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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-36429-4 - A History of Polish Christianity Jerzy Kloczowski Index More information Index Main subject entries are arranged in alphabetical order. Subheadings beneath the main subject headings are arranged in chronological order to reflect the development of themes. The designa- tion ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ after the name of an individual indicates that they were King or Queen of Poland. Aachen rule 17 Armenians 91, 132 abortion 341 August III, King 130, 134 Academy of Catholic Theology (Akademia Augustine, St, Rule of 18, 24 Teologee Katolickiej, ATK) 313, 320 Augustinian Canons 61 Action Franc¸aise, Pius XI condems 263 Augustinian Friars or Hermits: thirteenth Adalbert, Bishop (representative of Holy century 33, 41; seventeenth and Roman Emperor Otto III at Kievan eighteenth centuries 143 court) 10 Austria: policy towards Poland, eighteenth Adalbert, St see Wojciech, St century 130–1; Maria Theresa, Empress Adamski, Stanislaw, Bishop 299 of Austria 192; Joseph II, Emperor of Adventists 275, 301, 313 Austria 170, 172, 192; policies affecting Albertines xxxv, 245 the churches after Austrian Partition Alexander (Bishop of Plock) 25 190–2, 198; diplomatic relations with the Alexander I, Tsar (1801–25) 191, 193–4 Vatican, nineteenth century 206; see also Anabaptists 86, 94, 98, 104 Partitions ancestor worship 9 Austria-Hungary, views of nationalism 214 Andrew Swierad, St 14 Angela Merici, St xxxvi Bamberg, bishop of (St Otto) 11, 16 Anglican Church and Anglicanism 209, 262 baptism 11–12, 23, 47 Anna (wife of Henryk
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