April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 1

VOLUME 20 NUMBER 8 APRIL 15th, 2012 Contract signed for $12 million health care facility On April 10 the Abaco Commu- nity Health Care Facility’s contract was signed. Coastline Construction and Devel- opment Company Ltd. was the company with the winning bid. The official signing ceremony took place on the grounds where the construction of the new health care fa- cility is to begin shortly. The Prime Min- ister, Minister of Works, and Minister of Health were among the government offi- cials present at the signing ceremony. The contract is for $11,969,280.60 and work is to be completed over a 60-week period. The health care facility, which was designed by New Providence-based archi- tectural firm Alvin K.Rolle & Associates, was presented as a state-of-the-art prop- erty to the hundreds of business and com- munity leaders in attendance. It will be a single storied building sprawling out over approximately 32,000 square feet includ- ing auxiliary buildings to house a morgue and equipment. It was designed to reflect traditional colonial characteristics. Island Administrator, Cephas Coo- per, delivered opening remarks and acted as the master of ceremonies. The signing

Please see Contract Page 5

Funds raised for Lowe House Abaco brings home gold Rotary, Pilot, Scurvy Few and other civic clubs join together for a good cause from CARIFTA

Above: A pensive young girl weighs her options for the lollipop-draw. This game, and

others, were among the attractions that day. For the full story see page 2.


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PAID Above: Elroy McBride and Shane Jones arrive home from the CARIFTA games which 5675 SE Grouper Ave Grouper SE 5675


Stuart Web Inc. Web Stuart are being held in Bermuda this year. Part of The Bahamian track and field team, these


The Abaconian The young athletes hail from Moores Island. See page: 11 Renew your subscription before the expiration date shown in the label below. label the in shown date expiration the before subscription your Renew Page 2 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Central Abaco

rounds of hoopla. property had been condemned and become Jo-Ann Bradley, current President of Civic clubs raise The Lowe house, one of the original valueless overnight. The Lowe family has the Rotary Club of Abaco, worked hard structures in Spring City built during the suffered from illness and has been unable along with the rest of her club to make money for logging-days, was the focus of “Love for to maintain gainful employment. this fundraiser a reality. She expressed the Lowes.” The Lowe family needed to Hearing of the Lowe family’s plight, how happy she was with the participation, Lowe House make necessary repairs to their home and “This is the first time I’ve ever known all requested a loan to complete the work. The the civic clubs on Abaco to pull together to On March 31, 2012 the Rotary Club loan was approved. However, the fam- help one family.” Everyone involved pro- of Abaco partnered with The Scurvy Few, ily hired an unscrupulous contractor who duced a herculean effort. Interact Clubs went to work After picking up their steak dinner, and the Anchor laying down gourmet hot dog or hamburger, patrons and Pilot clubs. cement on the were invited to the grounds behind the An- On the grounds old wooden glican Hall were game and drink booths of the Anglican floors and were set up. Visitors that day would also Hall in Marsh leaving the job run into Reg Patterson, the tireless raffle- Harbour the Above: hefty steak dinners were served to unfinished af- master, who made sure that everyone who groups spent everyone who bought a ticket. People lined ter the house wanted a chance at the several, valuable the day grill- up to get their fixings. Throughout the day was inspected. prizes had a chance at buying a ticket. ing, serving many people who had a ticket stopped by The inspec- Children were entertained by the bouncy steak dinners, for a meal to go. All money raised went to tion revealed castle, hoopla and lollipop guessing games. hosting games the Lowe House Project. the structure Adults in the crowd had entertainment as and doing other of the building several civic and charitable clubs on Aba- well. activities. had been com- co decided to organize the “Love for the Though the day had its share of fun They were promised. Lowes” event. Tickets were sold for the and entertainment, more money still needs raising funds Their steak dinners and people were encouraged to be raised. If you want to donate to the for Angela and house was to visit the event for more fun that was Lowe House Project please contact the Ro- Brent Lowe suddenly planned for the day. tary Club of Abaco or any of the organiza- whose home in made worth- The Pilot Club and Anchor Club sold tions mentioned. Spring City has less. In order cakes and desserts to those in the steak line fallen into dis- to finish the who had a sweet tooth. The Scurvy Few repair. Starting crucial repairs helped set up the tents and booths and su- at noon, and the Lowe fam- pervised some of the children’s games such News that needs lasting through- Tickets were sold beforehand for the steak ily needed to extend as the bouncy castle. out the day, hungry dinners. However, patrons could buy tick- reporting? Tweet at or their mortgage. To Interact members, the youth branch crowds stopped by ets to participate in any of the games or for Facebook extend their mort- of the Rotary Club, also came out to help the Anglican Hall to drinks and cakes. Above: Steve Davis and gage they needed man the booths. It should be noted that The Abaconian pick up their steak Debbie Curry smile and sell tickets. to finish repairs to these students took time out of their holi- dinner, order one with details. bring value back to day weekend to support the cause. The Ro- of the Rotary Club their house in order to back the loan. How- tary Club of Abaco also helped organize of Abaco’s specialty burgers or play a few ever, this was now impossible since the and staff the event.

[email protected] April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 3 Page 4 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 5 Central Abaco Contract From Page 1 specialists in and the possibilities of per- sive cavities under the grounds of the new official groundbreaking, there a junkanoo of this contract, he said, “marks another forming outpatient surgeries. Administrative Building and health care rush-out by students from Abaco Central red letter day for the people of Abaco.” The keynote address was brought by facility, “regrettable,” eliciting a chuckle High School. He thanked the attending heads of govern- the Right Honourable Hubert Ingraham. from the crowd. ment, religious leaders and others who had He reflected on the growth of Abaco and He reminded Coastline Construction a critical role in the process. the resilience of its economy compare to that 60 weeks was the deal. He asked that, Edison Key, the Member of Parlia- other family islands. “You’ve led the way, as part of the deal, Coastline access local ment for Central and South Abaco ad- in many ways,” he materials and services on Abaco as much dressed the crowd. “Abaco’s time has said. He also said “You’ve led as is possible. Twenty to thirty young peo- Pictured below: Alvan Rolle, Project Ar- there was “growing ple will also be trained on-site as part of a chitect; Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham; come,” he said in reference to current and the way, planned government projects on Abaco. recognition of your government initiative. the Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis; the Hon. He continued, “The expenses will pay importance,” within in many The Rt. Hon. Ingraham also an- Neko Grant; Cephas Cooper, Senior Is- dividends 100 fold.” Before closing his central government. ways,” nounced plans for the eventual creation of land Administrator; and Edison Key; Keith remarks he told The same fa- a new township in Marsh Harbour that will Knox, Coastline Construction Company cility which is be- encompass the new government complex, Ltd; Algernon Cargill, director NIB; Pat- “Abaco’s time those gathered, “The future is ing constructed in health care facility and will reach to Cen- rick Ward, chairman NIB; Rev. Etienne has come ... ours to create.” Exuma is costing $2 million more than the tral Pines. “The bank that wants the gov- Bowleg, deputy chairman NIB. one in Abaco. The Prime Minister tied this ernment’s business,” he said, “will come The future is The proj- ect is funded by to more efficiencies and the lower cost of to this part of town.” ours to the National In- doing business in Abaco. On the topic of Closing the ceremony was the sign- create.” surance Board. costs, the Prime Minister called the exten- ing of the contract. After the signing and Patrick Ward, the chairman of the NIB, was present to deliver remarks. The first community clinic in The Bahamas was funded by the NIB. This first clinic is, in fact, the current facility in Marsh Har- bour. The new health care facility will be the twenty second health center the NIB has funded as part of its initiative of de- livering a greater investment to The Baha- mian people. “Today it’s all about you,” Mr. Ward remarked. After a stirring song selection by Wendy Sands, the Minister of Health, Dr. Hubert Minnis, took the podium. He an- nounced that after the health care facility is completed in 60 weeks it will replace the current clinic in Marsh Harbour. The Honourable Dr. Minnis explained the push towards advancing tele-medicine, rotating Page 6 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Central Abaco

Carnival a success grin from ear to ear while on the rides or It took over two hours to completely extin- the toxic smoke being a combination of when they win a stuffed animal. These guish the flames and embers. Neighbours used oils, industrial chemicals and septic By Samantha Evans smiles are an indication that they had great said that the building was unoccupied at the tank bacteria. The Holiday Carnival was on Abaco fun. He and his team looks forward to the time. No buildings were threatened but for a little over three weeks and accord- day when they can come more often and The police are investigating the pos- there are concerns that a high-water con- ing to Manager Chad Russell, their stay one thing that can aid that is the construc- sibility of arson as a bystander report that a dition could take the oil out through the here was an absolute success. He stated tion of a dock. This dock will allow big car stopped at the site, and then sped away western marls. Wind shifts took occasional that during the day the fifty person crew shipping vessels and cruise ships regular just before the building erupted in flames. smoke through the Central Pines Subdivi- got a chance to explore Abaco (including consistent access to the port to off load sion. the blue holes) and visit many of the Cays. people and equipment. Car Fire Using foam and the high pressure He stated that this island is beautiful and However, the Holiday Carnival is not Just before 1am on Wednesday, April water cannon on top of Engine Five, most the people are some of the friendliest they scheduled to return for the next three years 4, the Fire Department received a call to of the flames were suppressed. However, have met in their world travels. The fact but they hope that this can be lessened but respond to a vehicular fire in the area of the a small but intense oil-fed fire just out of that they have numerous friends on the is- is dependent upon the powers that be. He Methodist Church Grave Yard in Dundas reach on the far side of the swampy area land made their stay even more enjoyable. sends high regards to all persons who made Town. Engine Five was sent to the scene continued to burn. The fire department left During their stay on Abaco, the carni- this trip possible. Russell stated that he and and firemen met a black Mitsubishi Galant the scene at about sundown; however, that val was a huge hit with teens and families. his team were not ready to leave but duty rolled over on its side and burning. Fire- fire continued to burn through the night. Mr. Russell stated that he made it a point calls. The last day for the carnival was men quickly extinguished the flames. Firemen responded again the next to go out onto the grounds and speak with Easter Sunday April 8, 2012. day, April 5, when the oil flared up again. the patrons and they all had great things Waste and Oil Fire The fire was finally put out before dusk to say. He noted that they were especially Just before 3pm on April 4 a huge when the septic-tank pump operator built pleased with the ride all you want bands. Fires keep Marsh Har- plume of black smoke caused the fire dis- a small causeway across the swampy area, He stated that the first several weeks were bour Volunteer Fire patch phone in Marsh Harbour to receive allowing him to reach the far side. Investi- extremely busy but the last week was light. many calls. Initially there was a concern gation into this matter is ongoing. He believes that this is due to the fact that and Rescue busy that it might be the BEC plant on the S.C. many persons believed that they had left Bootle Highway because of the volume of Old Lumber Mill Home Burns Down By Timothy Roberts already. solid black smoke seen by many concerned A call from Spring City alerted fire- Barber Shop While on Abaco they hired ten per- persons in Central Abaco, and even as far men to a house fire at about 5 p.m. on At 3 a.m. on March 28 Marsh Har- sons who turned out to be great employ- away as Hope Town. It was soon discov- April 7. The volunteers found the Fergu- bour Volunteer Fire and Rescue (MH- ees. Additionally, they brought in 25-30 ered to be at the old dump close to the BEC son house completely engulfed in flames. VFR) responded to a barbershop (known of their faithful workers from Nassau and plant where hundreds of gallons of old en- This wooden house built of native pine, as Kelson’s Barbershop) and apartment in Freeport who are familiar with how the gine oil had been dumped and set afire. heavy with resin and pitch, made a very Carnival works and have been employed Murphy Town across from Abaco Central The oil was in a low depression High School. The building was totally en- where septic tank sludge is pumped and al- with them for over twenty years. Mr. Rus- Please see Fire Page 22 sell stated that they have had no break-ins gulfed in flames on the arrival of the fire lowed to dry. Concerns were raised over at the site or thefts. He is so grateful that engine. The firemen acted quickly bringing Abaconians have enjoyed the few weeks the flames under control and preventing the they were here. fire from spreading to the house behind. He noted that what keeps them doing A nearby hydrant allowed a second this are the kids. He enjoys watching them engine to keep the first engine’s tank filled.

Enjoy great dining at Angler’s Restaurant or casual fare at our famous pool bar both at the water’s edge in Marsh Harbour Karaoke Tuesday night by the Pool Bar starting at 8 pm. Rake n’ Scrape Dance with “Brown Tip” every Friday night starting at 8:30 pm. Calypso Night “Clint Sawyer” LIVE every Saturday night at 8:30 pm. Stephen Colebrook Enjoy Stephen’s versatile piano music and vocals Wednesday through Sunday. Contact us at 367-2158 www.AbacoBeachResort.com April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 7 Central Abaco South Abaco Auskell introduces new “You have the specialist, and all the Abaco National present that evening of April 5, so a regu- high-tech equipment to go with it. It’s a lar monthly meeting was held with Leslie services on Abaco great day,” she remarked.” I am ecstatic, Park workday planned Thompson presiding. He announced imme- and so are my patients, and I am sure they diately that the clearing of the lots would By Canishka Alexander will continue to be.” The Abaco National Park is 35 miles take place between April and June, advis- During her visit to Auskell Medical Dr. Duranda Ash is scheduled to re- south of Marsh Harbour making it too far ing the farmers that the cost of one hour of Center on March 30, Dr. Duranda Ash, an turn to Auskell in mid-April. for many to visit a pine forest; however, equipment rental would be matched by the ophthalmologist, was just as ecstatic as her Also visiting Auskell was Dr. Keith the Bahamas National Trust (BNT) is in the Department of Agriculture, giving them patients to find that a brand new eye chair Lewis, a chiropractic physician, who process of putting together plans for mak- two hours of machinery for the price of had been spoke about two health services that will ing the park more user friendly through one. “You have the installed soon be offered. The first is called non- more activities and amenities. Barbara Gibson read the minutes of in her of- surgical spinal decompression, which is On May 5th 2011, from 8-2pm, the the March 15 meeting which was brief specialist, and fice. available for the treatment of herniated BNT is hosting a work day at the Abaco because of a political rally taking place in all the high-tech The discs, disc protrusions, disc bulges or disc National Park. If you are interested in town. BAIC offering Persian Lime from eye helping the BNT improve your national equipment to degenerations before surgical intervention Andros for sale at the price of $7.50 was chair is is needed. At Auskell, a laser assisted or park please join in. discussed again. It was clarified that a go with it. It’s a equipped laser enhanced approach has also been in- Help is needed in various areas in- minimum of 200 trees was required to be great day,” with a slit corporated into the spinal decompression cluding painting signs, painting benches purchased. A member asked whether the lamp to procedure to speed healing and reduce pain and picnic tables, trail improvement, and canker ban was lifted and were told that it check eye more quickly. trash pickup. This is also a great oppor- was lifted for trees grown within The Ba- pressure because glaucoma is one of the Over the years, Dr. Lewis admitted tunity to find out about the plants and ani- hamas but not for trees grown in Florida. leading causes of blindness, and a phorop- that he has become increasingly irritated mals, including the Abaco parrot, found in Farmers were reminded again to sup- ter, which determines if the patient will with the number of failed back surgeries he the park by interacting with wardens and ply whatever produce they had to enter need glasses. has seen involving people who have under- biologists who work in the area. the All Abaco Agricultural and Marine Additional instruments included a gone as many as three surgeries, yet still Contact Caroline Stahala (Stahala@ Resources & Agribusiness Expo that takes computerized screen for checking vision, experience pain. However, he was pleased bio.fsu.edu / 475-4504) or the BNT Abaco place April 27-28. The farmers were en- and Dr. Ash was able to switch from num- to announce that spinal decompression may office (367-6310) for more information. couraged to enter even if bush tea or jams bers to letters to shapes and increase and be offered as soon as the end of April at Also, if you are interested in participating were their only products. decrease their sizes. She also pointed out Auskell. but need a ride or have additional space to T-shirts will be on sale once forms the autorefractor, which is a device used to Dr. Lewis said that they Intend to take people to the Abaco National Park, have been submitted to the Department of check the prescription for glasses or con- have seminars to acquaint people with please let them know. Agriculture for approval. After the approv- tact lenses. Finally, the lensometer is used what they are doing and to demonstrated al of the minutes Mr. Thompson addressed to determine if the patient’s current pre- how spinal decompression works. As for SAFA meets before the concerns that had surfaced at the last scription is accurate or if changes need to what happens after decompression, he said meeting such as removing the cow grass, be made to improve the prescription. it is no different than after back surgery Agri Expo the problems with hogs and the clearing Dr. Ash began offering her services because spinal rehabilitation and exercise of the roads to access the lots. Those con- through Auskell since 2007, and now visits are highly beneficial. By Mirella Santillo cerns had been forwarded to BAIC. the facility twice a month to provide more Few farmers attended the South Ab- continuity of care to her patients. As she Please see Auskel Page 13 aco Farmers Association meeting which Please see SAFA Page 10 looked around at the state-of-the-art eye took place on the eve of the long Easter equipment around her, Dr. Ash’s excite- weekend. But all the board members were ment continued to build.

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We will pick you up in Hope Town if you do not have your own transportation. You may also bring your small boat to our dock. Please anchor stern out. No overnight docking Hope Town, Elbow Cay, Abaco For Reservations: Bahamas 242.365.8500 • USA/Canada 800.284.0382 Resv: 1 800 468 8799 Tel: 242 366 0133 Fax: 242 366 0414 www.BahamaBeachClub.com email: [email protected] website: abacoinn.com Page 8 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 From the Editor's Desk // Politics as Junkanoo way by those who are put in charge. But if we as a people examine our choices and look beyond what colour we’re voting for and look instead at what this country must accomplish to succeed we may realize we need to do Features in This Issue: more than think up nick-names to bad- mouth our least favorite politician. A nickname never stopped a tooth- Community Calendar: Section B Page 20 less law from being passed or a damag- ing budget from being approved. I’m not here to advocate for one side or the other. I can’t do that. But Crossword Puzzle: Section B Page 17 I have long practiced listening to what each side has to say. You learn things I had my editorial for this issue all that go beyond what each politician planned out and ready to type. That is, believes or has for her or his goals. Letters to The Editor: Section A Pages 9 & 19 I did have it planned out until the bell You learn things about yourself and rang. Yes, election fever has officially this empowers you to grasp a larger hit the country and my hands are tied: understanding of what’s happening in this editorial will be about our politics. this country. National News: Section A Page 16 Most Bahamians love politics. We If we stay in the same circles and don’t even need a secret ballot, all you never talk or reason issues out with have to do is sneeze and a fellow Ba- someone who opposes us there will hamian will tell you his colour. It is never be growth. Not for us person- Entrepreneur Watch: Section A Page 20 a cultural storm that builds up during ally and certainly not for our country. the months leading up to the day when We live in an echo chamber where ev- ballots are cast and doesn’t subside un- erything bad that happens is the other til months after. The rallies, speeches party’s fault. And we’ll have our rea- Tide Chart: Section A Page 20 and parties all leading up to that all- sons why it’s their fault and they may important date build on each other. It’s be good, and they may be right, but a chorus that we all join in on until our at least we need to admit to ourselves voice is hoarse. It builds momentum, how much more complicated the world Spotlight on Debbie Symonette: Section A Page 13 and as the momentum builds it drags is. people under its weight. We Bahamians have never lacked Depending on who you talk to, that deadly sin: pride. We’re a pride- the election cycle is either fun, serious ful people who have, in fact, achieved Visitors Guide: Section A Page 23 business or an inconvenience. Rarely much. But we have also built our little will you find a Bahamian who thinks castles of entitlement. The politics of this season is boring. That is because today play on our pride and that’s what over the years we have been condi- makes them so successful at the game Rental Home List: Section A Page 22 tioned to see election time as a spec- and spectacle, but not successful in tacle. The parties aren’t represented by producing substance. their beliefs, accomplishments or ide- We must demand that our politi- als. They’re represented simply by the cians produce substance. Classifieds: Section B Pages 22 & 23 colour of the shirts they give away at Pick your side. We’ve got red, their rallies. yellow or green. We’ve made it real You’re either red, or yellow or, simple and we don’t have to ask any more recently, green. When a party’s more questions; especially if the ques- Crime Report: Section B Page 16 entire belief system is boiled down to tions are big. It’s all a big game, a a colour or a chant it’s easy to not talk charade and spectacle. It’s a Junkanoo about the issues. It’s easy to get swept rush for our entertainment. up in the fever pitch of election and That, dear reader, is the attitude blame the country’s troubles on one that will appease our pride but destroy side or the other. For a country whose us as a country. politicians switch sides as often as they do it is incredible how much the colour of the other person’s shirt matters. Where do they plan to take our country? What do they believe in? Lyford Cay Foun- And, for that matter, what do we be- The Abaconian Abaco’s most complete newspaper. lieve in? Certainly not a colour or a dations’ Technical 2022 Aero Circle 7,500 copies mantra. Bradley M. Albury New Smyrna Beach Published twice We need to remember that this Training Scholar- Editor-in-Chief monthly spectacle we all engage in, yes we are AB 20213 FL. 32168 ships Marsh Harbour all guilty, can be fun and, indeed, a Apply Online Now guilty pleasure. But we can be blinded Abaco, The Bahamas by the procession of rushing colour The Lyford Cay Foundations are accepting and trumpeting noise. This is not Junk- Logo Photo Credit: Tuppy Weatherford online applications from Bahamian citizens Reporters/Freelance Contributors: Canishka Alexander, anoo. This is so very important. for technical training and vocational schol- The importance of what we as a arships for study in the U.S., Canada, the Samantha Evans, Jennifer Hudson, Timothy Roberts, Mirella country are about to do, vote, should UK and the Caribbean. These awards are Santillo, Rashida Murray, Lee Pinder not be lost. We, as a people, have a directed primarily at individuals who wish Free at over 100 Abaco locations from Grand Cay to Moore’s Is. great opportunity that many in the to train or upgrade skills in areas where Subscription rates: $20.00 - Abaco $25 - other Bahamas world do not share and will never there is a shortage of well-qualified Baha- (One Year) $45.00 USA $65 Canada - airmail mians in the workforce. The application know. We are a free people with a $95.00 UK, Europe & Caribbean - surface deadline is May 1, 2012. democratic system of government. A For details and to apply, please visit http:// Phone 242-367-3200 Subscribe NOW system that, while flawed, can work. www.lyfordcayfoundation.org The flaw in the system can’t be FAX 242-367-3677 Order form on solved by pointing fingers and laying [email protected] Page 9 blame. At least, it can’t be solved that April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 9 Letters to the Editor

