Me:'J-At-Arms Series 247 Romano-Byzantine Armies 4Th-9Th Centuries
Gm:m MIUTARY ME:'J-AT-ARMS SERIES 247 ROMANO-BYZANTINE ARMIES 4TH-9TH CENTURIES [) \\lD "'COLI,f. PIID\"eiCS \IcBRIDf. EDITOR: MARTlN WINDROW ~ 247 ROMANO-BYZANTINE ARMIES 4TH-9TH CENTURIES Text by DAVID NICOLLE PHD Colour plates by ANGUS McBRIDE ~t1tj ....."" Dod,ctI'H>n .... , .. t JIM F... <.ii... lludl JOt<;o..._-.~,..-.,.0\ l(;opo........~'q' j .... 1I.Jy. ..,./f.q! fl.-t<'<t ~1"'7·I.J"'II '""""" ....... _ ....\jooft_.. 6oio.s..:.., .... (It~f-f_·._ha ......._.....,,--~ '"' .. ...._j _ .."'-P!.... l:Irooop: "-'I<&. I....... C.utf; ................ ""bIO<oo__• lot .... O"'.".r in"..."....UIN _ ·....-.... b ) . G,.,~J ",,,in{tI. 'lIa/y-' ., 001 d«tn>W.<lo<1riboI, < -.:lo.-.I ..,......-..,.,iup-........., ... (Rober, 1I.....'n'~' ............ ~_,""pnorP'" "'_ ""'~... !Io ..._. ~.....",rirt oJooolJ "" ~"' ~,'OIhIO<O- ,h'ist's '\IOle R""I0'" m.y ,,,rc to nO," {~" (~" orig;n.ll"'in,ing< ISI<r> , IU.l""" f",m ,,~'C~ I~" ""I"", pl.,,,, in l~", I,,,o~ "'n" p,,,poml ... .-,.il.ble ror Pli....u"le. All fOPlod"'UOfl c<>pyriJht .. ho~""'Ill.........d It) the publ..h.... All enquiries "'DUld bo: .ddrastd t(" PO 80.0: "IS, """"'lholtlwn, f Su..., 8:-.. ..; .>51- Thc~rq .... 1hat tMJ""-" _ .... ~nceuporl IM"",tla r............... houaL; t, _boo!"","" \1.... J*- oo: ",. "~n \I........ G-o...... c.taloo,;o>t ~mftOt. ~ blltohi'" 1...1. \hebd;n , Fulhom Jr. ...d. I_S\\J'1l1l ROMANO-BYZANTINE ARMIES INTRODUCTION gorri",m dUlies dccline<l;n qu.l,,). Mun.. hil" 10le Roman Empcrors gcnc....lIy o,,"cd ,heir l"""ion !O lh. orm)'; power ofien 10)' ;n lhe h.nd.
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