Informing the Blue Helmets: the United States, Un Peacekeeping Operations, and the Role of Intelligence
INFORMING THE BLUE HELMETS INFORMING THE BLUE HELMETS: THE UNITED STATES, UN PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS, AND THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE Robert E. Rehbein Centre for International Relations, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1996 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Rehbein, Robert E., 1959– Informing the blue helmets : the United States, UN peace operations, and the role of intelligence (Martello papers, ISSN 1183-3661 ; 16) ISBN 0-88911-705-5 1. United Nations – United States. 2. Intelligence service – United States. 3. United Nations – Armed Forces. I. Queen’s University (Kingston, Ont.). Centre for International Relations. II. Title. III. Series. JX1977.2.U5RA 1996 341.2’373 C96-930235-5 © Copyright 1996 The Martello Papers The Queen’s University Centre for International Relations (QCIR) is pleased to present the sixteenth in its series of security studies, the Martello Papers. Taking their name from the distinctive towers built during the nineteenth century to defend Kingston, Ontario, these papers cover a wide range of topics and issues relevant to international strategic relations of today. Over the past several years, as peacekeeping activity has become more substan- tial in Europe and the Americas, the Centre has devoted increasing attention to it. The experience of peacekeepers in complex post-Cold War conflicts has under- lined the importance of intelligence capabilities in peacekeeping. Given the dearth of in-house intelligence resources in the United Nations system, it is frequently assumed that peacekeepers must rely to a considerable extent on national intelli- gence gathering capabilities, and notably those of the United States. This Martello Paper, by Robert Rehbein of the United States Air Force, addresses the question of US intelligence support for UN peace operations.
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