Illegal Bug Trade shore Paspallum grass-that uses little or no rich folks who want a place on paradise in the ground into which trash is bulldozed fertilizer. They are even offering it for sale are not going to want to be associated with and burned openly. The latter system is not Guana Cay has some new visitors and to locals. Maybe little or no fertilizer for Bakers Bay Golf Co and their illegal bug unlike what exists now on Guana Cay and I’m wondering if they are guests of Bakers a regular lawn but not for a golf course!!! trade. we have all experienced discomfort from Bay Company (BBC). Evidence suggests I can’t afford a computer or that fancy in- And while we are talking about bugs those burns. Long-term community-health spiders of the brown recluse type along ternet stuff but I asked someone to Google and other animals, what happening to all problems frequently can be traced back to with boogey man millipedes have come to Seashore Paspallum grass and it says in the the crabs at Bakers Bay? It said right there incinerators and numerous studies have town. Everybody knows what vagabond plain Queen’s English that is needs 5 to 8 in the EIA and EMO that the land crabs linked certain cancers and diseases with the insects are when it comes to a free ride. pounds per year per 1000 square feet. So would be an indication of how well Dis- particulates produced from burning trash. Why they’re even worse then me. that is between 217.5 to 348 lbs of fertiliz- covery Land took care of the environment. Why not purcahse a few trash compacters Now, you might ask. “How is this er per acre per year. Now multiply that by Well there is not one crab to be found any- and ship them to Marsh Harbour on the possible?” After all, back in 2004 BBC 100 acres of golf course and we are talk- where near Bakers Bay. Things that make many barges that frequent BBC's dock , promised to get all their shrubs and grass ing some serious fertilizer. My calculator you scratch you head. How is a penni- instead.. locally on Abaco. (Are you paying atten- don’t even go that high. Anyway, back to less man supposed to be able to make some Since the tourist economy is central tion, Mr. Edison Key and Department of the bugs. crab soup and dough?! to Guana Cay's survival, let us consider Agriculture?) Well, as it turned out, Bak- The way things are going, we’d bet- Aubery Clarke the tourist's point of view. To bring a fam- ers is getting all that stuff from southern ter expect to see the Chinese Four-Eyed “The Pennyless Man” ily of four to Guana and rent a house and USA, home of the recluse spider and the Spotted Beetle showing up on Guana Cay eat for a week, the average household will millipede. They don’t worry about bugs on pretty soon. Bakers Bay Co. actually tried pay about $8000.00. Clean air and water the fancy verandas at BBC. Guys in head- to bring in a ship full of plants (and God are undoubtedly some of our major attrac- to-toe white costumes spray everything alone knows what else) from Colum- tions. Indeed, mention the word 'Baha- that moves, but down in the settlement we bia. Yes, that’s right, Columbia, South Incinerator for mas' and people paint a vivid picture of have good bugs and bees and fruit trees America! Can you imagine all the snakes clear blue skies and crystal aqua waters, and gardens. We like to keep poison spray and bugs in that cargo? Bakers must have Guana Cay? contrasted with endless beaches...an idyl- far away. thought our customs people were blind! lic and accurate image. Now, staying with We commend Bakers Bay Corpora- There could have been many jobs in Luckily someone has some sense and sent our visiting family, imagine their feeling tion (BBC) for their renewed commitment Abaco growning flowers and bushes and them packing! of betrayal as smoke burns their eyes and to follow through with their nearly forgot- grass. That would have been very good Shame on you, Bakers Bay, for try- irritates their throats. A wind shift has ten agreement to handle the trash produced for Abaco and it would have prevented bad ing a dirty trick like that to save money. placed their cottage directly in the line of by greater Guana Cay. Incineration, how- bugs from coming into Guana Cay. Now Too expensive to buy from Abaco? ….Just smoke from our burning garbage. If, as is ever, brings serious concerns which should what would you suppose happened to that like it was too expensive to conduct scien- increasingly common, one of their chil- be openly addressed at a series of public promise made back in 2004? It’s the same tific monitoring! How dare you put your dren suffers from asthma, there may be an meetings. Its impact on health, tourism, story; Not enough skilled workers? Hire money bag before the environmental health expensive,emergency trip to the doctor in and property values must be examined. foreigners!....Not enough shrubbery? Buy for Great Guana Cay! How dare you! Your Marsh Harbour. One bad experience guar- Not all incinerators are alike. Some Foreign! Yes sir those jobs have gone to profits are the only thing you talk about at have secondary burn provisions along with foreigners, like so many of the BBC jobs. those fancy meetings. Please see Letters Page 19 smoke stack “scrubbers” and emit a rela- It says in the paper that they are I may be a “penniless person”, as you tively benign gas. Others are merely holes growing the golf course grass here. Sea- say, but at least I have a conscience. Those

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Price Reduction Sweeting’s Landing New Listing 4B/3B House & 2B/1B Guest House 3B/2B, Hope Town Village 3B/2B Beautiful home with on high dune between Atlantic Rental history amazing views located in White Ocean & Sea of Abaco. 435' beach Dock & waterfront lot Sound, Elbow Cay with private frontage on ocean & 200' on the bay. $995K dock. Rental History! $1.15M $5.6 M

Barefoot Breezes Second Chance 9 Acres

Double Beach Lots Bill Dillon 9 acres “New Name” NEW PRICE! NEW PRICE! 35,000+ square feet 143' "Second Chance" Sea to Sea Estate, 649' of sandy Oceanfront 2 Bed/1 Bath Beach, 625' of Sea of Abaco North of Tahiti Beach Guana Cay $250K Bayfront, Peaceful & private. $997,500 N. of Hope Town. $11.75M

Las Brisas Thurston Bay Marnie’s Landing Aerial w/insert Finders Keepers Marnie’s

GREAT VALUE 3B/3B Immaculate home 100+ acres situated at entrance of Marnie's Landing stocked w/amenities includes world famous Treasure Cay Resort, Private Marina, two private dock slips. overlooking historic Green Turtle Gated, 5 Lots left Cay with 1500’ of waterfront! $3.9M Great Views! $1.195M $590K+

MORE PROPERTIES FOR SALE Elbow Cay, Buttonwood Bay #17 12,000 square feet $150,000 Elbow Cay, Buttonwood Bay #47 13,500 square feet $140,000 Double Beach Lots White Sound Includes Dock Permit $399K each We know Abaco! One call does it all! Sales, Vacation & Long Term Rentals • Insurance • Construction • Pools • Property Management Page 10 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 South Abaco will have to be transported to the property. Roadway Clean-Up Volunteers needed for SAFA From Page 7 He would like to get to the building of the shed as soon as possible as BAIC has prom- By Lee Pinder park workday ised to supply a tractor once there is a safe Before communicating the answer The Abaco Club on Winding Bay place to store it. The board insisted that the The Abaco National Park is 35 miles from BAIC, Mr. Thompson announced arranged for their employees and family members should join hands together to do south of Marsh Harbour making it too far that a 40 foot container had be purchased members to do a roadside clean-up and as much as possible themselves. for many to visit a pine forest; however, for $1800. Once renovated, it can be used litter collection on Saturday, March 31, The point that members of the asso- the Bahamas National Trust (BNT) is in to sell products and material to other farm- 2012. They covered both sides of the ciation should work together as often as the process of putting together plans for ers in order to generate revenues. This is road up to the club, down through Yellow possible was stressed several times dur- making the park more user friendly. necessary since the grant money is dwin- Wood and as far as the Cherokee parking ing the meeting. Mr. Martin also mention On May 5, 2011, from 8-2pm, the dling down. lot an area of approximately three and a the board’s intention of having a formal BNT is hosting a work day at the Abaco The farmers were advised to use a half miles. ground breaking ceremony. He was hop- National Park. If you are interested in special machine to remove the roots of the Afterwards a picnic and fun day at the ing on deciding of a date that evening but helping the BNT improve your national cow grass, but that alternative solutions beach was held at the Long Dock in Chero- too many people were absent. park please join in. were being sought due to the high expense kee. Everyone brought a bathing suit and Jacqueline Estevez went over the fi- Help is needed in various areas.This involved with the machine. In reference to went for a swim. The new pavilion, barbe- nancial report. She enumerated the various is also a great opportunity to find out about the wild hogs, the farmers were reminded cue and picnic area by the Long Dock in entries and expenses and announced that the plants and animals, including the Aba- that once in possession of their land they Cherokee was a perfect spot for this event there was approximately $12,000 left from co parrot. were responsible for dealing with the prob- and everyone seemed to have wonderful the grant. The biggest expense was bring- Contact Caroline Stahala (Stahala@ lems arising. BAIC was only there to as- time. ing up to date the registration fees for the bio.fsu.edu / 475-4504) or the BNT Abaco sist. It was suggested that they fence their association. office (367-6310) for more information. lots to keep the hogs out. The PR person, Shanishka Bain, Duty-free material can be purchased stressed the point that members should be Bush fires plague Moores Island from Florida to minimize the expenses. up to date on their dues within two months Mr. Thompson suggested that the mem- in order to received the benefits associated bers get together to order in bulk from the with being part of SAFA. She then went United States. A positive point still to be over the details of the Agricultural Exposi- investigated is that BAIC might be respon- tion. The price of a 10x10 booth with two sible for clearing the roads. One member eight feet tables ranges from $300 to 150, asked about the container that was to be depending on what is being sold. She ad- given by Mr. Edison Key. Mr. Key is vised to contact Mr. Cornish at BAIC or president of BAIC and MP for Central and Ms. Curry for more details or to reserve South Abaco. a space. Mr. Martin came up with a sketch of The legal aspect of the association a greenhouse made with PVC pipes and (documents of incorporation) and the ne- net cloth. He brought a quote of $500 for cessity to maintain an accurate record of material; the members would build it. He the payment of the dues were brought for- asked for assistance from the men to do it ward by a couple of members. For several days a series of smoldering bush fires have smothered settlements in Moores but most urgently for the building of the The assembly was reminded that there Island. Locals are doing their best to contain the blazes, however, unooperative winds tractor shed. Damaged poles can be pur- will be a training workshop April 24-26. and difficulty reaching the fires have provided challenges. chased from BEC cheaply, he said but they April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 11 South Abaco Moores Island track and field stars compete on international stage Elroy McBride and Shane Jones bring home gold

Returning home from Bermuda after attending the 41st CARIFTA games, Shane Jones and Elroy McBride stepped off the plane and onto the Marsh Harbour Inter- national Airport’s tarmac as champions. Wearing their bright, Bahamian colours proudly the young athletes from Moores Island All Age School displayed one more colour that blended seamlessly into their tracksuits: gold. Part of the record-setting Bahamian track team, who are collectively clos- ing in on over 40 medals this year, Elroy and Shane each have a gold medal to their name. Moores Island is known for pro- ducing top athletic talent, and these young men’s performances add to the legacy. Shane Jones competed in the un- der-20 boys relay team in the 4x100 meter. He and his teammates edged out Jamaica by 0.3 seconds to win the gold. Shane also took second in the 100 meter dash. The 4 x 400 meter relay team had El- roy McBride. Also from Moores Island, he and his team blew out their nearest com- Above: Shane Jones and Elroy McBridehappy to be home. Even happier, perhaps, to be sporting gold medals. These two young athel- petitor by nearly ten seconds. tes hail from Moores Island, Abaco, and add to a long legacy of athletic excellence from that island. They were greeted at the airport The Abaconian wishes these young by Gary Sawyer - middle right - representing Abaco Patroleum who was a sponsor of the team. They were also greeted by Celestine men, and their national teammates, all the Swain, an ardent supporter who came all the way from Moores Island to greet the champions at the airport. Shane competed in the success going forward. Look forward to an 4 x 100 meter relay race and took gold. Elroy was a part of the 4 x 400 relay and also brought home gold with his teammates. Both interview with all Abaco’s competitors in competed in the under 20 boys division. Together, they won a total of three medals: adding to The Bahamas’ growing medal-count the coming issues. this year and giving our country the opportunity to host next year’s CARIFTA Games. Page 12 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 The Cays

Cay Topics authors urge and manually operated lighthouse. Ms. Town. To learn more about the Elbow Potts encouraged her audience to join the Reef Lighthouse, visit: http://www.Elbow- support of effort to maintain this lighthouse as it is. CayLighthouse.com. To make a donation Looking to advertise? Bahamian lightstations Noting the combined talents and re- to the Bahamas Lighthouse Preservation sources within the Abaco community she Society and help preserve the Elbow Cay Email The Abaconian: shared her passion and positive outlook for Lighthouse, please contact: Hope Town By Janet Reingold [email protected] On March 20, Annie Potts, the author the future of the Elbow Reef Light. She Harbour Lodge, Toll Free: 1-866-611- of the visually and verbally compelling mentioned specific support from business- 9791, Local: 1-242-366-0095. Or email: new book “Last Lights: The Hand- Wound es and individuals throughout the world [email protected] Lighthouses of The Bahama Islands” spoke who have already helped the BLPS and the to 80 women at the March Cay Topics lun- Port Department to keep the manual light- cheon at the Hope Town Harbor Lodge. houses going. Dave Gale, Founder of the Bahamas Light- “While I can not see into the future, I house Preservation Society, and author of have a good feeling about this lighthouse,” Appreciation luncheon held for two books “Beneath Another Sky” and Potts said. She added that all who care “Ready About” was also featured. Annie about the Elbow Reef Lighthouse must Dr. Black on Green Turtle Cay and Dave shared with a rapt audience their consider themselves the current stewards knowledge of the history of eleven Baha- of this treasure of Bahamian history. mian lightstations, why they were built, She finished by saying “There is a and their changing status since construc- unique opportunity here in Hope Town tion. and Abaco: to save for the world the last Potts told her audience that the light- manned lighthouse of its kind. Somehow houses were originally built by the Brit- it will be done, because it is the right thing ish to keep merchant sailing ships safely to do. It’s as simple as that.” away from the shallow Bahama Banks, and As if to accentuate the necessity for that they have survived 150 years of time aiding the lighthouse’s historical existence, and weather. While most of the lightsta- just after the talk was over a strong rain tions have been automated and are now squall blew through, shortening the abil- unmanned, three of them still remain hand ity of the luncheon attendants to see any operated, attended by keepers. Presently, further than their immediate tables. How- their use as primary aids to navigation is in ever, everyone still managed to enjoy the question and they are in need of continual beach-side setting at the Harbour Lodge structural repairs. and vividly see the importance of saving Few in the audience realized that the this last light. Elbow Reef Lighthouse in Hope Town is Books by Annie Potts and Dave Gale the world’s last remaining kerosene fueled are available through Ebb Tide in Hope

Hope Town, Abaco, Bahamas Ph: (242) 366-0023 Fax: (242) 366-0189 Hope Town • www.captplug.com The Abaco District team of School Administrators, under the direction of District Su- Licensed Boat Captain Available for: Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas perintendent, Mrs. Helen Simmons-Johnson, recently held an Appreciation Luncheon at Ph: (242) 367-5460 • Orientation to the Area the Green Turtle Club in Green Turtle Cay for veteran educator and daughter of Abaco Fax: (242) 367-2516 • Rental Boat Handling & Instruction soil, Dr. Lenora Black. Dr. Black served as District Superintendent of Abaco and raised • Island Hopping & Sightseeing the educational standards with her dedicated leadership. The luncheon featured many VHF 16 • Beaching, Picnicking & Shelling www.seahorseboatrentals.com speeches and games making for a light hearted yet heartfelt time for those who attended. • Snorkeling, Diving or Fishing Dr. Black was presented a certificate for a cruise for 2 to show the districts appreciation Complimentary Pick Up & Delivery • Whatever You May Desire to Do for her leadership. April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 13 Debbie celebrates 30 Gerri Curry-Rolle for being a great men- or who need help with nutrition and diet . In turn her own daughter is preparing Auskell From Page 7 in conjunction with exercise programs. years at Green to follow in her footsteps as LaShondra “We will offer a broad full range Protein shakes and meal replacements will Turtle Club Curry studies Hospitality and Hotel Lodg- spectrum of services that will include spe- be offered as well as exercise clothing for ing at Johnson and Wales University. cific spinal exercise machines to strengthen those enrolled in the program. Debbie Symonette has become an She said she owes so much to the and rebalance muscles after a long period “The Fitness Center will help with icon of sorts and one of the family as she many people she has worked with over of time.” spinal rehabilitation and women’s fitness, now celebrates her thirtieth year as a part the years from He said that statistics have proven and again, the bottom line is to get healthy of the Green Turtle Club. the owners – that decompression produces an 86 to 90 in the first place,” he explained. “Healthy Starting work on April 17, 1982 Deb- Adam Showell percent success rate for its patients where- to control weight, healthy to control blood bie recalls the club as quaint resort with a and Ann Me- as back surgery only yields a long-term pressure, healthy to control diabetes and small wooden dock and a restaurant which riner, to Lynn benefit of 50 percent or less. healthy to try and control your back pain. she has seen double in those years. In those and Molly Mc- As part of Auskell’s focus on health “We are focused on the whole body early days she was a waitress and a maid Intosh. Work- a women’s fitness program will soon be approach, and continue to move forward for the Club eventually moving to help ing with Linda introduced. The program will utilize car- with healthy means to keep you healthy, bartend. Working along with Lynn John- McIntosh, Re- diovascular machines, supervised exercise so that we will see a healthier and healthier son and Bill and Donna Rossbatch (former nee Nesbitt, programs, and programs that specifically Abaco as time goes on.” managers of the Club) in the early days she July Russell, target persons with hormonal imbalances said taught her a lot. Pat McIntosh “It’s been a great experience,” she and all the said. “I’ve gotten to know myself and to staff have all know many other people. I have learned impacted her Volunteers place Sandy a lot about what tourism is all about.” She life in many said she has also had the opportunity to ways. “I love Cay Reef moorings travel a lot because of the many guests she them and look forward to working with has met over the years. She has been to them for many years to come,” she said. New York, Florida, Atlanta and Portland, She also thinks of Erklin McIntosh, Maine among other places. Ray and Vertrum Lowe and Rica McIn- She said she has met a lot of people, tosh who monuments to longevity having which she really enjoys, and she has a been there for years before she arrived and knack for remembering the many names remain until today. “they treated me like and faces. Even more special to her now family from the day I got here,” she said. is seeing visitor’s children now grown up, Debbie said she thanks God for the returning with their children. “It feels like years she has been able to spend in Green On April 2, during perfect sea condi- proves the need for these moorings to pro- you are a part of a large family,” she re- Turtle Cay and at the Club and thanks the tions, a group of volunteers headed south. tect the reef as well as allowing more peo- marked. community and her family in Fox Town The project, to replace mooring at Sandy ple to visit the park and enjoy its beauty. In 2007 she was awarded the Cacique and Nassau for all their support over the Cay Reef, was funded by Cruise Abaco, Mark and Patti Gonsalves want to Employee of the Year Award for 2006/07 years. Mark & Patti Gonsalves and the Bahamas thank the volunteers that pitched in and for which she said she owes a great deal to National Trust. gave a helping hand to get this done, Steve The work is not entirely finished, and and Mike at Dive Time of Man-O-War, another trip back to complete the project Brown Tip Bottom Cleaning and Diving as soon as more materials can be acquired Services, Margurite Melikian, Paul Caval, is planned. Immediately after installation Elizabeth Eisenhauer, Charlie Horne and of the eight moorings there were boats im- John Sporck. mediately tied to every one of them. This

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We know Abaco! One call does it all! Sales, Vacation & Long Term Rentals • Insurance • Construction • Pools • Property Management Page 14 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 15 Page 16 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 National News Courtesy of The Nassau Guardian be in the works for months, may receive a much-needed kick-start with the appoint- ment of Fair. As exclusively reported by for partisan politics to sidetrack us from.” ting of this great democracy of ours. Election Set for May 7 Guardian Business last month, the top ex- Ingraham said his government has “Whatever the outcome, this will be ecutive has now been officially handed the made progress in restoring the country’s an historic election on many levels. Cast- By Taneka Thompson reigns at the GBPA. economic and national security. He also ing a ballot is a right of all registered vot- The next general election will be held Sarah St. George was also appointed touted the various infrastructure projects ers. Equally as important, we must have on May 7, Prime Minister Hubert Ingra- as vice chairman. his administration has presided over dur- a clean, free, fair and honest election as ham confirmed during a national address The appointment of Fair, who is also ing its current term. these are the most sacred aspects of democ- last night. chairman of the Bahamas Maritime Au- “Elsewhere, we are making progress racy.” Ingraham rang a symbolic bell sig- thority (BMA), deputy chairman of Butter- in terms of He added that for the first time inter- naling the official countdown to the hotly field Bank (Bahamas) Limited and chair- economic recovery and national secu- national observers from the Organization contested race. man of Bahamas First Holdings Limited, rity. And we have invested in making our of American States, CARICOM and the The national address came six hours could not come at a more crucial time. country better every day,” he said. United States have been invited to monitor after Parliament was officially dissolved by Grand Bahama, despite its close prox- “These things were not done because the May 7 election. a proclamation from Governor General Sir imity to the U.S. and incentives for foreign we like roads or we like building; they People who are unable to vote on Arthur Foulkes. Provost Marshal Ellison businesses, has continued to struggle under were done because we love the people of polling day — because of travel plans, gov- Greenslade read the proclamation on the the weight of the ongoing financial crisis. our country.” ernment assignments overseas, pregnancy, steps on the House of Assembly at 2 p.m. Unemployment on Grand Bahama His comments were a reference to or hospitalization etc. — will be able to Greenslade also read a second procla- now stands at more than 21 percent, ac- repeated criticisms from members of the vote in an advance poll. mation later in the day, revealing that Par- cording to the latest numbers from the De- Official Opposition, who have argued that More than 172,000 Bahamians are liament will reconvene on May 23. partment of Statistics. the FNM is more concerned with creating registered to vote, the highest number ever. Last night, the prime minister re- Fair brings with him considerable in- infrastructure than investing in Bahamians. counted the challenges his administration ternational experience and a diverse pro- has faced — from the 2008 global reces- fessional background. VOTE sion to a rise in violent crime. AsiaMart, a brand that seeks to es- The prime minister also thanked Ba- Asian distribution cen- Ingraham said his government has tablish the Chinese distribution center, is a hamians for trusting him to lead the nation been working relentlessly to eradicate ter in sights for GBPA project in the sights of the GBPA. for three non-consecutive terms. Ingraham criminal behavior and has focused on the The new chairman described the con- urged all eligible people to vote on polling social conditions that give rise to a crimi- By Jeffrey Todd cept of a distribution center as "a priority" day regardless of their political persuasion. nal culture. In spite of these efforts, four The Grand Bahama Port Authority and "an idea with an awful lot of poten- “Over the last five years, there have murder records were set over the past five (GBPA) "needs a couple quick wins" to get tial". been challenges, successes and above all, years with 127 murders recorded in 2011. it on the fast track to prosperity, according "We're in the business of granting hope for the future. The prime minister urged all Bahami- to Ian Fair, the incoming chairman. licenses. We want what is best for Free- As we’ve worked to achieve success ans to join the ongoing crime fight. And high on the agenda, he said, is port. The minute I learned about the Asia- and stability, there has been one guiding “This is a fight we will not lose... It the establishment of a Chinese distribu- Mart idea, I thought it had potential. It's is a blight on our society that knows no principle of my government: Our Bahama- tion center that would sell mass quantities party and no creed,” he said. “It makes no land belongs to us all,” he said. of goods to corporations throughout North Please see GBPA Page 23 distinction. We, as a people, must stand “Now we look to the future and the America, Latin America and the Carib- as one against this menace perpetrated on next election. As we begin this process, I bean. our country; it is something too important want to ask all of our citizens to commit The high-profile project, rumored to themselves to an election that is truly fit- STANDARD HARDWARE Lumber & Plumbing Supplies Let Standard help you plant your Spring ideas!

