20Th-Century Repertory

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20Th-Century Repertory Mikrokosmos List 643. - 2 - March 2019 ....20TH-CENTURY REPERTORY 1 Akbarov, Ikram: Vln Con 2; 4 Pieces (vcl, cham orch) - Mansurov vln, Amelin vcl, MELODIYA C10 26147 A 25 cond.Azimov 1987 S 2 Andriessen, Louis: De Staat, Il Principe, Il Duce, Hoketus - De Nijs, R.Alexander, 2 x COMPOSERS' CV 7702 A 15 cond.Vis (gatefold) S 3 Baird: Jutro - Szostek-Radkova, Artysz, Pawlak, Ostrowski, cond.Czajkowski MUZA SX 1057 A 8 (gatefold) (p.1974) S 4 Bargielski, Zbigniew: Vln Con/Szabelski: Pno Concerto/Schaffer: Quartet (ob, strgs) MUZA SX 1682 A 30 - Wilkomirska vln, Zmudzinski pno, Padzialek ob, etc, cond.Wit, Stryja Warsaw Autumn, 1978 S 5 Bargielski: Quartetto per archi 2/ K.Meyer: SQ 6 - Wilanow SQ 1982 S PRO VIVA ISPV 114 A 8 6 Blechinger, Alexander: Pno Con/Richard Maux: Die Unbekannte von der Seine - KKM 3054 A 8 Igo Koch pno, ORF SO, cond.Polivnick, K.Etti c.1990 S 7 Bloch, Ernest: SQ 2; Prelude; Night; 2 Pieces for SQ - Pro Arte Quartet S LAUREL LR 126 A 8 8 Bloch: SQ 2/Lerdahl: SQ 2 - Pro Arte SQ (p.1984) LAUREL LR 128 A 8 9 Bloch: Suite (vla, orch); Schelomo - M.Katims, L.Varga, cond.H.Siegl, S.Landau TURNABOUT TV-S 34622 A 8 1975, 1974 S 10 Brant, Henry: Vuur Onder Water, Crossing the Bridge Before You Come to BVHAAST 52 A 15 It/Snyder, Amy: Ozark Brush Meeting - Pacific North Sea Musicians, Gijsbrecht van Aemstelkwartet 1983-4 S 11 Bruzdowicz: Sonate d'Octobre/Messiaen: 8 Preludes - Delle Vigne pno (gatefold) PAVANE ADW 7054 A 10 c.1980 S 12 Cage: 30 pieces for 5 Orch (cond.P.Eotvos); Music for Piano (Jeney, Wilheim, HUNGAROT SLPD 12893 A 8 Vidovszky, Sary, Dukay) 1986 S 13 Cage: Credo In US/U.Grahn: In the Shade/Tortensson: Redskap/Rudzinski: CAPRICE CAP 1265 A 15 Campanella - Malmo Percussion Ens 1981 S LC 14 Carter, Eliott: Con for Orch/ W.Schuman: In Praise of Shahn - New York PO, COLUMBIA M 30112 A 8 cond.Bernstein S 15 Carter, Elliott: 8 Etudes & Fant/ Schuller: Woodwind Quintet/ I.Fine: Partita - New CONCERT DI M 1229 A 8 York Woodwind Quintet S 16 Carter, Elliott: Pocahontas suite (cond.Monod), Pno Son (C.Rosen pno) (p.1962) EPIC LC 3850 A 10 (gold US) 17 Carter, Elliott: Sonata for Fl, On, Vcl & Hrpschrd; Sonata for Vcl & Pno - Krosnick, NONESUCH H 71234 A 8 Jacobs, etc S 18 Carter, Elliott: Sym 1; Holiday Ov; Pocahontas Ste - American Composers Orch, CRI SD 475 A++ 10 cond.P.Dunkel 1982 S 19 Carter, Elliot: Piano Sonata, Sonata for Vcl & Pno - Webster, Makas pno, DESTO DST 6419 A 8 Greenhouse vcl PS 20 Carter, Elliot: Triple Duo; In Sleep, In Thunder - Fires of London, London Sinfonietta, NONESUCH 9 79110 A 8 cond.Knussen, M.Hill 1983.1982 S 21 Carter: Pastoral/Russo, John: Cl Son 4/Davison, John: Introduction & ORION ORS 77275 A 8 Dance/Devienne, Francois: Cl Son 1 - Russo cl, Ignacio pno, Curtiss vla (p.1977) S 22 Chatman: On the Contrary (Onofrey cl, cond.Hodkinson); Hesitation/ Morgan, R: Fl CRI SD 414 A++ 8 Trio/ Hudson, Joe: Fantasy\Refrain (t.1977, 1978) S March 2019 - 3 - Mikrokosmos List 643. 