Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires April 30,2017 vs. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 06/30/2018 (Insert date) t - REGISTRANT

1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

CMGRP, Inc. d/b/a Weber Sharidwick 3911

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 733 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence addressees) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □ (b) If ah organization: (1) Name Yes □ NoS (2) Ownership or control Yes □ No 0 (3) Branch offices Yes □ No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. None

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3,4, AND 5(a). " 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6month reporting period. Yes □ No 0 ’ - If yes, have you filed ah amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes □ No □ If no, please attach the required amendment.

T fkeExhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy orthe charter, articles otincorporation/associationrand by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon writtcri'application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORMNSD-2 Revised 03/14 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Ves □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes [X] No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Lisa Davis 31 Merit Lane US Vice President 04/01/2018 Jericho NY. 11753

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes □ No 0 If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered. None

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign princip’al(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes Q No H

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrar during this 6 month reporting period? Yes O No 0 If yes; furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated None

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this ,6 month reporting period? Yes Q No IS . If yes, furnish the following information: . Name Position or Connection. ' Foreign, Principal Date Terminated None

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes □ 1 No □ - If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement. None

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 13 No □ If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination South Africa Tourism April 1,2018

8, Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes (El No □ If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired South Africa Tourism February 2018 Bonjala House 90 Protea Road Chislehursto.n Johannesburg, 2196 South Africa

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Furido Mixto de Promocion Turistica del Distrito Federal (Mexico City Tourism) Government of Ontario, Canada (Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation) Visit

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes 13 No Q Exhibit B4 Yes 13 No □ If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes ® No □ If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes □ No 13 If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal” includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act,an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, dr subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a)(9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding betvyeen the registrant and the foreign principal. . • Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities.for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named. in Items 7, 8,-or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □

If yes,identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities arid services:

See Attachment ! 1.

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as defined below? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject ,matter. See Attachment 11.

i 3. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No 0

If yes, describe fully. None

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act. means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to,in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or. any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic dr foreign policies of the United State* or with'reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country ora foreigripolitical party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

(PAGE 5)


14(a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount

See Attachment 14.


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0 If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No B

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose None

• 6,7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value fora foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign.-(See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no primed fonrt is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted fora foreign principal. 9 Things.of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

(PAGE 6)

15: (a) piSBLRSEMENTS-MOMES' '"" " ' ‘ "...... : " ' “ During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes S3 No □ (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount

See Attachment 15.


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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities .on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose None

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes □ No 0

If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event None

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, ''kickbacks,'' and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did’you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes 0 No □ If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ No □ If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. < The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Furido Mixto de Promocion Turistica del Destrito Federal (Mexico City Tourism) Government of Ontario, Canada (Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation) South Africa Tourism - Visit Wales

18. During this 6 month reporting period,lias any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes 0 No □ If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time. The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism established a budget of $700,000 for 2018. Mexico City Tourism established a budget of $836,000 for 2018. Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation established a budget of $50,000 for 201,8 South Africa Tourism established a budget of $30,000 for 2018. Visit Wales established a budget of $96,000 for 2018.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of die follo wing: 0 Radio or TV broadcasts □ Magazine or newspaper □ Motion picture films □ Letters or telegrams □ Advertising campaigns 0 Press releases □ Pamphlets or other publications □ Lectures or speeches □ Other (specify) . Electronic Communications 0 Email 0 Website URL(s):;______' '' ' •______D Social media websites URL(s):. , _____,. . .'. . .______* . □ Other (specify) ______, •

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: ’ ’ □ Public officials 0 Newspapers □ Libraries 0 Legislators , 0 Editors □ Educational institutions - □ Government agencies 0 Civic groups or association's □ Nationality groups 0 Other (specify) Social Media Influences,

21. Wh*at language was used in the informational materials:...... 0 English □ Other (specify)

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes P No ^ ♦See Attachment 22. 23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes □ No 0 All materials were tourism related.

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual,' graphic.'written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned sweats) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read, the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statements), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signatureI3)

July 25,2018______/s/Joshua Kaufman . ______eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, iftheregistrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney,-authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Attachment 11 Activities Response to Question 11 and Question 12 January 1,2018 - June 30,2018

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism The Registrant's work for The Bahamas Ministry consisted of the following activities:

• Responded to requests from media for information about The Bahamas as a tourist destination. • Distributed pitches and press releases to promote The Bahamas as a tourist destination. • Developed a crisis communications plan, and aided the Ministry in responding to crisis situations in The Bahamas that impacted tourism. • Planned and executed press trips to introduce and promote The Bahamas as a tourist destination. • Drafted editorial blog content for about The Bahamas as a desirable travel destination highlighting its romance, family, fishing and boating offerings. • Coordinated, planned and executed a broadcast production shoot in partnership with Atlantis Paradise Island on national U.S. morning show Live with Kelly and Ryan, promoting The Bahamas as a leading vacation destination for U.S. travelers. • Invited media and influence^ to events in Toronto, and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. • Executed editorial appointments with the Minister of Tourism. • Monitored media coverage of The Bahamas as a tourist destination. • Provided ongoing counsel to clients on messaging to best position the Bahamas asa tourist destination to media.

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Fondo Mixto de Promocidn Turistica del Distrito Federal (Mexico City tourism) The Registrant's work for the Mexico City Tourism Board consisted of the following activities:

• Responded to requests from media for information about Mexico City as a tourist destination. • Contacted media to promote Mexico City as a tourist destination. • Distributed pitches to promote Mexico City as a tourist destination. • Monitored media coverage of Mexico City as a tourist destination. • Oversaw execution of media partnership with TripAdvisor to share custom content on Mexico City destination page. • Partnered with third-party to syndicate Mexico City news stories. • Identified social influencers to arrange visits to Mexico City in exchange for content on their platforms. • Planned and executed press trips to enable media to visit Mexico City and experience its culinary, design and cultural offerings. • Provided ongoing counsel to clients on messaging to best position Mexico City as a tourist destination to media.

Government of Ontario - Ontario tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation The Registrant's work for the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation consisted of the following activities:

• Responded to requests from media for information about Ontario as a tourist destination. • Contacted US media to promote Ontario as a tourist destination. • Monitored for media coverage of Ontario as a tourist destination. • Booked.meetings with media in New York City for Ontario representatives to discuss opportu nities for coverage of Ontario. • Planned a press trip to enable media to visit Ontario and experience its culinary, design and cultural offerings,

South Africa Tourism The Registrant's work for South Africa Tourism consisted of the following projects and activities: •

• Provided ongoing crisis counsel to clients on messaging to best position South African Tourism as a trusted source during the Cape Town water crisis. • Planned and coordinated media interviews and stakeholder meetings for the'CEO of South AfricaTourism, Sisa Ntshona, in several cities in the U.S. and Europe including New York City, Washington, D.C., London and Madrid. • Distributed pitches to media and stakeholder inviting them to meet with the CEO of South Africa Tourism. • Developed messaging documents and briefing books for all media interviews and stakeholder meetings. • Responded to requests from media for information regarding the Cape Town water crisis. • Monitored for media coverage of the Cape Town water crisis.

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Visit Wales: The Registrant's work for Visit Wales consisted of the following activities:

• Responded to requests from media for information'aboutWales as a tourist destination. • Contacted US media to promote Wales as a tourist destination, • Distributed press releases and pitches to promote Wales as a tourist destination. • Monitored media coverage of Wales as a tourist destination. • Invited media arid irifluencer to Welsh government events in NYC and Newport, Rl. • Planned press trips to enable media to visit Wales and experience its tourism offerings. • Provided counsel to clients on messaging to best position Wales as a tourist destination to media in the US. . • Developed year-end reports on earned media coverage in US market.

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Attachment 14

14(a) Receipts-Monies

Date From Whom Purpose Amount 1/1/2018 - 6/30/2018 The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Public Relations Services and Expense $550,401 Reimbursement 1/1/2018-6/30/2018 Fundo Mixto de Promo Promocion Public Relations Services and Expense $695,828 Turistica del Destrito Federal Reimbursement (Mexico City) ______1/1/2018 - 6/30/2018 Ontario Public Relations Services and Expense $29,935” Reimbursement 1/1/2018'- 6/30/2018 South Africa Tourism Public Relations Services and Expense $li;279 Reimbursement 1/1/2018-6/30/2018 Visit Wales Public Relations Services and Expense $77,979* Reimbursement Total $1,365,422

*This amount reflects revenue and amounts received for expense reimbursement attributable to United States activities.

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Attachment 15

15(a) Disbursements - Monies

Bahamas Ministry of Tourism

Expense Category •Amount Accommodation $6,000 Clipping Services $3,569 Courier $194 Hospitality Tickets $154 Meals $5,488 Media Buy $3,641 Office Supplies $255 Parking $17. Taxis $2,134 Telephone $23 . Travel Agent Fee $108. Travel $36,651 Video Dubs £1.500 TOTAL $59^734

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FiindO Mixto de Promotion Turistica del. Distrito Federal (Mexico City Tourism)

Expense Category Amount Accommodation $5,241 Award Entry $1,078 Car. Costs $3,013 Cell Phone $85 Clipping Services $2,500 Content Fee $229 Courier $70 Data Line $10 Entertainment $5,024 Gifts $1,839 Hospitality Tickets $546 Meals $11,255 Media Buy $1,503 Media Partnership Fee $4,115 Office Supplies $39 Research $997 Taxis $4,545 TourGuide $6;140 Translation $252 Travel $18,345 Travel Agent Fee $422 TOTAL $67,087

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Government of Ontario - Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation

Expense Category Amount Airfare $276” Meals $350 Office Supplies $15 Taxis £219 TOTAL $861

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South African Tourism

Expense Category Amount Catering $99 Meals $62 Research $T,320 Taxis $2,015 TOTAL $3,496

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The Orchard Media & Events (Visit Wales)

Expense CategoryAmount Courier $30 taxis $82 Telephone $3 TOTAL $115

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Attachment 22

Attached are the materials that we disseminated or caused to be disseminated behalf of each Foreign Principal.

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism

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• •• O


January 10,2018-With the New Year in full swing, there isno better time, than now for travelers to escape the cold and book ah affordable getaway to the beautiful Islands Of The Bahamas. Whether travelers are looking to get a taste of Bahamian culture in the capital of Nassau, explore the charming history and ecological wonders of Grand Bahama Island dr soak up the sun throughout the exotic and adventurous Out Islands, there are plenty of deals that will help travelers land their dream vacation. See below for The Bahamas’ best offers this New Year. EXPLORE THE GEMS OF NASSAU AND PARADISE ISLAND The country’s main tourism hub is booming with luxury resorts, casinos, dining, shopping and a vibrant nightlife, all while, offering visitors authentic Bahamian culture. Below are a that the capital has to offer in 2018: • Atlantis, Paradise.Island - The. newly updated Atlantis, Paradise Island, announced two incredible winter deals, timed vyith the New Year. o Warm Up Your Winter: This deal is perfect for travelers looking to escape the brutal cold winter months and find warmth on-Paradise Island.. For more information visit-: or calll-800- ATLANTIS. The special offer includes: ■ Rates from.$209 per night, with up to a $300 Resort Credit* ■ Booking Window: January 15-February 2, 2018 ■ Travel Window: January 17-May 31,2018 ■ Bonus: Stay on a Wednesday and receive breakfast for two daily and additional $100 resort credit *8/ackouf dotes: February 2 1, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 o Book Summer Early and Save: This offer catered to travelers looking to escape the winter, vvhile also planning the summer months ahead.. For more information visit: of call 1-800-ATLANTIS. The special offer includes; ■ Rates froin $209 per night, with up to a $300 Resort Credit* ■ . Booking Window: Now through January 31,2018 ■ travel Window: Now through December 23, 2018. Please Note: Resort Credit valid for travel through September 30. *8/ac.kouf dates: February18-25, March 17-April9 • Bay View Suites, Nassau - This peaceful, private and tropical enclave located in the heart of Paradise Island is just minutes away from the beach, Marina Village and the Casino at Atlantis, Paradise Island resort. Guests looking to travel between January 8 and April 30, 2018 will receive 25 percent off published rates on all room categories when they book before January 31,2018. For more information visit:

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SQbanamas a0 •Q.° 0© 060 O • Sandals Royal Bahamian - This elegant-resort is a blend of European sophistication and exotic offshore island adventure. Guests will receive a 65 percent discount when they book a minimum of three nights through Dec. 28, 2018. Prices at this resort start from $244 per person/per night at the Luxury Level. For more information visit':

• Warwick Paradise Island - With the "Valentine Love in Paradise" promotion, couples will enjoy romantic perks including prosecco and chocolate-covered strawberries upon arrival, 16.oz.rum cake and a $100 spa credit per person. The package is available for Harbour Deluxe Balcony and Harbour Premium Balcony rooms, double occupancy, with alMnelusive rates starting from $661 per night for travel.February 1-14,2018. For travel February 15-28, 2018, rates start from $675 per night. A minimum stay of three nights is required. For more information visit: bahamas/special’Offers/valentinenove-in-paradise/.

IMMERSE YOURSELF IN GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND Grand-Bahama.Island is home to one of the vyorld's largest underwater-cave systems, boasts miles of beautiful beaches and holds a uniquesmall town charm with a rich history.. Just a short distance from Nassau and Florida, visitors looking for a quick and inexpensive warm weather getaway have new offers to enjoy:

• Lighthouse Pointe -This blended, beachside property is offering guest's the opportunity to save up to 35 percent with the Grand Bahama Getaway deal. Travelers:must book an: allrinclusive stay at Grand Lucayah's Lighthouse February 28,-2018..For more information visit:

• Flamingo Bay Hotel And Marina - Guests can stay at the Flamingo Bay Hotel and Marina with rates from just $75 per night. For more information visit:

• Pelican Bay Hotel - Couples have the chance to enjoy a spectacular view with the Extremely Intimate Honeymoon and Romance Package. The offer includes the Waterside Stateroom for two, roundtrip airport transfers, daily buffet breakfast for two, an exotic 5(>minute couple’s massage and more. For more information visit;

DISCOVER THE OUT IS|AN DS From the Exumas and Abaco to Eleuthera and Harbour Island, the Out Islands are known for their rustic yet charming appeal. Travelers looking to go off-the-beaten-path can take advantage of these seasonal deals:

• Out Islands Promotion Board - Travelers can receive a $250 Air/Cruise Ferrv Credit when they pre-book an air/cruise ferry-inclusive vacation for four consecutive nights or longer

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9Qbahomas °r~%, 9% a o © O at a participating Bahama Out Islands Promotion Board member hotel. Book before January 31,2018 for travel through June 30, 2018. Travelers who pre-book an air- inclusive vacation for four to six consecutive nights at a participating hotel (single or double occupancy) will receive one free roundtrip airline or ferry ticket from Nassau. Those who pre-book an air-inclusive vacation for seven consecutive nights at a participating hotel will receive two free roundtrip airline or ferry tickets.from Nassau. For more information visit:$DecialOffers. *Blackout dates: March 29-April 1, 2018

• Sandals Emerald Bay - This luxury resort located in Great Exuma is currently running a promotion of up to 65 percent when guests book a minimum of three nights through December 28, 2018. Prices start from $269 per person/per night at the Club Level. Couples who book their qll-inclusive.stay at Sandals Emerald Bay will receive unlimited complimentary fitnessclasses, dll land and water sports, scuba diving, 5-star Global Gourmet dining and much more. For more information visit:

• Treasure Cay Beach, Marina & Golf Resort in Abaco- Guests who book by February 28, 2018 and stay four or more nights can expect wonderful deals including a daily -breakfast credit of $20 per room on three night stays dr more, one free golf credit per night per room, and one free 60 minute massage For more information visit or call Treasure Cay Reservations 1 -800-327-1584.

• , Grand Isle Resort & Spa - The tranquil resort and spa is offering three new special offers this season. For more information visit: ■ o Swimming With The Pigs: This package includes.daiiy breakfast for two at Palapa Grill and a half day swimming pig excursion for two guests. There is a three-night minimum and rates start at $699 for a One. Bedroom Villa per night, o Stay More, Save More: Stay 3-4 nights and save 15 percent; stay 5-6 nights and save 20 percent; Stay seven or more nights and save 25 percent, o Pamper and Play: This special includes one round of golf and a one hour Serenity Swedish Massage. Guests must book at least two nights. Rates start at $835 for a One Bedroom Villa per night.

• Valentines Residences Resort & Marina bn Harbour Island - One of Harbour Island s most treasured resorts is offering credits incremental credits for guests staying three to seven nights. Guests must book by January 1 2, 2018 and travel by February 28,.2018. For more information visit: Offer details are as follows: ■ Stay 3 nights - $50 credit ■ Stay 4 nights - $75 credit ■ Stay 5 nights -$100 credit ■ Stay 6 nights -$150 credit ■ Stay 7 nights - $200 credit *Blackout date: February 14, 2018

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.Qbahamas■ ■ rm ittAKOior ftt Q© «1p

° o © o • Romora Bay Resort and Marina - This Harbour Island gem is offering an exclusive selection of packages and offers this season for an unspoiled getaway to Harbour. Island. For more information visit: o The Romantic: This package perfect for couples and honeymooners alike includes a private dinner for two on the bayside deck, one 45-minute couples' . massage, roundtrip airport transfers from North Eleuthera and more. Guests must book three nights to receive the $2,000 special rate, o island Discovery Package: This offer includes a private boat charter for a day of island sightseeing, access to golf cart rentals for four days, roundtrip airport transfers from North Eleuthera and more. Guests must book four nights to receive-, the $2,500 special rate. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • U.S. currency is accepted and is interchangeable with the Bahamian dollar. . «' Temperatures, year-round, range from 68 to 86 degrees during the day and 62-70 degrees at night. • Ocean temperature ranges from 73 degrees (February) to 82 degrees (August). • The entry requirement for U.S; and Canadian residents is proof of citizenship, in the form of a passport. All U.S. citizens and foreign nationals traveling to the United States from The Bahamas, are required to present a valid passport or another secure document accepted by United States Customs and Border Protection. ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The, Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba diving, fishing, , boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers .an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1- 800-Bahgmas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook. Twitter and YouTube.

# # # PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry ofTouTism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations [email protected]

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9oba Kamos o o%.


You’re Invited: The Bahamas MICE Press Trip March 15-18,2018

Join us in The Bahamas for a long weekend of sun, sand and beautiful meeting spaces. This destination immersion will go beyond the boardroom to show you why meeting attendees will want to extend their trip. Pr'ess;t'rip to include:' • Accommodations in Nassau • Island visits to Eleuthera and Harbour Island • Destination tours lead by locals in Nassau, Eleuthera and Harbour.lsland . • Authentic Bahamian meals and cocktail • Facility tours of meeting and convention space

Trip includes roundtrip airfare, accommodations and scheduled meals and activities.for one journalist on assignment.

Please confirm your interest ASAP as space is limited.

Thank you,


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM ^Qbanamas onQo *0.° o o o O

For Immediate Release


Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 1, 2018 - Travelers cannot get enough of The Islands Of The Bahamas. Visitor arrival numbers into Nassau’s main airport are the highest they have been since the global recession and leading travel and consumer publications continue to feature the island-nation as a must visit destination. The spring season ushers in a number of resort deals for travelers to take advantage of, and with modern renovations and new hotels on the horizon, April is a great time to book a Bahamas vacation. NEWS FROM THE BAHAMAS

NAD Reports Best Numbers Since Global Recession - The Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD) reported that recent arrivals into Nassau's Lynden Piridling International Airport were the highest in 11 years, exceeding pre-recession travel levels for the first time in a decade. More than 150,000 visitors landed at LPIA in December 2017, 140,000 in January 2018 and preliminary results for March 2018 are even more impressive - up by 24% over 2017 arrivals.

Bimini In the News - The Bahamian island, just 50 miles off the coast of Florida, is making waves as a must visit destination. CNN. USA Today and TheMiami Herald have all recently touted the island as an easy to reach getaway with lots of history, great snorkeling and delicious island cuisine, such as lobster pizza. The island was a favorite of Ernest Hemmingway and Martin Luther King Jr. and served as a source of inspiration for their prolific writing. SEASONAL DEALS See below for a sampling of deals and packages that travelers can take advantage of this spring. For the complete list of deals and packages, and for future offerings, visit www.bahamas.cbm/dealSrDackaaes

• Grand Isle Resort - This tranquil resort and spa, located in Great Exuma, is offering new specials including stay more save more. Save up to 25% on a 7-night stay. .

Tiamo - For a completely secluded, off-the-beaten- path honeymoon consider Tiamo in Andros. The Honeymoon Dream package includes Champagne, dinner under the stars, a day at the exclusive private cove, sunset cruise and more. Prices start at $600 USD for two people on top of nightly rates.

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'■sQbanamasQrvL-lSii“£3ML2 o/jJO© u «1p

o o o O Stella Maris Resort Club - Long Island has a private island feel and Stella Maris Resort Club wants honeymooners to experience it. Book a stay at Stella Maris and enjoy a couple's massage, rental car, ocean view king room and all meals. Rates start at $2,649 USD per couple. ~ islarid-bahamas

The Cove Eleuthera - Experience the Caribbean Adventure Package at The Cove Eleutherd,. Choose your day adventure (half-day conch diving, stand up paddle boarding, discover the spectacular reefs, etc.) then head back to the resort for a flight of sleep in luxury accommodations followed by daily.breakfast. Rates from $659 USD.

Warwick Paradise Island - Book the 'Celebrate in Pdradise' package for any upcoming special occasion.-The package includes a $75 or $100 spa credit per person, chilled Prosecco with miniature rum cake, guarantee airport transfer, plus more.

Sandyport Beach Resort -.Stay longer and save more at Sandyport Beach Resort in Nassau. Save up to 20% on.stays of five nights more at this laid-back island jewel.

Atlantis, Paradise Island Save on nightly rates and receive up to $300 Resort Credits at Atlantis and experience the true Bahamian culture - from JunkanoO Fest in The Royal Lobby to Art Walk in the Marina Village and local Bahamian flavors at various restaurants. island


Nassau/Paradise Island

Rosewood, Baha Mar - The highly anticipated opening of Rosewood, Baha Mar - the resort destination’s third and final resort to open since last year - is slated for this June. The Rosewood property will epitomize Bahamian refinement with rooms, suites and villas designed with British colonial charm in mind. Exclusive multi-bedroOm beachfront villas will come with private pools, butler service and luxurious amenities. The SLS opened in November and joined the Grand Hyatt (April 2017) as the second hotel to open at the Baha Mar' megaresort. The upscale property features 300 rooms, including 107 residences, world-class decor and a range of dining and nightlife experiences. The three, uniquely designed hotel brands will share amenities including the Caribbean’s largest casino, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, ESPA flagship 30,000- square-foot spa, the largest convention center in the Caribbean, with more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges,

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Am. | | rw tUAmi at rw o/^lQ©oQbanamos

- O o e O Margaritaville Beach Resort, at The Pointe - Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville brand recently announced plans for a $250 million, six-acre development in the heart of downtown Nassau. The property will feature 150 hotel room's, 150 luxury residences, a marina water park, entertainment center'and signature Margaritaville food and beverage concepts. 'Construction has already begun, and the project is expected to begin a phased opening in mid-2019. The Pointe project will also include a 45-slip marina and yacht club, and 24,000 square feet of retail space. bi6a.maraaritaville.c6m/2Q18/01/nassau- announcement/

Out Islands

Peace & Plenty Hotel - The iconic hotel on Great Exuma is now open after undergoing a renovation including a top-to-bottom refresh and complete upgrade to modern convenience. The property was acquired in 2017 by Miami-based SMS Lodging in partnership with Exuma real estate investors, Steve & Patrick Harrington and Bahamian entrepreneur, Burton Rodgers. The resort, centrally located in George Town, features 32 waterfront rooms, a pool, restaurant, two bars and dock along Elizabeth Harbour.

