St. John Fisher College Fisher Digital Publications Pharmacy Faculty/Staff Publications Wegmans School of Pharmacy 12-8-2016 Formulation and characterization of an apigenin-phospholipid phytosome (APLC) for improved solubility, in vivo bioavailability, and antioxidant potential Darshan R. Telange Nagpur University Arun T. Patin Nagpur University Anil M. Pethe SVKM's NMIMS University Harshal Fegade Nagpur University SridharFollow this Anand and additional works at: St. John Fisher College,
[email protected] Part of the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Commons How has open access to Fisher Digital Publications benefitedSee next page for additionalou?y authors Publication Information Telange, Darshan R.; Patin, Arun T.; Pethe, Anil M.; Fegade, Harshal; Anand, Sridhar; and Dave, Vivek S. (2016). "Formulation and characterization of an apigenin-phospholipid phytosome (APLC) for improved solubility, in vivo bioavailability, and antioxidant potential." European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 108, 36-49. Please note that the Publication Information provides general citation information and may not be appropriate for your discipline. To receive help in creating a citation based on your discipline, please visit This document is posted at and is brought to you for free and open access by Fisher Digital Publications at St. John Fisher College. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Formulation and characterization of an apigenin-phospholipid phytosome (APLC) for improved solubility, in vivo bioavailability, and antioxidant potential Abstract The apigenin-phospholipid phytosome (APLC) was developed to improve the aqueous solubility, dissolution, in vivo bioavailability, and antioxidant activity of apigenin. The APLC synthesis was guided by a full factorial design strategy, incorporating specific formulation and process variables to deliver an optimized product.