23 Chihara: Ceremony II/ Chou Wen-Chung: Suite for Harp & SQ/ Earl Kim: Earthlight/ NEW WORLD NW 237 A++ 10 Reynolds: From Behind (gatefold) (p.1977) S 24 Chihara: Grass (con for db & orch), Ceremony I, III - Neidlinger db, cond.Marriner TURNABOUT QTV-S 34572 A 8 (p.1974) S 25 Chihara: Prince of the City (sound track) - cond.Delerue (p.1981) S VARESE SAR STV 81137 A++ 8 26 Chihara: Symin Celebration; Missa Carminum - Houston SO, Foster 1976 S CANDIDE QCE 31101 A 8 27 Chihara: The Tempest ballet - cond.Le Roux (gatefold) 1981 S 2 x MMG 201 A 15 28 Claflin, Avery: La Grande Breteche opera - Brinton, Owens, etc, Vienna SO, CRI 108 A 8 cond.Ch.Adler 29 Collier: Theme & Vars/Holmboe: Triade/Werner: Duo/S.Weiner: Phant 1 - Tarr tr, BIS LP 151 A++ 10 Westenholz pno (gatefold) S 30 Constant, Marius: Le Souper opera - Gui bar, cond.Couraud (French gatefold) S PHILIPS 6504008 A 15 31 Copland: Pno Quartet, Sextet, Vitebsk - comp.pno, Juilliard SQ, Wright cl (p.1967) S COLUMBIA M 30376 A 8 32 Corigliano, John: Violin Sonata/ N.Flagello: Declamation, Violin Sonata - E.Fodor LAUREL LR 137 A 10 vln, Portney pno (p.1986) S 33 Corigliano: Cl Con (Drucker)/ Barber: 3rd Essay - New York PO, cond.Mehta NEW WORLD NW 309 A 8 (gatefold) (p.1981) S 34 Cotel, Morris: Pno Sonata (comp.pno); August 12, 1952: The Night of the Murdered GRENADILLA GS 1051 A++ 8 Poets (narr, hn, perc, cb, pf) - D.Masuzzo db, R.Hein hn, R.Gibbs vib, cond.comp (p.1979) S 35 Dahl, Ingolf: Piano Music (Sonata Seria, Sonata Pastorale, Hymn) - Fierro pno ORION ORS 76209 A 8 (p.1975) S 36 Dallinger, Fridolin: Sym 1 "Bauernkriegssymphonie"/Gattermeyer, Heinrich: 5 PREISER SPR 142 A 8 Szenen (str orch) - cond.Guschlbauer, Stych S 37 David, Gyula: Sonata for Fl & Pno (Jeney, Schneider)/R.Sugar: SQ 2 (Tatrai SQ) 10" HUNGAROT HLPSZK 3505 A 8 OLD 38 Dessau: Sym 2 (cond.Kleinert), Appell der Arbeiterklasse (Burmeister, Buchner, NOVA 885143 A 10 cond.Kegel) 1977 S 39 Dessau\Brecht: Lukullus - Melchert, Carmeli, Krahmer, Schreier, Burmeister, 2 x TELEFUNKEN SLT 43096 A 15 GD6 cond.Kegel S 40 Dusek, Robert: Cl Con/Hovhaness: Lament/Wolking, Henry: House of Sky/Lieuwe, CONTEMPORA 8947 A 8 Peter: Sonatina (pf) - W.Rose pno, B.Colorado cl, cond.R.Olson.F.Schatz (p.1989) S 41 Eakin, Charles: Frames - P.Parmelee pno (1985) S OWL 31 A 12 42 Eaton, John: Danton & Robespierre opera - cond.Baldner S 3 x CRI IUS 421 A++ 20 43 Eaton: Microtonal Fantasy; Prelude to Myshkin; Songs for RPB; Piece for Solo Syn- DECCA DL(P) 10154 A 8 Ket No 3 - comp.Syn-ket, pf, M.Hirayama sop, R.Trythall pno (white promo label) 44 Egk: Peer Gynt opera - Hermann, Wulkopf, Hopf, Lovaas, cond.Wallberg dig, 3 x ORFEO S 5823 A 20 1981 S 45 Einem: Bruckner Dialogue, Philadelphia Sym - cond.Horvat S CLASSICAL CE 11051 A 8 46 Ellsasser: Paganini Variations; Chopin Variations - comp organ MGM E 3417 A 8 47 Elston, Arnold: SQ (1961)/Binkerd: Vcl Son - Pro Arte SQ, Drinkall, Corbett CRI SD 289 A 8 (p.1972) S 48 Elwell, Herbert: 4 Songs/Verrall: SQ 7/Walker: Spatials Pno Sonata 2; Spektra S CRI SD 270 A 8 49 Ephros, Gershon: Aeolian SQ (Silvermine SQ); Vocalise (Lavanne sop); Children's TIKVA T(AU) 87 A 10 