.25 million.

The report is intended to provide The threads that connect our giving More broadly within the United work, however, we are looking our stakeholders with an account are: the alleviation of poverty; Kingdom, we are particularly for organisations that share our of our purpose and philosophy; our support for projects designed to proud of the relationship which goals, are results focussed and objectives; information about some support sustainable development; we have developed over several aim to build the capacities of of the projects and organisations and capacity building in areas years with Engineers Without individuals and families to become that we have funded to date and such as governance, health and Borders, an undergraduate initiative more independent and support guidance on what we are looking education. Increasingly we also which is undertaking an increasing themselves. We have also shown for in a partner organisation. seek to support women since in level of overseas engineering ourselves willing to support development we increasingly see projects, is developing technical projects over several years. Our purpose is to be an effective that the greatest dividend can be solutions to aid development charitable foundation. To achieve achieved through empowering projects and is raising awareness I believe that the Anglo American this we want to make an impact women within their communities, of development challenges at key Foundation has carved a distinctive through supporting organisations especially in relation to micro- British Universities. Anglo American niche in relation to the types of which help to create sustainable finance and health – hence our plc and, in more recent years, the project that it supports and in livelihoods both in the UK and support for the International Foundation have been the group’s our next report I hope to be able around the world. Women’s Healthcare Coalition most consistent supporters and we to share more specific outcomes and, in Peru, Pro-Mujer. believe that the investment has from the projects that we have Our sole funder is Anglo American helped to create an organisation supported. I have only recently plc. Although we act independently In London, Anglo American’s which year on year has proven assumed the Chairmanship of the and organise our affairs so as head office is located within remarkably good at developing Foundation and I would like to to ensure that there is no direct Westminster and close to Trafalgar gifted and committed young leaders. congratulate the Chairman, Edward benefit to the company from the Square; thus the focus of our work Bickham and Foundation Manager, projects that we fund, we do give here relates to youth homelessness We also work with many charities Jody White, on putting it on such priority to applications from high including through support for three overseas, whether they are a strong and distinctive footing. quality projects in the countries organisations – Centrepoint, The based in the UK or elsewhere where Anglo American is active. Connection at St Martin’s and and with both large players such Anji Hunter We divide our giving between Alone in London. Otherwise the as CARE, Sightsavers, Leonard Chair of the Anglo American Group Foundation projects in the Foundation concentrates our giving Cheshire Disability or PLAN and and those charities – whether in London on building the capacities smaller, highly focussed charities based in the UK or not – with and life chances of young people such as Children of the Andes an international focus. in North Lambeth and Southwark in Colombia, the MicroLoan through work with charities such Foundation in Namibia or Starfish as Fairbridge, Skillforce and Coram. in South Africa. Wherever we

Anglo American Group Foundation 02 Map showing projects we support

Bogotá, Colombia London, UK Masvingo and Midlands Yulin, China Children of the Andes The Connection at St Martin’s provinces, Zimbabwe Plan International Centrepoint CARE International Fairbridge Leonard Cheshire Disability Royal Academy of Engineering Homes in Zimbabwe Skillforce Rockwatch Headstart South Africa Starfish Alone in London Bees for Development Coram EWB New Delhi, India Canning House Salaam Baalak Trust

Mokhotlong, Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho CARE International

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Caring for Congolese Children

Quellaveco, Peru Ongwediva, Namibia Pro Mujer MicroLoan Foundation

Perus, Sau Paulo, Brazil Boké, Guinea CARE International Sightsavers The International Award

