Fall Convocation Honours Over 380 New Graduates Dal United Way 83

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Fall Convocation Honours Over 380 New Graduates Dal United Way 83 Happy 100th Birthday, Dalhousie Law School! Oalhousie's Law School is lOO years old glir.g wrth the freshman class of 1983·84 The unrversrly marked the birthday in fine Politrcrans,includingPrimeMinisterPierre form last week. wrth three days of celebl'a­ Elliot Trudeau, digMaries of the judrcrary lionswhrchincludedeverylhingfromalumni !romacrossCanaoaandabroad.localand reunronsloaspecialconvocationtoagala natronal J)l'ess and. o1 course. Dalhousre dinner and dance. Portrairs, plaques and students, slaH and !acully were elso in windows were unveiled, speeches and attendance ai)P'linlments were made, lectures were Thisissueo!Oa/Newsisdedrcatedtotwo grven. toasts were proposed, cakes were weeksolcelebrattons,begrnnir.gwrlhthefall cut and even a special Law School stamp convocalton on Ocl. 20 (see story below) was unveiled. andculmrnalrnginlheLawCentenafy The centenary celebl'atrons bl'oughl more events last week. Turn to pages two and than 500 law alumni to Oalhousie. wrth thrOOIOI'thecentenarystoryinpicturesO graduates from as long ago as 1920 min- Dal News Special celebration issue VOlume 14. Number 4, Nov. 3. 1983 FormanyDa!housians,lh6tligflbghloflaSiweek'sLawCentenarycelelxai/Of1swasa viSIIbyPrimeM.r.'>!ef P181re fflio( Trudeau Above. rhePrimeMifljster was presenled w!lh a (l'fr pacl<ageolll!ecommemorar,ve stamp esrabilshed by Canada P0$1 ro mark 11>6 occasiOn. Ptesent'ng the grfl is Judge ReM Mort!. of CanadaPOSI(Carlospllolo) Fall convocation honours over 380 new graduates The sun shone bi''Qhtly for Oalhous~·s fall convocationagainlhrsyearasapproxi· mately 380 students were awarded under­ graduateandgraduatedegreesdurrng ceremonies rn the Oalhousie Arts Centre Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees were presented to Or. Mafcofm Ross. professor of English Lrtemture at Dalhousie since 1968, and Or. John C. Pofanyi, researcher andpmlessorolchemrstryattheUniversrty of Toronto In an address to convocatron. Or Ross spokeaboutthecurrentrevolutroninlhe cu~ureand social order oflhe industrialized world. which he described as The Second Computer Age or The Ageol Artrficiallnteltr­ gerace. He said I he rmphcahons of this revo­ lulion on educatron are enormous and the unrverSity community must work to defer· mine "the course and the contour ol chaoge"ratherlhanberr.gdetermil'ledbyit ·we need urgently in every univel'sily a cross-disciplina-y dialogue and programmes ol stuct,- within whiCh the disciplines can Da/housle f)l8Sidenl W Anctew MacKI!y is shown at con'o'OCa//Of1 wllh (lrom left ro nghl) honOrary degt8fJ Dalt>ousoepmlessorMalcotmRoss(lelt)rtH;eM!s nounsh each other." Grac;.;ating students, r~DrJotmCPol9r~y~,E~atlelhJa/llmole.aoraMrng$OCiologyand$0dalanlhfopologfstucMrt anhOnOtaryDociOt'oiLawslromPresldanl W he said. must suppor11he university both whorecfiiWJdtheUrn•sllyM~.,,.rtsandSc.oenc~andOr.MalcolmROS$.whoaddressedconvocai/Of1 Ana-Mac:Kay. (C¥1os pholo) morally and politically. SW and also rec8JW/d an honorary Dodot o1 Laws (Cartos pholo) Dal United Way 83 /F patlidptlion i; a commwuU; invclmenf Happy Birthday to Law, Happy Birthday to Law, Happy Bir - , 'Here's to the Dal Law School" was the first of many toasts toldconvocation"l'vebeenwa~inglorthisdayfor IS years. I AlsoduringconlfOCation.aspecialstampwaslaunchedto pwposedduringcentenarycetebrationsbythepeoplewho don't think many of you realize how difficult ~ has been to De commemorate the Law School's contribution to 100 years o1 know rt best - the tacuRy and staff. Law Dean Bill Charles prime minister without being a Dalhousie Law School gradu­ legal education in Canada. Dr. Henry Hicks, President Emeri­ kickedotltheteslivitiesbyhostingatuncheonlortheminthe ate."addingthatthedegreehadg•venhim"anewstartonmy tus of Dalhousie.launched the stamp on behalf of international Faculty Club (formerly the Old Law Buildir.g) (I) next 15years."{3) trade minister Gerald Regan. who was una~eto attend (5). At The luncheon was held early because of the busy schedule a luncheon hosted by Dalhousie President W. Andrew of the following week. Of all the activities, last Friday's special On a more serious note. Or Trudeau pak:ltributetothelaw MacKay after conlfOCation, Judge Rene Marin, chairman of convocat1on was. tor many, the climax. The lestivities got School, saying: "I sense a special spirit which goes back to the the board of directors ol Canada Post, presented an album underway wrththe music of the Canadian ForcesSiadacona launders of the Law School ... a spirit of adventure by Weldon withthestampandlirstdaycoverstoLawCentenarychair­ Bandaddingtothesplertdourandceremonyottheday.