Jack’s Bay-Tiger Wood's TGR Design is teaming up with Jack’s Bay Developers to build a beachfront luxury resort and private club at Ro6k Sound on Eleuthera island. The first phase of development is currently underway for a Woods-designed 10-hole golf course called “the Playgrounds," as well as The Pink House Beach Club with a pool restaurant and bar, slated to debut this year. Additional plans are in place for an 18- hole course and more resort amenities, including oceanfront suites, cottages and. villas. UPCOMING FESTIVALS AND EVENTS Hawk’s Nest IX Annual White Marlin Smackdown, April 15 - April 18 Hawk's Nest Resort & Marina in Gat Island will be holding their annual White Marlin Smackdown..The four-day competition starts on Sunday, April 15 and will commence on Wednesday, April 18. For more information, contact Jennifer Holder at (242) 342-7050 or [email protected]. ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba- diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1-800^Bahamas or visit

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xObanamasI > ttaliUWkMM ofnXXo U- *0.0

° O o o Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook. twitter and YouTube.

PRESS INQUIRIES , Anita Johnson-Patty, General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public.Relations: [email protected]

# # #

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For Immediate Release

WHAT’S NEW IN THE ISLANDS OF THE BAHAMAS 2018 Tourism Numbers Continue To Rise, New Hotels Are On the Horizon and #NoFilter Experiences Await Travelers in 2018

Fort Lauderdale, FL,. February 1,2018-The Islands Of The Bahamas finished 2017 on a high note with a striking increase in international visitor arrivals and several high honors from top-tier media outlets. In 2018, The Islands Of The Bahamas will welcome hew and returning visitor with major hotel developments, events worth traveling for and envy inducing sites and experiences for the ultimate #NoFilter vacation photos. Visiting The. Bahamas has never been easier with new air service from Atlanta and Houston to Nassau and a plethora of flights to the smaller "boutique" Out Islands. INCREASED ARRIVALS TO THE BAHAMAS

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) had a strong fall in spite of weather challenges. October 2017 saw a 31.1% year-over-year increase in international arrivals. The trend continued in an upward direction with an 18.7% year-over-year increase in bookings for November 2017 and double-digit percentage increases in bookings from December 2017 through March of 2018. RECENT MEDIA ACCOLADES

The Bahamas has received recognition from numerous top-tier media outlets and international associations alike. These accolades tout The Bahamas as a must visit destination in 2018 with high quality accommodations and top-notch golf facilities. See below for just a few of these honors: • Conde Nast Traveler named The Bahamas the no. 2 destination on their * 18 Best Places to Travel in 2018* list • Travel + Leisure included The Bahamas in their *50 Best Places to Travel in 2018’ • The International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO) has named The Bahamas the Golf Destination of the Year for Latin American & .the Caribbean • The Bahamas officially has the coolest resorts, landing four hotel properties on the United Kingdom Times ‘30 Coolest. Caribbean Hotels' list • Three Out Islands - Cat Island, Harbour Island and Andros - made it onto Caribbean Journal's 18 Best Islands to Visit in the Caribbean in 2018 #NOFILTER CHAMP

With some of the clearest water on earth, The Bahamas is the number one destination in the world for #NoFiJter posts. These #NoFilter tags on social media express the heart of The Bahamas experience - striking natural scenery, breathtaking blue water and'

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

oObahomos o lOo

o oo O authentic culture, no special effects needed. In 2018, travelers want to connect with the culture^and adventure of a destination in a simple, spontaneous way and The Bahamas deliver this experience every day. HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS

Nassau/Paradise Island

Margaritaville Beach Resort at The Pointe - Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville brand recently announced plans for a $250 million,.six-acre development in the heart of downtown Nassau. The property will feature 150 hotel rooms, 150 luxury residences, a marina, water park, entertainment center and signature Margaritaville food and beverage concepts. Construction has already begun, and the project is expected to begin a phased opening in mid-2019. The Pointe project will also include a 45-slip marina and yacht club, and 24,000 square feet of retail space. httos://

RIU Palace Paradise Island - After a four-month renovation, RIU reopened its doors at the end of 2017 debuting as an adults only resort. The 379-room property also added an Indian restaurant called Chutney to its restaurant roster. ://

Atlantis Paradise Island Resort - Guests of The Cove are thoroughly enjoying the new Sip Sip restaurant, the first outpost of the iconic Harbour Island haunt, and there is more to come in 2018! Restaurant options at The Cove will continue to expand as Celebrity Chef Jose Andres unveils his latest eatery. Fish. Additionally, an exclusive seaplane program aimed at connecting guests with the Out Islands is in development for the new year. The renovations and programming are all part of the.resort’s renewed focus on showcasing the best of Bahamian culture, taste, and spirit through food, art and design,

Baha Mar- While the Rosewood hotel is slated to open in spring 2018, the SLS opened in November and joined the Grand Hyatt (April 2017) as the second hotel to open at the Baha Mar megaresort. The upscale property features 300 rooms, including 107 residences, world-class decor and a range of dining and nightlife experiences.. The'three, uniquely designed hotel brands will share amenities including the Caribbean’s largest casino, an 18-ho!e Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, ESPA flagship 30,000-square-foot spa, thelargest convention centerin the Caribbean, with more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges,

Out Islands

Peace & Plenty Hotel - the iconic hotel on Great Exuma is currently undergoing a renovation after being acquired in 2017 by Miami-basedSMS Lodging in partnership with

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AoQbaharnas— | i im IQg

° o o O Exurria real estate investors, Steve & Patrick Harrington and Bahamian entrepreneur, Burton Rodgers. The new owners are working on the final phases of the revitalization, which includes a top-to-b'ottom refresh and complete upgrade to modern conveniences. The resort, centrally located in George Town, features 32 waterfront rooms, a pool, restaurant, two bars, and.dock along Elizabeth Harbour. The new Peace & Plenty is expected to open on February .1,2018..h'ttps://www.peaceandblentv.corh/

Jack's Bay-Tiger Wood's TGR teaming up with Jack’s Bay Developers to develop a beachfront luxury resort and private club at Rock Sound on Eleuthera island. The first phase of development is currently'underway for a Woods-designed 10-hole golf course called “The Playgrounds," as well as The Pink House Beach Club with a pool restaurant'and bar, slated to debut thisyear. Additional plans are in place for an 18-hole course, and more resort amenities, including oceanfront suites, cottages and villas.


4th Annual Blue Marlin Cove Bahamas Wahoo Classic (Feb. 1-3) - This tournament is designed to foster a competitive angling atmosphere in pursuit of a species of fish, which is not endangered and cannot be harvested commercially. The tournament offers a cash prize of $15,.000.

3rd Annual Tru Tru Bahamian Festival (Feb. 3-4) - For those looking for an authentic Bahamian experience, head to the Tru Tru Bahamian Festival at the grounds of the John Watling’s Distillery in Nassau. The event will showcase the best of The Bahamas delicious food and drink, talent and an incredible array of locally made products.

Bahamian Music & Heritage Festival (March 8-10)-This all-encompassing event of history, culture and fun taking place in George Town, Exuma includes singing, poetry reading, authentic local food and drink, Junkanoo performers, howrto demonstrations plus contests involving sugar cane peeling, onion peeling, and conch cracking. https://www.bahamas.Gom/evenf/bahdmian-musiCTheritaae-festival

ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the surffor everyone. Each island has its own' personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world’ scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with pfeclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in Jhe Bahamas.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

SfObahamas/>r>. I ■ tm iu*nm«« na Qs •Deo o <5# o For more information call 1-800-Bahamas or visit www.Bahamasicom. Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty, General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations: [email protected]

# # #

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM SObanamasI • TMt HUM or na o/nlQo

o o © O

For Immediate Release

WHAT’S NEW IN THE ISLANDS OF THE BAHAMAS 2018 Tourism Numbers Continue To Rise, New Hotels Are On the Horizon and #NoFilterExperiences Await Travelers in 2018 Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 1, 2018 - The Islands Of The Bahamas finished 2017 on a high note with a striking increase in international visitor arrivals and several high' honors from top-tier media outlets. In 2018, The Islands Of'The Bahamas will welcome new and returning visitors with major hotel developments, events worth traveling for and envy inducing sites and experiences for the ultimate #NoFilter vacation photos. Visiting The Bahama's has never been easier with new air service from Atlanta and Houston to Nassau and a plethora of flights to the smaller “boutique" Out Islands. INCREASED ARRIVALS TO THE BAHAMAS

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) had a strong fall in spite of weather challenges. October 2017 saw a 31.1% year-over-year increase, in international arrivals. The trend continued in an upward direction with an 18.7% year-over-year increase in bookings for November 2017 and double-digit percentage increases in bookings from December 20T7 through March of 2018. MAJOR MEDIA ACCOLADES

The Bahamas has received recognition from numerous top-tier media outlets and international associations alike. These accolades tout The Bahamas as a must visit destination in 2018 with high quality accommodations and top-notch golf facilities. See’ below for just a few of these honors: • Cond6 Nast Traveler named The Bahamas the no. 2 destination on their * 18 Best Places to Travel [n 2018' list • travel + Leisure included The Bahamas in their ‘50 Best Places to Travel in 2018’ • the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO) has named The Bahamas the Golf Destination of the Year for Latin American & the Caribbean • The Bahamas officially has the coolest resorts, landing four hotel properties on the United Kingdom Times '30 Coolest Caribbean Hotels’ list #NOFILTER CHAMP

With some of the clearest water on earth, The Bahamas is the number one destination in the world for #NoFilter posts.. These #NoFilter tags on social media express the heart of The Bahamas experience - striking natural scenery, breathtaking blue water and authentic culture, no special effects needed. In 2018, travelers want to connect with

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

SQbahomas O©

° o O o the culture and adventure of a destination in a simple, spontaneous way and The Bahamas deliver this experience every day. HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS

Peace & Plenty Hotel - The iconic hotel on Great Exuma is currently undergoing a renovation after being acquired in 2017 by Miami-based SMS Lodging in partnership with Exuma real estate investors, Steve & Patrick Harrington and Bahamian entrepreneur. Burton Rodgers. The new owners are working on the final phases of the revitalization, which includes a tPp-tb-bottom refresh and complete upgrade to modem conveniences. The resort, centrally located in George Town, features 32 waterfront rooms, q pool, restaurant, two bars, and dock along Elizabeth Harbour. The new Peace , & Plenty is expected to open on February 1, 2018.

Jack’s Bay-Tiger Wood's TGR Design is teaming up with Jack’s Bay Developers to develop a beachfront luxury resort and private club at Rock Sound on Ele.uthera island. The first phase of development is currently underway for a Woods-designed 10- hole golf course called “The Playgrounds," as well as the Pink House Beach Club with a pool restaurant, and bar, slated to debut this year. Additional plans are in place for an 18-hole course, and more, resort amenities,,including oceanfront suites,, cottages and villas,

RIU Palace Paradise Island - After a four-month renovation, RIU reopened its doors at the end of 2017 debuting as an adultsonly resort. The 379-room property also added an Indian restaurant called Chutney to its restaurant roster. httPs://^island/index-.isp

Atlantis Paradise Island Resort - Guests of The Cove.are thoroughly enjoying the new Sip Sip restaurant, the first outpost of the iconic Harbour Island haunt, and there is more to come in 2018! Restaurant options at The Cove will continue to expand as Celebrity Chef Jose Andres. unveils his. latest eatery, Fish. Additionally, an exclusive seaplane program aimed at connecting guests with the Out Islands is in development for the new year. The renovations and programming are all part of the resort's renewed focus on showcasing the best of Bahamian culture, taste, and spirit through food, art and design,

Baha Mar-While the Rosewood hotel is slated to open in spring 2018, the SLS opened in November and joined the Grand Hyatt (April 2017) as the second hotel to open at the Baha Mar megaresort. The upscale property features 300 rooms, including 107 residences, world-class decor and a range of dining and nightlife experiences. The three, uniquely designed hotel brands will share amenities including the Caribbean's largest casino, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, ESPA flagship 30,000-

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^QbanamasA— I IfM o/^|Qo

Oo© O square-foot spa, the largest convention center in the Caribbean, with more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges, www.bahamar.corh

Four Seasons Acquires One&Only Ocean Club - At the end of Nov. 2017, the Four Seasons took over the Kerzner-manpged One&Only Ocean Club on Paradise Island.. Along with the management change, the resort has been rebranded as the Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort, Bahamas. The 100-room resort, which opened in 1962, sits on five miles of coastline and features a range of accommodation types. It was last renovated in 2014. •


Marathon Bahamas - A marathon worth traveling for, the annual marathon features 26.2 miles of history, beauty and scenery loaded with miles of ocean views on January 13-14, 2018. Pure Silk-Bahamas LPGA Classic - this official LPGA Tour Tournament will feature the best 108 female golfers in the world competing for $1.4 million in prize money at the Ocean Club Golf Course at the One & Only Ocean Club on Paradise Island from January 26-29,.2018. Attendance is free,

ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of. The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world’s best scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1-800-Bahamas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. • . ,

# # # PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johhson-Patty, General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public. Relations: [email protected]

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM QQbahamas oHDu *Q»°

° O © O

For Immediate Release


Fort Lauderdale, Ft, June 1, 2018 - With an uptick in tourism growth heading into the peak of the summer season, the long-awaited opening of Rosewood Baha Mar, annual events and conferences and attractive vacation deals, it’s easy to see why The Islands Of The Bahamas just keeps getting better. NEWS FROM THE BAHAMAS

The Bahamas is Booming - Based on The Bahamas’ ForwardKeys indicators, the country has seen double digit growth in visitors in the first quarter and will-continue to see an uptick through the second quarter.

Caribbean Week NY - Chairperson of-the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Hon. Dio'nisio D’Aguilar will lead the CTO Delegation at the annual Caribbean Week in New York City June 2-8. BMOTA Director General Joy Jibrilu will also attend on behalf of The Islands Of The Bahamas, and both will participate in d number of activities, media engagements and presentations related to Caribbean tourism.

Cable Beach Adds GoldWynn - GoldWynn Condo-Hotel and Residences is the latest upscale bouticjue development heading to Cable Beach in'Nassau. GoldWynn’s amenities will include a beachfront infinity pool, seaside dining, a theatre, a rooftop teiTace and much more. Construction Will begin July 2018 on the eastern end of Goodman’s Bay Beach, within Cable Beach, with an anticipated completion by December 2020. HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS

Baha Mar - Rosewood Baha Mar will begin welcoming guests June 1, making it the third hotel to open at the Bdha Mar megaresort. The resort will offer 185 ocean view rooms and suites, as well as five luxurious beachfront villas. Guests will have complete access to all of Baha Mar’s amenities including the Caribbean’s largest casino, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signaturegolf course, ESPA flagship 30,000-square-foot .'Spa, more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges and more, RECENT ACCOLADES

Travelzoo's #1 Caribbean Destination - Travelzoo members recently named The Bahamas the no. 1 destination in the Caribbean they want to visit in 2018. The 14 million

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90baKarna's •Q^>

O o © O U.S. members surveyed also selected the Caribbean as the top international region they hope to visit this year-an impressive result after a particularly tough hurricane season. Top Honeymoon Destination -BRIDES Magazine named The Bahamas as a top destination for-its “Honeymoon Award Winning Destination" category. Nassau’s megaresort, Baha Mar, was listed as the overall winner in the "The Best Three Day. Weekends" category.


For a complete, up-to-date listing of deals and packages for The Bahamas, visit

Nassau Paradise Island’s Summer Hotel Deals - Nassau Paradise Island hotels, including Atlantis Paradise Island, British Colonial Hilton, Comfort Suites Paradise Island, SLS Baha Mar and more are incentivizing travelers to upgrade their beach vacation to the tropical Caribbean with a variety of new hotel offerings and value-driven packages. For more information, .check out the select deals below or visit ' • Comfort Suites Paradise Island Kids Stay, Plav and Eat Free - This.fdmilv-friendlv retreat is offering free lunch and dinner to guests 12 and under with a paying adult. Kids will have access to Atlantis’ facilities including Aquaventure. Available to book through June 15, 2018. • British Colonial Hilton. Nassau Free Breakfast and Dinner Package - Guests can start their morning off right with a buffet breakfast in Aqua Restaurant and finish the day with a three-course dinner. Available to book through June 30, 20/8. • SLS Baha Mar Stay Longer and Save - Guests who "stay longer" can receive the 6,h night free and a $200 food and beverage credit that can be redeemed at the resort's most popular restaurantsincluding Katsuya by Starck, Cleo Mediterraneo and Fi’iiaby Michael Schwart. Available to book through June 30, 2018. • The Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort, Bahamas Stay Longer^ Fourth.Niaht.Free - Guest who stay three nights at The Ocean Club can receive d complimentary fourth night with the "Stay Longer” offer. Ava/7ab/e. to book through June 30, .2018. • Sandals Royal Bahamian Spa Resort & Offshore Island Summer Savinas - This • Romantic retreat is offering 65 percent off with a minimum booking of 3 nights for couples seeking an affordable getaway. Available to book through Dec. 26, 2018.

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SObanamas^ I ItMt (UAMSIWtM o/HIO© ^ *Q„-

0 O © O Slip Away to Long Island - Gems at Paradise Private Beach Resort is offering guests 25 percent off when booking a.vacation for two consecutive.nights. Guests must book by June 11,2018. For more information visit FESTIVALS AND EVENTS

Stay up-to-date with the latest events and happenings in The Bahamas:

Bimini Boating Flings - Bimini boating fling season is officially here. The first scheduled Gulf Stream crossing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Bimini kicks off Wednesday, June 20 with a departure Sunday, June 24, 2018. For more information visit

Grand Bahama, “The Silicon Valley of The Caribbean” - In an effort to bring venture capitalists, unique entrepreneurs, local and international industry leaders-together. Grand Bahama Island is hosting the first-ever Bahamas Blockchain and Crypto.currency Conference June 20-22, 2018 at The Grand Lucayan Convention Center. Featured speakers include Hon. Hubert Minnis, Prime Minister, Commonwealth of The Bahamas: Brock Pierce, Director, Biteoin Foundation; Anthony Diilorio, CEO Deceritral and more. For more information visit:

Regatta Time in Abaco - The 43rd Annual Regatta Time in Abaco sailing event will take place June 25 - July 3. The Abacos, an archipelago of islands and cays, offers its own island-hopping experience in The Bahamas and. is an idyllic setting for this annual maritime festival. Events include sailing races, food, entertainment and the most anticipated event of the year, the Cheesburger Party, which is the. largest beach party in The Bahamas. For more information visit:

Exuma Marathon Registration - Early birds who sign up before June 10 will receive 50 percent off their registration fee for the Exuma Marathon “Run for Pompey” on; November 10, 2018. Marathoners can visit'www.arandisleresorricom and enter the 1 promo code POMPEY to receive an exclusive runner discount/ Participants flying from Fort Lauderdale to George Town, Exuma on Silver Airways can receive an airfare as low as $300 using the promo code GIOE. For more information visit ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions'for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s

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Better In The Bahamas. For more information call 1-800-Bahamqs or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebdok. Twitter and YouTube. PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johrisori-Patty, General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick, Public Relations [email protected]

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For Immediate Release


Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 8,2018 - The Islands Of The Bahamas are heating up this spring with seasonal deals, hotel updates and festivals worth traveling for. In a major development, the CDG reported there have been no new cases of Zika in the past 12 months, thus removing The Bahamas from the list of at risk destinations. And, once again, The Bahamas graced the front cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, putting The Bahamas top of mind for travelers ahead of the peak travel season. NEWS OUT OF THE BAHAMAS The Bahamas Are Zika Free - On February 2, 2018 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) removed The Bahamas from its list of - Areas with Risk of Zika,” which, according to their website, identifies places where pregnant women should avoid travel, and where travelers should strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission during and after the trip. There have been no new cases of Zika identified in the area or from travelers in the past 12 months.

The Bahama's Very First Winery - Housed in a converted 1930's area convent, Bahama Barrels is open and ready to receive visitors for tours, wine seminars and even wine blending classes. The Bahamas first ever winery lies across the street from Nassau’s Graycliff Hotel and Restaurant, which is home to the third largest wine collection on earth, and is the brainchild of Graycjiff’s Paolo Garzaroli who led the revitalization of Nassau's historic downtown. Bahama Barrels is a unique winemaking operation, blending grapes sources from places [ike Argentina an Italy and then bottling the finished product in recycled bottles that once; lived in Graycliff's famous cellar. httD://www.aravcl?

The Bahama's Very First Winery - Housed in a converted 1930’s area convent, Bahama Barrels is open and ready to receive visitors for tours, wine seminars and even wine blending classes. The Bahamas first ever winery lies across the street from Nassau’s •Graycliff Hotel and Restaurant, which is home to the third largest wine collection on Earth, and is the brainchild of Graycliff’s Paolo Garzaroli who led the revitalization of Nassau's historic downtown. Bahama Barrels is a unique winemaking operation, •blending grapes sources from places like Argentina an Italy and then bottling the finished product in recycled bottles that once lived in Graycliff’s famous cellar.

Fly & Sail, A New Way To Experience The Bahamas - Tropic Ocean Airways, the leading seaplane operator in the Eastern U.S., and The Moorings, the world's premier yacht' charter provider, toddy announced the introduction of their -Fly &SaiI” program

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!0° o o o O offering air and sea adventures to The Bahamas. Guests of the “Fly & Sail” program \can depart Fort' Lauderdale dr Miami and. in less than 90 minutes, land in Nassau or Marsh Harbour to board their private catamaran and sail south to The Exumas or around The Abacos..https:/Avww.rnoo

Harbour Island Featured On the Cover of 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue - The Bahamas was once again featured in the highly regarded annual Sports Illustrated (SI) Swimsuit Issue, on stand now, with Harbour Island's turquoise waters splashing the cover of this year’s all-Garibbean edition. Models including cover model Danielle Herrington and Bahamian-born Chase Carter took over Harbour Island shooting in locations including the streets of Dunmore Town, Pink Sand Beach, the Lone Tree and various pastel-hued homes. During the production, the SI crew stayed at Pink Sands Beach Resort and frequented local businesses such as The Landing Restaurant and Dake’s Shoppe. httDs:// bahamas SEASONAL DEALS See below for a sampling of deals and packages that travelers can take advantage of this spring. For the complete list of deals and packages, and for future offerings, visit

Grand Isle Resort-This tranquil resort and spa, located in Great Exuma, is offering new specials including stay more save more. Save up to 25% on a 7-night stay. spa-0 llamp - For a completely secluded, off-the-beaten- path honeymoon consider Tiamo in Andros. The Honeymoon Dream package includes champagne, dinner under the stars, a day at the exclusive private cove, sunset cruise, and more. Prices start at $600 USD for two people on top of nightly rates.