Anglo American plc: our funder The Foundation was established In 2008, Anglo American plc The Anglo American Foundation in the second half of 2005 as committed some $76.2 million in is funded exclusively by Anglo a channel through which Anglo social investment at site level and, American plc. Anglo American American funds good causes of in a number of priority countries, is one of the world’s largest relevance to the countries where it through a network of Foundations, mining groups works and causes related to central including in Brazil, Chile, South London, where the Group’s head Africa, Namibia and the United With its subsidiaries, joint office is located. Kingdom. The Anglo American ventures and associates, it is a Chairman’s Fund is regularly global leader in platinum group Anglo American has a strong recognised as South Africa’s metals and diamonds, with commitment to the sustainable leading social investment vehicle. significant interests in coal, base development of the countries and and ferrous metals, as well as communities where it operates. an industrial minerals business. Since 80% of the Group’s The Group is geographically operations are in developing diverse, with operations in Africa, or middle income countries, , South and North America, predominantly in Southern Africa Australia and Asia. or South America, its social programmes focus upon different dimensions of development, especially socio-economic development; education; health; capacity building and governance and the environment.

Anglo American Group Foundation Case study 03

145 young engineers have undertaken EWB-UK placements with 30 partner organisations 145 in 16 countries

The vision of Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB-UK) is a world where access to technology or infrastructure is not a barrier to alleviating poverty

Inset and right Engineering projects in action

Engineers Without Borders UK A recent placement was at a Want to know more? visit>> Alleviating poverty through community wind energy project engineering in the Philippines with partner organisation SIBAT. The placement EWB-UK provides learning and volunteer, Drew Corbyn, spent training opportunities to enable twelve months working with the student, graduate and professional community to develop a water engineers to help to achieve this pumping system powered by a vision. EWB-UK also supports small-scale wind turbine. This organisations worldwide through significantly increased the amount the placement of carefully selected of water available for cooking, and talented young volunteers. cleaning and washing. The engineers provide technical assistance to local partners, and Drew developed a feasibility tool in return the volunteers receive for wind turbine site selection valuable work experience. Support that will benefit SIBAT in the long from the Anglo American Group term. He also helped to establish Foundation is mainly used to fund local manufacturing capabilities for these projects. the turbine.

Other placements have included supporting slum infrastructure improvements in India, traditional textile manufacturing in Cambodia, and low-cost sanitation in Ecuador. The Anglo American Group Foundation is EWB-UK’s largest sponsor.

Anglo American Group Foundation 04 Case study

Above and left Small businesses taking shape with the assistance of CARE

Working in 70 countries around the world, CARE helps more than 65 million people every year. CARE’s long-term programmes tackle the deep-seated 1, 6 8 0 CARE in Perus, Brazil – provided causes of poverty and they aim to be among the first 1,680 young people with business skills improving lives for their families to respond when disaster strikes (a further 8,100 people)

CARE International UK For example, in the state of Goias, microfinance programme, by creating Want to know more? visit>> Focusing on the fight Brazil, Anglo American and CARE 400 savings groups and training against poverty are collaborating around Anglo’s 1,400 families in the selection, Barro Alto operations to stimulate planning and management of Care International UK is a leading the local economy, improve income generating activities. international humanitarian education and encourage increased organisation, focusing on the fight community participation. This CARE’s aim is to enhance the against poverty. Working in 70 project sits alongside a second considerable role the private sector countries around the world, CARE initiative in Brazil in the Sao plays within the development helps more than 65 million people Paulo suburb of Perus. There, the agenda and the potential every year. CARE’s long-term Anglo American Group Foundation companies provide for people to programmes tackle the deep-seated has provided funding for CARE’s earn a living, sell their produce, causes of poverty and they aim economic and social inclusion access services and lift themselves to be among the first to respond project which will provide 1,680 out of poverty. CARE believes when disaster strikes. young people with the skills to that collaboration with companies enable them to start up small such as Anglo American and the CARE believes that a business can businesses. Anglo American Group Foundation uphold not only the rights of their can result in innovative solutions workforce, but also the rights of In Zimbabwe, support from the to poverty. communities. With this in mind Anglo American Group Foundation CARE International UK has been has funded a number of projects, working with Anglo American since covering issues such as water 2003 – prior to the creation of the harvesting, food security and more Foundation – to improve Anglo’s recently provided funding for the ability to respond to the needs cholera relief programme. The of communities. funding has also supported CARE’s

