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Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini, in full Benito Amilcare Andrea TABLE OF CONTENTS Mussolini, byname Il Duce Introduction (Italian: “The Leader”) (born July 29, 1883, Early life Predappio, —died Rise to power April 28, 1945, near Dictatorship Dongo), Italian prime Role in World War II Benito Mussolini. minister (1922–43) and the

H. Roger-Viollet �rst of 20th-century Europe’s fascist dictators.


Mussolini was the �rst child of the local blacksmith. In later years he expressed pride in his humble origins and often spoke of himself as a “man of the people.” The Mussolini family was, in fact, less humble than he claimed—his father, a part-time socialist journalist as well as a blacksmith, was the son of a lieutenant in the National Guard, and his mother was a schoolteacher—but the Mussolinis were certainly poor. They lived in two crowded rooms on the second �oor of a small, decrepit palazzo; and, because Mussolini’s father spent much of his time discussing politics in taverns and most of his money on his mistress, the meals that his three children ate were often meagre.

A restless child, Mussolini was disobedient, unruly, and aggressive. He was a bully at school and moody at home. Because the teachers at the village school could not control him, he was sent to board with the strict Salesian order at Faenza, where he proved himself more troublesome than ever, stabbing a fellow pupil with a penknife and attacking one of the Salesians who had attempted to beat him. He was expelled and sent to the Giosuè Carducci School at Forlimpopoli, from which he was also expelled after assaulting yet another pupil with his penknife.

He was also intelligent, and he passed his �nal examinations without dif�culty. He obtained a teaching diploma and for a time worked as a schoolmaster but soon realized that he was totally unsuited for such work. At the age of 19, a short, pale young man with a powerful jaw and enormous, dark, piercing eyes, he left Italy for with a nickel medallion of Karl Marx in his otherwise empty pockets. For the next few months, according to his own account, he lived from day to day, jumping from job to job.

https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 1/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia At the same time, however, he was gaining a reputation as a young man of strange magnetism and remarkable rhetorical talents. He read widely and voraciously, if not deeply, plunging into the philosophers and theorists Immanuel Kant, Benedict de Spinoza, Peter Kropotkin, Friedrich Nietzsche, G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Kautsky, and Georges Sorel, picking out what appealed to him and discarding the rest, forming no coherent political philosophy of his own yet impressing his companions as a potential revolutionary of uncommon personality and striking presence. While earning a reputation as a political journalist and public speaker, he produced propaganda for a trade union, proposing a strike and advocating violence as a means of enforcing demands. Repeatedly, he called for a day of vengeance. More than once he was arrested and imprisoned. When he returned to Italy in 1904, even the Roman newspapers had started to mention his name.

For some time after his return little was heard of him. He once more became a schoolmaster, this time in the Venetian , north of Udine, where he lived, so he confessed, a life of “moral deterioration.” But soon tiring of so wasteful a life, he returned to trade-union work, to journalism, and to extreme politics, which led yet again to arrest and imprisonment.

During a period of freedom in 1909, he fell in love with 16-year-old Rachele Guidi, the younger of the two daughters of his father’s widowed mistress; she went to live with him in a damp, cramped apartment in Forlì and later married him. Soon after the marriage, Mussolini was imprisoned for the �fth time; but by then Comrade Mussolini had become recognized as one of the most gifted and dangerous of Italy’s younger socialists. After writing in a wide variety of socialist papers, he founded a newspaper of his own, La Lotta di Classe (“The Class Struggle”). So successful was this paper that in 1912 he was appointed editor of the of�cial Socialist newspaper, Avanti! (“Forward!”), whose circulation he soon doubled; and as its antimilitarist, antinationalist, and anti-imperialist editor, he thunderously opposed Italy’s intervention in .

