2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name

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2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN abaca Musa textilis MUSACEAE Plot 76 abiu Pouteria caimito 'Whitman' SAPOTACEAE Plot 128a Abraham- bush:hardhead:scipio- Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus PHYLLANTHACEAE Plot 164 bush:sword-bush African iris Dietes iridioides IRIDACEAE Plot 143 Plot 131:Plot 19a:Plot African Mahogany Khaya nyasica MELIACEAE 58 African moringa Moringa stenopetala MORINGACEAE Plot 32a Plot 71a:Plot 83:Plot African oil palm Elaeis guineensis ARECACEAE 84a:Plot 96 African spiral flag Costus lucanusianus COSTACEAE Plot 76 African tulip-tree Spathodea campanulata BIGNONIACEAE Plot 29 alligator flag Thalia geniculata MARANTACEAE Royal Palm Lake Plot 158:Plot 45:Plot allspice Pimenta dioica MYRTACEAE 46 Amazon lily Eucharis x grandiflora AMARYLLIDACEAE Plot 131 Plot 131:Plot 151:Plot Amazon-lily Eucharis amazonica AMARYLLIDACEAE 152 Plot 176a:Plot American beauty Callicarpa americana LAMIACEAE 176b:Plot 19b:Plot berry 3a:Plot 51 anaqua Ehretia anacua BORAGINACEAE Plot 52 anchovy pear Grias cauliflora LECYTHIDACEAE Plot 112:Plot 32b andiroba:bastard Carapa guianensis MELIACEAE Plot 133:Plot 158 mahogany Plot 17:Plot 18:Plot angel's trumpet Brugmansia aurea SOLANACEAE 27d:Plot 50 angel's trumpet Brugmansia aurea x SOLANACEAE Plot 32b angel's trumpet Brugmansia 'Ecuador Pink' SOLANACEAE RPH-B4 angel's trumpet Brugmansia sp. SOLANACEAE Plot 133 Plot 143:Plot 27d:Plot angel's trumpet Brugmansia suaveolens SOLANACEAE 32b:Plot 3a:Plot 49:Plot 50 Brugmansia suaveolens 'Jamaica angel's trumpet SOLANACEAE Plot 133 Yellow' angel's trumpet Brugmansia suaveolens x aurea SOLANACEAE Plot 32b angel's trumpet Brugmansia 'Supernova' SOLANACEAE Plot 44:Plot 50 angel's trumpet Brugmansia versicolor 'Apricot' SOLANACEAE Plot 44 Brugmansia versicolor 'Cream angel's trumpet SOLANACEAE Plot 44 Sickle' RPH = Rare Plant House / Tropical Plant Conservatry 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN angle-vein fern Polypodium triseriale POLYPODIACEAE Plot 3b annatto Bixa orellana BIXACEAE Plot 19a Antillean apricot:mammee- Mammea americana CALOPHYLLACEAE Plot 49 apple Plot 117:Plot 129b:Plot aping:jaka Arenga undulatifolia ARECACEAE 72:Plot 75 Arabian coffee Coffea arabica RUBIACEAE Plot 130:Plot 24 Jasminum sambac 'Grand Duke of Arabian jasmine OLEACEAE Plot 19a:Plot 29:Plot 5 Tuscany' araca-boi:pichi Eugenia stipitata MYRTACEAE Whitman Fruit Pavilion Plot 129a:Plot 134:Plot Areca palm:butterfly Dypsis lutescens ARECACEAE 137:Plot 142:Plot palm 144:Plot 147:Plot 76 Plot 112:Plot 152:Plot arikury palm Syagrus schizophylla ARECACEAE 68:Plot 82 arrowroot Maranta arundinacea MARANTACEAE Plot 27c assai palm Euterpe oleracea ARECACEAE Plot 151 Plot 103b:Plot 18:Plot Assam indigo Strobilanthes cusia ACANTHACEAE 49:Plot 50:Wings of the Tropics Australian flame- tree:Illawarra - red Brachychiton acerifolius MALVACEAE Plot 35 shower Australian tree fern Sphaeropteris cooperi CYATHEACEAE Plot 131:Plot 152 avocado Persea americana LAURACEAE Plot 103c avocado Persea americana 'Darien' LAURACEAE Plot 116 Bahama