Suite (Brall calto); Halleluja (autographed by the author) Mikrokosmos List 643. - 4 - March 2019 50 Farkas, Ferenc: Nyirbatori toronyzene/Kodaly: Hary: Intermezzo/Beethoven: PRIVATE BP 196 A 8 Romance in F (Denes KOVACS vln)/Tchaikovsky: Romeo - cond.Torok, T.Gal live, 1989 S 51 Felix, Vaclav: Cl Fantasy/Debussy: Cl Rhap (Mikhailov cl)/Mozart: Fl Con K.313 MELODIYA D 14951 A 12 (Shcherbachev fl) - Moscow RSO, cond.Aranovich 52 Ferneyhough, Brian: SQ 2/Harvey, Jonathan: SQ 2/Carter: SQ 3 - Arditti SQ RCA RS 9006 A 8 (gatefold) London, 1982 S 53 Flagello, Nicolas: Capriccio (vcl, orch); Concertino (pf, brass, timp); 3 Episodes; 3 SERENUS SRS 12003 A 8 Dances (pf); Chorale & Episode (10 brass) - G.Koutzen vcl, E.Marshall pno, cond.comp (p.1964) S 54 Flagello, Nicolas: Lautrec (orch ste)/Abramson, Robert: Dance Var (pf, orch) - SERENUS SRS 12014 A 8 Rome SO, cond.comps S 55 Flagello, Nicolas: Contemplazioni di Michelangelo, An Island in the Moon - N.Tatum, SERENUS SRS 12005 A 8 cond.comp (p.1965) S 56 Foss, Lukas: SQ 3, Music for 6, Curriculum Vitae - Columbia SQ, Klucevsek CRI SD 413 A 8 accordion, Univ of Buffalo Perc Ens (p.1980) S 57 Glantz, Leib: Rinat Hakodesh - comp.tenor (worn jacket) HEBRAICA LP 2 A 8 58 Gliere: Trumpet Con/Peskin: Nocturne & Scherzo/Gottlieb: Theme & Vars/V.Petrov: MELODIYA C10 17863 A 30 Suite - Dokshitser trumpet, Brass Band 1978-80 S 59 Gold, Ernest: Songs of Love and Parting/Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Coplas - M.Nixon, CRYSTAL S 501 A 8 Vienna Volksoper Orch, cond.E.Gold (p.1974) S 60 Gold, Ernest: Sym for 5 Insts (I.Baker Ens)/ Borisoff: Paganini Vars (American Ch CRYSTAL S 862 A 8 Virtuosi) S 61 Grinblat: Pno Con/Gershwin: Pno Con - Pechersky, cond.Kondrashin, A.Jansons MELODIYA D 22199 A 10 62 Grisey: Modulations/Harvey: Mortous Plango/Dufourt: Antiphysis - Ens ERATO STU 71544 A 15 InterContemporain, cond.Boulez 1982 S 63 Grofe: Aviation Suite; Hudson River Suite; Mississippi Suite - - Promenade Orch, CBS LSP 15542 A 12 cond.J.Stulen 1983 S 64 Harty, Hamilton: Pno Con; In Ireland, With the Wild Geese - Binns pno, CHANDOS ABRD 1084 A 8 cond.Thomson 1983 (gatefold) S 65 Henze: Kammersonate/ F.Martin: Trio/ Mendelssohn: Pno Trio Op.66 - Trio HARMONIA M HM 669 A 8 Fontenay (gatefold) (p.1984) S 66 Hindemith: SQs Op.16, 22 - Kreuzberger SQ (gatefold) (p.1976) S TELEFUNKEN 642077 A 8 67 Hindemith: Wind Quintet Op.24\2/Debussy: La Petit Negre/Ibert: 3 Short MELODIYA D 7319 A 10 CR1 Pcs/Roussel: Divertissement - Letrocquer, Trouba, Gabe, etc (good jacket) 10" OLD 68 Hunnekink, Bernard: In het woud is veel te doen - Orkest de Volharding (lightish SOLIDARIDA 6814268 A 8 brass music) (gatefold) 1977 S 69 Jarrett, Keith: Metamorphosis (fl, orch), Fughata (hrpschrd), A Pagan Hymn (pno, 2 x ECM 1033 A 30 SQ), Short Pieces for Gtr & Strings, Crystal Moment (vcl, 2 trombones), In the Cave (pno, perc, orch) S 70 Kalomiris, Malonis: Piano Trio Op.22 - Hellenic Trio (p.1984) S LYRA 276 A 15 71 Karabyts, Ivan: Concerto for Orch, Concertino, Fire Adoration cantata - cond.
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