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Queen Elizabeth Dr. • Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Ph: 367-2660 • 367-2811 • 367-2820 • Fax: 367-2645 email: [email protected] April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 17 Page 18 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012

Teachers Union are now pushing for more and better ben- Immunization Training sau to the Department of Immunization, efits, and fight grievances of members. Department of Public Health. The train- holds first He spoke about great union leaders Program for Nurses ees were told to keep track of the children workshop on Abaco and their contribution to the development of coming from other countries and the chil- the Bahamas. Some of those great leaders By Mirella Santillo dren leaving the island. It is important to By Samantha Evans are: The Late Sir Randal Fawkes -Father Seven nurses from Central Abaco, note infant deaths and adjust their charts President of the Bahamas Union of of Labour-, The Late Sir Clifford Darling Hope Town and Sandy Point participated accordingly. They were reminded that to Teachers (B.U.T.) Belinda Wilson and -President of the Taxi Cab Union-, Dame in a three- day training program held at the be fully immunized the children have to Quentin Laroda, Area Vice President for Ivy Dumont -co-founder of the BUT-, the Marsh Harbour Government Clinic from have the first series of three shots followed Grand Bahama, were on Abaco on Friday late Mable Walker -founder of the B.U.T-, March 27-29. The program was aimed at by vaccination for MMR (Mumps, Mea- March 23 to hold a workshop and general major players in the Women’s Suffrage stressing the importance of keeping track sles and Rubella) and varicella. meeting with its members. The theme cho- Movement, the person after whom the of the population of children to be immu- The seven nurses were subjected to a sen for this first workshop on Abaco was Walker’s Hall is named and Carlton E. nized, keeping the immunization records test at the end of the last session on Thurs- “Solidarity Forever.” The workshop began Francis co-founder of the B.U.T. up to date, maintaining the vaccines potent day, to ensure that they had absorbed and at 1pm with Quentin Laroda as the able After he was done, President Wilson by keeping them at a constant cold tem- understood the content of the workshop. first presenter. addressed the members. She spoke about perature and adhering to good hygiene While Nurse Collie corrected the ex- His topic was an introduction to the Handling Grievances and Leadership. She practices in regard of storing the vaccines. amination sheets, Nurse Bastian addressed Bahamas Union of Teachers. Laroda is no began by addressing the rights of employ- Three former nurses now employed the class reminding them that although The stranger to the union as he has served three ees and types of grievances. She outlined by the department of Immunization, Nurse Bahamas was certified “polio free” and terms in the B.U.T. and two terms in his the procedures for dealing with grievances Ruth Bastian, Nurse Lynne Lewis and in the process of being certified “measles current post. He began by stating that the and the importance of following protocol. Nurse Amelia Collie, had come from Nas- free,” these two diseases were only a short B.U.T. has 4000 plus members but not She encouraged members to put their com- sau to provide the training in Marsh Har- distance away from our islands, hence the many of them are unionists. He chose to plaints in writing to the shop steward so bour. necessity to maintain the necessary precau- introduce members to the history of the that they can be addressed in a timely man- They instructed the trainees of the tions to keep it that way. union so that they would know about their ner. Next she spoke on leadership. He told procedures to follow to keep “the cold She acknowledged the women’s dedi- history and accomplishments, enhance members to work towards leaving a legacy chain” such as checking the temperature cation and urged them to keep working their knowledge of the B.U.T., know what behind as one day they will move off the of the refrigerator, how to proceed in case hard. Nurse Lewis could not help but stress they fight for, founding members, the im- scene. of sustained power loss by being ready to again the importance of the cold chain. portance of the union and how it operates. She told them to be secure in their post pack the vaccines immediately in a cooler “Keep the vaccines potent,” she insisted. He began with the history of the and be prepared to produce where they are with four cold packs. A parallel workshop was conducted union which was started in 1947 by Mable planted. Finally she noted that when people The instructors reminded them to during the same period of time in Cooper’s Walker (founding president), Ivy Dumont do well that they should complement them maintain good hygiene measures such as Town for the nurses of Fox Town, Coo- and Carlton Francis. The union was recog- rather than covet the other persons’ gifts cleaning the refrigerator once a month, per’s Town and Green Turtle Cay. A simi- nized by the Government of the Bahamas or abilities. After she was done, she went storing the live vaccines on the top shelf lar training workshop already took place in 1965 and joined Education International over the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the non-live vaccines underneath and on Eleuthera. Grand Bahamas is next on in 1977. The major responsibilities of the and gave the members vital information of keeping the water containers on the bottom the agenda. union at that time were to protect the rights the changes that will come on stream be- shelf. of members and bargain for better terms fore the end of the 2011-2012 school year. The last day of the training was dedi- and conditions of service. He described Refreshments followed the meeting then cated to learning how to create charts of the dynamics of the executive body of the persons were able to sit with the president the children to be immunized- the target union and the roles of those major posts. one-on-one to voice concerns. population- and of the children actually be- Remember to check out ing immunized. Charts have to be recorded Once done, he noted that the B.U.T. is set The Abaconian’s up for the efficient smooth running of the on a monthly basis, in order not to miss organization. Thanks to the shoulders upon anyone and to meet the target percentage Community Calendar. which the current leadership stands, they of children immunized by the year’s end. The records have to be kept not only locally, but copies have to be sent to Nas-

Open Year Round Boat House Restaurant White Sound, Elbow Cay Bahamian Breakfast - Sat. & Sun. Come lounge at The Helm, our indoor bar Happy Hour Daily 5 pm - 6 pm Enjoy a delicious dinner with us Sea Spray will pick up from Hope Town Sunday Night BBQ Buffet All you can eat, ribs, chicken & fish Kids under 13, half price LIVE MUSIC by: Brown Tip Rake N Scrape Every Sunday 6:30 pm - 9 pm FULL SERVICE MARINA • 60 Deepwater Slips • Fuel/ Oil/ Bait/ Ice • Fresh Water • Garbonzo Reef Bar WATERFRONT VILLAS • One, two & three bedroom units • On the ocean & harbour • Full kitchen/air cond/sat TV For local transporation to Sea Spray call VHF 16 or 366-0065 email : [email protected] www.seasprayresort.com April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 19

2005-2006 season. Not a single resident Letters From Page 9 will ever forget that. As fast as the bull- dozers could work, all day and all night, Business the mangroves and gnarled, wind hardened antees that our family of four will seek shrubs of what is now the hundreds of other destinations in the future. Is that what acres of bare BBC, were burned. Pillars of Abaco to receive cellular 4G we want? smoke drifted endlessly over Guana Cay, Will property values be affected? dropping ash and soot. At night, the merci- by mid-May What do you, the reader, think about this? less inferno could be seen for miles. Given the choice, would you live near an Johnson. "We have 45 cell sites in New Our lungs have sucked in enough of incinerator? How would you feel if one Courtesy of The Nassau Guardian Providence and 41 in Abaco despite the what BBC produced that year. No more! were to be built near your home? Without Bahamas Telecommunications Com- difference in population so you can see exception, every one of us would choose to pany (BTC) customers throughout Abaco how comprehensive our coverage had to A well designed solid waste facility be far, far away from an incinerator. (You and the northern Bahamas will experience be. Because of the many small islands in utilizing the land-fill method is far more can be sure the bank which holds your consistent, improved cellular service in- addition to Great Abaco, a lot of the mate- environmentally responsible AND has the mortgage would agree.) Being “up wind” cluding faster speeds for downloads and rial had to be transported by boat or barge added advantage of producing methane, upon ignition is no guarantee you won't be browsing on smart phones when the com- so it was a time-consuming task. Fortu- which can then be harnessed to create elec- “down wind” half way through the sched- pany completes its revamp of the wireless nately, we were blessed with good work- tricity. Considering the projected demand uled burn. This occurred on Guana Cay system by mid-May, officials said recently. ing weather for most of the winter which for electricity in the Abacos, this method on April 3rd, 2012 with the island full of "We have completed 35 of the 41 helped considerably." must be seriously considered. Yet another vacationers! Who will measure the destruc- cell sites in Abaco to date and expect to Johnson said the improved service in option is artificial reef construction using tive impact on property values if this kind have the remaining few completed within Abaco is expected to please the northern high density, compacted trash. Marine en- of thing becomes a regular occurrence? the next several weeks," said Marlon John- island's extensive boating population. gineering teams at universities around the So how about burning only when the son, vice president, brand and communica- "Abaco is the yachting capital of world have experimented with this tech- wind is from a certain direction? If an in- tions. "When the work is done, customers The Bahamas," Johnson noted, "attracting nique. Global Coral Reef Alliance may cinerator were located on the Crown Land, will enjoy greatly improved service, fewer thousands of boaters every year. Unlike also have researched this system as part of where BBC already has the nasty parts of dropped calls and much faster speeds as the rest of The Bahamas where the main its artificial reef project. its infrastructure, a SW wind may blow the Abaco goes from a 2G platform to the season is November through April, Aba- When weighing the pros and cons of smoke NE. That would work....until the blazing speed of 4G." co's big season is summer when boaters community decisions, one must endeavor wind assumed its usual clocking. As soon New Providence is already blanketed come over primarily from South Florida. to avoid the temptation to take the cheap- as the wind crept a few more points west- in 4G, the fastest speed available for wire- We are confident that they will be in for a est way. Remembering that, what appears erly, the coastal breezes would sweep it less users, a technology so new that com- very pleasant surprise when they turn their to be the fastest and easiest and cheapest, in tight to the island and residents would panies abroad in major markets where it phones on and find that this little quiet set very often carries the burden of the greatest be impacted. Every boating person is fa- has been introduced are tooting their horns of islands and cays has gone 4G. Many of consequences. There is no place here for miliar with the tendency of winds to wrap and touting its strength, spending millions them will be coming from areas where they the heavy-handed, dictatorial “solution”. around a land mass, as though in defiance advertising its availability. Meantime in do not yet have that kind of speed." Our failure to evaluate all the ramifica- of the weather maps. It's part if the mi- The Bahamas, Grand Bahama is nearly 100 Although work is about 80 percent tions of choosing incineration over land-fill cro-climate phenomenon. In short, getting percent converted to 4G and BTC said it completed on all cell sites and supporting will cause future generations to condemn Mother Nature to blow smoke “away” is a hopes to have full national roll-out by late infrastructure, the launch of 4G will not us. So, while we are happy BBC is finally tricky proposition. August with Abaco, Bimini and the Berry take place in stages, but will occur all at stepping up to the plate, we insist the deci- If BBC suggests they can guarantee Islands to go live within days of each other once when work on the islands and cays sions are not BBC's to make. Rather, this a 'no-impact' burn, consider the source. about the middle of May. is 100 percent complete. When that date is a community matter necessitating full Bakers Bay Developers (or was it Discov- "Abaco was a large territory to and open discovery and decision making. cover because of all the small cays and ery Land Corporation back then?) failed Please see 4G Page 21 miserably to consider the other 3/5ths of the sprawling lay of the land," explained The Concerned Citizens of Great Guana Cay during the endless fires if the Guana Cay

NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE May the following persons please collect their Jewellery repairs immediately. Lenora Wallace; Repair # 4942 Misty McLaughlin; Repair # 4905 Ryan S. Laroda; Repair # 4581 Darren Lightbourn; Repair # 4921 JEWELS GEMS & MORE 367-2418

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Mail to: 2022 Aero Circle, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32168 or: P.O. Box AB 20213, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, The Bahamas March 2012 Page 20 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Business Entrepreneur Watch Four S Take-A-way The Garden of Eden Roberts has realized his dream of opening Dishy his own grocery store with the opening of Take -A-Way By Samantha Evans Abaco Mini-Mart. According to the proprietor, Da- Molly Davis owns Four S Take-A- He said “this is something I’ve want- By Samantha Evans kotah Delancy, Dishy means beautiful. Way adjacent to Shawny’s Take-A-Way in ed to do for a long time. We are starting And that is just what Dishy sells: beauty. Dundas Town. Ms. Davis decided to open On March 26, 2012 Annalyse Coak- at a convenience store level and we’ll see ley opened her business: The Garden of Unique jewelry, cosmetics, lingerie and this business because she stated that it is where it goes.” top-line body supplies can all be found hard to find souse after 11am in the morn- Eden Take-A-Way on Forest Drive next Abaco Mini-Mart is a small convenience to Island Grocers. Ms. Coakley stated that at Dishy located upstairs in the build- ing. At her business you can find souse store carrying a variety of products such as ing across from Curly Tails restaurant in all day and every day. They specialize in when she first moved to Abaco she started snacks, beverages, dry groceries and some out cooking so she decided to venture into Marsh Harbour. down home cooking. produce at this time and he indicated he would Fashionable and affordable guides Besides all types of souse they also this business again. She stated that all of expand this based on what customers need. her steps to open this business were or- her business. Victoria’s Secret lines, Bath provide soups and sandwiches. They pro- Since opening on April 7 he says he and Body Works products and Hello Kitty vide fish and pancakes daily, Tuesday is dered by God as she was not looking to has received a good response from shop- start a business. brand accessories are found at low prices. “boil-up” day and Thursday they provide pers, many of whom got to know him as Makeup applications and full pedicures various international dishes. In the coming She is excited about this business and the manager at Price Right over his years looks forward to all of the doors that will are among the services she offers at her months, they will open the bakery which there. “We want to offer service, conve- well decorated store. will provide breads, guava duff, banana open for her. She specializes in snacks nience and good prices,” he said. only such as wings and fries, cold cups, She designed a store to make her bread, cakes, cheese cake, pumpkin roll Mr. Roberts started in the grocery customers ask, “Am I still in Abaco?” and the like. ice cream, pastries and pies, cupcakes and business in 1980 when he joined the staff fresh conch salad. She is open Monday to She found opportunity to create a busi- The catering service will also be op- of Golden Harvest. Since then he has been ness when plans to attend university fell erational soon and for this service they can Saturday 7am to 8pm. The phone contact both managed stores for both major super- for the business is 475-1050. through this year. But that did not stop cook any Bahamian dishes for any type markets in Nassau spending his last five her determination because in February of event. The only requirement is that a Abaco Mini-Mart years in Nassau at the Lyford Cay City. she launched her retail store. “Things are week’s notice is given. Other items they He has spent the last ten years as both a going great,” she said. specialize in include ice cream, conch frit- Convenience Store manager and a buyer for Price Right Ltd. Store hours are Mon-Thurs: 10am ters, hot dogs and popcorn. They are open Abaco Mini-Mart is open seven days – 6pm., and Fri-Sat: 10am-7:30pm. To Monday to Saturday 8am to 4pm and 6pm Continuing a tradition inherited from a week from 8am to 10pm and is located contact Dishy call 458-9751 or through to 10pm. They can be contacted by calling his grandparents, and after 32 years work- on Crockett Drive just after K & S Service Black Berry Messenger: 282FA4E1. 367-7777. ing in the grocery business himself, Telford Station. Also, find Dishy on Facebook.

Compliments of The Moorings and The Conch Inn Hotel and Marina

Printed by Tides & Currents for Windows TM by Nobeltec Corporation (503) 579-1414 - www.tides.com Tide - North Bar Channel May 2012

Cruise the Abaco Sound in one of our new sailing yachts, 36 ft. mono-hull or 38 ft. catamaran

Cruise the Abaco Sound in one of our new sailing yachts - 36 ft. mono hull or 38 ft. catamaran Sunsail SAILING VACATIONS

The Conch Inn Marina The Moorings Yacht Charters The Conch Inn Resort The Conch Inn Resort and Marina • Full service docks with power • The Best Sailing Vacations In The World! • Hotel rooms on the harbour front PO Box AB20469, Marsh Harbour, Abaco • Cable TV connections • Prestige Class crewed yacht charter • Fresh water pool Ph 242-367-4000 • Fax 367-4004 • Texaco fuel station • Sailing Sloops and cats 35 ft. - 47 ft. • Curly Tails waterfront restaurant and bar Email: [email protected] • Power catamarans 37 ft. • Dive Abaco - a complete dive facility www.themoorings.com Come and experience the beauty of the Bahamas. We are waiting for you. April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 21 Further Business thrust" for employment on the island and But as the dust settles in regards to 4G From Page 19 GBPA From Page 16 the economy at large. Fair's appointment, the new chairman said Fair went on to mention "there are comes, subscribers to 4G using BlackBer- the primary message, for now, is Grand a lot of things out there that could happen rys, Androids (like Samsung Galaxy) or an amazing idea. There isn't one in the Bahama is back in business. quite soon" to further stimulate the econ- iPhones will be able to upload to YouTube region. Central America, North America, omy in Grand Bahama. Other projects faster, download tunes, save or send pho- the Caribbean… they can all come through believed to be on the agenda include two Know of any news? Call tos, browse with Explorer or as Freeport." waste treatment facilities to further support fast as their eyes and fingers allow or even Fair said the GBPA is in the process The Abaconian: the island's already robust ship building accomplish the most basic task, making a of working through proposals, and no for- and maintenance yard. 367-3200. phone call on speed dial faster than ever mer permits or confirmation has been giv- before. In conjunction with the new speed, en to any particular party. He did say, however, that the creation the company will open its first renovated Resort VIPs arrive in Treasure Cay on store in Abaco April 26 in Treasure Cay. of a distribution center would be a "huge board Delta Airbus BAF Solutions donates Colina staff gives to to Cancer Society Cancer Society

An Airbus A319 flew into Treasure Cay International Airport on April 5. This marks the first time this type of aircraft has landed in Abaco. The three hour flight from New York brought in about twenty passengers who were brought in to tour properties at Bakers Bay Resort in great Guana Cay. Peter Russell and his crew at the Treasure Cay airport Oeisha Roberts, Abaco Office Administra- helped coordinate the flight and ensured the guests arrived in style. Using the signature tor, said the staff and management of Co- airstairs he had built for a similar flight a few month ago, Treasure Cay once again rolled lina’s local office came together donating out the red carpet. personally, to give back to the community and deciding that this time they would give to the Abaco Cancer Society. “The Cancer Society was an easy choice for us because we all knew or are close to people who have had cancer,” she said. They want to do something even bigger On April 2, British American Financial’s next year, and hope to get the company in- office in Marsh Harbour donated to the Ab- volved in giving to the community. aco Cancer Society. BAF wanted to express From L-R: Sandradee Henfield (agents), their gratitude for the work the Abaco Can- Nathania Lewis(cashier), Lillian Cash cer Society does for all those on the island (Abaco cancer society), Leslie Gelin whose lives have been affected by cancer. (Branch Manager), Doneth Reid ( Sales Lillian Cash was present to represent the Director), Oeisha Roberts( Abaco Office Abaco Cancer Society and receive the gift. Administrator), Eleanor Stuart (agent), From left to right: Anthony Cartwright, Barrie Bascom(agent) Margel Smith, Lillian Cash, Nia Cooper and Rosemary Russell.

Turtle Hill Resort and on Da Beach Bar & Grill


Turtle Hill Resort and Villas & on Da Beach Bar and Grill, which is situated just minutes away from the quaint, popular, and historic settlement of Hope Town, is available for sale at a reduced price.

This island resort has everything you would want or need including four 2 bed, 2 bath villas and two 3 bed, 3 bath villas, all with full kitchens, dining and living areas, and each boasting both pool and ocean views. The bar and grill sits at the edge of the dune overlooking the beach and has all the bells and whistles an efficient seaside restaurant/grill would need. Priced at $3,600,000 Gross

For viewing and further info please contact the Follow Us: Listing Agent: Frank Knowles

Contact him via: (242) 366 0024 Office (242) 577-0339 Cell [email protected] Page 22 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Bahama, by the Owens-Illinois pulpwood Typically, spring is our dry sea- operation in 1956, then moved to Spring son and brush fires are prevalent in April Fire From Page 6 City in 1959. and May. The volunteer firemen are not equipped to tackle brush fires unless they hot fire initially keeping the firemen at bay. Shed Fire are close to buildings that are accessible. Engine Five, using the water canon Mid-morning on April 8 two engines Homeowners whose property has coppice from a safe distance, cooled the flames al- responded to a report of a house fire by M and brush adjacent are advised to keep the lowing the firemen to get closer with hos- ‘n’ R Grocery Store on Crockett Drive in area around their buildings clear of brush es. Engine Two arrived and attacked the Marsh Harbour; however, after firemen in- and other flammable materials. “Honesty and Quality fire from the other side. The empty house vestigated the area the fire was discovered Large brush fires are a challenge as had underbrush close that was on fire and You Can Count On” to be in a small banana field next to the winds can carry hot embers into new ar- a small shed behind was also engulfed in Mud on the Port Road. eas, igniting new fires. Fires can break out flames but harder to access through the Brandon Thompson Upon further investigation it was dis- in unexpected areas, sometimes even right brush. 242-357-6532 covered that a Haitian shack had burned behind the fire engine, causing a quick It was about 9 p.m. when embers down in the field, which was difficult to change in strategy. were finally believed to be out and the en- Dock Construction access. Firemen oversaw what remained A prolonged drought is fueling brush gines returned to the station. The vacant Residential and Commercial of the fire as burned itself out. No other fires throughout the Eastern United States house sat in a wooded area by itself and no Customized to suit your lifestyle buildings were threatened. this spring. Lightning is not the main cause other residences were threatened. of fires in the dry season. It is usually dis- Boat Lifts This was one of the last houses still in Dumpster Fire carded cigarettes, homeowners burning Sales and Service Spring City that was built in the mid-1940s One engine and two volunteers re- trash, farmers clearing their land or an oc- Quality boat lift dealer for 10 years in Pine Ridge, Grand Bahama, using the sponded to a fire in a refuse dumpster near casional accident that drops live wires onto native pine lumber. The house was moved And Much More... the old softball field in Marsh Harbour the ground. to the Gap, inland of Riding Point, Grand Offering unsurpassed attention to mid-morning on April 10. detail with almost two decades of hands on experience www.lbtmarine.comContact us today! bthompson@lbtma- rine.com Cell: 242-357-6532 Ph/Fax: 242-367-2704

Left: Marsh Harbour Volunteer Firefight- ers fight a blaze at the old dump close to the BEC plant where hundreds of gallons of old engine oil had been dumped and set afire. Mixed with the oil was septic waste which created a health concern.

