International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A. Kirschenbaum Index More information Index Aalto, Bill, 173, 195 Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir, 144 Abortion, 1, 2, 127 Archer, Amos, 144 Abraham Lincoln battalion, 5, 86. See also Arguelles,¨ Laureano, 50 Fifteenth Brigade Arvola, Ranse Edward, 95 anniversary celebrations, 187, 240, 241, 245 as translator, 91 Abraham Lincoln Brigade. See Abraham on cigarettes, 100 Lincoln battalion on languages, 83, 95 Abramson, Adelina, 131, 132 on solidarity, 110 Abramson, Paulina, 132 Ashleigh, Charles, 59, 65 Afinogenov, Aleksandr, 129 Axelbaum, Jacob, 34 Agnew, Jeremy, 17, 231 Aho, Oscar, 144 Barber, John, 40 Albacete, 84 Bart, Phil, 161 Albania, 221 Beal, Fred, 70 Alberti, Rafael, 130, 228 Bebel, August, 153 Alcohol Becker, Klaus, 92 communist attitudes toward, 43, 163, 165 Beimler, Hans, 155, 165 in Spain, 166–167, 168 Belknap, Michal, 227 Alien Registration Act of 1940. See Smith Act Bender, Edward, 174 American Mercury (magazine), 62, 63, 192 Bennett, Milly, 187, 220 Amery, Alfred, 168 and American press, 62, 63, 77 Amlie, Hans, 179, 187 and Communist Party, 174–175, 177, 179 FBI investigation of, 192, 218 and Evgenii Konstantinov’s arrest, 73–75 fundraising tour, 187–188 and George Kennan, 56, 62 Amlie, Thomas, 179 and Hans Amlie, 179 Anticommunism, 220, 221 and Hermann Muller, 175–177 trial of U.S. communists, 226–228 and Lindsay Parrott, 76 Antisemitism and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 192 and anticommunism, 220, 221 and Tom Wintringham, 192 and postwar purges, 223, 224 and Wallace Burton, 177–178 at International Lenin School, 43, 45 at Moscow News, 55, 56, 57, 61 in International Brigades, 104, 169 decision to go to Spain, 77–78, 79 Anton,´ Francisco, 151 FBI file, 193, 220 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A.
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