Stella Marls Resort Club - Long Island has a private island feel and Stella Maris Resort Club wants honeymooners to experience it. Book a stay at Stella Maris and ehjoy a couple’s massage, rental car, ocean view king room and all meals. Rates start at $2,649 USD per couple. lona-island-bahdmds

The Cove Eleuthera - Experience the Caribbean Adventure Package at The Cove Eleuthera. Choose your day adventure (half-day conch diving, stand up paddle , boarding, discover the spectacular reefs, etc.) then head back to the resort for a night of sleep in luxury accommodations followed by daily breakfast. Rates from $659 USD.

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Warwick Paradise Island - Book the ‘Celebrate In Paradise’ package for any upcoming special occasion. The package includes a $75 or $100 spa credit per person, chilled Prosecco with miniature rum cake, guarantee airport transfer, plus more. httPs://

Sandyport Beach Resort - Stay longer and save more at Sandyport Beach Resort in Nassau. Save up to 20% on stays of five nights more at this laid-back island jewel.

Atlantis, Paradise Island Save on nightly rates and receive up to $300 Resort Credits at Atlantis and experience the true Bahamian culture - from Junkanoo Fest in The Royal Lobby to Art Walk in the Marina Village and local Bahamian flavors at various restaurants. paradise-island



Margaritaville Beach Resort at The Pointe - Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville brand recently announced plans for a $250 million, six-acre development in the heart of downtown Nassau. The property will feature 150 hotel rooms, 150 luxury residences, a marina, water park, entertainment center and signature Margaritaville food and beverage concepts. Construction has already begun, and the project is expected to.begin a phased opening in mid-2019. The Pointe project will also include a 45-slip marina and yacht club, and 24,000 square feet of retail space.

Baha Mar-While the Rosewood hotel is slated to open in.spririg 2018, the SLS opened in. November and joined the Grand Hyatt (April 2017) as the second hotel to open at the Baha Mar megaresort. The upscale property features 300 rooms, including TO7 residences, world-class decor and a range of dining and nightlife experiences. The three, uniquely designed hotel brands will share amenities including the Caribbean's largest casino, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, ESPA flagship 30,000-square-foot spa, the largest convention center in the Caribbean, with more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges, www.bahamdr.corh

Out Islands

Peace & Plenty Hotel - The iconic hotel on Great Exurria is how open after undergoing a renovation including a top-to-bottpm refresh and complete upgrade to modern convenience. The property was acquired in 2017 by Miami-based SMS Lodging in partnership with Exuma real estate investors, Steve & Patrick Harrington and Bahamian

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ft 0 o entrepreneur. Burton Rodgers. The resort, centrally located in George Town, features 32 waterfront rooms, a pool, restaurant, two bars, and dock along Elizabeth Harbour.

Jack’s Bay - Tiger Wood's TGR Design is teaming up with Jack’s Bay Developers to build a beachfront luxury resort and private club at Rock Sound on Eleuthera island. The first phase of development is currently underway for a Woods-designed 10-hole golf course called "The Playgrounds," as well as The Pink House Beach Club with a pool restaurant and bar,.slated to debut this year. Additional plans are in place for an 18-hole course and more resort amenities, including oeeanfront suites, cottages and villas. UPCOMING FESTIVALS AND EVENTS

Bahamas Kennel Club International Dog Show (March 17-18) - At our 36th annual International All Breed Dbg Show and Obedience and Agility Trials, in Nassau, dogs Will compete in breed, obedience, rally, and agility classes to earn titles as Bahamian Champions, and ultimately.for'Best in Show'. ABOUT THE BAH AMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with predeafahce through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Dp everything or donothing, just remember It's Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1-800-Bahdnias or visit www.Bahdmas.cdm. Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.-

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty, GenerafMandger, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations: [email protected]


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For Immediate Release


Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 7, 2018 - The Bahamas is. heating up in May with more attractive flights, hotels ,and vacation packages for travelers looking to book their summer vacation. An upward trend in arrivals is ushering in added airlift from major u;$. gateways, while new and trendy boutique hotels are putting The Bahamas at the top of magazine rankings, and travelers’ minds..The debut of Bahamas Ride, a ride-hailing app, has made exploring the capital of Nassau more convenient than ever, no matter what the size of your group. With vacation packages that make last minute planning less stressful, it is always better in The Bahamas. NEW AIRLIFT

American Airlines - the largest international carrier to operate service to The Islands of The Bahamas has announced that it will add five new flights with a total of 453 seats to multiple islands in The Bahamas beginning December 2018. The airline will introduce' nonstop', weekly flights from O’Hare International Airport-(ORD) in Chicago to Lynden Pindling International Airport (NAS): two weekly, seasonal flights from Miami International Airport (MIA) to Freeport, Grand Bahama (FPO); and year-round service from Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) in North Carolina to North Eleuthera Ajrport (ELH) and Marsh Harbour Airport in Abaeo (MHH). For more details visit Delta Air Lines - as part of its Caribbean expansion out of New York City, Delta is adding a second daily flight from New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Nassau (NAS) beginning October 1,2018. For more details visit www.deltd.corh.

Bahamdsair — On May 3, the national carrier launched new service from Miami International Airport (MIA) to South Bimini Airport (BIM) via a 50-seat ATR 42 aircraft. The new service connects Miarni-area travelers to Bimini four times a week with flights on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Monday. Travelers can take advantage of attractive introductory rates and book now at AWARD-WINNING HOTELS

Three Bahamian hotel properties made the prestigious Conde Nost Traveler "Hot List" of the year’s best hew hotel openings, in the Caribbean & Central America category. SLS Baha Mar, The Cove at Atlantis and Bahama House were all recognized by the magazine’s discerning editors among hundreds of new hotels. View the complete list at

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The Bahamas’ first-ever ride-hailing mobile app, Bahamas Ride, puts passengers in direct contact with licensed and vetted taxi drivers, providing on-demand, safe and reliable transportation in Nassau. The app features automatic payment with debit or credit card, GPS tracking, a driver rating system and a choice of three types of vehicles: standard, for up to four riders, large for up to six riders and extra-large for 10 or more riders. Bahamas Ride has plans to expand beyond the capital with service in Grand Bahama, Eleutherd, Abaco and The Exumas. For more details visit PROMOTIONS AND OFFERS

For a complete, up-to-date listing of deals and packages for The Bahamas, visit

$250 Air/Cruise Ferry Credit - Last-minute vacation planners can book a trip by May 14 for travel through October 31,2018 and receive a $250 credit toward their air or cruise ferry-inclusive trip for four consecutive nights or longer at a participating O.ut Islands Promotion Board member hotel. The promotion is limited to travelers from the U.S. and Canada and blackout dates may apply. For the list of participating hotels and to book, visit FESTIVALS AND EVENTS

Regatta Time In The Abacos - The 43rd Regatta Time in The Abacos (RTIA) is fast approaching and excitement is steadily building for the week-long event held from June 24 - July 3, 2018. The event, which begins-in South Abaco and ends in North Abaco, attracts up to 1,400 people every year who come to experience different cays in The Abacos through a week of boat races, parties and island hopping. Visit for more information.

Vertical Blue Freediving Competition- From July 16-26, more than 50 professional divers representing 21 countries will gather on Long Island for a nine-day diving competition at the world’s deepest blue hole, Dean’s Blue Hole. The winners of the competition will take home the titles for the world's deepest man and woman free diver. For more information on the competition visit freerdivinarihternational-competition. ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands of The Bahamas have d place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's

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® O © o best scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preelearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It's Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1-800-Bahamas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty, General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick, Public Relations [email protected]

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I wanted to reach out on behalf The Islands Of The Bahamas to share the latest info on boating flings taking place this summer..Boating flings are the Bahamian equivalent of a road trip,and offer a unique way to experience the islands -- one boat leads the way for a flotilla of boaters across the Gulf Stream to The Bahamas.

The Bahama's Ministry of Tourism has been organizing summer boating'flings for more than 30 years to help train boaters how to safely get from Florida to The Bahamas to experience paradise.

When - Flings begin on Thursdays from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and end on Sundays during June and July. Registration - There is a 30-boat limit, and dockage space is on a first-come first-served basis. Minimum boat length for all flings is 22 feet. There's a $75 registration fee per boat, per fling (register online Here:

Our digital library offers an array of boating images here.


W '

asseat: Let me know if you are able to cover The Bahamas boating flings, experiences in any upcoming stories! XX

Upcoming Boating Flings:

Bimini Boating Flings - Bimini boating fling season is officially here. The first scheduled Gulf Stream crossing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Bimini is June 20-24. o Additional dates include: June 27-July 1; July 25-29; August 1-5 - Regatta Time in Abaco - The 43rd Annual Regatta Time in Abaco sailing event will take place June 25 - July 3. The Abacos, an archipelago of islands and cays, offers its own island-hopping experience in The Bahamas and is an idyllic setting for this annual maritime festival. Events ' include sailing races, food, entertainment and the most anticipated event of the year, the Cheeseburger Party, which is the largest beach party in The Bahamas. Extended Fling (July 11-22,2018) This fling will visit the Abacos, Harbour Island and Eleuthera to help boaters explore even more of the put Islands.

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The Bahamas is an archipelago of over 700 islands and 2,500 cays stretching Over 100,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean. The archipelago is a boater's dream, boasting the clearest waters on the planet For more information, visit: Https ://ba hamasmari lands/

On social: Twitter: @VisitTheBahamas: Instagram: @VisitTheBahamas

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For Immediate Release

Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio Df Aguilar Leads Delegation to Annual Caribbean Week Events in New York City

In his final year as Chairperson of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Hon. D’Aguilar will lead the delegation at the annual event celebrating tourism ip the region

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (May 31,2018)- Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D'Aguilar, along with Director General Joy Jibrilu and other representatives, will lead the delegation at the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Caribbean Week event in New York City this week.

The CTO’s major annual summit will take place June 2^8 at Wyndham New Yorker hotel in Midtown. Tourism officials, industry professionals, media, students and; Caribbean consumers will gather to share and receive important updates on the state of tourism in the region, and celebrate the sights, sounds, color and culture of the Caribbean.

Hon;- D'Aguilar, Mrs. Jibrilu and representatives from the BMOTA will join members of the CTO for a Caribbean diaspora forum, student colloquium and a variety of . business sessions, conferences, trade shows,- marketplaces and workshops discussing important topics related to tourism in the Caribbean. The Rum & Rhythm™ Benefit, which aids the CTO Foundation, and lively consumer-oriented events will bring together attendees for Caribbean-inspired food, lively entertainment and networking opportunities.

In his final year as CTO Chairperson, D’Aguilar;will speak to. the current state of the travel industry throughout the Caribbean, providing updates on visitors, hurricane relief efforts and new developments for travelers. He will also attend meetings and media engagements on behalf of the Islands of The Bahamas.

“I look forward to a week of networking, exchanging ideas arid celebrating the Caribbean with the industry’s best and brightest at-this year’s Caribbean Week,” said D'Aguilar. "It has been an honor to serve as CTO chairperson and represent this beautiful and culturally rich part of the world, and I look forward to returning to the event in my capacity as’Bahamas Minister of Tourism in the future.” Prominent chefs from ’The Bahamas will bring a taste of the nation to Caribbean Week, starting with a private kick-off event at ElementX Rooftop lounge in Queens on Sunday, June 3 featuring a seven course small plate tasting menu presented by Chef Ray. Each person will have the opportunity to indulge in seven flavorful unique dishes that infuses Caribbean and modern flavors. Chef Kevyn Pratt and Mixologist Marv Cunningham will

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O also be representing The Bahamas, cooking and shaking up Caribbean-inspired flavors during Caribbean Week events.

The week of events will culminate in the Caribbean Tourism Industry Awards Dinner on the evening of June 7. Mrs. Jibrilu will receive the esteemed Allied Award, presented to an individual from among the CTO family who has done an extraordinary job of contributing, in a tangible way, to the sustainable development of the region. The Bahamas is also nominated in four categories for the Media Awards portion: "Virtual Visitor Award”: Best Feature in an Online Publication: “Up the Social Ladder": Best Social Media Marketing Campaign by a CTO Member. Country; "Me Too! I Rediscovered Home!" Best Feature by a Diasporan Journalist in U;S, or Caribbean Media; and “No Anansi .Story!" Best Feature by a Caribbean-based Journalist (that appeared in Caribbean-based media). Winners will-be selected by an expert panel of travel media and industry judges and announced during the dinner ceremony that evening. .

For more information on Caribbean Week NY and a full program of events, visit www.onecaribbean.ora. Visit and follow The Bahamas on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

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PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnsoh-Pdfty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwiek Public Relations: [email protected]

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For Immediate Release

Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D’Aguilar Leads Delegation to Annual Caribbean Week Events in New York City

In his final year as Chairperson of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Hon. D'Aguilar will lead the delegation at the annual event celebrating tourism in the region FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (May 31,2018) -Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D’Aguilar, along with Director'General Joy Jibrilu and other representatives from the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA), will lead the delegation at the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Caribbean Week event in New York City this week.

The CTO's major annual summit will take place June 2-8 at Wyndham New Yorker hotel in Midtown. Tourism officials, industry professionals, media,, students and Caribbean consumers will gather to share and receive important updates on the state of tourism in the region, and celebrate, the sights, sounds, color and culture of the Caribbean.

Hon.. D’Aguilar, Mrs. Jibrilu and representatives from the BMOTA will join members of the CTO for a Caribbean diaspora forum, student colloquium and a variety of business sessions, conferences, trade shows, marketplaces and workshops discussing important topics related to Caribbean tourism. The Rum &. Rhythm™ Benefit, which aids the CTO Foundation, and lively consumer-oriented events will bring together attendees for Caribbean-inspired food, entertainment and networking opportunities.

In his final year as CTO Chairperson, D’Aguilar will speak to the current state of the travel industry throughout the Caribbean, providing updates on visitors, hurricane relief efforts and new developments for travelers. He will also attend meetings and media engagements on behalf of the Islands of The Bahamas.

”1 look forward to a week of networking, exchanging ideas and celebrating the Caribbean with the industry’s best and brightest at this year’s Caribbean Week," said D'Aguilar. "It has been an honor to serve as CTO chairperson and represent this beautiful and culturally rich part of the world, and I look forward to returning to the event in my capacity as Bahamas Minister of Tourism in the future.”

Prominent chefs from The Bahamas will bring a taste of the nation to Caribbean Week, starting with, a private kick-off event at ElementX Rooftop lounge in Queens on Sunday, June 3 featuring a seven-course small-plate tasting menu presented by Chef Kermit Mackey, also, known as Chef Ray, owner of Taste of the Islands catering company. Each

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O guest vyitl have the opportunity to enjoy seven, flavorful dishes that infuse Caribbean and modern flavors. Chef Kevyn Pratt and Mixologist Marv Cunningham will also be representing The Bahamas, cooking and shaking up Caribbean-inspired flavors during a variety of Caribbean Week event's.

The week of events will culminate in the Caribbean Tourism,Industry Awards Dinner on the evening of June 7. Mrs. Jibrilu will receive the esteemed Allied Award, presented to an individual from among the CTO family who has done an extraordinary job of contributing, in a tangible way, to the sustainable development of the region.

The Bahamas is also nominated in four categories for the Media Awards portion of the evening: "Virtual Visitor Award": Best Feature in an Online Publication; “Up the Social Ladder”-: Best Social Media Marketing Campaign by a CTO Member Country; "Me Too! I Rediscovered Home!" Best Feature by a Diasporan Journalist in U.S. dr Caribbean Media; and “No Anansi Story!” Best Feature by a Caribbean-based Journalist (that appeared in Caribbean-based media).' Winners will be selected by an expert pane) of travel media and industry judges, and will be announced during the dinner ceremony that evening.

For more information on Caribbean Week NY and a full program of events, visit www.onecaribbean.ora. Visit and follow The Bahamas on Facebook. Twitter and YouTube.

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PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwiek Public Relations: [email protected]

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MEDIA CONTACT: Johnson JohnRose - CTO Tel: (246) 427-5242./.Email: [email protected]

Theresa M. Oakes - KTCpr Tel: (516) 594-4100 / Email: [email protected]


NEW YORK, NY (1 June 2018) - During Caribbean Week New York 2018 (#CaribbeanWeekNewYork2018, #CWNY18), the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and its Allied Members will bestow special honors on nine industry and business professionals in addition to influencers from the media, during its Caribbean Tourism Industry Awards Dinner and Fashion Show. The event, taking pla.ce on Thursday, 7 June, from 6:30 - 10 p.m. at the Wyndham New Yorker (481 Eighth Avenue), is co-sponsored by Jamaica and will feature Haitian-American Marlie Hall, an award-winning broadcast journalist and entrepreneur, .and former correspondent for CBS News, as Master of Ceremonies.

“It is with both respect and admiration that we recognize these business.and industry icons for their tireless commitments - often beyond the call of duty - to the development of a sustainable Caribbean tourism product” said Sylma Brown, Director, CTO-U$A,

The following awards will be presented at this year’s ceremony:

.Allied: Award 2018 Joy Jibrilu, Director General of Tourism, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Johnson JohnRose, Communications Specialist, CTO

THe Jerrv Award E. Eaundre Skeete, Senior Business Development Manager, Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc.

Special Recognition Award Marie Rosa, Vice President of Adams Unlimited Joy White, CEO, SkyGlo Travel

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Award of Excellence Brian Major, Travel Journalist & Executive Editor, TravAlliance Solomon Herbert, Publisher, Journalist and Photographer, Black Meetings & Tourism

Distinguished Caribbean Citizen Award Dr. Roy A. Hastick, President and CEO of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)

Caribbean Adventure Ambassador Award Rowan Garel, 2018 Caribbean Adventure Ambassador

CTO Travel Media Awards: Winners in the 12 categories of the Media Awards will be announced at .the event.

Additionally, Jamaica will present the Marcella Martinez and the Marcia Vickery-Wallace Awards during the ceremony.

Bios and additional information about all of the evening’s award winners and media finalists can be accessed HERE.

To reserve your seat at the dinner, click HERE.

About the Awards

• Established in 2005, the Allied Award is presented to an individual among the CTO family - Government Member* Carrier Member/Airlines and Cruise Lines, Allied Member (which includes hotels, tour operator, marketing company, newspaper, magazine or television). Affiliate Members and CTO staff - who has done an extraordinary job of contributing, in a tangible way, to the sustainable development of the region.

• Conceived in 1997 in memory of the late Jerry Magit who represented the Allied members on the CTO Board of Directors, the Jerry Award recognizes an indi vidual who has demonstrated a passion for the development of the region and has dedicated time, energy, financial, and other personal and professional resources to its development.

• The Special Recognition Award honors a high-performance professional whose contribution, particularly in the last year, has truly made a difference among the Region or Caribbean community and/or industry. It is not limited to service directly in the travel , but for service in any ancillary industry that supports tourism and brings continuous positive recognition to the Region.

• This year CTO will also present Awards of Excellence, the Distinguished Caribbean Citizen Award and the Caribbean Adventure Ambassador Award.

• Established in 2004, the Marcella Martinez Award is presented annually for unparalleled achievement in the design and implementation of successful programs to strengthen and support Caribbean tourism. The award is named in honor of Jamaican

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Marcella Martinez, who dedicated her extraordinary career as a public relations professional to the promotion of tourism to the Caribbean.

• The Marcia Vickery-Wallace Award was established in 1987 as .a tribute to Marcia Vickery-Wallace, former editor of Brides Magazine. Each year the Jamaica Tourist Board, in conjunction with the CTO, dedicates ah award in her memory to a journalist who has followed in her footsteps with the same dedication to promoting the Caribbean region.

. “While it is always important to show appreciation to industry professionals for their contribution to the development of our tourism product, Caribbean Week takes on special meaning when the awards are presented in New York, a major media and Caribbean tourism market, in the presence of peers arid top Caribbean tourism officials arid executives,” noted Brown, adding: “It is both an honor and a privilege to present these accolades.”

Caribbean Week New York 2018 will have a special feel this year as the Big Apple’s 8.5 million residents get a taste of the re-energising and rejuvenating power of Caribbean wellness. During the week-long event (3-8 June), the wellness theme will be incorporated into many activities, including a trade show and educational forum for travel agents on how to sell the Caribbean as a wellness destination. Registration details for all events can be found at .

About Caribbean Week New York Caribbean Week New York is the largest regional tourism activity, in the New York area. Artists, perfomiers, celebrity chefs, the Diaspora community, investor's arid other strategic partriers join government officials, tourism stakeholders and the media for a week of festivities, raising awareness for the Caribbean’s diverse tourism industry arid provide opportunities. Member destinations wili have the opportunity to promote their individual products and services, participate in meetings, seminars and other business development activities to further enhance the Caribbean brand, and provide updates arid critical support to the travel agents arid media who influence key travel demographics in the region’s #1 source market.

Caribbean Week is supported by: Academy. Engraving, American Express,- Anguilla, Anse Chastahet & Jade Mountain, Antigua & Barbuda, Arrivalist, Islands of the Bahamas, Barbados, Bloomingdale’s, Calabash Cove Resort & Spa, St. Lucia, Caribbean Airlines, Cayman Islands, Cholula Food Company, Cititech Solutions, Club Med, Delta Air Lines, Doctor’s Cave, Dolphin Cove, Dominica, Empire State Building, GoGo Vacations, Grace Foods, Grenada, Half Moon, Jariiaica,, JetBlue, Ka’ana Resort and Spa, Manhattan Beer Distributors, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Seaborne Airlines, Sheraton-Pueito Rico, Sugarcane Restaurant, Travel + Leisure, Travel Impressions, TripAdvisor, Unique Vacations/Sandals, West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA), and Williams Sonoma. Media Sponsors: Meredith Corporation, UBC Network, and Zee TV.

To participate in, or sponsor any Caribbean Week New York event, visit email [email protected] or call (212) 635-9350.

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CTO members receive special concessions when they participate in Caribbean Week New York. To find out more about membership visit or email [email protected]. ' . .

For more information on the Caribbean Tourism Organization, please visit and follow CTO on Facebook. Twitter. Instagram and Linkedln to be part of the conversation.


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For Immediate Release

Bahamas Ministry of Tourism arid Aviation Wins Best Feature in an Online Publication at 2018 Caribbean Tourism Industry Awards

Annua/ awards in New York distinguish excellence in social media arid journalism among Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) members

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (June 8, 2018) - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism'and Aviation (BMOTA) was recognized by The Caribbean; Tourism Organization (CTO) in the Virutal Visitor Award category for "Best Feature in ah Online Publicaion” at the annual Caribbean Tourism Industry Awards on the evening of June 7 at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel. The award was bestowed to the BMOTA and Alexander Britell, editor in chief of the Caribbean Journal, for the article in the digital publication titled, 11 Following .Dr. Ma'rtin Luther Kina Jr. in Bimini." The Bahamas was recognized for editorial coverage with nominations in three other categories: .• Up the Social Ladder Best Social Media Marketing Campaign by a CTO Member Country: The.Bahamas #NoFilter Social Influericer Campaign • Me Too! I Rediscovered Home! Best Feature by d Didsporan Journalist in U.S. or Caribbean Media: Essence, "4 Reasons to Love with this Classic Bahamas Resort All Oyer Again” • No Anansi Story! Best Feature by a Caribbean-based Journalist that appeared in Caribbean-based media: We/come Bahamas, "Families to Pirates Cove: Freeport Welcomes First Bahamian Theme Park" .