Hotels and House Rental Agents + agents with multiple cottages and houses Lubbers Quarters Area Code 242 unless listed otherwise Sea Level Cottages 4 hse 366-3121 Man-O-War Island-wide Abaco Listings Island Home Rentals + 2 hse 365-6048 Abaco Cottage + 114 hse 366-0576 Schooner’s Landing 5 condos 365-6072 Abaco Vacation Planner + 25 hse 367-3529 Waterway Rentals + 14 hse 365-6143 Cherokee Marsh Harbour area Lee Pinder + 3 hse 366-2053 Abaco Beach Resort 82 rms 367-2158 Marina Albury Cottages 5 cottages 366-2075 Abaco Real Estate + 6 hse 367-2719 Grand Cay Abaco Towns 16 apts 367-0148 Rosie’s Place 352-5458 Ambassador Inn 6 rms 367-2022 Green Turtle Cay Bustick Bight Resort 8 rms 367-3980 Barefoot Homes 14 hse 577-4092 Conch Inn 9 rms 367-4000 Bluff House Club 12 units 365-4247 Living Easy + 16 hse 367-2202 Cocobay Cottages 6 cott 800-752-0166 Island Breezes Motel 8 rms 367-3776 Green Turtle Club 35 rm 365-4271 Lofty Fig Villas 6 eff 367-2681 Island Properties + 34 hse 365-4047 Pelican Beach Villas 6 cott 367-3600 New Plymouth Inn 9 rm 365-4161 Regattas 32 apts 577-6764 Ocean Blue Properties + 34 365-4636 HG Christie + 11 hse 367-4151 Other Shore Club 365-4226 Sandy Point Roberts Cottages 3 cott 365-4105 Oeisha’s Resort 366-4139 Guana Cay Pete & Gay’s Resort 14 rm 366-4119 Dive Guana + 11 hse 365-5178 Rickmon’s Bonefishing 10 rm 800-628-1447 Dolphin Bch Resort 4 rm 10 cott. 365-5137 Spanish Cay Guana Sunset Beach 13 units 365-5133 Spanish Cay Resort 18 rm 6 hse 365-0083 Ocean Frontier 6 cott 519-389-4846 Treasure Cay Ward’s Landing 4 units 904-982-2762 Bahama Beach Club 88 units 365-8500 Ruth Sands + 9 hse 365-5140 Brigantine Bay Villas 5 units 877-786-8455 Hope Town Treasure Cay Resort + 95 rms 365-8801 Abaco Inn 22 rm 366-0133 Mark’s Bungalows 4 units 365-8506 Crystal Villas 5 villas 321-452-0164 Abaco Estate Services 365-8752 Elbow Cay Prop + 53 hse 366-0035 Turtle Rock Hope T Harb Lodge 25 rm 366 0095 Villas at Palmetto Beach 3 villas 262-820-1900 Hope T Hideaways + 63 hse 366-0224 Wood Cay Hope Town Inn 6 rm 4 Villas 366-0003 Tangelo Hotel 14 rm 1 villa 365-2222 Hope T Villas + 3 hse 366-0266 Lighthouse Rentals 4 cott 366-0154 Web Sites with Abaco Information Sea Gull Cottages + 4 hse 366-0266 http://www.abaconian.com http://www.abacos.com Sea Spray Resort 6 villas 366-0065 http://www.abacoinet.com http://www.oii.net Tanny Key + 43 hse 366-0053 http.//www.abacoinfo.com http://www.bahamas.com Turtle Hill 4 villas 366-0557 http.//www.abacocottage.com Rev. March 2012 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 23 Emergency Services Police - Marsh Harbour 367-2560 • 911 B. Electricity Corp 367-2727, 367-2846, 367-4667 Water & Sewerage 475-1499, 475-5518 Visitors’ Guide The following services are provided by volunteers Fire - Marsh Harbour 367-2000 Restaurants • Services • Transportation Fire -Hope Town VHF Ch 16 All phones use area code 242 unless noted Fire - Green Turtle Cay 365-4133 www.abaconian.com Bonefish Guides Fire - Man-O-War 365-6911 Ferry Schedules • Departure times shown • Daily service unless noted Casaurina Point Marsh Harbour Treasure Cay Fire & Rescue 365-9111 Marsh Harbour to Hope Town or Man-O-War - 20 minutes, Guana Cay - 30 minutes BASRA Bah Air Sea Rescue Assoc - all areas Marine VHF 16 Junior Albury...... 366-3058 Jody Albury...... 375-8068 Albury’s Ferry Service • Ph 367-3147 or 367-0290 • VHF Ch. 16 • Hope Town & Man-O-War from Crossing Bch Hope Town 366-0500 Marsh Harbour 367-3752 Sidney Albury...... 477-5996 Marsh Harbour>Hope Town 7:15am 9:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 5:45pm Cherokee Richard Albury...... 367-0367 Guana Cay 365-5178 Treasure Cay 365-8749 Return: 8:00 am 9:45am 11:30am 1:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:30pm Noel Lowe...... 366-2107 Terrance Davis...... 375-8550 Marsh Harbour>Man-O-War 10:30am 12:15pm 2:30pm* 4:00pm 5:45pm * Not on Marty Sawyer...... 366-2115 Buddy Pinder...... 366-2163 Medical Services Return: 8:00am 11:30am 1:30pm 3:15pm* 5:00pm Sundays Randy Sawyer...... 366-2284 Justin Sands...... 367-3526 Abaco Family Medicine Marsh Harbour....367-2295 Marsh H.>Guana Cay/Scotland cay From Conch Inn or holidays Will Sawyer...... 366-2177 Danny Sawyer...... 367-3577 Auskell Advanced Medical Clinic...... 367-0020 (6:45am - Union Jack Dock) 10:30am 1:30pm 3:30pm 5:45pm Jay Sawyer...... 367-3941 Integrated Medical Center...... 367-1304 Return: 8 am 11:30am 2:30pm 4:45pm 6:30pm Crossing Rocks Emergancy...... 458-1234 Fare • Adult prepaid one way $17 / open return $27, • Kids 6-11 half, Under 6 free (Phone after hours 359-6861) Tony Russell...... 366-3259 North Abaco Marsh Harbour Medical Centre...... 367-0049 Note: During the month of August through December there are some adjustments made to the schedule. You are advised to contact the office for the changes. O’Donald McIntosh..477-5037 Government Clinic Marsh Harbour...... 367-2510 Alexander Rolle...... 365-0120 Green Turtle Cay Corbett Clinic Treasure Cay ...... 365-8288 Green Turtle Ferry • Phone 365-4166, 4128, 4151 • VHF Ch 16 • Ten minute ride Rick Sawyer...... 365-4261 Edward Rolle...... 365-0024 Government Clinic Cooper‘s Town ...... 365-0300 T Cay Airport>Green T Cay 8:30am 10:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:00pm Ronnie Sawyer...... 365-4070 Herbert Thurston.....365-2405 Government Clinic Green Turtle Cay ...... 365-4028 Return: 8am 9am 11am 12:15pm 1:30pm 3:00pm 4:30pm Government Clinic Hope Town ...... 366-0108 New Plymouth one way adult $10 (Children $7) • Round trip $15 • Extra to some G T Cay docks Sandy Point Hope Town Government Clinic Sandy Point ...... 366-4010 Valantino Adderley...366-4323 Abaco Adventures • Ph 365-8749 or 375-8123 VHF Ch 16 Charters Available Maitland Lowe...... 366-0234 Government Clinic Fox Town ...... 365-2172 Anthony Bain...... 366-4107 Treasure Cay to Guana Cay Sunday departs 11:00am & returns 3:30 p.m. $40 RT Tom Albury...... 366-3141 T Cay to Man-O-War/ Hope Town - Saturday departs 9:30 am, $45 RT Derek Gaitor...... 366-4249 Nicholas Roberts.....366-4486 Tourism’s People-to-People program Pinder’s Ferry Service Between Abaco & Grand Bahama - Be matched with a local person or family with a similar interest Man-O-War Treasure Cay such as Bird watching, Attending church, Foreign language, School Crown Haven, Abaco to McLean’s Town, Grand Bah. -Daily 7:00 am & 2:30 pm David Albury...... 365-605 class visit, Environmental interest. Marine, Native plants, History, McLean’s Town to Crown Haven - return Daily 8:30 am & 4:30 pm Capt. Joe Pritchard..559-9117 Humane Society, etc. This is not a dating service or an offer for a Fare $45 OW / $90 RT • Children half fare • Call Abaco 365-2356 for information free meal or lodging but an opportunity to meet someone locally Bus between Freeport and McLean’s Town • Rental automobiles at both terminals. Bring errors & revisions with similar interests. Call Tourism’s Doranell Swain at 367-3067 Bahamas Ferries Summer Schedule only (April to Dec) for more information. Email: [email protected] to our attention Sandy Point & Nassau Every Friday & Sunday, except holidays, under 4 hours. Call 225-3376 or 366-4119 Revised March 9 12 Call for rates. Airlines Serving Abaco The Great Abaco Express Eco & Historical bus tours • Call 367-2165 or 559-9160 Everyone reads The Abaconian Abaco Air - Nassau, N Eleuthera, Moores Is...... 367-2266 Air Gate Aviation - Daytona/New Smyrna...... 367-3636 Restaurant Guide American Eagle - Miami ...... 367-2231 Prices $ Low, $$ Moderate, $$$ Upper Bahamasair - Nassau,W. Palm B, Ft Laud ...... 367-2095 Attractions (Based on dinner entree range) Continental Connection - Miami Albert Lowe Museum...... Green Turtle Cay Charter Boats + Picnic tables & restroom only ‡ Provides ride from Ft. Laud and W Palm Beach...... 367-3415 Capt Roland Roberts House, reef exhibits.....Green Turtle Cay town Craig Air Center - North Florida...... 367-3522 Memorial Sculpture Garden...... Green Turtle Cay Lucky Strike - Hope T 366-0101 IBC Airways - Ft.Lauderdale, W Palm Beach...... 367-1336 Sea Gull - Hope Town 366-0266 Marsh Harbour Wyannie Malone Historical Museum...... Hope Town Abaco Pizza...... $...... 367-4488 Locair - Fort Lauderdale...... 1-800-205-0730 Elbow Cay Light Station...... Hope Town A Salt Weapon - Hope Town 366-0245 Regional - Freeport...... 367-0446 Down Deep 366-3143 Anglers...... $$$...... 367-2158 Walk to & swim on Mermaid Reef off M Harb. .Pelican Shore Blue Marlin...... $...... 367-2002 Sky Bahamas - Nassau/Ft. Lauderdale...... 367-0996 Local Boy 366-0528 Drive to & swim in Blue Hole ...... Treasure Cay farm road Curly Tails ...... $$$...... 367-4444 Twin Air Calypso - Fort Lauderdale ...... 367-0140 Back Breaker 365-5140 Western Air - Nassau ...... 367-3722 Art studio & working foundry- ...... Little Harbour Gino’s...... $...... 367-7272 Yellow Air Taxi - Ft Lauderdale...... 367-0032 Working boatyards...... Man-O-War cay Golden Grouper ...... $...... 367-2301 Pocket beaches • Crossing Beach in Marsh Harbour Local air charters serving Bahamas & Bikes & Scooters • Boats • Cars & Island Family Rest...... $...... 367-3778 • Witches Point - 3 miles S. of Marsh Harbour S.Florida Cart Rentals Java Coffee House...... $...... 367-5523 Abaco Air...... 367-2266 • Little Harbour - 20 miles S. of Marsh Harbour Marsh Harbour Jamie’s Place...... $...... 367-2880 Cherokee Air Charters ...... 367-3450 • Cherokee - 23 miles S of Marsh Harbour Jib Room ...... $$...... 367-2700 Miles of beach are generally on ocean exposures Kentucky Fried Chicken...... 367-2615 • Treasure Cay • Green Turtle Cay • Guana Cay • Elbow Cay A & P Car Rentals ...... 367-2655 Mangoes...... $$$...... 367-2366 • Man-O-War Cay • Casuarina Point • Bahama Palm Shore Abaco Dorado Boat Rentals...... 367-1035 Pop’s Place...... $...... +...... 367-3796 Dive Shops • Sandy Point & more Abaco Dive Adventures, Marsh Harbour...... 367-2963 Items of interest • Man-O-War boat yards • Blackwood blue B & B Boat Rentals...... 367-7368 Snack Shack...... $..... +...... 367-4005 Above & Below, Marsh Harbour...... 367-0350 hole & sisal mill • Cedar Harbour plantation ruins - need Bargain Car Rentals...... 367-0500 Snappas...... $$...... 367-2278 Dive Abaco 1978, Marsh Harbour...... 367-2787 guide • Hole-in- Wall lighthouse - last mile very rough road • Blue Wave Boat Rentals ...... 367-3910 Wallys ...... $$$...... 367-2074 Froggies, Hope Town...... 366-0431 Abaco wild horses by appointment 367-4805 • Bird watching Concept Boat Rentals...... 367-5570 Treasure Divers, Treasure Cay...... 365-8571 - ask tourism 367-3067 Cruise Abaco...... 577-0148 Hope Town Brendal’s Dive, Green T. Cay...... 365-4411 Quality Star Car Rentals (Texaco)...... 367-2979 Abaco Inn ...... $$$...... 366-0133 Dive Guana...... 365-5178 Rainbow Boat Rentals ...... 367-4602 Cap’n Jacks...... $$...... 366-0247 Man-O-War Dive Shop ...... 365-6013 Tours & Excursions Rental Wheels Scooters, Bikes, Cars .367-4643 Harbour’s Edge...... $$...... 366-0087 Abaco Eco Tours & Kayak rental 475-9616 Rich’s Boat Rentals ...... 367-2742 H T Coffee House (B & L)...... 366-0760 Abaco Island Tours • Marsh Harbour 367-2936 Taxi Cab Fares one or two passengers Sea Horse Boat Rentals ...... 367-2513 H T Harbour Lodge ...... $$$...... 366-0095 Extra $3 for each passengers above two Abaco Neem • Marsh Harbour 367-4117 Sea Star Car Rentals ...... 367-4887 Munchies ...... $...... 366-0423 • Marsh Harbour Airport to: Effective Dec 08 Abaco’s Nature Adventure 577-0004 The Moorings Boat Rentals...... 367-4000 OnDa Beach...... $$...... 366-0558 Clinic, Downtown, Stop Light, ...... $10 Above & Below • Marsh Harbour 367-0350 Green Turtle Cay Sea Spray ...... $$...... ‡...... 366-0065 Ab Bch Resort, Eastern Shore close, Ferry ...... $15 Adventure on Prozac - T Cay 365-8749 Brendals Dive Bikes & Kayak rental....365-4411 Sugar Shack...... $...... +...... 366-0788 Spring City ...... Brendals Dive • Green Turtle Cay 365-4411 C & D Cart Rental ...... 365-4084 $15 C & C Charters - Treasure Cay 365-8506 Cruising Cart Rentals...... 365-4065 Little Harbour Dundas Town, Nat Ins bldg, C Abaco Primary Sch ...... $15 D & P Cart Rental ...... 365-4655 Pete’s Pub...... $$...... 366-3503 Dive Abaco 1978, Marsh Harbour 367-2787 Murphy Town & Great. Cistern ...... $20 Donnie’s Boat Rentals...... 365-4119 Snake Cay ...... $35 Excursion boat • Froggies • Hope T 366-0024 Casuarina Point...... $60 Kool Karts...... 365-4176 Lubber’s Quarter Cherokee, Winding Bay, Little Harbour...... $80 Reef Boat Rentals ...... 365-4145 Cracker P’s...... 366-3139 Bahama Palm Shore...... $90 Abaco Marinas - Slips Fuel Phone Sea Side Carts & Bikes...... 365-4147 Crossing Rocks...... $105 Green Turtle Cay T & A Cart Rentals...... 375-8055 Man-O-War Sandy Point ...... $150 Bluff House ...... 45...... F...... 365-4200 Guana Cay Dock’n Dine...... 365-6139 Leisure Lee ...... $50 Donna Sands Cart Rentals ...... 365-5195 Green Turtle Club ...... 32...... F...... 365-4271 Island Treats Snack Bar...... 365-6501 Treasure Cay Airport, G Turtle ferry ...... $80 Dive Guana Boats & Bikes...... 365-5178 Black Sound Marina....15...... 365-4531 Treasure Cay Resort...... $85 Orchid Bay Cart rentals...... 354-5175 Guana Cay Fox Town ...... $165 Other Shore Club...... 12...... F...... 365-4195 Lubbers Quarters Baker’s Bay - Market Place...... 612-1021 Abaco Yacht Service... 10...... F...... 365-4033 Cruise Abaco...... 321-220-8796 Grabbers...... $$...... 365-5133 • Between Marsh Harbour Ferry and: Treasure Cay Clinic, downtown, Ab Beach Hotel ...... $ 10 Man-O-War Nippers ...... $$ ...... 365-5143 Nat. Ins. Bldg, Murphy Town, Gr. Cistern ...... $10 Treasure Cay Marina.150...... F...... 365-8250 Conch Pearl Boat Rentals...... 365-6502 Orchid Bay...... $$$...... 365-5175 Man-O-War Ria-Mar Golf Cart Rentals...... 365-6024 Wait time $0.40 per minute, Hourly rate $40 per hour Man-O-War Marina ....26...... F...... 365-6008 Waterways Boat Rental ... 357-6540 & 365-6143 Treasure Cay Children under three - free • Caged pets - as people Marsh Harbour Hope Town Coco Beach Bar & Grill...... $...... 365-8470 Luggage $0.75 each over two, large bags $1 ea. Boat Harbour Marina.183...... F...... 367-2158 Cat’s Paw Boat Rentals...... 366-0380 Florence’s Cafe ...... $...... 365-8354 Conch Inn...... 75...... F ...... 367-4000 Elbow Cay Cart...... 366-0530 Spinnaker Restaurant ....$$$...... 365-8469 • Treasure Cay Airport to: Effective Dec 08 Hope Town Cart Rentals ...... 366-0064 Touch of Class ...... $$$...... 365-8195 Green Turtle Cay ferry dock...... $10 Harbour View Marina..36...... F ...... 367-2182 Madeira Park...... $20 Mangoes Marina...... 29...... 367-4255 Island Cart Rentals ...... 366-0448 Treasure Sands Club...... 365-9385 Island Marine Boat Rentals ...... 366-0282 Sand Banks ...... $25 Marsh Harbour Marina5. 2 . F 367 2700 J R’s Cart Rental...... 366-0361 Green Turtle Cay Treasure Cay Resort...... $30 Hope Town Leisure Lee ...... $45 Sea Horse Boat Rentals...... 366-0023 Bluff House...... $$$...... 365-4200 Black Wood ...... $20 Hope Town Marina...... 16...... 366-0003 T & N Cart Rentals...... 366-0069 Jolly Roger Bistro...... $$...... 365-4200 Fire Road & Cooper’s Town ...... $40 Hope Town Hideaways...... 366-0224 Treasure Cay Green Turtle Club ...... $$$...... 365-4271 Cedar Harbour ...... $60 Lighthouse Marina...... 6...... F...... 366-0154 Adventure on Prozac - Kayak...... 365-8749 Harvey’s Island Grill...... $$...... 365-4389 Wood Cay ...... $70 Sea Spray...... 60...... F...... 366-0065 Blue Marlin Rentals...... 365-8687 Laura’s Kitchen ...... $$...... 365-4287 Mount Hope...... $80 Spanish Cay Cash’s Carts...... 365-8771 McIntosh’s Restaurant .....$$...... 365-4625 Fox Town ...... $85 Crown Haven ...... $90 Spanish Cay Marina....75...... F...... 365-0083 Cornish Car Rentals...... 365-8623 Miss Emily’s Restaurant...... 365-4181 Marsh Harbour airport ...... $80 Guana Cay JIC Boat Rentals ...... 365-8582 New Plymouth Inn...... 365-4161 Bakers Bay Marina....158...... F...... 365-5802 Triple J Car Rentals...... 365-8761 Pineapple Restaurant Bar & Grill...... 365-4039 Green Turtle Ferry to Marsh H Airport ...... $80 Guana Hide-aways.....37...... 577-0003 Abaco Adventures - Kayaks ...... 365-8749 Plymouth Rock Cafe...... 365-4234 Orchid Bay...... 64 ...... F...... 365-5175 Sundowners...... 365-4060 T Cay Hotel to Marsh Harbour ...... $85 Boats can clear Customs at Green Turtle Cay, T Cay Hotel to G Turtle Ferry...... $25 Sandy Point T Cay Hotel to Blue Hole...... $30 Treasure Cay or Marsh Harbour Nancy’s...... 366-4120 Page 24 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 AUTO INSURANCE

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Nassau Freeport Abaco Eleuthera Exuma Rosetta Street Pioneer’s Way Queen Elizabeth Dr. Queen’s Highway Queen’s Highway P.O.Box SS-6283 P.O.Box F-42541 P.O.Box AB-20666 P.O.Box EL-25190 George Town Tel: (242) 394-5555 Tel: (242) 350-3500 Tel: (242) 367-4204 Tel: (242) 332-2862 Tel: (242) 336-2304 Fax: (242) 323-6520 Fax: (242) 350-3510 Fax: (242) 367-4206 Fax: (242) 332-2863 Fax: (242) 336-2305 email: [email protected] April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 25

VOLUME 20 NUMBER 8 APRIL 15th, 2012 As May 7 election looms local politics heat up

PLP candidate for Central and South Abaco, Gary Sawyer - left -, enjoyed a block party with campaign manager Junior Mernard - center - and West Grand Bahama and Bimini PLP Member of Parliament Obie Wilchcombe. The block party was originally intended to be a regular Tuesday night meeting for the PLP mem- bers at the headquarters in Marsh Harbour. However, The Member of Parliament for Central and South On March 29, Democratic National Alliance with the announcement of the election for May 7 the Abaco, Edison Key, joined his counterpart in the candidate for Central and South Abaco, Roscoe group decided a celebration was more fitting. For full North, the Right Honourable Hubert Ingraham, Thompson III, held a street meeting under the story see page 15. during the Red Splash event on Easter Weekend. Fig Tree in Guana Cay. He addressed citizens Supporters and others attended the event at the concerns for empowering local government, the Treasure Cay Public Beach for food, drinks and environment and other topics. See page 14. games. For the full story see page 12.

U.S. Embassy recognizes Devin Major as contest winner Press Release On March 27, the faculty and students of Moore’s Island All Age School formal- ly celebrated the accomplishment of 10th grader Devin Major, the Abaco winner of the U.S. Embassy’s 2012 Dr. Martin Lu- ther King, Jr. Civil Rights Essay Contest. On hand to celebrate the achievement was the U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Officer Erica Thibault who noted that of the more than 120 essays submitted from students throughout The Bahamas, Devin’s essay was one of four submissions that were se- lected for eloquently illustrating the power of a non-violent approach in advocating for Above: Moore’s Island All Age School’s English teacher, Principal, Dinnea Cooper, contest winner Devin Major and her proud justice and equality during the civil rights mother, Monalisa Major. Devin won the U.S. Embassy’s 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Essay Contest. Devin’s essay era. was one of four submissions that were selected for eloquently illustrating the power of a non-violent approach in advocating for justice In front of the 150 member student and equality during the civil rights era. body, Principal Dinnea Cooper and Ms.

