Congressional Record—Senate S5501

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Congressional Record—Senate S5501 September 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5501 for the U.S. Air Force Academy. Not band, Joe; son, Lucas; their many tionwide for their work in providing long after that, he received a telegram friends and loved ones; and fellow Ida- children with loving, stable homes. from the Air Force Academy saying he hoans and Americans in celebrating Patrick and Laura’s adoption story had been accepted. In a long and distin- the hard work and dedication that paid began when Patrick was finishing up guished career flying transport planes off in Rio. Congratulations, Kristin, on his medical residency in Arkansas. for the U.S. Air Force, Ed visited all 50 bringing home the gold yet again. We Patrick and Laura, along with their States, many countries, and all 7 con- wish you continued success in all of three children, Jadon, Will, and David, tinents. your future challenges.∑ decided to foster Micah, a boy born pre- After his retirement from the U.S. f mature and coping with special needs. Air Force, Ed joined AVCO, which be- After hearing the statistics on chil- came Textron Systems Division. As- TRIBUTE TO DON BERNARD dren in foster homes, Patrick and suming many roles with many jobs and ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today I Laura did not give a second thought; titles for Textron, he worked his way wish to congratulate Clark County they knew that fostering Micah would up to become vice president and om- School District special education give him the best chance to succeed. budsman, a title and job he thoroughly teacher Don Bernard on receiving the Soon after, the Munsons adopted enjoyed. Heart of Education Award. This award Micah. Ed Josephson has been a strong and is truly prestigious and attained by While the Munson family will tell effective advocate for many New only the most influential educators you that raising a child who has spent Hampshire veteran organizations, hav- throughout our State. time in foster care can sometimes ing served with great distinction as the The Heart of Education Award recog- present its challenges, they fully and chair of the legislative committee for nizes educators who have gone above wholeheartedly embrace their life with the New Hampshire State Veterans Ad- and beyond for their students. The Micah. Each year, awardees from all 50 visory Committee, and with the board Smith Center for the Performing Arts States, plus the District of Columbia of directors for the Military Officers honored 800 finalists for their excep- and Puerto Rico, are invited to come Association of New Hampshire. Ed was tional service to our Nation’s youth. Of together in Washington, DC, to partici- proud of his work in the U.S. Air Force those 800 finalists, 21 educators re- pate in events that celebrate their he- Academy Association, which was an ceived special recognition and an out- roic actions and enable them to use important part of his life. He believed standing commemorative Heart of Edu- their personal experience to effect the values expressed in the Honor Code cation Award for their dedication. Spe- cifically, Mr. Bernard was recognized change on a national level. were the most important, and he lived It is important that we recognize for his outstanding work with special his life by those values every day. families like the Munsons who fulfill Lt. Col. Ed Josephson passed away on education students. the roles of foster and adoptive par- September 4 with his family at his side. Mr. Bernard began his career as an ents. They open their hearts and homes He joins his daughter Karen Baker, attorney, working to assist juveniles to children in need of loving families. who predeceased him on December 22, who struggled within the justice sys- These families have bestowed a gift 2014, and leaves behind his wife, Judy tem. In 1997, he moved to Las Vegas onto others in an immeasurable way, Josephson, of 53 years, son Edward An- and continued his endeavors to aid vul- and the impact of their love is pro- drew ‘‘Andy’’ Josephson from Charles- nerable youth as a special needs teach- found. It brings me great pride to ton, SC, and granddaughter Monica er. For over a decade, Mr. Bernard has honor Patrick and Laura as my nomi- Louise Josephson of Bayreuth, Ger- been a dedicated Clark County School nees for the 2016 Angels in Adoption many, now living in Bucksport, ME, District educator, and he continues to Award.∑ his brother Michael A. Josephson from better the lives of special needs chil- Webster, NH, and many others. Our dren in and out of the classroom. f thoughts and prayers are with Judy Southern Nevada is fortunate to have MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT and the family, but we are confident someone of such dedication working on Messages from the President of the that they will be comforted in knowing behalf of Nevada’s students. United States were communicated to that Ed’s legacy of service and advo- As a father of four children who at- the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- cacy will live on across New Hamp- tended Nevada’s public schools and as retaries. shire. We will be forever grateful that the husband of a teacher, I understand f he called our great State home.∑ the important role that educators play EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED f in enriching the lives of Nevada’s youth. Mr. Bernard has worked tire- As in executive session the Presiding TRIBUTE TO KRISTIN ARMSTRONG lessly to help prepare students across Officer laid before the Senate messages ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, my col- southern Nevada to succeed in their from the President of the United league Senator JIM RISCH joins me academic endeavors, and I am grateful States submitting sundry nominations today in congratulating fellow Idahoan to have him serving as an ally to fu- and a withdrawal which were referred Kristin Armstrong on winning the gold ture generations of Nevadans. to the appropriate committees. medal in cycling at the XXXI Olympic I ask my colleagues and all Nevadans (The messages received today are Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, to join me in thanking Mr. Bernard for printed at the end of the Senate pro- Brazil. his dedication to enriching the lives of ceedings.) Kristin Armstrong, of Boise, ID, rep- Nevada’s students and congratulating f resented our State and Nation with dis- him on receiving this award. I wish tinction, winning an unprecedented him well as he continues creating suc- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE third straight gold medal in the Olym- cess for all students who enter the At 3:02 p.m., a message from the pic cycling individual time trial. This Clark County School District.∑ House of Representatives, delivered by gold is another achievement in her re- f Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, markable cycling career. She also took announced that the House has passed home the gold in the 2012 Olympics in TRIBUTE TO PATRICK AND LAURA the following bills, in which it requests London and the 2008 Olympics in Bei- MUNSON the concurrence of the Senate: jing after competing in the 2004 Olym- ∑ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I H.R. 2357. An act to direct the Securities pics in Athens. In addition to her wish to recognize Patrick and Laura and Exchange Commission to revise Form S– Olympic and many other successes, Munson of Sioux Falls, SD, as my 3 so as to add listing and registration of a Kristin has earned two gold, a silver, nominees for the 2016 Angels in Adop- class of common equity securities on a na- tion Award. Since 1999, the Angels in tional securities exchange as an additional and a bronze medals in world cham- basis for satisfying the requirements of Gen- pionship competitions. Adoption Program, through the Con- eral Instruction I.B.1. of such form and to re- Kristin inspires countless others to gressional Coalition on Adoption Insti- move such listing and registration as a re- push beyond the limits of what is tute, has honored over 2,000 individ- quirement of General Instruction I.B.6. of thought possible. We join with her hus- uals, couples, and organizations na- such form. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Sep 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12SE6.022 S12SEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S5502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 12, 2016 H.R. 5424. An act to amend the Investment management, and for other purposes; to the on terms no less favorable than the Advisers Act of 1940 and to direct the Securi- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and coverage provided for anticancer medi- ties and Exchange Commission to amend its Forestry. cations administered by a health care rules to modernize certain requirements re- By Mr. SASSE (for himself, Mr. provider. lating to investment advisers, and for other PORTMAN, Mr. COTTON, Mr. MCCAIN, purposes. and Mr. VITTER): S. 1684 The message also announced that the S. 3311. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- At the request of Mr. KIRK, the name House has passed the following bill, enue Code of 1986 to exempt individuals of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. whose health plans under the Consumer Op- without amendment: MORAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. erated and Oriented Plan program have been 1684, a bill to amend the Volunteer Pro- S. 2040. An act to deter terrorism, provide terminated from the individual mandate tection Act of 1997 to provide for liabil- justice for victims, and for other purposes. penalty; to the Committee on Finance.
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