Oral History in the United States. a Directory. INSTITUTION Oral History Association, New York, N
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 059 135 SO 002 392 AUTHOR Shumway, Gary L. TITLE Oral History in the United States. A Directory. INSTITUTION Oral History Association, New York, N. Y. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 121p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 He-$6. 58 DESCRIPTORS *Directories; *Field Interviews; Institutional Research; *Library Collections; National Surveys; Resource Guides; Resource Materials; *Tape Recordings; *United States History IDENTIFIERS *Oral History; Primary Source Materials; Transcripts ABSTRACT This vollme brings together, by state, all of the oral history materials in existence in 45 states and the District of Cf,lumbia, so far as the Oral History Association has been able to uncover them. Oral history is defined as primary source materialin the form of tape a:Id/or transcript resulting from recorded interviews with persons deemed likely to harbor recollections of interest to scholars. The topical range of the 230 indexed collections is wide, including terms of interest to the political scientist, art historian, medical scholar, student of the civil rights movement, musicologist, labor expert,economist,science writer, urbanist, and many others. In public affairs the range runs from country courthouses to Presidential administrations. Archives of recorded sound, collections which consist primarily of speeches, folk music, radio interviews, and the like, are not considered within the scope of oral history. Collection entries ir-lude institution address, major topic, memoirs of note, purpose, age and funding of the project, and extent of holdings., Lists of institutional collections intended for internal use and other institutions planning collections are appended.(Author/DJB) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION 111 WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY Oral History IN THE UNITED STATES A Directory Compiled by Gary L.
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