Anglo American Group Foundation Case study 05

Inset and right Vocational training to help clients find employment

The Connection at St Martin’s is based in central London and works with homeless people and those in insecure accommodation. The Connection aims to help people make the transition from the streets into employment or training and accommodation

5,500 beneficiaries 5,500 of cafeteria funding

The Connection at St Martin’s The Anglo American Group has The Connection also receives Want to know more? visit>> Helping homeless people been supporting the charity in valuable support from Anglo to make lasting changes in various ways since 2003. In American employees. As well as their lives addition to providing financial taking part in fundraising events contributions towards running costs on behalf of The Connection, The Connection at St Martin’s for the day centre, the Foundation company employees act as is based in central London and also made a donation towards the volunteer advisors during CV works with homeless people and St Martin’s Renewal project, helping and interview skills workshops. those in insecure accommodation. to pay for the IT suite in the new Company employees also help out The Connection aims to help day centre building. in the cafeteria, providing food for people make the transition from homeless clients. the streets into employment or A Foundation grant has helped training and accommodation. to fund the work of a new The Connection looks forward Vocational Trainer for ‘Workspace’, to maintaining its relationship The Connection’s day centre in the programme’s employment, with the Anglo American Group Trafalgar Square is open throughout training and education facility. Each Foundation. This will help ensure the year, and each year over year the Workspace team gives that thousands of London’s 5,500 people access its services vocational guidance and IT training homeless people can continue (including showers, laundry and to over 700 homeless people to to receive life-changing services. café). As well as running the day help them find work. centre, The Connection provides outreach for rough sleepers, an Most recently the Foundation emergency night centre, specialist provided support for the provision housing advice and support, IT of hot meals for homeless clients. training and vocational guidance. This vital donation will ensure that The Connection can continue to provide nutritious, fresh food to some of the most vulnerable people in central London.

Anglo American Group Foundation 06 Case study 65% 65% of young people that took part in Learn2Earn courses last year had a positive outcome either going onto higher education, training, volunteering or they gained a qualification

Fairbridge works with 13-25 year olds in some of the most disadvantaged areas in the UK. Many lack support from their family, they are on the margins of their local community and many have Above and inset Young people taking part never undertaken formal employment in Fairbridge activities. Photographer Claudia Janke

Fairbridge The Anglo American Group services. Then the young people Want to know more? visit>> Turning lives around Foundation has supported were given a stall to run at a Fairbridge since 2006, enabling London market, where they took Fairbridge works with 13-25 the charity to run skills training responsibility for all aspects of the year olds in some of the most and personal development courses business including buying stock disadvantaged areas in the UK. for young people. With the most from wholesalers, setting up the Many lack support from their recent grant from the Foundation, stall and attracting customers. family, they are on the margins twenty young people in the London of their local community and area attended an intensive four- The programme has now been in many have never undertaken week training course, Learn2Earn. operation for five years. Nearly formal employment. two thirds of the young people The course was designed to on last year’s course went on to Fairbridge provides these young increase the motivation, personal participate in higher education, people with training to help them and social skills of the participants training or volunteering. Continuing re-engage in the workplace or through direct practical experience support from the Anglo American the classroom. The organisation of running a business; this in Group Foundation enables runs a programme of challenging turn significantly improved their Fairbridge to help many more activities and personal support employability skills. First, training young people in this way. that teach young people how to modules were provided in areas harness their strengths and realise including profit and loss, supply their potential. and demand, business ethics, record-keeping and customer

Anglo American Group Foundation Case study 07

Plan makes long-term commitments to children facing poverty by working directly with them and their families as well as Left and inset engaging with their communities PLAN projects in Yulin impact many areas of the villagers’ lives, from better health to improved food security

3,000 The Foundation is currently funding a community-driven water, education and sanitation project which includes education on the importance of safe hygiene and sanitation for 3,000 residents within target communities

