Bulletin 33 May 1, 2016 Paleontology of Cretaceous Coon Creek Editors Dana Ehret, Lynn Harrell & Sandy Ebersole BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The scientific publication of the Alabama Museum of Natural History. Dr. Dana J. Ehret, Editor. BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY is published by the Al a bama Museum of Natural History, a unit of The University of Alabama. The BULLETIN succeeds its predecessor, the MUSEUM PAPERS, which was ter mi nat ed in 1961 upon the transfer of the Museum to the University from its parent orga ni za- tion, the Geological Survey of Alabama. The BULLETIN is devoted primarily to scholarship and research concerning the natural history of Alabama and the Southeast. It appears twice yearly in consec u tive ly numbered issues. Communication concerning manuscripts, style, and editorial policy should be addressed to: Editor, BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, The University of Alabama, Box 870340, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0340; tele- phone (205) 348-7551 or emailed to
[email protected]. Prospective authors should ex am ine the Notice to Au thors inside the back cover. Orders and requests for general information should be addressed to BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NAT U RAL HISTORY, at the above address or emailed to
[email protected]. Yearly sub scrip tions (two issues) are $30.00 for indi vid u als, $50.00 for cor po ra tions and institutions. Numbers may be purchased in di vid u al ly. Payment should ac com pa ny orders and subscriptions and checks should be made out to “The Uni ver si ty of Alabama.” Library exchanges should be handled through: Exchange Librarian, The University of Alabama, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487- 0340.