ladder brake Pteris bahamensis POLYPODIACEAE Plot 176a Bahama pigeon-plum Coccoloba tenuifolia POLYGONACEAE Plot 164 Bahama Plot 17:Plot 176b:Plot senna:Chapman's Senna mexicana var. chapmanii FABACEAE 19a:Plot 19b:Plot sensitive plant 35:Plot 5 Bahama stopper Psidium androsianum MYRTACEAE Plot 164:Plot 166 Bahama strongbark Bourreria succulenta BORAGINACEAE Plot 19b:Plot 52 Plot 166:Plot 26:Plot Bahama swamp bush Pavonia bahamensis MALVACEAE 35:Wings of the Tropics RPH = Rare Plant House / Tropical Plant Conservatry 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN Bahama wild coffee:smooth wild Psychotria ligustrifolia RUBIACEAE Plot 19b:Plot 57a coffee Plot 115:Plot 150a:Plot 150b:Plot 162:Plot Bailey palm Copernicia baileyana ARECACEAE 169:Plot 77:Plot 78:Plot 80 Plot 61:Plot 64:Plot bald cypress Taxodium distichum TAXODIACEAE 65:Plot 66:Plot 96 balsam torchwood Amyris balsamifera RUTACEAE Plot 39 bamboo palm Chamaedorea microspadix ARECACEAE Plot 119 Plot 112:Plot 132:Plot bamboo palm Chamaedorea seifrizii ARECACEAE 142:Plot 143:Plot 149 banana Musa 'African Rhino Horn' MUSACEAE Plot 50 banana Musa 'Dwarf Namwa' MUSACEAE Plot 51 banana Musa 'Goldfinger' MUSACEAE Plot 32b banana Musa 'Ice Cream' MUSACEAE Plot 27c banana Musa 'Kandrian' MUSACEAE Plot 27f:Plot 45:Plot 66 banana Musa liukiuensis MUSACEAE Plot 119:Plot 152 banana Musa 'Misi Luki' MUSACEAE Plot 152 banana Musa 'Mysore' MUSACEAE Plot 27a banana Musa 'Pitogo' MUSACEAE Plot 27a banana Musa 'Praying Hands' MUSACEAE Plot 51 banana Musa 'Raja Puri' MUSACEAE Plot 152:Plot 50 banana Musa 'Red Iholene' MUSACEAE Plot 27a banana Musa 'Rose' MUSACEAE Plot 51 banana Musa 'Saba' MUSACEAE Plot 10:Plot 27f Banara Banara reticulata SALICACEAE Plot 164 banded wild- Tillandsia flexuosa BROMELIACEAE Plot 3b pine:twisted airplant banyan tree Ficus benghalensis MORACEAE Plot 62:Plot 99a Plot 112:Plot 153b:Plot baobab Adansonia digitata MALVACEAE 3b Barbados cherry Malpighia glabra MALPIGHIACEAE Plot 19b:Plot 25 Barbados olive Bontia daphnoides MYOPORACEAE Plot 166 bat flower Tacca chantrieri TACCACEAE RPH-A1:RPH-B3 bay-cedar Suriana maritima SURIANACEAE Plot 164:Plot 19b RPH = Rare Plant House / Tropical Plant Conservatry 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN Plot 158:Plot 17:Plot 3a:Plot 41a:Plot 45:Plot 46:Plot bay-rum tree Pimenta racemosa MYRTACEAE 55a:Plot 57a:Plot 66:Plot 74:Wings of the Tropics beach screw-pine Pandanus tectorius PANDANACEAE Plot 81 beechey bamboo Bambusa beecheyana POACEAE Plot 159 beef bush Tabebuia bahamensis BIGNONIACEAE Plot 164:Plot 41a beefsteak heliconia Heliconia mariae HELICONIACEAE Plot 72 Plot 101d:Plot 143:Plot Belize sage Salvia miniata LAMIACEAE 24:Plot 49 bell flower Portlandia grandiflora RUBIACEAE Plot 25:Plot 8 belmore sentry palm Howea belmoreana ARECACEAE Plot 120 Bengal creeper:sky Thunbergia grandiflora ACANTHACEAE Plot 4 vine Plot 101a:Plot 102:Plot Bermuda fan palm Sabal bermudana ARECACEAE 109:Plot 71a:Plot 89b betel palm Areca catechu ARECACEAE Plot 149 betel:betle Piper betle PIPERACEAE Plot 19a pepper:Pan big floatingheart Nymphoides aquatica MENYANTHACEAE Hammock Lake bignay Antidesma bunius PHYLLANTHACEAE Plot 127:Plot 