In addition to editorial accolades for The Bahamas, Director General Joy Jibrilu received the esteemed Allied Award, presented to an individual from the CTO family who has done an extraordinary job of contributing to the sustainable development of the region.

"Being recognized across four diverse categories is a huge honor for the BMOTA, and reflects the Ministry’s continued efforts to impact tourism and raise the profile for the country both here in the Caribbean and in the U.S.,” said Bahamas Tourism and Aviation Minister Hon. Dionisio D’Aguilar. - We've seen strong growth in the online journalism and social influencer space in 2018, and continue to pursue efforts that push boundaries and innovate how we showcase all the adventures that await in The Bahamas."

The award ceremony honors the best editorial media coverage and social media campaigns executed by CTO member countries to promote tourism to the destination.

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Winners were selected by qn expert panel of nine travel media and industry judges. Minister D’Aguilar, Director General Jibrilu and representatives from the BMOTA accepted the awards . at. Caribbean Week . New York 2018 (#Caribbe;anWeekNewYdrk2018).

For more information on the Caribbean Tourism Organization, and Caribbean Week, visit www.onecaribbean.ora. Visit and follow The Bahamas on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

# # #

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita JohnsomPatty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations: [email protected]

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Subject: The Bahamas Guide to Family Vacations


The school year is coming to an endand there's no better time than now to start planning for a family vacation in The Bahamas. From new hotel openings in' Nassau to the famous swimming pies of The Exumas -your readers will find an island to fit any family vacation budget and style.

If you're working on any Caribbean family travel stories, would love for you to consider The Islands of The Bahamas. See below for a quick island guide to vacationing in The Bahamas with your family.

Happy to send over any additional assets, new island news and information you may need.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Families can adventure.their way throughout the exotic Out Islands (also known as The Family Islands), go off-the-beaten path in Grand Bahama or experience the vibrant culture and deep-rooted history of Nassau and Paradise Island.

• Nassau and Paradise Island: For the History Buffs & Sightseers Nassau and Paradiselsland is known as the tourism hub of The Bahamas considering it has the highest density of development. Restaurants, shopping, museums, casinos and thrilling water slides can all be found here. You'll also find scenic and historic tours informative of Nassau's rich history dating all the' way back to the rum-running pirates. Grab your walking shoes and experience the lively shopping districts of Downtown Nassau or soak up the sun at one of the many beautiful beaches throughout the island.

• The Out Islandsi for the Family Who Seeks Adventure the Out Islands are appealing to families who seek a low-key vacation - think smaller and quieter -yet yearn for adventure. With the best boating, fishing, dive sites and undisturbed beaches throughout these exotic islands and cays, it's no wonder The Out Islands are considered "The Family Islands" — there's something for everyone. 6 Best of Both Worlds: Seeking islands that fit a laid-back; off-the beatenrpath charm? Need direct flight access from Florida? Keep those eyes on The Exumas, Harbour Island, Eleuthera. Bimini or The Abacos. Here is where you'll find pristine white sandy beaches (and pink), deep blue holes, famous swimming pigs, and some of the best fishing, boating, scuba diving and golfing around. o Curious For More: Take the adventure level up a notch in Andros, Cat Island. Long Island or San, Salvador-some of The. Bahamas' most natural, untainted islands. Here's where you'll find the deepest blue hole in the world, historical landmarks, natural Bahamian beauty) secluded beaches and the best fishing around. •

• Grand Bahama: Going Off the Beateri Path

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Don't let Grand Bahama Island's unique small town charm fool you. This rustic island is home to three national parks, one of the world's largest underwater cave systems and miles of beautiful beaches - perfect for the family looking for an untraditional Caribbean vacation.

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9Gbahamas Q* •Q

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THE BAHAMAS MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND AVIATION HOSTS TOP-TIER PRESS FROM LATIN AMERICA Jo/nf Marketing Effort vy/'fh Copa Airlines Will Increase Awareness and Demand for The Bahamas with Latin American Travelers

April 6, 2018 - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation works continuously to increase travel to the country from the U.S., but also to build up the business in additional markets. The Ministry worked in cooperation with industry partner Copa Airlines to bring Latin American media outlets to The Bahamas, March 21-25. The Copa Airlines relationship with The Bahamas has grown over recent years and the airline is:now the primary carrier from Latin America.

The team worked with Copa to recruit key journalists in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru to take part in a trip designed to immerse the group in the history and culture of the islands. The group also experienced the most magnetic feature of The Bahamas - the beaches and natural beauty.

The Ministry of Tourism’s marketing program emphasizes distributing content across multiple channels to ensure that compelling Bahamas stories reach travelers where they are consuming content. The eight journalists from top-tier Spanish-language outlets in these markets represented a mix of newspaper, digital news and television.

The journalists stayed at Warwick Paradise Island and enjoyed exploring Nassau including visits to the rum cake factory, John Watlings Rum Distillery and the straw market, dolphin and sea lion encounters, an edu-culture tour, as well as several property visits. The group also spent a day on Harbour Island where they got a feel for the Out Islands, traveling to and from on the ferry.

"We were excited to welcome this group of media to The Bahamas as Latin America has increasing become an important market for us.” said Mrs. Joy Jibrilu, Director General at the Bahamas Ministry of tourism and Aviation. “We appreciate the hard work that Copa Airlines is doing to help us raise awareness in an ever-growing market."

Copa Airlines offers a direct flight to The Bahamas out of Panama, with, multiple feeder flights from Latin America countries/including Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The route has been successful for the destination and Copa, and these joint marketing efforts will help build increasing demand.

# # #

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita jphnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of tourism & Aviation [email protected]

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For Immediate Release


Jibrilu became the first Bahamian member of the Caribbean Tourism Organization to receive the Allied Award for sustainable development at Caribbean Week New York

Click here to download this image.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (June 8,.2018) - Last night during the Caribbean Tourism Industry Awards Dinner and Fashion Show, part of the annual Caribbean Week New York events, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation Director General Joy Jibrilu received the distinguished Allied ' Award for her exceptional work towards the sustainable development of Caribbean tourism.

Director General Jibrilu was present at the ceremony at the Wyndham New Yorker in Midtown to accept the award bestowed upon her by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and its Allied Members. Mrs. Jibrilu is the first Bahamian member of the CTO family to receive the esteemed award.

“I am extremely honored to be receiving the Caribbean Tourism Organization's Allied Award this year," said Mrs. Jibrilu. "Promoting our spectacular Caribbean region and its sustainability is a personal passion of mine, and its good stewardship is essential for all of us. I am grateful that my colleagues in the tourism industry, and my neighbors in the Caribbean, consider my contributions to have, been so worthwhile.” -

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Established in 2005, the Allied Award is presented to an individual within the CTO who has done an extraordinary job of contributing to the sustainable development of the region. Eligible organizations include members of government, member airlines and cruise lines, and allied members, which includes hotels, tour operators, marketing companies, newspapers, magazines and television programming.

"It is with both respect and admiration that we recognize these business and industry icons for. their tireless commitment - often beyond the call of duty - to the development of a sustainable Caribbean tourism product," said Sylma Brown, Director, CTO-USA.

Throughout her tenure in the government sector, Mrs. Jibrilu has worked diligently to encourage sustainable development and tourism growth for The Islands Of The Bahamas, with a focus on respect to the local environment, culture and people. In her role as director general, a position appointed to her in May 2014, she has had oversight in the development, marketing and promotion of the Bahamian Tourism Industry's multi­ faceted marketing programs targeting consumers in global markets including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Latin America and Europe..

Prior to this, she served as the Director of Investments in the Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA), Office of the Prime Minister, commencing that role in July 2008.

In both positions, she has been involved in negotiating and implementing some of the largest tourism investment and development projects in the country, including the final .phases of the Atlantis Paradise Island megaresort and the multi-billion dollar Baha Mar resort development on Cable Beach.

Director General Jibrilu’s contributions to these, major tourism initiatives have brought significant employment and economic opportunity to The Bahamas, and by extension, the Caribbean region. She is passionate about The Bahamas, the Caribbean region and promoting her country, and the region around the World.

"I am a firm believer that we are all guardians of these wonderfu.l islands that many of us. get to call home, and as d result, we have an incredible responsibility to promote tourism in the most sustainable manner in order to safeguard the Caribbean for future generations," Mrs. Jibrilu said.

The Director General was one of nine industry and business professionals, in addition to 12 travel influencers from the media, to be recognized across several award categories during the event. Haitian-American Marlie Hall, ah award-winning1 broadcast journalist and entrepreneur, alongside a former correspondent for CBS News, presided as Master of Ceremonies.

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o o ® O About Caribbean Week New York Caribbean Week New York is the largest regional tourism activity in the New York area. Artists, performers, celebrity chefs, the Diaspora community, investors and other strategic partners join government officials, tourism stakeholders and the media for a week of festivities, raising awareness for the Caribbean’s diverse tourism industry and provide opportunities. Member destinations will have the opportunity to promote their individual products and services, participate in meetings, seminars and other business development activities-to further enhance the Caribbean brand, and provide updates and critical support, to the travel agents and media who influence key travel demographics in the region’s #1 source market.

For more information on Caribbean Week and a full program of events, visit www.onecaribbean.orQ. Visit and follow The Bahamas on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

# # # PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas'Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations: [email protected]

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THE BAHAMAS MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND AVIATION HOSTS TOP-TIER MEETINGS & INCENTIVES MEDIA Initiative Aids Awareness and Demand for Business Travel to The Islands Of The Bahamas

April 19,2018 - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism arid Aviation hosted a small group press trip of U.S. and Canadian editors from top meeting and incentive travel publications to drive increased' arrivals from business travelers, from small teambuilding retreats to large conferences. The Ministry curated an itinerary to visit new meeting spaces in Nassau and Eleuthera April 9-12: Publications in attendance included: Ignite Magazine, Successful Meetings, Meetings & Incentive and Connect magazine.

“We are so happy to see-the continued interest in The Bahamas for business travelers, and the influential publications that reach them in North America." said Mrs. Joy Jibrilu, Director General at the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation. "It’s important that we continue to find ways to raise awareness for the destination as a top meeting and incentive travel destination, whether it’s to enjoy our world-class golf Courses and award-winning resorts, in Nassau, or experience top notch fishing, diving and pink sand beaches in the Out Islands at pur boutique properties."

The Ministry curated an itinerary that included site inspections at properties in Nassau, and Eleuthera, including Baha Mar and Atlantis Paradise Island Resort, an Edu-Culture experience about the history of Junkanoo, and visits to boutique properties such as the Graycliff, Valentine’s Resort & Marina, and The Cove Eleuthera.

The Ministry of Tourism’s marketing program emphasizes a mix of business and leisure travel, as well as bleisure travel that combines a mix of both work and play. The five journalists from top- tier meeting publications were immersed in Bahamian culture learning not only about meeting space, but also local restaurants and experiences that groups can enjoy on a visit.

The Islands Of The Bahamas offer exciting and unique experiences to create group meeting and conference programs that are fun, inspirational, educational and sometimes life changing. Meeting participants are attracted by unforgettable experiences from swimming with pigs and kissing dolphins, to dancing at a Junkanoo Festival or diving with colleagues. The Group Destination Services (GDS) team at the Ministry of Tourism provides destination management assistance to both in-bound and locally-based groups, meetings and conferences.

# # #.

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

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V— ✓ •-*/ ;v j Editors from top meeting and incentive travel publications experience an Edu-culture experience in Nassau learning about the history of Junkanpo.

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Happy Monday,

The Bahamas Minister of tourism and Avation Hon. Dionisio O'Aguilar, has some availability for one- on-one interviews to be arranged the conference this week. Wednesdav-Fridav timing to meet is preferred.

Please let me know if you interested in 5-10 mins with the Minister, and we'd be.happy to schedule the appointment around the program of scheduled activities. The Bahamas will be presenting on Monday to all media attendees, so this would be in addition to that Q&A.

Please let me know asap if interested as time is limited, and thanks! KM

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Subject: Meeting Request: Bahamas Minister of Tourism - Jan. 10-li


Happy Holidays!

The Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation (and Chair of the Caribbean Tourism Organization), Hon. Dionisio D'Aguilar, will be in NYC on January 10th, and the morning of the 11th.

The Bahamas boasts new hotel developments, increased airlift and ferry service and an exciting lineup of cultural festivals and events in 2018.

Please let me know a time/location that works best to meet with the Minister to discuss what's new! Given his availability is limited, please respond asap with interest.



Fun Facts about The Bahamas:

• The.Bahamas is an archipelago of over 700 islands and 2,500 cays stretching over 100,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean. Bimini is closest to the U;S. - a mere 50 milesfrom Florida • There are 16 islands for visitors to chposefrom: • Nassau and Paradise Island are the gateway to The Bahamas, and have all the dining and developed attractions that many resort visitors find attractive. • Grand Bahama Island blends larger hotels with a slower pace that makes it easy to connect with local culture. • The Out Islands (Andros, Bimini, Cat Island, Harbour Island, The Exumas, etc.) each have their own personality built around the community and fishing, diving, boating that are the heart of authentic island life. • With some of the clearest water on earth, The Bahamas is the #1 destination in the, world for #npfilter posts * • "Bahamas" comes from the Spanish words baja mar meaning shallow sea • The Andros Barrier Reef is the world's third longest barrier reef • San Salvador was the first landfall of Christopher Columbus in the New World in 1492

On social: @visitthebahamas #itsbetterinthebahamas httDs://www.batiamas.corri/

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0 O Q o BAHAMAS SELECT FOUR WINNERS IN ITS “SAY YES MARRIAGE PROPOSAL” CONTEST Winners To Propose Jan. 18-30, in Abaco, Exuma, Nassau and Paradise Islands

PLANTATION, Florida - January 17,2018 -..... Four winners have been selected from the recent “Say Yes" Marriage Proposal contest, which ended December 15, 2017 and was organized by The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) in conjunction with Paparazzi Proposals of New York. More than 300 grooms from throughout the United States of America submitted entries into the six weeks social media contest, with hopes of winning a surprise marriage proposal and four days three nights stay at any of four islands in TheBahdmas: Abaco, Exuma, Nassau or Paradise Island.

The winners, who were selected from a panel of qualified judges, have been, notified but will be named after their proposal on February 14, 2018.

The marriage proposals are expected to take place January 18-21, 201.8 at the Grand Hyatt Resort at Baha Mar in Nassau, January 20-23, the Warwick Hotel on Paradise . Island January 23-26, lumina Resort in Exuma and at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge in Abaco, January 26-30, 2018.

According to Freda Malcolm, Director of Romance at the BMOTA, “The Bahamas are known the world over for it’s romance, tranquility and unspoiled beauty and we are just eager to share our unique product vvith these.jncredi.ble winners. All of them can expect to experience complete romance bliss, inclusive of luxurious beachfront accommodations,-private dinners, indigenous flpwers, sparkling champagne toasts, authentic and intimate settings to the personal and memordble.romantic proposals that are planned”.

“It has been an absolute pleasure working with the BMOTA," said James Ambler, CEO of Paparazzi Proposal.

“We are really excited about showcasing the variety and beauty of the Islands in The Bahamas and the diverse proposals the couples will experience. It has been fun providing and helping the vyinners plgn their dream marriage proposal, and we cannot wait to capture it on film," he said.

Also partnering with the BMOTA on this initiative is Froggies Out Islands Adventures.

Named the World’s Leading Wedding Destination by World Travel Awards in 2015, the Islands of The Bahamas also held previously, three world wide wedding promotions, called “16 Islands, 16 Weddings One Priceless Day Ceremonies" for couples in Europe, the USA and Canada in 2014, 2015 and 2016, respectively.

- more-

Bahamas Tourist Office 1200 S. Pine Island Rond, Suite 750 Plantation, FL 33324 Phone; (954) 236-9292 or (800) 224-3681 Fac (954) 236-9282 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

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About The Islands Of The Bahamas The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone from Nassau.and Paradise Island to Grand Bahama to The Abaco Islands, The Exuma Islands, Harbour Island, Long Island and others. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best golf, scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and the Bahamian dollar on par with the U S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It's Betterin The Bahamas. For more information on travel packages, activities and accommodations, call 1-800-Bahamas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


Contact: D. Ea'rhestine Moxyz Ph: 954-236-9292 [email protected]

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TObanamas| | TNI IftlANM Of TH| o/nio© TO.* mm O o ®

THE BAHAMAS MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND AVIATION BRINGS TOP MEDIA AND INFLUENCERS TO THE BAHAMAS IN 2017 Nearly 20 Journalists from Leading Publications and Social Media Influences Attended Familiarization Trips to Tell Unfiltered Bahamas Story

January 12, 2018 - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation hosted a staggering four group familiarization trips from August 2017 through the end of the calendar year, bringing nearly 20 reporters and social influencers to discover the unfiltered, authentic experiences found throughout the Islands Of The Bahamas, The trips helped to drive immediate social buzz that The Bahamas remained open for business this fall, as well as garner positive coverage of the destination in print, online and on social media in the critical travel-booking season.

“There’s so much to explore'in The Bahamas, with new developments and iconic favorite activities across more than a dozen islands.” said Mrs. J.dy Jibrilu, Director-General at the Bahamas Ministry.of Tourism and.Aviation, "Hosting influential media and social storytellers is one of the best Ways we can share bur story with potential travelers planning their next vacation. The coverage we receive from these visits is incredibly in-depth, and speaks to all the reasons why ‘it’s better in.The Bahamas."

In November, the BMOTA hosted three group trips to The Bahamas. The first was a trip in partnership with leading outdoor retailer Columbia Sportswear to Andros, with three top U.S. fishing media in attendance - Florida Sportsman, Saltwater Sportsman and New England Fishing, reaching the highly important u:S. fishing and boating enthusiast. Stories highlighting Andros as the premier destination for bonefish will be published in spring 2018, as a result of the trip. The. edifors experienced fly-fishing on the flats while outfitted in ColumbiaPerformance Fishing Gear-, and captured the experience in high-resolution photos and videos, including drone footage. Beyond the planned editorial coverage, the visuals and film from the trip was shared in real-time with Columbia’s robust following of sports and outdoor-enthusiasts on. social media.

Three top-tier travel influencers from San Francisco to New York visited The Exymas to discover why the country is the no. 1 destination in the world for #nofilter posts. They experienced unique wildlife and real Bahamian food and culture on a long-weekend escape. The itinerary focused on the Out Islands’ laid-back luxury, outdoor and culinary offerings. With a focus on highly Instagfammable and share-worthy activities - from swimming pigs to island hopping. Influencers were carefully selected to share The Bahamas #nofilter messaging with their combined 380,000 followers, engaging the next generation of Bahamas vacationers. The influencers’ social media, engagement rates rose well above the industry standards due to stunning, unfiltered photography, inspiring followers to want to learn more about traveling to The Bahamas.

The Ministry helped launched Bahamasair’s new nonstop service from Houston to Nassau by hosting a media and influencer familiarization trip with two Houston-area media and two social influenced on the inaugural service. The trip featured the popular People-to-Reople experience, Junkgnoo celebrations and a look at the. new hotel developments on Nassau, resulting in • feature stories in Houstonia .magazine and CultureMap Houston, as well as social coverage from

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o o © O local influences touting the new service. Along with a feature story secured in the Houston Chronicle, the combined launch efforts resulted in more than 36 million impressions.

In December, the BMOTA sent five journalists from major outlets in the U.S. and Canada to experience a finely curated trip to discover "What’s New in The Bahamas” in Nassau and Harbour Island, Outlets included Canadian design magazine NUVO, Toronto Sun daily newspaper, as well as U.S. reporters from, and The trip resulted in immediate social and online coverage from TeenVogue,com and reaching 12.6 million consumers, with additional feature stories slated to publish in the first quarter of 2018,-reaching a mix of millennial and luxury travelers.

The 2017 visiting journalist program was an unqualified success, with an additional slate of three individualized trips that took place on a roiling basis between the group trips. Reporters for The Telegraph, The Boston Globe and Family Vacation Critic visited the destination and covered new developments and distinctive experiences across several islands. ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba diving, fishing’, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining.1 The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in The Bahamas. For more information call i- 800-Bahamas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook. Twitter and YouTube.

# # # PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation diohnsbn@bahdmas;com

Weber Shandwick Public Relations [email protected]

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Qobahamas •Ofc, GQ o o O

For Immediate Release

Q1 TOURISM RESULTS ARE IN: ARRIVALS AND ROOM REVENUE ARE UP IN THE BAHAMAS The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and working hard to increase demand.for the destination, with emphasis on high-value stopover visitors.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (June 12, 2018) - The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) is pleased to report that first quarter international visitor results point to an increase in arrivals, signaling that business turnaround from Q4 of 2017 has continued to .into 2018. The Ministry is anticipating a strong summer season for tourism across the destination.

Overalj, The Bahamas experienced significant increases in foreign air and sea arrivals, which is up 2.8%. Foreign air arrivals alone reached a substantial 18% increase compared to Q1 of 2017,

"The Ministry of Tourism has put tremendous focus and effort into our marketing programs and we are very pleased to see these Q1 results," said Director General, Joy Jibrilu. "Our program has targeted consumers across traditional and digital communications channels, and across:.regions including the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Latin America. We believe that the impressive increases in air arrivals particularly are proof of the value of our marketing investment."

Grand Bahama Island saw an uptick of 5.1% in foreign arrivals. The increase came after the island received a significant rise in cruise arrivals at the beginning of the year, as well as a big leap in air arrivals during the month of March.

The Out Islands continued to attract international visitors with a double-digit increase of 10.4% in foreign arrivals. Andros (+1:3.4%), Exuma (+4.8%), Long Island (+15.2%), Inagua (+81.4%), Bimini (+21.2%) and San Salvador (+16.1%) each saw growth in visitors., compared to Q1 of 2017. Arrivals to Eleuthera significantly jumped with overall foreign arrivals coming in at an outstanding overall increase of 138.4% year over year, due in part to healthy cruise passenger stopovers.

While Nassau and Paradise Island’s overall foreign arrivals were down slightly (-1.8%) due to some weather related cruise cancellations, air arrivals to the island were up by 19.5%.

"We are very pleased with these results and anticipate this upward trend to continue to positively impact the tourism sector and local businesses," said Bahamas Tourism and Aviation Minister Hon. Dionisio D'Aguilar. "The Bahamas is a magnificent place to visit and

Bahamas Tourist Office 1200 S. Pine island Road. Suite 750 Plantation, FL 33324 Phone: (954) 236-9292 or (800) 224-3681 Fa*: (954) 236-9282 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM

we’re excited to see that international travelers are still choosing our home as their Caribbean destination of choice." Room Revenue HRs Double-Digit Growth With the combination of new hotel openings, resort renovations and ongoing marketing efforts. The Bahamas saw room revenue increase by 39% compared to Q1 of .2017. The number of room nights sold increased by 26%.

This exceptionally positive trend in arrivals is helping to attract new airiift to The Bahamas, such as Baha'masair’s new' direct flights from Miami to Bimini and American Airlines’ recent addition of five new flights to multiple islands beginning December 2018. The BMOTA considers this just the start of a successful year ahead.

# # # PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Globaj Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

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Subject; The Bahamas: Millennial Pink Beaches, Colorful Resorts and A Host of Romantic Hot Spots

Hi XX,

Whether your readers are on the looking to plan a sophisticated, but fun bachelorette party, an intimate seaside proposal, a beautiful destination wedding with friends and family or a top-notch honeymoon trip - The Bahamas is the ideal romance destination across the board.

See below fora few island recommendations that helps to make The Bahamas such a great place for all- things romance and weddings!

Honeymoon in Harbour Island Hello Harbour Island, goodbye Nantucket. This Bahamian gem of an island is known for its pastel-hued building and famous pink sand beaches - with sand as colorful as the always-trending "millennial pink". Harbour Island is perfect for those looking for a more intinhate,.laid-back.island affair. It's the ideal oasis for total relaxation and privacy. Consider these stunning resorts for the perfect romantic getaway: Bahamas House. Pink Sands Resort or The Landing.

Bachelorette in The Exumas

Home to the most pristine waters in the Caribbean and the famous swimming pigs. The Exumas is- playground for the romantic enthusiast.

Look to stay at the newly renovated : Bahamas House. Pink Sands Resort or The Landing.

Epic Proposals in Grand Bahama Island

Destination Wedding Nassau

The capital of The Bahamas is ideal for those who may be hosting a larger wedding, with easy transfers to venues from Lynden Pindling International Airport. Guests can enjoy ah immersion into Bahamiah culture in no time by visiting the country's widest array of historical landmarks, art galleries, and nightlife. Baha Mar, home to 3 unique resorts, is ideal for honeymooners or bachelorette trips.

If any of the above piqued your interest, I would love to work with you on a wedding roundup story or feature story that could highlight The Bahamas as a key romance destination. Also, please find a link to our recent blog- that dives a bit more into Destination weddings.

Romance packages

Let me know if you have any questions., images and additional information is available upon request.



On social: Facebook.cdm/TravelBahamas:'Twitter: @VisitTheBahamas; Instaeram: @VisitTheBahamas

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9Qbahamas •Q< ° o © O

THE BAHAMAS’ ICONIC PINK SAND BEACH FEATURED ON THE COVER OF 2018 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE Cover Model Daniejle' Herrington Poses in Pink Bikini against Stunning Turquoise Waters'of Harbour island

February 23, 2018 - The Islands Of The Bahamas are once again featured in the highly regarded annual Sports Illustrated (SI) Swimsuit Issue, with Harbour Island’s turquoise waters splashing the cover of this year's all-Caribbean edition.

The 2018 issue featuring cover model Danielle Herrington hit stands February 19, accompanied by extensive photo and video content across Si’s digital platforms.

Herrington and fellow models , Hailey Cla'uson, , Robin Holzken and Bahamian-born Chase Carter took over Harbour Island, shooting in locations including the streets of Dunmdre Town, Pink Sand Beach, the Lone Tree and various pastel-hued homes’; During the production, the SI crew stayed at Pink Sands Beach Resort and frequented local businesses such as The Landing Restaurant and Dake's Shoppe.

The SI team detailed their time On Harbour Island on, claiming, "A trip to Harbour Island basically looksJike you’re walking into a postcard. Whether you spend your days swimming and snorkeling in the clear ocean water Or horseback riding along the beautiful bedches, a stay on the island is sure to leave you refreshed and rejuvenated."

Si’s time on Harbour Island was also chronicled by sister Time Inc. publication Travel + Leisure. The leading travel publication featured a “locals-only” video tour of Harbour Island and article on

SI Swimsuit is the most widely read single publication, reaching more than seventy million U.S. adults each year. The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation Director General Joy Jibrilu praised the SI Swimsuit Issue for its positive and widespread tourism impact on the Bahamas.

“We are thrilled to Welcome SI Swimsuit back to our islands," said Jibrilu. "Not ohly does the magazine provide tremendous exposure for The Bahamas, but the videos and editorial content inspires readers and fans of the issue to consider the beautiful beaches of The Bahamas for their next vacation."

Producers worked with the Harbour Island Tourist Office to connect with local businesses and enlist support from native production company. Glass Window Production.

"these photo shoots have a positive impact for pur businesses, so we work closely with the production teams to ensure there is strong support here on the ground," said June Dean, Executive of the Harbour Island Tourist Office. "Our team was involved with ensuring that the perfect local coordinators were selected so that the SI crew had everything they needed for a successful shoot."

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s.Ufi° on 0 o o o For its 55th year, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue went back to the beach with an all- Caribbean edition! Other destinations featured in the issue include, Aruba, Belize and Nevis.

The 2018 issue is fronted by second-year Swimsuit model. Danielle Herrington and features returning superstars , Hailey Glauson, , Barbara Palvin and many more in 130-plus stunning photos. Herrington is the third black cover star of the. issue, following in the footsteps ofTyra Banks and Beyonce. View the complete photo gallery from The Bahamas on

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Photo Caption: The Islands Of The Bahamas are once again featured in Sports Iflustrated's annual Swimsuit Issue. Model. Danielle Herrington poses against the turquoise waters of Harbour Island on the

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SQbanamasrtr-k I I TWI ItiAHOt

° o © O 2018 cover. The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation’s local tourist office played an integral role- supporting the shoot on Harbour Island

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Patty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations [email protected]

# # #

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HioQbanamas—. I I rm tHANOt ©* T»n o/TjQ© ^ SO.*

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For Immediate Release

The Islands of The Bahamas Named No. 1 Caribbean Destination for 2018 by Travelzoo

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (May 22, 2018) - Travelzoo members recently named The Bahamas the no. 1 destination in the Caribbean they want to visit in 2018. The 14 million U.S. members surveyed also selected the Caribbean as the top international region they hope to visit this year - an impressive result after a particularly tough hurricane season.

It is no surprise, as The Bahamas has received numerous accolades at the turn of the new year from top-tier media outlets in the U.S. and Canada thanks to an aggressive public relations program set in motion by the Bahamas Ministry.of Tourism & Aviation (BMOTA) in late 201.7.

Most recently, Conde Nast Traveler, included three Bahamian hotels on their annual “Hot List” of the best new hotels in the world - the most of any Caribbean destination. Bahama House, Harbour Island, The Cove at Atlantis, Paradise Island and SLS Baha Mar, Nassau all made this year’s list. This accolade is yet another major highlight in an already stellar lineup of accolades secured for The Bahamas in 2018, attracting the interest of both new and returning visitors.

“We're thrilled to see that Travelzoo members ranked The Bahamas tops on their 2018 travel wish list," said Bahamas Tourism and Aviation Minister, Hon. Dionisio D'Aguilar. "Our strategy for promoting The Bahamas Continues to heavily lean into digital marketing, where consumers visiting sites like Travelzoo are seeking out both inspiration, and great value for spend in their vacation."

Travelzoo is a publisher of exclusive deals and experiences for members, reaching more than 28 million members globally. The U.S; member survey conducted in January tapped 14 million U.S. Travelzoo members, asking their thoughts on where they most want to go in 2018.

“Thanks to The Ministry of Tourism and Aviation’s (BMOTA) strategic media outreach plan we continue to see an astounding level of interest in visiting The Bahamas in 2018,” Mrs. Joy J.i'brilo, Director General at the BMOTA'. "We've seen major year-over-year increases in international visitor arrivals - the best since the recession - and this Travelzoo survey shows yet again how strong the appetite is to experience the unfiltered beauty of The Bahamas."

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American Airlines, the largest international carrier to operate service to The Islands of The Bahamas, recently announced five new flights with a total of 453 seats to multiple islands in The Bahamas beginning December 2018. Increased direct airlift on both Delta and Bahamasair in 2018 will also offer travelers increased options for accessing the Islands of The Bahamas. .

For more information visit and follow The Bahamas on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

# # #

PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Ratty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations: [email protected]

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YYZ Travel Bahamas Wedding Guide Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation - 6.4.18

Images: htt05://

Text: With more than 700 picture-perfect islands that boast pristine beaches, beautiful resorts arid a vibrant culture like no other, there's no better place to say "I Do" than in The Bahamas.

Specific Destination Pages

Headline: Weddings are Better in The Bahamas


Whether couples are looking for a romantic wedding in paradise, authentic Bahamian ceremony or a rustic elopement, The Islands of The Bahamas is a versatile destination for saying "I Do." With many direct airlift options from the U.S. and Canada, and more than 700 islands, couples can easily find a wedding, honeymoon or romantic getaway to match their personalities, taste and budget.

RESOURCES THAT MAKE PLANNING A BREEZE Whether a bride has already dreamed up .all. the details of the big day, looking for a simple elopement or want to incorporate local Bahamian touches to make for a truly unique ceremony, The Bahamas has endless resources for any taste or budget. - Visit as a starting point to source inspiration, explore island offerings,.check out venues, and see stories from couples who have married arid honeyrnobned on The. Bahamas.

Wedding Coordinators - Director of Romance Freda Malcolm can get couples started by connecting them with the resources they need on-island. Many large hotels have a dedicated wedding planner on staff, and smaller hotels can often assist in coordinating details from the license to the cake.

The Bahamas Bridal Association (BBA) - This directory of trusted vendors endorsed by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism takes the guesswork out of choosing a vendor and includes everything in one place - venues, flowers, cakes, entertainment, hair,,rnakeup, attire and rhore.

Local Touches - Culture-loving couples can choose to infuse some authenticity into their ceremonies by opting for bougainvillea flowers; serving traditional Bahamian food including conch salad, Bahamian Rock Lobster arid Guava Duff; or hiring an authentic Junkanoo troupe to liven up the.reception, and get * guests into the dancing mood.

CHOOSING AN ISLAND THAT FITS YOUR STYLE Plenty of romantic settings are available to create a unique wedding-from saying vows beneath a 14th- century Frerich Cloister on Paradise Island, to exchanging wedding bands on a pristine pink sand beach in the Out Islands, or even tying the. knot under the sea in Grand Bahama Island. For inspiration, try the

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"Island Finder" at

Nassau, Paradise Island and Grand Bahama Island — Couples planning a large wedding should consider Nassau, Paradise Island or Grand Bahama Island, especially if an indoor event is preferred. These islands have a number of full-service resorts that are equipped to manage every detail and accommodate larger groups, both indoors and outdoors.

Out Islands - For smaller wedding parties and those seeking a more intimate beach wedding, couples may want to consider the smaller, more Off-the-beaten-path islands such as The Abacos, Bimini, The Exumas, Eleuthera or Harbour Island. Boutique hotelsand villas make for nice alternatives to large resorts for ceremonies On a smaller scale.

THE HONEYMOON One Of the most distinctive' features of a Bahamian wedding is the option for newlyweds to hold their nuptials on one island before hopping over to another island for a secluded honeymoon. There are a variety of daily flights from parts of the U.S. and Nassau to the Out Islands, as well as private charters and fast ferries. Whether lounging on a private beach, indulging at the spa, digging into authentic island cuisine, swimming with pigs, snorkeling or scuba diving, The Bahamas offers equal parts of relaxation and adventure.

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO The following are some helpful tips and considerations for planning your wedding or honeymoon, and preparing to travel for the big day.

BoqkingTrayel - Arrangements from U.S. and Canada are simple and affordable given the close proximity of The Bahamas and ampletransportation options.-Guests can visit as a starting point, work with a hotel event coordinator or contact a local travel agent. Get more travel tips at

Marriage Licenses - Couples must arrive in The Bahamas 24 hours before applying for a marriage license, and should allow two business days to receive the license. Individuals who are divorced or widowed should bring certified copies of relevant documents, in addition to personal identification. To review all requirements visit

Weather - The average high temperature is 87 degrees Fahrenheit, with lows.averaging around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. For weather data about The Bahamas throughout the year, visit

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QQbaHamas onQo •.Qa° O O © O HEALTH OFFICIALS DETERMINE THE ISLANDS OF THE BAHAMAS ARE ZIKA FREE World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control and Prevention Have Removed The Bahamas from Watch Lists of Ilka Infected Areas, Deeming the Country Safe for Travelers

March T, 2018 -Two of the world's leading health organizations have recently declared that The Islands Of The Bahama's do not pose a known risk to travelers of contracting the Zika virus. No new cases of Zika have been identified in the country within the past 12 months.

On February -2, 2018 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (GDC) removed The Bahamas'from its list of “Areas with Risk of Zika," which, according to their website, identifies places where pregnant women should avoid travel, and where travelers should strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission during and after the trip.

The CDC now includes The Bahamas under “Areas with Interrupted Transmission,” meaning Zika was previously found in the locations on this list but scientists have determined the virus is no longer present. The CDC states that travelers, including pregnant women, can visit these destinations with no known risk of getting Zika from mosquitoes.

Also on February 2, the World Health Organization (WHO) downgraded The Bahamas from a Category 2 to a Category 3 on. its Zika. Virus.(ZIKV)-Classification Table, signifying that there have been no new cases of Zika identified in the area or from travelers in the past 12 months. This classification table evaluates the geographical distribution of Zika virus across four categories. Category 1 being the most threatening and Category 4 representing areas with no documented past or current transmissions, THE BAHAMAS AND ZIKA The Bahamas Ministry of Hedlth cdnfirrhed that the last reported cases of Zika were,in November, 2016. At that time, all cases;squght medical attention after having symptoms suggestive of Zika virus infection. All clients were treated for associated symptoms and did well. Based oh the histories received from the cases, it was determined that there was a mix of travel-associated and local transmission.

Various government sectors in The Bahamas ^ the Ministry of Health, Department of Public Health and Department of Environmental Health - continue to work in partnership to operate an active surveillance program and intense vector control and mosquito management to prevent the threat of Zika transmission. WHAT TRAVELERS SHOULD KNOW Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected mosquito and .by sexual transmission of an infected person. For tips on how to protect against Zika. visit the CDC’s Zika Guide forTfavelers. Also visit the CDC’s Zika travel mao and refer to the WHO’s ZIKA Classification Table for the most up-to-date information on Zika around the world.

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TObanamas Oo TQ.o

0 o © 9 For further information about Zika and The Bahamas, contact the National Disease Surveillance Unit at 242-502-4776,.242t502-4790, 242-376-3809 or 242-376-4705. ABOUT THE BAHAMAS The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It’s Better in The Bahamas. For more information call 1- 800-Bahamas or visit Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook. Twitter and YouTube.

### PRESS INQUIRIES Anita Johnson-Ratty General Manager, Global Communications Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation [email protected]

Weber Shandwick Public Relations [email protected]

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a WeberShandwick Registration No. 3911

Mexico City Documents

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NEW YORK (March 13,2018) - With this year's World Design Capital* designation, increased airlift, a bounty of boutique accommodations, colorful festivals, international events and exciting trends, there many reasons for travelers to visit Mexico City in.2018. As vacation booking is in peak season, here are 18 reasons for travelers to consider booking a trip to Mexico City:

1. World Design Capital Events will take place year-round celebrating Mexico City's designation as World Design Capital* 2018. an honor bestowed upon cities for their commitment to design as an effective.tool for economic, social and cultural development. Head down south for Design Week Mexico in October when the celebrations come to a head.

2. More Flight Options Last year more than 2.6 million seats were added on direct flights to Mexico, with Mexico City accounting for 37 percent of the growth (Mexico Tourism Board). Now travelers have more options than ever to book a trip, to Mexico City from major airports on one of Mexico's domesticcarriers-Aeromexico, Interjet and Volaris-or their favorite U.S. or Canadian carrier - Delta, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Alaska Airlines, JetBlue, Air Canada and many more.

3. Boutique Accommodations The capital city has a range of boutique accommodations located in historic buildings or midcentury- modern constructions, from the design-forward Hotel Carlota. to the eclectic Chava BnB, to staples such as the.hotspot CondesaDF.

4. Airbnb Abounds Latin America is Airbnb's fastest growing market, with Mexico City ranking among,the top cities for bookings. Mexico City was the #8 city for solo travel in 2017, according to Airbnb. Check out off-the- beaten-path Navarte, named one of the.fastest growing neighborhoods for Airbnb rentals in 2017, and the ever popular Roma and Coridesa for affordable accommodations that let you live like a Chilqngo.

5. The City Has Its Own Signature Cocktail Inspired by the diverse .flavors and heritage of Mexico City, the city has created its own signature cocktail, the Angel's Soul - harried after the iconic Angel of.lndependence monument. The cocktail is a Mexican twist on the Old Fashioned made with small batch rnezcal, habanero and angostura bitters, ancho pepper liqueur, volcanic salt and lime, and topped vyith a raspberry.

6. Take a Street Ait Toiir Get inspired by the multitude of colors and prolific artistic expressions adorning the city's buildings, inside and out, with a street art tour led by Alex and Jeriaro of the collective Street Art Chilaneo.

7. You Can Eat Insects . Known for the crunchy, spicy and salty taste, insects are a Mexican delicacy and considered the protein of the future. Adventurous gourmands can get a taste of this culinary trend with signature dishes featuring chapulines, or grasshoppers, at Guzina Oaxaca, or the famous ant larvae omelet at El Cardenal.

8. Sporting Events Sports fans have several events to travel for this year, with NFL, MLB, PGA and Formula 1 events taking place throughout the year. Fans of the Rams and the Chiefs can have the unique experience of watching their teams face off at the city's stadium, Estadio Azteca, duringthe 2018 regular season.

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MEXICO CITY CDMX TOURISM BOARD 9.. World's Best Cuisine Mexico City consistently boats some of the best restaurants in the world, according San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna's.annual rankings. Splurge at the renowned Pujol's new Polanco location, and then go low- key at a cantina for inexpensive, yet delicious, traditional cuisine.

10. Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods While Centro Historico is a must-see for any first time visitor; adventurous travelers who prefer to be off- the-beaten-path will want to head to one of the city's emerging neighborhoods, such as La Juarez or Santa Marla La Ribera, for a taste of the latest in dining, nightlife and the arts.

11. Revitalization of Roma/Condesa After the September 2017 earthquake impacted parts of Mexico City's most beloved neighborhoods, Roma arid Cohdesa, local artists, chefs and resident's have revitalized the colonias, making them better than ever. Grab a bite to eat at Seneri. the latest addition to the airy food hal.l Mercado Roma, toast to the 'hood at Licorerla Limantour. one of the top 50 bars in Latin America, then visit the boutique retail shops of Cordoba 25.

12. Frida Kahlo Art Route Frida Kahlo remains an icon for art, fashion and feminism throughout North America, and the world. Visitors can view her most important works at a number of museums throughout the city, visit her home and studio Casa Azul and explore the bohemian neighborhood, CoyoacSn, where she lived and worked with her husband, muralist Diego Rivera.

13. Day of the Dead Movies such as Pixar's animated Coco and the James Bond film Spectre have put Mexico City's Day of the Dead celebrations on the map. Take part of the colorful festivities by visiting during the Dia de lbs Muertos parade the last weekend of October.

14. Mezcal Mania Mezcal has surged in popularity at bars throughout the U.S. One of the best places to imbibe in this smoky spirit is Mexico City, where the mixology bars have perfected all variations on the mezcal cocktail and mezcalertas offer flights of small-batch mezcal from nearby Oaxaca.

15. Bachefor/Bachelorette Weekends Mexico City is a quick flight from major U.S. and Canadian cities and offers the ideal mix of culture, food and festivities for bachelor or bachelorette weekends. Book at a hip hotel or share an Airbnb with your bridal party this wedding season.

16. Do it forthe'Gram Stop by one of the city's many Ibstagram-wbrthy spots for the perfect vacation photo, such as the futuristic Museo Soumaya, sunset-hued stained glass roof of Palacio de Beljas Artes or a selfie in front of the iconic blue walls of Casa Azul.

17. Museums Galore Mexico City is second only to Paris in number of museums. The celebrated Anthropology Museum takes visitors centuries back through Mexico City's ancient civilizations, while contemporary art museums such as Museo Tamavo are plentiful. There is even a chocolate museum. MUCHO. and an antique toy museum.

18. Favorable Exchange Rate Mexico City is easy to enjoy on a budget, and a favorable U.S. and Canadian dollar means travelers can really stretch their peso. Take advantage of cheap yet delicious street food, and shop the markets for • inexpensive handicrafts.

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About Mexico City Consistently ranked among the top places to visit, Mexico City is a world capital welcoming more than 12.5 million visitors each year who come for its renowned cuisine, vibrant culture, rich history, unique neighborhoods and modern day travel offerings. In 2018, Mexico City celebrates its designation as World Design Capital?, an honor awarded by the World Design Organization™ for its commitment to design as an effective tool for economic, social and cultural development. The first city in the Americas to hold the title, Mexico City's recognition is driven by a creative class of designers, architects, hoteliers and restaurateurs spearheading a new era for the.ancient capital whose pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary influences span nearly seven centuries..For more information, news and updates on travel to Mexico City follow @MexicoCityLive on Facebook, Twitter and instagram.


MEDIA INQUIRIES: Miranda Zackowski Weber Shandwick +1-212-537-8724 [email protected]

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Mexico City CDMX Tourism Board SUBJ>> A Guide to Mexico City, Inspired by 'Coco'

Hi xx,

Thanks to'Pixar's award-winnirrg animated movie Coco, your readers maybe more familiar with Mexico City than you think. Based on an aspiring young musician who embarks on an extraordinary journey to the magical land of hisancestors, Coco centers on Dia de los Muertos {Day of the Dead) - one of Mexico's best known holidays and most-celebrated events in Mexico City.

The hit film highlights several locations in Mexico's capital that are famous for Day of the Dead festivities including the city's bustling historic center (the animators even looked to the actual transit system and buildings of Mexico City!). Now, CocoTans can bring a few of the locations from the movie to visiting . •Mexico City themselves.

Below please find a list of Mexico City's top cultural attractions that inspired the look and feel of the movie:

Palacio de Correos the movie's Grand Central Station is based on Mexico City's Palacio de.Correos. Located in Mexico City's historic center. The Palacio de Correos is Mexico City's main post office and. was first inaugurated in 1907. As one of Mexico's first cast-iron buildings, the design-has an eclectic mix of styles, with Moorish, Spanish and Venetian Renaissance, Neoclassical and Art Deco details.

Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico - the colorful stain-glass ceiling of the hotel also inspired the Grand - Central Station in the mdvie. Located on the famous Zocalo Plaza, Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico is the idealjocation for travelers looking to explore the rich cultural and historical center of Mexico City. With stunning architecture, beautifully appointed rooms and luxury services and amenities, travelers can enjoy all that Mexico City has to offer at Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico.

La Casa Azul (Frida Kahlo House) - Frida Kahlo plays an integral role in the fijm. For those who are interested in learning more about the iconic Mexican artist, her former home now serves as a museum in her honor since her passing in 1954. The museum houses several pieces of artwork as well as many of the artist's personal possessions, including clothing, jewelry and collections Of folk art that once belonged to.Frida and her husband, famed Mexican, Diego Rivera.

Plaza Garibaldi-similar to Coco, mariachi performers can be found throughout Mexico City's plazas, such as Plaza Garibaldi. Located in the heart of Mexico City, the famed plaza is One of the most visited squaresin the country. Mexico City's serenading mariachi, visitors can stop by the plaza at night and request a special performance.

