A STUDY ON STRUCTURAL REFORM IN POLAND 2013-2018 Written by: Anna Dzienis, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute Arkadiusz Michał Kowalski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute Marek Lachowicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute Marta Mackiewicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute Tomasz M. Napiórkowski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute Marzenna Anna Weresa, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, World Economy Research Institute 2018 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Directorate A — Competitiveness and European Semester Unit A.2 — European Semester and Member States’ Competitiveness Contact: Tomas Brännström E-mail:
[email protected] European Commission B-1049 Brussels 2 A Study on Structural Reform in Poland 2013–2018 A STUDY ON STRUCTURAL REFORM IN POLAND 2013–2018 Final Report (30 November 2018) Study carried out within the Framework Service Contract 'Studies in the Area of European Competitiveness' (ENTR/300/PP/2013/FC-WIFO) World Economy Research Institute (WERI), Collegium of World Economy SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Warsaw, December 2018 1 A Study on Structural Reform in Poland 2013–2018 Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone boxes or hotels may charge you).