PLAN The Anglo American Group Want to know more? visit>> Promoting the rights of Foundation is currently funding children worldwide a community-driven water, education and sanitation project Plan is a secular, apolitical child- in the Shaanxi province, China. A centred community development survey conducted by Plan in 2004 organisation. Plan makes long-term highlighted that there was almost commitments to children facing no access to drinking water and poverty by working directly with sanitation facilities were very poor, them and their families as well as resulting in significant poor health engaging with their communities. among children. Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realise their potential The project provides access to in societies that respect people’s improved, integrated and affordable rights and dignity. water and environmental sanitation.

The charity works at community, It includes education on the national and international levels in importance of safe hygiene and five key areas: growing up healthy, sanitation for 3,000 residents habitat, learning, livelihood and within target communities. building relationships. Now in its 70th year, Plan is working in 60 countries worldwide, helping approximately 11.8 million children and their families to fight global poverty.

Anglo American Group Foundation 08 Case study

Left: Eulogia Velásquez, Pro Mujer Peru Client, with Pro Mujer in Peru works through alliances with PM loan officer Julia Cama Above: A nurse gives a public and private health providers to promote check-up to waiting Pro Mujer clients in Peru integrated healthcare for women and children

20 The Foundation has funded 20 communal banks, making loans to around 400 women entrepreneurs in Moquegua

Pro Mujer The charity runs a wide range Pro Mujer tracks growth in Want to know more? visit>> Providing credit, healthcare of programmes, including loans, communal banks – groups of and business training for poor access to saving accounts, women who apply for loans as a women entrepreneurs business and empowerment group and make repayments – plus training, and access to healthcare. client savings and average loan Pro Mujer in Peru works through amounts. The increased availability alliances with public and private The Anglo American Group of credit, health services and health providers to promote Foundation is supporting a project training will help to improve the integrated healthcare for women in the region of Moquegua in health and overall wellbeing of and children. Pro Mujer also Peru. The project will provide clients and their families. Pro provides counselling and other over $1 million in loans and Mujer believes that this kind of care for women and families credit to around 10,000 women intervention can be very effective dealing with alcoholism and entrepreneurs who sell products in alleviating poverty in developing domestic violence. varying from commercial goods countries such as Peru. to potatoes and bread.

As well as helping the women to access primary healthcare, Pro Mujer works with them to grow their small enterprises and increase their income. The donation from the Foundation will be self- sustaining: the income generated through interest on the loans will enable Pro Mujer to expand to other underserved regions of the country.

Anglo American Group Foundation Case study 09

Sightsavers works with local partners in 34 countries to ensure that services are developed to help those in greatest need. During its 60 years of operation, Sightsavers has helped to restore sight 60,689 to more than five million people 60,689 people examined for eye conditions in first year of project in Senegal

Inset and right Beneficiaries of Sightsavers projects across Africa

Sightsavers Support from the Anglo American A three-year funding commitment Want to know more? visit>> Fighting blindness worldwide Group Foundation has enabled will contribute to the development Sightsavers to carry out work of human resources, alongside Sightsavers combats blindness across Africa, including in Mali, screening, prevention and curative in developing countries, restoring Tanzania and Senegal. In Mali, services, combating conditions sight through specialist treatment the funding paid for training of such as cataract, trachoma and and eye care. Sightsavers also eye care workers so that they river blindness. This funding will supports people who are were able to recognise and cure enable Sightsavers and its partners irreversibly blind by providing conditions such as cataracts, to reach 1.5 million people in the education, counselling and training. trachoma and childhood blindness. communities in and around Boké.

Sightsavers works with local In Tanzania, funding enabled Sightsavers is looking forward partners in 34 countries to ensure Sightsavers to improve facilities to continuing its collaboration that services are developed to help at under-resourced health facilities with the Anglo American Group those in greatest need. During its and train local health workers to Foundation. 60 years of operation, Sightsavers conduct eye screening. Community- has helped to restore sight to more based eye screening can provide an than five million people and treat early warning for serious conditions over 100 million for potentially that can lead to blindness, ensuring blinding conditions. that people receive specialist help and preventing blindness.

