Enculturation of Kledi Dayak kebahan Penyelopat (Inheritance, Organology Study, and playing techniques of Traditional Musical Instrumentin remote area of West Kalimantan) Imam Ghozali Lecturer in Performing Arts Education Study Program FKIP University Tanjungpura Pontianak. (
[email protected]) ABSTRACT The background of this study is Kledi's conservation problems, musical instruments that have local wisdom values are still traditionally preserved in West Kalimantan. Kledi is the production of local culture tradition of the people especially in Engkurai areawhich has been very difficult to find. Therefore it is necessary to maintain and develop it. Thus it is necessary to do assessmentofthe musical instrument through this research. The study used qualitative methods with interpretive analytic descriptive research.The data collected are in the form of matters relating to inheritance pattern, the way of making, basic materials, and the technique for playing Kledi's musical instrument. Data collection technique use technical observation, interview, and document study. Test of the validity in the data is done through in-depth interview and triangulation of source also technique. Based on data processing result and analysiswhich have been done, it can be concluded that organologically Kledi traditional musical instrument isinflatable devicemusical instrument typically of Dayak Kebahan Penyelopatpeople, because all the constituent elements of the tool are found in nature and in typical of local areasuch as reed, pumpkin, apin, and gum klulut. Technique of Traditional Musical Instrument ofDayak Kebahan Penyelopat generally has the same technique with other inflatable device, specifically it can be played homophone, added with one distinctive tone of traditional musical instrument that ise tone.