San Andr6s Mixquic Cemetery - the cemetery in the film bears a striking resemblance to San Andres Mixquic. Visitors will find one of the most traditional Day of the Dead events in the city at San AndrOs Mixquic. Here, Mexicans pay homage to "the lord and lady of the underworld," view the,decoration of family burial plots, observe candlelight rituals, enjoy street festivals and attend-concerts at the Theatre and Cultural House of Mixquic.

PanteonJardfn-the tomb Miguel enters in Coco is based on the late Mexican singer and actor Pedro Infante's.tomb in Mexico City's PanteOn iardin. Ever since Infante's death in 1957, crowds will gather to. his tomb every April on the anniversary of his death.

Street food - throughout the film you'll see people eating street food, such as elote (Mexican street corn with mayo, cotija cheese, and chili powder). Visit one of Mexico City's traditional food’markets

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Mexico City CDMX Tourism Board like Mercado de Covoacan or Mercado de San Juan and in street food stalls across the city to.try this delicacy.

Please let me know if you think this could be a fit for any upcoming stories you have in the works! Happy to provide additional information.'

Chat soon, Carolina

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YOU'RE INVITED: "Mexico City: A Culinary Capital" Press Trip Wednesday, May 30-Sunday, June 3,2018

Hi XX,

Mexico City is a thriving metropolis well known for its vibrant culture and renowned cuisine. The bustling capital continues to top culinary rankings worldwide and. is consistently recognized as a must-visit culinary destination. Award­ winning chefs and restaurants continue to raise the barand change the way people think about Mexican gastronomy.

On behalf of the.MexicoQty Tourism Board, I'd like to invite you to join us on an upcoming press trip to Mexico City from Wed., May 30 to Sun., June 3, where you can experience this culinary capital first-hand,

Press trip attendees will have the opportunity to: • Stay at the Four Seasons Mexico Citv. a luxurious hotel nestled in the exclusive Polanco neighborhood • Enjoy an intimate sampling of Mexico City's culinary scene, from fine dining establishments to traditional food markets and street food stalls •' Find out which Mexico City chefs and restaurants are incorporating insects into their dishes; and try some if you're feeling adventurous! • Experience the different cuisines that have taken root in Mexico City, from French to Italian and Japanese • Explore how expert mixologists are infusing Mexico City's indigenous ingredients in artful cocktails • • Sample the many artisanal mezcals available across.the city and learn.the proper way to taste the spirit.

This invitation is non-transferrable and includes round-trip flights, on-site ground transportation and accommodations, as well as all planned meals and activities. Space is-limited and will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Itinerary subject to change.

RSVP. bv Friday Mav 4.2018

For more information, or to RSVP, you may reach me via email at [email protected] or by phone at 212* 546-7829.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you, Carolina

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Mexico City continues to top culinary rankings worldwide and is consistently recognized as a.must-visit culinary destination. New and established chefs continue to raise the bar for the city's next best restaurant.

From new gastronomic experiences to tortillerias and different cuisines taking rootm, Mexico City has a variety of culinary experiences to offer travelers this summer. "

Below please find Mexico City's newest and hottest restaurants of 2018:

• Molino "El Pujol" (April 2018): Enrique Olvera's neyv tortillena provides tortillas to his restaurant and offers its own corn-based menu. The menu features tortillas,-tacos and masal tamales filled with poblano pepper rajas and raisins, cooked in a corn leaf as well as a spiffy take on elote.-the corncob dressed here with.chicatana ant, coffee, and costerio chili. You can also find corn water and beer!

• Bar Oriente (March 2018): Chefs Bruno Nomura and Filipe Neves created a space where you can find live music, authentic robatayaki (Japanese charcoal grill) and cocktails all under the same roof. The ' menu, which changes weekly, adapts seasonal products and fresh seafood, which.they receive daily.

■ • Zoku (March 2018): After its recent renovations, Zoku reopened its doors to the public this past • March. Every visit to Zoku is an immersion into the Japanese culture due to its atmospheric details, which make you feel like you're in a local neighborhood in Tokyo. Its menu is dynamic, including dishes with ramen, yakitori, sushi and robatayaki. Try Chef Silverio Cervantes creations such as . terhpurasoft crab taco with seaweed salad, cabbage okonomiyaki and shrimp tempura roll with kimchi and tonkotsu.spicy ramen.

• Carmela v Sal (February 2018): Carmela's menu consists of Mexican cuisine, where every dish tells.a different story. The well-knowri cocktails are created by Jan van Ongevalle and include tropical ingredients, such as gin with smoked, pineapple or lemongrass with mezcal.

• Maki Maki (January 2018): Offers sushi and signature cocktails filled with originality and flavor. Highlights include its seasonal ingred.ients and the presentation led by Chef Eduardo Rodriguez "Lulo." •

• MesaB (January 2018): Chef Jair Tellez of and MeroToro created this gastronomic experience ■ (not a "pop up"). Once a month, Jair will cook dinner in a secret location for a group of 20 people and will come up with the menu on the spot with the ingredients they send him day-of from Baja, as well as local markets throughout the city.

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Mexico City CDMX Tourism Board MEXICO CITY TOURISM BOARD WINS "BEST OF SHOW" AT 2018 HSMAI ADRIAN AWARDS The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) recognized the Mexico City Tourism Board■ for their outstanding public relations work, earning Best of Show, Platinum and Gold Adrian Awards

MEXICO CITY (February 23,2018) - Last week, the Mexico City Tourism Board.took home the highest award for public relations at the annual The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Adrian Awards Dinner Reception and.Gala at the New York Marriott Marquis, winning Best of Shoyy for its.public relations campaign aptly titled, "From Humble to Haute: Changing Perceptions of Mexico City." The leading annual travel marketing industry awards celebrate innovators in hospitality advertising, digital marketing, and public relations ' before more than 800 industry professionals. Senior industry and media experts from more than 1,200 entries selected the award winners.

The campaign, which focused on Changing Perceptions about Mexico City among North American consumers; was executed by the Mexico City Tourism Board (Fondo Mixto dePromocidn Tufistica) and its Public Relations Agency of Record in the U.S., Weber Shandwick. The Best of Show honor was awarded for breaking through negative news by flooding the media landscape with positive Mexico City travel stories through aggressive media relations, influencer marketing, strategic partnerships, targeted events and immersive press trips. The Tourism Board and its agency undertook an aggressive mix of earned and owned storytelling to replace the void of cultural coverage of the city with a flood of positive coverage aligned to key program pillars highlighting food and beverage, art, architecture and culturalthemes.

The campaign ujtimately drove awareness, consideration and contributed to an 11% increase in travel to Mexico City. The award-winning work was a result of years of dedicated public relations efforts aimed at raising the profile of Mexico City as a premiere travel destination for U,S. and Canadian consumers.


In addition to taking home Best of Show, the Tourism Board also received the Platinum award for "PR Campaign" and Gold fdr "Feature Print Placement." The Platinum award put the Tourism Board - along with eight other platinum winners-in the running for the Best,of Show Award, which is only awarded to one Public Relations entry across all categories (Public Relations/Advertising and Digital). According to the Adrian Awards, Platinum winners . outperform all.competitors with creativity and exceptional results. The campaign was selected as the sole Platinum recipient out of hundreds of other submissions across over one dozen categories in the Public Relations category.

About Mexico City Named the number one destination on The New York Times "52 Places to Go" list in 2016, Mexico City is a world capital welcoming more than 12.5 million visitors a year who come for its renowned cuisine, vibrant culture, rich history, trendy neighborhoods and modern day travel offerings. The ancient capital combines pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary influences spanning nearly seven centuries, arid is home to 30 distinct architectural and historic sites. Yet the city is more cosmopolitan than ever, with more than 150 museums and 100 contemporary art galleries,, some of the world's most celebrated fine dining establishments, a range of design-forward accommodations and a number of international festivals and events attracting sophisticated jetsetters from around the world. For more information, hews and updates on travel to Mexico City follow @MexicoCityliye on Facebook, Twitter and Instagrarn. About HSMAI The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) is committed to growing business fdr hotels and their partners, and is the industry's leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel, professionals & their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue through programs such as HSMAI Digital Marketing Strategy Conference. Adrian Awards, and Revenue Optimization Conference. Founded in 1927 and celebrating 90 years in 2017, HSMAI is a membership organization comprising more than 5,000 members worldwide, with 40 chapters in the Americas

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f** n M I Mexico Qtv | J Tourism Board Region. Connect with HSMAI at and


MEDIA INQUIRIES: Miranda! Zackowski Weber Shand wick +1-212-537-8724 [email protected]

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SUBJECT; What's NewinMexico City

Friends of Mexico Gty,

There's never a dull moment in Mexico City, and with expanding airlift and a number of exciting upcoming festivals and events, it's a great time to visit.

Please find an overview of news and noteworthy happenings in Mexico City below. Should you want more-information on any of these topics, please email me at [email protected] or call 212- 445-8303.

Thanks, Lauren

New Airlift Plans

Global air connectivity to Mexico continues to grow at steady rates due to increased leisure and business tourism demand. Here are a few of the airlines that have increased services to Mexico City from North America recently:

• American,Airlines will commence daily service between Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) to Benito Juarez International Airport (MEX) on July 5th. • lnterjet expanded its four time weekly.service between Mexico City and Orlando, connecting passengers to Orlando International Airport daily starting June 14. • JetBlue announced plans to introduce two new daily nonstop flights to Mexico City with service from Boston and New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) beginning October 25, 2018. The new routes, subject to government approval, will add to JetBlue's existing service to Mexico City from Orlando International Airport (MCO) and Fort Lauderdale. With this new service, JetBlue will offer six daily flights between the US and Mexico's capital city.

A Snapshot of Upcoming Festivals & Events

Mexico City is home to many colorful and exciting events throughout the year, from centuries-old traditions to modern-day festivals on a World Capital stage. Here is a look at the upcoming festivals and events in the coming months: •

• Macabro International Horror Film Festival (August 21 - September 2,2018) Nearly 35,000 people attend this annual festival which celebrates a mix of new, independent horrorfilms along with the classics and cult-following flicks- Created in 2002 by its director Edna Campos and Arturo Castelan as Macabro: Festival of Horror in Film and Video, is now a must for movie lovers and audiences eager to learn about the national and international audiovisual horror culture, its creators and its many manifestations.

• Telcel Mexico City Marathon (August 26,2018) The Telcel Mexico City Marathon is a joint project made possible by the Mexico City Major and the Sport Institute of Mexico City. Now in its 36th year, the race will take place on August 26, 2018 and follow the 1968 Summer Olympics t

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route starting in the Juarez Monument in Alameda Park and finishing in the Olympic Stadium. Over 35,000 runners from all over the world are expected to participate.

• Gallery Weekend (September 20-23,2018) Annually in late September, nearly 50 galleries and independent venues spotlight over 50 art exhibitions with works by 150 + artists throughout the city during.Gallery Weekend, showcasing a variety of great artistic works and the city's creative minds.

• Design Week Mexico (October 3^7,2018) Founded in 2009 by Emilio Cabrero, Andrea Cesarman, Marco Coello and Jaime Hernandez, Design Week Mexico aims to promote creativity and design as catalysts for social change. Throughout its 8-year history, Design Week has offered a varied program with a wide range of exhibitions, architecture pavilions, conferences, installations and documentaries that generate a dialogue between professionals, students and the general public alike.

• DocsMX International Documentary Film Festival (October 11-20,2018) DocsMX is the annual International Documentary Film Festivalof Mexico City. As one of Latin America's most important film events, this festival exhibits nonfiction films while also honoring new, contemporary filmmakers and the best works from around the world.

• Formula 1 Mexican Grand Prix (October 28,2018) The Mexican Grand Prix is a Federation Internationale de I1 Automobile sanctioned auto race held at the Autodrdmo Hermanos Rodriguez in Mexico City named after Mexico's famous racing brothers and FItrailblazers Ricardo and Pedro Rodriguez. It first appeared as a non-championship event in 1962 before being held as a championship event from 1963-1970 and 1986-1992. The Grand Prix returned in 2015 at the Mexico City circuit and in its fourth year, has quickly become one of the most electrifying races on the Formula 1 calendar. <

• Abierto Mexicano de Disefto Festival (October 18-22,2018) An international festival dedicated to celebrating all aspects of design, this program covers all disciplines such as graphic design, architecture, fashion, industrial design and more. Taking place during the festival are a number of cultural and trade shows, conferences, presentations, screenings, workshops, parties, tours and outdoor events in fhe Historic Center of Mexico City.

• Dfa de Muertos (November 1-2,2018) Dla de Muertos (Day of the Dead), one of Mexico's best known holidays and most celebrated events in Mexico City, takes place annually on November 1st -2nd and is celebrated widely throughout the city over the course of a week. Situated atop ancient and colonial ruins, the metropolis of Mexico City blends historic traditions and contemporary culture during the Day of the Dead, which is a celebration honoring departed loved ones. Festivities include a parade through the Zdcalo, the city's main square, candlelight rituals, time-honored ceremonies, street fairs and lively performances throughout the various Mexico City neighborhoods.

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You're invited: Explore World Design Capital 2018: Mexico City Wed., April 18-Sun., April 22,2018

We invite you to explore the art, design, architecture and distinct colonios of Mexico City as the metropolis celebrates.its year as World Design Capital® 2018 - a designation awarded by the World Design Organization™,biennially to cities based on their commitment to design as an effective tool for economic, social and cultural development.

This trip will provide an on-therground education on how Mexico City became the first in the Americas to receive the honor, joining the ranks of international design hubs like Taipei, Seoul and Cape Town. The landmark year will consist of.special events for design-loving travelers, culminating in the annual Design Week Mexico in October.

Media attendees will have the opportunity to preview the year's events, with a sampling of Mexico City's rich design scene: • Tour top design institutions such as MUAC, CENTRO campus and Archivp Diseno y Arquitectura and iconic architectural sites like Casa Barragan and Museo Soumaya • Visit the studios of some of the city's budding designers and artists, and meet with Design Week Mexico representatives • Discover distinctive neighborhoods, design boutiques and creative restaurants • Accommodations at LasAlcobas, the Polanco district’s premier boutique hotel • VIP cocktail and dinner with Las Alcobas Hotel Group brand Founder, Samuel Leizorek/ reception to preview of 2018 hotel room renovations

This invitation on behalf of the Mexico City tourism Board and Las Alcobas is non-transferrable and includes round-trip flights, ground transportation, accommodations arid all planned meals and activities for one journalist with an agreed upon assignment Spaces on this intimate trip will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Itinerary subject to change.

Please R5VP bv Wednesday. March 21.2018

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Government of Ontario

Ontario Tourism Marketing Corporation Documents

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SUBJECT - Meeting Opportunity: Travel Updates from Ontario, February 9th

Ontmjo Canada

Hi [Name],

Happy New Year! Oh Friday, February 9th, Kattrin Duncan, US Media Relations Coordinator for Destination Ontario will be in the NYC area. As you may know, Canada was recently named "2017 Destination of the Year" by Travel + Leisure. The Canadian province, Ontario, is not only home to the country's largest city and the nation's capital,.but also charming country towns, award-winning wine regions and endless adventure and activities.

If you're available. I'd love to arrange a time for a coffee, cocktail or desk side meeting to discuss what's new and noteworthy in Ontario, Canada in 2018.

Kattrin can provide insight into what Ontario's diverse destinations have to offer travelers in 2018, including: • Hotels on the horizon - including recently opened properties in Toronto and a new retro motel in "the county" • Culinary trends - what travelers should taste this year beyond butter tarts and poutine • Outdoor adventure on Ottawa's Rideau Canal - from its place as the world's largest naturally frozen ice rink to this summer launch of Le Boat • The latest in Ontario wines - from award-winning: Icewine to what's new in Prince Edward County, the provinces emerging region known as "the county" • Activities for every kind of adventurer-from dogsledding and snow-shoeing to zip lining and hiking in one of 300+ provincial parks • Internationally celebrated entertainment -theatre, literary, music, fashion and film festivals light up Canada's cultural scene all year • And of course, a favorable exchange rate that stretches the US$ further to experience it all!

Please let me know if you have time for meeting on Friday, February 9th to chat about what Ontario has to offer travelers this year.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,


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You're Invited: Join the "City Sights & Winter Wine" Press Trip to Ontario, Canada thursday, January 18 ^.Sunday January 21,2018

Discover a few of the many reasons why Travel + Leisure named Canada the "Destination of the Year" as you explore its Ontario province arid discover both the cosmopolitan charm of Toronto as well as an award-winning wine region during the annual Niagara Icewine Festival

Destination Ontario, in partnership with Wine Country Ontario and Tourism Toronto is delighted to invite you to join the "City Sights & Winter Wine" press trip, featuring some of the region's top cultural experiences, culinary and wine offerings, including:

• Round-trip, nonstop flight service into Toronto's convenient downtown airport location via Porter Airlines' daily service from Newark • fwo-night's stay in one of Toronto's premier hotel properties, located in the heart of the city • A culinary walking tour of Leslieville, one of Toronto's trendiest neighborhoods • Various cultural and adventurous experiences throughout Toronto such as skating on the Bentway Trail, Winter biking with Toronto Bicycle Tours, exploring current exhibits at the Royal Ontario Museum and engaging in cocktails and conversation at some of the city's new and notable bars, and more! • Transportation to and one night accommodation in the charming town of Niag'ara-on-the-Lake • A.visit to view the breathtaking Niagara Falls for an exclusive Journey Behind the Falls experience • The opportunity to explore and indulge at the annual Niagara Icewine Festival in the Niagara Wine Region, the birthplace of Ontario's modern wine industry (view the festival's digital flipbook here) while learning about the delicate process of Icewine making • Stops at local Niagara-on-the-Lake wineries for behind-the-scenes tours and tastings

This invitation is nonrtransferrable and includes round-trip flights, on-site around transportation and accommodations for-ohe journalist on assignment, as well as all planned meals and activities. Space is limited, and participation will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis.

RSVP bv December 20.2017

For more information, or to RSVP for the trip, you may reach me via email at [email protected] or by phone at 212-836-3014.

Thank you for your consideration, we look forward to hearing from you.

TOURISM Wine TORONTO Country Ontario-

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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No-3911

South Africa Tourism

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I am reaching out to you for a potential interview with the CEO of South Africa Tourism Sisa Ntshona about the water shortage currently being experienced in Cape Town. We believe this could be a great opportunity to discuss the current challenge following up on your article that focused on XXXXX.

Sisa is interested in having a conversation about the impact that the water shortage has had on,tourism and how we can ensure that the local and international community continue to travel to the city. Although we acknowledge that there is a water shortage in Cape Town, it is important to highlight that there are plans in place to ensure that people visiting or staying in the area continue to have enough waterto ensure that their most b'asicneeds are met. The current water provision of 50 litres per person is in line with the recommendation by the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that between 50 and 100 litres of water per person, per day is needed to ensure thatbasic needs are met and few health concerns arise.

Yes, we have water restrictions in place but how we manage this together is part of being a responsible tourist and citizen anywhere in the world, we all have to understand.the.New Normal - we don't have,a choice any longer. As a responsible city and country, it's important to ensure that our visitors are aware of the water shortage and be respectful of the situation while still enjoying a visit tp one of the world's most beautiful cities.

Please let me know if this is of interest and I will confirm schedules.

Thank you,


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CMGRP, Inc., d/b/a Weber Shandwick Registration No. 3911

Visit Wales Documents

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SUBJ» 48 Hours in , Wales

Hi xx,

Rich in ancient history, sporting excitement and uniquely Welsh cuisine, Cardiff is the perfect destination for families, couples and groups. 48 hours is just enough time to hit the highlights and learn why. Wales is an underrated, must-visit destination. Just two hours by train from London, international travelers can get a taste of Welsh language, food and culture in no time in Cardiff. This is Cardiff: Video.

There's no better time than thissummer to visit-on the heels of Royal wedding of HRH Prince Henry of Wales; to the rollout of three new driving routes, to the first-time hosting of the Volvo Ocean Race in June.

Below are suggested accommodations, iconic must-sees and hotspots to check out while visiting Europe's youngest capital city.

Where to Stay

M ;iipi 5; CROESO

• The Exchange Hotel (May 2017)-The Grade IJ* listed building is located in the heart of Cardiff Bay and offers.guests the opportunity to take a step'back in time and explore one of Wales' most significant buildings-the former Cardiff Coal Exchange. Filled with rich history and grandeur throughout, The . Exchange Hotel has undergone a more than £40 million restoration to its former glory, with original features preserved and the Grand Hall reinstated. The.Exchange was first completed in 1888, and Cardiff quickly became the biggest coal port in the world. Ini 1901 the first £1 million business deal ever took place here. The 200-room hotel ;offers R.P. Cullev & Co. Bar& Restaurant, inspired by a local philanthropist who once catered in the Exchange for the movers and shakers of the day. • Hotel Indigo Cardiff (May 2017) ^Recently opened in the heart of Cardiff, the 122 vibrant boutique rooms reflect a small slice of the Welsh capital in their unique design.

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Where to Eat & Drink

• James Sommerin - This Michelin-starred restaurant from James Sommerin offers astonishing flavors. The seafront setting in Penarth, a few'miles from Cardiff, is great, top. • Elevens - Welsh football star Gareth Bale (Real Madrid) has his own premium sports bar and restaurant in his hometown. He partnered with Cardiff s biggest brewery, Brains, to bring local food and beer to the venue, which is directly opposite the Castle.. • City Arms-One of Cardiff's oldest city center pubs always has a big selection of interesting guest ales. • Dead Canary-A speakeasy environment where you can relax, enjoy the best cocktails Cardiff has to offer and kick back to a soundtrack of mellifluous jazz. • The Potted Pie - Here you can find classic British fare in an atmospheric bank vault setting. A dangerously broad selection of gins make this one of Cardiff's hottest tickets at the moment.

What to Do and See

Bsosat m

• Cardiff Castle - It’s nearly 2,000 years old, but in the 19th century.the interior had a lavish makeover by architect William. Burges, Take a tour to see the ornate decor, intricate carvings and rich colors that fuse together Arabian, Gothic and Mediterranean styles. Fora fantastic view of the city and beyond, the top of the keep. • Cardiff Bay-Once known as Tiger Bay, the world's biggest coal-exporting;docks dispatching millions of tons of Welsh coal to power the industrial world. Be sure to check out the Senedd (the National Assembly for Wales HQ) and the Wales Millennium Centre.arts center, which sit happilyalongside the original;Pierhead building and the Norwegian Church in which Cardiff-born author Roald Dahl was christened. • The Arcades-Out of all the cities in Britain, Cardiff has the highest concentration of Victorian, Edwardian and contemporary indoor shopping arcades. Winding,between St Mary.Street; Castle Street, Duke Street and The Hayes, there are plenty of independent shops, cafes and restaurants to browse in them, as well as charming architecture. Cardff Arcades have some of the city's best food , and drink offerings in. a distinctly traditional setting including Madam Fromage, 8wyta Bwyd Bombai, • The Plan and Fabulous Welshcakes.

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• Spillers Records - With Wales being the land of the song, it's no surprise that Cardiff is home to one of the world's oldest record shop. Spillers opened in 1894, bringing records, live performances and a hub for musicians to mingle. • Yr Hen LvfreeH- Which translates into ’The Old Library,1 captures the history of Cardiff through stories, photograph's, films and objects. Walk around the interactive exhibits then stop off in Bodlon, its gift shop full of Welsh goods. Some of the best buys include bars of Nom Norn chocolate made in West Wales and Melin Tregwynt Welsh wool blankets. • Bute Park- Cardiff offers more green space per person than any other city in the UK, with more than 330 parks and gardens. Bute Park is the 'green' heart of Cardiff city center, and at 138 acres; it's also one.of the largest urban parks in Wales with over 2,000 trees. Relax with tea and cake at Pettigrew Tea Rooms on the southern end of the park.