Sightsavers has also received funding from the Anglo American Group Foundation to initiate an eye care project in Boké, Guinea- Conakry. This funding has enabled the renovation and equipping of an eye care unit at Boké hospital.

Anglo American Group Foundation 10 Anglo American Group Foundation Trustees

The Trustees are selected from around the Anglo Group, from within a variety of functions and with differing experience to help provide a broad perspective. There is also one external Trustee to bring additional objectivity.

Want to know more? visit>>

Anji Hunter Nick Jordan Duncan Wanblad Ian Botha Chair of the Anglo American Company Secretary, CEO of Copper operations, Chief Financial Officer, Coal Group Foundation. Anglo American Anglo American Division, Anglo American Group Head of Government and Social Affairs, Anglo American Nick has been Company Secretary Duncan joined the Anglo Group Ian joined Anglo American’s of Anglo American plc since its in 1990 and has held various Corporate Finance team in 1996 Anji joined Anglo American in creation in 1999. Prior to that he projects, engineering and and, after an external role, rejoined 2009 and was appointed to was Company Secretary of its management positions including Anglo American as Vice President: Chair the Board of the Anglo predecessor company, Minorco, General Manager: Process Projects Corporate Finance in 2001. Ian American Group Foundation. based in where he in the projects division of Anglo was appointed Chief Financial She was previously Director lived from 1986 to 1999. Nick Platinum and was a director of the Officer of the Ferrous Metals and of Communications for BP and was called to the Bar in 1978. board of Anglo Platinum and various Industrial Division in December prior to this was the Director of Group subsidiaries between 2004 2003 and transferred to Anglo Government Relations for Prime Nick von Schirnding and 2008. Coal as Chief Financial Officer in Minister Tony Blair, in Downing St. Head of Investor & Corporate September 2008. Ian serves on the Affairs, Anglo American Jon Samuel Anglo Coal Executive Committee. Chris Corrin International Social and Group Head of Reward, Nick is a qualified lawyer and has Community Development Anglo American worked with the Anglo American Manager, Anglo American and groups since 1990 in Chris joined Anglo American various positions, starting in South Jon joined Anglo in 2007 and in his Corporation of South Africa as a Africa. In 1999, he moved to his current role he has responsibility graduate trainee in the Finance current position, when Anglo listed for managing Anglo’s social Division. After spells in the Gold as a plc in London. performance, a brief that includes Division and De Beers and an MBA stakeholder engagement, social at the University of Cape Town Angela Walker investment, management systems, he transferred to Minorco in 1996 Strategic Marketing Director, the development of guidance and where he became Head of Reward Morgan Ashurst plc training. Before joining Anglo Jon and was also a trustee of the was a Partner at the international Minorco Charitable Fund. Angela joined the Anglo Group in consultancy Environmental 2002 as Head of Marketing for Resources Management, where the Tarmac Group. In 2008 Angela he headed the economics practice. moved on to pursue a career with Morgan Ashurst plc as Strategic Marketing Director. Prior to joining the Anglo Group, Angela was with Premier Farnell and ICI plc.

Anglo American Group Foundation Governance and Application process 11

The Anglo American Group Foundation is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity under the terms of the Charity Commission in England and Wales.