Please see Moores Page 4 Page 26 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 School & Youth News

Sandy Point community planted along the top of the beach to help as always, there was enough food left over prevent erosion and beautify the area. The to send a plate to the elderly and shut-ins. and FRIENDS students were very enthusiastic and did a Of course, the grown-ups aren’t left restores beach great job carefully placing and watering out and the parents, grandparents, aunts the plants. and uncles all come to cheer the children On Wednesday March 28, FRIENDS The plants chosen for the restora- on, sit and talk with neighbours and enjoy along with Michael Parotti from Sugarland tion are representative of those found in themselves. The ladies who organize this Nursery, 18 eager helpers from JA Pinder Bahamian coastal environments. Some of event all deserve a vote of thanks. Primary and members of the Sandy Point them, including the seagrape and cocoplum community combined their efforts to re- trees, will even provide fruit in the future. store a section of shoreline near the com- FRIENDS provided two picnic tables munity’s Government Dock that has been (built by a Sandy Point carpenter), so that Left: Cherokee children anticipate the an- the community can further enjoy the area. nual Easter egg hunt. Despite threatening Special thanks were made to The Na- rain, everyone managed to have fun. ture Conservancy for supporting the proj- ect and to the Sandy Point Town Council for providing assistance in preparing the area and watering the plants as they estab- lish themselves. Man-O-War students perform locally produced musical

Children participate in annual Cherokee Easter Egg hunt

By Lee Pinder Although the weather threatened rain on Good Friday the children were still able to join in the annual Easter Egg Hunt on the old school grounds in Cherokee Sound. Two areas were designated, one for the smaller pre-school children and anoth- er area for the 6 to 10 year olds. There The students of Man-O’-War Primary School students perform “This is My Father’s World.” were lots of eggs hidden for all of them to The show was written by Deanna Stecker and performed beautifully by the children. experiencing erosion and had no native Featured in the photo: Shania Sawyer, Max Albury, Amanda Bethel, Makayla Roberts, Ka- vegetation. find and a prize for the one who found the most. Afterwards, there were games and lina Weatherford, Colin Ray Albury, Micah Albury, Brittany Weatherford, Serena Newton, A cleanup was done to make sure the Jeremiah Weatherford, Ryan Albury, Riley Albury, Katie Sands, Aaliyah Roberts, Nathan area was pristine. Native plants were also more prizes along with lots of food for ev- eryone and candy for the children. And, Sweeting, Erica Roberts, Noah Albury, Grace Albury. Photo courtesy: In His Time Photog- raphy April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 27

Celebrating 90 YEARS



GILLAM STREET $299,000 BAKER’S BAY $4,250,000 Under Contract! 2 bdrm home on a 1.14 beach acres at Baker’s Bay 3,842 sq. ft. lot. Ref. AS11692 Golf & Ocean Club. Ref. AS11503 WHITE SOUND $199,000 BOAT HARBOUR $1,390,000 15,500 sq. ft. lot with 75 ft. of beach 43,560 sq. ft. property offers a 6 and near Abaco Inn. Ref. AS11702 bdrm waterfront home. Ref. AS10945

CROCKET DRIVE $399,000 SUMNER ESTATE $4,500,000 ROYAL PALM $450,000 Tastefully furnished, 2 bdrm home on 63 acres with over 6,000 ft. of water Fully furnished, 2 bdrm, 2 bath canal a quiet cul-de-sac is perfect for en- frontage is ideal for an estate or de- front condo with its own dock space tertaining. Ref. AS11821 velopment. Ref. AS11783 and boat lift. Ref. AS11777

NIGH CREEK $249,000 SOUTH END $175,000 0.376 acres with 65 ft. of water 20,424 sq. ft. ocean view lot with frontage. Ref. AS11743 beach access. Ref. AS10624 NORTH END $170,000 SANDS ROAD $265,000 13,005 sq. ft. property near the Tucked away 2 bdrm cottage near beach and dock. Ref. AS11694 the beach. Ref. AS10648 REGATTAS $248,000 LITTLE POINT $75,000 BLUFF HARBOUR $2,100,000 DOLPHIN BEACH ESTATES $165,000 LUKKAI SPLIT ROCK $795,000 Furnished, 2 bdrm, 2 bath upper Ready-to-build, 8,709 sq. ft. sea view Unique 2 bdrm waterfront home on 2 18,200 sq. ft. lot on a hillside with 15 acre waterfront tract. Ref. AS11554 Ref. AS11281 Ref. AS11826 Ref. AS11722 level condo. homesite near the island’s best acres, plus dock. views of the Atlantic. ROYAL PALM $350,000 beach. Ref. AS11864 LITTLE ORCHARD $249,000 NEW PLYMOUTH $643,500 DOLPHIN BEACH ESTATES $149,000 2 bdrm condo with dock slip. Ref. AS11705 Spacious and well built 4 bdrm, 3 LUBBER’S QUARTERS This 4 bdrm home was built with en- 25,703 sq. ft. lot offers panoramic OTHER CAYS bath home. Ref. AS11761 tertaining in mind. Ref. AS11511 sea views. Ref. AS11639 JOE’S CAY $2,225,000 GREAT ABACO CLUB $150,000 SUMMIT POINT Price upon request 30 acre Private Island has beaches New Price! 7,630 sq. ft. canalfront 228 acre development site with utili- stretching 1,500 ft., and possibilities homesite is the lowest priced in this ties nearby. Ref. AS11890 gated community. Ref. AS10731 for a marina. Ref. AS10800 VISION HEIGHTS $58,000 BASIN HARBOUR CAY $194,500 Affordable lots of approximately 8 acre parcel on secluded cay is the 9,000 sq. ft. Ref. AS11810 perfect getaway. Ref. AS10897

ABACO MAINLAND RENTALS TAHITI BEACH $999,000 OCEAN RIDGE ESTATES $89,500 One-of a-kind, 2 bdrm beachfront 7,723 sq. ft. hillside lot with ocean home on almost an acre, plus a 30 and bay views. Ref. AS11764 ft. boat slip. Ref. AS11582 SHIPWRECK SUBD. $70,000 SEAVIEW SUBD. $125,000/$165,000 BLACK SOUND $288,000 A fantastic value, this 6,811 sq. ft. lot Approx. 20,000 sq. ft. hilltop lots with New, 4 bdrm family retreat awaits has potential sea views, plus dock dock slip. Ref. AS11569/AS11581 your final touches. Ref. AS11513 and beach access. Ref. AS10891

SCHOONER BAY $2,100,000 HGChristie’s SWEET MARSH HARBOUR $3,800/month Bahamian harbour village with Exceptional 4 bdrm home is fur- beachfront lots, plus ‘to-be-built’ 4 nished and pure luxury. bdrm luxury home. Ref. AS11766 Sleeps 8 Ref. AR10619 deal BUSTIC BIGHT $149,000 MARSH HARBOUR $2,500/month 56,604 sq. ft open zoned lot in a high 3 bdrm hilltop retreat with sea views Ref. AS11488 traffic location. in the Pelican Shores community. MURPHY TOWN $145,000 Sleeps 6 Ref. AR10600 Well priced, 3 bdrm starter home in MARSH HARBOUR $2,200/month need of TLC. Ref. AS11868 Fully equipped 2 bdrm condo over- GREAT CISTERN $76,500 looks pool and tennis courts. 30,000 sq. ft. hilltop lot with available Sleeps 6 Ref. AR10620 utilities. Ref. AS10866 MARSH HARBOUR $3,000/week BAHAMA PALM SHORES $22,500 Private 2 bdrm vacation villa cap- Affordable, 10,000 sq. ft. lots near tures picture-perfect views. the beach. Ref. AS11739/AS11740 Sleeps 4 Ref. AR10607

Abaco Club Cottage • WINDING BAY

CASUARINA POINT $295,000 Just seconds to the beach, this 4 bdrm, 4.5 bath “Hope Town” model at exclusive Ritz-Carlton HOPE TOWN $980/week Secluded and fully equipped, 3 Abaco Club is turn-key and enjoys luxury interiors, beach views and resort-style amenities. Charming, intimate and conveniently bdrm, 1 bath house with private dock NEIL ABERLE. 242.577.0277. [email protected] located in the heart of Hope Town is and 205 ft. of canal frontage is a fish- $1,895,000. Ref. AS11332 this 1 bdrm rental. erman’s paradise. Ref. AS11648 Sleeps 4. Ref. AR10610

JOHN CHRISTIE NEIL ABERLE DWAYNE WALLAS ROBBIE BETHEL SAMARA ALBURY LEAH PINDER KRISTI LOWE ADRIAN LOWE 242.357.7572 242.577.0277 242.359.6046 242.577.8533 242.359.2542 242.577.6764 242.357.6649 242.577.4111 MARSH HARBOUR HOPE TOWN CONNECT WITH US 242.367.5454 242.366.0700 GREEN TURTLE CAY 561.902.1800 954.762.7127 242.365.4191 E: [email protected]

APRIL 1, 2012 Page 28 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 School & Youth News

I know these students are behaving in this Abaco Central High School’s GGYA donates way because they are simply bored and have not found their calling in life. I be- lieve that, if our school had enough after native plants to BNT school programs, more children would be- gin to use their time and youth for good,” By Mirella Santillo Devin said in front of her peers. On March 29, members of the Abaco Ms. Thibault noted that one of the Central High School’s Governor General highlights of the trip was an opportunity Youth Award Club (GGYA) invited a rep- to meet resentative of the Bahamas National Trust Moore’s “I believe that if to the school. They presented him with Island re- non- invasive trees. nowned our school had Marvin Russell, a Park Warden for youth enough the Bahamas National Trust, was handed a track stars coco plum plant as a symbolic gesture by that are after school a student, Shawnardo Stirrup. The native making programs, more plant was one of twenty five non-invasive their mark children would species donated to the BNT as a celebra- in both tion gesture to mark the twenty fifth an- national begin to use niversary of the Governor General Youth and inter- their time and Award program in The Bahamas. national Mr. Russell was charged of distribut- athletics youth for good,” ing the plants, among them coco plums, sea thanks to grapes, Christmas palm, coconut palms, the sup- hibiscus and orange geiger, to name only a port of the community including their vol- few. The plants will be distributed to vari- unteer coach. A few of Moore’s Island ous communities. track students have gone onto college in Mr. Russell said that he intended Above: Shawnardo Stirrup - front and right - hands a plant to Marvin Russell in front of the U.S. on athletic scholarships but many to go to all the island’s settlements from the other members and advisors of the Governor General Youth Award Club at Abaco more students could do so with increased Crossing Rocks to Wood Cay to distribute Central High School. The club made a donation of 25 plants of Bahamian origin to the exposure and intensive academic prepara- them. The Bahamas National Trust was es- Bahamas National Trust. Marvin Russell - front and left - is a park warden for the BNT tion at an early age. tablished in 1959 Act of Parliament to cre- and he intends to distribute the plants throughout Abaco’s communities. Throughout her visit to the school, ate and manage the park system in The Ba- Ms. Thibault met students who have been hamas. Recently, the BNT has focused on recognized locally and nationally for their bringing several infrastructural improve- academic achievement demonstrating the ments and additions to the park systems on impact that dedicated teachers can have on Abaco. Moores From Page 1 a community. In an effort to encourage all of the students of Moore’s Island All Age Thibault presented Devin with this year’s to continue to strive for academic success, grand prize, an Apple iPad 2, as part of the U.S. Embassy made a commitment to the school’s weekly assembly. Devin then donate a library worth of books to Moore’s read her essay, which focused on the con- Island School that will arrive in the coming tributions made by activists Dr. Martin weeks. ROCK imported & local Luther King Jr. and Rev. Jesse Jackson. SAND imported & local She also shared through her essay how she 8” CONCRETE BLOCKS would take an active stance in her com- munity to promote peace by encouraging 50LBS BAGS ROCK & SAND her fellow students to resist negative peer • Delivery from Crown Haven to Sandy Point pressure. “Many high school teens celebrate AIR COMPRESSOR AVAILABLE FOR RENT with their classmates when they do wrong. Visit our modern facility on the Abaco’s cornerstone Murphy Town Water Front beside to construction Parker’s Landing Man-O-War Hardware Non-Corrosive Hardware #1 Lumber Plain & Pressure Treated An Extensive Selection of Pine, Fir, Cypress Brass, Stainless & Monel Teak & Mahogany

Bolts, Nails & Screws Interior, Exterior Hinges & Barrel Bolts & Marine PLYWOOD Stainless Hurricane Clips

For quotes or information Call Walter Sweeting l Arthur Elden Man-O-War Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Ph: (242) 365-6011 l Fax (242) 365-6039 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 29 School & Youth News Junior Achievers’ awards and appreciation banquet held By Mirella Santillo ment Bahamas, Mr. John Ronald Darville, high they could hardly walk. He also in- Rose Mika Charles with SWAG (Stu- had taken the stage. It was his first visit to formed the assembly that scholarships had dents With Ambitious Goals) sponsored the island since taking office. He acknowl- been lost because of the email addresses of by Infinity No Limit Outlet won the title edged the “stellar accomplishment” of last some Bahamian students containing sexual of Most Distinguished Achiever for the year’s JA- Abaco with the winning posi- innuendos. The warnings were delivered 2011-2012 year and SOAR (Seeking Op- tion of Quitel Charleton in the 31st Na- amidst jokes, but the point was sent across. portunities Achieving Results) sponsored tional Speech Competition and her victory The first part of the program was by First Caribbean-CIBC was proclaimed as the first National Most Distinguished halted around 9:00 pm to allow people Company of the year, the second consecu- Achiever. to line up at the buffet table where Baha- tive win for CIBC. He announced the creation of a num- mian food prepared by Merissa was being Above: Rose Mika Charles, of SWAG, won The spacious Grace Gymnasium of ber of new opportunities for Bahamian served. The head table’s guests were ca- the Most Distinguished Achiever award. Agape Christian School had been reshaped youth with a budget for expansion of Ju- tered by the local high school students. From left to right: Paula Morley, Rose with lattice partitions and tastefully deco- nior Achievement on Abaco for Elemen- Mr. Thompson soon resumed his Mika Charles and Anthony Cartwright. rated by Ms. Bakera Taylor, creating a tary and Junior programs, recognizing orchestration of the event on a more al- more intimate atmosphere to accommodate the leadership of Mr. Ishmael “Stretch” legro tempo as the highlights of the eve- Competition and the Interview. Morley, Chair- ning unfolded: the announcements of the The guests of honor, Mr. and Ms. man of the JA Most Distinguished Junior Achiever and Edison Key, John R Darville, Lionel El- Board on Ab- the winning company. Without prolonging iott, Anthony Cartwright, Paula Morley aco and of his the suspense longer than necessary, Mr. and Laverne Cooper were invited to pres- wife Dr. Cher- Thompson proclaimed the results. ent the trophies. von Morley Besides her trophy, Rose Mika who oversees New Corporate Company Award: Charles, a student at SC Bootle High the execution SWAG School, was presented with a lap top and of the JA pro- Winner of the Sports Day Competi- a 4 year scholarship at the College of The grams on the tion: BTC’s CHAT n’EZ Bahamas, compliments of the Ministry island. He of- Trade Fair Booth and Banner: SOAR of Education and the Ministry of Youth, fered his grati- and SWAG in a tie Sports and Culture. It was a joyful event tude to all the Best Return on the Investment: CIBC- for teachers of the high school and advisors contributors of First Caribbean, with $72.00 return on a of SWAG, who cheered and hugged her as the program $3.00 investment she returned to the table. and his con- Best product: Furniture Plus Mr. Morley wishes to express heart- gratulations Best Annual Report: SOAR felt thanks to all the corporate sponsors, to “those who Company of the Year: SOAR CIBC those who sponsored a JA company Above: group members of SOAR pose with Kathy Key. SOAR won the will achieve -First Caribbean throughout the year and the ones who Company of the Year. From left to right: Khadisha Bain, Lashawn this evening,” helped support the expenses of the banquet Bevans,Valencia Nesbitt, Rickanta Smith, Mrs. Key, Brie McKenzie, and urged And last but not least, the title of and the trophies, such as Treasure Cay Shanae Morley, Leslie McDonald- President, Conrad Davis, Ashley them to spread Most Accomplished Achiever went to Ltd, Commonwealth Bank, BAF and Is- Burrows, Juanyette Curry (Executive Advisor), and Charlotte Collins their wings Rose Mika Charles, President of SWAG. land Pharmacy. (Advisor). and with pas- Rose Mika Charles also won the JA Speech the sixth annual JA Banquet and Award sion and pursue their purpose. Ceremony. As they entered, female guests Before dinner was served Mr. Lio- were ushered along a red carpet to their ta- nel Eliott, former JA Executive Director ble by three young men from Abaco Cen- who was responsible for developing JA on tral High School. Balloons provided color the Family Islands, bestowed a few words and a festive ambiance. of advice to the younger female audience Moderated with zest by Toast Mas- on how to dress properly. With an anal- ter Jamaro Thompson, a former Junior ogy to a jewelry store, where the cheaper Achiever, the evening unrolled with mes- items are displayed in the front and the sages from each company’s president, more exclusive pieces guarded in the back, but not before the Executive Director and he urged the girls to not look cheap with Chief of Operations for Junior Achieve- too short dresses and wearing heels so Quality Star Auto Service Station And Garage Don MacKay Blvd., Marsh Harbour The place for your entire automobile and truck needs We stock a wide variety of parts and tyres. If you need an item that is not in stock, we will quickly import it for you Open 7 am - 7 pm Monday thru Thursday 7 am - 8 pm Friday and Saturday Tel: (242) 367-2979

bahamian cuisine on Hope Town’s waterfront Bar Opens Daily 10 a.m. Closed on Tuesdays Happy Hour 5 - 6 p.m. Lunch & Dinner Daily Lunch 11:30 am - 3 pm • Dinner 6 - 9 pm RENTAL ICE Appetizers 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m BIKES Call 366-0087 • 366-0292 • VHF Ch 16 Page 30 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 School & Youth News Abaco Central High School presents Man-O-War School social science students of the month students achieving

Abaco Central High School held a special award ceremony for its social sciences students of the month. First row from left to right: Alexis Bootle, Danie Pierre, Daphne Blanc, Philip Neely. Second row from left to right: Vincent Ferguson, Kevin Pierre, Britnaey Bain and Bernise Oradin. The back from left to right: Social Science Teachers Ms. Farrington, Ms. Mills, Ms. Above: these students traveled to Nassau to receive trophies from the Minister of Educa- Cooper, Ms. McIntosh and Ms. Cox. tion for their high scores in the Numeracy and Literacy Exams. from left to right: Kalina Weatherford, Aaliyah Roberts, and Grace Albury.

Below and left: Man-O-War Primary’s Outstanding Student of the Year Nominees. From left to right: Kalina Weatherford, Shania Sawyer and D.J. Bethel

Below and right: Noah Albury and Erica Roberts were Man-O-War Schools second grade spelling bee contestants. Noah took 5th place in the district and Erica placed 2nd in the district. Photo courtesy of: In His Time Photography.

Marble and Granite counter tops, showers and floors installed Made in Marsh Harbour Call 367-6867 or 367-4726 View installations on our web site: abacomarbleandgranite.com April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 31 School & Youth News

from all grade levels. This donation of Over one hundred outstanding students honoured books will give the students community service hours for collecting, transporting, By Samantha Evans Their only limitation would be themselves bury, Alysia Boyce, Deanza Cox, Mat- sorting and distributing the books. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize was and those persons who they allow to speak thew Grammatico, Nathan Grammatico, Janie Drummond, mother of the stu- the theme chosen for this year’s Bahamas negativity to them. Blair Johnson, Briana Maxwell, Antwanae dents donating, is a second home owner Outstanding Student (BOS) Foundation’s He gave the students six points to re- Smith and Shannon Steele. who loves the community. So she inquired 8th Awards Ceremony held on Abaco on member as they continue to strive for high- The primary school students received as to which school they could donate the March 29, 2012. The ceremony was held er heights. He told them to stay focused a certificate and medal and the grade 12 reading books to. She was pointed towards at Grace Gym and began at 6:30 pm. Wel- because life goes in the direction of their students received a certificate and a trophy. Central Abaco Primary School. come remarks were made by T. Ricardo focus. Secondly, he told them to believe in The students from grade twelve who made The students present for the donation Whylly, President and CEO of the Baha- themselves especially when others do not a 4.0 GPA also got a special certificate of were Amanda and Danielle Drummond mas Outstanding Student Foundation. He believe in them. Thirdly, they should keep excellence for their accomplishment. who are in grades 10 and 8, and Christian commended the students for continuing to away from bad company. Their parents Thirteen students received the sports Morris who is in grade 12. The books were demonstrate their many abilities and prov- have taken the time to teach them morals, award and were given a certificate. The donated to Library Supervisor Samantha ing that they are among those who are good character skills and standards so he guest speaker and special guests were giv- V. Evans. meeting the educational requirements of admonished them to remember what their en t-shirts and ceramic mugs. the Bahamas. parents have thought them. Before the ceremony ended, Senior He thanked Superintendent Helen He explained to them that bad behav- Education Officer Leslie Rolle greeted the Simmons-Johnson and the principals for ior is not inherited but is a learnt behavior. gathering on behalf of Superintendent Hel- their support Next, they must study hard and don’t be en Simmons-Johnson. He told the students “The sky is and he pledged lazy. Fifth on the list is that they should re- that they did not get to this place of distinc- to continue spect authority which includes their teach- tion on their own. no longer highlighting the ers, the law and older folks. He added that they will now be the the limit, but great academic Finally he told them to not let any- envy of their peers so they must remain and athletic one define them. They should know who focused and push onward towards gradu- the starting work of stu- they are and to not let teachers, parents ation and college. He reminded them to point.” dents through or peers tell them what they can and can’t keep God first place in their lives and re- the BOS Foun- become. He stated that a teacher told him main humble. The committee for this year dation. Police Superintendent Noel Curry that he would never become anything and was Neulessa Major, Cindy Hollingsworth Above: Students visiting Abaco from Lake followed with brief remarks stating that at those words could have ruined his future and Chairman William Davis. Highland Preparatory School donated two this time while students are being honored but thank God he did not internalize them. boxes of reading books to Central Abaco for doing great work, his department has Today he is a pastor of a church with a Books donated to CAPS primary School. Above: Amanda Drum- a sixteen year old in custody for burglary. membership of 650 and just recently com- mond, Danielle Drummond and Christian By Samantha Evans He renewed his pledge to the students pleted his Master’s Degree. Morris pose with library supervisor Sa- On Wednesday April 4 at 2pm, three and stated that Sgt. Joycelyn Smith is the He applauded parents as they have mantha Evans. officer they can reach at any time they have pushed and watched over their children to students from Lake Highland Preparatory matters that warrant police assistance. He ensure that they were excelling in school. School donated two boxes of reading books told them to remember that the sky is no He applauded teachers as well, he firmly to the Central Abaco Primary School Li- longer the limit but the starting point. He believes that teaching is a calling as the brary. The books can be used by students encouraged students to listen to their par- pay teachers receive is minimal compared ents as they excel. to their hard work and devotion to teaching Guest speaker for this awards cer- children. emony was Pastor Samuel Cornish Senior After he spoke, the students were giv- Pastor of Change Ministries International. en their awards. Sixty-five sixth grade stu- He began by saying that there are many dents received the Opal Award for having distractions in the country today which are made a 3.0 GPA and above at their respec- different from the distractions he experi- tive schools and seventy-two grade twelve enced some 20-30 years ago. Therefore, students received the Emerald Award for he noted that when young people are do- making a 3.0 GPA or better. ing the right things we must applaud them. In the primary school, only one stu- These young people being awarded have dent had a 4.0 GPA and that student was demonstrated that they have done the right Giovanno Rolle of Moore’s Island All Age thing so are worthy of being recognized. School. In grade 12, nine students had a He told them that with hard work and 4.0 GPA and they all came from Forest constant focus they can achieve anything. Heights Academy. They were: Tyler Al- Page 32 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 School & Youth News Youth leaders and teens means that there will be no reported new and the facilitators were asked to return to Abaco Primary, has written numerous HIV/AIDS cases in The Bahamas. To do have a following session with the partici- skits for special assemblies, including the attend communication this they need to reach youth, train peer pants and others. skit for the visitation of His Excellency Sir training seminars educators and host focus groups to hear Arthur Foulkes and has also implemented the needs and concerns of the community. Kayla Wallace elected the drill team at her school. Ms. Wallace By Samantha Evans Training has been going well in New Prov- CAPS Teacher consistently brings her bubbly personality Youth leaders and teens from across idence, especially in the inner-city commu- into the classroom and motivates her stu- Abaco attended the Trusted Adult Youth nities. Abaco is the first Family Island that of the Year dents with songs, poetry, skits and drama. Communication Training where the focus the training as been taken too. was on reducing HIV/AIDS on the island This Abaco training was suggested By Samantha Evans of Abaco. The training was held at Central by Colin Scavella, a native Abaconian who “Tell me, and I’ll forget, show me St. Francis prepares for and I may remember. Involve me, and I’ll Abaco Primary School beginning on Fri- wanted to do something great for his is- Spanish Day day March 30, 2012 at 5:30 pm and ending land and get persons involved in the fight understand.” This proverb is a creed that against HIV/AIDS. He is a trainer with Kayla Rolle-Wallace lives by and imple- on Saturday March 31st at 4pm. By Canishka Alexander the CHAP program as well. The goal of ments in her daily teachings in the class- Through research and observation, On March 27-28, St. Francis de Sales CHAP is to sensitize communities about room. Ms. Kayla Wallace presently holds it has been recorded that a major barrier Catholic School began their two-day cel- things they can do to decrease the rate of the position of Teacher of the Year at Cen- that is faced in The Bahamas in prevent- ebration of Spanish Day with a luncheon, new HIV/AIDS infections. To do this, they tral Abaco Primary School 2012-2014. ing HIV, STI or unwanted pregnancies and students and staff were given the op- go out into communities to educate people. She is also currently the Grade Level Co- amongst young people is their inability to tion of purchasing two items: beef tacos At the Abaco training some 20 persons ordinator for grade five and has held this have open, honest and effective commu- and nachos. Meanwhile, Jessica Hidalgo- were in attendance. position for the past three years. nication with a trusted adult about afore- Brown, the school’s Spanish teacher, en- The adult session was led by Jamie Ms. Wallace is married to Israel Wal- mentioned topics. Many adults have also couraged the students to participate in the Strachan and the teen sessions were led by lace and they have two lovely children. reported that they do not feel prepared to costume competition. She placed examples Colin Scavella. Some of the topics were A quality education is a passion that has have these conversations with the young of Spanish clothing near one of the class- communication with children, parenting always been sought by Ms. Wallace. She people in their lives. rooms to help the children get ideas on skills and tips, sex and drugs, HIV/AIDS, began her school life at C.W. Sawyer Pri- This training is a part of the Carib- what to wear. and sex and the church. The participants mary School, completed her junior educa- bean HIV/AIDS Project (CHAP) – a two At the Spanish Concert held on the also engaged in role playing scenarios that tion at S.C. McPherson Junior High and year project funded by the American Red following day, Charese Kemp and Anto- happen in homes. Many personal situations graduated from R.M. Bailey Senior High. Cross aimed at providing both adults and nia Nottage brought welcoming remarks. were discussed resulting in adults and chil- She then completed her tertiary education young people with the information, skills, Primary school students sang “Joyful, Joy- dren being more empowered and equipped with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and tools necessary to communicate effec- ful” beautifully as they stood confidently to make better judgment calls. from Sojourner Douglas College. tively. Once they can better communicate before the audience. Seventh grade stu- On the final day, the adults and teens Prior to becoming a teacher, Ms. on this topic then the country stands a bet- dents danced to an upbeat Reggaeton song were brought together at which time they Wallace entered the work force in 2001 as ter chance at reducing new HIV infections called: “Taboo” by Don Omar. had a wrap up discussion on what they a police officer; she was in the first female amongst young people in New Providence One of the featured performances was learned. An evaluation form was filled out squad of the Royal Bahamas Police Cadet and Family Islands. the Parade of Nations, which allowed stu- by all participations and certificates distrib- Corp. Program. Living true to her calling Ms. Jamie Strachan, the event’s facil- dents to dress in the native costumes of the uted. Refreshments were served on both as being a “change agent,” Ms. Wallace itator, stated that the aim of the American country they represented. The countries Red Cross is to get to zero by 2013 which days. The sessions were very well received entered the teaching profession on January 2003. She states that the rewards of teach- represented were Spain, Mexico, Costa ing are incredible. These rewards are real- Rica, Panama, Cuba, Guinea Ecuatorial, ized each day when students achieve new Colombia and Argentina. Models were skills, cooperate with their classmates and dressed exquisitely as they danced to the succeed as a team. music of their respective countries while She has contributed to education by showing off what they were wearing. implementing the ‘Block Teaching Ap- Abideme Simon was the winner of proach’ when she was grade level coordi- the speech competition, and she was given nator for grade two, and has written sev- the opportunity to read her speech during eral GLCT District Examinations. She has also helped with the imple- Please see Spanish Page 9 mentation of the Drama Club at Central