Those are just a few suggestions! Let me know if you think this could be a fit for any upcoming coverage you have in the works! Happy to provide additional information.

Chat soon, XX

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Cymru 191 Wales Upcoming Events in Wales

Doggie Weekend at the National Botanic Garden of Wales: 6-7 and 27-28 January

3S Take your dog to the beautiful National - -,-T^g *ufSv Botanic Garden of Wales - set in the 5? picturesque countryside. Due to popular demand dog weekends are back, dog owners and their furry friends can,enjoy a day out at the stunning site in January! Open from. 10a m -6pm .with last entry at 5p'm Price: £4 or free for garden members and dogs

For more information::httPs://

Fan Dance: 06-13 January

The Fan Dance is a gruelling 24km non-navigational race over two sides of Pen Y Fan, the highest mountain in the Brecon Beacons, This infamous route has long been a part of SAS and SBS selection and is now open as a fundraising event and tribute to lost friends. Price: £50-£150

For more information:

Saturnalia Real Ale Ramble: 13 January

The.Saturnalia .Beer Festival has a plethora of winter warming ales and an abundance of special foods from Roman recipes. ^SATURNALIAS Walk off the excess oh the Saturnalia Real Ale Ramble along Vv*5? the routes of old Roman roads, with free ale at the checkpoints, Price: £11 for one day or £18 for two days

For more information:

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Hen Galan: 13 January

The New Year starts on 1st January for most but hot for the people of the Gwaun Valley in Pembrokeshire. The valley has continued to use the ancient Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. Children are welcome and celebrate the New Year by visiting their neighbours and signing for gifts.

For more information: http://bjtly/lKcK6XY

Open Exhibition: 17 January - 04 February

-p Home to artistic excellence in Wales, the Royal Cambrian ■ 1 *; Academy is exhibiting works of non-members. 'The Open' covers a broad range of subjects and media. Go along and view the work of some of Wales' talented artists. Price: Donation

For more information: http://rcaconwv.ore/

Buff Winter Trail Wales: 20 January

Take part in the four annual Buff Winter Trail Walks from 10.00am on 20th January. The trail will take in the Trail Marathon Wales half marathon route across the same rSiwn beauitful trails and tracks of the world-famous Coed y Brenin Forest Park in Snowdonia. Price: £28.00

Fore more information:

St Dwynwen's Day: 25 January

Celebrate the Welsh version of St Valentine's Day - St Dwynwen's Day. On this day Wales, honour the Welsh patron saint of lovers, a 4th-century Welsh princess who lived in what is now the Brecon Beacons National Park. She was unlucky in love and became a nun, praying that true lovers have better luck than she did. People AS celebrate in the same way as Valentine's Day with gifts and cards.

For more information:

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For information, images and press trips, contact [email protected] / 0161238 9400.

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Welsh Government invites you to VOLVO OCEAN RACE VOLVO 2017*18 STOP OVER the Volvo Ocean Race Stopover CARDIFF, WALES OCEAN Newport, Rhode Island mi 27 MAY-10 JUNE 2018 Thursday to Sunday, May 17-20,2018.

Join us for VIP access and an exciting weekend of events leading up to the highly anticipated transatlantic leg of the race. Well celebrate as Alicante Oi Leg 1 iTSSSKSi Lisbon 6 «s~ the teams prepare to depart Newport bound T Leg 2 Cape Town A aU- for Cardiff in one of the world's most: 1 Lec-3 Melbourne 0 renowned professional sailing races. I Leg - tv: Hong Konc Q Come for a day or two Guangzhou 6 Ley 0 or stay for the entire weekend of events: Hong Kong 6 May 17, Thursday - Private cocktail reception | Lege Auckland Q May 18, Friday - VIP Access to Ocean Race Club T Lea 7 May 19, Saturday - VIP Access to Ocean Race Club for l:aj3i i-j ugs exclusive viewing of the in-port races VOLVO Hev/pci't OCEAN May 20, Sunday - Private breakfast to launch the | leg 9 r.Munn: RACE ,- Cardiff CM:HI)Vrn> ~~jr Newport-to-Cardiff race, and V Lug 10 VIP Access for the race start Goihenburo Ci Lea Please reply by Monday, April 30, 2018. The Hague O

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• Wales Is home to more than 600 castles (more per square mile than any other country in the world!). Plus, a wealth of national parks and World Heritage Sites, the 870-mile Wales Coast Path, Snowdonia - the world's first inland surfing lagoon, International Dark Sky Reserves for exceptional stargazing, and so much more. Wales is a mecca for horseback riding, with thousands of miles of bridlepath's, but visitors can also delight in mountain biking, whi.tewater rafting, paddling, and hiking.

• Cardiff, just 2 hours by train from London, is a city of classical architecture, green spaces and a buzzing cultural scene. Enjoy eclectic dining, global street food and some traditional foods like welshcakes, fine malt whisky from Penderyn Distillery, Welsh rarebit and other signature immersive culinary experiences, including some of the top restaurants' in the UK. Check out new spots like the Dead Canary, or classic.favorites like the Potted Pis..

• Around 20% of the population speak Welsh (Britain's oldest language) -that's around half a million people. The figures are likely to rise in future: every child now learns Welsh up to the age of 16, and a fifth of children attend Welsh-medium secondary schools.

Common Welsh phrases: o Bore da (Boh-reh dah): Good morning o Prynhawn da (Prin-houn dah): Good afternoon o Nos da (nohs dah): Good night o Croeso i Gymru (Croesoh ee Gum-reeh): Welcome to Wales o lechyd da! (Yeh-chid dah): Cheers! o Diolch (Dee-olch): Thanks o Cwtch (Cutch... rhymes with butch): Hug/cuddle; or cozy place

• The 'Prince of Wales' title is more complicated than meets the eye...there hasn't been a native Welsh prince since 1409. Prince Charles is the latest in a long line of heirs to the British thrOne wlio have enjoyed the title of Prince of Wales. With the range of principalities that existed in Wales until the middle ages, it was rare that anyone leader could argue to have united the country under one banner and become a Prince of Wales in its entirety. While the likes of Hywel Dda and Llywelyn ab lorwerth came to rule vast swathes of Wales, it was Only during Edward fs reign that Wales became a unified area under one monarch. But,.it was an English monarch. Edward, the scourge of Wales and the builder of many of castles used to subdue the population, imposed his infant son, Prince Edward, on the Welsh as their new princein 1301. Since then, only one domestic warlord,. Owain Glyndwr has had a claim to the title, and was proclaimed as such in 1400. His defeat in 1409 marked the end of native Welsh princes for good and, since then, the eldest son of the reigning monarch has been made Prince of Wales.

• - New hotels In Cardiff- The Exchange Hotel arid Hotel Indieo Cardiff have both opened since May, adding new boutique accommodations offerings for visitors. •

• Year of the Sea 2018 - 2018 will bethe "Year of the Sea" in Wales, highlighting the country's coastal experiences and culinary offerings for visitors, from M ichelin-starred restaurants to

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unique experiences like foraging for seaweed in Pembrokeshire and touring the Halen Mon Sea Salt company in Anglesey. Images here.

• The biggest news in Wales for 2018; Visit Wales just launched The Wales Wav this November, a family of three national scenic touring routes that cross the country's most epic landscapes, showcasing its fascinating history, coastlines and attractions: • The Coastal Way celebrates Wales' epic coastline and travels the wild and rugged west coast around Cardigan Bay from Aberdaron to St. Davids, where dramatic seascapes meet themountains. • The North Wales Way is rich in culture and packed vyith thousands of years of history and includes two UNESCO World Heritage sites, offering a gateway to Snowdonia's mountain adventures. • The Cambrian Way leads travelers from top to bottom along the mountainous spine of the country, focusing on Wales' beautiful countryside, winding through the Snowdonia and Brecon Beacons National Parks, with epic scenery and adventure around every corner.

For more information, see press release below:


New National Routes to Showcase the Very Best of Wales

November 7,2017 - Visit Wales has today announced the launch of The Wales Way, a family of three national scenic touring routes that cross the country's most epic landscapes, showcasing its fascinating history,.coastlines and attractions.

Packing in over 6,000 years of history, the three routes lead travellers across ancient paths, drovers' ways, and along roads built by the Romans. Meandering through the very best of Wales' landscapes and attractions, the routes allow visitors to unearth the country's gems and unique, authentically-Welsh experiences.

The Wales Way has been designed to provide 'stepping stones of discovery', with a density and compactness of sights and attractions that appeal to those not looking to the final destination as an event in itself. It's these compelling opportunities to stop and linger every few miles that differentiate the routes from their competitors, with more reasons to be out of the car than in.

The three Ways have been designed to intersect, so can be enjoyed alone for shorter breaks, or linked together for longer adventures. Whether you go for coast, mountains or culture, the beauty of these routes, and the thing that makes them really stand out among their counterparts, is that you can so easily create your own, custom-built Welsh road trip." In Welsh it's known as going igam ogam - 'step- tp-stepV or 'zig-zagging' - discovering your own secret places.

The Wales Way isn't confined to driving; the routes offer rail connections, walking paths, cycling routes and horse riding trails - so anyone can explore the best of what Wales has to offer in a way that inspires and excites them.

The Coastal Waycelebrates Wales' epic coastline and travels the wild and rugged west coast around Cardigan Bay from Aberdaron to St Davids, where dramatic seascapes meet the mountains. This 180-

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mile (290km) road trip, with the sea on one side and mountains on the other, tours a series of picturesque-harbour towns and resorts such as Barmouth, the historic city of St Davids, tiny fishing villages such as the brightly painted Aberaerdn and countless beaches, cliffs and hidden coves.

Travelling from top to bottom along the mountainous spine of the country, The Cambrian Wayfocuses on Wales' beautiful countryside and runs for 185 miles (300km) between Llandudno and Cardiff, winding through the Snowdonia and Brecon Beacons National.Parks, with epic scenery and adventure around every corner. Pass through the quaint village of Betws y Coed in the foothills of the Snowdonia, before embarking on epic zip-lining and underground adventures at ZipWorld and Bounce Below,

The North Wales Way is rich in culture, and although just severity five miles in length, is packed with thousands of years of history and includes two UNESCO World Heritage sites. The North Wales Way offersa gateway to Snowdonia's mountain adventures arid.the ancient history of Anglesey. Experience the bridges of the Menai Straits and discover the area's industrial heritage at glorious Parys Mountain, Once the world's largest copper mine

Aston Martin/which is in.the process of opening its second UK plant in St Athan Nr Cardiff, has partnered with Visit Wales on the launch of The Wales Way. Dr Andy Palmer CMG, President and CEO of Aston Martin/ said: "We're incredibly impressed by everything Wales has to offer and my team has had a fantastic time exploring and filming on its roads. We're very proud to be able to help launch these routes and look forward to welcoming visitors from the World over to experience them for themselves."

Welsh Government, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Ken Skates; said: "This initiative emphasises the epic experiences that Wale’s has to offer - father than simply the journey from A to B. The routes will encourage visitors to stop and visit different places, areas, attractions and . products which will enable them to get a deeper understanding of Wales and will benefit the local tourism industry too."

The Wales Way is easy to follow thanks to a series of route maps available at complete with a guide to theunmissable attractions and Uniquely Welsh experiences along the way.

For more information on The Wales Way, see

For media assets, see: Images and maps credit- Visit Wales: Wales Wav video:

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1 March 2018 North East Wales Celebrates its Routes to the Sea

A new film showcasing the North East Wales region has been released today (1 March) as part of Visit Wales’ Year of the Sea campaign. Denbighshire, Wrexham and Flintshire have joined forces to produce the film to inspire new visitors to experience North East Wales’Routes to the Sea.

Funded by Visit Wales’ Regional Tourism Engagement Fund, the film explores the region’s visitor offer from inland to the coast; highlighting the cycle routes, coastal path, heritage, and beaches as well as activities including paragliding and horse riding in Talacre. The variety of outdoor water based experiences available in the area are also featured including sailing, fishing, sea swimming, stand up paddle' boarding and water skiing.

Tourism plays a vital part in the regions' economy, with a total economic impact in 2016 of £848m and over 11 million visits made.

Tourism Minister, Lord Elis-Thbmas, said: “In 2018 we’re celebrating Wales’ outstanding coastline, and inviting visitors to discover new epic experiences all around our shores, with,special events and attractions throughout the year. I'm delighted that Visit Wales funding has enabled the North East to work together in order to strengthen awareness and showcase some of the area’s inspiring journeys to the coast this year."

Ian Lebbon, Chair of Denbighshire Destination Partnership said, "Thank you to everyone who contributed fo the making of the film, we hope it will inspire visitors to experience some of our water based and coastal activities. Key investments in our coastal resorts, such as the developments in Rhyl, will help increase awareness and visitor footfall to the region and create jobs that will boost the local economy.”

This film is the start of a series of new mini films which will be released throughput the year, featuring different themes including walking, cycling, wildlife, heritage, food & drink, beaches, as well as outdoor water activities. A series of blogs and Year of the Sea professional images vyill also be released to help draw new and repeat visits to the region.

Follow Films Co-Founder Graham Cooper, who produced the films, said “This has been a fantastic project to work on over the past few months, I’ve lived in North East Wales all my life, but working on projects like this reminds me how lucky we are to live in this area. I find so many new, amazing activities whilst producing films like this, and the passion businesses have for North East Wales is great to see.”

To view the film and for further information on the places and activities featured in the film, please visit

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Editors Notes The film can be viewed oh and YouTube*ch?vgSiE»t7zrS1s . A library of North East Wales, Year of the Sea images is also available on request.

North East Wales is a partnership between Denbighshire, Wrexham and Flintshire Destination Partnerships and the three unitary authorities. This project is funded by Visit Wales’ Regional Tourism Engagement Fund. For more information please contact.Denbighshire Tourism Team 01824 706915.

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• Stroll through The Flash, Wrexham - set within the county of Wrexham, this lake is a surprise to most people as it is so far inland. However, with stunning walks and scenery, it makes for the perfect spot- fora quiet moment. It's a peaceful reminder of our routes to the sea. • Fish for crabs at Marine Lake, Rhyl-.the perfect place for the kids to try 'crabbing.' If you haven't brought the equipment with you, don't worry because all you need can be purchased in the railway shop. Top tip: the best bait for crab fishing is bacon.....a good target is 4 to 5 crabs! Apart from fishing for crabs you can try sailing, canoeing, water skiing, wakeboarding, knee boarding and for those of you that are daring enough; barefooting. Marine Lake can cater to all ages and tastes and. is the only salt water lake in North Wales! • Relax underneath the arches at Trevor Basin, Llangollen - we have a World Heritage Site in North East Wales but you can experience thestunning picturesque Pontcysyllte Aqueduct from on top of the aqueduct looking down or from below and get a different perspective on the architecture of this beautiful site. • Run along our coastline on Barkby Beach, Prestatyn-there isn't a more calming soundtrack to a run than the sea. With our stunning coastline, your run can be a short one or extended.into a longer run. And with great facilities along the coastline, why not treat yourself to a little reward en route! • Take to the skies over the Dee Valley, Llangollen-take to the skies and experience the Dee Valley from above, it's even more stunning. Book yourself onto a course and maybe find a hidden interest that you never thought you had. Or book onto a tandem flight with.a qualified instructor and sit back and enjoy the flight and vievvs whilst not having to worry about the landing. • Cycle past the sea from Rhyl Harbour-if you're not into running then why not bring up the family bikes to Rhyl Harbour and coast along the coast. With the RhylBike Hub open for a cup of tea or ice cream before you start, Rhyl has all the facilities to make your time near the sea an unforgettable experience. • View our beaches from horseback at Talacre Beach-you can trot, gallop and stride along the beautiful sands of Talacre Beach, with the sea at on one side and the rural views on the other. • Show-off your bike the Marsh Tracks, Rhyl-Marsh Tracks in Rhyl is the perfect location for . adventure cyclists. With great views of the.sea, March Tracks is a great place to get awesome photos or videos of your tricks with a stunning background to make them stand out even more. • Try out water-skiing nearConnah's Quay -have a splash at Deeside Wake-board and Water-ski Club, which is based on the tidal River Dee at Connah's Quay, Deeside, in North Wales. Try out the thrill of Water-skiing whilst taking in the beautiful surroundings of North East Wales. • Explore the North Wales Coastal Cycle Route-whether you'd prefer to walk or cycle the path, you will be graced with some stunning views of the coastline on one side and the beauty of North East Wales' countryside'on the other. If you'd like to extend your walking route from Prestatyn you can join the Offa's Dyke path down along the border of England and Wales and have the weird sensation of having two different countries on either side. • Take a dip in the ocean at Prestatyn Blue Flag beach - the Blue Flag Beach of Prestatyn is made up of a 5-mile stretch of sand. Popular with tourists for its beauty and many leisure activities such as sailing and windsurfing, Prestatyn beach makes for a perfect getaway for the whole family to enjoy. • Enjoy an icecream along the Coastal Path, Rhyl.-with many local businesses along the Coastal path including cafe's, bars, restaurants and the arcade at Rhyl, the coast of North East Wales is perfect for a family getaway and will keep the kids entertained for hours. • Paddle Board on the Serpents Tail,.Llangollen- whether you're a novice or pro, doing it standing up or on your knee, with or without a dog, stand up paddle boarding in Llangollen tailors to all levels. It's a perfect way to experience the Year of the Sea and float away from all stresses. For more experienced

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and confident Paddle-Boarders, you can experience the adventure of the River Dee and more specifically the Serpents Tail. • Explore Basingwerk Abbey, Holywell-substantial remains of Cistercian Abbey, originally founded as a house of the order of Sayigny in 1131, and.remodeled in the thirteenth century. Visit this historic site for free arid learn about its significance, within the stunning heritage park at Greenfield, Wrexham. • Get that spectacular selfie along the Horseshoe Pass, Llangollen-With car-stopping views, Horseshoe Pass has been the site of many epic selfies as it offers an open view of the Dee Valley hills. Located on the road to Llangollen, just passed the Ponderosa Cafe, this location is one of the most photographed places in Denbighshire and is popular with local photographers and filmmakers.

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I'm contacting you on behalf of Visit Wales to share some information on all things Royal in the lead- up to the Royal Wedding in Mayl

As you may know, on Jan. 18 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited Wales's capital city of Cardiff where they celebrated Wales' heritage (including exposing Meghan to Welsh cakes, and delicious Welsh cheeses)! The couple stopped off at historic Cardiff castle where they attended a Welsh Culture Festival, and they even received a traditional Welsh gift - a lovesooon. (photo here).

For centuries, Wales and the British Royal Family have had strong connections. The wedding ring Prince William gave Kate Middleton when they married on April 29,2011 (after living in Anglesey, Wales together!) was made from a nugget of Welsh gold, which has been reserved for royal rings since the 1920s. It originally came from the Clogau Gold Mine near Barmouth in the mountains of North Wales.

While we all know that Harry's title is Prince Henry of Wales, for many Americans, the destination is still a bit unfamiliar, despite it's longstanding ties to the British Royal Family.

A wealth of information on Wales' royal connections, accommodations fit for a Royal and fun facts about Welsh culture are below for consideration in upcoming coverage!


Welsh gold: The British Royal Family has been wearing Welsh gold wedding rings since 1923, and the famous mine that created three generations of Royal wedding rings is set to re-open this year after nearly 20 years since it closed. Meehan Markle is expected to don a Welsh eold ring for her wedding in May to Prince Harry. The Welsh gold.used to make the.Royal wedding rings was taken from a Clogau gold nugget and the tradition has continued to this day including Prince Charles, Diana The Princess of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall. In 1911, at the investiture in Caernarfon Castle of Edwards Prince of Wales, the coronet placed on his head by his father. King George the fifth, was fashioned entirely from Clogau Welsh Gold from North Wales,

Caernarfon Castle

Begun in 1283 as the definitive chapter in his conquest of Wales, Caernarfon was constructed not only as a military stronghold but also as a seat of government and royal palace, A World Heritage Site, the castle is set on a peninsula bounded by the Menai Strait and at the heart of North Wales. It is one of the most impressive of all.the castles built by Edward I one of Europe's great' medieval fortresses. In 1969 it was the venue for the current Prince of Wales' Investiture and was

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constructed not only for military purposes but also as a seat of government and royal palace.


This island in North Wales is a favorite forthe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; after they got married at Westminster Abbey in 2011, they started their married Anglesey. Prince William - was serving with the RAF as a co-pilot on the Sea King search and rescue helicopter and they settled into their home on the Isle of Anglesey just off the north coast of .Wales. It's said that William's favorite spot for a pint was at the White Eagle Pub.

Accommodations with Royal connections in Wales:

Stay in Prince Charles* Welsh home:. Uwynywermod is used by Charles The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall when they are in Wales on their regular visits and annual summer tour. When they are not there, visitors can stay at the two barn conversions adjoining the main farmhouse (North & West Range). It's located near Myddfai, in Carmarthenshire.and set within 192 acres of farmland with views over historic.parkland. Uwynywermod was renovated using the;expertise of skilled Welsh craftspeople and materials were sourced from Wales wherever possible. The interior has also been furnished with local Welsh textiles, blankets, quilts, rugs and pottery.


Ruthin Castle has hosted members of the Royal family including Edward VII and HRH Prince Charles. The beautiful castle is the perfect retreat for those wanting a relaxing break and you'll certainly feel like a Royal with acres of land to explore, a spa to relax in and a restaurant to indulge in. The castle is set in acres of parkland next to Clwydian Range in North Wales and has a Prince of Wales Suite. You can book this fantastic suite - it's the castle's largest 'bed chamber' which occupies a whole floor of a tower, 24-hour in-roonvdining, a coffee machine and Ruthin Castle robes,

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Princess Margaret was a regular visitor to Plas Dinas Country House and more recently her great nephew, Prince William. This award-winning historic country house is set in Snowdonia in North Wales and it boasts 15 acres of land, which are great for exploring in the summer as well as a log fire in the Drawing Room, which can be admired for hours as guests relax in the winter.

Llaneoed Hall

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Llangoed Hal! is a Relais & Chateau Hotel is the former home of renowned Welsh designer Laura • Ashley and Sir Bernard Ashley. Located in Wales's Wye Valley, it's quite regal in appearance, and was once a filming site for Downton Abbey where it played home to fictional royalty. HRH Prince Charles has made frequent visits (typically twice a year), as have the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The hotel has had a number royal guests, including Princess Michael of Kent (the Queen's cousin) as well as sultans, sheikhs, and more from the countries of Dubai, Malaysia, Greece and Thailand,

ROM ANTIC ACCOMMODATIONS FIT FOR A ROYAL: For couples looking to feel like royalty, they can stay in a castle, or explore dozens of other romantic hotels throughout the Welsh countryside, some highlights include:

Roch Castle

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IMAGES: httPs://

The romantic six bedroom Norman castle in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is a five star property kitted out with luxurious furniture, linens, and art. Built in 1280, it was the home and birthplace of Lucy Walter, mistress to King Charles II and mother of his child, the Duke of Monmouth. Roch Castle Hotel, awarded the best 5-star hotel in Wales for 2017/ sit's high above the stunning Welsh landscape offering panoramic views over St Brides Bay and the Preseli Hills. Exclusive use of the.castle is available based on a two night minimum stay (you also get your very own . thexastlel). Breakfast is fresh and made to order, with Welsh laverbread - a traditional seaweed delicacy - and locally made honey on the menu.