41a bilimbi Averrhoa bilimbi OXALIDACEAE Plot 3a Plot 102:Plot 123b:Plot bird of paradise Strelitzia reginae STRELITZIACEAE 3a:Plot 90a Plot 131:Plot 132:Plot birds-nest fern Asplenium nidus ASPLENIACEAE 139 Plot 194:Plot 197:Plot Biscayne prickly ash Zanthoxylum coriaceum RUTACEAE 19b:Plot 34:Plot 41a Plot 1:Plot 101a:Plot 136:Plot 137:Plot Bismark palm Bismarckia nobilis ARECACEAE 139:Plot 71c:Plot 83:Plot 85 bitter bush Rauvolfia viridis APOCYNACEAE Plot 47 Plot 19b:Plot 24:Plot bitter-bush Picramnia pentandra SIMAROUBACEAE 29:Plot 32b:Plot 43 bitterwood Quassia amara SIMAROUBACEAE Plot 32a RPH = Rare Plant House / Tropical Plant Conservatry 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN black bean:Moreton Castanospermum australe FABACEAE Plot 153a Bay chestnut black calabash Amphitecna latifolia BIGNONIACEAE Plot 29:Plot 84a black ebony Pera bumeliifolia PERACEAE Plot 164 Plot 14 Planter B:Plot 143:Plot 164:Plot black ironwood Krugiodendron ferreum RHAMNACEAE 195:Plot 201:Plot 3a:Plot 3b black mangrove Avicennia germinans AVICENNIACEAE Plot 158 black mulberry Morus nigra MORACEAE Plot 38 black nicker:Mato Caesalpinia monensis FABACEAE Plot 50 Negro Plot 32b:Plot 55b:Plot black olive Bucida buceras COMBRETACEAE 60 black palm Astrocaryum standleyanum ARECACEAE Plot 112 black sapote Diospyros digyna EBENACEAE Plot 35 black sapote Diospyros digyna 'Oblong' EBENACEAE Plot 127 Plot 163:Plot 19a:Plot black torch Erithalis fruticosa RUBIACEAE 19b blackbead:FL Keys Plot 19a:Plot 19b:Plot Pithecellobium keyense FABACEAE blackbead 64 blackberry jam fruit Randia formosa RUBIACEAE Plot 25 blackberry-lily Iris domestica IRIDACEAE Plot 143 Plot 164:Plot 197:Plot blolly Guapira discolor NYCTAGINACEAE 62 blolly Guapira obtusata NYCTAGINACEAE Plot 158:Plot 164 Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. blood lily AMARYLLIDACEAE Plot 104:Plot 52 katherinae blue beargrass tree Nolina nelsonii ASPARAGACEAE Plot 6 blue butterfly bush Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense' LAMIACEAE Plot 19a blue candle Myrtillocactus geometrizans CACTACEAE Plot 6 blue century plant Agave neglecta ASPARAGACEAE Plot 1 Plot 101b:Plot 134:Plot blue hesper palm Brahea armata ARECACEAE 139:Plot 176a blue latan palm Latania loddigesii ARECACEAE Plot 108 blue marble tree:blue Plot 130:Plot 132:Plot Elaeocarpus angustifolius ELAEOCARPACEAE quandong 73 blue marbles Elaeocarpus grandis ELAEOCARPACEAE Plot 133:Plot 45 RPH = Rare Plant House / Tropical Plant Conservatry 2016 Plant Names Catalog Alphabetical by Common Name LOCATION(S) IN COMMON NAME(S) BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY GARDEN blue microsorum:blue Microsorum thailandicum POLYPODIACEAE RPH-B6 fern blue mistflower Conoclinium coelestinum ASTERACEAE Plot 19b blue rat's Stachytarpheta urticifolia VERBENACEAE Wings of the Tropics tail:snakeweed blue sage Eranthemum pulchellum ACANTHACEAE Plot 4:Plot 44:Plot 57a blushing philodendron Philodendron erubescens ARACEAE RPH-B6 boar hog bush Callicarpa hitchcockii LAMIACEAE Plot 164 Bolivian sunset Seemannia sylvatica GESNERIACEAE Plot 32b Plot 101c:Plot 110:Plot bottle palm
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