(2) and a desire to challenge accepted methods. This spirit of man Ron MacDonald (6}, as well as to the honorary degree The president, Dr. W. Andrew MacKay. welcomed more searchbythosewhocometoteachandlearnisthebestsign recipients and to Denise Saulnier, designer of the stamp. than 1000 guests with opening remarks: "On this centenary. ofaninstiMion" tt was a busy but fun-filled week for Dean Charles. who was werecognizeonebasicetement .. thegeneralqual~iesand Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees were also conlerre<l on on hand for aM the events, including the opening of a pu~ic vltalinterestsofourstudentswhowrthvariedbackgrounds Constance Glube, Chief Justice of the Trial Division of the exhibition of Law School artifacts at the PubUc Archives of and outlooks have contributed to the law School. _. Today we Nova Scotia Supreme Court; Sir Ralph Glbson, Justice of the Nova Scotia (7) and the unveiling of a commemorative window reallyc~ebratethem" High Court and Chairman ol the law CommiSsion of England: in the tobb':( of the Law SchOO The convocation's guest star was. of course. Prime Minis­ A. G. Brian Dickson, a judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, "The exhibition of law School memorabilia provides a ter Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who received an honorary Doctor and Tasllm Olawale Elias. president of the International Court community focus to an international ev-ent," said Halifax City of laws degree and also made brief comments. He jokingly o1Justice. (4} MayOf Ran Wallaceat the opening of the Archives exhibition Dal News, November 3, 198:1 thday Dal Law School, Happy Birthday to Law. 'The City of Halifa)( congratulates the Law School on ~s Christian Wiktor. the school"s current librarian, and Mrs. The celebrations provided two unexpected acc~ades tor cenklnary and wishes it well as it embarks on rts second VlncentJ.Potuer.(9) Dean Charles. He was admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar on century" A. Lloyd Caldwell was also honoured during the week with Thursday,and,atthegaladinnefandballonSaturdaynight. The sta ined glass commemorative window. in the foyer of the first Weldon Award for Public Service, presented by Brlan Nova Scotia Premier John Buchanan announced his the Weldon Law Building, "seNes as a tasting memorial to the Flemming, president of the Dalhousie Law Alumni Associa­ appointment-asaOueen"sCounsel.(11) Law School centenary," according to Dean Charles (8). The tion,attheAssociation'sannualgeneralmeetiog Also that night. a teleconferencing hook-up w~hVancouver work, created by Andrew Terris of Cape Breton and Rejene The week's testiv~ies also included a more serious look at anc::IOI!awaallowedthealumniinbothcentrestocelebratethe Stow of Halifax, "symbolizes the colltlboration within the Wel· thelegalprofessionasaseriesoflecluresaddressedthe centenary at home and still send greetings to the Law School don Law Bu~ding, among teachers and students. men and theme "'The Common Law: Today and Tomorrow."" The pres­ Oalhousians will not soon forget the Law School's tOOth women'' Professor Emerrtus George Nicholls. who has entations, by ProfessorsAian Watson at the University of birthday celebration. They wi ll especiallY not forget the univer­ always been interested in the artistic embellishment of the Pennsylvania. Morton Ho row it~ of the Harvard Law School, sity's newest graduate and alumnus, who was welcomed to School, was instrumental in ensuring that the Idea at the Sir Aalph Glbson. chairman olthe Law Commission, U.K., the Dalhousie family by Alumni Allairs director Heather window became a reality and profl;!ssor A.C.B. Risk of the Univefsity at Toronto, will be Suthertand.(t2) Also during the week, a remembrance ceremony was heJd printed in a special issue of the Dalhousil'fLaw Journal. to honour former Dalhousie law librarian Eunlce Wadhams Saturday, Oct. 29, was the final day at celebration. wrth Photography by Carm. and Glna Wilkins. Stories by Susan Beeson and Vincent J. Pettier. a former Supreme Court Gerald Regan and President MacKay declaring the Law Willlfltps. with assistance from Rose/le Green justice and senior counsel at the Dal Legal Aid Service. Por­ School a historic site and unveiling a commemorative tra~s ol these two prominent Dalhousians were unveiled by ptaque.(tO) Dal News, November 3, 1983 What~s on at Dalhousie FRIDAY AT FOUR LECTURE: The RC. Dickson lecture in MediCine. Or John Evans, Chairman, Allelix Inc., Mis~ssa u ga, Thursday N"~'~' . Ont. "Hea~h in the Third Worl d • Challenges and Opportuni­ Wednesday N"'m"'' LEARNING RESOURCE SERVICES WORKSHOP: Pro! ties ," Lecture Theatre A, S1r Charles Tupper Medical Bldg. INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS LECTURE DISCUS.. Des Cousens. Engineering Dept., will introduce Kolb's Learn­ SI ON SERIES: FiHh Session. John Mackay,Assistant Provin­ MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND COMPUTING ing Style Inventory and discuss rts potential applica1ions in Cial Di rector of Assessment. Nova Scotia Department of SCIENCE SEMINAR: Prof C A. Field, "An Overview of
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