NOW AVAILABLE “On-Line” Ordering, Visit our website www.hopetownwinesandspirits.com April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 33 School & Youth News were geared toward preparing them for Brief remarks were made by South Spanish From Page 8 Forest Heights wins their national examinations. Ms. Borsz Abaco Island Administrator Benjamin math and said it was the second year that the junior Pinder, who apologized for the absence the program. Simon was very detailed and team has won the competition. of several of his colleagues whose names animated in her speech as she talked about science competition were listed on the program. He extended what The Bahamas has to offer in Spanish. Nassau Boy Scout a warm welcome to all the boys and girls By Canishka Alexander Ms. Hidalgo-Brown soon announced scouts who were present during the cer- The Dept. of Education’s Annual Troops visit Abaco the names of winners who had participated emony. High School Math and Science Competi- in the Speech Competition, Spelling Bee “I know that Scouts is one of the old- tion took place on March 28 with the par- By Canishka Alexander and Poster Competition. Awards were giv- est organizations, and it has done a tremen- ticipation of students from seven schools Boy Scouts from St. Thomas More’s en to first, second, third and fourth place dous job in helping to shape the lives of on Abaco. Senior Education Officer Leslie Troop 46 and Columbus Primary School’s winners. Competitions were designed to young men and women here in this country Rolle explained that the math and science Troop 35 visited Abaco from March 30 to allow primary and high school students to and around the world, “ Pinder said. “I categories are divided up into two levels April 1 for a weekend of scouting. They participate. The costume competition only was never fortunate to be a part of Scouts, each and contain eight rounds in total for headed directly to Treasure Cay from the had three contestants all of whom were sis- and I wish I had the opportunity that you each category. Toward the end of the com- Marsh Harbour International Airport to set ters; they were all selected as winners. have.” petition, the students compete in a speed up camp at St. Simon by the Sea Angli- Following the singing of the school After Mr. Pinder’s remarks, all of the level. can Church. Leading up to their opening song, Principal Josephine Giraud-Kumar Scouts recited their Scout Motto, Promise Each time a new level or round began ceremony that evening, the scouts marched brought brief remarks. Although she was and Law. The vote of thanks was given by questions were first directed to students of from Save-A-Lot to St. John’s Parish Hall assured that the students had enjoyed them- Thomas Ferguson Sr., who commended Agape Christian School, then Abaco Cen- before participating in an opening ceremo- selves, she was also hopeful that they had the scouts on doing a good job. He said it tral High School, Mary E. Albury School, ny that was held in conjunction with the learned something new about the Spanish was the first time that some of the scouts Forest Heights Academy, St. Francis de Abaco Sea Scouts. culture. She added that a lot of preparation ever flew or visited another Family Island, Sales School, S.C. Bootle High School and St. Thomas More Troop Leader had gone in to the success of the day as so it was an unforgettable experience for finally Long Bay School. Thomas Ferguson Sr. said he and the other she expressed her gratitude to the teach- them. Added to that, Ferguson said they The questions varied in difficulty, leaders wanted the scouts to be in charge, ers particularly Hidalgo-Brown and Hazel received lots of support and assistance for but the students were well-prepared and so they allowed them to handle the entire Lorene, who worked tirelessly. their visit to Abaco. familiar with them because the questions ceremony. Jude Rahming and Anthon Pratt “Ms. Brown is a person of dedica- “We’ve found that it’s been a very had been submitted by their teachers for of Troop 35 were chosen as flag bearers, tion, and she is a true example of what a exciting time for the Scouts, and because the competition and covered material that and were joined by Thomas Ferguson Jr. true giver is,” Giraud-Kumar said. “How- of this particular trip, I think we’re go- appears on their BGCSE examinations. and Yani Rolle, who served as modera- ever, she had a lot of support from the ing to do a quite a few more,” Ferguson At the end of it all, Forest Heights tors of the brief ceremony. Rev. Willish staff.” disclosed. “This Abaco trip has been very Academy’s all-male team of James Hull, Johnson of St. John’s Anglican Church Giraud-Kumar also thanked Mr. exciting to the point that they want to con- Deanza Cox and Tyler Albury, emerged was called on for the opening prayer, and Brown for his support of his wife and the tinue fishing and camping, and some of as the winners. Agape Christian School following the national anthem and pledge, school. Before departing, she reminded the parents are even more excited than the placed second and S. C. Bootle took third. Adrian Newbold of the Abaco Sea Scouts students that school would close at noon kids.” Forest Heights also won the junior compe- gave the welcome address. The Abaco on March 29 and re-open on April 16 for When he had ended, the Scouts gave tition in the previous week. Central High School Band provided the en- Easter break. a thank you in song with a “Bravo, bravo, Lindsey Borsz, Forest Heights teach- tertainment, while the Ministry of Tourism bravo, bravissimo!” er, coached the students and commended assisted with refreshments. them on their win. She said the questions Please see Scouts Page 10 Page 34 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 School & Youth News

Scouts From Page 10 a set of rules which they had to follow. Breakfast---FREE !” People chuckled at They had to make a costume and read a the theme as they enjoyed their Fire En- Delene Wilmott, Assistant Scout book or watch a movie about their charac- gine and Grits and Tuna and Grits served Leader of Columbus Primary School’s ter. They also wrote a book report about with biscuits, fresh fruit and tea and cof- Troop 35, was thrilled about the trip. She the character. fee. District Superintendent, Mrs. Helen explained that seven of their 44 scouts were Some of the questions they had to Simmons Johnson, Education Officers Ms. on the visit to Abaco, and that it was a time answer were what the story was about, Felamease Sawyer and Ms. Eunice Mills for fun and fellowship with the other scouts what role did the character play, what also attended the delicious breakfast. The as they participated in a number of land- characteristics did the character have that Hope Town Harbour Lodge and the Hope based activities. At Columbus Primary, are like theirs, what characteristics they Town Coffee House are corporate spon- Cub Scouts is open from pre-school stu- would change about the character and sors for this event. dents to sixth graders, so there were Scouts what did the character do to become a During the Annual Breakfast , Ms. as young as four years old in the group. hero at the end. Eunice Mills , Education Officer in charge Many of the Scouts shared their ex- Each book report had to be two para- of Numeracy and Literacy for the Abaco citement over setting up their own tents graphs in length and read by each child to District, unveiled a large poster with a list that afternoon, and others looked forward the entire school as a part of the Disney of students who were to be honoured by to fishing, camping and other outdoor ac- Character Parade. Some of the characters the Minister of Education for the yearly tivities. A closing ceremony was scheduled represented were Minnie Mouse, Cinder- National Awards for students placing with shortly before the Scouts and their leaders ella, Pocahontas, Robin Hood, Woody near perfect scores on the Rigby Reads and parents departed for Nassau on April and the Little Mermaid. There were 100 and Iowa Math National Exams given to 1. Some Disney princesses pose for The Aba- total points that the students could receive Grades 2, 4 and 5. It is always a thrilling Also in attendance for the scouting conian’s camera during the Disney Parade for costume, presentation and creativity. time for our students to travel to Nassau trip were St. Thomas More Troop 46 Lead- at Central Abaco Primary School on April At the end of the parade all partici- for this award ceremony, stay and eat in ers: N’Komo Ferguson,Carson Neilly, and 4, 2012 pants were presented with a Disney certifi- the hotel and see the sights of Nassau. This Steven Cooper along with Jechelle Rolle of cate. In third place was Savannah Valsaint year the lucky group of 7 students were the St. Thomas Moore Parent Committee. with 363 points. In second place was Mia Hope Town School rewarded by visiting Government House, Clarke with 373 points and the winner was Christ Church Cathedral and the Pirate Central Abaco Primary Kaitlyn Francis with 380 points. news and events Museum. Shopping, hotel pool, Dunkin’ Library Held Disney The prizes were Easter Baskets and Donuts and Mc Donalds always add to the reading books, a fun pack with reading Submitted by Candace Key fun times! Character Parade books and a touch screen E-reader, re- We would like to congratulate Jasmin Congratulations to Stella Higgs , spectively. The judges were Neulessa Ma- Aberle, a Grade 2 student, for winning Joey Gale , and Lilly Higgs for winning By Samantha Evans jor, Cindy Hollingsworth, Roberta Lind- Third Place in the District Grade 2 Spell- BOTH the Literacy and Numeracy trophies Library-card holders of Central Aba- say and Kayla Wallace. The event was ing Bee. ,Eloise Albury, Samara Cole, and Charlie co Primary School had a treat this Easter organized by Samantha V. Evans, Library Everyone always enjoys the school’s Cash for winning the Literacy trophy and as they got a chance to take part in a Dis- Supervisor, and assisted by Ms. Mcken- Annual Parents, Grandparents and Vol- Madisyn Cole for winning the Numeracy ney Character Parade held at the school on zie. The event was named in honor of the unteers Breakfast. The children plan and trophy. Wednesday April 4, 2012 beginning at 2 late Mary Cartwright founding librarian cook the breakfast then proudly serve their pm. Eighteen students participated in the of the school. creations to the guests. This year our theme Please see Hope Town Page 11 parade. was “Times Tough—99cent Bahamian As a part of this event, they were each given a character by Library Atten- dant Ms. McKenzie who then gave them Integrated Medical Center is pleased to announce the schedule of Clinics for April 2012

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TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT CALL OUR FRIENDLY STAFF AT 367-1304/225-8014 OR FOR EMERGENCIES 458-1234 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 35 School & Youth News Training has been going well in New Prov- Hope Town From Page 10 idence, especially in the inner-city commu- The school’s PTA, under the fund- Abaco girls meet Prince Harry nities. Abaco is the first Family Island that raising expertise of Lindsey McCoy and the training as been taken too. Erica Russell, planned a fantastic evening This Abaco training was suggested of Wine and Cheese Tasting at the Hope during his recent visit by Colin Scavella, a native Abaconian who Town Lodge by the pool area. For weeks wanted to do something great for his is- the talented school children had been work- land and get persons involved in the fight ing on several forms of artwork to sell on against HIV/AIDS. He is a trainer with that night. There was batik, watercolours the CHAP program as well. The goal of and other forms of arts and crafts such as CHAP is to sensitize communities about bookmarks and magnets offered. The kids things they can do to decrease the rate of work flew off the clotheslines they were new HIV/AIDS infections. To do this, they pegged to into the hands of eager buyers. go out into communities to educate people. Many local artists offered their pictures At the Abaco training some 20 persons and crafts to be on the silent auction ta- were in attendance. ble which also drew a lot of interest and The adult session was led by Jamie competitive bidding. It was a wonderful Strachan and the teen sessions were led by night of fundraising to aid the building of Colin Scavella. Some of the topics were an additional building that will house the communication with children, parenting school’s computer s and library. skills and tips, sex and drugs, HIV/AIDS, Right before the Easter Break the and sex and the church. The participants school had a Field Event Day at the soccer also engaged in role playing scenarios that field. There were as many parents, volun- happen in homes. Many personal situations teers and community members as children were discussed resulting in adults and chil- cheering on the four house team competi- dren being more empowered and equipped tors. Sprints, softball throws, long jumps, to make better judgment calls. lime in spoon races,relay races and sack On the final day, the adults and teens races kept the kids moving all morning were brought together at which time they long. When all the ribbons were given out had a wrap up discussion on what they (each child won at least 1 ribbon) and the learned. An evaluation form was filled out points were added up, the Mighty Marlin by all participations and certificates distrib- House under the leadership of teacher Jus- uted. Refreshments were served on both tin Higgs came out victorious. days. The sessions were very well received A day full of egg colouring and Eas- and the facilitators were asked to return to ter crafts finished off the Easter term at have a following session with the partici- school. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is pants and others. Above: Abaco students from Hope Town School and Forest heights Academy were invited eagerly anticipated each year. Pre-School to a luncheon with Prince Harry during his visit. They were invited for their efforts in makes their own paper mache baskets to environmental conservation and education. hunt their eggs with. It doesn’t take long From left to right: Candace Key - Principal of Hope Town School - Aly Boyce -Eco Club for the 65 children to find all the eggs with President from Forest Heights - and Student Eco Committee members from Hope Town Pennies for Potcakes delicious surprises and money hidden in- School Charlie Cash and Lilly Higgs. raises money for side. Then we all enjoyed a delicious party lunch and left for our break. animal shelter Left: The Mighty Marlins showing their excitement upon hearing they had won the Youth leaders and teens Throughout stores on Abaco you will Hope Town Schools Field Event Competi- attend communication find canisters labeled “Pennies for Pot- tion . training seminars cakes.” The money raised goes towards Pop’s Place Animal Shelter located by Below: Hope Town Primary Students pic- By Samantha Evans the grounds of the old dump. The current tured with Honourable Desmond Bannis- Youth leaders and teens from across facilities on site house nearly two dozen ter, Minister of Education, at the Minister’s Abaco attended the Trusted Adult Youth Awards for Literacy and Numeracy held in Communication Training where the focus Nassau. These students achieved near per- was on reducing HIV/AIDS on the island fect scores on National reading and math of Abaco. The training was held at Central tests administered yearly to certain grades. Abaco Primary School beginning on Fri- Pictured are: Stells Higgs, Joey Gale and day March 30, 2012 at 5:30 pm and ending Lilly Higgs for BOTH Numeracy and Liter- on Saturday March 31st at 4pm. acy, Eloise Albury, Charlie Cash and Sa- Through research and observation, mara Cole for Literacy and Madisyn Cole it has been recorded that a major barrier for Numeracy that is faced in The Bahamas in prevent- ing HIV, STI or unwanted pregnancies amongst young people is their inability to Above: Amanda Drummond, Danielle have open, honest and effective commu- Drummond Christian Morris, children and nication with a trusted adult about afore- friend of local homeowners, helped collect mentioned topics. Many adults have also and donate money to Pennies for Potcakes. reported that they do not feel prepared to Ms. Zehler - middle right - gave them a have these conversations with the young tour of the facility and spent the day bath- people in their lives. ing the dogs. This training is a part of the Carib- bean HIV/AIDS Project (CHAP) – a two year project funded by the American Red potcake dogs that are either strays or have Cross aimed at providing both adults and been abandoned. young people with the information, skills, Jennie Zehler, advocate for the cause, and tools necessary to communicate effec- manages the shelter and cares for the strays tively. Once they can better communicate along with other volunteers. They have on this topic then the country stands a bet- plans to add on to the current facility to ter chance at reducing new HIV infections better accommodate the dogs they care for. amongst young people in New Providence Besides feeding and providing a more lov- and Family Islands. ing home, Ms. Zehler also spays and neu- Ms. Jamie Strachan, the event’s facil- ters the animals. itator, stated that the aim of the American Contact Ms. Zehler at jenniesdog- Red Cross is to get to zero by 2013 which [email protected] to learn more. means that there will be no reported new HIV/AIDS cases in The Bahamas. To do this they need to reach youth, train peer educators and host focus groups to hear the needs and concerns of the community. Page 36 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Politics & Government Prime Minister mingles 7. The Prime Minister encouraged the sup- Police to begin new porters of Abaco to hold the fort. with constituents at The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham youth initiatives Red Splash beach party made history by hosting the Red Splash event on an Easter Monday, the day before By Samantha Evans By Rashida Murray “the ringing of the bell.” Mr. Ingraham’s The police officers on Abaco have a The Right Honorable Hubert Alex- last words to his constituents were to send very unique task of policing both the main- ander Ingraham painted the Treasure Cay him back to take seat for the North and Mr. land and the cays. To add to this challenge, Beach “red” on Easter Monday. Support- Edison Key for the South on the premise Abaco has few activities to keep the young ers waited with anticipation for the appear- that the FNM government delivers. people engaged which can sometimes re- ance of the Prime Minister at the newly On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, the sult in them engaging in the wrong types Prime Minister announced the election date of activities. To combat this, the police restored public beach in Treasure Cay on tral and South Abaco standing beside him. for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has have devised several programs. The first April 10, 2012. The prime minister commented that been set for May 7, 2012. program is called the Drill Corp which will A good number of supporters gath- the Free National Movement is going to ered to celebrate the holiday. The Red be coming on stream in the coming weeks. make this election eight straight. He noted Above and Left: Dennalee Curry and Ma- That program is geared towards Splash event, which had been coordinated that people all over the Bahamas are turn- throughout The Bahamas for the Easter ria Edgecomb flash the sign beneath teaching students rigorous parade and team ing the color red. He said, “We are on our their vendor’s tent. All smiles as they building skills. The program will be held weekend, provided free food, free non- way to another victory”. The Prime Minis- alcoholic beverages, and good clean fun grilled up food for hungry Red Splash at- after school and facilitated by police of- ter informed the people that if they haven’t tendees. ficers. Students from grades 4 to 10 can on the beach. Acres were cleared to build registered to vote yet it may be too late and a first-class beach facility and to create a enroll in this program. They are hoping if they have registered to vote make sure Below: Children search out Easter eggs that this program will lead into the Police convenient parking area. An accessible check their ballets’ red. In fact, at the writ- roadway to the beach for public access was hidden in the sand. Treasure Cay’s scenic Cadet Corp Program being introduced on ing of this article the register is now closed and brilliant white beach was the venue for the island which was created to be an elite made also. Locals were able to engage in and the election has been called for May games and water activities on the beautiful the government’s Red Splash event. program for young people desiring to learn shores of Treasure Cay. more about the police force. Today, the It was around 2 pm in the afternoon, program is used to assist deviant youth get the moment many in the red-shirted crowd their lives on track. The drill corps pro- were antic- gram will be voluntary and will meet once weekly. “We are on our ipating had arrived. At The next program that the police de- way to another the appear- partment will be introducing is RENEW. victory” ance of the This program is geared towards those stu- leader of dents who are on suspension. This will the Free keep them engaged so that they are not idle National Movement the crowd chanted to commit crimes. This program is for stu- “you’re simply the best, better than all the dents in grades 11 and 12 and is primarily rest.” After greeting his constituents and for the public schools but the possibility of touring the facility, the prime minister took center stage to address the people with Edi- Please see Police Page 15 son Key, Member of Parliament for Cen-

Tilloo Pond is a perfect place to start a family legacy. The luxurious estate is set on 11 acres on Tilloo Cay and includes a very rare, safe harbour. The villa has three separate buildings connected by curved, covered walkways. Built in 2004, the triplex has over 11,000 sq. ft. of indoor/ outdoor living. The private master quarters is its own separate villa, and there is a total of five bedroom suites, with more than enough room for 10 to 12 people to sleep very comfortably. The estate is approved as a resort with a rental income history . The estate fronts the Sea of Abaco, with the Atlantic Ocean behind. The incredible price of $3.35 million U.S. includes the art and furnishings imported from around the world.) To arrange a tour, call Tony or Stephanie Treco at (242) 357-6608 or for more information, visit www.BahamasHome.net or call Gaylord Layton at (303) 762-8893 or email [email protected].

WWW.BAHAMASHOME.COM April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 37 Page 38 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Politics & Government DNA holds street meet- me. This is about our future and our chil- of transparency and accountability while FNM meet and dren’s future. We have to change the way serving as Chairman of Marsh Harbour ing in Guana Cay things are going right now.” Town Committee. greet in Cherokee Mr. Thompson told the people of He read from a speech written by his By Timothy Roberts his reputation of representation during his father when By Lee Pinder The Democratic National Alliance The FNM candidate for Central and time in local government and his record he ran for “I only (DNA) held a Street Meeting in Great Free Nation- South Abaco and Member of Parliament, Guana Cay under the Fig Tree on March al Movement promise Guana Edison Key, visited Cherokee Sound on 29 interacting with residents and speaking (FNM) in Cay, and South March 30. The evening was a simple meet to them about environmental issues, jobs South Aba- and greet with no speeches made. Mr. and representation. co in 1982 Abaco, that I Key made his way around the old school- The Central and South Abaco Candi- noting that will stand up grounds to everyone there that night while date for the DNA talked and told the gath- he shook hands and socialized. There were many of the and fight for ered residents that he supports the empow- same issues familiar faces in the crowd with many ering of local government as local people he spoke the people,” wearing red t-shirts sporting different po- have a better understanding of the needs of about then litical messages. their communities. are still the same today. In 1982 he spoke The Cherokee FNM stalwarts were “I did not come here to promise Gua- about the need for water on the cays and all set up and ready by 6:30 pm awaiting na Cay that I will give you new roads, or today residents have to pay a lot of money the MP and his entourage from other parts that I will do this or that. I only promise for a basic necessity. of Abaco. Most had arrived by 7:15 pm in Guana Cay, and South Abaco, that I will He said that if elected he would have a motorcade with horns honking and red stand up and fight for the people,” he said. the opportunity to tackle the issues impor- flags flying. The sodas were iced down “I am fighting for your right to have a say tant to the people of South Abaco and be and the outdoor grill was fired up for in your community.” their voice in central government. “It is up hot dogs. But it seems most stood in line He said that if elected he will come to us to make the change, together we can for Kenneth Albury’s famous conch frit- back to the people of each community to do it,” he said. “A vote for the DNA is a ters right out of the skillet. A table full of work together to deal vote for the DNA.” homemade cakes, cookies and fudge was “I am with their needs. also available. The meet and greet contin- fighting for “It’s not about me,” ued until 10pm. he said, “it’s about your right us. Deciding what is to have a best for the people say in your of Abaco” Abaco Pathfinders receives He reiterated commu- his pledge that if Above: The Democratic National Alliance donation from PLP candidate nity.” elected he would candidate for Central and South Abaco give his salary to the meets with supporters and undecideds be- Central and South neath the Fig Tree in Guana Cay. Roscoe Abaco – minus travel expenses to go to Thompson III spoke about empowering lo- Nassau for the House of Assembly – to use cal government and fighting for the rights in the communities. “I’m not doing this for of communities throughout Central and South Abaco.

