History and Hope CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd i 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM IHA BOOK SERIES The International Humanitarian Affairs book series, edited by Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., is devoted to improving the effectiveness of humanitarian relief programs. With contributions by leading professionals, the books are practical guides to responding to the many different effects of civil strife, natural disasters, epidemics, and other crises. All books are available online at www.fordhampress.com. Books marked with an asterisk are available in French translation from Robert Laffont of Paris; books marked with a double asterisk are available in Spanish, German, Arabic, and French. Preventive Diplomacy: Stopping Wars Before They Start, 2000* Basics of International Humanitarian Missions, 2003* Emergency Relief Operations, 2003* Traditions, Values, and Humanitarian Action, 2003* Human Security for All: A Tribute to Sergio Vieira de Mello, 2004 Technology for Humanitarian Action, 2004 To Bear Witness: A Journey of Healing and Solidarity, 2005* Tropical Medicine: A Clinical Text, 7th edition, 2006 The Pulse of Humanitarian Assistance, 2007 Even in Chaos: Education in Times of Emergency, 2010 Sudan at the Brink: Self-Determination and National Unity, F. D. Deng, 2010** Tropical Medicine: A Clinical Text, 8th edition (Jubilee Edition), 2011* More with Less: Disasters in an Era of Diminishing Resources, 2012 IIHA OCCASIONAL PAPERS Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., Abdulrahim Abby Farah, Abdirazak Haji Hussen, and David Shinn, The Future of Somalia: Stateless and Tragic, 2004 Mark Malloch Brown, International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance, 2006 Francis Deng, Sudan: From Genocidal Wars to Frontiers of Peace and Unity, 2006 Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., The University and Humanitarian Action, 2008 Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., Romance and Reality in Humanitarian Action, 2008 Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., Gaza: Destruction and Hope, 2009 Daithi O’Ceallaigh, The Tale Towards a Treaty—A Ban on Cluster Munition, 2010 CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd iiii 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM History and Hope THE INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN READER Edited by KEVIN M. CAHILL, M.D. A JOINT PUBLICATION OF FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS AND THE CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN COOPERATION NEW YORK 2013 CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd iiiiii 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM Copyright © 2013 The Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. Fordham University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Fordham University Press also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data History and hope : the international humanitarian reader / edited by Kevin M. Cahill, M.D. — First edition. pages cm. — (International humanitarian affairs) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8232-5196-4 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8232-5197-1 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Humanitarian assistance. 2. International relief. 3. Humanitarianism. I. Cahill, Kevin M. HV544.5.H57 2013 361.2—dc23 2012046488 Printed in the United States of America 15 14 13 5 4 3 2 1 First edition All royalties from this book go to the training of humanitarian workers. CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd iivv 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM For Herbert Allen, whose steady, generous support of my clinical programs, research, and academic initiatives has changed dreams and visions into realities CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd v 22/14/13/14/13 11:09:09 AAMM CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd vvii 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM Contents Foreword LORD DAVID OWEN xi List of Acronyms and Abbreviations xiii Acknowledgments xix Introduction KEVIN M. CAHILL, M.D. 1 PART I. HISTORY Humanitarian Action in the Twenty-First Century: The Danger of a Setback PAUL GROSSRIEDER 14 Humanitarian Ethical and Legal Standards MICHEL VEUTHEY 26 Humanitarian Vignettes NICOLA SMITH AND LARRY HOLLINGWORTH 40 Humanitarian Response in the Era of Global Mobile Information Technology VALERIE AMOS 43 PART II. PRINCIPLES/VALUES Neutrality or Impartiality ALAIN DESTEXHE, M.D. 54 Torture TIMOTHY W. HARDING, M.D. 69 vii CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd vviiii 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM CONTENTS Issues of Power and Gender in Complex Emergencies JUDY A. BENJAMIN 84 Terrorism: Theory and Reality LARRY HOLLINGWORTH 97 A Human Rights Agenda for Global Security IRENE KHAN 112 PART III. EVOLVING NORMS The Limits of Sovereignty FRANCIS DENG 124 The Child Protection Viewpoint ALEC WARGO 140 Preserving Humanitarian Space in Long-Term Confl ict PETER HANSEN 155 Humanitarian Action in a New Barbarian Age DAVID RIEFF 169 PART IV. ACTORS The Challenges of Preventive Diplomacy: The Role of the United Nations and Its Secretary-General BOUTROS BOUTROS-GHALI 178 Initial Response to Complex Emergencies and Natural Disasters ED TSUI 192 The Peacekeeping Prescription KOFI A. ANNAN 208 Reviving Global Civil Society After September 11 RICHARD FALK 222 The Academy and Humanitarian Action JOSEPH A. O’HARE, S.J. 235 viii CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd vviiiiii 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM CONTENTS Government Responses to Foreign Policy Challenges PETER TARNOFF 243 Disasters and the Media JEREMY TOYE 255 Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination: Looking Beyond the “Latest and Greatest” CHRISTOPHER HOLSHEK 270 PART V. OPERATIONAL Evidence-Based Health Assessment Process in Complex Emergencies FREDERICK M. BURKLE JR., M.D. 288 Teamwork in Emergency Humanitarian Relief Situations PAMELA LUPTON-BOWERS 303 Education as a Survival Strategy: Sixty Years of Schooling for Palestinian Refugees SAM ROSE 320 What Can Modern Society Learn from Indigenous Resiliency? MARGARETA WAHLSTROM 335 PART VI. EXIT STRATEGIES To Bind Our Wounds: A One-Year Post-9/11 Address KEVIN M. CAHILL, M.D. 340 The Transition from Confl ict to Peace RICHARD RYSCAVAGE, S.J. 346 Humanitarianism’s Age of Reason GHASSAN SALAMÉ 356 Healing with a Single History RICHARD J. GOLDSTONE 370 ix CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd iixx 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM CONTENTS PART VII. EPILOGUE The Evolution of a Tropicalist KEVIN M. CAHILL, M.D. 382 Disturb Us, O Lord SIR FRANCIS DRAKE 389 Appendix: the IIHA Resource Library 391 Notes 393 List of Contributors 429 The Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation and the Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs 433 Index 435 x CCH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.inddH00_FM_2012_016_FUP_Cahill_p00i-xii.indd x 22/13/13/13/13 88:38:38 PPMM Foreword Lord David Owen The pursuit of the goals of humanitarianism, whether through assistance or inter- vention, has no single way, follows no preconceived pattern. Almost by defi nition, each experience is different. This means, more perhaps than in any other human activity, that practitioners have to be ready to learn from experience and adapt to circumstance. As the editor of, contributor to, and inspiration of this much-needed book, Kevin Cahill brings the insights of a clinician in tropical medicine and public health, as well as those of an academic in humanitarian studies. Standing behind the book are twelve volumes still with much relevance to present issues into which readers can delve. The Introduction warns that humanitarian professionals have to “tread softly, to offer change with great care. Attempts to introduce new methods and replace timeworn approaches can be devastating, especially in times of crises, when a society is extremely vulnerable and utterly dependent on strangers for the essentials of life.” In the summer of 2012, the world watched as a horrendous civil war developed in Syria with appalling humanitarian consequences, and international diplomacy, hopefully only for a short time, died with it. Yet even amidst these troubled times, this book is a testament to the humanitarian instinct which demands that we develop better policies and improve our techniques, our delivery, and above all our under- standing. What it also demonstrates is that the structures of humanitarian activity are adjusting, evolving, and triumphing in many diverse and challenging surroundings. The era of unbridled humanitarian intervention in support of human rights, which began with saving the Kurds in Iraq in 1991, looks as if it has had its day and that what happened over Libya could not be repeated over Syria. The circumstances were very different, but the months-long deadlock in the Security Council carries a warning, particularly for the fi ve veto-carrying permanent members, that diplomacy must never die. An adjustment to the sweeping delegation of “all necessary powers,” in
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