Soon, however, he changed his mind about intervention. Swayed by Karl Marx’s aphorism that social revolution usually follows war and persuaded that “the defeat of would be a deathblow to liberty in Europe,” he began writing articles and making speeches as violently in favour of war as those in which he previously had condemned it. He resigned from Avanti! and was expelled from the Socialist Party. Financed by the French government and Italian industrialists, both of whom favoured war against Austria, he assumed the editorship of Il Popolo d’Italia (“The People of Italy”), in which he unequivocally stated his new philosophy: “From today onward we are all Italians and nothing but Italians. Now that steel has met steel, one single cry comes from our hearts—Viva l’Italia! [Long live Italy!]” It was the birth cry of . Mussolini went to �ght in the war.


https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 2/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia At the same time, however, he was gaining a reputation as a young man of strange magnetism Wounded while serving with the bersaglieri (a corps of sharpshooters), he returned home a and remarkable rhetorical talents. He read widely and voraciously, if not deeply, plunging into convinced antisocialist and a man with a sense of destiny. As early as February 1918, he the philosophers and theorists Immanuel Kant, Benedict de Spinoza, Peter Kropotkin, advocated the emergence of a dictator—“a man who is ruthless and energetic enough to make Friedrich Nietzsche, G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Kautsky, and Georges Sorel, picking out what appealed a clean sweep”—to confront the economic and political crisis then gripping Italy. Three months to him and discarding the rest, forming no coherent political philosophy of his own yet later, in a widely reported speech in Bologna, he hinted that he himself might prove to be such impressing his companions as a potential revolutionary of uncommon personality and striking a man. The following year the nucleus of a party prepared to support his ambitious idea was presence. While earning a reputation as a political journalist and public speaker, he produced formed in . In an of�ce in Piazza San Sepolcro, about 200 assorted republicans, propaganda for a trade union, proposing a strike and advocating violence as a means of anarchists, syndicalists, discontented socialists, restless revolutionaries, and discharged soldiers enforcing demands. Repeatedly, he called for a day of vengeance. More than once he was met to discuss the establishment of a new force in Italian politics. Mussolini called this force arrested and imprisoned. When he returned to Italy in 1904, even the Roman newspapers had the fasci di combattimento (“�ghting bands”), groups of �ghters bound together by ties as started to mention his name. close as those that secured the fasces of the lictors—the symbols of ancient Roman authority. So fascism was created and its symbol devised. For some time after his return little was heard of him. He once more became a schoolmaster, this time in the Venetian Alps, north of Udine, where he lived, so he confessed, a life of “moral At rallies—surrounded by supporters wearing black shirts—Mussolini caught the imagination of deterioration.” But soon tiring of so wasteful a life, he returned to trade-union work, to the crowds. His physique was impressive, and his style of oratory, staccato and repetitive, was journalism, and to extreme politics, which led yet again to arrest and imprisonment. superb. His attitudes were highly theatrical, his opinions were contradictory, his facts were often wrong, and his attacks were frequently malicious and misdirected; but his words were so During a period of freedom in 1909, he fell in love with 16-year-old Rachele Guidi, the younger dramatic, his metaphors so apt and striking, his vigorous, repetitive gestures so extraordinarily of the two daughters of his father’s widowed mistress; she went to live with him in a damp, effective, that he rarely failed to impose his mood. cramped apartment in Forlì and later married him. Soon after the marriage, Mussolini was imprisoned for the �fth time; but by then Comrade Mussolini had become recognized as one Fascist squads, militias inspired by Mussolini but often created by local leaders, swept through of the most gifted and dangerous of Italy’s younger socialists. After writing in a wide variety of the countryside of the Valley and the Puglian plains, rounded up Socialists, burned down socialist papers, he founded a newspaper of his own, La Lotta di Classe (“The Class Struggle”). union and party of�ces, and terrorized the local population. Hundreds of radicals were So successful was this paper that in 1912 he was appointed editor of the of�cial Socialist humiliated, beaten, or killed. In late 1920, the Blackshirt squads, often with the direct help of newspaper, Avanti! (“Forward!”), whose circulation he soon doubled; and as its antimilitarist, landowners, began to attack local government institutions and prevent left-wing antinationalist, and anti-imperialist editor, he thunderously opposed Italy’s intervention in administrations from taking power. Mussolini encouraged the squads—although he soon tried World War I. to control them—and organized similar raids in and around Milan. By late 1921, the Fascists controlled large parts of Italy, and the left, in part because of its failures during the postwar Soon, however, he changed his mind about intervention. Swayed by Karl Marx’s aphorism that years, had all but collapsed. The government, dominated by middle-class Liberals, did little to social revolution usually follows war and persuaded that “the defeat of France would be a combat this lawlessness, both through weak political will and a desire to see the mainly deathblow to liberty in Europe,” he began writing articles and making speeches as violently in working-class left defeated. As the Fascist movement built a broad base of support around the favour of war as those in which he previously had condemned it. He resigned from Avanti! and powerful ideas of nationalism and anti-Bolshevism, Mussolini began planning to seize power at was expelled from the Socialist Party. Financed by the French government and Italian the national level. industrialists, both of whom favoured war against Austria, he assumed the editorship of Il Popolo d’Italia (“The People of Italy”), in which he unequivocally stated his new philosophy: In the summer of 1922, Mussolini’s opportunity presented itself. The remnants of the trade- “From today onward we are all Italians and nothing but Italians. Now that steel has met steel, union movement called a general strike. Mussolini declared that unless the government one single cry comes from our hearts—Viva l’Italia! [Long live Italy!]” It was the birth cry of prevented the strike, the Fascists would. Fascist volunteers, in fact, helped to defeat the strike fascism. Mussolini went to �ght in the war. and thus advanced the Fascist claim to power. At a gathering of 40,000 Fascists in Naples on October 24, Mussolini threatened, “Either the government will be given to us, or we will seize it RISE TO POWER by marching on Rome.” Responding to his oratory the assembled Fascists excitedly took up the cry, shouting in unison “Roma! Roma! Roma!” All appeared eager to march. https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 2/8 https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 3/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Later that day, Mussolini and other leading Fascists decided that four days later the Fascist militia would advance on Rome in converging columns led by four leading party members later to be known as the Quadrumviri. Mussolini himself was not one of the four.