for an application form visit>>

Governance of the Foundation’s charitable Application process application and, if successful, the aims. Trustees currently represent level of funding to be given. The The Foundation was established the Investor Relations, HR, Base The Foundation Manager Foundation and the Charity then as both a registered charity and Metals, Coal, External Affairs and undertakes an initial review of the sign a memorandum of agreement, a company limited by guarantee Company Secretarial functions of project, against the objectives of showing their commitment to and is independent from the Anglo Anglo American. the Foundation, after which the the partnership and agreeing on American Group of companies. This applicant will either be contacted objectives and key outputs. means that Anglo American plc and The company secretary advises for further information, or receive its subsidiaries may not benefit the trustees on their roles and notification that the project does Once projects are underway, from any charitable giving by the on developments in company not meet the Foundation’s criteria. grant recipients will be required Foundation. and charity law. Management to provide progress reports on a of the day to day running of the Suitable applicants are invited regular basis. Project information The trustees’ objective is to Foundation is delegated to the to meet with the Foundation’s is featured in the Foundation’s serve the Foundation and its part-time manager. manager who will help to shape reports and in the Anglo American beneficiaries. Their service is the content and structure of plc’s Annual Report and Report voluntary and no fee is charged the application. If possible, to Society. to the Foundation for their opportunities will be identified contribution. The trustees meet where Anglo American employee For an application form and quarterly and the composition of volunteers might become involved further details on how to apply, the board is reviewed regularly to in the project. please visit our website at www. maintain an appropriate balance of skills and experience. Trustees The final stage of the process is from the Anglo Group are selected for the application to be considered in order to provide a global view by the board of trustees. In some cases, the applicant may be invited to the board meeting to present the proposal. The trustees will agree a final decision on the

Anglo American Group Foundation 12 Financial Information

The Anglo American Group Foundation is solely funded by Anglo American plc. In the last two years alone, the Foundation has disbursed almost $3 million to charities around the world.

Financial Information education, environment and health/ 2007 Donations by Country 2008 Donations by Country 2007 & 2008 HIV. Some organisations will $ $ address multiple themes, such 6 In both 2007 and 2008, the as, combining both 6 7 5 5 largest geographical area to receive education and environmental aims. 4 4 1 funding was the UK, where the 3 3 Anglo American Head Office is The Foundation also provides 1 based. This included local service the finance to match fundraising 2 2 providers such as The Connection by Anglo employees at offices at St Martin’s, plus UK based in London and Luxembourg. This 1 UK 612,000; 55% 1 UK 777,000; 43% charities with an international gives staff the opportunity to 2 Africa 224,000; 20% 2 Africa 597,000; 33% focus, such as Engineers Without get involved in activities from 3 S Africa 76,000; 7% 3 S Africa 30,000; 1.5% Borders. The other notable region running marathons to hosting quiz 4 N America 37,000; 3% 4 N America 54,000; 3% was Africa, where much of the nights and then make their own 5 S America 70,000; 6% 5 S America 263,000; 14.5% 6 Asia 101,000; 9% 6 China 6,000; 0.5% Anglo group is based, although choice of recipient organisation, 7 UK Operating Costs 80,000; 4.5% very little is funded in South Africa which is then matched (up to a through the Foundation as The maximum figure per employee) Anglo American Chairman’s Fund by the Foundation. This further 2007 Donations by Cause 2008 Donations by Cause (a separate body of charitable broadens the types and locations $ $ giving) focuses solely on this of organisations that the 5 1 6 7 area. More recent areas of growth Foundation supports. 5 1 for the Foundation have included 4 South America and China. UK operating costs have always 4 2 3 been under 5% of total outgoings. The key giving themes for 2 the Foundation are defined as 3 local community, international 1 Local Community 125,000; 11% 1 Local Community 346,000; 19% development/humanitarian relief, 2 Int’l Development/Humanitarian Relief 2 Int’l Development/Humanitarian Relief 259,000; 23% 812,000; 45% 3 Education 406,000; 36.5% 3 Education 348,000; 19% 4 Environment 183,000; 16.5% 4 Environment 56,000; 3% 5 Health/HIV 148,000; 13% 5 Health/HIV 102,000; 6% 6 UK Operating Costs 80,000; 4.5% 7 Employee Matched Funding 62,000; 3.5%

Anglo American Group Foundation Bees for Development

Anglo American Group Foundation GROUP FOUNDATION

Anglo American Group Foundation 20 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AN Email [email protected]