Above: PLP candidate for Souih Abaco, Gary Sawyer, hands a cheque to Abaco Path- finders’ Administrator Leazona Richard. The cheque was included in a recent charity drive by an anonymous donor who has matched the funds for all donations to the schol- arship organization Pathfinders received a donation on munity. “I just happened to be a candidate April 11 from the Progressive Liberal Par- this time,” he said. ty’s candidate for Central and South Aba- Pathfinders recently finished ase- co, Gary Sawyer. The funds were donated ries of events aimed at raising money to to the local scholarship program as part of help send children to college. The next a recent matching grant promise from an big fundraising event hosted by Pathfind- anonymous donor. The time window given ers will be the Taste of Abaco – Top Chef by the donor allowed for all money col- Competition in summer. If you would like lected by Pathfinders to be doubled. to donate to Pathfinders contact Leazona Mr. Sawyer said that this is a com- Richard at the Pathfinders’ office in Marsh mitment he continues to make to education Harbour. The number to call is 242-367- and Abaco’s youth regardless of his politi- 6279. cal actions or position in the business com-

Call (242) 443-9577 or (242) 443-7885 Located on Ben Curry Drive off Forest Drive • Look for the tent April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 39 Politics & Government PLP holds block night meeting. However, this time they programs will help more youth become wanted to do something different, espe- Police From Page 12 conscience of what it means to be produc- party in anticipation cially since the Right Honourable Hubert tive citizens of the Bahamas. extending it to private schools as well is A. Ingraham was expected to announce the She noted that there are many Baha- of general election being looked at. election that evening. mians away for college who do not want to The students will engage in a two hour The evening of April 10, 2012 saw a “It’s a block party,” Mr. Sawyer’s come home because of what they see going counseling class at school on the first day gathering of supporters, and those looking campaign manager, Junior Mernard, re- on in the country. Therefore, we have an then taken to a work site where they will for festivities, at the Progressive Liberal marked, “but we’re calling it a celebration. obligation to fix the things that have gone spend the remaining days. At the end of the Party’s headquarters in Marsh Harbour. A It’s a celebration because the PM finally wrong so that our children will want to week they will attend a wrap up session. DJ was present to play a mix of Bahamian, rang that bell!” return home to help develop the Bahamas They will also have to write a report and pop and politically themed music. The PLP Drinks and food were served to the once they have received their post-second- an apology to the school. The students will candidate for Central and South Abaco, crowd. Many showed up in their bright ary education. then be monitored for the next six months. Gary Sawyer was there to mingle with the gold shirts to show their support for the Parents will also have to attend the coun- crowd and enjoy the evening with support- party. However, some arrived in neutral seling sessions if their child is suspended. U.S. Embassy ers. Also present was Obie Wilchcombe: or red as onlookers as well. Despite the The final program is the Etiquette Announces “Family the Member of Parliament for West Grand differences of opinion represented by the Program which is geared towards stu- Bahama and Bimini, and the previous Min- colour on their sleeve, all in the crowd ap- Island Wednesdays” dents in primary school. In this program ister of Tourism. peared to get along and enjoy the evening. the students will learn manners and how to for Visa Applicants Mr. Sawyer Remarked that the party The election was scheduled by the conduct themselves in public. The goal of emerged out of the PLP’s regular Tuesday Prime Minister for May 7. these programs is for kids to know that the Press Release police are their friends. With the goal of providing the best The police’s primary goals do not possible service to Bahamian visa ap- include plicants throughout the archipelago, the locking U.S. Embassy in Nassau is now offering “we have an up young Wednesday afternoon appointments for ap- obligation to people, but plicants living on Grand Bahama and the fix the things if they get Family Islands. into mis- With a “Family Island Wednesday” that have gone chief they appointment, applicants will now be able wrong” will be to fly into Nassau in the morning, proceed arrested. to the Embassy for an early afternoon visa Interested appointment, and fly home later the same school personnel can contact the police de- day. Visa applicants with afternoon ap- partment for more details. The officer in pointments can expect to finish their inter- charge of these programs is Sgt. Joycelyn view by 3:00 p.m. The processing time Smith. for approved visas remains 24 hours for all Sgt. Smith is the Officer in Charge applicants. of Community Policing on Abaco and has Please see Page 23 been spearheading this section since No- Visa vember of last year. She hopes that these Page 40 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Politics & Government Crime Report Stolen Vessel (Vessel Breach of Fisheries Act Tra c Safety & Rules recovered, suspects (Possession of Turtle) arrested and charged.) At 10:20am on March 31, 2012, the Common Tra c Infractions At 7:13pm on March 27, 2012, a 70 chief Fisheries officer c/o Department of year old male of Crown Haven and a lo- Fisheries Department, Abaco, came in at cal captain reported that sometime between the M.H.P.S. with one male suspect a 42 Tra c Laws will be heavily enforced in 2012 years old of Dundas Town, Abaco, under • Uninsured vehicles 5:30pm and 6:40pm on Monday March 27 2012, some unknown person/s stole a ferry arrest reference to Possession of Prohibit • Unlicensed vehicles boat owned by his employer. The vessel is Article namely Turtle. He was arrested at • No seat belt a white with red stripe 27ft Boston Whaler 10:00am same date while in the area of with green top, twin 200hp Yamaha out- Bellevue Business Center, Don McKay • Failing to transfer ownership of vehicle board engines attached. The vessel was Blvd, Marsh Harbour, Abaco. • Insecure load moored at the Crown Haven Government Suspect arrested and charged. The suspect was charged and re- • One/no headlamp/rearlamp burning SCHOOL ZONES Dock. Police action was requested. Arrest Update leased on $1,500.00 bail to attend court at • Loud music & loud mufflers A joint operation between of- 10:00am on April 4, 2012. • Whenever in an area where • Dark tinted windshield/windows there’s a local school or large ficers from Grand Bahama and the Abaco District and the boat’s owner led to the re- Shop breaking • Flourescent red, green or blue headlights number of school students covery of the vessel at about 12:15am on On Wednesday 28th March 2012, at • Riding a motorcycle with no helmet walking to their various dest- March 28, 2012, about ten miles south of 7:08 a.m., Officers of the M.H.P.S. while inations, ALL VEHICLES are to Crown Haven, Abaco and three miles out on patrol reported that while at Marsh Har- TIPS TO AVOID ACCIDENTS reduce their speeds to 15MPH of Freeport. The same was found in pos- bour International Airport some unknown session of one minor, d.o.b. 12/11/94 of person’s broke and entered The Bahamas • Stop telling yourself you drive better when intoxicated, • Students are NOT to be picked Grand Bahamas and Jeremy Jones, d.o.b. Customs Department at Marsh Harbour always have a designated driver up from the center median at 15/7/79 of Hanna Hill, Freeport, Grand International Airport. Entry was gained Bahama. Both persons were arrested, through the back glass door by smashing • When sleepy keep your body out of relaxed postitions, the Central Abaco Primary School charged, arraigned and remanded to Her it. Police Action was requested. pull over and catch a nap or jog around your vehicle to Majesty Prison Fox Hill Nassau N.P., Ba- Officers of the Central Detec- get your heart rate up • Drivers that allow a larger hamas. tive Unit visited the scene. Investigations • Always drive a car length or two behind the vehicle number of students to be are continuing into this matter. The Police ahead of you in the event they stop suddenly passengers in their vehicles Causing Harm. (Suspect Department is also appealing to members than the vehicle is designed of the community who may have seen any- • Always stop at a stop sign whether a car is coming arrested & charged.) thing in relation to this matter or any other or not to hold will be charged with At 4:15am on March 31, 2012, a 38 matter to please call 367-3437, 911, 919 • Avoid texting, BBMing, talking on cell phones, eating, having passengers not wholly year old female of the Mudd, Abaco, re- or 367-2560 seated in vehicle and will be ported that at about 3:50am the same date drinking and spanking children in the backseat she had just arrived home to her residence • Whenever there is reduced visibility while driving fined for each student not from a dance, when she met her male boy- House Fire reduce speed secured by a seat belt friend, who was inside her residence. She At 2:46am on 27th March, 2012, an further reported that her boyfriend attacked anonymous caller contacted the M.H.P.S. Tra c has such an eect on our lives that even non-drivers are impacted and beat her about the body. Police action and reported that a residence owned by by it. Tra c costs us time and money, aects our physical and mental requested. a male of Murphy Town, Abaco, was on fire. Police assistance requested. well-being, and has consequences for the environment. - ABC News Suspect Arrested At 11:40am on March 31, 2012, Of- At 2:50am on 27th March, 2012, Vol- ficers from the Central Detective Unit ar- unteer Fire Personnel, Police fire person- rested the male boyfriend a 56 year old nel along with Police Officers arrived on of Dundas Town, Abaco reference to this the scene. A check was made for persons matter. The suspect was arrested, charged who maybe in the interior of the structure and arraigned on this offense. with negative results. According to neigh- JOHN CASH bors, the owner of the wooden structure was not on the Island. The fire was extin- guished by the Volunteer Fire Department REALTY John Cash but totally destroyed. Investigation continues. ABR, BRI, CRS, Broker

Bahama Beach Club 2024 3 Bed 2 Bath 1645 Royal Palm 2380 2 Bed, 2 Bath lower condo unit sq. ft. Luxurious fully furnished second floor condo on Brigantine canal with large 16’ wide boatslip. Abaco Chiropractic at Treasure Cay beachfront resort with pool bar/ Excellent investment priced at $240,000 restaurant. $700,000 Las Brisas 4 Bed, 3 Bath 2 Den 3000 sq ft private Ocean Villa 911 2 Bed, 2 Bath fully furnished, steps luxurious beachfront home on Windward Beach. April 16 - April 21 from Treasure Cay beach, excellent buy. $275,000 $1,775,000 Call Auskell Today: 242-367-0020 Sea Shells 3 Bed, 2 Bath home with exceptional Mariner’s Cove 1510 Town House, 2 Bed, 1.5 Bath, ***Ask for Dr. Lewis privacy on Windward Beach. Stunning sunrise and professionally decorated, beautiful marina view. Sea of Abaco views. $998,500 $249,500 Dr. Keith Lewis, DC Dr. Mattthew Orem, DABAAHP, FAAIM, BCIM, DAAPM DC Royal Poinciana 2513 Oceanfront 2 Bed, 2 Bath Mariner’s Cove 1509 Town House, 2 Bed, 1.5 Bath, fully furnished condo with water views from every direct harbour view in desirable 1500 building. Fully Some of the health conditions we see patients for: room! $545,000 furnished, includes garage. $244,500 • Headaches • Low Back Pain or Stiffness Royal Palm 2338 2 Bed 2 Bath lower condo with Lot 8 Block 198 Brigantine canal homesite with 90 • Pain Between the Shoulders • Loss of Sleep 12’ wide boat slip on Treasure Cay Marina. Fully ft. of seawall in Treasure Cay’s most protected canal. furnished with customized kitchen and bathrooms. Choice water views. $245,000 • Neck Stiffness • Arm or Hand Numbness • Painful Joints • Leg Pain or Numbness • Foot Pain $470,000 Visit us on facebook @ Abaco Chiropractic ABACO CHIROPRACTIC Lot 73 Block 199 13,635 sq. ft. canalfront homesite Royal Palm 2480 3 Bed, 3 Bath upper level condo on Galleon Bay Rd with 90’ of new seawall. Sea of with boatslip and upgrades. $399,000 Abaco views. $149,000 UNDER CONTRACT ▶ Man O War ~ Thursday (11am-1pm) Executive Leases: 3 Bed 2 Bath charming 1800 sq ft newly renovated canal home with coastal chic decor, pool, dock, 2 min ▶ Hopetown @ across from Vernon’s Grocery / next to Munchies walk to TC Beach. $2,800 per month ~Tuesday (3:00-5:30 pm) 3 bed 2 Bath 1645 sq ft 2nd floor luxurious Bahama Beach Club Resort Condo with pools, bars, restau- ABACO CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic @ Abaco us on facebook Visit rants on world’s top ten beach. $3,000 per month. ~Thursday (3:00-5:30 pm) 4 Bed 3 Bath luxurious beach home on Windward Beach, fully furnished, office & den $3,800 per month NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! Email: [email protected] for an appointment! Office: 242 365-8467 • US Tel: 843 278-0277 • Cell: 242 477-5056 www.treasurecayrentals.com Call Auskell@ 367-0020 [email protected] • www.johncashrealty.com April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 41 The Abaconian Crossword Puzzle Across

2. A home for fish; a draw for divers 4. Long Dock; Beagles 5. Leading Industry 7. Leaves you high and dry 11. Porous rock; builds our islands 15. Irene, Floyd and Andrew 16. Abandoned City; logging 17. Royal visitor 19. Salty tears; enjoys sea grass 20. The bush, not pine.


1. Pink shallows-wader 2. Construction company given the hospitalcontract on Abaco. 3. PM's town 6. Docking and amenities 8. Echolocation; an underper forming football team 9. Pineapples; destination of the Adventurers 10. A local dog 12. Alternative to anchors 13. Makes a good duff 14. Bahamas' "second city." 16. Sunset's direction 18. One masted sailboat

Answers from April 1, 2012 Crossword

Across 1: Conch Down BROKERS 2: Ralph 1: Crawfish James and Donna Rees 5: Moores 3: Loyalists 6: Hollywood 4: Coconut Chris and Molly Roberts 7: Lionfish 8: Parrots 9: Guana 11: Atlantic LITTLE HARBOUR w 00 10: Harbour 12: Rage 2.3 acres direct waterfront $350,000. w 20,000 sq. ft. Hilltop lot with starter cottage, 14: Andros 13: Crown harbour and ocean views $198,000.00 16: Beach 15: Lighthouses w Home on 2 acres on Little Harbour 17: Wrecking 18: Mangrove 100’ private dock, landscaped $695,000.00 20: Sisal 19: Sand SCHOONER BAY 21: Junkanoo Scheduled Tours Available - Call 367-0737 22: Dove w Island Lot#20, includes Dockage - $239,000.00 BAHAMA PALM SHORES 23: Pathfinders Other lot options available w 2 Acre beach front estate lot - $550,000.00 24:Georgia w Beautiful interior lots, starting at $21,700.00 LONG BEACH w 1 Acre beach front estate lot $295,000.00 Next to Schooner Bay w Pinehurst lots $10,000.00 & $11,000.00 w 3/2 Home - beach access under $ 250,000.00 w Lots starting at $30,000.00 TREASURE CAY w Hilltop lots with ocean view $150,000.00 w Home site - one lot in from beach $60,000.00 w Gorgeous beach front lot $250,000.00 w Rock Point waterfront lot, exc price $185,000.00 CASUARINA POINT Cherokee w Entrance to bay, waterfront lot, w Ocean view, beach access, utilities $125,000.00 panoramic views $98,000.00 w Watching Bay hilltop lot $99,000.00 w Sea view lot, 100 ft. to beach. $42,500.00 Hope Town w 4/4 Beach front duplex $405,000.00 w Lot close to town, beach access $149,500.00 w Lots $37,000.00 and up

w Beach House 3/2 $795,000.00 w 4/2.5 Beach House, great vacation home $550,000.00 Vacation & long Term Rentals LUBBERS QUARTERS Casuarina Point - 2 bed/2 bath w Jack’s Jungle homesite & dockage $135,000.00 Regattas Condos - 2 bed/2 bath w Additional lots available. Long Beach - 3 bed/ 2 bath

www.islandpropertiesbahamas.com Tel: (242) 367-0737 Fax: (242) 367-0736 IPB has positions available for licensed real estate agents. Page 42 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 Man-O-War's Garden Club hosts Horticulture Society

By Mirella Santillo tuce, tomatoes, eggplants and herbs. The showed evidence of adaptation to the shore fifteen years to fill them with unique trees. The Horticultural Society visited artful landscaping and the abundance of environment: mulch held the sand in place, She mentioned having lost a lot of species Man-O-War Cay's Garden Club on March trees and flowering bushes made the prop- succulents multiplied healthily on the edges in last year’s hurricane, among those some 31. It was an event that kept all the visi- erty seem much larger. of pathways and native lilies were about to pigmy date trees. tors’ conversations fueled for quite a while Sun Dial was next on the tour. The bloom. At the museum, Chana Albury and after the visit. The Society members en- group was led by the owner of the proper- Last on the tour, Mr. and Ms. Pley- Carmen Newton, whose great grand-father joyed the warm hospitality they received ty, Gail Foust, who explained the various dell-Bouverie garden offered mature trees owned the building, welcomed the visitors. and the marvelous plants they discovered techniques she and her husband Doug had and luscious vegetation. Near the entrance They providing information and answered in the gardens they visited. Growing tips used to obtain a better harvest and control a blooming brassavola nodosa, nestled in a questions. It was the last stop for the gar- they were also shared. insects. Set on a street sloping towards the lignum vitae tree, immediately caught the deners before reaching the ferry dock ex- A group of approximately eighteen sea, the garden was a mixture of vegetables orchid lovers' attention. The hostess greet- cept for the few who could not resist in- people left Marsh Harbour on the 10:15 and flowers such as Mexican sunflowers, ed the visitors with photos of the grounds dulging in a scoop of ice-cream before the ferry to Man-O-War on Saturday March 31 nasturtiums and alysums. Old pieces of before she had applied herself for the last return. to respond to the invitation of the Garden carpet were used under the vegetable beds Club. They were welcomed on the cay by to keep moisture in and bugs out. Bloom- several ladies driving golf carts; in the wel- ing orchids and exotic plants decorated the coming committee was the Garden Club’s front of the house where a delightfully cozy Below: members of the Horticulture Society and Man-O-War’s Garden Club pose for president, Cheryl McKee. They were as- patio nestled in the middle of lush tropical a group photo at Barbara Dowty’s house. Midway through the day’s events of touring signed drivers who took them in a caravan vegetation. gardens and sharing growing tips, the clubs met at Ms. Dowty’s home to enjoy a lunch through various alleys and back streets to Lunch was at Canary Wharf, the of fresh salads and snacks provided by Garden Club members. discover some of the most beautiful gar- home of Ted and Barbara Dowty. The spa- dens on the island. cious home overlooking the sea of Abaco The members of Garden Club had pre- served as both a restaurant and museum. pared a full agenda for their guests. They The eclectic decor was a tasteful combina- had fives properties to visit, a luncheon and tion of antiques, special craft pieces and a tour of the Museum with enough time to treasures from the sea. Several of the Man- spare to catch the 3:15 ferry back to Marsh O-War Garden Club members had pitched Harbour. in to prepare lunch. The tour resumed with The first stop was at the home of the hostess’ own garden. Cheryl and Knox McKee, Key Lime Villa, Walking distance from Canary Wharf which was the site of an old citrus grove. was the property of Leslie Moore and Jerry Key limes still abounded at every corner. Tubs. Ms. Moore's challenge was protect- Pathways and plant beds were lined with ing her garden from the wind and growing stones and coral heads that Mr. McKee had in the sandy soil. It took her twenty five gathered from the shore. Blooming orchids years to achieve the tropical atmosphere hung from trees and several raised plots surrounding her house using local plants. displayed healthy vegetables such as let- Nearby, Mary-Ann Bassier’s garden also April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 43 Church News

said, “We are thankful for what we got ed when he had an encounter with angels day service. Services from the church can Anglican Church Picnic because every little bit helps. “ Next year and his life was changed forever. Various be seen on BCN at 6pm on Saturdays. The in addition to having their regular crowd adults also performed poems and other prayer line, 367-0091, is open during the By Jennifer Hudson again, the organizers are hoping that the pieces on the program throughout the night service and is also the church contact dur- As far back as most locals can re- picnic site will have been repaired so that including Kayla Wallace. ing normal work hours. member the Anglican Churches of St. they will have more room to accommodate Earlier in the day, at 11am, the Seven John the Baptist, Marsh Harbour, and St. larger numbers. Last Words of Christ was performed by Martin, Sandy Point, have held their an- seven speakers as a part of their Good Fri- nual picnic on Easter Monday in Sandy Point. The picnic is traditionally held at the Sandy Point community picnic site but this year, owing to damage at the site caused by hurricane Irene last year, the Easter play and service event was held at the Government Dock. held by Voice of Deliv- Normally the picnic is well attended by members of both churches, with church erance Church members from Marsh Harbour travelling By Samantha Evans JOB OPENING up in the church bus, as well as being at- On Good Friday, April 5 at 7pm, the aker s ay olf and cean luB tended by friends from the Sandy Point B ’ B G o c youth department of Voice of Deliverance JOB DESCRIPTION community. However, this year owing to held their first production at the Dundas a major event being held at the same time Town Burial Society in Dundas Town. The in North Abaco, only persons from Sandy Position Easter Production was two-parted. The Point were in attendance, although they first one re-enacted the Crucifixion and were supported by the Reverend Willish Landscape Manager the second one was a play called “Change Johnson, Rector of the St. John the Baptist of Action” written by two youth of the Church and her family who travelled up JOB OVERVIEW: The Landscape Manager is directly responsible church-Saleah Bethel and Carl Rolle. from Marsh Harbour. 100% of the time for the ongoing review, direction and supervision The story of the Crucifixion is one Several tourists who were in Sandy that is basis of the Christian holiday of of all landscape at Bakers Bay. Specifically the duties will include: Point for some Easter bone fishing also Easter. The death, burial, resurrection and joined in and enjoyed this truly Bahamian REQUIREMENTS: ascension of Christ are central tenants of event. the religion. Easter is celebrated to remind The picnic began at 11.00 am but the • Managing all landscape maintenance and construction at Bakers Christians of the great love Christ has for party really got going later with people en- Bay. humanity. joying themselves so much that several did • The Biblical event dramatized was Direct landscape contractors and review installation produce not leave until midnight. While the ladies by the youth. It gave them an opportunity reports and punch lists including all aspects in the construction chatted and served the food, several of the to experience first-hand a taste of Christ’s documents men played dominoes and the children had love for his people. The second play, writ- • fun in the sea. There was plenty of good Be available to assist the landscape architect with onsite issues ten by Saleah and Carl, was about a young food to enjoy including grilled ribs and and design. man who chose a path of selling drugs and chicken, conch salad and fritters, pies and • Manage nursery and propagation efforts with identified nursery leading a deviant lifestyle. Things started guava duff. manager (Anton) off good for the character, however that The money raised from the Easter good life came to an end when he got shot. • Review all plant material for bid and construction including travel Monday picnic goes towards the upkeep The story told about the battle he to source if the situation dictates the need. of the church buildings and though less went through to decide what the outcome was raised this year, Priest Warden of St. • Direct all salvage and de-vegetation efforts. of his life would be. T the story unfold- Martin’s Church, Nurse Estelle Pinder, • Work with Starfish PMs to eliminate landscape and site conflicts prior to and during construction. • Work with HOA and Sales as required to make lots presentable for sales and development. • Assist & eventually develop material & equipment procurements as required to maintain areas not under direct contract • Manage and direct the HOA landscape crew • Develop or review budgets related to the above scope of work

The Landscape manager must have the following minimum experience:

1. Working knowledge of Horticulture, Agronomy, Soils, and Plant diseases 2. Understand the local environment and the plant material in that environment 3. Salvage methodology for native plants and palms 4. Irrigation materials, design and installation 5. Same or similar responsibility in a previous employment on a project of the same or similar scope and complexity. Better experience is a plus. 6. Staff management and direction is a critical responsibility and must have directed staff of more than 20. 7. Knowledge of plant importation requirements 8. Managed or run a nursery is a plus 9. Ability to set, manage and maintain budgets 10. Team oriented, results driven

Interested applicants can forward their information to:

[email protected]

Attn: Human Resources Manager Baker’s Bay Golf & Ocean Club Great Guana Cay Abaco, Bahamas (242) 225-2128 Page 44 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Community Calendar April 15 - May 1

April 14 April 26 Red Bone Tournament Treasure Cay BTC store grand opening Coconut Bay Cleanup FNM ‘Ignite’ Party April 27 2nd Bi-Annual All-Abaco Agricultural, Marine Resources & April 18 Agribusiness Expo Primary School Interschool Sports Day April 28 April 19 Agri Expo 42nd Annual Abaco Anglers Tournament Brown’s Bay Coastal Cleanup Christian Councelling Center Golf Tournament April 22 Central Abaco Lionfish Tournament April 29 Antonius Roberts Art Show at Schooner Bay April 23 Friends of the Environment Earth Day celebration

For revisions, advertising opportunities or new entries call The Abaconian at 242-367-3200

Man-O-War Sea to Sea MUST SELL Atlantic ∗ ∗ Great Guana Cay Ocean Colonial style commerical building known as Art Cafe situate in the vicin- ity of the public dock in the settlement of Guana Cay. Appraised $656,000 Vacant land lot No. 15 & 17, portion of Orchid Bay Subdivision Property comprises of 7,500 square feet. Appraised $90,000 for both or $45,000 per lot.