He was still hoping for a political compromise, and he refused to move before King Victor Emmanuel III summoned him in writing. Meanwhile, all over Italy the Fascists prepared for action, and the March on Rome began. Although it was far less orderly than Fascist propaganda later suggested, it was suf�ciently threatening to bring down the government. And the king, prepared to accept the Fascist alternative, dispatched the telegram for which Mussolini had been waiting.


Mussolini’s obvious pride in his achievement at becoming (October 31, 1922) the youngest prime minister in Italian history was not misplaced. He had certainly been aided by a favourable combination of circumstances, both political and economic; but his remarkable and sudden success also owed something to his own personality, to native instinct and shrewd calculation, to astute opportunism, and to his unique gifts as an agitator. Anxious to demonstrate that he was not merely the leader of fascism but also the head of a united Italy, he presented to the king a list of ministers, a majority of whom were not members of his party. He made it clear, however, that he intended to govern authoritatively. He obtained full dictatorial powers for a year; and in that year he pushed through a law that enabled the Fascists to cement a majority in the parliament. The elections in 1924, though undoubtedly fraudulent, secured his personal power.

Many Italians, especially among the middle class, welcomed his authority. They were tired of strikes and riots, responsive to the �amboyant techniques and medieval trappings of fascism, and ready to submit to dictatorship, provided the national economy was stabilized and their country restored to its dignity. Mussolini seemed to them the one man capable of bringing order out of chaos. Soon a kind of order had been restored, and the Fascists inaugurated ambitious programs of public works. The costs of this order were, however, enormous. Italy’s fragile democratic system was abolished in favour of a one-party state. Opposition parties, trade unions, and the free press were outlawed. Free speech was crushed. A network of spies and secret policemen watched over the population. This repression hit moderate Liberals and Catholics as well as Socialists. In 1924 Mussolini’s henchmen kidnapped and murdered the Socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti, who had become one of fascism’s most effective critics in parliament. The Matteotti crisis shook Mussolini, but he managed to maintain his hold on power.