Bedrooms-6 [ Minimum guests-1 | Maximum guests-12 Bed and Breakfast - from £210 per room per night / Exclusive Use - from £1,350 per night. Rates are per room per night, based on two guests sharing and include VAT, parking and Wi-Fi. Visit https://www.rochcastle.corh/speciaUoffers for details On Valentine's Day

Chateau Rhianfa * •

■JT ■ tfr.- -r ■ •

Experience a real-life fairytale at Chateau Rhianfa - originally built in 1849 by Sir John Hay Williams, Baronet of Bodelwyddan as a gift for his wife Lady Sarah. The magnificent interiors were chosen by Lady Sarah herself, and to honor her exquisite taste and connect the French-style chateau to its newly formed Welsh roots, the house was christened "Rhianfa" (put forward by the local vicar), which means ladies' abode. The chateau's charming character - an enchanting love.story - lives on for guests to admire and make their own during their stay,


• Wales is home to more than 600 castles (more per square mile than any other country in the world!). Plus, a wealth of national parks and World Heritage Sites, the 870-mile Wales Coast Path. Surf Snowdonia - the world's first inland surfing lagoon, International Dark Sky

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Reserves for exceptional stargazing, and so much more. Wales is a mecca for horseback riding, with thousands of miles of bridlepaths, but visitors can also delight in ziplining the longest zipwire in Europe, mountain biking, Whitewater rafting, paddling, and hiking.

• Cardiff, just 2 hours by train from London, is a city of classical architecture, green spaces and a buzzing cultural scene. Enjoy eclectic dining, global street food and some traditional - foods like welshcakes, fine malt whisky from Penderyn Distillery, Welsh rarebit and other signature immersive culinary experiences, including some of the top restaurants in the UK.

• Around 20% of the population speak Welsh (Britain's oldest language) - that's around half a million people. The figures are likely to rise in future: every child now learns Welsh up to the age of 16, and a fifth of children attend Welsh-medium secondary schools.

Common Welsh phrases:

o Croeso i Gymru (Croesoh ee Gum-reeh): Welcome to Wales o lechyd da! (Yeh-chid dah): Cheers! o DiOlch (pee-olch): Thanks’ o Cwtch (Cutch... rhymes with butch): Hug/cuddle; or cozy place

For more information, visit: Twitter: @visitwales: Instagram: (5>visitwales

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Bore da (good afternoon!),

• On behalf of Visit Wales, I am pleased to invite you to be.a guest of Carwyn Jones, the First Minister of Wales (the country's leader), as we celebrate St. David's Dav. The National Day of Wales here in NYC-.

The Welsh government is hosting this special gathering ahead of the March 1 holiday, when the Welsh don daffodils and celebrate the country's patron.saint with parades throughout the country. Beyond the First Minister, you may just spot the star of Visit Wales current brand campaign in the crowd - Luke Evans.

We hope you'll join us for a uniquely Welsh cocktail reception! Details below.

Diolch (Thanks), Carolina


Uywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government

The Rt. Hon.’Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales. Invites you to celebrate the National Day of Wales St. David's Day (Dydd Gwyl Dewi)

Tuesday, February 27,2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm Mondrian Park Avenue 444 Park Avenue South (between 30th & 31st) New York, NY 10016

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Hi xx.

With a unique 870-mile coastal path - the first in the world to follow a country's coastline in its entirety - as well as 230 beaches, 50 Islands and higher ratio of Blue Flag beaches per mile than anywhere else in Great Britain, it's no surprise that Lonely Planet named the Wales coast the top region to visit in the world.

As we celebrate Year of the Sea,.we encourage your readers to visit Wales, where you can find.some of the most beautiful, underrated beaches in the world. From pebble beaches in the.’north, sheer limestone cliffs and sandy beaches in the east and a wild southern shore of seemingly endless sand dunes, Wale's beaches have it all.

See below.for a list of the top five beaches in Wales: Whitesands Beach in Pembrokeshire has a reputation for r.'«------beingone of the best surfing beaches in Wales. It's renowned for its wide expanse of pale gold sand and secluded coves. Be sure to take in spectacular views of the land and sea.

se Tip: Book a surfing lesson at Whitesands Surf School.

Lydstep Beach is an attractive sandy crescent in Pembrokeshire. The beach is covered at high tide, backed by a pebble bank, with rugged limestone cliffs. It's popular for sea fishing, swimming and water sports. Tip: Head to the Lydstep cliff and explore the caverns walk to get a view of the beach. You may even,spot some dolphins or porpoises.

Tenby Castle Beach is the smallest of Tenby's three sandy <. , k: beaches, offering stunning views of Tenby Castle. During low tide, the sand is continuous with neighboring South Beach, forming a two-mile stretch of uninterrupted golden sands. Right at the top of the castle beach is a wide sloping stretch of soft dry sand. Tip: Get to know all about Tenby at the Castle Hill, which overlooks the beach where you'll find the Tenby Museum and Art Gallery.

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The coastal belt of Tresaith Beach is within the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation. The beautiful beach is home of seals and dolphins, as well as the setting of dramatic novel'The Welsh Witch.'

Tip: The Ceredigion Coast Path Tresaith to neighboring £ Aberporth. At low tide, it's possible to walk along the foreshore all the way to the golden beaches of Penbryn. B&gir ' ' i,i

Rhossili Bay surpassed the sandy shores of Spain, Greece and France to become the only European beach worthy of a place on Suitcase's Top 10 Beaches in the World (2017). It's home to Worm's Head, Gowef's most famous landmark, and has been deemed "the supermodel of British beaches." Earlier this year, it was voted the Third Best Beach in the UK in the tripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards, vyhere it has held a top ten position 28S for six years running. Tip: The remote beach encompasses three miles of golden sands and.sits within the first designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the UK. Let me know if you think this could be a fit for any upcoming stories you have in the works or if you need additional information.

Chat soon, Carolina

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Subject: Bucket List Road Trips- Wales, UK debuts three new drive routes

Visit Wales recently announced the launch of The Wales Way, three authentically-Welsh scenic cross­ country routes. The Coastal Way, which spans Wales' stunning west coast, in particular is the ultimate international road trip to put oh traveler's radar in 2018:

• The Coastal Way celebrates Wales' epic coastline and travels the wild and rugged west.coast around Cardigan Bay from Aberdaron to St Davids, where dramatic seascapes meet the mountains. • The North Wales Way is rich in culture and packed with thousands of years of history, and includes two UNESCO World Heritage sites, offering a gateway to Snodonia's mountain adventures. • The Cambrian Way leads travelers from top to bottom along the mountainous spine of the country, focusing on Wales' beautifurcpuntryside, winding through the Snowdonia and Brecon Beacons National Parks, with epic scenery and adventure around every corner.

Designed to be singular-adventures or linked together.for greater exploration of the Wales' countryside, The Wales Way combines over 6,000 years of history in three distinct experiences with ancient paths, drovers' ways and Roman roads.

For more information, please visit:

Please let me know if you have any questions, or are interested in covering! Individual press visits are available on request to experience the driving routes firsthand.


New National Routes to Showcase the Very Best of Wales

November 7, 2017 - Visit Wales.has today announced the launch of The Wales Way, a family of three national scenic touring routes that cross the country’s most epic landscapes,, showcasing its fascinating history, coastlines and attractions.

Packing in oyer 6,000 years of history, the three routes lead travellers across ancient paths, drovers’ ways, and along roads built by the Romans. Meandering through the very best of Wales’ landscapes and attractions, the routes allow visitors to-unearth the country’s gems and unique, authentically-Welsh experiences.

The Wales Way has been designed to provide ‘stepping stones of discovery’, with a density arid compactness of sights arid attractions that appeal to those not looking to the final destination as an event in itself. It’s these compelling opportunities to stop and linger every few miles that differentiate the routes from theircompetitors, with more reasons to be out of the car than in.

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Thethree Ways have been designed to intersect, so can be enjoyed alone for shorter breaks, of linked together for longer adventures. Whether you go for coast, mountains or culture, the beauty of these routes, and the thing that makes them really stand out-among their counterparts, is that you can so easily create your own, custom-built Welsh road trip.” In Welsh it’s known as going igam ogam - ‘step-to-step’, or ‘zig-zagging’ - discovering your own secret places.

The Wales Way isn’t confined to driving; the routes offer rail connections, walking paths, cycling routes and horse riding trails -r so anyone can explore the best of what Wales has to offer in a way that inspires and excites them.

The Coastal Way celebrates Wales’ epic coastline and travels the wild and fugged west coast around Cardigan Bay from Aberdaron to St Davids, where dramatic seascapes meet the mountains. This 180-mile (290km) road trip, with the sea on one side and mountains on the other, tours a series of picturesque harbour towns and resorts such as Barmouth, the historic city of St Davids, tiny fishing villages such as the brightly painted Aberaeron and countless beaches, cliffs and hidden coves.

Travelling from top to bottom along the mountainous spine of the country, The Cambrian Way focuses on Wales’ beautiful countryside and runs for 185 miles (300km) between. Llandudno and Cardiff, Winding through the Snowdonia and Brecon Beacons National Parks, with epic 'scenefy and adventure around every corner. Pass through the quaint village of Betws y Coed in the foothills of the Snowdonia, before embarking on epic zip-fining and underground adventures at ZipWorld and Bounce Below.

The North Wales Way is rich in culture, and although just seventy five miles in length, is packed with thousands of years of history and includes two UNESCO World Heritage sites; The North Wales Way offers a gateway to Snowdonia's mountain adventures and the ancient history of Anglesey. Experience the bridges of the Menai Straits and discover the area’s industrial heritage at glorious Parys Mountain, once the world's largest copper mine

Aston Martin, which is in the process of opening its second UK plant in St.Athan Nr Cardiff, has partnered with Visit Wales on the launch of The Wales Way. Dr Andy Palmer CMC, President and CEO of Aston Martin, said: 'We’re incredibly impressed by everything Wales has to offer and my team has had a fantastic time exploring and filming on its roads. We’re very proud to be able to help launch these routes and look forward to welcoming visitors from the world over to experience them for. themselves.” Welsh Government, CabinetSecretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Ken Skates, said: "This initiative emphasises the epic experiences that Wales has to offer - rather than simply the journey from A to B. The routes will encourage visitors to stop and visit different places, areas, attractions and products which will enable them to get a deeper understanding of Wales and will benefit the local tourism industry too."

The Wales Way js easy to follow thanks to a series of route maps available at, complete with a guide to the unmissable attractions and uniquely Welsh experiences along the way. For more information on The Wales Way, see www.fforddcvmru.cvmru

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Notes to Editors

For media assets, see: Images and maps credit- Visit Wales: Wales Wav video:

For more information, interviews, and press trip requests, contact: Kate lyipnohan, Weber Shandwick [email protected]: 212-546-7802

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World Ocean's pay (June 8) is day encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean, and draws attention to the importance of the ocean in ourlives. In the country of Wales, 2018 is the Year of the Sea - a themed year dedicated to highlighting Wales' epic shores.

This includes the 870-mile Wales Coast Path -the first in the world to follow a country's coastline in its entirety - as well as 230 beaches, and 50 magical islands home to seals, porpoises and Britain's largest population of bottlenose dolphins.

Wales invites visitors to discover new epic experiences all around the country's shores with special events and attractions throughout the year. Wherever you are in Wales, you're never more than just over an hour from the sea. With a language and culture that's the oldest in Britain, unique coastal accommodations and food and drink made with skill by passionate people straight from the sea-this is the greatest coastal experience of 2018.


Highlighted coastal adventures in Wales include:



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Meet the puffins on Smokier Island: Just 15 minutes away from, mainland, the short boat ride takes you to a different world. The relationship with the wildlife is unlike anywhere else in the world, as you are able to get so close to the puffins and seabirds; witness the seal pups being born on the cliffs

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Go surfing Whitesands Beach: It is overlooked by the imposing craggy hill of Cam Uidi, this wide expanse of fine white sand curves north towards the remote rocky headland.of St David's Head. This is one of the best surfing beaches in the country and therefore very popular^ The surf 'break' is at the northern end and on busy days there are canoeists, surfers and body boarders competing for the best wave;

Visit Pembrokeshire, a Victorian seaside town with more award winning beaches than skyscrapers and more coastal walks than taxi lines. A place for walkers, nature lovers, foodies and families. Go on a boat trip to Ramsey island: It's a real gem of wildlife habitat, like the Galapagos of the Pembrokeshire coast.

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You meet the two wardens who live there ail year round on this working farm just off the St David's peninsula.

Wales is famous for aquatic adventure sports including surfing, stand-up paddle boarding, scuba diving and coasteering - an activity pioneered in Pembrokeshire. The coast is inhabited by puffins, dolphins. seals and even orca whales.

More info: • Digital Brochure • Tag us on Twitter: @visitwales; Instaeram: Ovisitwales

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Wales Embarks on Next Epic Adventure with Launch of Year of the Sea 2018

January 8, 2018: Visit Wales has embarked on another epic adventure with the launch of Year of the Sea 2018. Following the successes’.of previous themes with Year of Adventure 2016 and Year of Legends 2017, Year of the Sea 2018 will celebrate.the country's outstanding coastline, maritime heritage, sea-bound activities and coastal wildlife. Wales has lots to offer in a themed year dedicated to the sea, including a unique 870-mile coastal path - the first in the world to follow a country's coastline in its entirety - as well as 230 beaches, 50 islands and higher ratio of Blue Flag beaches per mile than anywhere else in Great Britain.

However Year of the Sea will be about more than just the coast. The campaign’s shores will include everything from rivers and journeys to the sea. It will embrace the proximity of Wales' countryside and coastline and celebrate its coastal communities and culture. Visitqrs.can delve into the past along Wales’ shore, conquering ancient castles, exploring the hidden.secrets of historic homes, tracing the trails of pirates and bringing myths and legends tp life. Wales’ coastlines play host to the pirate tales of Tenby and the infamous Sir Henry Morgan, the Victorian seaside resorts of Llandudno that inspired the.stories of Alice in Wonderland and ancient legends such as Bardsey's island of 20,000 saints and Gantre'r Gwaelod.’s sunken kingdom. Wales is famous for aquatic adventure sports including surfing, stand-up paddleboarding and cpasteering — an activity pioneered in Pembrokeshire - as well as Surf Snowdonia, the world's first inland surfing lagoon. The coast is puffins, dolphins, seals and even orca whales.

Visitors to Wales can soak up the stunning views while sampling local ale or freshly caught seafood at one of the fisherman’s pubs dotted aiong the coastline or at one of the country’s fine waterfront restaurants. The Year of the Sea promises to offer an inspiring programme of events, including the Volvo Ocean Race, which will come to the UK for the first time in a decade - the first time ever to Cardiff. An epic, maritime adventure that pits the sport's best sailors against each other, it is a true test of human endurance and teamwork at sea as they race around the world. The Volvo Ocean Race festival site, called the. Race Village, will be located on the scenic Cardiff Bay Barrage in May 2018 to welcome the competitors into the city. The two week free event will host a variety of entertainment and Volvo Ocean Race-themed attractions.

This year’s theme also complements the country’s latest major tourist attraction: The Wales Way. An ambitious new family of three national scenic touring routes launched in November 2017, The Wales Way crosses the country’s most epic landscapes, showcasing Wales’ fascinating history, coastlines and attractions. Two of the three routes run along Wales' north and western coasts, taking in the very best of the country’s shorelines and scenery.

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Cymru jr&L Wales

The themed years are known to be a hit with visitors and make a huge difference to Wales’ economy, with the Year of Adventure 2016 reported to have generated an additional £370 million for the Welsh economy - an 18 percent increase from 2015. Year of the Sea hopes to build on last year’s record-breaking visitor numbers; during Year of Legends 2017, some 42 percent of tourism businesses in a Visit Wales Business Barometer survey revealed they had more visitors than the year before; Visit Wales' Year of the Sea is backed by some of the country’s top nautical ambassadors, including double Olympic medallist sailor Hannah Mills MBE, three times.Kitesurfing World Wave Champion Kirsty Jones, and world record-breaking rower Elin Haf Davies.

Hannah Mills commented; “I am so excited to be involved in Year of the Sea. Growing up in Cardiff and exploring the coasts and seas around Wales from Anglesey to Mumbles, the Welsh coastline has had a huge impact on shaping my earlier career. Those memories and beautiful experiences sailing in such a stunning place remain very firmly in my mind."

Welsh-born Hollywood actor Luke Evans (Beauty and The Beast? Girl on the Train, The Hobbit), who currently features in Visit Wales’ campaign film for Year of the.Sea. added; "I have.such fond memories of spending holidays by the coast in Wales, and I try to get back here as often as I can. It offers complete respite from the hustle of everyday life and reminds me how lucky I was to grow up surrounded by such awe-inspiring scenery." Last month, Rough Guides named Wales as one of the top five places in the world to visit, an accolade that was preceded by Lonely Planet naming North Wales a top-10 global destination to visit for 2017. -ENDS- For more information, interviews, images, and press trip requests, contact Kate Monohan, Weber Shandwick: [email protected]

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Experience theYearof the Sea for yourself

The.Wales Wav - The Coastal Wav

The Wales Way. is a family of three national routes that lead along the Welsh coast, across castle country and through the mountains. The Coastal Way is a fantastic way to discover the Welsh coastline. The Coastal way runs the entire length of Cardigan Bay -a 180-mile (290km) odyssey that threads between beautiful blue -3*. seas on one side and epic mountains on the other. There is plenty to do and see oh The Coastal Way from sandy beaches and towering cliffs to fishing villages and harbour towns filled with quaint shops and restaurants, serving freshly caught fish daily. Experience The Wales Way, your way:

Runs between: Aberdaron and St Davids


Driving time (non-stop): 4.5 hours

Volvo Ocean Race: Race Village

This year sailing takes centre stage in Cardiff as the Volvo. Ocean Race stops in the UK for the first time in over a decade’ , the former industrial port of Cardiff Bay will host the Volvo Ocean Race for the first time. Come and join the fun at the race village from 27th May - 10th June 2018, and expect a carnival-like atmosphere as teams head to the port. Fans can also get a.first-hand taste of the race with a new "pit lane" experience. The race's simple: it's a round-the-clock pursuit, the ultimate ocean-based marathon, pitting the sport's best sailors against each.other across the world's toughest waters.

For more information:

Castles galore!

With over 600 castles to choose from in Wales, you're never too far away from one, and there's plenty that are by the sea. So take a step into Wales' fascinating history arid experience the sea with your feet firmly on the ground. Explore away whatever the weather, from Caernarfon castle in the North West to castle in South West Wales.

For more information: wales-the-castle-caoital-of-the-world

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lobster . Conwv

Thjs tvyo-hour long trip is the perfect introduction to the Welsh coast. Learn all there is to know about lobsters from skipper Car! Davies, a qualified Marine Biologist.. The safari explores around the cliffs of the Great Orme and, as well as taking in the beautiful scenery, look out for any wildlife that may be around. At the end of the trip, there is ah opportunity to buy fresh lobster and crab for tea! Pricesfor adults are from £20.00 and £14.00 for under 16s. trips run from Easter to October.

For more information:

Rhossili Beach. Swansea

Fancy visiting Europe's best beach? Well look no further than Rhossili beach in Swansea, this spectacular beach was voted the best beach in Europe in Suitcase magazines top 10 beaches in the world. Located on the Gower Peninsula, which became the UK's very first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - learn to surf, enjoy a walk or simply take in the beautiful landscape -r-yy r,f that this beach has to offer. Experienced Swansea Surf School has over ten year's of teaching surf lessons and providing '* ■ ■ ""-***4 friendly professional advice to ensure clients receive their most out of the lesson. The lessons take place at Caswell Beach and Llangennith.

Price: From £25+ (group bookings available.)

For more information: www.swanseasurfing.cofn

Sea Kayaking, Morfa.Bay. Adventure

Experience the wild waters of Wales by sea kayaking with Morfa Bay Adventure. The team at Morfa Bay, on the border to the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park has oyer 30 years of experience in the outdoor adventure industry. Group bookings are available for full weekends, as well as half and full day activities. There are a number of other water sport activities available too.

For more information:

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Dolphin Watching

Cardigan Bay is home to the UK's biggest pod of dolphins. You should be able to spot bottlenose dolphins all year round but there are some locations that are better than others. For example. New Quay in the summer is the ideal site for spotting them, and if you are very lucky, you might be able to spot seals, porpoises, basking sharks and even orcas. If you want to experience an organised tour, A Remember covers around 10 miles on every one-hour trip making sure you see as much as possible. The tours are available from March through to October weather arid tide depending.

For more information on the best locations for dolphin watching:

Beach Barbecue. Porthkerrv. Barry

From coastal paths and sandy walkways, Wales has an array of beautiful beaches to.explore and discover. A tranquil 200 acres of woodland and meadow lead down to the pebble beach of Porthkerry, making it the ideal spot for a beach barbecue. The beach has a purpose built barbecue area to use, bring all your food and admire the very best of the Welsh coastline.

For more information on the best beach barbecue spots: do/attractions/beaches/10-too-barbecue-beaches

Cliff Camping. Gaia Adventures

Experience the Welsh coastline from a thrilling arid completely new perspective. Camp on the side of a cliff and enjoy the feeling of being at one with the <■« y-v> ocean. The team at Gaia Adventures will also cook up a hearty hot meal for you to enjoy as you take in the sea breeze.

Prices start from £300.00 for two people.

For more information:

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Stand-up Paddle Boarding. 360 Swansea

Navigate your way around the fresh seawaters of Swansea on a stand-up paddleboard. Oh flat water, paddle boarding allows you to explore the picturesque sea and enables you to catch the waves early and access breaks that surfers cannot.

Sessions at 360Swansea start from 24th March 2018 1% after closing in the chiller winter months and prices start from £15.00 per person.

For more information:

Scuba Diving. Anglesey Divers

Did you know Anglesey is one of the best drift diving spots in the UK? From beginners to the most experienced divers, the Welsh coast will certainly impress. There's plenty to delve into in Anglesey, including shipwrecksand spectacular marine life.

Start in the introduction pool and continue into the open water, with Anglesey Divers Try Scuba Diving7 one-day course.

For more information:

Beach House. Gower

The Beach House restaurant has been voted the AA Restaurant of the Year for Wales 2018. This beautiful restaurant enjoys a stunning natural setting located right on j Q the soft golden sands of Oxwich Bay with magnificent 'M coastalviews. Head Chef and native Welshman Hywel v. Griffith is passionate about local produce and his team : p'repafe dishes with skill, experience and creativity.

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White Water Rafting. Cardiff International White Water

Head to the hustle and bustle of the capital city and experience something completely different to what your average city would offer: white water rafting. i HBliU: Cardiff International White-Water is based in Cardiff Bay, where the Volvo Ocean Race will come to the UK for the first time in a decade later this year. Take part in their watercourse with up to five friends. Prices start from £40.00 per person.

For more information:

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