Marsh Harbour Multi-purpose commercial building known as Faith Abaco Convention Center. Multi- Sound purpose $1.7 million

Marsh Harbour This complex consists of five octagon buildings. Three single storey build- ings and two two-storey buildings. Known as Simmons Place. Appraised $491,000

Marsh Harbour Two Storey Commercial Building Complex contains 10 commercial units Don MacKay Blvd, Marsh Harbour. Appraisal $953,970

Crossing Rocks Two Storey Commercial Building comprises of First Floor 4 (1) bed 1 bath and six offices, restau- Choice Man-O-War property, 8.36 acres (willing to divide), 400 rant and shops. Second Floor 10 units (1) bed (1) bath North Side of Main Rd. Appraisal TBA feet ocean frontage, about 400 feet on Sea of Abaco. 3 Cottages & highest point on Man-O-War Cay with 360 degree view of 37 For conditions of sale and any other information, please contact: cays. Bayside has furnished hill-top home with commanding The Commerical Credit Collection Unit at 242-502-1320 or view & two separate bedrooms with 100 foot dock and breakwa- 242-356-1685 or 242-502-0929 or 242-356-1608 Fax: 242-356-1638 ter. Owner Financing Available. Contact Jack Albury Interested persons should submit offers in writing addressed to: 242-367-2333 / 242-477-5270 or [email protected] The Manager, The Commercial Credit Collection Unit P.O. Box N 7518, Nassau, Bahamas April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 45 More Church News Voice of Deliverance will begin building the church. Once the was hosted in conjunction with Grace Bap- She stated that no matter what you church is built, it will have a pre-school, a tist Church. are going through you can embrace what held church halfway house and a youth center. The leadership conference was moti- God has for you. Further, she added that building fundraiser The church held its first fundraiser in vated by the fact that Roker believes that no matter what nay-sayers say, you should February which was a cookout and on Eas- the church needs development in practical believe that God has a good plan for your By Samantha Evans ter Monday, April 9 starting at 11:30am. knowledge. Historically, he noted, pastors life. She encouraged those in attendance Voice of Deliverance Church held its The church family of Voice of Deliver- addressed spiritual need but little emphasis to not let people dictate what they can be- first service on Abaco July 17, 2011 at the ance held a Cook Out and Family Fun Day was placed on real life experiences. A lot come. She told them to participate in their church site on Forest Drive. The connec- at Brown’s Bay in Dundas Town. On the of times church becomes a place for be- own rescue and to remember that every tion with Abaco and Apostle Leon Wallace menu was various dinners including chick- coming inspired not empowered. dream needs activation. was made by Minister Elizabeth Nixon en, fish and steak, conch fritters, guava Thirty years ago, he stated, most Dr. Eric Farmer was another of the who was affiliated with the Nassau church. cake, pound cake and banana bread. The pastors worked a secular job and studies speakers from Memphis Tennessee and he Minister Nixon stated that Apostle Wallace kids could also enjoy the bouncing castle, on the weekends. He noted that the Bible is a healing evangelist. He said that he is an had a dream that he was to start a church the beach and wonderful gospel reggae states that people perish for lack of knowl- avenue through which God heals. He has on Abaco so he was obedient to the call. music. edge not lack of faith. Therefore, this been in this ministry for 40 years and even Once Apostle Wallace came to Aba- knowledge can be academic, general life though he has been to the Bahamas before, co, he met with Elder Oswald Nixon and Crusade held at Grace knowledge or the like. Finally, he stated this is his first time on Abaco. the ground work for the start of the Abaco Baptist Church that people want practical teachings to help He told of the time that he was called church began. Once the church opened, them deal with real life situations. to ministry at the young age of 15. Since regular Sunday services began at 11am and By Samantha Evans Several speakers were brought in for then he has travelled to many countries 7pm and weekly prayer meeting and Bible Grace Baptist Church held four days the conference. They were Robert Lemon around the world including Fiji, Austra- study held. The senior pastor and overseer of crusades on Abaco March 28 to 30 un- who spoke on his experience and how God lia and Africa. He claims to have the gift of the church is Edlin Scott who comes der the theme Fire of the Holy Spirit. Dur- took him from the Ghetto to becoming a of healing and performed at Grace Baptist over every weekend for Sunday services. ing the day they had leadership training by millionaire. Dr. Valorie Parker, a radio Church over the conference event. At the He is also the pastor of Morning Glory in various gifted motivational speakers. Ac- personality in Fort Lauderdale, motiva- service he spoke about the power of the Nassau. cording to coordinator of the events, Bish- tional speaker and CEO and President of tongue and the words one speaks. He has According to Elder Oswald Nixon, op DJ Roker from Memphis, Tennessee, Soul of a Woman Foundation, a founda- two doctorate degrees and has written six the building that the church currently occu- they had the first leadership development tion that deals with domestic violence and books. pies is a temporary space as they have al- conclave last year but it was geared to- single parent issues, spoke on the topic ready applied for property on S. C. Bootle wards training pastors, leaders, lay work- “If You Believe…. Ye Should Receive the Highway. Once approval is granted, they ers, and business professionals. That event Glory of God.” Page 46 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012

Ron-Paul Cabinets Plus Business Service APPLIANCES GE 4.5 CU. FT. Refrigerator...... $260 Directory IGLOO 1.7 CU. FT. Refrigerator ...... $150 GE & Emerson 1.1 Microwave ...... $130 SOLID WOOD Dressers ...... $750 Promote Your Big Cat Equipment Chest ...... $450 Rentals: • Backhoe • Dump Trucks business • D3, D5 & D8 Tractors • Payloaders Commercial Carpet - $12.50 sq. yd. • Excavators Padding - $5.50 sq. yd. Place a business classified Services: Roll-away Cots • Black Security Doors Call Us For More Information • Land clearing 8” Memory Foam Mattress • Fill, rock, sand, soil 367-2677 or 367-3200 • Trenching Foundations Full & Queen Size Tel: 242-367-2655 • Fax: 242-367-2464 Mattress • Box Springs • Bed Frames Cell: 242-577-5322 • 242-359-6839 Twin Regular Mattress ...... $160 Box Spring ...... $120 Full Regular Mattress ...... $210 ABACO ISLAND PHARMACY LTD. Box Spring ...... $140 SIMMONS Prescriptions Security & Investigations Queen Regular Mattress ...... $230 Testing Box Spring ...... $155 Beauty Supplies Residential l Commercial l Marine Vitamins wSecurity Guards Queen Orthopedic Mattress ...... $285 Need That Extra Help Supplements Box Spring ...... $165 With Your Studies? wArmored Van Queen Pillow Top Mattress ...... $510 Copies of previous 8:30am - 6pm wSecurity Cameras Sundays wBurglar Alarms Box Spring ...... $190 9am - 4pm GLAT, BJC, BGCSE wPrivate Investigations King Orthopedic Mattress ...... $385 We have moved! Next to ECC and across Box Spring ...... $250 Examination papers for sale at from BTC, Marsh Harbour wCredit Collections Abaco Abaco Freeport Phone: (242) 367-0546 Shopping Centre 367.2544 tel 367.6544 fax Tel: (242) 367-0321 Tel: (242) 351-8321 Visit our Showroom Located 367-3202 [email protected] Fax: (242) 351-1460 Fax: (242) 351-1460 opposite the old Lowe’s Pharmacy

Classified Advertisements Houses and Land - For Rent and For Sale

Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $10 RENTAL HOUSES AND RENTAL HOUSES AND PROPERTY & HOUSES Picture and 4 lines $25 Additional lines at $2 per line APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR SALE Marsh Harbour, Cozy island home, 3 br/2 Call 242-367-3200 Fax 242-367-3677 Marsh Harbour, 1,200 sq. ft. 2 bed, 2 bath, Lubbers Quarters, new waterfront 3 bed, 3 bath, 1500sf fully furnished just bring your Email: [email protected] fully furnished, washer & dryer, A/C, harbour bath home w/2 kitchens. Visit www.abacowa- clothes, master suite with bonus room, water- views, near restaurants. $1,250/mo. Call 376- terfronthome.com or call 366-3147 RENTAL HOUSES AND views, pool, great location on Pelican Shores, 2252 avail imed., nonsmoking home, Short or long Marsh Harbour, 4,000 sq. ft. triplex for APARTMENTS term lease $1800 monthly 561-694-0443 Marsh Harbour, Sweetings Village, 1 bed,1 sale with harbour view. Near Boat Harbour. Casuarina Point, tastefully furnished 3 bed 2 bath apt for rent. Call Amos at 367-3965 or $495,000. Call 376-2252 bath house, central air, beach views, 15 mins 359-6684

from Marsh Harb. $1,100/mon. Ph. 367-2431 Marsh Harbour, Sweetings Village, 2 bed, Great Cistern, 3 bed, 2 bath fully furnished, 1 bath, fully furnished, washer/dryer, central turnkey home. First, last & security dep. A/C. Interested persons contact 577-6571 $2200 pm. Call after 5:30pm 367-2835 PROPERTY & HOUSES Great Cistern, 2 bed, 1 bath, fully furnished FOR SALE home, with access to beach. $1,100/month. Treasure Cay - Canal front property with 111’ Bahama Palm Shores, lot for sale, 100’ x Call 475-4848 dock, boat lift, davits, & cleaning station. RE- 150’, at main entrance, water well complete DUCED TO $349,000. Call 305-245-6043 or Guana Cay, 2 bed, 1 bath apt, fully furnished and ready for BEC. $36,000. Call 458-1144 & equipped. $1,100/mo. Also available by the [email protected] Marsh Harbour, The Crossing, luxurious 3 Cherokee Hill Top, lot # 16, approximately week. Call 904-982-2762 Treasure Cay- Beach Villa #646. Near Beach, bed, 2 bath apartment now available for rent 10,000 square feet. Call 357-6883 pool, marina, & stores. 3 BR – 2 BA, complete Hope Town, Specialist. A collection of upscale with pool, dock, cable & internet. Please call remodel in 2008, 50% bigger, $330,000 Net to homes with pools, private docks, etc., ideal 367-5454 or 577-0277 Elbow Cay’s Best Houses and Land, rentals seller. Brokers welcome. View and contact at for special occasions, reunions, honeymoons. and sales. Hope Town Hideaways. Call 242- www.blueskyabaco.com Hope Town Hideaways 242-366-0224 or 366-0224 or fax 242-366-0434. On the internet www.hopetown.com at www.hopetown.com Treasure Cay Lot, one block from beach. Ex- Elbow Cay’s only private gated community, cellent Buy. Call 225-3211 Marsh Harbour, Sky Developers 2 bed/1 Marnies Landing. Elevated 1/2 acre parcel. bath, furnished, with A/C, washer and drier, Treasure Cay, residential in-land lot, with ca- Includes building plans, underground utilities water included, $1100/mo. Call Mrs. Green at nal view. $49,000. Call 242-427-0965 and private boat slip. Fantastic views of Sea of 367-2660 Abaco & ocean. About 100 yard walk to the Marsh Harbour, Gov Sub apt, 2 bed/2 bath, beach. Excellent opportunity at $389,000. Pos- WANTED TO BUY central A/C, newly renovated, fully furnished. sible owner financing. 941-928-2187 Wanted to Buy: Commercial Properties or Serious inquiries call 9-5 367-2951 or 577- Marsh Harbour, Spacious 2 bd/2 ba, fully fur- Hope Town, North End, last remaining un- Acreage in Abaco. Fast CASH buyer. Send 5086 after 5 p.m nished exec apt overlooking the harbour. Seek- developed bay side beach front lot. $425,000. location and asking price to Marsh Harbour, Cove Estates, 1 bed, 1 bath, ing annual lease. Serious enquires contact iggy- Call 366-0707 or email jandkoakes@gmail. AbacoLand@hotmail. com. fully furnished apt. $800/month. Call 475- [email protected], 367-3596 or 561-628-7946 com 4848 April 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 47

Visa From Page 15

Therefore, the Embassy advises ap- . Applicants who would like to take ad- plicants who plan to take advantage of vantage of the special Wednesday appoint- “Family Island Wednesdays” appointment ments must inform the Visa Call Center of to either have their passports sent to their their Family Island or Turks and Caicos home via a courier service or arrange for a status when scheduling their visa appoint- trusted friend or family member to retrieve ments. To advertise or report news their passport the following business day. contact For information on the visa process, applicants should visit the U.S. Embassy’s The Abaconian website at http://nassau.usembassy.gov 367-3200 Afterhours: 577-2723 [email protected] Or find us on Facebook and Twitter

Classified Advertisements Items for Sale, Commercial Service, Cars & Boats

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY VEHICLES FOR SALE BOATS AND MARINE BOATS AND MARINE Local resort seeking Wedding & Events Sales ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE Representative. Must have at least 4 years experience. Please send resume to natalie@ bahamabeachclub.com

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Double Glass Door Freezer, turbo air, excel- 22ft C Dory Angler, 2007. 90 hp 4-stroke lent condition, model TGF-4F. $3,950. Re- Two 2005 Honda Elements. One standard Suzuki. Only used 4 mths. Wheel house with duced to $2,950 Call 577-2065 or 366-2065 shift with 95,000 miles $1,200. One Automat- helm and rare dinette opposite. Large Vberth. ic transmission with 67,000 miles for $1,600. quiet, economical fishing or cruising. E-mail Watermaker - S&K, 1000 g.p.d; like new Call 375-7439 elec. motor & cat pump. Well maintained, [email protected] for pictures and specs. $3,500 - Replacement $10,000. Call Richard BOATS AND MARINE Less than 1/2 price at $21000 firm 772-485-4958 or e-mail: [email protected] ITEMS FOR SALE Ceiling Fans, two new Hunter Original Clas- Mercury 90HP Engine, practically new. sic Model # 23856 in unopened boxes. Cost $5500 OBO. Call 367-3202 or 357-6836 $329 each in US. One or both. Best offer .Also 26’ J80, Unique Family Sailboat/Rocket- 200 ft. of 5/8 inch nylon anchor or dock line ship, great condition, many recent upgrades. spliced to 50 ft. of 5/16 inch anchor chain. Includes: asymmetric spinnaker w/sprit, 2 $400.value. Best offer. 365-8513 mains, 2-105% jibs, OB engine. Sail away at $19.8K. E-mail: [email protected] Iridium Satellite Phone, Attention mariners, 23’ Regulator 2003 Classic w/ Evinrude E- explorers, survivalist, call from anywhere, TEC 250 HP, repowered 9/2010, 56 hours and land, sea, jungle. Only 3 hrs use. Original cost under warranty. Factory T-Top, Furuno NAV/ $1,500, NOW $1,000. Call 375-9925 NET, VHF, Leaning Post w/Rocket Launch- ers, Outriggers, Live Well, Trim Tabs, Salt VEHICLES FOR SALE 14’ Novurania Rigid Inflatable; jet drive Water Washdown, Fresh Water Shower, S/S Evinrude 115, new turbojet out drive. Trailer, towing bow plate. Trailer. Duty Paid. $30k. cover, ctr console, 10” draft. Runs great, fast, Call 242-577-1357 or email marcelmaury@ 34’ 1997 Crusader, single 425hp Cummings, stable, playful! $2,500. 375-9281 or westno- Me.com Marsh Harbour. low hours and runs great! Upper & lower [email protected] helm, perfect commercial dive or fishing boat. 23’ Albury Brothers Classic, new boat Contact Dan Forman at [email protected] 17’ Offshore Skiff or Boat, 50HP Mercury, w/windshield, 225HP Mercury Optimax. or 561-283-1861 and leave a message. Boat center console, 20 gal gas tank, runs well. $68,000. Call 365-6086 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm $4,800 ONO. Call 466-5192 or 367-4822 located in Hope Town. Asking $39,900.00 24’ Formula, custom hardtop & windshield, 2002 Ford Ranger, 4 cylinder engine, CD with 250 HP Yamaha engine. Asking $20,000. 34’ Mainship, with 230 Yanmar diesel and player, good condition. $7,500 OBO. Call 21’ Contender, all original hull with 225hp, call 577-0340 8 KW generator. $55,000. Call 365-6086 475-2807 4-stroke Yamaha. Only 600 hrs. MUST SEE.$23,900 OBO. Call 577-0340 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00pm. 21’ Polar Center Console, 2005, 150 HP Yamaha, 2-stroke, GPS-map, VHF, perfect condition. 90 hrs on engine $13,000. Call 321- Buying? Selling? 777-0068 or e-mail: [email protected] Need Qualified Help? Want more business? A low cost ad like this 25.5’ Dusky, 28’ over all length, twin 175HP 2004 Ford F-150, 4X4 Super Crew 4 door Evinrude w/only 850 hrs. Custom yellow aw- can bring fast results Lariat, Tan Lthr, Burgundy Ext., 5.4L V8, grip paint on hull & motors. Garmin GPS/ Call 367-3200 Fax 367-3677 Tint, Prem. Sound, Running Bds., Tool Box, Chart plotter & Hummingbird bottom ma- Towing Pkg. Garage Kept. Excellent Shape. chine, Sony CD stereo w/ XM radio. Looks & rides great. See at Outboard Shop, Marsh Har- 92k mi. $21k OBO. Call 242-577-1357 or Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $10 email [email protected]. Marsh Har- bour. Duty Paid $14,500. Must sell ASAP, bour. make offer. Call Johnny at 512-217-8000 Picture and 4 lines $25 Additional lines at $2 per line Call 242-367-3200 Fax 242-367-3677 22” Hobie Tri- Foiler, double the wind speed. Email: [email protected] In good condition, with trailer. $2,800 475- 1389 Page 48 Section A The Abaconian April 15, 2012

Celebrating 90 YEARS



Ocean/Golf Views! Beachfront Estate! One-Of-A-Kind! New Listing! 14 Acre Estate! This 6 bdrm golf/ocean view estate On a stretch of coveted beach, this Private, 4 bdrm, 4.5 bath beach res- One-of-a-kind, 2.65 acre sea-to-sound Secluded 6 bdrm hillside estate on 14 on 1.439 acres offers 2 guest cot- 4 bdrm family estate, plus 2 bdrm idence in a sought-after seaside estate with main house, 2 cottages and acres offers perfect views, a chef’s tages, a pool, plus jacuzzi. cottage is a true architectural delight. community is one-of-a-kind. warehouse has lots of possibilities. kitchen, dock and additional cottages. $5,950,000. Ref. AS11098 $4,424,000. Ref. AS11871 $2,950,000. Ref. AS11793 $2,600,000. Ref. AS11904 $2,500,000. Ref. AS11860

LYNYARD CAY: 77 acres of sea-to- WINDING BAY: 1.7 acres of land with sea beachfront property. 200 ft. of gorgeous beachfront. $3,995,000. Ref. AS11618 HGChristie PROPERTY $1,500,000. Ref. AS10803 GREEN TURTLE CAY: Beachfront es- ELBOW CAY: 19,974 sq. ft. lot with tate has 292 ft. on the Atlantic. 120 ft. on the beach. $900,000. Ref. AS11711 select $459,000. Ref. AS11568 SERENITY POINT: 27,421 sq. ft. beach TREASURE CAY: 12,000 sq. ft. canal lot in this private, gated community. lot at Galleon Bay. $715,000. Ref. AS11896 $299,000. Ref. AS11705 LITTLE HARBOUR: Gorgeous 2.3 acre LUBBERS QUARTERS: 19,338 sq. ft. lot harbourfront parcel of land. with dock slip at Seaview Subd. $495,000. Ref. AS11548 $125,000. Ref. AS11569 DORROS COVE: Half acre lot on ELBOW CAY: 9,826 sq. ft. investment Elbow Cay next to Tahiti Beach. site is priced for a quick sale. $364,000. Ref. PS10577 $69,500. Ref. AS11492 GREEN TURTLE CAY: Fully serviced 1+ JOE’S CREEK: Almost 1 acre between acre oceanfront lot at White Sands. Marsh Harbour and Treasure Cay. $285,000. Ref. AS11863 $54,990. Ref. AS11455 GREEN TURTLE CAY: 9,222 sq. ft. lot BAHAMA PALM SHORES: Affordable just steps away from Ocean Beach. 10,000 sq. ft. lot near 8 Mile Beach. $35,000. Ref. AS11861 $22,500. Ref. AS11739


‘Ridgeview’ • MARSH HARBOUR

Green Living! Value packed, 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath home in gated Sunrise Bay. Tastefully furnished and fully ap- Old World Charm! ‘Off The Grid’ beachfront home on pointed, plus wrap-around decks, gorgeous sea views, and boat lift and dock purchase option. Attention to detail and island decor 2.46 acres has 5 bdrms, multiple LEAH PINDER. 242.577.6764. [email protected]. grace this 3 bdrm, Key-West style decks and astounding views. $899,000. Ref. AS11745 home in Leeward Yacht Club. $1,950,000. Ref. AS11366 $1,754,500. Ref. AS11805


Canalfront Plus Dock! Cliff Front Cottage! Elegant Beach Home! Sea Views! Enchanting Beach Cottage! Stunning views highlight this fur- Brand new 2 bdrm waterfront cottage Situated on a protected cove beach, On nearly 0.5 acres, this 2 bdrm, 2 Low maintenance, 2 bdrm cottage nished, 5 bdrm canal retreat with at the Ritz-Carlton Abaco Club cap- this delightful 3 bdrm home exempli- bath waterfront cottage is complete on 1.5 acres at Long Bay has room boat pier in the Great Abaco Club. tures views from every angle. fies tasteful beachside living. with a private dock slip. to expand and 140 ft. of beach. $1,150,000. Ref. AS11858 $1,099,000. Ref. AS11880 $949,500. Ref. AS11552 $840,000. Ref. AS11450 $795,000. Ref. AS11322


Charming And Tranquil! Turn-Key! Two For One! Newly Renovated! New Price! Old world charm meets modern Collection of 2 and 3 bdrm condos at Two, 2 bdrm, 1 bath cottages com- Charming 2 bdrm, 2 bath home on Renovated, 2 bdrm, 2 bath home is amenities at this 3 bdrm home within the Crossing enjoy beach, pool and plete with a boat slip, established the canal is the perfect starter home tastefully furnished and just steps Leeward Yacht Club. dock amenities. rental history, and sea views. for a young couple or family. from the beach and boat ramp. $795,000. Ref. AS11349 $575,000 to $695,000 $399,500. Ref. AS11553 $340,000. Ref. AS11835 $165,000. Ref. AS11775

JOHN CHRISTIE NEIL ABERLE DWAYNE WALLAS ROBBIE BETHEL SAMARA ALBURY LEAH PINDER KRISTI LOWE ADRIAN LOWE 242.357.7572 242.577.0277 242.359.6046 242.577.8533 242.359.2542 242.577.6764 242.357.6649 242.577.4111 MARSH HARBOUR HOPE TOWN CONNECT WITH US 242.367.5454 242.366.0700 GREEN TURTLE CAY 561.902.1800 954.762.7127 242.365.4191 E: [email protected]

APRIL 15, 2012