Mussolini was hailed as a genius and a superman by public �gures worldwide. His achievements were considered little less than miraculous. He had transformed and https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 4/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Later that day, Mussolini and other leading Fascists decided that four days later the Fascist reinvigorated his divided and demoralized country; he had carried out his social reforms and militia would advance on Rome in converging columns led by four leading party members public works without losing the support of the industrialists and landowners; he had even later to be known as the Quadrumviri. Mussolini himself was not one of the four. succeeded in coming to terms with the papacy. The reality, however, was far less rosy than the propaganda made it appear. Social divisions remained enormous, and little was done to He was still hoping for a political compromise, and he refused to move before King Victor address the deep-rooted structural problems of the Italian state and economy. Emmanuel III summoned him in writing. Meanwhile, all over Italy the Fascists prepared for action, and the March on Rome began. Although it was far less orderly than Fascist Mussolini might have remained a hero until his death had not his callous xenophobia and propaganda later suggested, it was suf�ciently threatening to bring down the government. arrogance, his misapprehension of Italy’s fundamental necessities, and his dreams of empire And the king, prepared to accept the Fascist alternative, dispatched the telegram for which led him to seek foreign conquests. His eye rested �rst upon Ethiopia, which, after 10 months of Mussolini had been waiting. preparations, rumours, threats, and hesitations, Italy invaded in October 1935. A brutal campaign of colonial conquest followed, in which the Italians dropped tons of gas bombs DICTATORSHIP upon the Ethiopian people. Europe expressed its horror; but, having done so, did no more. The League of Nations imposed sanctions but ensured that the list of prohibited exports did not Mussolini’s obvious pride in his achievement at becoming (October 31, 1922) the youngest include any, such as oil, that might provoke a European war. If the League had imposed oil prime minister in Italian history was not misplaced. He had certainly been aided by a sanctions, Mussolini said, he would have had to withdraw from Ethiopia within a week. But he favourable combination of circumstances, both political and economic; but his remarkable faced no such problem, and on the night of May 9, 1936, he announced to an enormous, and sudden success also owed something to his own personality, to native instinct and shrewd expectant crowd of about 400,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder around Piazza calculation, to astute opportunism, and to his unique gifts as an agitator. Anxious to Venezia in Rome that “in the 14th year of the Fascist era” a great event had been accomplished: demonstrate that he was not merely the leader of fascism but also the head of a united Italy, Italy had its empire. This moment probably marked the peak of public support for the regime. he presented to the king a list of ministers, a majority of whom were not members of his party. He made it clear, however, that he intended to govern authoritatively. He obtained full Italy had also found a new ally. Intent upon his own imperial ambitions in Austria, Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers for a year; and in that year he pushed through a law that enabled the had actively encouraged Mussolini’s African adventure, and under Hitler’s guidance Fascists to cement a majority in the parliament. The elections in 1924, though undoubtedly had been the one powerful country in western Europe that had not turned against Mussolini. fraudulent, secured his personal power. The way was now open for the Pact of Steel—a Rome-Berlin Axis and a brutal alliance between Hitler and Mussolini that was to ruin them both. In 1938, following the German example, Many Italians, especially among the middle class, welcomed his authority. They were tired of Mussolini’s government passed anti-Semitic laws in Italy that discriminated against Jews in all strikes and riots, responsive to the �amboyant techniques and medieval trappings of fascism, sectors of public and private life and prepared the way for the deportation of some 20 percent and ready to submit to dictatorship, provided the national economy was stabilized and their of Italy’s Jews to German death camps during the war. country restored to its dignity. Mussolini seemed to them the one man capable of bringing order out of chaos. Soon a kind of order had been restored, and the Fascists inaugurated ROLE IN WORLD WAR II ambitious programs of public works. The costs of this order were, however, enormous. Italy’s fragile democratic system was abolished in favour of a one-party state. Opposition parties, While Mussolini understood that peace was essential to Italy’s well-being, that a long war trade unions, and the free press were outlawed. Free speech was crushed. A network of spies might prove disastrous, and that he must not “march blindly with the Germans,” he was beset and secret policemen watched over the population. This repression hit moderate Liberals and by concerns that the Germans “might do good business cheaply” and that by not intervening Catholics as well as Socialists. In 1924 Mussolini’s henchmen kidnapped and murdered the on their side in World War II he would lose his “part of the booty.” His foreign secretary and son- Socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti, who had become one of fascism’s most effective critics in in-law, Count Galeazzo Ciano, recorded that during a long, inconclusive discussion at the parliament. The Matteotti crisis shook Mussolini, but he managed to maintain his hold on Palazzo Venezia, Mussolini at �rst agreed that Italy must not go to war, “then he said that power. honour compelled him to march with Germany.”

Mussolini was hailed as a genius and a superman by public �gures worldwide. His Mussolini watched the progress of Hitler’s war with bitterness and alarm, becoming more and achievements were considered little less than miraculous. He had transformed and more bellicose with each fresh German victory, while frequently expressing hope that the https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 4/8 https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 5/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Germans would be slowed down or would meet with some reverse that would satisfy his personal envy and give Italy breathing space. When Germany advanced westward, however, and France seemed on the verge of collapse, Mussolini felt he could delay no longer. So, on June 10, 1940, the fateful declaration of war was made.

From the beginning the war went badly for Italy, and Mussolini’s opportunistic hopes for a quick victory soon dissolved. France surrendered before there was an opportunity for even a token Italian victory, and Mussolini left for a meeting with Hitler, sadly aware, as Ciano put it, that his opinion had “only a consultative value.” Indeed, from then on Mussolini was obliged to face the fact that he was the junior partner in the Axis alliance. The Germans kept the details of most of their military plans concealed, presenting their allies with a fait accompli for fear that prior discussion would destroy surprise. And thus the Germans made such moves as the occupation of Romania and the later invasion of the Soviet Union without any advance notice to Mussolini.

It was to “pay back Hitler in his own coin,” as Mussolini openly admitted, that he decided to attack Greece through Albania in 1940 without informing the Germans. The result was an extensive and ignominious defeat, and the Germans were forced unwillingly to extricate him from its consequences. The 1941 campaign to support the German invasion of the Soviet Union also failed disastrously and condemned thousands of ill-equipped Italian troops to a nightmarish winter retreat. Hitler had to come to his ally’s help once again in North Africa. After the Italian surrender in North Africa in 1943, the Germans began to take precautions against a likely Italian collapse. Mussolini had grossly exaggerated the extent of public support for his regime and for the war. When the Western Allies successfully invaded Sicily in July 1943, it was obvious that collapse was imminent.

For some time Italian Fascists and non-Fascists alike had been preparing Mussolini’s downfall. On July 24, at a meeting of the Fascist Grand Council—the supreme constitutional authority of the state, which had not met once since the war began—an overwhelming majority passed a resolution that in effect dismissed Mussolini from of�ce. Disregarding the vote as a matter of little concern and refusing to admit that his minions could harm him, Mussolini appeared at his of�ce the next morning as though nothing had happened. That afternoon, however, he was arrested by royal command on the steps of the Villa Savoia after an audience with the king.

Imprisoned �rst on the island of Ponza, then on a remoter island off the coast of Sardinia, he was eventually transported to a hotel high on the Gran Sasso d’Italia in the mountains of Abruzzi, from which his rescue by the Germans was deemed impossible. Nevertheless, by crash-landing gliders on the slopes behind the hotel, German commandos on September 12, 1943, effected his escape by air to Munich.

Rather than allow the Germans to occupy and govern Italy entirely in their own interests, Mussolini agreed to Hitler’s suggestion that he establish a new Fascist government in the north https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 6/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Germans would be slowed down or would meet with some reverse that would satisfy his and execute those members of the Grand Council, including his son-in-law, Ciano, who had personal envy and give Italy breathing space. When Germany advanced westward, however, dared to vote against him. But the Repubblica Sociale Italiana thus established at Salò was, as and France seemed on the verge of collapse, Mussolini felt he could delay no longer. So, on Mussolini himself grimly admitted to visitors, no more than a puppet government at the mercy June 10, 1940, the fateful declaration of war was made. of the German command. And there, living in dreams and “thinking only of history and how he would appear in it,” as one of his ministers said, Mussolini awaited the inevitable end. From the beginning the war went badly for Italy, and Mussolini’s opportunistic hopes for a Meanwhile, Italian Fascists maintained their alliance with the Germans and participated in quick victory soon dissolved. France surrendered before there was an opportunity for even a deportations, the torture of suspected partisans, and the war against the Allies. token Italian victory, and Mussolini left for a meeting with Hitler, sadly aware, as Ciano put it, that his opinion had “only a consultative value.” Indeed, from then on Mussolini was obliged to As German defenses in Italy collapsed and the Allies face the fact that he was the junior partner in the Axis alliance. The Germans kept the details of advanced rapidly northward, the Italian Communists of most of their military plans concealed, presenting their allies with a fait accompli for fear that the partisan leadership decided to execute Mussolini. prior discussion would destroy surprise. And thus the Germans made such moves as the Rejecting the advice of various advisers, including the occupation of Romania and the later invasion of the Soviet Union without any advance notice elder of his two surviving sons—his second son had been to Mussolini. killed in the war—Mussolini refused to consider �ying out of the country, and he made for the Valtellina, intending It was to “pay back Hitler in his own coin,” as Mussolini openly admitted, that he decided to perhaps to make a �nal stand in the mountains; but only attack Greece through Albania in 1940 without informing the Germans. The result was an Benito Mussolini with two of his sons, Bruno a handful of men could be found to follow him. He tried extensive and ignominious defeat, and the Germans were forced unwillingly to extricate him (left) and Vittorio, 1935. to cross the frontier disguised as a German soldier in a from its consequences. The 1941 campaign to support the German invasion of the Soviet Union Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. convoy of trucks retreating toward Innsbruck, in Austria. also failed disastrously and condemned thousands of ill-equipped Italian troops to a But he was recognized and, together with his mistress, nightmarish winter retreat. Hitler had to come to his ally’s help once again in North Africa. Claretta Petacci, who had insisted on remaining with him to the end, he was shot and killed on After the Italian surrender in North Africa in 1943, the Germans began to take precautions April 28, 1945. Their bodies were hung, head downward, in the Piazza Loreto in Milan. Huge against a likely Italian collapse. Mussolini had grossly exaggerated the extent of public support jubilant crowds celebrated the fall of the dictator and the end of the war. for his regime and for the war. When the Western Allies successfully invaded Sicily in July 1943, it was obvious that collapse was imminent. The great mass of the Italian people greeted Mussolini’s death without regret. He had lived beyond his time and had dragged his country into a disastrous war, which it was unwilling and For some time Italian Fascists and non-Fascists alike had been preparing Mussolini’s downfall. unready to �ght. Democracy was restored in the country after 20 years of dictatorship, and a On July 24, at a meeting of the Fascist Grand Council—the supreme constitutional authority of neo-Fascist Party that carried on Mussolini’s ideals won only 2 percent of the vote in the 1948 the state, which had not met once since the war began—an overwhelming majority passed a elections. resolution that in effect dismissed Mussolini from of�ce. Disregarding the vote as a matter of little concern and refusing to admit that his minions could harm him, Mussolini appeared at Christopher Hibbert his of�ce the next morning as though nothing had happened. That afternoon, however, he was The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica arrested by royal command on the steps of the Villa Savoia after an audience with the king.

Imprisoned �rst on the island of Ponza, then on a remoter island off the coast of Sardinia, he Courtesy: was eventually transported to a hotel high on the Gran Sasso d’Italia in the mountains of "Benito Mussolini". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Abruzzi, from which his rescue by the Germans was deemed impossible. Nevertheless, by Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2017. Web. 04 Oct. 2017 crash-landing gliders on the slopes behind the hotel, German commandos on September 12, . 1943, effected his escape by air to Munich.

Rather than allow the Germans to occupy and govern Italy entirely in their own interests, Mussolini agreed to Hitler’s suggestion that he establish a new Fascist government in the north https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 6/8 https://www.britannica.com/print/article/399484 7/8 10/4/2017 Benito Mussolini -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

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